Newspaper Page Text
%x*r*B*f* htter ft tn EMnhurgb, dated March ro.
“”X*ic following particulars were
Tafl nighty in a If ter ♦iom • ‘ffer.d, tinted Mania 7.
“ I here i* handed about-m Paris the substance, ~
w follows, ©f aal•vers and lepreferrations g+veuby
])r. Franklin, in a conversation be bad lately with
the French Wimliers upon American affairs ’
“ the Otrflxr, in ofjhe profoumirft re
s-est, Ullified tlie very great and jull effeeni Con
gtefs and hiinfelf. had for Ins Molt Christian Ma
fdf> , his men, and the whole French nation, with
ajTui snots of the ffrongand laftir.gfcnicof
winch ever would be retained by A metier, for the
aniple and timely fuceours and supplies afforded
them in loan?, warlike flores, and in a tmlita'y
end naal force. • , /
. “ That he _was however* by hii” cmuffituent*,
ordered explicitly tojdtclaire, tb&t the term* df late
. infilled on by Fiance utterly ir; dmifliole; that
they never h and been ft) (ouch as gl.ii.ced at in any
of the prior or febfequrpl articles of tiCaty or a
*’ He was likewise ftri&ly enjoined toexprtfs
the ofCnngreft, and their utici ic
pugnanev to fome hi it* pffc-nfivrly thrown out or
suggested b) the Miniller at Philadelphia, and slit
ter they proceed rather from Mons,
Lucerne's private than from any orders
from Iris Court.
“ He wa? inffrufletl to rcprefet< to the Court
of France, with all due fubmifiion, but in terms of
.the ulmoti prcc.fion, that America has Hied her
bell tlopd, itxhaufted her wealth* haaarded the ruin
oi her ‘commerce, and, with ptrfcvernnreand for
titude, beheld her towns, her villages, and
country, depopulated laid walle wirh fire and
Of-pofitioi. to the eiiciopchments of the patent date;
all thefc they h ui fuft'ced, aroT were ready lliil tJ
-f.ifftr, ere with meVnncft a’.d pufilarimity they
would abandon* or iuffkrJLO be infringed, thi ir fiift
snd original tde-ai- ol enjoying* with the rclt of
mankind, the ber*cfi;s and fiuits oi a free govern
** He was inflriitfcd to represent, in the m-ft
pofitivc terms, that trie States of America would
never admit of a fingleconditiou that in any d<
was derogatory to the dignity of a free people; tint
they w'ould ever watch wth a jrnlous eye to what’
ever bore the molt dift?nt reiembhnee. or proiuned
the lighted fliadow oi encroachments upon* their
liberty and independence.
“ That Congrtfs were determined rever to give
their affirm to lire introducing more foreign troops,
and that, ag’ccable to Kipuhtibhs, chore that we e
already m America iT.-m'd be removed as fn.nv ;u
their cortinuancc was judged no longer laCclF.iy
©r expedient
“ Henlifirived, that F.rgland, fora dear-bought
experience, had learned more moderation, fuiljr**
fati fied that tire 1 eduction of America by force of
arms was chimerical and in.practicable. Parliament
had avowed it. fie hoped the lavages of war
nrght ctaife, and peace, tranquillity, and commerce,
be restored upon honourable and advantageous
terms to all parties,
“ He also nmniadvtried upon the mode proposed
for thi payment of loans, and bad pufttive inti rue
tions today they fiever would he lillened to. Hol
land, ‘in her flruggtc for freedom, ivj< nigh heirg
ex hr.ufted, and contraflcd avast and alroolt irrred
ible load of debt compura; i ve.'y -then with the -vifrule
pieans of diichargi g it. The United States of
Aimrica hoped Jtkeivile itLlimc to difihaige, fa*
tisnnftoiily and noumirab y, ail chrins of tn it fu
ture, America gofiviLs within herfelf ample means
for that purpose.” >•
XXQKm wxzzxwkxmmx
And immediate PofTeflton given,
CEVERAI, wc 11 fiiii 111cti Ifoulls
in town,-with convenient hut buildings ; a
valuable Plantation, fix miles from town, containing
4v j “ cr ** f|ld measure, well timbered with cy prefs.V
tun! interior to moll inland plantations th‘thi*
provider, has on it a good overftei’s house and
other ruccUary out
and fenced, and the whole is rice and indigo 1.-,nd,
with assgood a fprirg of water as any in the pro
vii.ce; lever a 1 other valuable trarfh of land near”
the town, with many more in different parts of the
province; his Share of a dan Yard at Col Tati
n dl’s place near the town, with the I.eatljtr in the
vat*, Hides and every thing ntctflaiy for tarry ing
on that bufineii: Negroes, or any pmperVi per
mitted tn be carried from the province, wiM be
‘ahen for the gre atell part of the afrjvt-mentioned
AKh IS jrcm a jW’gro,
A Mourning .Rino-.
ft r,m,, feSlfa,!.
2 ,UU -" t have n tin, :by to the ptlp.
FOR S A l E,
By Robert Sfence ,
Oppolite to the south raft corner ol Cbrill Church,
SUPERFINE frefh flou* in barelr,
Checfe tn hamiiers;
Madeira wine, in bottles, of a fuptrior quality, by
; the.deT'-n; - , --y, ‘
Military fh.ies and Ihirts,
Mens fine hats and thread hose,
Ditto fine l Z
Sjptffine feat let. blue, green, black, and fafhion
ahle coloured bioadeioths;
liiflt lhen;
..China, jj[! ifs, and earthen ware; 1 <■ ~
Faiuts ground in oil, and oil in jarsj
Stationary, . ! ~
‘I retie diiliUcd lavender Water, -/.. . ’
Mult rid, •
Dhcking Ball,
Pi in ted cottons and Manchefler goods, &c. &c.
Savannah, 29th May, 17^82.
IMPORTED in.the Schooner Laltah,
from Antigua,
RU M of Use bed quality in quarter casks,
Mufcovatlo Sugar in barrels.
To be fold by LEWIS JOHNSTON.
Savannah, 27th May, 17 52.
Wanted, a few Baru-ls of Tar, Pitch, atnf'Tur
pentine, and fume White Oak Hogftead btsvef
and Heading. *• j
Porf and Vidoiita Wine, : ‘ .
Exodlcnt Shrub,
Old Spirit', . , -
Hollqndfe Ciin in cafit’ and by the gallon, m
—Mbfrtrvadn and f.nvf Sugar, ■■ <r
- Hyfon and L’onea Fea,
Coffee, Sf 3d,
Like wife a general VfTiitment of Dry Goods,
lo ic (oid cheep for Cash ‘by
At his Store opposite M r . Iferriot’s Building.* on
tlie Bay:
HAS to fde, at his Vendue’ Store on the Bay",
fo’ cnil* bills of exchange, lumber, or n ival
it ire , (i iod Poit “ine by the dozen, Madeira ditto
at *<'•. f **r c - /-ii, flierty ditto, loaf and
fugrr, muii fTe ; ercen, foucliong, and Congo tci;
fill ill green e ft’ e, belt alum fait, a few barrels
clean nre, fuperfine flour, bell leaf tobacco by .the
I)Kiel, military limes and lliitf-, mens-fafhidnable
I’-nt , flop’ hi [..i le m the feufon, Russia
aif rum arid-lUrub by the quarter cafic and three
gallons. price will be given ft*
Stoits and Lumber, and Eilipfy Bo'ttlcs.
RAN AWAY fdme time ago, a Negro Wo,-
man, with a Mulatto child, named BET,
the property of Anne Fox, Whoever will deliver
them to me, or the Warden of,the Warkhoufe,
lhall receive two dollars reward, and all reaftnuMe
Charges- —” .-iTI-. . ‘ WILLIAM F6X.
May 23, 1782. ‘ - v
■ __ - -- -- ■ ■
Mar foal's Sales.
0.-i Monday the 4th day of June next, wilLbe
fold, at fie Marlhal's Office* for cash, to the
higheff bidder, the sale to begin at 11. o'clock,
A 'TR AC For Parcel of Land in the pariflrof
Ist. Paul, containing eflmution ttjt
acres, be the lamemore or lrfs, commonly calied
the Sard Bar. Also a Wharf Lot, fftjjate, lying,
and being under the Bluff of the town of Savannah,
containinmg by estimation 100 feet in front, arid
exrend ing rrr depth from the top of the said bluff to
low water mark, lying to the caff of a lot late
James Read's, on which is a Inrg ■ wooden flore.
nowpecupi'ed by the ContniiflVies. Also anotiier
Wharf Lor, containing by eilimatioii 100 feet in
front, and extending in depth from the top of the
bluff to low Witter mark, lying between Gordon
and’ Nv: hficfiltV wharf and a wharf belonging to
Jcnkiris* and .Gibbons. The whole fcized
uuucr attachmert by. . r
Savann-h, May 23, 1782.
On \fond.iy the rotii day ol June next, will be
fold, at the Marffial’s Offi.e, to the higheil *•’
bidJer, for cafli, the file to begin prccifdy at
1 o’clock* • ‘ 1-
QEVhN valuable feized under *xecu
. I cion by .. —~- 4
Savannah, 30, I;8i.
On Monday tKe ill d.v of July rext, will be foW
\ at the Matfhal\s to the highefl bidder,
for c.ifli, the sale to begin at 11 o'clock precisely,
A HOUSE and in the town of Savonnan*
known by the N 0 .3 in Motet) thing, Per
cival waid, adjoining the Printing Office, in
Broughton street. containing 6^ feet in front by 90
feet in depth, be the fame more or left. -- —
Also a Garden Lot, well of the town, contain
■ing five n-rrt, be the fame raore’br left, known by
the N ° i 61. _
Also a Farm Lot, N d . Bin More tything,
Percival ward, containing 49 acre , be. the fame
mote or left.’
Alfehmothcr Farm Lot, N 0 .7 in Sloper tyth
ing. Percival ward* containing 45 acres, be the
fame more or left, -r “ \ ■
Also a Troll Lot, in the center of Hick’s tyth
ing in Percival ward, in the towhfhip of Savannah,
containing 90 acres, he the fame more or left.
Also a certain Trail or Parcel of Land, fituntr,
lying, and being to the weftwatd of the village of
St. Gall, in thc townOnp of Savannah, containing ‘
by cllimation 75 acres, be the fame more or less,
bounded to the louthward by the Ewcr fbargh lots, /_
to the well on Mufgrove’s creek, to the north on
or near land of Mofcs Nunes, and to the east on
the ftieet running between the lots of St. Gall and
the great street at Yamtcmw, commencing at th
house formerly Seeds's.
And alio a certain I,nt or Parcel qfHigh Land*
with the Water and Wharf Lot adjoining, on Sa
vannah river, containing by estimation too feet in
front and 300 feet in depth, be the fame more or
left, adjoining to the call on apubiick ilrcct. A
0 Together with alj the buildings.and imprfive
• to n
the a fore Lid prennfes refpeClivelv belonging.
’ The whole faixed under exixutiou by ?
Savannah, May 30,’ 1782. • -
LL perloiis itidebied to the Eltate of'James
• Lowe, Tallowchandler, deceased, are r*~
quested so make immediate payment, and those
who hash* any demands againll the Laid estate ate
defiled to Ivtid in their accounts, properly atteffed,
t 0 MIRY I QWi 1 , Executrix.
\j fc H Ci I A.
W’ HERE AS the Provost Marshal bf this pro
vince. by virtue of a Writ of Attachment
to him direiled, did attach rhe lands, tenements,
good*, chattels, monies, debts, and books of ac
count, (in the hand? and poflWfion of^John Chsiles
Luccna’ 7 hemas Gibbon>, and William Lyford)
of John Kcarg ho h sth lately survived Peter La
Vien and Sam .*el Grove, decesfed, and who is ab
sent from and without the limits of the said pro
vince, at the suit of John Fox the* Ider and Fran
ces his wife, Frederick Rhem and Catherine hie
wife, William Jones and Henrietta his wife, which
said Frances, Catherine, and Henrietta, late Hen
rietta Bourquin, widow, we(e nominated'and ap
. do nted executrixes of the last u ill ar.d tcilament of
Henry Bourquin, Esquire, deceafcd : And whereas
the said plaintiffs have, agree ble to the diredlions
of the Attach urnt Adi, fil and tf.cir declaration in
the General the laid* province, and have
obtained the following rule, viz,
John Fox tt Uxor, \ Ordtrtd, That the de
et Al .. Exttu* J fendant do appear and
trixei of hour- I plead within a year and
quin, dictajtd, \ a day, otherwise judgment
versus ) by default.
John Kean , fur~ 1 By the Court,
•vivingCofartntr \ John Sim pson,P.&C.C.-
*f hf Vitn if At. ) January 23, 1782. >r
Notice is therefore hereby given, That, unless
- the said John Kean does appear and plead a
grecable to the aforefiid rule or order, judument
. will hi^aaQrdihjgfy.
Plaintiffs Attorney.
Pr.ovolt Marshal ol the province
W of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of At
tachment to him directed, did'attach the lands and
tenements, goods and chattels, monies, debts, and 1
books of account, of Benjamin Spi inger, who ia
absent from and without the limits of the said Dro
vince, at Hie suit of I homas Rbgers j And Whereat
the said Thomas Rogeii hath, agreeab'e to the
of the AttihmSfTia. filed his decla
ration in the General Court againff the said Benja
min Springer, and hath obtained a rule to the fat
lowing effca, vie*
Ordered, That thed*. -
A fendar.t in the bid aftion
I do appearand plead within,
Tlomm Roger/ | a yrvr and a day, other
verfus ; wile judgment will palf*
Benjamin Springer. | agairdi him by default.
, L.:, I By the Court, _
r - S Apnl 25. 1782.
Notice is therefore hereby given, Thar, unlcft
the bid defendant do eppearahd plead agreeable to
the aforeftid rule or order, judgment will be enters
ed againff him accordingly. :
’ I‘ARLEY, Plaintiff’s Attorney.