Newspaper Page Text
r o ssfso/.D, .
On 26th June next, *jit’ ten t> t cloeK i;l
the forenoon, at the house of the late Adiur\
Lover, 3?r dm *'■ ■ / i
fG EVfcRAL Negroes, Household Tufnitote,
O Gum', Watchmaker, and Silmfmith’s
TooK.fcc. belonging’ to -the Rfttte t?f the said
Adrian Loyer, deccal'ed.’ Tfe condition's to be
ttiade known on the day offale.
< Christian LoYEftr Eitedatrix.
Pavld Mon’T ! aicut, ) Execu-
Will'amßoss, 1 tors.
’K. B. Any person who riiight, during his i'ty
time, have left articles irifche hil bufintf
to be impaired, or othervvrfe; are requested -v> make
application and prove their property before the
day of fete* Savannah, 9th May, 1781.
I HAVE enquired into the PRTCE of FLOUR,
which I find to be per 100 lb. of'the'beft
fol’t; Loaves (houki iherefote vvcigh as follows:
4d. Loaf, —1 lb. 102. o dr.
7d. Ditto, 1 is 12
m 14<f- Ditto,
Millinery and Mantua-Making,
DONE in the neat> if awLneweft fafhion, by
B. V’ A s s,
’ll Don the Bay, next door lo Me firs. X-er and
Bcgbie’s ilore. -* - * -vN %
GEO R G l A. fT.
I THE Honourable AnthoNyStokes,
Efquirc, Chief Justice of his Mnjefty’s
: . t ’ Province of Georgia, in Am*rip in pur
suance of an aft oF the General Aflembly of the said pro
vince, entitled, “ An Aft for theßelief-offtfrh of his
l&Mefty’s loyal 7 Siibjeftsfs *py .realor per/wmrl-Pro.
Perry fn’-thfe arrJ-'whofe T'tffc Beeiaf
Bonds, Notes, Specialties, and-otherJEvidences., Vouch;
ers, and* Writings, have been either iqft, destroyed, or
carried off, during the Tinje herein aftermentioned,” DO
CERTIFY, that Catharine Morcock, oF'tHe parish of St.
John,, in the province aforefaid, Widcrwy and Mary Mil
ler, the wife of Samuel Miller, late of Sunbury, in the
province aforefaid, merchant, late Mary M‘Phcrfon, wi
dow, have Fefpeftivcly made depositions before rpc refpeft
ing the Iftfs of a certain deed of settlement, made by and
between the said Samuel Miller and Mary M*Pherfon be
fore her intermarriage with the said Samuel Miller, bear
ing date fome time in the year of our Lord 1761, by which
deed a certain tiuft of land, containing two hundred acres,
called Burtley’s, fituateJ in the parish of St. John, In the
province aforefaid, and the negro slaves named Peaty,
Norwich, Dembo, Venus, Sam,,Dick, Cyrus, Cumba,
plement, Hannah, Diana, and Simon, (with the future
ifiuc and increase of the said female Haves) the property of
the said Mary before her intermarriage, were conveyed to
Francis Lee, thert of Sunbnry, Efquirc, but fincc deceas
ed, in trust to the use of the said Maty, and the iflue of
her body forever; and which depositions remain in the
Prorhonotary’s Offic! open to the infpeftidn of all persons
whatsoever, and, unless good cause is,/hewn. on oath to
„ the .contrary, within four calendar months after the pub
lication of this notice in the Georgia Gazette, I (hall de
clare, by certificate under my hand, fubferibed under such
depositions, that the fame Ibinduncontrßverted.
Given, under my hand, at Savannah, in the province
aforefard, ‘the twenty-firft day of March, in the
year of our Lord 1781, aijd in the twenty-firft
year o£hi* Majesty’s reig'i.
V’. r O B £ $O L D,
1 .JL: On,Tuefday the; h, Joncmext? in Savannah,
P|"^W so N Qtfk ofLndigo, belong
in 2 ta of the fate George* M ‘ln
N. B. Six or seven Negroes, belonging to said
Estate, who are at prefemt absent, will also be .fold
on the abovetaentioned gjfr;- if they can be got in
time. D. DONCAN, L. V. M.
A FEW Casks Bottled PORT
bell. quality, of
seven dozen -each, for lale oq very
few terms by PETER DEAN.
N. B. Wanted Iqo Barrels Rice.
STRAYED into my gaffure, a fimll Bay
HORSE, has loft hi§ left e£e, both ears
“'cropped, no brand. The owner may have him
flgam 11 non ftnrl n-nnim inkiv
pi anu paying cilSf*
RAN away from the fubferiber in Charleftowd
Jaft March r A Negro Woman, named -
• flora.
She was bought fmm'the Rev. Mr. Zubly in Sa
vannah, Where (he is well known, and has been
seen at Mr. John Murray’s plantation on Savannah
river; (he is well clothed,^n>old wench, and
Wants tome of hePfore teeth. A reward of fix
dol ars will be paid to any one who will deliver her
to Mr.Robert Campbell Thpmfon in Savannah.
V sum FORMS t7h*i!,
at the Printing
./ft the Court of Chancery, Province cfCetirtiu,
Charles Younce and Wire, and
others, by their nedt Friend, . ,
Complainants, , A t his Excellency the
Chancellor’s Houif,
Sfiem Butler, Thomas Chifolm, on Saturday the-a*Stli
afnd Mary his Wiffc, Hte Mary - ‘ ot April, 1781 .
Defendants. -
ON motion ot the compluinaifits Counsel in the above
cause the following Writ, hd Affidavit thereof in
dorfed and made, were read : j
y , George the Third, by the grace of
(L. S.) >God, of Great Britain, France, and
Wn-iGHT. j Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith,
- , *1 0 Shem Butler,’ late of St. Phi
in the f?i I provihen, planter,; Thomas Chif
the town < >l in the said piovlnec,
and Marv his -v.ic, . -t se wid >w of
incrtWas Sfltncer, late ot Chrilt Church par ih, planter,
ui.cniedj tor ccrta ; n causes olfercd bcfuie our Governor
and Chancellor of our province of Georgia, in our Chaiic try i
ot our said province, We command and flri£lly enjoin you,
that, laying all other matters aside, and notwithfianding
any other excuse, you personally appear before our said
Chancellor, in our said Chancery, on the fourteenth day
of April next eiyfuing, wherefotfver it (hall then be, to
anfwcr concernmg thole things which (ha.l then and theie
h e ofcjefled to you, and to do further aftid receive what our
said Ccmrt ffiall have corilidcred in this behalf; and this
you may in ife omit, under the penalty of one hundred
pounds refpedively, and have there this writ. Witness
his Excellency ‘our trofty and well.beloved Sir Jame*
Wright, Baronet, our Captain General and Governor
in chief in and over our said province of Georgia, and
Chancellor, Vice Adinira!, and Ordinary of the famt, at
Savannah, the thirty-fitft day of March,’ in the twenty
firft year of our reign.-"*
To”anfwer*at the suit of Chaples
others, by their next friend.
1 B.Oi3ERI SON, Complainants Solicitor.
Pajfed tie Office, *
Geo. D’erbage, Rrg>. Chan’y.
Georgia, IT.
Donald Fraser, o-f Savannah, in the province of Geor
gia, Esq. Ading Provost Marffial of the said province
being duly fworo, declares, That the yvitlun named Shcm
Butler, Thomas Chifolrp, and ,M*iy His wife, (ormerlv
vince, Jhat ij to fay) the Paid Shcm Kutler fn the 1 ariffi of
, St. 1 liilip vyichin the lame, and Hie -(aid Thomas Chifolm
and Mary his wife in the “panto of thrift Church within
the fame, for a long fpacc of time, that is to fay, every of
the® for upwatds of one year. And the deponent further
fays* That he has enquired for and searched after the said
Shem Butler, Thomas CMfolm, and the said Mary his
wife, for upwards of ten days since he received the within
proeefs, but could not find them, or any one or more of
them, within this province, so as to serve, or caufe'them
to be served, with thy ffiii proeefs; and the deponent fur
ther fays, thafohe has been informed, and believes, all the
said persons so fought for withdrew themselves from this
province about the time of the arrival of hi* Maiefty’s
troops about the beginning oFfhp year one thousand seven
hundred and feventy-nfhe. D. Fraser, A. P. M.
Sworn the 2%tl day of April, “
1781, before me,
i Geo. D’er b age, M. C. C.
. Whereupon his Excellency the Chancellor, at the
instance of the fan! Complainants Ctfunlel, was pleased
to order, that the fame writ and affidavit, t gerher with
this rule, be forthwith published in the pubUck Gazette
of this province for the space of three calendar months fuc
ceffively, and that such publication /hall be equal to perso
nal service of the said writ of fubpoma; and that thereafter
the said suit /hall and lawfully may be prosecuted, carried
on r andproceeded in, with ut further delay, agreeable to
the diredions of an aft, lately parted i n the General As
sembly of this province, in.titled, “ An Aft for the Relief
of such Oi his Majefiy’b loyil Subjefts as hive any real
or persona! Property in the Province of Georgia, and
u Bi nds, Notes, Specialties, and o
ther Evidences, Vouchers and Writings, have been ei
ther loft, destroyed, or carried off, during the time
“ herein alter mentioned.” f’
BjVrder ,/ l ir E x 7 iheVmm s fZfS_rf~
CLP. D’FRBAGE, Chan’y.
Yy HEKEAS the P.ovoit-ivia.S ot the province
of Georgia, by virlue of a Writ of Aflat h
ment to him direflsd in the fever*l. cau/eg undermen
tioned, did attach the land# and tenement*, good*
and chattels, monie*, debt*, and book* of account,
of the several Defendants in the said caufe*, wh are
ahfent from and without the Jimii*. fi tU said pro
?!"ss the /evera! Plaintiff*: AND
WHEREAS the Taid Piaii.tiffi have refpeftively,
agreeable J 9 the. direftions of the Atiachment
filed a dectoaTtbn hi the General Cougt again ft the
several Defendant* in each of the following :
ingtu, Jenkms, and Gibbons, v. William h edit #;
Mary-Ballad, v. Noble Wimberly Jones ; ■ ‘ **
Henry fergufon r. Benjamin Matthews 1 -,
John -Poults v. Ednvard Telfair, Executor of John
Somerville ; J
John poulis v. William Candler ;
John Poulisy. Mordeeai & heft all ;
Willi by fueler r. John Whitaker 1
oßlainedTh each of the said caufe* a rule to
the following effeA, v z.
Ordered\ That the Defendant and Defendant* in
the said several aftiong do appear and plead within
a jrear and a day, oftwrwifa judgment will uaf* a
gainst him or them by default.
By thit Court,
April 25, 1781.
NOTICE i rheiefore hereby given, That judg
ment will be entered agreeable to the aforffaid rule
.or order agamft every of the said D fendant* who do
not appear and plead conformable thereto.
GIBBdNS, Attorney for the PlaiotifF*.
ffo be fold at the Printing Office,
BLUE and Bloflbm Blotting Paper,
and Qiiiils,
WIN. RE AS the ProvoH Marffial cf tlic
(Jcorgia, by virtue of a Writ of Attachment
him dircdeJ In thefemat causes undermcntionrtj *
*s Units and ttnemcuts, goods and chattels,'’monu’♦
debtij atui books of account, of the feveraldp/endaru ‘*
the laid caules, whp a/e absent from and without tfie'?
baits of the Gift province, at the suit of thefeveralpplan,l a an,j n ,
iffis: And whereas tHa -laid plaintiffs have refpeftivelv ‘*
greeabte to the diredi the Attachment'Aft fiiL**
declaration in the GenerstGourt against the several &£
fendants in each of tfie following causes, viz.
Jane Grove, .Executrix, and John Kean, Executor J‘
Grove, v*. John Haberftiam; - J*
Kean, furvivoi, vs. Charles Starkey MvddUton •*’ A
Same vs. faint’; ‘ 1
Israel Bird vs. Silvanus Robsfin ;
Kean, survivor, vs. David Wheeler;
and havc obtained in each of the said cuufcs a rule r* Urf
folio wing effeft, vfe. ‘ t 0
Oi dered, T hat the defen lant and defendants in the f.jij
several aft tons do appear and plead within a year and a dav
dtherwife judgment will pass against them by default. *
By the Court,
f , J o ** Simpson, P. A- C. C*
2jth January, 1781.
Notice is therefore hereby given, That judgment will
fcc entered, agreeable to the alorelaid rule or order, again*,
eicry of the said defendants who do not appear and
conformable thereto. r “
Thomas Gibbons, Plaintiffs Attorney
r in the said several causes. ,
WHIREAS the Protroft Marital of the pro,
v v vince of Gtorgi?, by virtue of a Writ of
.Attachment to him dirc<Sleii in the causes under*
mentioned, did attach the lands and tenements
goods and chattels, monies, debts, and books of
account, of the defendants in the said causes, who
are absent from and without the limits of the said
province, at the suit of the several plaintiffs: Ani
whereas the said plaintiff* have refpedively, agree,
abffc to the direflioiis of the Attachment A'tff
a declaration in the General Court agairift the feve?
/ral defendants in; each of the fpilowing-exures,- vizi ■
Ijuac Peny verlus Frederick Francis ‘,
* - Moore and Pant on. versus William Candler ;
and have obtained in each of the said cause, a rule
to the following effeft, viz.
Ordered, 1 hat the defendants do appear and
plead within ayear and a day, other wife judgment.
By the Couft,
!ohn Simpsow, P. Si C. C.
j.ith January, 1 781. *
N cice u tiie.tfore hereby given, That judgment
will betnte ed. ag etable to the aforefaid rule or
order, ag inst the f.iid defendants who do not ap.
and conformable thereto.
PARLLY, Plain tiffs Attorney in the
said causes.
— : •'. • ~~• - “j
TfTHEREAS the Provojl Marjhal of ‘he fro.
* * vine of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ ts
Attachment to him dirked, in the several
causes undermentioned , did attach the lan is and
tenements , good, and /chattels, monies, debts and
looks cf account\ of the federal defendants in ike
said causes, y&fho are ab/ent from and ‘without the
limits of the said province , at the suit oft be several
plaip ijfs : And ‘whereas the said plaintiffs have
rtfpeßivtly agreeable to the direSlions of the Au
tachment Aa , filed a declaration in the General
Court agairjl the ftvtral ufendmnts inea(h of the
oir Jame< Wright, Bart. NoVe VFiatT
Jonej; fj
Graham, Esq. Noble Winfbcrly Jones,
George Wilton, Lymeu><Jl, Beirjatnii
Andrew, fohn Elliot, fdfiafcßacoa, Par
menas Way, Gideon &o\vfe, - end James
Cochran ;
Same y. Eiifha Maxwell, Martin Dafirttf,
Christian Dafhvr, Jdhu- Cooper, and Re.
- —jrun. -t -—afc:
Same v Williain < dH ! M2#*nd'di*ffj
Benjamin EKffia Mai^’l; 1
Storr and Ricd v.' : P4titt i Vsffjß J : h
Cowper and Tflfal, ■vCEdwiii Telfair aad
James Ross, who, fcc.
Houftoun and. Graham -j. jofeph Rtynold*,-
and have obtained in each of the /aidcaufe, a rule
to the following ffa, viz,
Ibe /aid several aatens do appear and plead within
ayear and a day, other wife judgment will pals a
gainjt him or them hy dejault.
s By the Cour>, 1
John Simpson. P. Hf C C
10th November; i|g o . ‘ ‘
Kctic, is /Ware Ti„ j^ gmlll
-w,U 6t uttXtti, agrsuil, stubs afmfaid ? u l, „
srt/sr, agatttj! evtry of tbs/aiJ dtfmJant, w b, i>
not appear and plead conformable tberlTd. ‘ ““ ‘
Rot er t*o n , Plmnsiffs Athmj
tn the Jaid several causes.
- %-Zfi ..