Newspaper Page Text
aKOllUIA. > TM) W '•<)!: \ NU. MAY !i, 1
n hum.
,,It , i>.i ' 'vi. X'ht in «■ 'I'i,
>ii tii•:'' *1’ i' in’,
14:1 multipliu.l :i ini 1 ’■■'■ii fold,
~|; tut it ii~ tv nth;
i.l -i'i it is tint many days .
A,,'-, tif‘1 m.v ilarli:i< i:ue,
so iiUlf »:• Jin' ways,
il I neither cinlltfs lmr name.
,, ih. how ijlrnll) i siippliecl
, |i my love for liim relied
, , ,' it . my ..I l heart gltol;
. niiidpa luvea Itis dear, wee ttuy
, 1,it he Jin- ltroit-fin ne joy,
.nil repay me 'A-li.
SI X: > A A h.VJI Mil-Ill • S! >: I'Ol.l Mi’J s.
I ti • Nlinn t(lie,
- uo'-le H -.. It
d'.'il t 111 irk to
d -tw a i
•tr:iwiit line nr Vyil
1*' si Lit 11]
illft.d !ul-cr’lin<:-, 1
ni'i.i.1'!, 1",'..
W" prin* i' ’. i' 1
d 1"w tw,.i distil
.s, 11: lor ihn v In
TII, ."iid foui
1 I.l roiii'i'wm.'d. 1
TV. xv 11 ii-Ii is a
innijiaral ivti.v in i
tio)s. i\\t tiy li.
l LT'iod old Uot'k-dii
T'ol, Till. Th,
no, in fact, arc
th,,i'' j.isl H e
llliKi>rs of on !.j,;u
In 'iv aiii'iit rs v.
? Wily shouid :1 1"
ti|i|inrvntly nie:t*ii
tent, d 1 iv
syiitiiol V? si'-ijily' ‘i„ 1
loe. ti . iitle hit .'ugh-iiliic- ,
le.'o: >• st)v,’.;, si.iodntu- f t- till f.
unit -d. white , V1 . V , v , ,,,.
] i’o •■.vteioietl thninli. V. in fp,
sv'oi':,ti".' *•; A,;.:'!,'
: 1 i iim> U'hljl ii-,"
', oil ti"t teotfs
I'fhl ii Millv 1 roes'
'•v.illlt! I.e «" 111,' ll,
•le.str.iy. r. After ;
tailed, we 0 1; live
ill"' rein dv
■ 'l l,, an r
er lie,a Im
11"e It'llll.e 1’
i Set-rant t•, vr .man at
Mi S.. t!
ar.t i
walk up rial
A Sodtliemi.w 1 Y a■ 1 k■ •. And C;
federate So'c;:«•! Te'ts Wiial
Jp, ‘ TAw
:'ku>r{;ssH>\ vi, nihs,
1 )* ' ! -" A " i;l ,i:Adem „e:oia
• '■ N '|- ” ”*'' •' »vn. 'U> M’li
j v ;. ’ . v. nsuriiN.
{•pjiinm* nofiiiNf
mnm Ut thiliti
It: 11
n • ii
Hrm iiptT
i lit
: II A VII (• I ’ !•] N i: I) Til I'i l,.\IKiKST STOCK OF
Pattern Hats and Bonnets
It'S .ilnl 1
-Hi ll uric
11 >' 1 in I i 1111
ih- Will : I
•r h ni\v 11 111 :1i!s
1 pe r
i l Kl
I'v , lilliL .'I'
iTmli 1 ;. I! ■
:! hi i I.-. IT 1 j i 1-11 M
. ,11 uI ill. 1 I|t!In->
■ : :i i I ’1 il 11| nill-s. I ■
t i I IL! ill M ! I id lift .
ii'. h|V I'l'-ilt'fi I ;! 1
, I I 1 ( l
kVF i ht r , fi 1 pi
v._v« \j. x-i-. vti i*cu Kvm!tisa r.^Jaua v.m Kcria.Kcaiiafll raoiUiTiisf.v^.. .wa
'( .0 r r Cl ^ "1
11 -W '1 i C'i Vi**/
r T fi
1 * tit! '•]»
lit \
CorM.Me'il 'jr rk.roo. Will "At.
Sr 1 ' 1 if s', :00.
, 1 i tiii- 111
(■• Ilf' f"f f ait.
i ti’iml,"- |j )• )*:
A [ fen, s 1-2 I'Cllfts |,or foot,
rs Mil'll. I'i fi'ltls I'l l' foot.
'I fttniisliO'l on i]'j'lit ntion.
nffinris ottmi min pic n<nr rnuniuv
’if-dhuSS dliii" fifty bsw rlPt U)MrfiS!i
•, 'Mi ir.i. in 1 w fi ri h
. it.vnm* u : WMWuuMnumfkwm
MEW COM DON, cos^rc
I !•. '.Mil io.t ills. . tU ailu
J. ; '.t'l 1 til tlK* fOJISi •, w 1,VO.- e.
It . ..ijilntf ail t.K: lioii-UiOl
i; t • -*ur Hume," "iW^ ior M'itu ueuutiiV.'ij mu!}tv
c: tin, ixariii'. 1 iititcii ilciv,’
Li.illc-r, eic. Vt o live in a pi
ital .
1 la
Weary,*’ .mil the
:1C(1 icKcmU**N,,
last wee)-
a is
>‘Vii raiupieil, wain no pi tiled nit <
• ^j.iail si:; * vraj ped tip in paper. Th
am- veil ia numerous* uises J;
» Ji.a s m;» v,nic*i yave and mil
soldier.-? dark.!,' ti.e last »w.r. Yh
•1I-. 111 pea sol ip, .vnuYiiu, in
1 is pres- e«l in w;th the pea
teller pe.i-smap J ae\er
' manliooil, .,]•:• ;i-e i-.\ <i :>nr iiilirm it:i-
ntl injure.-I'm 3 i;. *j\, r\-ease wit c :i,, m ( i S i
!»clli uel.H nit '5.
, It iscs;. vi li! .d ipt P !.) w Pv .,no .1 -ii-
e'th* reniak**-.
Head wIre a ^ ad.ifpl «. n has to say;
1 Virginia T. ime'-a'- and (imiv 'h. h.
oil ice of We-.le 1 n ayeiit. A’ iam;:, (rn., ,Jn!\’
In -iSol Messrs,. Wes .unv land H mi hers,
, (.Ti’i'et:ville. .N. (\ (iei.ilt nu ll : My father,
i wh" is i,t i lie eii* h(;.'secoad year oV hisa^e,
has he; n I'l.ileriallv stren*.-:'honed and it
iie\r i from sullenin: bv the use of ora- Bot
tle y Calisnva Tonio. !*leasc- forward
to his au'lress tjonarn Welsh, Hijrh I’oint.
N. • six bottles of tin;- same, and send bill
i for tii. amount to me.
Very respectfully.
M. M. \V}-r.sM. West. A'j'i.
j Brannon <Sc (.'v^son, Wholesale Aerents.
I Columbus, (la. ap«30 eilw
Wl,) n Patriot mis [‘uric;..thI.
' A epjididate for ofbee rode up ro 1 1
, in dileid and asked for the head of'the
; family. “He's down in .he held,” said the
1 Jailer’s wife “burying our do/;'.'’
. “'Vha( killed the d.ogV” ask -d tin ollice
• Me killed himself barking at
. I ne enndidate r . U a'.M.v.
—-*, • «?«*•*<
a\e a iluv, ergarden
el)uily u> make the
j !:asits:us -“All rigl t. my dear. I’ll dr. ]> into
ri-nij'1.v'aieni elia.e iu tu vn this morning ami
1.11 them to send out a ehambennaiil.”
And dodging the cotJje cup whien she hurled
at ins head, he luislened around the comer, there
t j await an inward car.
hut They Won’t.
Whenever you see two substantial citizens
chinning together ua the corner these days you
can wager that the conversation runs about as
“being away this .summer/”
“Lf course. You going:*’
‘•Certainly, doing a fishing/”
‘•Course. Kxpeet to catch anything?”
“You bell Don’t you/*’
“1 should single; < ;■ ...T-iva-.*’
DOM-rvaiions <•/* I mm- i.itV.
The Depanment of AgHciktnre, iu Its Forestry
'!i:sion, prepared, a setivdule i'«.r «,b>
ns.,i nee life; and acconijianying n, »f we.dh-
; '■••motions, 1..1 t*:i p-irpi.r-e of aiding a n n;,. i-
•t :n loiev.r^ work; and t i arrive at certain re-
explained on the sc iciluies.
!t i.-> uesiraole, lluit these ukservati-ms slmuM
yh«-dy interested ail; he
'• -i-'ks, 10 the department* As
p< 1
Still they com. 1 mid ail in the bight st
Ofliet Pietlmont .M J f”»^ C«>.. Piedm.*nt. *s.
C.—Mess. Wesimoivdund Bros.: Nearly
two years ago I contracted malaria into
system, and suOcred greatly from time to
time from if in various forms in which it
developed. Sometimes had severe chills
and fevers—-indigestion followed it. aim J
was generally out of health. Last spring
for move than two months I was greatly
troubled with a disordered condition oft he
bowels, which I believe was the result of
the malaria still existing in my system. I
visited two or three mineral springs cele
brated for the cure of malaria] diseases,
without the slightest benefit. It was also
treated as the- different symptoms devel
oped by the most skillful physicians, but
was not relieved., About two months ago
I concluded to try Caiisaya Tonic, prepared
by XV esf m ore land Bros., but I must confess
1 had little confidence of being materially
benefited by it. I have taken five or six
bottles of the Tonic—from the beginning I
felt relieved and continued to improve,
until now 1 feel quite as well and in as per
fect health as T ever did in my life, and be
lli ve 1 am perfectly well.
il. P. Ha.mmktt, President.
The effects of malaria in the system is a
hard t hing to eradicate, hut will promptly
yield to {he \v mdcrful and sovereign rein-
e*!v. Westmoreland's Caiisaya Tonic, 'fry
Bn ANN->.n -,v C arson, Wholesale Xgcnts,
iVoiiuniur*, (hi. dxwlm
l>,m I'uiiHihno’1 11 in** 1'sii‘v.
To coi',p '-mU f-»r 11n- In. k <;f !-; ain.^.tlie
mone\ w i.- . ivc.i a tail 1J * at pru'-el v.ry
e !j ‘.-(’.-I *.vakiVul* niylmV I!
1 lie noth-
ib enlist
B. •■ i. 1 .o.'kett. Tla- Mos- of ;• lutiml
Mr. Du, ;ao ; '.rimb: .1 la Maw-,, b. • hi.-. In-
dojnitai le energ\ soon ?••, .-no- ;*•.t• , 1 his »’.?•
turn s, and the firm of I mi.lap A’ b lu r,
fancy g'-o*ls ilcaK-r 4 --,'vas v.vll and w idciy
hn.*\vn until they burned • it. Alh.-r ibis
for a .short time, In* was hi be h at
Borne, from wi.clT- la ea.cred into ihui f..r
which he was intcudul by tiv--a . es-
man. In this caj*acity he iias ln*« n con
nected consUnliy v.ith sou,..* 1 f the »- st
of the casttrn m-mi:fa« lurina !•«-,; s. in
and ka ; •»ut n a n -'id-. n' ...f 1 Ins eit.v - in. **.
Electing Idm on tin stnv! during the
\M-i*k, tie- r-porter v.a> gr*«-ti-l with a
liean.v handshake and i. iru'-st :
‘*1 Tow are yon. my i n! ”’
“Pretty well. Sam; lmw are you ?’’
“Sound as a dollar, iu t y h«.y; altlmegh ;i
I had met you ten days ago I could not
have said as much.’*
“Why, how wn.s that -1 een sick?”
“Well, you must know that for the past
ten years i have been .sintering with kidney
disease, which every now and again would
grow bad and give me serious trouble.
About two months ago I began to ham*one
of my had spells, and for the past eight
weeks I have been suffering sonic or most
of the
“I have tried all the physic ians and medi
cines that l could hoar or read of. and t heir
name, as you know, is legion, but until a
week since the disease has In Id undisputed '
sway. It is not a pleasant thing, my boy,
to know that a disease which some of tie-
most noted physicians of the country iar.c
pronounced as the most fatal to humanity,
has a mortgage upon y< ur vitals, I toll - on.
II sv-rt o’ t ikes tie- good nun.or out of a
>]>* •■.ircd in your behalf. Sam?” pic-ned
l !; • ivpot ter.
m< ri.igoi comimms'-nsc; ili:P's a li. About
four y.-ars ago i I, i:l a s< • «-r- 1* I:.. U ■>!
’•’e-uoi.d Ism. wJiich •• ui pi« i»*!y ■ is.Pled
u h« 1: !ea«t c.\ -»fM »•••!. ail' i"yb.f .-n«- up.
11la I IT.
.• . - . 1 . ’ JU*
■ . V , ■ , J 7
0 i * u.:
1 f ||!| f T*r»« - (' j p! n «-,< n j ■ >j 0
UuiuiUliuO IPJ11 U'LMiV.)
• 11 .• :Pi ail,! !K 1 -il !..•:■ i.> r.
'll '( ’. . •• “ 1 .ii I (w I' 11 '■* "■ ia.j.r. I 1 r,
; ||;& Tv y ..i-i mA-iotMlara.ilo
jb' *'w.-l pi",><11 ices Inst clu?b samples.
v’-V--.. A- g/ s ;u:i; or fimacut
“ Vi •,:?*'*At ’* nt nnj n»*ccK-.idh* S,.-ud tor i't:ll
•• ^ k clcsciipinfa and priru IimI.
COU'.MlirS 111 <) V U’OilK’S. A -111 s. ( jiIiiiiiIhis, (la.
j, „
H j | it P 1
Hpcf ppnSib
UOOl a
for sale or exchange IFOTTHSTID
;oi: 'Th ' If Real I.slat*
Now Du-lil'nuc J'ul) V
skod thi*' projM rty will
iskovl tins preju rt.v will pay ten per < cut clear of , , , , .. ,
fUl JiHSllA N JllliIlN
him 'nr i- Mir,. IllliX HI.ACK MAH. ' I
■'ifiiiiis ami Sin ij'i-tnis.
pSaftourvi fianFSfi
ft*t -7«*• ” - veu, H I LLiiil J •>»-.!■ A
iv!y'*!Y-*-J-f;'■ ;•!’Jr: *• Fir/e Cabin-*’.?, Ac.
•^-'4&-MSr’X• ; TVkCR DESK CO.
k'* --.Ttf-.-M J,'.;s.
FOBt \ me It \ IX.I A.
Tii ke Jon lull ’b .luyou? Julep for Nervous lloud-
Take .Ionian’s J«»« 1-Julep for Puiu/iii MciiHtni-
at : .»n
Take lor lui.N J.»ynu«* Idle,* f-.r ( *«»lic
Take Joi.lini’*, .Inymih .I’ll*-p t*• lir.iee up Hu-
i THo- Jo.-UauN Jii , ,'(.'.i.t Jul-p I’or all P: in.
1 'lake Jordan's Joyous Julep, n is ihe remedy
for uruIgiu.
11 lit tlllUl 111 til
)IF.Iii!i\t lull ;ili.! ! )l>\fe
Tivrc?!!;/ i'i IdfWH?
.■ill ? Ui U i Ui i It t .i/T'.l
LJ pholstery
W.& J. Sloane
Invite attcnti<in to the altractive prices nt which
their entire spring slock is being offered.
\ X M IN ST MRS, From fv <K) per vanl upivard
WII.TdNS. from 1 7.A per yard upo-ini
MD'/I MITES, tVoiu I V?'> peJ vard uji^vard
VMIA'I.I’S. from 1 ;i r » per >ard upwaid
ROD V lilt* *-SMI*S, f.*nn yo per yard upward
I'APFSI’liY. from .Vi per >aid upward
I N*f i I.VS. ‘from JO per yard upward
<HIN\ MATTINOS i-< 01 in per vanl upward
e*" fJ '•» per pair up.vard
MADR \S I,A« 'M ( l It I A i Ny, ^
\ N'I’P H I and rilFNHI L\(’M < 1 * R IA I NS,
from ’-d ’>') per pair upward
''''IP *:) M A N < Tin*.
Ki-.'OWi 1 !iYi:i(|\i;»,
i.liome <i '
• I -ii ward
rd ' ird
1 In !'
liliilihll;! \\|i in
, - ' • ' . ..i?, xLJi
Bjik: :r's
/• v V. ] iv. r *yh I * •:if Pf: r »p 7
^ b!'unL:K)ibUuOl
i : lit b-.ii 'V.-t/it .
’I ad,a,re v «.ui
on three- thing?* hi «ii> yerc w«
UL ‘ am our uird.
3.~I)v ''Vatera.e]\ an am ..ur fi r
t *-' ; lack behind you. Al! ;.a
Why shouldn't We
•'?i | x.-k, sot down and oe a
d nr K-usiuc
'•T,■ i-ri, ii.
■■k i ii h (.1
- 1.1.1 1 ulwiiy.i write my
Mi-ivit un.iophisi ically — •Am
\\ in Hu- If I S’-« - p.siik. • Ail r !»«>.
1 1 | ,ul If the tbn.-its of this country nr.- not re-
mud- will be forced to take cash, i.’isteadofw ood
in payment for ‘■ubscriptioiif. «
it ha < '.r«d me
pretty siron.! Hao
cstl.v . nd si.ic< n-
verifv it in any manner.
!< f-]y. Th;d v> .1
1 am prepan d te
mho-dekw dm
J; \ j * \ il ‘ j] :, • [ ■; * d? : . 1 1 1 ; ^
i l \ U h*iM If hit' - I J V i*.
■( a: IT
L -r . H A ; C ’' '• I" : !
i: n 'j. A,
«; h/afp ?.v’j)i?es!cr. Mass.
: i AI Vi O U a E Tii A U V Ott
/ ef K-\ r7>s
/(v Ha.!". ^
;.(* fe’""
< J*.
QLD Kill ("Tl OLD iiTI
T. H. 1*01.1 , l 1 1 1 *■'a Ii 1 i(i-,*•
;.ad i«l ANciii.e,!?, 'i#
i . .-<ii ,V~JC. VJMO i u ww^ ■