Newspaper Page Text
N. York Inf. Mil regiment.
Volrj, of Irelmd.
—6O. Carolina regmerit.
Cavalry. Cavalry.
Order of March :
t?ght cnmpnnv of the Volunteer? nf Ireland
formed to the front. 63d regiment and Volunteers
„f Ireland in columns four n front, each regiment
marching from its right.
The Guns.
Infantry of the New York Volunteers, King's,
American regiment, anil Sooth Carolina regiment*
*- columns like the 63d and Volunteers of Ireland.
The Cavalry
flanked on the left by Capt. Robinson's detachment.
May 1 2 Lord Rawdon haring on the 7th inst.
reinforced by the corps under Lieut. Col.
Watson marched out with the hope of bringing
‘Get* Greene to aftion ; but that wary ofiker, ren
dered (till more so by the event of the 25th of A
pril, those to remain in a strong position, behind
Sawney Creek, from which no efforts of his Lord
(hip cpuld draw him, he rather preferring to fee
his enemy manoeuvre in his front, with all rhecon
fidence of a viflorious arfny, firm contest a point
of which former experience mull have rendered
him so very cautious.
Lord Rawdon therefore finding it impossible to
draw on an a&ion but on terms highly difadvanta
geou-, ard by afluling a position which gave the
Rebels their only feqjrity, returned to.Camdea,
having convinced Gen. Greene how futile were his
ideas of blockading that place, when obliged hj/n
----fe;f tQ seek shelter in the recesses of the country,
and even there to taunt him with daily dt-fi :nce.
Thus finding all
in a fair field-were inefFeftual* Lord Rawdon-re
moved with the King’s troops, from Cimden, in
duced thereto by approaching feiforj, when
that part of the country proves molt deftrufHve to
the soldiery ; and as it abounds neither in riches or
provisions, which are mostly the produce of this
fide the Santee, he has only relmquilhed barrenness
for fertility, and disease for health, and taken up a
position nearly impenetrable to an enemy, perfectly
in the power of co-operating with tins garrison,
and in which the communications are not weaken
ed by their extent.
By a veflel which arrived yeftefday In 14 days
from St. Christopher we have intelligence of the
English-sleet, which failed the beginning of March,
being arrived there. They came out with the
grand fleet, confiding of 28 line of battle snips, with
a numerous convoy defined for the relief of. Gib
raltar, But parted with them soon after they got
clear of the Channel. Admiral Darby had the
command, and had under him Sir Juhn Lockhart
Death. Thursday last Er.fign .Eneas M’Leod
of the 71st regiment.
S AV A N N A H, May 24.
HIS Excellency the Governor was pfeafed on
Saturday last to adjourn the General AfTem
bly of this province to Wedhefday the 6th of June
Deaths. On Sunday last, at Ogechee, in the
bloom of life, Miss Maybank. This young lady
was returning home in 4pparent health from a
friend’s house, where she had been palling a few
days, when on the road, scarce two mites from ~
that place, she was taken exceeding ill, and im
mediately on being conveyed to a houle then in
fight expired. The sudden death of this amiable
lady is an alarming occasion for all ages to ferioufiy
confider the instability of life, and the neceflity of
being constantly prepared to appear before the
dread tribunal when thereunto culled. /4der loss is
Severely felt by her unprepared dill re fled mother
and friends, ‘who were by the suddenness of the
.event deprived of the mournful consolation which
arises from a belief that all in the power of human
Beings to do had been done to save a valuable life,
and tp alieviate life Darns of a’fick bed.———ln
Savannah, last TuefJay, Mr. Philip Allman house
A schooner from Philadelphia, for the Havana
loaded with flour, was font into New Providence
jbont ten days ago by the privateer sloop Unicorn,
Capt. Hunter, off hat port.
%* The MILITIA LAW may be had at the
Printing Office, price is. 9*l.
*, . . • * ,
~~ “""• •*’ ■ ~ ;r " 1 1 * M 1r;
FINE porter,
C OLD wholesale and retail, the. chespeft jn
levvis ’ w>-
. MarfhaPs Said.
T OTE’ s O L. D,
On Saturday the id of June next, at the house ill St.
James’s Square where the Superior Courts were
Lft holder between the hours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and orie in the afternoon* the sale
to begin at ten o'clock precisely,
LOT of Land in Savannah* contaihihg Cos
/ feet front and 180 feet deep, whereon James
HabeTfham formerly resided; and another Lot of
Land in the f.iid town, containing &o sett frhnt
by 90 feet deep* formerly the property of—
Farfey deceased ; also a Trad of Land in the panfli
of Obi ill Church* containing 1 500 acres,
less, commonly called Silk Hope; late the property
of James Haberfham,—A Trad of Land, con
taining acres, more or left, in St. Philip’s pa
rish, joining lands of Adam FowMer Brisbane; and
another Tradl of Land, in the said parish of St.
Philip, containing 500 acres, more or less. on
which the defendant formerly resided, near Fort
Argyle; late the property of s>hem Butler.—A Lot
of Land at Yamadaw, Containing 105 feet square,
more or less. adjoining lands of Dr. Zubly, late
the property of Thomas Chifolm and Mary bis
wife.— -A Lot of Land in Savannah* Containing
60 feet front and 90 feet deep, more or less, situ
ated between lots of John Richards and John Lv r
ons, late the properry of Samuel Elbert.— A Trad
of Land in the parish of St. John, containing 300
acres* more or less, situated on the north branch of
Midway river, and near lands of John gaker, late
the property of William Baker—A Trad of Land
in St. John’s parish, containing 500 acres, more or
less, lying near Midway Meetinghouse, and ad
, joins lands of Lyman Hall, late the property of
James Stewatt.—A Trad of Land in the parjfhof
. St. Andrew, containing 3-0 acres, more or less,
and.ndjoius ianda of Stephen. WJJliafrts.and Thomas.
A Trad of Land in the parifli of Christ Church,
containing 300 acres, more or less, situated. on
Ogechee river, and adjoins lands of James
Mackay, late rhe property of John Wercat. A
Trad of Land in St. Philip’s parish, containing
330 acres, more or less, on which David Hugue
ren formerly resided, late the property of David
Huguenen.—A Trad of Land in Christ Church
parish, situ .te in the dillrid of Little Ogechee,
containing 300 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
erf the tare John M*Lean, late the property oF
Adam Fowler Brifbine.-A TradofLand contain
ir.g .00 acres, more Or less, in St. Matthew’s parish,
bounded fouth-cafterly by lands surveyed for the
use of thi Church and lands of David Thorn,
north-eaiferlv by lands of Hillary Butt, and on thi
other tides by vacant lands; and another Trad of
Land, containing ico acres, more or less, whereon
Ilillary Butt lacelv resided, in the said parish of
St. Matthew, on Rooty Pond, joining lands
merlv -granted one William Moore; late the pro
perty of Hillary Butt, deceased.—Ami a Traft of
Laud, containing 300 acres, more or less, in the
parish of St. Andrew, which tradl was granted to
Stephen Drayton, bounded fouth-eaftcrly bv lands
of Alan and Ann Stuart, and on all other sides by
vacant lands j and also another Tra& of Land, in
the f?id parish of St. Andrew, formerly granted to
the said Stephen Drayton, containing 300 acres,
more or lets* bounded northwardly by
Stephen Drayton, fouthwardly by lands of Alan
and Ann Stuart, and on all other sides by vacant
lands; late the property of Alan Stuart, deceased.
Three Negro Men Slavfes, viz. Buck, Ned,
and Hardy, late the property of Allen Sharp.
The whole seized on execution^
e . D. FRASER, A. P. M.
Savannah, Miv f, T7Bl. ■ .
Fergujort J -
versus t Attachment.
Maitbcvjs. 3
PL rfuantto ah order from his Majelly'sSuperior
Courts in this cause made, 1 fball, on Friday
the Ift of June next, proceed to the falc of Two
Negro Slaves, named David and Nelly, belong
ing to the Eilate of Benjamin Matthews, the ab
sent debtor, as it is said, at the house in St. James’s
Square where the Superior Courts were last bolden,
between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon
and one in the afternoon, D. FRASER, A. P M.
Savannah, 9th May, 1781.
T 6 B E S O L D,
On Saturday the 9th June neth, at the house In St.
James’s Square where the Superior Courts were
last holden, between the hours of ten o’clock in
the forenoon and one in the afternoon, the sale
to begin at ten o’clock precisely,
* A TR AC rof Land, in the parish of St. Philip,
■L containing by estimation zoo acres,, more or
less, joining lands of Adam Fowler Brisbane on
Gr f a T !,°g e<:h L cc latc tke Property of John Ham
and Elizabeth Harn, and seized on execution
o K D * FRASER > A. P. M.
Savannabj May 9, 1781, ~
bouglafi \
verbs’ i U Attachment* 7
jonathan Bryan. }
PUnuant to an order from hi* Supert
ior Courts in this cause made, ] shall, on Sa
turday the 9th of June hext, proceed to the sale of
a Negro Fellow* named Ben* and his two Chil
dreni belonging to the Eftnte of Jonathan Bryan,
the absent debtor, as it is fait!, atdthe house in St.
James's Square where the Superior Courts were
formerly fedlden* between the hours of ten o'clock
in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, tffe fafe ~
to begin at ten o'clock precifelv
2 t i i>. fAasek, a. p. m.
Savannah* May t;, 1781.
HI mmm„ . mm I rn ~y 1 - . :
ALL persons indebted to the Efmte of William
\ oung. Esq. decraied, are requeued to
the fame, and those to whom the (aid
Estate is indebted are desired to fend in their ac
counts, properly attested, to
Sophia Vo-t/ffO, Adrniniflratrix.
r _ B ___
fJT/'HEREAStht Prohso/ Mar/, at of the pro
vince of Georgia, by virtue of a writ of at
tachment to him difeQed ik the several cau fa
undermentioned , did attach the land, and tenements*
geode and chattels, monies, debts , and boohs of at <
count t of the several defendants in the /aid causes ,
njjho ate ahfent from and without the limits of the
said province, at thefuit of the several plaintiffs j
Add whereas the /Aid plaintiffs have refpedively ,
agreeable to the directions of the Attachment Act, .
fled a declaration in the General Court again/ the
several defendant t in each of the following cause
via, ‘
Mary Wright versus John Sutcliffe;
Kelfall and another, furvi.ors, versus Jpfea
Spalding vtrfm, Ml vaepi Rol
id Kelfall nsarjas Henry LahrcE* ;
Cowper and othcfsy/rr/ a/ Levi Sheftall*
Same versus Thomai Chifolm and *if® Mtxvt
Sa mt versus Levi Sheftall;
Sam t versus Willlrm Holxendorlf j*
. Same versus James Haberfliam j
Same vir/ui George Walton j
Same versus John Kean ;
M‘Goun and others versus William Gibbons
Same versus fohft .[SA efon ;
Same versus John Stfrk ;
Same verjus John Jenkins end wife Sufanr.ah;
Same versus William Leconte^
Adminiitrators of Rabenhtfrfi versus lames
Mabertham ;
Owens, Thomson, 4nd Cos, versus Samuel
Samuel and Morton Levy;
Rt V! C Mi C - k ver/us Jsha Martin and
William Davia;
Benjamin Stiles nt&fus Richard Donovan Mur*
ray 1
George ttruftoun ver/m> John Jenkins;
Char es Watts versus Berjamin Andrew j
1 hemas Flyming verfut Lewis aad Charles
and have obtained, in each of the /aid causes , a
rule to the following ejfed, viz.
Ordered, That the defendant and defendants in
the said several actions do appear and plead within
a year and a day , other wife judgment will
gain/ him , her, or them, by default ,
_ By the Court ,
j*b 3** 1780.
o< i ee f* therefor? hereby given. That judgment
will be entered, agreeable to the aforefaid t hie or
order, again/ evtiy of the said defendants who do
not appear and plead conformable thereto .
ROBERTSON% Plaintiffs Attorney in the
fetid several causes
WHEREAS the Proved Mar (ha I of the pro
vince of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of
Attachment to,him directed, did attach the lands,
tenements, goods, chattel?, monies, debts, and
books of account, of Wiliiam Watson, who is ab*
sent from and without the limits of the fa?d pro
i vince, at thefuit of Simon Paterson and William
Lang: And whereas the said Simon Paterson and ~
William Lang have, agreeable to the directions of
the Attachment A£t, filed their declaration m the
General Court against the said William Watson,
and have obtained the following rule :
Paterson Id Al. | Ordered r That the defendant
again it fdo appear arid plead within a
William Watson. j year and a day, otberwife judg
ment by default. >< ,
By the Court,
, i -Jo HN SI MJ'iOH, P. Sc C. C.
January, 178 1.
•” Notice is therefore hereby given* That, unless
the said William Watson do appear and plead a*
grceable to the afordaid rule or order* judgment
will be entered again!! him accordingly.
Wife JONES, Plaintiffs Attorney.