Newspaper Page Text
■ n ACT for the securing his Majesty’s Govern
'l pient, and rhe Peace of this Province ; nnd for
5 [ the more effectual Protediorf of the King’s loyal
[ Subjeds here again ft the wicked Attempts and
i I ]>efigns of Rebeis, and other difaffeded Persons;
■B and for other Purposes herein aftermentioned.
■ TrHF.REAS a wicked and unprovoked rebellion wa3
levie ! and carried on in this province hgainft your
■faiefty’s authority and government, and although the
B:ne hath, through the blefHng of Divine Providence,
funprefled, yet there are fevera! persons in this pvq-
who were deeply concerned and very active in such
and there is the greatest rcafoo to believe that
difaffefted persons hold a traiterous correspondence
enemies and rebels, and meditate the ruin and dc-
of the King’s loyal fuhjefts hete ; to prevent
as tar as may be, such wicked attempts andde-
Hns. We pray your mod sacred Majcfty that it may be
•Bast-d, And be it EnaFted, by his Excellency Sir Jam es
■:t icyir, . Baionet, Captain General and Governor in
in and over this his Majesty’s province of Georgia,
and with the advice and consent of the Honourable the
vr Iloufe. and the Commons House of AfTembly of the
province, in General AfTembly met-, and by the au
-£ :.'.LJvIS. f anie > That, from'and. immediately after
wHa^very : ■
.la or fh-Ufhereafter be or- corn* within this province, and
: B > may be fufpefted to be difaffefted to his MajefVy’s go-
B.tment, carrying on any traiterous correfpondencc,*
and fhall. be apprehended by a warrant From any one
Majefty’s Indices of the Peace for the pariih or dif
| l wh“re such fufpefted perf n may reside, and whether
fuf icion may arise from the Justice’s own know
■ige. or from infoimatron given to him by any white
IBr-kn u ‘on oato ; and, on the fail fufpefted Derfon being
before any one of his Mijeffy’s Junices of the
|Ba c, if it shall fppear to him, on the examination of
Be sud party, or by the evidence or information of any
Bfon or persons, that the said suspicion is well founded,
there is probable cause for the fame, that then,
in such cafc, it may and shall be lawful for the said
and he is hereby required to compel such fufpefted
Bf u i.n mediately to give, good and fuflicient fccurity to dr*
B ’ P r >v nee, by land orfea, within twenty-four hours
Berlucii fccurity is given, and not to return into this pro-
Bc; a r,ng the rebellion in tneßritifh coljwics in America;
IB if iu::i fufpefted person cannot, or will not, give fe
ty f>- his departure as a fore fa id, he (hall be forthwith
■n uitted to the common gaol in ‘Savannah, bv warrant
■mittimus under the hand and seal of such JuftTce,'there
jßrta-.iin, without bail or mainprizc, until iie (hull be
B-” • c ‘ depart this province, by land or sea as aforefaid,
Bp ; |i give full and fuflicient fccurity not to fsturn
•B J dhit province during the rebellion in the British
~^B snid* 5 nid* in America; and it the (aid delinquent lo ordered
this province -shall presume to return into, and
8.-vmJ or seen within the Turn-. at any time before the
V'tex pi ration and thi Ino II o, nd be there fla w
■ onvicted. 1 e shall be cpgimittrd to-chafe confine-
in tire common gaol at. Savannah, without bull or
ißnp.riz-;, and the said recognizance entered into as a
■iiiTih.Tl be deemed forfeited to his M.jety, his heirs
<B ficceflors, and be put in flit accordingly.
to the end that the f.ilut.iry purposes aforefaid may
■norc e Actually carried info execution, hit further En-
Wed , by the a ithority lforefuid, That every person who (halt
B give a frtisfaSnry account of himself, or hern-I.and who
m-; or attempt to come within the works and lines
■ ‘ ! i- round the fawn or .Savannah, shall be tdopt it the
where he or lire may attempt to come in until he or
ure any one of his JViijefty ’s fultices
Hh Judice of the Peace thoroughly examined who he <>r
■ it, and from whence he or she came, and his or her
**n ls, and whatever slfe- the.tatd Ju3Tce may fee fit to
■uirc into relative to such fufpefted perf in’s attachment
■usMatehy’s government; and if such perfm cannot,
vill not, give a snit arid clear account at himfelf, or
|B‘ V ‘ ’to tU latisfavlion of such Justice, and shew that
■? r - ,’,\W V ' and and ?ojal fubjeft, it then shall and may
B j . ul to aud for such Justice of the Peace to proceed,
V| e 13 hcr eby required to proceed against every such per
■ fi t defenbed in>thtfame manner as is herein before
J with refpedt to fufpefted persons herein bes -rc
nothing in this act contained shall aMthorife anycen-
Je , or other person, to (top anv the Lcgifla
*Bc °f this province, or any Officer in his Mujedy’s land or
■ •ci vice, or any person who may have a pass from the Go
wnoror Commander in chief for the time being, or any
■lu er of his Mujefly’s Council,-orfrom the Command-
S *” incc r of the troops here, any thing in this aft con.r
i to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithdaiiding.
m;*™* Fueled, by the authority aforefaid, That,
Jj, aiter the pafling of this aft, every person
g into the town of Savannah, from any place out oik
■..-3> 3 - V r.’I Ce '* within twenty-four hours after his or
“M . I . r 1 \\ , r P* f to the Secretary’s Office, and give an
B I ' s r ‘ r k cr name.,: the from whence he or
■ 2,1 ’ here he or she lodges, in a hook to be kept
B r k i"ft.; and fu ( ch person shall obtain a cepriitcate
i* ! ‘••’ nvcm cncionf(l, under thd penalty of five
*1 mn n‘?y. f Great Rtita’n for every negieft or
‘B |‘l°* to hr recover. by wanent under the hand
■ -* v. anj gpg 0 . hii ;,t-_j ;ity*s Judkcs of the Teacc j
•Thursday, march i 5 , i 7 Bi.
and that the inhabitants at targe flia.ll be at liberty to in
fpeft the said regifler free of any expence; and the
Secretary far such business sh ril be allowed and paid by the
General Aflemhfy,
< rtbfriai there are certain persons within this pro
vince w*ho are known to have been aftive rebels, and who
pretend to fereen themfelvrs under colour of being prison
ers of war on parole, and as it is dang moos to the publick
welfare to fufter such persons to remain at large in this
province ; and alihougb they arc clearly liable to the ccn
fure of the law for such theii mifeondufb, notwithstanding
any parole they may have given or laid themselves under
to any military Officer, yet, for removing all doubts and
pretences whatever with ref,, dt tb the fame, it is hereby
htiafhd and by the authority aforefaid, Thdt
every pe.rfon l ilt above deferihed, notwithstanding any ex
cule of having given a parole, thill be liable to be proceeded
argilnft, and fnbjcdt to all puiMflimcnts and restraints what
ever that other fufp :£ted persons are made liable to bythisadf.
And whereas there are many Tufpe&cd and idle and dis
orderly persons within the town or Savanaah, and others
w ho may come into the fame by water, be it therefore
afiedj by the authority aforefaid, That it shall and may be
lawful lor any of his Majesty’s Juftice* of the Peace in the
town of Savannah, and every such Justice is hereby au
thorifed and required to ifTue his warrant against any such
. aetCaa last
such person cannot, or will notj gi\e a fatisfaftory account
of himfelf or herfelf, and make it appear that he or fheis a
good and loyal fubjrft, that the* it shall and may be law
ful to and for such Justice of the Peadfe, and he i hereby
required to proceed against every such person in the fame
manner as is herein before directed with rcfpe€l to any d
ther tufpeSed person.
And whereas the re were formerly many persons resident
within this province who profclfed themselves to be of the
Jiivvilh religion, or who held their tenets, and shewed by
their conJuft that they were of the people called Jews,
and not Christians, mo , if not all, of which Jews, were
very aftive in promoting and carrying on the late rebellion
in this province, iid in oppreffihg his Majesty’s loyal fub
j-ifls, and who, frtr.n part experience, have been found to
be dangerous m-mbers of the com rumity, be it therefore
A nasied, Tha: Irom henceforth, if any person whorafoe
ver profi ffing the Jewish religion or tenets, or who appears
by his conduct to he one of the people called Jews, and
not a Chriftlan, (hall be fvund within any part of this pro
vince, or shall come within the fame, he shall not befuf
fereJ to renri ii v here on ajiy account or pretence whatfoe
ter; and ‘’Very Justice or the Peace is hereby authorifed
and required, whe any such person fhsll come or may be
found w’i T tllii ms dlftrifl, by funmons and notice under his
hand and ieal, to order every such Jew to depart from,
and go and continue without the limits of this province,
before the *nd and expiration df any space of time he may
think fit, not exceeding ten days from the day any such
Jew sh dl be luund and difeovered to be within his diftrift;
and in case spy such Jew sh til not depart from this province
wit iln t.yc time limited by the said summons or notice,
or flnfl depart and afterwards return within the fame, at
any time during the continuance of this adt, then, and in
such case, every such Jew is hereby fubjefted and made,
hahic to hz apprehended by the warrant of any TqiHee of
the I'cacand committed to the common gaol in Savan
nah, there to remain, without bail or mninpr'rze, until
such Jew shall agree and be willing to depart this province,
and shall a ftually-pay and difeharge the expences of such
Jew s confinement; and in case any such Jew shall return
a lecond rime into province,’ or fhalLcontinue and be
found within tile-fame upwards of three days after such en
largement in order to,depart the province, every fitch Jew
shall iufter corporal punishment tot such offence, not ex
ceeding thirty-nine lathes, to be ihfli&ed by warrant of any
Justice ot the Peace for that purpose, and shall immediate
ly thereafter be conduced, under a fafe and feeure guard,
oat of the province, at the publick expence; and if any
fuch JLew shall return a third time, such delinquent fliali
- -and shall be trawfported to
f me place beyond the leas cut of the dominions of Great
Britain, and shall forfeit all his or her real and pcrfonal4-
ftatc to his Majesty, to be applied to the use of this province,
and to go in aid of thdpilblick taxes: PrcviJcdalways, that
not lung; herein contained fhtll extend, or be conflrucd to
extend, to such person or peTlons profefling the Jewish re
l'gion as haVc resided within this province, and demeaned
thenifelvcs as loyal to his Majesty, ever lince the
re e/lablifhmeht of his Majesty’s government here, any*
thing herein iieforcmentioned to the contrary in anywise
Provided also, that it shall Und may be
lawful for eWry person who may confider him or herfelf
a 3S r| cved ); hy this aft to appeal from the dccifion of any
Justice of the Peace to the General Court, w, if that should ,
..not be fitting, then to any Jti.lge thereof at Chambers, of
this province, upon the person convifted entering into re
cognizance, in two hundred pound* lawful money of Grrat
pritain, and two fuflicient sureties in one hundred pounds
each of like monf y, conditioned, that such appellant fliali
and do prolecute such appeal toeffeft within ten days after
obtaining a copy of the conviftion from such Justice, or
eJfe shall forfeit the said recOgn'z nice j %nd the General
Cuurt, or any Judge thereof, (as the case may be) is re
lj'cCUvelv licreby authorifed either to affirm or repeal the
ilecTfibn of the Magistrate who convlfted such appellant, in
tne mpft fummavv and expeditiojis manner, at the expejicie
of the party appzaflng; and no cutjyiftion ftuil be quashed
for any tiefetf in form, provided the fame is fu/fiemat in
lubflancc, ’ - /
And be it F.naftedy T) Levi Sheftall, a person pro
feffing the Jewish religion, and now residing in Savannah,
lhall have time given him, from the pafling of this aft un
til the firft day of February, fcventecu hundred and
eighty-two, to fettle his affairs Here, on his entering
into the ufuai recognizance to the peace, and be of
good behaviour, in the meantime, toward?the King and
a.l his liege fiibjefts, himf.lf i? 001. fterling> and two
sureties in 1001. -each, it being alledged that the said Lc#i
Sncfull hath fhewcd fiwne afts of humanity to apprefled
Loyalists, any thing in this aft: contained to the contrary
thereof in anywise and the wife and
children of the said I.evi Sheftall fliali be permitted td
came into this province, and live here with him during
the time last mentiorie l.
Andbe st Enafftd , That all the penalties dnd forfeitures
which shall or may arise urtd?r the authority of this aft
fliali go to his Majesty, his heirs and facerffors, to be ap
plied to the use ot this province, and in aid of the gene
ral tax here.
And be it further F.netted, by the authority aforef V ’d,
T hat It any aftton or suit is ar shall be commenced or pro
fwruted against any person for any thing done in pursuance
of this aft, every person forfired may plead the general is
sue, and give this aft and the special matter in evident,
and if the plaintiff shall become forbear fur-
or V if aVerdift
r ~ P afs . for the defendant, or if upon demuffer judgment
fliali be given for the defendant, every such defendant shall
recover his double costs, for he lhall have the like
remedy as in cases where costs by law are given defend
. farther Enatledi That this aft lhall continue
ifl /° rCe i for an - d durlng the tenn of ehe years from the
pafhng thereol, and from thence to the end of the then
next felhon of the General AfTembly, and no longgr. v.
By Order of the Cbmmans House of AJfembly,
n n , / , SAMI. FARLEY, Spoiler.
By Order of the Upper House of AfTembly ,
6tb March , 1781,
Affentcd to , *
aE i-KaL of‘“ An*ACJ W® theTTl
March, 1781, “ for supplying the Loss of such
ot the Bonds and Mortgages that were executed
by the Debtors of the Publick to the Commissi
oners of the General Loan Office of the
vince of Georgia at are now unfatisfied; and for
making the Ledger or Account Book of the said
Commiflioners, beginning the seventeenth Day
of February, one thousand seven hundred and
sixty nine, and ending the seventeenth Day of
September, one thousand seven hundred and fe
venty-five, Evidence in all Courts of Uw and
Equity in this Province, for the Purpose of re
covering the Monies due to the Publick, and
for other Purposes herein aftermentioned.’*
WHERE AS, by an aft cf the General AfTembly, *na
An Aft for stamping, imprinting, Tffu
mg, and making current, the Sum of seven thousand four
hundred and ten Pounds Sterling, in Paper Bills of Cre
dit, and for applying and finking the fame,” the Commis
sioners therein appointed were empowered and required to
lend out upon interest, at fix pounds per centum per annum.
the sum of thousand five hundred pound* Sterling of
1 irly direfted 5 and the said Commiflioners were thereby
also empowered and required, in thair own names, as Com*
mifliouers of the General Loan Office of the province of
Georgia, to t?ke security for the sums refpeftively
that they ftiould lend out upon interest by virtue of that
aft, and fu;h securities were direfted to be by way of
mortgage in each case for the money lent, with a bond
and warrant of attorney as a collateral fccurity', and a
mode is thereby preficribed for recovering such monies
when due : And whereas the said Commiflioners did ac
cordingly lend out on interest large sums of such money*
and took mortgages and bonds for freuring the repayment
tnereof, but in the usurpation of the King’s government
nefe by the Rebels (uch mortgages and bonds 3s ere either
carried away or rieftroyed: And wberefrf tHeT*edgcr or
Account Book of the said ComnriflfioncA, kept by lames
Edward Powell, Efqutrt', thtiA'ierk. and under Heirdi- ‘
reftion hath been lately difeovered, and h now in the
haniior the Treasurer of pr(>vjnce, in which theac
counts of the said General Loan OP; V ce, from the feven-’
teenth day ot February, one thousand JTeven hundred and
nxty nine, to the leventeenth day of September, one thou
sand seven hundred and feventy-ffire, are entered in a clear
and correft manner, and credit is given tb the debtors ofthe
publick for fcveral payments made by them to such C.romif.’
fioners on account et monies lent them as aforefaid: Best
Enabled, 1 hat, from and immediately after the paflingof
this aft, the said LeJgar or Account Bbok ofthe said Com
miflioners of ?hg General Loan Office of the provinee ofc
Georgia lhall be evidence in all courts of law and equitv
this province for the purpose of recovering all debts due tv
the on account of anv monies tent by the fai4
Commiflioners of the GcnFraJ Lotn Office, Ai not rt>-
paid them, and of all interest money d'ue thereon, wiierer
,A>* C mortgages.and bonds aie carried awiv or del!coved as
aforefaid : Provided always, that if anv fuVh -kst-n r® tin
publick can make it appear to th* t tas Tret*
[N o. fo 7 .]