Newspaper Page Text
IN pursuance of a Writ of Attachment to the
Provost Marlha! of the Province of Georgia, io
■ ! the several oufcs Undermentioned, direded, I
I have a-tiched, in the refpedlive c*u(e*, the pro
■ perty and effects following.
■ * Kef fa if, Efy. vs. S amuti § nit us.
A Traft of Land in the parifli of St. John, in the pro
■.vine?, of Georgia, containing t;.oo acres, more nr lefr, and
■ adjoins lauds of Samuel Burnley. - ■
I J Maci.ay, Ext cut or of Maxwell, vs Samuel Miller,
James Spa/din?, Esq vs. fame
Several T rafts of Land, containing icoo acres, more
| r less : Another Traft, containing 500 acres, on’ Bull
■ tows swamp, St. Andrew’s parish: And a Tract, con
■ tailing 150 ac es, in St. John's pariih, known ny the
I name of Burtiey’s! 500 Acres on OfwanTi Uvatnp : And
I two Town Lots in SunbUry.
Jama Spalding vs. Varmenas If av a and others.
A Traft of Land, containing 500 arics, more or less,
I joining lands of Ndthan Taylor, late SCrevans’s.
James Spalding vs. J oftah Vonvell.
A Traft of Land in the parish of St. John, containing
I jeo acres, more or less, being an ift.tnd in Midway, river,
I, - —‘ Same vt.-John Sartdifrd. ■ —r 7- ■ Tracts of Land in the parifli of St. John, con
taining! ®oo acres,* more or less, joining, landa of Edward
A James Spalding Vi. John Safer Jen,.
Several Irafts of Land, containing tooo acf/ts, more or
less, joining lands of V/Hliam Baker fen. and John Stacey.
KelfaU 5. Lemuel Lanier.
A Traft of Laud, containing 500 acres, or less,
!n the patifh of St. George, bounded by Brieicreek, and
adjoins -Walker's Bridge.
BogUs, Jenkins, and Gibbons , Vs. William lironte.
A Traft of Land n Bulltown swamp, Sr. Andr w's
parish, containing 3000 acres, more or less, joining.
•f Simon Munro, Roger KelfaU, and John'joneS; A Ul
an other rraft near Cammchie, containing j?o acr" 1 -,
tnore or less, in the parish of St, Philip, adjoining lands
of James Butler.
Same vg. Kean, Stirmi'vor of Peter La J'ien and Cos.
A Plantation or Parcel of Land in St. John’, parish,
containing 1200 acres, more, or less, adjoining land Utc
and lands late of John Screven* *
Mary Bulloch VS Noble Wimberly Jones -
Four Negro Slaves in the poffeflion of Mary Bulloch, in
the parish or Christ Church, viz, Jeffrey, Mufo, Fanny,
and Venus.
Htrriot vs. Wallet on. M* Mutch v*. fame.
A Trift of Land, containing lit acres, more clfrefrj. in
fhi parish of St. Paul, commonly called the Sand Bar: And
a Wharf Lot and Stores under the Bluff of the town of
Savannah, containing 100 feet front, more or less, and
extending to low water mark, to the east of the wharf lot
Jate James Read’s: And also xz Negro
John Fou/is VS. Mordu J Shafts*! I.
A Traft ot Land, containing 300 acres-, rfior? or lefs, -
tn the parish ot St. George : Aifo a vacmt, Lot in the
town of Savannah, known by Nft. 3 Heathcote ty*thir*g.
John Nutt, Esq. v*. Executes of James Habi'rfbam.
Eighteen Negro Slaves’, viz. Daniel, Cnmba and her
three children, Renkin, Fatima, ftuc, Tom, September,
Binah, Bo ton, Sally and her child, Sripio, Peggy, Flrilits,
Oroopdko, in the parish of Chrlft Church.
A Traft of Land, containing 90a acres, more or less,
fiiuate at the'hcai of the north branch of Littie Ogcchee
tiver, in the parish of Christ Church, bounding north
partly on James Miller, ard'north-cad and east oh Lachlan
~Misll-lfmy s 1 ir.d, fluth oS’William Gibbons jun. and
•n all other Tides by vaea-n land.
A Traft ot Land, containing qco acres, more or less,
situate at the head of the north branch of Little Ogeci>ee
*' vc: , in £j*cjuriiii of Chrtft Church, bounding northerly
©n vacant lanjb, t easterly on Noble Junta, Esq. unu ori all
•ther tides os.vacant tana.
ATmft rT’ LtAlf, contai htrig 1000 “acres, bounded”
rorth-eafteriy by land of his Excellency James Wright,
Esq. and land of Charles Burnet, fouth-we.leriy by Und
©f the faij James Haberihim and by Ogechee river.
A I raft ol Land, containing 40 acres, more fir less,
Eounde i louthwardly by lands of fames Haberlh im, and
©n all other tides by vacant land, parish of Chrhl Church,
„ A Tract of Land, containing jeo acres, more or lets,
in thepnriihof Christ Church, bounded fouth-eafletly hy
lands ot Mr. Gibbons, Bourquin, and land vacant j foufli
wefterly by lands of Pliiiip Delsg il and ind unknown, and
®n all other sides by land of the said Jam. j s Ilaberfham.
‘ .A. Fraft of Land in the parish of Ch itb Churcli, con
tamipg 80 acres, more or left, hounded nortlyedy by land
0 Mary Smith, southerly by land of Thomas Ralterrv,
ea rrly by land of Jaaac* Miller, and wcftcrJy by land of
Lachlan M‘Gillivray. -
.A 1 taft of Land in the parish of. Christ Church,
tainuig jee acres, mor.* or iejfe, bouivlid foeth-weffwordly
li<r"?- 0f Richard Fox * Alexander Wyily, and LichTan
‘Ciilhvray ; north weftwardly by lind vacant, and on all
%her fide-, by land of James Haber (Turn, Esq.
/ . ot Land in the oarifti o* Chiiit Cliuivh, 300 acres, -note or less, wounded B. u.h !y fiid
James Haber (ham's lard, eiH b J hn Pe\- uv, and
nu. . sar ily by Philip Deleqat.jmi. and jlDiCi Sojuti, and
Wtftwardly ly WiiUam Gibbom,. *
A Traft of Land in the diftrift of Ogechce, pariih of
Christ Church, containing 300 acres, more or lefsj
bounded northerly by the said Jdmes Haberflram, James
Hib'tfhjm jun. and James Miller’s land; eaftwardly by
John Deveaux, so ithwardlv on vacant land, and weld*.
w 1 (y p?rYOil William GibbaiH's and part on fsid Janies
H . S-rfh am’s land. . „ ‘■ .
V Tr ift of LmJ in the parish of Chrlft Church, con
t*l: iog too acres, more or iefs, formerly rllotted Peter
tiu*rard, and purShafed by said Janies Habcifham, b >und
e i to bhe fouth-ea.ft by lands of Philip Delegal, to the
if - nth- weft by lands of James Tebeau, and all other fidcs
by vacant lands at the time of survey-.
A Traft of Land in the parish of Christ Church, con
taining 1000 acres, Bounded by land of
filid James Haberfham and land of Chatles Burnet, fouth
weftwardhrby Ogechee river and Thomas Netherclift, and
part by vacant land.
A Town Lot in Savannah, Derby ward, (N°. 8) con
taining 60 feet iq front and 90 Feet in depth : Also a Gar
den Lot, containing live acres; and a Farm Lot thereunto
belonging, containing 45 acres.
A Traci of Land, ficuate in the diftrift of Little Oge
chee, known by the name of Dean Foibft, granted-to
Joseph Bryanythe lon of Jonathan Bryan, containing 500
acres, more or less, in the parish of Christ Church,
bounding eaftcrly on Capt. Noble Jones and Mr. Noble
Wimberly Jones, and deutHwarily on lands of Janie Hav
” and on .-.11 other sides by vacant lard : Also a T raft grant
ed to Mr. Jofi.'th Bryan, contaihing jno acres, more of
less, situate in thediftrift of Little <3gechcc, in the na
rilh of Christ Church, bounding eastward ,on Uds of Jo
feph Biyin and James Haoerfham jun. nor h on Mr. l)e
----brahm, traft on Mr. Thomas Raitberry, and liuth on James
Haberiham, Esq. purchased of Jonathan Bryan.
A Traft of Land, Containing 175 aeres, more oriel*:.,
It’ rate in the parish of Christ Church, bounded north
wardly and weft by lands of the said James Haberfham,
fourh-weftwardly by the pubhek road, and fouthwaraly ty
lands granted Philip Delcgal the elder, being pan of ;oo
a< res Ijtrd on Littie Ogechce g.anted to John Deveaux,
pu.chafed of his daughter Elizabeth Deveaux.
ALqtor* Lafld (marked L) in Ellis's fquatc* Disby
tything, in the town of Savannah, c">!itaining xBo free in
and 60 feet in front, granted to nis Exce I leL..y
Henry Ellis, and purchased of him.
A Traft of and, containing 500 acres, more or less,
in the parish of Christ Church, fituire -rvit nine mitei
from Savannah to the weft ward, bounding eaftciy on Ro
dolprh Purry’s land, and all other sides on vacant land,
granted’ to Alexander Wyily, Esq. ar J pt re’; (kd of b'.m.
A Traft of djand in the pariHi of Christ Church, c. >n
taining too acres, more or 1 fs, ily by
Philip Delegars land, wefteriy by Prrer tfterafti-and va- -
cant land, and all other sides by Vacant land.
A Traft of Land in the diftrift of Litt'r OgecTaeej in the
c-.arifh of Christ Church, containing 300 acres, more or
b-u, bounded south on James Flftx-rfhaH, weft mV Jnr. vs
MiMer, and on all other tides by lands vac int, granted to
Thomas Rafberry, purchafed of Est her il.ubtrry,
and mg iter to the-grantee.
A Traft of Lun4 in the dift:ift of Little Ggethee, in
the parish trf Christ Church, containing 100 acres, more
or lef.>, bounded cast by lands ot James Ha’ucrfliam
aM other sides on vacant land, granted to J irrre. Miller,
purchaf and of Edward Davidson, executor to the grantee.
A i fddt of Land in the diftrift of Little Ogechec, in ‘
,_jhe pjfiih or Christ Church, .containing 250 acres, more dr
Its, bounding north on lands of James Haberiham, Esq.
l uJi-taft on Sunier’s land, and all other sides on vacant
land., granted to William Gibbons jn. an j jvurchafed of
h:s lather William.CibboiM fen. as guardian to the grantee.
A 1 raft of L-i id, situate (> heaj'ifllßfahches of
Little OgecSiee, in the parish of Christ Church, contaSn
ing 500 acres, more or lfta, bounding north on Rodolph
Purrv nd Alexander Wyily, south on James Mil! ?r, and
ad other sides on vacant lands, granted to Lachlan M‘Gil
livr.iy, and purch ifed of him.
Also two Town Lots, known by the N°. 6 and 7 in
Odingfeil street, fronting JohnfotrY-fqnar?, cmw lining
eacli 60 leet front and 90 feet in depth, whereon the de
ceased formerly resided, late the relidence of Tefeph Ha
Together with all the dwell ng-houiLs, build
ings, heicditaments, rights, members, and appur
trnmees, thereunto severally and refpe&ively be
longing and appertaining, the property ot the fe
ver.d defen ams above named, his, her, or their
heirs and a(Bgns forever, as it is said : Wheiefore
eve y person and persons claiming the fame, or any
part or .parcel thereof, have hereby notice to ar*
penr i n his Majesty *s General Court in Sa van nail,
at the teturn ot t he afortfaid writs, on Tuesday the
oth A;iy xsf March, to fhtw cause why the Tod
premiles, attached as aforefaid, ftiould not be ad
judged, the property of and belonging to the befort
na red refpefttve defendants and ableht/debtors.
- O FRASER, A. P. M.
Sa l asnah, Febrttarj iO, 17 81 *
%* BLANK FORMS of different forts so irJoU
0t tks Printing Ojjfct,
BASSETERRE, (St. Christopher) January 4,
MQNStEUR Montest, late Governor of Bt. Vincent,
his, we are allured, been displaced from hi* go.
vernunent, as a traitor to tyranny and opprejjion , jftd j
friaul u humanity*. He is ordered home to France.
(L’tw- 3. Yesterday were sent in here by his *
ftiiys To- and Ab mene, two valuable prizes, one a
Snanifti brig loaded with bale goods, the other a St Do-v
mingo (hip, loaded with sugar.
Jan. tB. We are favoured with the following particu
lars of the engagement the (hip Mary, Capt. Stawards,
had with 1 Spinifh fdgatc, and of her engagement and
capture by the Pilgrim privateer.
“ ON Monday the 20th of November, 17S0, the fiaif
Mofes Stowards Commander, of London, mount
ing 22 guns, with 82 men or* board, failed from Cork, in
company with the unarmed brig Mary, Capt. Faith, with
a freih breez? at E. N. E. On Tuesday the 26th of De
cember, at midnight, fell in with a (hip and gave her
chace; on difrovhing us they hauled their wind to the
mrthward, and we hauled our wind after them ; at one
A. M. loft light of her, but continued (landing to tha
northward, and at half past five A. M. saw her on the lee
bow about tw<r mi'es distance; at fit A. M. got within
three quarters of a mile of her, and found (he mounted 2S
giinsj-smd bad a number of soldiers on board ; (hr h(lifted
Spanith colours, and kept up a continual fire with. her.tlern
chas§ >&: fevexi % M. go t witFLapiftaj fitottsf bwgr,
K^.-our^crarfi?r^jrf(d^egw--'-torTiga ? dj' ,# a r Ka?r past”
fever a fiic brokd out on our boomfs, occasioned by the e*
lien’s wads, but soon extiriguilhed it, and wore (hits, the
enemy wore also; at three quarters past seven they ihot
away our main top-mast, and at eight flint away our fore
top-mast; at half past nine both (hips wore, the head of
our mheeo mad ihot away, they hailed us in Englifli, and
ordered ns to strike or they w'crald give us no quarters j
having had two ensigns and the ensign halliards (hot awr.v,
Gapt. Stowards held up an Engli(h jack, and anfwcred,
No ; they then rang'd alongside, and kept up a fmait fire
until ten A. M. and then hauled their wind and made off,
—“-The Mary, befidea the loss of her top masts, had fe-“
vtral (hot between wind and witer, all her rigging and
fibs very much damaged, three men killed and .five
wounded ; after popping all the ihot holes we could find,
sh ~ made a g fat deal of water, being obliged to pump every
b-df hour. We were then in lat. 14, 22, North, long.
40, 5 1 *
“ On the sth January, 1781, in lat. iz; 59, North,
long. 56, 3c, Weft, at one O’clock P. M. saw a fail in the
5. W. quarter, hut continued our cotirfe to the weftwatd,
not being thorough y replied; at half past fiur the (hm
was within random (hot of us, and flawed Englifli colours;
we hauled up our courses and backed the mizen top-fail;
he then’dropped on our larboard quarter, and hailed from
whence we came; we aafwere.d, from London ; We de
mar.d-.d from whence they came, they answered from
Barbados, and that their (hip was called the Surprize; a
convention ensued, when they fuddetily changed the
Fngli.h for American colours, and fired their great gun-=
am 1 lmall anns into us, by which they Wounded (’a P r.
Stowards in the cheek, and killed four of our men; we
then engaged her yard arm and yard arm; soon after tn
eugtgeihent began our Captain received a freond wound
with a musket ball, which went through Ins (boulder, nor
vithftanjing which he valiantly kept the deck and encoa-J
raged Eu men until the third broadfrde from the enemy
when he was wounded in the head bj several pieces of
Hagridge ; he then called bis chief Mate, told him to fight
the Maiy valiantly, and etpirefij the Mate Continued rH
engagem nt until sunset, when his lifts and brace* being
(hot away, having several of his guns dismounted, main
mast jhot through the center, the other mails and all the
yar&badly wounded, three fret water in the hold, main
top and arm cbeft blowu ua, five men kiilefl .and 17
wounded, added to the great damage fiiftained in the en
gagement with the Spanifli frigate, and which could not
be properly repaired at fra, obliged the Mary to strike t*
the Ame 1 kan privateer flup Pilgrim, Joseph Robinson
Commander, mounting 18-carriage guns, and had 400
men on board., mostly Lnglifh and Scotch.
“ The night of the capture of the Mary the Pilgrfm
59 u f earcc be kept above water, owing to the damage (he
received in the engagement, and the former was so leaky
that they were obliged to pump her continually.
T* e aptain of the Pilgrim behaved with a great deal
of politencfs and humanity to the prisoners, but his offi
cers and crew treated them with the greatest barbarity, and
rohhed them of their watcjiea, mortey, and deaths.
> jTne officers and part of the crew pf the Mary were
permitted to remain on board her, and being equal in
number to the Americans that were left to gpard them,
they formed a plaiEto retake her, which was to be put in
execution at night, when the privvteer (as (he ufualiy'did)
went considerably ahead; Tut unfortunately the third
Mate entered into the American service and difeovered the
p ot. The nth inst. they put the officers apd crew (id in
rvmi.e'i into the long boat and turned them adrift, the
J.- running very high, and being too leagues to windward
ot Barbados, they momently exnefted to periffi; they had
a niaft and fail with a compats an board ; they were obliged
to (leer before the wind until the lea moderated, and st
rived here last Monday. . r . .
“ ihe 4dy before the capture ®f the Mary th- Piigvfru
fed in with and took a brig, one of the rutua.d
flici., aud.two days afterwards they raptur.d thr i.-/.,
i :#we, Capt. Powei’s, also one of the Outward hound Loci,
bouiia for Barbados j fixe was under juryjuafts.j*
[N o. 106. J