Newspaper Page Text
Vpf er Hfiufe of AffembJy y Feb* 21 } 1781.
a Bill, inti tied, c< An Ad to afeertain the
t* Depreciation of tkt Paper Bill* of Credit (during
> the Rebellion here) which were iflued by the pretend
h ed Authority of the RebeE, and commonly called Con
< grefs Money or Rebel Money; to relieve several Per
tt font in tbi3 Ad deferibed who received such Congress
or Rebel Money in Payment under the several Circum-
ftan res herein after eXprefled ; to fettle the Rate* at
which Gold and Silver are to he received in Payment
u of Debts eontra&ed before the Rebellion; and for other
it Purposes herein after mentioned ;’’ which was brought
into this Houfc, and hath been read once* be inferred in
the ntxt.Gazette, that all persons concerned may have an
opportunity of petitioning to be heard by themselves or
their Council for or against: the said bili> as they (hall be
refpeilively interested in the matters that the said bill is
intended to*redrefs.
By Order of the Upper Houfc of Aflembly, •
/ 7 GEO. D/ERBAGE, A. C. C r
• / ’
A BlLLi'tmuM, An AH to aj certain tht Depreciation f
the Paper Bills of Credit ( during the Rebellion lere)
which ivere ijfued by the pretended Authority 4f tht Ri
iels; to relieve several Persons in this AH defrf ibid who
reefjyrdfuch-Gtmtmy ft or R Monty % PdysyaMt undtn.~
‘v ■ tfe fptfcrnl Itrevf*ftart**&%erei after “> ixfrtffttf, ; “is fettle
the Rates at which Go hi and Silver are to be received in
Payment of Debts contraHed before the Rebellion j and for
other Purposes herein after mentioned.
WHEREAS, daring the late kicked and unnatural
rebellion in thi? province, paper bills of credit, to
H large amount, were Iflued, as well by the unlawful Body
galled the Continental Congress, as by the Rebels, in this
and the other provinces to the northward of it: And
whereas tMe said paper bills of credit (commonly called
Congress money or Rebel money) did gradually depreciate
in value, and on the reduftion of this province by your
M\jeAy’s arms such money happily ceased to be any longer
current here ; but it is nevertheless neceflary to eftiblith
A table of the depreciation of the said Congress or Rebel
money, adapted to the different periods during the rebel
lion, at which the value of such money varied, in erder to
prevent numerous di and law suits between his Ma
ieflv’s fubjefts here : We therefore pray your mod fjered
M ijeffv that it may be ena&ed, And be it EnaHed, by his
Ixce lency Sir f AMES WRIGHT, Baronet, Captain
General and Governor in chief in and over this his Majef
ty’j province of Georgia, by and with the advice and con
sent of Honourable the Council and the Commons
House of Aflembly of the said province, in General As
sembly met, and by the authority of the fame, J'bat,—
from and immediately after the palling of this aft, the
table of the depreciation of piper bills of credit iflued by
the Rebels (and commonly called Congress money or Re
bel money) hereunto annexed (hail be conclusive in all cases
where a question may arise as to the rite at w’liyh such
money paid during the rebellion (hall be allowed in ac
count, except only in Yuch caffes which flaud on their own
bottom, and are particularly circumstanced so that the
said depreciation tabic is dot in the nature of thing* applU
cable to them. ‘ ‘ ■■■
And whereas the leaders in rebellion id this province ‘
did menace such persons as might refufe to receive their
Rebel money in payment, and fame debtors here-, ‘taking
the advantage thereof, did, by nYmg threats of complain
ing “f their creditors if they refufed to take the faTT Rebel
money in payment, compel such creditors, or those afliog
for them, to receive it for debts bona fide due before the
rebellion, be it therefore EnaHed, That all such payments
in Rebel money as were rec Tved by bo i: a fide creditors for
fegdue before the account and by reafoo of
threats used to them by tlsc (hall be void in law,
and tht credi tors in such cases, on tendering the said Rebel
money to their debtors, or, if they are absent from the
province, on bringing i*t into the General Court, and
lodging it there in order to be deflroyed, which fui h
Court is hereby empowered and required to do, fiH have
the fame remedy for recovering their said debts y if no
such payment had ever been made, any acquittance, re
lease, or dife barge, for such payments, executed by the
creditors, notwithftandiug.
And whereas no rebellion would have arisen here, if
ill disposed men had not ftept forth # and signed the said
Rebel paper bills, and thereby given a credit to them, and
such bills of credit being iflued by the pretended authority
of men m rebellion, the signers of them cannot by such
authority be indemnified again ft the private actions of in
dividuals who now hold any of those bills, at a time wherv
they have ceufed to be. current, therefore,'to give the
of such bills just and adequate relief in the pretnifoc,
ftnd to deter men in future from promoting and encour-
PSing rebellion, be it Enabled, That every holder of Rebel
paper bills of credit, who hath received the fame in pay
ment of any just debt or demand before the reduction of
this province by his Majefty’* forocs under Lieutenant Co
lonel Campbell, (hall be, and he it hereby enabled to main
tain an a&ion on the case for money lent and advanced* or
for money had anil received, at his elc&ion, against all,
*py, or either, of-the signer or signers of such bills of cre
dit in his hands, and their executors and adiuiniftrators ;
>nd the holder of such bills foal I be intitled to recover da
r-\ages, and.-alia his costs uffoit, in the fame manner as if
such paper bills of credit were, joint and several notea of
i in case the (igiicrs of the said bill*; or any of
them, are absent from the province, th the holder nf
such bills (hill have the fame remedy, by writ of attach
ment, against the absentees, as is allowed in other cases,
the plaintiff, or aity other white person of the age of dif
erttinn, on makingan affidavit, Hating that he is acquainted
with the hand-writing of the signer or signers of such hill
dr bills, that the name or names of the signer or fignera
at the bottom of any such Rebel bill or bills of credit is dr
are of the hand-writing of the defendant or defendants, u
the deponent Verily believes: Provided always, that no
writ of execution shall issue ®n a judgment,-m any of the
cases above fpecified, until the plaintiff lull have firft
lodged the said paper bills of eredic in the General Court,
and the fame are destroyed by order of that Court, which
order the said Court U hereby required to issue, and all per
t /ons aftinj under such order arc by this a& indemnified,
i And wher eai, during the rebellion, many of the Re
bels, who had feats in their Congrefles and other unlawful
meetings, or who hjd influence amongst them, did receive
large sums of money, or securities for money, from or on
account of loyal /übje&t, in order to prevent or put off thft
eonfifeation of the property of such loyal fubjefti as lay in
this province, he it therefore EnaHed, That every fitch
loyal fobjedt (or if he is dead his reprefeetitives) (hall bn
enabled to recover back such fura or sums of money, fa
paid as iaft mentioned, in an affion for money lent or ad
, vanced, to be brought against the receiver of such monies,
or, if h-is-deaid, agiuft hi* tJOtcatora or adrhiniftrators;
and in every cite wihcW^l^
tiff (hall have the fame, remedy by writ of attachment a* in
other instances j mhd, in. case any such fecurlty given for
money (ball be put in foit, tho defendant may avoid it by
pleading the general issue a and giving the fpedal matter in
evidence ind on a verdifl’s palling for the defendant he
(hall recover double costs.
Ant> whereas debt* contracted before the rebellion’
are generally paid in gold and but no certain rule
yet been fixed at which gold and silver are tp be re
ceived la pfyment of debt?, be it therefore EnaHed,
That, in every cafa where a debt contracted before the re
bellion is agreed to be paid in gold and silver, such specie
fireli be rated at the following valuation, that is to fiiy :
Portugal pieces commonly called Half Joes, at
each ; Portugal pieces called
Moidores, at* eAt lj.
Britith pieces called Guineas* at
each; Soanifh pieces eallei Dollars, at
each ; and other and silver in proportion, according
to the weight and quantity of alloy; but nothing in this
a3 contained (hill be prevent persons from
paying and receiving gold and silver at e greater or left va
luation, on account of fuels last mentioned debts, where
the parties are mutually agreeJ and fatisfied on the occa
And be it EnaHed , That no person who hath been; or
now is, concerned in the rebellion in America against hi*
Majesty, (hall avail hlmfolf or be allowed any benefit ia
tended by this ad!, except only such as in fame me afore
atoned for their guilt by appearing under arms in the lines
of Savannah, in thv year one thoufaind seven hundred and
fcveatv-rjne, when the said town w befisged by the
French and Rebel*.
1 ■■■■■
WHEREAS I have received his Majesty’s writ, re
quiring me forthwith tc proceed to the Ele&ion of
one Representative for t>u town of Augusta and narilh of
St. Paul to serve in the Genenl Aff-mbly of the h:4 pro
vfflee, in the room of Jamas Ingram, Esq. whp has jic~,
gTefted to take his feat, t>we clcdion will be held on Wed-’
nefday the 14th instant at Augusta; all Candidate* and
Electors are desired to take notice and give their attenfl-
| D.-FRASER, A. P. M.
WA N T EJD O N id IRE, 1
For fix, nine, or twelve Months,
A few Field Negroes.
Apply to the printer.
1 ‘ ■ ill " —■ ■
Ase. “ AWAY the zßth September
~gft -a\- Hft from one of the plantations of
Capt. William on Hutchin
l"on s Ifl-'nd, A Negro Fellow named
Edinburgh, his country name Suits, of
t * lC 9 uinca Countr y *bout fi vi feet.fe-
inches high, thick and well set,
¥ branded on the breafs W M G, but pe
not pl,in * Whocver deliver
to lachlan M*GiHivriy, Efqi or to
the fobforiber on Hutchinson’s Illand, (hall have one gui
nea rewiyd, with. eve> icafonabie charge. All persons
are forbid harbouring said Ntgro, on pain of being prose-
Cuted to the utmost rigour of the liiw.
— ‘l* -
RAN AWAY from the fubferiber the 14th ult* A
NEGRO WENCH, named SUE, of a yellow cflln
plexion, about years old and s foet % inches high, had
on a wrapper and coat of white negro doth; flic was seen
about a fortnight ago at Mr. M‘GiUivray’s plantation on
Hutchinlo’i a. Ifia id. Any person delivering her to the
gaoler in Savannah, or to me it Aberc.rn, ifhall have a
guinea reward; and a further reward *f two guineas will
be given to any one giving foch information of her being
harboured a* will convift the offender, if a white person,
and if a Negro* one guinea.,
and feb. 17*1. W; JOHN LOWRMAN.
G EORGi A, ff.
Court of Ordinary, 20th February, \7%tJ
OxoEftiD, * I ’HAT all canto pot down for hearing*
X previous to the date hereof, be heard at
appointed : And thit, jj> future, no cause whatever within
the jurifdi&ioo of this Court, be heard but on Thursdays,
(not holidays) extent during die fitting of the General ‘
Aflembly, then to be heard on Saturdays, (not holidays;)
and on either of these. days between Che hours of eleven .
and one o’clock-
Ordered, That the JUg.fter eecelve, during office
hours, between Thursday and Thursday, or Saturday and
Saturday, (as It olay be) petitions,: whether ordinary ot
Ipecial; inventories and returns of warrant of appcaifc
ment, wills, and ail other inftrumeaj| of prodeft, prepar- *
atory to the trial hearing: And that fcftrches U admitted,
and copies of the records be iflued, as ufoali drin said
sneer vals. .
By Order of his Excellency the Ordinary,
’ GEO. DfERBAGE, Deputy Register
-. . ... - ‘ _ of the Court -of Ordinary,
UP -at May” River, A BARGE that rows
X with fix oirs, about fiye feej yy‘ l 4f * n{ l J 9 foet keel,
has a white bottom. The owner mu ft apply at Long
Island, on frid river; to GEORGE CARLTONt
T P fobferier, A two year old MARg
COLT, of a grey cofour, trot ß?s . branded © the
ing his property, may have her again, hy applying to
• ...... ‘ DANIEh^WEITE MAVNs
Ebenezer, Feb. 24, J7?r.
QTOLEN on Sunday night the iSrit
O nft. out of the Widow Haberer’j
fta^,e ncar Ebenester an <l by their track
crossed the creek at Old Ebenexer, T.wl
• Mares, viz. a likely grey, 6 years old*
1 3 han<ls High* Pes easy and brils*
’ canters, and run* faft, has a long fwitcfii
tail, branded on th* mounting ftioufder in d buttock LW
and a black bay, about 121 hands high, trots, has a ftort
tail, both ears cut off, the fore left hoof fplic, and very- *
big with foal, branded JW. A reward of one guinea
for each will be paid on delivery t<J
Ebenezer, Feb. it, 17$!'. „ „ ,
L O ON, November tq.
THE following is a correa and literary copy of a- Mo
tion of Thanks in the House of Commons oh Mon
day last : That the thanks of tbit Houle be given to Sir
Henry Clinton, Knight of the Moft Honourable Order off
the Bath, tftd Commander in chief of his Majesty’s force*
In North America; and to Vice Admiral Arbuthnoti
Commander in chief of his fleet in North Ame'-
rica; and to the Right Honourable Lieutenant General
Charles Earl Cornwallisfor the eminent and very im
portant for vices performed by them to his Majesty and thfo
country, particularly by the reduction of Charleftown by
the army and navy under the command of Sir Heiiry Clin
ton and Vice Admiral Arbuthnot, and by the late moft
glorious victory obtained by Lord Cornwallis at Camden.’ 4
* The Princess Royal is (aid to he the best horfowoma*
ip the kingdom; (he ride* vfctflfetfrfojfr,’ arid Kas upon
feperah occasions in following the hounds taken fc'atfr
which fome of the beau gentlemen have ftartfod at. ft Jh
• question whether the diversion of hunting it confident
with female delicacy; it will certainly by growing mi&
fafcion produce a happy refoniiition on the effeminate
ft 1 ’ S * C ’ restore t 0 Britons the
Among the many beauties that adora the Britifti Cdu'lt
none feemi to-attraft universal admiration and esteem
more than the Princef* Royal. To the moft plcafing
form and sweetest countenance Nature ha* added all the
amiable qualities of mind which with foch luftre in
her Royal Mother.
tCu. 30. The A&eon of 44 guns was put into costs.
million Chatham the 25th inst. and the command df
her given to Capt. Parry.
A proccf. has been filed in the Crown Office against
Braekley Rennet, Esq. on account of Kif cflndufl as chief
Magistrate of the city during the time of the riots in June
The Sally, White, from Virginia to Nantz, deeply
laden with tobacco, is taken by a Jcrfey privateer, and
font into Liverpool. v
December *. A letter from Paris of the 25th ult. fays
that a violent storm had obliged Count d’Estaing to put back
to Cadis, with all his fleet and convoy,’ in a (battered
state, on the *d inst. -
Dec. 5- We hear his Majesty has ordered robot, to be
paid out of his private porfe to the mother and three fiftera
of the late Maior Andre.
c * l y f Kilkenny in Ireland hat foat the
freedom of that Corporation to the Right Hon. Lord
North, in gratitude for hi* liberal extension of the com
merce of tht kingdom. The above was presented to his
Lordftip a sow days since by the Earl of Dyfart in a gold
Extrail es a letter from Southampton , Dec. 3.
41 Hi* Majesty, ever ready to re ward merit and real fa>
vices, has fettled 300!. perpnn. upon Mrs. Andte, mother
e: the late unfcrtuneu Major Andre, and after herds-
[N 0 . ioj.]