Newspaper Page Text
Having feveral of Lieutenant Governor
Biuere’s Speeches to the General Aflembly of
Bermuda, we .deem it but an aft of justice to
insert the following Reply.
To bis Honour the Lieutenant Governor.
The ADD R £ S Sos the General Aflembly of
May it please your Honour ,
WE, his Majesty’s moil dutiful and loyal fub
jefts, the General Aflembly of Bermuda,
previous to our entering on a reply to the several
speeches made by your Honour to the Council and
Assembly of these Islands, which remain unanfwer
cd, beg leave to observe, that, not only from the
expreflion, but the general tenor of our former
addrefles, we have clearly indicated an entire dis
inclination to enter into disagreeable difeuflions
with your Honour. Indeed, for the fake of peace,
we have given way to that high hand your Honour
has afFefted to hold over all publick proceedings,
rather improperly. This we were induced to from
a perfuifion that the arrival of his Excellency Go
vernor Browne would soon fix a period to that
(your Honour will be pleased to e#cufe the expres
sion) motley and unconilitutional government
which'weare unhappily reduced to the necefiity of
faying has been too generally administered from
the fir it moment of your Honour’s accefiion to
Command within these islands, for which no plea
can be urged in jultificatidn, as the peace of his
Majesty, m the moft extensive fe&fe of the- wori,
uninterruptedly prevailed among the people, and
that species of dandeftine trade, which had'origi
nated in necefiity,- was, from a variety of cnules,
in the moil positive decline. In anxious expefta
tion of a change, we ftiould yet have forborne a
publick ftrifture on thole proceedings, but for the
■ continued goadings of your Honour. Reproach
been added-to iepraaehl.snA.%fttk •ha.vmg...
• {ucceeJtfl W lnfult. W ‘be
criminal,—it wOukPbe admitting the heavy and
unmerited charges your Honour has been p!c,lTcd
to bring against us, and the- people we hive the
honour to reprefeptf- ,
From the unhappiness of the times, that impru
dencies or irregularities have been committed by
individuals within this government we presume not
to deny; but that those inaprudencies or irregula
rities have been at any time founded in a traiterous
attempt or design in the<s>eople at large, or those
xe&lffs few (if we may be permitted to use a fa
vourite expreflion of your Honour’s) who are so
emphatically alluded to in your addrefles to the
publick, we moft solemnly declare that we do not
believe, but, on the contrary, that we have every
reason to aflfert the positive and unaflefted attach
ment of the people of these islands to their Sove
reign, the Conflitution, and the Laws. Why
then, may it please your Honour, ftiould wo hesi
tate to defy the moll inveterate malice to prove
the attempted charge in the moft diilant degree ?
It has been the uvremiued endeavour of this
House to promote every poflible measure for the
security of this his Majefiy’s government, and a
particular disposition has.been fliewn to the ft; vice
of his Majesty, by embarking the publick ot these
islands in an expence heretofore unknown for the
accommodation of the troops his Majesty has been
pleased to place among u*. We wilh to continue
to aft to the utmost of our abilities on these prin
ciples ; but your Honour will permit us to observe,
that, when the conflitution is departed from, and
the laws set aside, or perverted to improper pur
poses, the wheels of government are unavoidably
clogged, and every thing moves heavily on the
, part of the people. This duly corfidered, w.ll,
in fome measure, account for the delays of com
mittees, -and all those difficulties and obllrufttons
so loudly complained of by your Honour.
Your Honour has been.pleafed to labour much
in the attempt to alarm the minds of the people in
refpeft to the tfee gentleman who has
the honour to hold the appointment of Agent to
the publick of these islands: Expreflion has been
tortured to favour the ungenerous design ; and the
disagreeable task is now.impofed on us of observing,
in iuflification of that gentiftoan, our conftituent.i,
attd ourielves, that your Honour has been led,
from warmth or design, to depart from that ftrift
attention to truth which is neceflary to give a con
sequence to publick accusation. Your Honour must
have known, from other information as well as the
publick records, that the above gentleman was so
licited to take on him the difficult task of represent
ing to our moft gracious Sovereign the fi coat ion of
these islands, and the diftrefles of the inhabitants,
in the charafter of a Publick Agent, r As fqch he
has been received and recognized by his.Majefty’s
Ministers, and we are fully persuaded so mentioned
in publick dispatches now in the poflkilion of your
Honour. His appointment continues to be gene*
rally approved by his countrymen, and his salary,
which appear to give such patn to your Honour,
, has been unanimously voted by the Reprefentativet
of the people. As to the several schemes, plots,
and combinations, your Honour has been pleased
to hold oat ascollcfted from lett<r3 of this geitue
man and others, they will, after every exertion of
your Honour in support of the pompous defeript’on
given to the pablick, unavoidably end as the itory
of the Mountain and the Mouse.
This lad consideration fubjefts us to the necefiity
of animadverting on the measure your Honour has
thought proper to acknowledge to have adopted
for eflefting To important a difeovery. , It is the
very pleasing aft of prying into the private corre
spondence of individuals, by intercepting (as your
Honour is pleased to term it) London letters on
their return from Bnfton. Whether in that tranf
aftion, and the subsequent fubmiflion of those let
ters to the indecent (not to fay impertinent’ com
ments of fome of your attendants, your Honour
has not facrificed the dignity of Government, and
done violence to thofedelicate feelings which ftiould
ever influence the conduft of a gentleman, we
submit to the impartial world—by Merchants, and
the Representatives of a commercial people, it will
be ever deemed an injury y your Honour will
therefore pardon the freedom of expreflion We are
conflrained to adopt.
H aving dispatched, or put in all the forward
refs our filiation would admit of, Fuch of the
publick business as was immediately before us, we
fh.Mll forbear a further reply to the various matters
contained in the several speeches of your Honour,
as the whole will in due time come under the full
consideration of our moft gracious Sovereign, ever
attentive to the grievances of hi? fubjefts, and (half
close the prefer)t address with anxious and unfeigned
wifiies (in which wc are moft heartily joined*by
the people at large) for the arrival of Governor
Browne, from whole general charafter we are led
to expc'ft more temperate proceedings, and a fa
tufaftion in the conduft of publick business, which
has been totally unexperienced under the admini-
Forty Guineas Reward.
RAN A WAV frprn the fubferiber’s. plantation
near Thunderbolt-,
Two Negro Men,
Pu r chafod at the sale of the F.ibte of the late Mr.
John Greene, deceased, both country born, black
complexions, and speak good Er.glilh ; one named
Roger, near 50 years old, a little knock knee’d,
Aim made, round
high, has a wide mouth, speaks fall, fliewing his
teeth, which are remarkably long ; the other named
Coxdelio, about 20 years old y very likely, flmi
made, a little bow legged, about 5 feet 5 inches
high, speaks flow, ol a pleasing countenance, and
whole mother lives in Savannah at M*s Farquhar’s.
Any per foil who delivers them, without being
maimed, or other-wife rendered incapable of labour,
at this place; to the fufifer her, within fix weeks of
this date, (hall be paid ten guineas for Roger, and
fur Cordelic, if delivered in the fame manner,
twenty guineas; or if any person win give*-
mation of their being harboured, employed, or
sent eff the province, to conviftion of the offender,
if he or Ihe be a free white person, lhalj be pajd
the sum of five guineas for each; therefore all
matters of vefiels, and othe;s whom it may concern,
are hereby requested to forbear giving the trouble
and exj*ence of a rigorous prosecution.
Bonaventure, Oftober 25, 1784.
— - - ■ _ ‘ -„■ ~
On Tuesday the 20th Novembcf Bextrwtllbefold
at publick vendue, in Savannah, purfuanc to the
will of the Hon. James Read, Esq. deceased,
The LOT on the Bay,-
belonging to the Eftatc of the fail deceased, at
present occtijjied by Georg? Bailiie, Esq. the
buildings whereon are exceedingly commodiqps,
and at a fmali expence may be made as convenient
as any in town.
Also, Two Wharf Lots,
one oppoftte the abovementioned lot, on whidfl-ts
a good wharf; the other a little lower down.
The declared
on the day of sale.
REBECCA READ, Executrix.
GEO. HOUSTOUN, Executor.
Savannah, Oft. 15;, 1781. ;A „
THE fubferiber intending to leave the province
by the 25th of January next begs the fav
our of thole indebted to lym to fettle their accounts,
and those who have any demands against him are
desired to call for payment.
Savannah, 31st Oft. 1781.
%• Matter Rolls, Attestations, Bills of Ex
change, and other Blank Forms,‘to be fold at the
Printing Office.
A LL aftive young men, fit for Light Horse
~ men, and willing to.ferve his Majesty
GEORGE; for the space of two years, or durin!
the prelent rebellion, have now a fair and honour
able opportunity of revenging thcmfclves on the
authors of the many cruelties ard horrid mu-eers
committed on their relations, filends, and ld| ovv
fubjefts; of teilifying their loyalty to the best c f
Kings, and manirelting their abhorrence and aver,
fion to this unnatural and unprovoked rcbdlio, *
by applying to Lieut. Col. George Campbet] 1
commanding the King’s own American Regiment’ *
now quartered in this town, who has power t<j
raise a body of light horfc, to be attached to and
serve constantly with the said regiment. Each loyal
and smart young recruit (hall receive five gaineas
bounty, and a crown to drink his Majesty’s health
be provided with free quarters, a good horse, p ay ’
cloathing, arms, accoutrements, and every’othel
requisite, fit for a light dragoon, such cs a cap and
helmet, a brace of good piiiols before him, a keen
edged fevord by his fide, and good boots ai d fp Ur .
Thus equipped as a Gentleman Diagoon, he niuft
carry sure and certain viftory, acquire honour to
lumfelf, and render service to his Sovereign and
injured Country.
Savannah, sth June, 1781.
N. B. Any person who brings a recruit shall re-’
ceive 4re ward of .half a gnicea. Such fcrvieeahle
aftive, able, and young dragoon horses, as are to
be io!d, will be purchased, and a generous
given, by applying at the Colonel’s quarters, the
yellow house near the weft gate.
Lt. Col. ah.d Cun;nanding.’
rjtlß'd: ilk;hf, “febcb-T y*’* r ***&m
.'•or—”- T"j ; ~ i j HI Hi’ ‘IjW ‘i i”
John Mitchell and Cos.
At. their flare on the Bay, next door to. David
Zubly., Esq.
A Neat Afibrtment of European
COnfifiir.g of fuperfiue fcarlct and falhionable
coloured cloth, second blue and brown d*tto,
Bath* coating, white phi 1-, rose ozna
brigs, raven Id uck, Rulfia IRretmg, huckaback,
bed tick, Irish linens and Ihceting, checks striped
holland, gorlix, dowlas; oz-iabug, colouied, and
tiuns thread; mens thread and fi!k hose, Rerfian
petticoats, falhionable buttons, ftwing silk, twill,
calicoes, chintzes, hiuflins, cambrick, hollsfifd and
diaper tape, needles and pins, cotton counterpanes,
mens and womens gloves, mens fine and coarfc
ftioes, womens calamanco ditto, printed handker
chiefs, romal and check handkerchiefs, black silk
ditto; mens, youths, ard boys fine and coarse
hats; fiddles and bridles, loaf fugnr, black pepper,
ft tionary, queen’s ware, table knives and forks,
hoes, axes, adzes, locks, hinges, Wc. &c.
■ - - - ——.— -—.a—a.
JUST imported, and to be foie] at a low advance
for calh, By the fubferibers,
White and Coloured.PJ^AlNS.
RAN away from Mr. BreVvton’s plantation
near Savannah, belonging to Richaui Os
wald, Esq.
The following Negroes.
Pin pip, a young middle fized'fellow, very stout
mede, speaks bad unglifh.
Tito, also a middle sized fellow, appears very
stupid, and is ruptured.
George, a ftender made felilow, almost grey
headed, very sensible, speaks good Englifo. and is
. iriiuili pggd with the smallpox.
-—So st os, a favvyer, pretty of a ffendef
make, is very fenlible, and formerly belonged to
a Mr,. M‘Pherfon in Carolina.
Whoever appreiiends any of the said negroes,
and delivers them to me upon the plantation, or
John Graunm, Esq. in Savannah, will receive a
reward of five dollars for each.
JAMES NIX, Overseer.
RAN away last Thursday, A NEGRO FEL*
LOW, named Dick, about 45 years old,
speaks bad Englifli; his wife Charlotte, a stout
young wench ; and her child Mary, about a yeit
old; they formerly-belonged to Arthur Carney;
they carried with them a large bundle of cloaths
and a green rug; it is thought they are gone to
ward Newport. A reward of half a guinea for
each will be paid upon information being give**
where they can he found; or two guineas on th c ' r
being delivered to Patrick Carr jn Savannah, ne*
hi| Excellency the Governor’s, or’ at EbeneZer to
Oft. 25, 1781,