Newspaper Page Text
vjf jI.J
LONDON, November i£.
Monday’ jaft his Majesty was p’eafed
A 't INf. to give the governpneijt of Fort Wil
— A* h* 1 **, vacant by tile promotion of
2£ /*y /tr Gen. Vaughan to the government
ot Berwick, irt the room of the late
vi/'hj vj C\i£ Mordaunt, to the Hon.
. , Col. James Murray, uncle to the
kßfGK£.f ouk of Athol* ..
Nov. 21. Yesterday at noon John Trumbull, Ffq. son
of Governor Trumbull, was appreaend-d on futpicion of
holding a trcifoaahlq conefpon lence with thu Court of
France, by Airni filing the enemy with corrc& charts and
plans of all our coasts and garrifoni.
AW. i2. alacrity with which the Guards offered
themfclves to conrpleat the draughts for the American ser
vice docs them great honour. Indeed, through the whole
war, the ardour which the soldiery and fe.imen have ma
sifefted in the service ot their country does them the hjgh
eft honour, and reflects no little difjrace on certain per
sons, /uperior in rank, but far inferior inrvjrtue a;i 1 pub
lick spirit.
No'v. 24. It was mentioned .yesterday in Weilmiufter
Hall by fevers! gentlemen that there was a certainty of a
Right Honourable Peer, renowned for his pitriotifm, hav
” lug “been killed in the riots hft Junr at Bitckfrfars BrfvMe*
’The Earl Cornwallis will very soon be created Marquis
•f Bury.
Nov. 25* J-ord Amherst laid before his M ‘jefty vefter
i*r a lift.of fevenif officers Vvh -> had gallantly diftinguifned
thcmlelves by their bravery, when his Majesty fignified
his pleafuie of their being prompted.
The Lion man of war fortunately weatnerel the feverc
temped that it was feared had proved fatal to her on her
return ti om Jamaica, and came into Portfmoutli under
jury noa a s.
A'W. 27. On Saturday evening was married, at Bed
ford house, his Excellency’ Baron Kntaleb-n, the Ft-ffiaa
Minister, to Miss Wrottcflcy, filter of her Grace the
Putchefs of Grafton.
It is said the R attlefftake cutrer, arrived on W?d.'iefday
at gives an account, that*,, when ihe was on
her (ratio# off Cadiz, (he fell in with the Ctnidc d’Eftaipg
and a fleet of 10 fail of the line, 7 frigates, and 60 trans
ports, 17 leagues waftward Os Cape St. Vincent; (he ac
camp-inied them for two or thiee day?, so as to__be c°n
that they were bound to the YVcSc i:iii* c , upon
which she changed her course, fell to leewaid, and favour
d by a south-westerly wind came into port.
, morning of the 24th inst. arrived at Portsmouth
his Majefty’, /hip Berwick, of ,74 gun:, Ca rt. Stewart,
Commander, from the Weft Indies; -he met with Admiral
**d wgh.M-ul of the line on-their r eturn to Janni
ca, after convoying the homeward bound fleet through the
gulph. They met with a violent gale of wind, which
dilmafted the Berwick and three other (hips’of the line,
arid the Bristol of 50 guns, all which, except the Ber
wick, it is imagined, returned to Jamaica to refit.
It ban a-ftual (aft that Government are at this time in
po/TuiTion of information again# nplcfs a number of j ncPn .
diaries than now redding in and near this metropolis,
who have lately conic over from America. ~
This day.hij Majesty went in state t r the H.aufe of
Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the Malt and Land-
RiJLfor detaini-hg and punching
<l lf peAca ° f h trcalbn • the Bill to indem-
f 1 y er;fts a ? d filers from whom prifmms efcapcd in th*
late riots. And to two wd’ofti-c and two namralization
Early yesterday moraln c died at Chrlfea, in the act!)
year of her age, after a l ong and painful indifpoiirion,
4 ***■%?s M ■
Hamp/hire in North America. ■ CW
<c Plymouth, Nov. 22.
rich v renen prize, le-lcn \vi*h Tuoar zi
SW in common H,H, for
‘rf I’’ ‘"I' 1 ! 11 '”"’ ‘■> lh ’ ->m of John Kirk
nrn,mon, el.ftcj, hj „„ c .of ,he f„Heft „j
&B£iS2ESS£ hm * en * ,r ' ra -
! r 225
the Duke of g ’ thc *™ m
Yeterdaythe Earl of Lincoln kilTcd the Kin 2 *s handr,.
“ 5 ’£& r,f h: ‘ - AU. e c!mp. and
’ 9 t ■* ! ‘ r f rom tb ‘ Nov. 2r.
of Un’ V t C i U 2 hCafJ ‘ ll the •*<* Republick
-or the United Provinces to the armed neutrality a
ttggssm Aff ' mb,; of
‘* f FMKh ftl l’ of So >°i -round from
k. if 1 i ladc ” w'-h latafcUeik, . • ikrff
f T ’t; V?h° rf ’ "and carried inf) Gucrnf.rv.
7 v J Ul .V r /^ ,Va CCr la& ta^ccn carried into lerfev a
large Spani/h ftnifvdccpjy laden from Cadiz. * f
tr} G I f^ l^ C . wa ? received by the Butch mails that
UA of Butel (hips failed from the Texe! the 2cth inst
fo-Funcc, ail lade, > two d“^r^
fell in with two of his Majefc/’s frigates, who took four of
them; the others escaped and put back to the Texel. ,
Ex trad of a letter frtm Portsmouth, Not) a**.
“ Yesterday arrived the Alexander, of 74 guns, Lord
Longford, f-om the grand fleet, which (he parted with
fome days ago in a gale of wind.
“ Arrived tdie Fair American, a prize To the Vestal and
Not), zq. Lord George Gordon’s trial, we can allure
our reaJers, will cortie on in th: course of next term. The
only rcafon for not bringing his Lordfh'p to trial during the
prelent was, that the delay which mull necefiarily be oc
casioned by the neceftary rules of proofs irt caufcs of trial
for High Tre.’fon would fcarc*!y have admitted of the
trial’s taking place before the, term ended.
Nm. 30. The Stag privateer of Jerfcy ha*-taken the
following priz-s, viz. La Chaste Sufann.e, Notre Dame dc
bon Secours, and Lc St. Jean Baprifte, loaded with wine,
from Bourdcaux to Brefl; Le Felicite, Hiloury, with
flour, wine, &c. from ditto to L’Orient; and L’Efnoir en
Dieu, Nolei, with ditto, and ether provisions, from Brcft
to Martiuico. -
War Offite, .Nt>. 25. His Majesty has been plrafrd to
appoint Lieut. Cols. John .Campbell, of 74th foot, T. Le
lai and, of Ift foot guard's, Enoch MvkFiam, of 46th foot*
mmm s-nt
John Stratton, of Artillery in Ireland, Allan Gamp
bcll, of 36th foot, Barry Su Lrger, of 34th foot, James
Kooke, of r4th toot, Sir Alexander Purves* Bart, of x Sth
]? ot £ Ss muel h’irdi, of 17th dragoons, Cha. Croftne, of
67th foot, Ma-tin Tucker, of 2d horse, Winter Blath
wavte, ot R. R. horse guards, John Howard, of tft foot
g'j irjs, (lon. Co/mo Gordon, of ad foot guards, Ralph
Abcruoir.oie, of 3d horse, Lord Robert Ker, of 6rh dra
gons, Johfl Anftrather, of 6id foot, William Schutz, of
2d foot guards, James Webster, of v,d foot, Chapel Nor
ton, ot 2d foot guards, Thomas Bifshopp, of 2d foot
guards, Alexander Rigby, of 25th foot, Thomas Fraser,
or ill foot, to be Colone-i in the army.
As likewise Majors Jac >b Sawbridge, of rft horse ere. guards, Samuel Henry Mangin, of sth d/azaona,
Edward Hicks, of foot, price Blaekehcy, of 14th
-dragoons, Paulu. mill U4 Irvine, of 47 th foot, John
8 4 £ James Cau/Teau, of 37th foot,
Beimflcy Glazier, of doth foot, Thomas Pringle, of 67th
foot, Edmund Eyre, of 54th foot, Theodore Hultam#
ot bht h foot, Henry Harnsge, of 6zd foot, Henry Nooth,
of 4th dragoons, to be Lieutenant Colonels in the army*.
As like wile Capfs. J.din Vign>lcs, of 30th foot, Ste
phen Bromncld, of 54th foot, Ralph Ramsay, of 61st
foot, John Cilia#, of 55th foot, Samuel Havocs, of ift
horse grenadier guards, John Sinner, of 70^ foot, John
G over, of 32J root, William Cheftcr, of 69th foot,
Thomas Boyd, us 16th foot, Francis Hut-.hiofort, of 4 th
foot, Samuel Knulics, of 51st font, Wetwang Marlh, of
32d foot, Dsniel \ r, of 39th foot, Abdy M.iwe, f
pd foot, John Macgiil, of i 9 th foot, Archibald Canap
bcll of Mth foot, William Monfcll, of 29th foot, John
Brydgcs Schaw, of 63th f6ot, Henry Ogilvie, of eoth
foot, Hugh Maginais, of 38th foot, John Money; of qth
foot, 3a muc j
Jf lßt \ dragoons, T. Coppingrr Mnyltf, of 28th foot,
George Mark), of 62d uwt, Richard Enghrnd, of * 7 th
foot, John Kay, of 12th foot, Trevor Hull, of 36th foot,
Henry Bathurft, of RR. horse guards, Mafthew john
fon, of 46th foot, Richard Fleming, of 36th foot, Janies
Horftuirg, of 39th fooL, to be, Majors in the armv. 1
! >nirjlty Office, Not,. 25. His Majesty has been nJeafed
to promote- the following Officers in his marine forces to
the rank as undermentioned, viz. Lieut. Col. John Mar
tin to be Colonel. Capts.- John Perceval, William For
fttr, 1 homas Timing, Richard Bi/hop, Thomas Grek,
Charles Jackman, to be Majors. 6
}lo Z uc, November 12. On the loth inst. Sir Joseph
Yorke prefonted to the States Central a Memorial con
cerning the five papers found among# those of Mr. Lau
rels, late President of the Congress. It is to the follo-v
----ing purport : “
High and Mighty. Lordly
THE” King my mailer has, during the whole coutfe of
h's reign, mamfefted the ftmnge-ft desire of mainfoinine
.the union that has fobufted between him and this Rfcpub
-1 * unjoß on the lirni basis of rerfpfocal in re.
ATpr tnd as Tt ever was knoyfe to contribute greatly to the
advantage of both nations, thfeir natural enemy has set to.
woxlc all the engines of politicks to destroy it.” For fome
time such attempts liave mcr with but too great a success
be,ng countenanced by faftion that wiftes to rule over
the wuoie RcpuMick, and is ever ready to focrifice the
pubhek good to its own private vdews. His Majesty fees no lcfs furpriec than concern, the little regard tka!
has been hitherto paid to his feiterated claim of fofe assist.
ance ftipul.itcd by treaties, and to the remonstrances made
by his Ambassador on the daily infradlions of the nioft so-
, Th King’s moderation has induced his MtfeMn'Joo*
" f y< ? r Mightineft-s a> the wak
ing of a predominant cabal, an-) is still nerfuaded thar your
•ffWWnowardsinm, andtofhew, by all th 4 icnor of yonr
future conduit, that vou arc, determined to pursue with
vigour the plan set on foot by the wisdom of /our anceft
can.fccun: the an ' l *c
r ? hc * Vou r High Mightlnefles will be rleafed to
mttfa to the follewrrg dtciaratitn, w'hich tho undcrwxit
... . - •. ’ T.- x. . *
ten now presents by express .eonifitand of his Court, will
prove the touchfcoue 6f your intentions and fetftiments to*
wards his Majesty,
For a long timdpaft his Majesty has had rturabdrlef* for*
mises of the dangerous delight hatched by an unbridle<f
faction; bat the papers of the Sieur Laurens, calling him*
felf the pretended Cortgrefa, have fed to the
difeovery of a plot unprecedented in the annals of the Re
pufehek. Jt appears bj*the papers alluded to that the State#
of Amsterdam hafe entered into a clarideftine Correspon
dence with the American Rebel* so early as the month of
Augrsft 177X5 that infthi&iotia aed powers hav* bee# *i
tJ>em for thfe purpose of entering into a treaty ®#
mdiffolubie fnendfliip with the said Rebels, natural fob
jes of a’ bovereig# to whom the RepubUck is joined by
the ftrifteft ties of friendlhip. The authors of this plot
do not pretend to deny it. They on the contrary avow
and labour, though in vain, io juftify it. In these cir
cumstances the King, relying on the equity of your High
Mlghtinenes, requires that so irregular a conduft may bd
formally disavowed, as it is no less contrary to yonr moft
facied engagimentl than repugnant to the Duteh conft'i
tuthwr. The King further iafifts on Speedy fatisfadion,
equate: to th offence, and the exemplary puniffiment
the Pen lion ary Van Berkel, and hi* accomplices,’ as dis-
violators of the right! of
- nations. Wi him/c7f thaf o#
pur High Mightineffcs will be speedy and to the purpose
in every refpefl ; but if the contrary ( the case, and
your HighWightintfles (hould refufe to Comply yrith so just
a rrqueft, or endeavour to p ifs it over in silence, which’
will be deemed as a denial, the King caijnot but look on
the whole Republick as approving offoifdeeds which they
would refufe to disavow or punifc; and in foch a safe his
Majesty will think himfelf obliged to take foch ftep* a*
became his dignity and the interests ofhh fubjedl*.
Written at the Hague, November 10, 1780.
Lt Cw*VAtIXR YolhCXa
Hague, Nov. tl. The Dake de Vauguyon, AmbsfTa
dor from France, hath presented a memorial to their High
MightinefTes concerning the two Engliffi (hips laden with
cOais, which were taken by a French privateer, and rets*
ken by an Englilh packet-boat, which brought them on the
24th of O&oher to Hefvoetylluyi.
Sir Joseph Yorke’s mtmvrial engrofles all the pubftcle
conversation, and w* irhpAtiently Walt to know the effedfc
it will produce, which, probably may be determined in th#
enfoing Affcmbly of the States,- which begUi the zad t>?
this month.
A CTAVrc TX” E . Ho,loUrtbl ' AN TAOKvSToHII,
A. STOKES. I Efqmre, Chief Justice of his Majef
rar r ProT3>cc of Georgia, jn America,
IN purfuonce of an AS of the General Aflembly of-the
foid province, intided, An Aft for the Relief of foch
of his Majefty’* loyal Subject as have any real 6r per
‘ Z™ in the Province of Georgia, and wWe
v ? CeJ Vr B ? ,lds M otea ’ Specialties, and other
Evidences, Vouchers, and Writings, have been either
loft, deftroj-ed, or carricd.ofF, during the Tim* herein
after mentioned,” DOCERTIFY,
Wilson and SamoHunt Jekkins hivfc refp*aively
made depositions before me, touching the loft and deftnir
ponot the books of account, Uhds, notes; and other
vouchers and papers, which belonged to the
of John Iriglw, Samuel Hunt Jenkins, and Williim Gib
bons, late of Savannah, in the province aforefoij Me|-
c Jiants and Copartner*; and also concerning a lift of debts
due unto fold Copartner/hip, and taken from their books
of account, m th* f eat 1777, by Wilson ofs|*
vannah, formerly Clerk to said Cop*i tn'c- which on*,
gmal lift being left in Great Britain, a 1 copy thereof wax
taken by John Inglis, on* of the Copartners, and br jbirn
given to Samuel Hunt Jenkins, also a Copartner, which
ft.d copy taken by John Inglis now remains in 6reat BrU
t un, but an exaftcopy thereof waatake# by Samuel Hunt
Jenkins, and it new filed i ft the Prothonotary’s Office, and
is annexed to the affidavit of the said Benjamin Wilson i all
winch depositions and lift of debts remain in the Prothp
natwy s Office open to the infpedlion of all Mrfoai what
foevfef, and, unless good cause is (hewn on’ oath to the
contrary, within four calendar months after the publica
tion Qt this notice in the Georgia Garette, l (ball declare
by certificate under my hand, fobfcrlbed under such dCpo
ntions, that the fame stand unooatroverted.
, under my hand, at Savannah, in the pty
vince .the teiuhdayof February, in the 1
- 5. e */ our - ford one thouland (even hundred and
eighty-one, ana in the twenty-firftycar of his Ma
jesty’s reign.
Wanted immediately,
A N Overfed to-manage a plantation on which
J fifr employed about working Negroes in
the u(tia? produce of the couctryT One properly
qualified, and that can produce a recommendation
of his honesty, sobriety; and induitry, (and with*
out which none need apply) will meet with every
degree of encouragement Ffcr further particular
apply to th£ prinTCr.
[No . t<, 3 .]