Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, inuarv
t n I
From the I-ONDON'iG.VZIVI'T; :.
; tV"’ ‘
St. James’s, September 12, 17M.
£.v tin;! of a I‘ttcr from Gn. RUictt,
Governor of Gibraltar, to the Earl cf
-ihtllti&r'iU"!*, /fifed Gil,altar, Attgufi
b‘, rjtt.
rX)SO?;X<3ESTFRDAY morning T
received your dilpatch
0 Y -id M 2c:h of July,
with ti e inclofure, by
kaefeKHU i !,?,I ;*°v %
plena, Capt. Roberts,
who arrived bv dint of
and biavt ry, v, Ah -Vc afTnLrice of cur
two gutr bouis\tht Vanguard and Re
-Judn y towed into c! e Hay, andprftvd
by Capt. Cuftis bin.felf. He prrlv 1 :-
ally condu&ed their at.rack in his Uir- e ‘
with dilbiTguithed luceels,’ .norwith
fKiffding a conltant and heavy lire cf
round and grape from the er.emvA gun
boats for 1 early two iv.rurs. The par
ticulars of Capt. Roberto’s gallant be
haviour, and his Hvip, will, nod i’br,
be t rani mitred by Capt Curtis*, but as
he (Capt. Curtis) is not a man to lpeak
to any action lo highly redoti rriing to
his own honour, on nvy part it is
an indilpen(abfeclmy to inform your
Lordlhip, Uiafhjs zt al fur die
id tiuiPftJ jC“Y'aTri 1 icl lin forward
ing every operation that can any way
contribute tu our com tort or defence.
Admiralty Office, Sept. 18, 17S1.
ExtraX cf a teller fr9in Cap!. ‘Csflti ta
Mr. ISlefEensy ‘dated fruiitnt,- Gilrnh
tar, Mtyiil 7, 1781.
I lx! A you wi'l he pleased- to ac
quaint my Lords Conymidioners that
lus M.ijefiy’s flaoo l IclcMyarriyed here
this-n.orningr- ~~ - . ■ ,
H *r appTnacK was difcovci/ed by the
eaemS uv.; us at the lane tune,
•live (ft. i ‘c!;. Sire was in Cre Cv.f,
the feuthward of Ccwarita Point, and
iufifiiy> third of the way o\ er from it
towards Eufopa. perfectly
c- irt!, and the Helena was rowing for
,the rock; I immediately took the
Kcpulih'and Vanguard gun boats,with
hi the !>yats of the !lr;y and went lor
‘her as expedinoufly as poiliblc. i.y
j: urt boats of the enemy, carrying each,
one 26 pounder in the bow, moved
. lib horn Algazir'a?, accompanied by
jevcrnl larmchts. Time .boats pot on
tinier* nan l could proceed with the
jkepui.o and 1 Vang-i: ’.rd, nr, J before
r ight ; tfc'tA k~ thnfe or them moil ad
vanced Commenced their fire upon the
.Helena,'.being then within half pu 1
tbof. fine returned *T with prea: ddi
>eration and* fiufUb it dill eo;.cumin ;
m *.&?■ her —The orcai f ]>Tr t or
‘de Ltm jb-at : ’ were f< on t iofe to her,
v••.. 7. “ . 1
and due 11 or os pi gra; e and outer foot
‘tliat ltetned ahi oil to byny her were
: e.dly aIT milling. J Uwever Cic did
■ Wt ms&i c: J & iT- -
J\3 •vm to Hit < z . - . k .
I d-’ J ‘'-.v v V'V •*. • jT;-’ ;’
p■** V^f• £ iE'yQ ,4 LVi
hbt, without fpme aid, b ir long tins
\mv a<cj u and com oat. The Krpuile
r. p:l v%m t :ard bc-F'an a well directe*!
Ere upon the enemy, brine, lb placed
as was deemed ihft molt Hhcaciotts to
cover the,'Helen.?, and annoy them.
The commencement ol tire fsa b eczr
got to the Hehnd, flse loon
reached us, the enemy ft ill perfevtering
iii their attempt upon her, fome of
at'her broadficie, and oth
ers keeping astern raking*h>r. How*
ever the fleadinefs and bravery exhi
bited on board the Helhi.i, nnd the
wu!l applied grape from the Repidle
aqd. Vanguard, very IhoT *!v;de fever al
or them retire; *and jJi'y all- fl*.j by
trn oAloctt, allowing n<: to row tie
Helen 1 into the Mots without farther
mol-iliiun. A xehecki tuountiiTy
tbt.’. -en and guns, wluj., vmj
lying near toCabarita Point, got un
der wiy when the breeze caiue, ai.d
advaiUmd 10 join tin? pun bout’s tnr,
upon feeing them retitc, flic'retired
The maP.% fails, ‘rigging, and “fur
nllu'te, or the Helena, are c 1 to
pieces, an ! hull a pout! deal da
maged ; but dt is wonderful, as it is
Tortuluie, the Hoatfwain was tht only tV Tier; ; C -
I lie I);averv, the coolness, nnd i!,e
yudictnus con.iucl, of Capt. Robcas,
do him inh iite honour; his oHicrrs
a;ul T men dclerve the highell com men
-1 \ ; / - ‘ fc ‘
it Yc Jon.
A: ‘ire -U.: BE, Ofl. i y ly’Sr.
Cf AHI h ! )un 11 of hi I?* 11 j g| y’ s
Tdgafe yivS* ■?, arrived at thrs ofiirn
late oh Saturday rugfit, vith dispatches
fiom.lTar Ad.niral Gr.ves, Convmn
c-1 m CiiidL-of-'hA Al jelly’s flitpr nr
North Amexica, .to M. £t<q>h< of
v.ifuh the full j wing tre ixrract, and
iMidcn, r.t Sandy look, Atg.y 1, 17 g r .
Id IE 2SHi Sir amuel Hood arriv
ed oft’ thed look -vith 14 fail of the
line, four frigate, one Hoop, and a
fire-dhip, from th Weft-Indies. The
lame evening inthgence was brought
that Monl*. du )rras had Idled the ?
Saturday beforedth bi s whole lijui
dron. As SlrSamuel Hood had
brought intelli’nce from the \CAII-
Indies that all he French ifeec from
the Cape \jver failed, I immediately
determined t.-preceed to the inuth
ward, in ho t to intercept the one,
or both, if [Fible.
Imnd< at Sea, Sift. 14, 17S1.
I Bl'.G u , be -
- ypmmifiioners of the
Adibiraltyhyitvthe, mrJment the wind
Terved to r fyHhc ships over the bar,
which for the ptirpofe, the ’
fquadrondne. out, and Sir Samuel
i iq-A
R O Y A I.
llv cl get ring under fail at the fame
- nme, the fleet proceeded tog"ther, on
the 3 ill. of Augult, to the loutliward.
1 he embers which I hail placed be
fore the Delaware could give me no
certain infoimarion, and the cruisers
off the Chqfapeak had not joined. The
winds being favourable, we ap
proached tbeChtfapeak the morning
(.: the pth of September, when the ad
vanted llnp made the fjgnal of a steer.
V. e loon tlificoVeredaTaumber of grea*:
ffiips at anchor, wh/ch Teemed to be
extended across the entrance of the
G hel ipeak, from Cape Henry to the
Middle’ Ground ; they had a frigate
i ruiling. off the Cape, which Hood in
arid joined rliein, and, as we approach
ed, the whole llget got under fail, and
ft retched out to lea, with the wind at
N. E. As we drew nearer, l formed
the line fir it ahead, and then in such a
.manner as to bring his Majelty’s fleet par i.!, 1 to the line of approach
of the eneniy, and when I found that
our van was advanced as far as
-Ihoal of the Middle Ground would ad
mit of, I wore the fleet, and brought
them upon the lame tack with the en
emy, neatly parallel to them,
that our van would be able to operate
1 made, the signal co hear away and ap
prriach, and l*on after to engage the
enemy dole. Somewhat alter lour the
action her an amongll the hcail.iiolb
lhips pretty tloie, and loon became
general as far as the lecond flyjp ffom
the centre towards the rear. The ac
tion dul not entirely cease till a little
after lunfet, though at a confldtrable
illllance, for the centre < f the enemy
continued to bear up as m advanced,
and at that-mameftt leemed to have
little more in view than to fliel ter their
own van, as it went before the wind.
His Majdly’s fleet confided of ia
fail of the line, that of the French
formed 24 lai 1 in their line. After
night I lent the Irigates to the van and
reir to pulh forward the line, and keej#
it extended with the enemy, with 2
full intention to renew the engagement
m the morning ; but when the frigate
Fominee returned from the van, l was
informed, that tcveral of the flops had
lufTered To much that they were in no
condition to ren?w the adtion until
they had secured their marts; we how
ever kept well extended with
ny al! night. ■
fight or each other, repairing our da
mages. Rear Admiral Drake drifted
his flag into the Alcide, until the Prin
ccda had got up another main-top
mad. The Shrcwfbury, whose Cap
tain lod a let?, and had the First Lieu*
tenant killed, was obliged to reef both
top • ads, drifted -her top-fail-yards 4
( Si* the ftqgtb Pf i, )