Newspaper Page Text
INTENDING to follow the BUSINESS of
a SURVEYOR, having fome years ago aded
in that capacity in South Carolina, flatters himfelf
lie will be able to give fatisfiidion to such gentle*
nien)as may be pleased to favour him with their
ttnploy. “ Savannah, Nov. 8, 1781.
lias imported from London, in the Ship Georgia
Racket, Capt. Haift,
An Assortment of MEDICINES,
and sundry other Articles,
Which he will fell on reasonable terms for CASH.
Among Jl which are the following:
Distilled vinegar,
Cinnamon water,
Hungary ditto,
Lavender ditto,
Rose ditto,
Balf. eapivi,
Englilh faffron,
Spanish flies,
Shavings of harf/horn,
Peruvian bark,
Crem. tartar,
ElLx. vitriol.
- Stoughton > s bitters, -
Godfrey’s cordial,
Eau de luce,
James’s powders,,
B{fence peppermint,
Turlington’s balsam,
Britiih oil,
Squire’s elixir,
Bateman’s drops, .
fan's. p'44*..
/Kooptr'r v -"'*77’
Gum. Arabic.. .
affaficetid. • ‘ ‘*
■aloes fucci
myrrh*. •*
guaiac. ,
White lead,
Red ditto,
Km vorrii—;
Oil of mace,
of sweet almonds,
of mint,
of lavender,
of amber,
of cloves,• - .
of olives,
of linseed,
of turpentine,
PII. coch.
Jf Illa P .... f
Liquorice root, and juice of
Spirit of lavender,
of wine rectified,
fal artrfoniaa.
Sweet spirit of nitre,
Spirit, vol. fetid.
Epsom fa’ts,
Glauber ditto, _
Seignette’s or Rochel ditto,
Volatile fait of hartfhorn,
his business in Savannah, near
the Magizme. Those who may be pleased
to employ him may depend on having their work
done in the neatest manner* He lias feathers of
Ml forts, cockades* and roses, to dispose of.
===ffNov. 8, 1781.
Twenty Guineas Reward.
RAN AWAY, or was carried off from Savan
nah in Georgia, fame time in Auguf|„laft,
and supposed to be taken to Jamaica or New Pro
vidence, % -
A Negro Boy, named SCRUB,
abofit 4 feet 6 or 7 inches high, of a yeliowifh
•complexion, round and pretty full visaged, (peaks
good Engliih, has a mild countenance, and his
country marks (consisting of 2 or 3 feratches) down
his cheeks, and is rather inclined to be fat. Any
person delivering said negro to Alexander Wright,
fcfq. in Charleftovvn, or to the fubferiber in Sa
vannah, or giving information so that the boy may
be recovered, (hall receive a reward of five guineas,
and upon coi)vi<£lion of the, offender or offenders
who harbour or carried him off twenty guineas./
’ Savannah, in Georgia, 2d Nov- !/#*• ■%-
Vol. fal armoniac.
Sperma ceti,
Tart, emetic.
Soluble taitar,
Vitriolated ditto,
Ung. bafilicon,
e lap. calamin.
e gum. elemi,
White vitriol, ,
Reman ditto,
White wax,
Bolus knives,
Flint bottles with ground
’ TtoppeVS,
Instruments for drawing
White and red leather,
Marble mortars,
Bell metal ditto,
Gallipots in nefes,
Stone pots, ~
Pile boxes,
Flaiffer knives,
Iron spatulas, i
Boxes of icjles and wrights,
mpney dittp, _
Pewter and ivory Xyiingcs,
Lawn ffeves,
Sets of br3fs weights, A .
Copper fcal?s,
Steel trufies,
Phials gteen and white,
Copperas, ■
Brim ft one, ”7 ‘'7”
Flowers of ditto,
Pearl barley,
Jordan almonds,
Raisins and currant, .
Cinnamon and cloves,
Mace and nutmegs,
Olives, capers, and walnuts,
Ginger and pepper,
Loaf sugar,
Brown fugy candy,
White ditto,
Barley ditto,
East India sago;
Hyfon, fouchong, and bo
lira tea;
Vinegar in jugs,
Porter in casks,
Port wine in hampers of 3
Gold leaf,
Perfumed hair powder,
Florence oil,
Scotch and rappee fnqff,
Pigtail tobacco, fire.
IMPORTED, in the ShipOtprga ?acktt > fro:n
London, arid to be fold bv 1 ‘
On very reasonable term'* for Cafli, Bills of Ex- !.
change, or Country Produce,
fu'tnbV for the season, among which are : > |
White, blue, and green plains 5 red and blue baize,
(Infills, ftrouis; 8-4ths, 9-ioths, and io-4ths rose blan
kets ; striped Italics, ermine, fwanfkin, embofled serges;
white, blue, and scarlet flannel ; blue, grev, and brown
Baih coating; fuperfine and second cloths, blue fearnought
and pea jackets, beaVer furiout r . and rug, greatcoats* mefts
and womens yvorfted gloves and mits, Kilmarnock and
worsted caps; mens, womens, and boys vvorfted hofif;
silk, cotton, and thread ditto; brown, black, blue, gteen,
and pink durant and calamanco; black, white, blue,
brown, aid fcarlct Ihalloon; fcrgedenifme, black ruffel,
princes ftufF and flarentine, oznabrigs; 4*4ths; y-Sths,
and 3~4ths Irish linen ; g-Bths sheeting ; ravenfduck, gar-
Jtx, dowlas, Russia diaper; cambrkk* pistol and long
lawns, 7 Bths and yard wiJc cotton and linen check,
tablecloths from 6-4ths to i2-4th;, soldiers and officers
fliiits, chints, calicoes, printed linens; muslin, lawn,’
and linen handkerchiefs; figured 3114, plain silk mrrtal,
bandanoe and Barcelona ditto, ribbons, linen diaper
tape, needles and pins, Barcelona cravics, ready, made
coats of different colours, regimental waistcoats and
breeches, nankeen and Russia drab overalls and waiftcoaft;
mens, womens, boys, and childrens leather flioes; mili
tary ditto, gentlemens boots, fafhionablc hiteftring a :d
brocade, ladies stays, muffins, womens white kid and co
loured gloves and mits, mms buck/kin and Woodstock
gloves ; china, glass, and queen’s ware ; stationary, tin
and pewter ware : a complete assortment of ironmongery,
consisting of 6J. BJ. iod. ueJ. 4d. 3od. and fpjke nails ;
broad hoes, grubbing ditto, locket fp3tles, failing and broad
axes, hinges of-vavi <us forts, carpenters and coopers tools,,
flioemakers tools, iron froes and wedges; fire dogs, fhov
cls, and tongs; kitchen and chamber bellows, locks of
all forts, augels, ckifels and gouges, corn and co flee mills;
iron pots and’ skillets, teakettles: cotton and wool cards,
currycombs and ‘brufnes, hemp flffyng lines, white rope,
fryingpans, frits. gcijiirojji, brass corks. . fifhina hooks.
■ ..)[U 3
* (u m tUftTprmg anj ptatc.f fpnrstji.tlcry.
fine and coarse rice freves, mens and boys beaver and felt
hats, hogficiiu and common laddie.;, bridles, furcinglcs,
girths, faddlcctothg, portmanteaus; hyfon, green, and
bohea tea; loaf sugar, raisins, currants, almonds, pruics,
nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon, mace, black pepper, mustard,
fill id oil, lplit p ’afe, soap, tallow mould and dipt candles,
wax candles, Faffccfk bottled portci iu chests of seven
dozen, icc- +■ •
For Sale, ot the Subfcribcrs Store,
A BODT Fifteen Thoufond Yanis of Negro Cloth of
-{JauHtles, •
A few Bales of Rose and Striped Duffil Blanket*,
Two Calks I'evlter Flues,
Two Cases well alfoited Hardware; , .■
An elegant AlTortmeUt of Uriatiec, Calicoes, Printed
Cottons, and FT*Rdkerchiefs,
The above arc a.confignment, and. will be fold
whole fal;, or* by the piece or package,’ on the lowcft
On Tucfday next, at X o’clock in the forenoon, at the
fitbferiber’s h 0 u fe : l~l~ —-
Will be fold at Pubhck Auction,
Best HolUndfe Gin,
Vinegar. ’ .
, A L S O,
‘A Quantity of Dry Goods, &c. &c.
yth Nov. 17S1. D. ZUBLY ju*.
An OVERSEER wanted.
WAN TED immediately, to take the charge of
a plantation about 1 2 miles from Savannah,
anOverfeer who understands the Planting Bofinefi
in general, and that of Indigo in particular. Good
encouragement will be given to any person bring
ing a charafter of their being property qualified,
and of their diligence, hontity, and ibbuety.—
Inqui e of the printer,
STRAYED or stolen from the Common of Savannah,, _
about a week ago, A BAV HORSE* about j3 hands
high.TKrandcd on the near buttoek GR. Whoever, will
return (aid horse to the fubferiber, or to Mr. Simon Fraser, y
Conductor of Artillery Stores, shall receive ofie guinea
reward. TTT~TT - , ~i.T • „ .
Atfo ftoleit Out of the fubferiber’* houTe, Tueflay nigh t
the 6th infeant, A BLUE SURTOUT COAT, with
plilhPyellow gilt*buttons, lined with red Ihalloon,! ftamed
a little at the bottom of the skirts, a red cape, double
breasted, with the upper part of them lined with red cloth.
Whoever wjH return the coat and thief shall receive one
guinea fevvard, or the like reward without the thief.-- —-
Wm. CHARLETON, Lieutenant Royal Artillery.
V N. K. If such a coat Ihould be offered for sale, to any
person in the town or country, they-ovc lequeftcd to stop
it, and the person that has it, until the owner can be In
Nov. 7, 1781.
John & Alexander Mac Iver
HAVE imported, ih the ftiip Britannia, Capt.
Ball, just arrived from London.
A Aflortment of GOODS,
Which they will dispose of, at the store lately oc-
Cu;*'?d by Mr. John the ynckaoe,
piece, 01 otiicivvile, on very reasonable terms, for
cash, pioducc, ot Government bills of exchange.
Non\- 1, 1 *
ALL persons indebted to the Mate of I
Old is, dece.iftd, are desired to make I
ment, and thole wno have demands againlt the b ■
are icquiied tc ilrjd in then* 'accounts, I
idled, 10 MARY 0!J)IS, Adm'^J
MarjhaVs Sales. I
On Monday the 19th November next, will be sou I
to the highell bidder, for enfh, at the Maitat-’ I
Office in Bull Street, the sale to begin prccifel* I
at 1 o o’clock, \ y 1
A HOUSE and Lot in the town of Savannah
adjoining a lot now occupied by Mrs. R u g c )’ I
and immediately opposite the lot formerly occupJ I
by Jofcph Haber sham, containing 60 feet in front
and 90 in depth, more or less, the property 0 f
Francis Henry Harris, and fold under attachment b*
Savannah/ 1 7th Uel. ;^Bi.
9 Oil—— ■■ 11l Win ■■ •mimmm j
Os Tuesday the 20th day of November next, wi|j
be fold, at the Marllial’s Office, to the highefl
bidder, for cath, the sale to begin preoldy a;
11 o'clock,
A TRACT or Parcel of Land, containing I
between 500 and 800 acres, be the fame mote I
or left, fituatje in the parish of Cin ill Cfturcb, oa
the Jfle of Hope, bounded -northm iy by land ot
Mrs. Anne Parker, widqw; e.dhny bv Skid away \
river, southerly and weflerly by a maif). Also t
Trail or Parcel of Land, containing 400 acres, h
the fame more or left, lying within three miles of 1
Savannah, in the patiffi aforefaiu, and late thejwo. !
perty of John Milledge. Ard alio a.-other Traitor
Parcel of Land, containing 25 > :icre>, be theiamf
Jones and the Mate of Francis Henry Harris,%dc.
ceased, in the parish of Ofirilt Chu cn afonfaid.
Together with all the dvveiiinghoufes, building?,
right*, members, and appurtenances, thereto be.*
longing. The whole the property of Noble Jones,
deceased, and fold under execution by
LEW IS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar.
Savannah, Oil. 18, 1781.
“On Saturday the 24th of November next, will be
fold, at the Marshal's Office in Bull Street, t*..
the hightft bidder, for caih, the sale to begin
precisely at 1 1 o’clock,
A TRACT of Land, containing 650 acres, G.
tuate on a large island in the river Savannah,
nearly opposite to Pur\(burgh, bounded on the .
north by Savannah river, on the louth by Cale’l !
Check, and on the north-welt by lands of Zubly,
tne property of John Stirk and the late Quinta
Also the Lot N 0 . t in Savannah, fronting to
the south on Broughton Street, to the ealt on Bara
nard Street, and to the welt on the lot N O . —,
lately in the occupation of Mrs. Shand, containing
60 feet in front and 90 feet in depth, being direity
fronting the lot occupied by Mrs. M‘Far line. And
the Lot N O . 10 in Savannah, frontingxo the south
on Broughton Street, to the weft on Whitaker
Street, and to the east on the lot N 0 .9, contain
ing 60 feet front and 90 feet in depth, fronting to
the well the lot occupied by Mrs. Tondce. Be
longing to the Ellate of Quiotin Pooler, dcceafed.
The whole seized under execution by
Savannah, Oil. 25, 1781.
On Saturday thq firft day of December next, will
be fold, at the Marlhal’s Office in Bull Street,
to the highest bidder, for cafli, in gold and fi
ver at the current exchange, the sale to begin at
ten o’clock precisely,
Kelfall and Spalding J A TRACT or Parcel
v. S. i \ of Land, in the pa-
Silvanus Robeson. J rifh of St. John, containing
150 acres, joining lands of
William Jones; also another Trad or Parcel of
Land, in the parish aforefaid, containing by efti
malion 100 acres, joining lands of— Ducker;
and also another Trad or Pareel of Laud, contain
ing by cftinillifffi ioo acres, be the fame more ot
less, on a branch of the Ahoopce riv<s, in the pa
rifli aforefaid. ‘ ~ J ’
Andrew Hewat J A Trad or Parcel *f
v. % Land, i t the parish of
Adam Fowler Briftunip. j Chrilt Church, contain
ing bl* eflimation 8o
acre.-, be the fame more or less ‘joining lands of
the late John M‘Lean. , • \ ,
Kyi fal I and S paid mg 1 A certain Plantation or
vi -i Parcel of Land, in the pariw
Henry Laurens. Jof St. Andrew, being aA
l . ifland v commonly cahca
Prougbton I (land, lyinfrin lirmti'in
and containing by eflimation 800 acres, bv
fame mope or kfe, bounded on by the Up
irver. “ “J