Newspaper Page Text
L O N DON, November 18.
I the 16 th inst. arrived at Portsmouth
f his Majefty’s/hips Portland, Admi
r®* Edwards j and Mercury, Capt.
; Prefcotf from Newfoundland } the
* w # /hips which came under their convoy
arr * vc< * **f e * n 1C Channel, and are
7f\ gone to their defined ports.
‘' The.Elizabeth of 74 guns, Capt.
Maitland, arrived at Portsmouth three days ago, from
Jamaica; the is much damaged in her rigging, See. hav
ing loft her.mfrcn mast and main topmast in the late gtle
’ of wind off the Banks of Newfoundland, ‘where flie left the
a Jamaica fleet in a bad fitqition.
&• Yefteruay morning arrived also at Portsmouth, the
‘Conqueror, Capt. Dixon, and the Magnificent, Cant,
llphinfton, of ‘74 guns each, with eight of the Jamaica
fleet under convoy j they parted a few days ago with 16
|f others bound to different ports.
t ‘ Nov.'l o. The whole of the winter and spring rain
| forcemcnts intended for the Weft Indies, we hear, 19
10,000 ; those for North America 20,00 c; with this for-
force, it is said, Lord Cornwallis has engaged to
t-%rote<atthe former, and subdue the whole American con
kf-Cngijt-ln the cou: ft of s notber-eamphrgiii
R Sir'Henry Clinton is expefted home in the fcourfeofa
; '/cw Weeks. Whether he is to return to America is not
IggMt determined, as his continuing in command will, we
entirely depend on his own choice.
* Nov.%x.. His Majesty’s /hip the Elizabeth is ordered
* he paid off, and the /hip to be docked irtTmediately and
S* fteatjaed with copper.
I- The Emperor, of London, from Jamaica, foundered
| *h e 19th ult. in lat. 41, 30, long. 35, and all hands pc
| rilhed except one.
I The Union and Chance, two of the Jamaica fleet,
I hound to Liverpool, foundered at sea.
[ ,The N. S. Concrfano del Polignano, a Spanish transport
I *vith provisions and troops onboard, bound from Cadiz to
I the Havana, is taken by two cruizers belonging to the
l grand fleet.
I The Beaufort, a French frigate, was loft the 6th inst.
I In a violent gale o wind on the coast of Normandy, and
ail the crew except the Captain and fix of his men were
Extra!? o/m letter from Bayonne, Nev. 9.
tl The Jaf> 1 cutter brinjjs you intelligence of the loss
©t the ship Anna Maria, from Baltimore to Nantz, with
500 hogfli-’ ids of tobacco, indigo, &c. with furtdry prize
foods, conftgned to you and Cos. upon your joint account!.
am lorry lor the crew, who all perished on the ift inst.”
* oL ’’ 2a * n '3hf advice was recei from
yj- ortfmonth, of the fafe arrival at Spithead W his Maiefty’a
fhip the SulYqn from Jamaica, with several fail of ships
I rtscnce which were thought to have been loft off the
KY/efterri Ilia rids. ’
If . Nov. 13. The Earl ©F SdathamptSi acquainted the
iHoufe of Peers yesterday, th7t the Karl of Aylesford and
hirnrclf had waited upon tliiiQaeen with the congratula
gtcry Address of that House, to which her Mjjcfty had
been pleafrd to return the following gracious answer: “ I
If® mue b obliged tg the Houle of Lords for this convinc
|lng proof of thth“’-thity to the King, and attention to me.”
I T h f 7^ 5Uc de T rance of the 14th inst. mentions the
| arrival of Count GuichenV/quadron and the coßVoy at Ci-
I diz the 2.3d ult.
K Though vc never wifli to recommtnd an enforcement
the Uw £fretaliation, (fays a conifpo;ident) yet many
| are of opinion that the dimes cf Mr. Laurens and Mr.
I Trumaul!, negotiating and forming treaties, nuking di
g\nions, and ftming up febdhon even in our own country,
fare equal, ;f not superior, to poor-Andrc’s conference with
|Arno!d, and, in any countryEbat Britain, would meet
3 fate equally cruel and ignominious.
I* -VTJy ZS ’ ° U , ? burfi 1 wls by special lice fife.
Dunerttmem, fes to the Right Hon. the Earl of Ecf*
coroughy to the fecomTdaughter of Earl Spencer.
Tk SuSfe lctUr f rom Lljton, Nov. 4.
t The Elb-Mana del Saute, a SjdaniA ship, f rom
- Porto Rico for Malaga, a prize to the Prince George pri
| is brought in here ; her cargo isvalued-at 14,000!.
| and con nil 3 of cotton, sugar, indigo, &c. with a finall
llveft C \ ty r? 1 6 °!' ; dua ‘ r Shc Cnme wlth a convoy from the
Weft out was fepanted about ten days bcdWe her
Rapture. T hcie ate .now in the Tagus 15 men of war of
tn.s nation, five of which are getting ready for fta. The
.Fluids every now and then come in to reconnoitre,
whwh J e , ‘"PPofc fomc attempt is intended to be
®aade upon them.
received yesterday from the grand fleet
Th th ?i r y Tw c f uuln e uff thc Car y Islands.
t i fr ° in 9 lbr^ Ur > b y way-°f Liibon, that the
t:!u ,i b T Chat the men contmued in good
aR d every thing remained quiet in the Spaniih lines.
I . j Kajf °nabJe 0/ 64 guns, Capt. Sir Digby Dept, ar-
I AT at P " rtf, ”° uth f be 22d inst. from America.
I* -a * 7 tfo l utl<>ns of th House, of Commons on
f ?ru..iy last 0,1 the supply : That 30,666 efleftive men, 4213 be empJt>yC(l as land forces for
I 7Jj tnat i,4g0 ; "7.41. be granted for maintaining the
f ;WMat,ofts Gibraltar, Minorca, &c.
th! eil 27 L / ‘r” Gcnerul ani SU{I Offices}
|rnut 56,. 4 U five Hanoverian battaliorrs ; fervin” at
h ■ Li,dh7 Th r ■ ; hit * >h. oo e s ot
P-ka.jd S Uvc of tw J r^
giment;! of Hanau in ditto ; that 17,498!. for a regiment
of Waldeck in ditto; that 93,947!. for the troops of
Brunswick in ditts; that 39,644!. for the troops of the
Margrave of Brandenburg ditto ; that 671,457!. for the
charge of the militia and four regiment* of fencibtes ; that
99,6791. for the pay and cloathing of thc militia j and se
veral other refolutioßS.
The Tuscany frigate fotifidercd on her paflage from Ji
“ maica; the crew were saved by the Sultan, and the A€hve
of Lancaftcr.
Nov. 29. For tliefe several years past we have heard
much of minijierial heads being placed on Temple Br,
but the tables leem to be turned, and fome of the leaders
in oppofiti an now look up with fear and trembling to that
receptacle for rebel sculls.
To the Printer of the Morning CkaoNictt.
.SIR, _ . £-
WHEN lhall Adnsiniftratlo* be animated with !fhe
fouls of their aaccftors ? W.afiiisgtnn has put to
death a British officer'of rank, an officer of the moft ami
able’manners, who voluntarily, like another Regular, de
voted his life to serve his couiftry } him has WilhingtOn
* in cold blood put to an ignominious death, he has hanged
hi.rn liicc a. dog, j.nd oh i provoking indignity, he
• fKrgallow*. ‘ 6 7 1
Good Heavens! Ca Englifii Wood rnn in your veins
when you hear this unmoved with resentment ? Lehity
has been the nurse which ha* reafred this rebellion to the
gigautick magnitude it is grown to ; for God’s fake rouse,
pour forth all flood of your wrath upon these mifere
ants, make ioftant retaliation, the objeft irbefote you.
Why is th at .temporizing quondam PreirUnt of their irr
ternal Gungrefs fuffered to livs an hour ? Drag him. to Ty
burn, and let him die the death of a traitor} hang*, draw,
and qua.ter him. “i our compaflion is termed fearj you
Jure not, the rebels think, do ju-Jlice upon those who have -
au? to inaHkilate England.
Revenge is now become a virtue, by your mercy and
forbearance they are encouraged to murder your Generals.
1 am, Sir, your very humble lervant,
. T A Loyai, American.
Nov. 15.
KFNGSTON. [AM UCA, December 16.
ON the joth inftint died, in the 54th year of his age,
( Mr. Archibald Campbell, author of Lexiphanes,
&c. He pulfeiicd, in a Ihining degree, r every quality
of knowledge and learning to render him an ufeful citizen
of the world, which has fuilair.ed in his death anirrepar
iole loss, in pie venting, the Completion of a mathematical
treitifc (being an irapiovemctit of Sir Ifuc Newton’s sys
tem) which would have been of great utility to the publick.
He was beloved and revered by all those who had the good
fortune to know his worth, and it moft unfcignedly la
mented. 3 /
Dec. 30. Admiral Rodney’s force to windward at pre
sent conlilts of the following ships :
c C Admiral Sir G. B. Rodney
Sandwich 90 Ggas-j iftCapt. Young
Lid Capt. Sutherland
Ruficll ‘Tar 5 Drake ;
v C Capt. Hafwcll
Centaur ~a S Commodore Hothatn
‘ \ Capt. Nott
Refoluclon 74 S Commodore Sir C. Ogle
..... L Capt. Lord R. Manners
‘ red 74 Capt. Bavne
1 numnh 74 Affleck
S? on 74 Reynolds
*f n 1 blc 74 Ferguson
AkiJe 74*
Montague 74 Hon! ton
74 Symonds
c r , orba y 74 ‘ Gidoin .1
Shrcw/bmy 74 Robinson
r uftolk 74 Crefpin
Vengeance ; 74 ‘ Holloway
64 Sir G. Home
Intrepid 64 , Molloy
And t!je fullouwng frigates, /loops, See. The Venus of
36 guns } Alcmcna, Amazon, aud Convert, of 32; Cv
clops, Triton, and of 28} Greyhound of 24.,
Sylph or 18, Hornet and Drake of 14, Star and San Vin
cento or ro } aff£tn,a, Vesuvius, and Carcaft, bomb ket
ches } Salamander and Bluft firefliips, St. Lucea and An
tigua armed vessels, afloopof 18 guns purchased in Amt
rica by Sir George, in. armed prize /hip and a xelibck.-
—J&LE...W *- YOR K, januafy 1-*7 “
ONI0 N l Ws t nia and about 13 privates were
brerught prilontrs to this. city. They were a guard
at Amboy, and taken by furpiize through the alertness of
the garrilon on Staten Iflami. s
On Tuesday a /loop laden with harfts, a v#rv kre ‘
qutptfty oflive rtock, i„cladl*| “Sop and *kh
f, J® “u “Uicr articles defignid to r.pair the damages and
fipply the exigenuej of the Weft lirellans fuftained'b, the
late violent storms, as beonjht into our harbour b, a
boat s company of Loyal Refugees. *
*•* BLANK FORMS of dijftrtnt fort f to it fold
*Ukt Printing Ofitt .
Sapitntis non efi dicere non eogitafem.
The following reflections were privately handed about, as
far as theydurft, before the Declaration of Independen
cy ; they arc now publickly submitted to thc judgment
of all such as may give them a perusal.
Conjecture! on the Ijfue cf the Contefi between Great Britain
—and ber C<floHitt. Written in 1776.
IN the anxiety which every ma st of feeling ir.uft fuffer,
in the present state of American affairs, and the dif
trefling of the meafurcs which .may he carried on
as well as the great uncertainty of the issue, it muft.apuekr
evident to every thinking person that sooner or later one of
the following alternativfes must take place, viz.
Either Great Britain will reduce America to her pwa
terms, which may be moderate or rigorous in proportioii
to the advantages Great Britain may be pcffeffod to
give law to America: Oij, America must get so far,the
better of Urreat Britain as to riifable her from carrying on
the wir, or as to oblige her to submit to such teruos as
America /hall ptopofe : Or, before matters are carried to
these lengths, both parties must he reconciled upon fu:h
conditions as are reciprocally fatisfaftory.
AS it is pcijeftly un^rtaim-which-ofithc'twi fifft alter-’
natiyvs may i'a-preij, it naajt nqr at present b*e Mamfiaer'-to’
hazard - Oft the po/hbility or imroffbility of
either* ’ * 3
It Great Britain means no more than to aflert a fupsri
inconfiftent with the rights of human nature, or
the Briti/h copflitution, whenever /he ihaU,have yarned
any aogarent advantage /ne will make such offers of peaca
as wiirbe thought generous; and'tliefe, u such a case,
America w!!l either.refufe or accept, as to.thofe who flxali
.then have the management of publick (whether they be
moderate, men or otherwise) /hall appear moft eligible .and
Britain m?am to subdue the Colonics by c6n
queft, and then tyrannize over them in confcquence, /he
wiU undoubtedly provoke the Colonies more and more,-that
they may declare fhemfelves independent; which decJarat
tiontbe m.qiftcr prqbably will look ftpon as his.grcateft
iafety at home, xmd as thcanoft efiettual means to units:
the whole nation against America, and chearfully to pro.
vide for the pf the wap, jsfhlch, that case, A J lt
appear un.vcrfally neccffary, and in which all thc cation
w. become mterefted. I H the following maxims admitted. Great Britain will no.t civ’
up her Colonies, nor declare them independent, till dhd
canimt polhbly help it. If canpot recover all America
/he will endeavour to regain and keep in poffdlmn as much
fibft 15 Can> ° f 38 miny rl46€s nild provinces as yof.
Should Great Britain bepd all her forof against any one
colony, will then be, whether ftc can bring
a force fufffeient “0 make conquest of any one or two
£ rc £ l l* ces > Carolina ami Georgia) and maintain the
pofleflion agamft any force that may be brought against her.
As, from the iituation of the contending parties, the
war of neceflity mu/l be carried on by fro. ml -is the event
es it may more defend ufon vegorout -wtafurei escrl.d (eon,
than keeping it up for any length of time, perhaps more
may alio depend upon what is done soon thin who can
hold out longtft.
Should it be thought po/Eble that Great Britain might
make a conq and /fcujretheqauffrffion of any one pro
vmcc, it would be of very little importance to that province
what mignt be done by or become or ail thc rest of Atnc
riCn*fl:T,“ Qlotoc nt Great Britain gatos and l'-cures the
po ie/uoii of any one province all its importance afterwards
makes against America# and that province itfelf is entirely
at the melcy of the conqueror.
Those in England that may think the Briti/h force fuf
hcient to fubduc one or two provinces in America will pro
t ia- y mg hat England before now had in pay
foidicri that their navy is superior to the world, and has
ere now employed ‘tQl&X} fram ell —th a t the entire ftagna..
tmn of the American trade will be an infallible means t d
man it—that in the last war Great Britain at the fame
tune maintained .armies in Germany, Portugal, East and
Weft Indies, and North America, and irnow at peace
with all the world—,that wrong measures apd want of Aic
cefs usually attend the Engli/h at the beginning of every
U / r L b T t A 1 at , th<f Cafc Was ver y different towards the dole
ot te last—that 20,000 raea and lut men of war might be
1© poftetfrtn any province as to render thc conquest of it a
very doubtful matter.
It may be observed, that whoever is master of the fcas
™wi J fiave Agreat vantage in obtaining warlike stores, as
whoever mail maintain the ihore will have a minifeft fu
.periority in obtaining provisions.
The molt probable cauies of,Great Britain’s mi fear tying
w©uld be, a revolution among themfclvcs—tlie imprattiev
.. bnity 9/ railing men or money. *
%uere, Whether, to prevent either or all of these things
from takrng place, a more effcdual means can be thought
of than America’s entirely fluking off’ Great Britain}
whether such a declaration would not rnffantly change the
whole nature of the war, and caufr it nd,longer to be look
ed upon a war between Amtnca and an lippreftive mi
a w i*r America uid the whole nation.
Taking all these difl'ccnt a/yf perhaps opjjofite consider
ations together, conclude upon the whole that Great Bri
tain will never be able to reduce this continent to her
(present) terms, and.leJve it to cfsry man’s own judgment /hemight lubdue and Angle province.*
The florid Hippo bn on is, Jthat America may get the
etter of Great Britain, filber , oy jo entirely overcoming tir
0t to preferil>t faivt cV trrhs j a jj) nation muff lufca;t ij
[N°. 104.]