Newspaper Page Text
jgM.agaM—yg' v
No. 3i.
Terms.—Three dollars per year, if paid in ad
vance.—Three dollars and fifty cents, if paid half
yearly,—Or, Four dollars if delayed to the end of
the year.—No subscription received for less than
one year unless the money is paid in advance.—The
publisher reserves to himself the right to discontinue
a subscription, or not, before arrearages are paid.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual
All Letters to the Editor on matters connected
with the establishment, must be post p<ud in order to
secure attention.
. It may be proper to inform- those who shall
favour us with*their advertising custom, that Notice
of the sale of Land ai d Negroes by Administrators,
Executors, or Guardians, must be published sidy days
previous to the day of sale.
Tho sale of Personal Property, in like manner,
must be published forty days previous to the day of
sale. \
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must
be published/orti/ days.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court
of Ordinary for Lc^ve to sell Land, must be publish
ed four months. \
Notice that Application will he made for Letters
of Administration, nfttet be published forty days.
of John Boil, to satisfy sundry fi. fa.*s; mne in af-
vour of the Court Officers of Jackson county against
John Boil; one in favour of the Court Officers, vs.
John Boil and James Hemphill; one other in favour
of the same, vs. John Boil and Allen C. M’Dowel;
one other in favour of the same, vs. John Boil, H.
Webb, and James Hemphill; one in favour of, John
Robeson, John Pendergrass, and Pleasant Turner,
vs. Edwin L. Harris and John Boil; one in favour of
John M. Crawford, vs. John Boil; one in favour of
James Sisson, vs. John Boil, executor of Peter Boil,
deceased; one in favour of John Robeson, John
Pendergrass, and Pleasant Turner, vs. John Boil;
and one in favour of Early Harris and William
Luckie, vs. said Boil: all for cost.
July C.
W ILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesd ay j n
August next, at \he Court-House in Clark
cofciity, within the usual licurs of saly, the following
I property, to wit: -
Eighty Acres of Land, more or less, in
said county, on the waers oi Sandy creek, adjoin
ing Leeper and others: levied,n as the property of
James H. Wilson, to satisfy a q. fa. i n favour of
Burkiey Sims vs. James H. Wilsoi.
Three Hundred and Seventy_ s ix Acres
of land, more or less, in said county, on the waters
of the north fork of the Oconee river, adjoining Jack-
son, Mitchell, and others: levied on as the property
of Hugh Nisler, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Ro
bert Orr, and other fi. fa.’s vs. Hugh Nisler.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August
next, at the Court House in Jacksop county,
between the usual hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wit:
One Negro Man named Jim, about forty
years of age, levied on as property belonging to the
Estate of Ephraim Lindsey, in the hands of Esther
Lindsey, Administratrix, and John Lindsey and
James Luckie, Administrators of the Estate of
Ephraim Lindsey, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa—Es
ther Grimes Administratrix, and James Grimes Ad
ministrator of the Estate of John Grimes, deceased,
for the use of John Borders, vs. the estate of Ephraim
Lindsey, deceased.
Sixty-five acres of Land, in Jackson
county, grantee unknown, on the waters of Beach
creek, adjoining Thomas and others.—One dark
brown Horse, ten or twelve years old; levied on as
the property ofBrooksfield Burson, to satisfy afi.
fa—James Herring, vs. said Burson, pointed out by
the defendant. ,
JOHN PARK, Dep. Sh’ff.
O N the Petition of Samuel Cone, shewing that
William Harrold,late of said county, deceased,
did, on the 71 h day of July, 1833, make and execute
his certain Bond in writing, whereby he, the* said
William, contracted and bound himself Jo make titles
to Laban P. Poole, for Lot No. 104, inihe Fifth Dis
trict of originally Henry, now Fayette tounty, which
said land was, on the 20th July 1825, assigned by
the said Laban P. Poole to the said Samuel, (a copy
of which is filed in the Clerk’s office) annexed to the
jetition of . the said Samuel,) and lie said Samuel
rnyvy prayed that the administratrix of said de
ceased may be directed t o execute biles to the said
Samuel, in terms of said contract.! It is ordered
that this notice be published in onfe of the public
Gazettes of this State, once a month (for three
months, and in the public (daces of this county; and
unless cause to the contrary be shewn at the next
Term of this court after said publication, the admi
nistratrix will be directed to execute titles to the
said Samuel, agreeable to said contract.—A true ex
tract from the minutes of the Court of Ordinary.
April 27, 1827.
The Undivkled Half of Two Hundred
and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, in said coun
ty, on the waters of Call’s creek, adjoining Hicks
an l others: levied on as the property'of Wm. W.
Earnest, by virtue of two fi. fa.’s issued from a ma-
£<st rate’s court in favonr of Bradford Brown, vs.
Win;.am W. Earnest and George Earnest: levied
and rci«,nied by a constable. . '
Seventy-five Acres of Land, more or less,
irt. 'aid county, bn Shoal creek, adjoining Barnett
and others: letied^ on as the property of Samuel
Garner, togatisfy sundry fi. fade issued from a ma
gistrate’s c*m-t in favour of Wooldridge 4* Hancock
vs. SamuePjarner: levied and returned by a con
stable. \ '
Four Hqatt-ed Forty-seven and a Half
Acres of Land, mure nr less, in Said cduhty, in two
separate Tracts; oft*containing 160acres, the other
287.) acres, more or toss, adjoniog Simonton and
others, on the North ani Middle forks of tho Oconee
river.—One sorrel Mare, abo, t „i ne years old; and
eight head of cattle, viz. three-o wg am ] calves, and
two three year old stiers: levia on u tUe p roperty
of Alfred Stewart, to satisfy a ^ j„ f avopr
Samuel J. Murray, and other vs Alfred
Stewart, and Zachariah Sims.. \ -*
One improved Lot in the towl^f Athens
No. not known, containing one acre, ( ess ’
adjoining Dunn and others; levied on Vthe pro
perty of James Welch, to satisfy fi - »ed
from a Magistrate’s Court, in favour ofV, ven8
Thomas, vs. James Welch; levied and r«S; n ed
by a constable. \
One Negro Man, named Dick, abt
twenty years of age; levied on as the property
Thomas Moore, to satisfy a fi. fa in favour of Wi
Appling, vs. ThomaS Moore and Geoi^^W^Moore*
security on appeal.
July 6.
A T the above mentioned time and place, will also
be sold,
Two hundred acres of Land, more or less,
in said county, on Sandy creek, grantee unknown,
adjoining Sailors; levied on as the property of Ste
phen Wilson, to satisfy afi. fa. in favour of John
Borers, vs. Andrew Wilson, Stephen Wilson, Wm.
M’Ginnis, and George W. Wilson, security on stay
of cxecuion.
July 6.
W ILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in
August next, in Gainesville, Hall County,
within the lawful hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wij^/*' 4 *^ * ^
Onv' Sorrel Horse : levied on as the pro
perty of Enoch Nelson, i to satisfy a fi. fa. in -favour
of Thomas'F. I-oster, vs. .said Nelson: property
pointed out by the defendant'^
One Cream-coloured IJorse: levied on
as the property of John Williams, to satisfy a fi. fa,
in favour of Archibald Wimpcy: the pkbpertykpomted
out by the defendant.
One Wagon and Gear, One’^
ree Bay
rktry Mo ^ r -j - K
Moses Brykn: property pointed*
the de-
One 'Hundred Acres otV* YAod, flwe or
less, known as part of Lot No. 42^ \ ' n v / «aZ
Mil 09 (tOU U» LVl iVU. ' j
Iall county: levied on as- 0t '
J. W,
icr, to, .satisfy sundry fi. (fcjsinxS* OMr °f
|nes & Co. Property levied on by aN5 ,Cnsta '
ble, andlrctumed to me. * i
Twt ^Hundred and Fifty Acres of 5 Land,
known a^Lot No. 63, in the Tenth District of. Hall
cbiinty: levied on as the property of Jaties R. ttus-
sell, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Elijah Wade: le
vied on by a constable, and returned to qe.
July 6. V JOHN P. BROOKS, Dtp. Sh’ff.
' ’ •* - T ‘
Henry Hardin, vs. Thomas Payne; Joseph punlap, arid
James H. Little, Executors of Asa Ayres, deceased.
U PON the petition of Henry Ilardin, gating that
he is in possession of a bond, given by Asa
Ayres to him, said Hardin, on the thirty-lust day of
October, eighteen hundred and twbnty-two, for one
thousand dollars, conditioned to be void if the said
Asa should make good and sufficient titles to Lot of
Land number one hundred and forty-eight, in the
ninth district of Monroe county, on or before the
first day of April then next; and it being stated and
made appear to the court that said Hardin has paid
the consideration money, and that said Asa depart
ed this life before making titles, am) a copy bf the
Bond being filed in the Clerk’s office of this court,—
It is on motion, Ordered, That tfi» said Thomas
Payne, Joseph Dunlap, and James It. Little, execu
tors of said Asa Ayres, do shew, caupe, on thb first
Monday in September next, ^rhy-thev should not be
directed to make titles to said land, tlesyibcd in said*
bond, to said Henry Hardin,! in terms ofcthe statute
in such case made and provided^ And iNs further
ordered, that a copy of this lorle bqmrthlismd in one
of the public Gazettes of- tliisSRsb^obce a\month
for'three months before the,sUting;cj*-&Kd ciurt, in
September next. : / . '
A true copy from the miqutes df^said C\urt of Or
dinary, this lCfth day of May, 1887c. ’CS?
m3m—20 THCjMAS KING, C. €. 0.
;1, - - ■ ■ r : -
W HEREAS, John Nicholp applies to me for
Letters of Administration oft. the Estate of
Ambrose and Elizabeth Nichols, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, tins 22d July, 1827.
W HEREAS, Stevens Thomas applies to me for
Letter: of Administration on the Estate of
John G. King, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of Said deceased
to he and appear at mv office within the time pre
scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they may have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 26th July, 1827.
JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk.
F OR sale, an excellent young Gelding, of fine
appearance, about sixteen hands high, pos
sessing all the requisites constituting a superior Gig
and Saddle horse. Any person wishing to purchase
a great bargain, can have an opportunity of So doing
by immediate application. For further particulars
inquire at this office.
4 LL persons who have demands against the
estate of John Crews, deceased, will please
call and settle them immediately,' and those who are
indebted to said estate, will settle them without fur
ther notice.
June 22.-25 40.
A LL persons having demands against the estate
of Alexander Moore, late of .Gwinnett county,
deceased, will present them property attested; and
those indebted are requested to make immediate
Julv 6.
Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1827.
O N the petition of Thomas J. Stell, shewing that
Thomas Wood, deceived, heretofore in his life
time, did, on the 25th day of July, 1821, make and
execute his certain Bond meriting, in the penalty of
seven hundred and fifty dollars, conditioned to make
titles to John Nash to a {certain tract or parcel of
land, No. 171, in the 6th distici of Gwinnett county,
(a copy of winch Bond is annexed to* said petition,
and filed in the Clerk’s Office) and has prayed this
Court to direct the Adminirtrators of said decereed
to make and execute a fejfsiraple title to said tot or
A GREEABLYto an Order of the Inferior Court
of Jaikdon county, when, sitting for ordinary
purposes, will be sold on the firs t Tuesday in August
next, in the town of Jefferson, Jackson county,
within the usual hours of sale, TILT* KENEGROES,
viz. Jacob, about 20 years old: Bill, a boy 5 years
old: Junifer, a woman 22 years old :■ they, being the
property of Benjamin Wilson, deceased.
May 11, 1827.—60ds , "
TfTPON the solicitation of some, and the
wJ ed encouragement of others^ We IjuVie 1
dined to re-publish, in Pamphlet form, yhp.TAn
of “ ATTICUS.” We conceive that
become the more necessary, as many
and principles contained in those. nuttjL
the best refutation of the doctrines and #
lately presented to the public, in that
ordinary volume of more than eight hundred
bearing the title of Everett's Report.
The Work we design to publish Will be prefaced
by an address to the people of Georgia, from tlie^
same Author, on the outrages and insults offered to
them by the Administration, in the publication c
the aforesaid volume, but particularly in the uripo*-
cipled infamous Report of T. P. Andrews, Srdal
Agent, contained in that book; of which due / iotice
will be taken. If sufficient encouragement x.given
us, the Pamphlet wc propose to publish, wd be out
in a few weeks, and to the end, that we ray-know
whether we can attempt it without loss, tf subscrip
tion. will be opened at this Office, wheP, ftll who
choose to patronize the undertaking, nrfy have an
opportunity of so doing, by personal application, or
letter addressed (post paid) to the Edito^ !
June 6*
T HE subscriber is continually rec<
parts of the State, so many ordj
and Detached Plots of Land in thj*
Territory, that he feels himself <
a general Agency oli nis ^ do
All persons^
Detached Plots ^
at Milledceville^ay dc .P* n l °, n * r r e ®
the earliest ma>V<*"
covering in. Bills of the Macon, Stat
of its Branches, the sum ot
3g from al.
|itly acquired
J to advertise
t Grants or
leral’s Office
them by
,-post paid,
or any
W ILL be sold,- at the late residence of Alpha
Walker, deceased, in Oglethorpe county, on
Thursday the 23d of August next, the perishable pro
perty belonging to the Estate of said deceased, con
sisting of Hogs, Horses, Cattle, Household Furni-.
tore, &c.—Terms made known On the day of sale;
Julv 13, 1827.—28 60ds.
! uranouwe, T r
S19 for each Grant in the late 1 Jttefy,
811 for do. in the P r j»#m^ one,
$6 for do. m the one.
D^ached Plots, Fifty Cej^k L
c-a,n wioriqOs, and
^yirTpary/ai the next
. aflSt said ftblication, the said
^amnnusthifoi . rs ^. e directed aU ordered to exe
cute. said . U ^ es , to sau * Thomas JJ^tell, for said lot
unless cause- ^
of thi s
county, Lot No. l43, in the 5th district of said coun
ty, the same being a part of the Estate Of Nehetniah
Posey, deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said instate. Terms made known on
the day of sale. WM. M’LENDON, Adm’r.
July 27—30 6flds.
, w it’of land.
extract from the minutes*
' WM. M-
f 29,1827. 26 m3rn
IE, Clerk.
A T the same time and place, will be sold, the fol
lowing property, to Wit:
One Negro Woman by the name of Cloe,
about 19 years of age: levied on as the properfy of
V Charles Garner to satisfy a fi. fa. issued on the fore- 8aid Heniii-Pointed out by Murray,
closure oi a mortgage m favour of Gabriel A. Moffitt, J J
vs. Charles Garner. •-
W LL BE SOLD, on the first Tucsday in August
next, at the Court-Hoiise of Clark county
between the usual hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to Wit: . (,
One Negro boy, about fourteen
old, levied on as thq property of William .M’Re
* satisfy a fi. fa .in favour of William Lutnfpkiri
■ othem f -vs* William M’Ree.
One hundred and seventy-three Acres of
Land, more or Rss, on Porter’s creek,. adjoftilrig
Allen and others; levied on as the property of Tho^
snas Wheeler, to satisfy afi. fa in favour of L. B
Land vs. Joseph Derham and Thomas Wheeler.
Ten or twelve barrels of Com, levied bn
as the property of A. H. Scott, to satisfy afi. fa in
favour of John Hodge;. vs. A. H. Scott.
G. W. MERIWETHER, Dep. Sh’ff.
ILL BE S^LD, on the first Tnesdaj
property to wit: j P r; V;
rwur’ . - . ; ^
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of
krinim as Lot No. 132, in the 10th district
county: levkd.on as the property of John Hertifi;
satisfy a fi.,fa. in favour of Patrick J. Murray,
J UST RECEIVEDDe Vere, by.tht ^
jl'retriaiiic. -The Tor Hill, •bjrllie’l
•BrambletybJ-Cqusc. Elizabcth'De Bruce.J
Of thel*turd»i{ . Irish;Fancy. Legend?,. Tr^
.Acedia, ■ Prairie, by the author of the Spy, &c. '&
Atso, Fine Tdckef Bibles. Pious Songs. 'Methodist.
Hymn Books. MftDow&s’Questions, 'Sihool and
Classical Books, &c. &c. forsale at .the Athens Book
Store. . July 27..
xxriLL be sold; kt the house of the subscriber, liv-
’’ ing on the waters of the Oconee river, in'Hall
county, on the second: Saturday in September next,
between the usual hours of sale, all the Personal
Estate of Thomas G. Aynes, deceased, consisting of
Cattle, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Beds arid
Bedding, and other articles too tedious to mention
July 27—3ft40ds.
■Office.of fy Patriot,
Milled^eville, June 15,
for I*ettcrs of Dismission from the further id-
listration of said eshte:—
i>. These are therefore to cite and admonish al! and
singular the kindred anJ creditors to'be and appear
•at ce within the time prescribed by law, to
shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should
npt he granted.
Given under my hand, this 7th of May, 1827.
JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk.
ILL RE SOLD on ike first Tuesday in_An-
- gdst next, at the Couit-hduse iii Lawreiice-
ville, Gwinnett county, within the usual, hoars of
Sale, the following property., to'wit: f " ■
One h^Fof Lot No. 51, m the 7th dis 7
frictof Gwinnett: levied on as the property of Hirptn.
Bowen to Satisfy spadry fi. fa’s, -issued from a' Jus
tice’s Court in favoui of Ssrtnel McJunken, vs. said
Bowen.—Levied on andreturned to me by a consta-
fble. - J '
Julie 29. w. y
WM. NISBET, Sh’ff.
M«nSOH» o,
W IT.L 1 BE SOLD, on the first TnCSday in August
next,’ at the Court-Houke iri;the Town of
Jefferson, Jackson county, within the lawful hours of
sale, the following property, to wit:
One Hundred Acres;-of Land,.more or
Iqss, on Park’s crcej^, a^oining M’Kinney and Brad
Jackson Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1827.;
HERE AS, John Selflm, Hosa Hale, and
v Lydia Hale, adminis^tors of the estate of
l Jun’r. deceased, apply to me for Letters
^^Jli^jfiission from the further administration of said
i se are therefore to cite and admonish all find
/ilar the kindred and creditors- to be and appear
nytoffice within the time prescribed bv law, to
f> cause if any they have, why said letters should
be granted.
jGjvea under my hand, this 22d day of May, 1827.
4 . JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk.
by said Wdliaiij||||i. on n; frrn mc> /;.
One Negro Bay, named Joe, about 13
-.years old: levied on as the property of Mesbmck
T. Wilhite, to satisfy two fi. fa.’s; one in favour of
Thornton and Herndon, ys. M«»hack T. Wilhite:
the other to favour of Robert C Oglesby, vs. said
Wilhite r pointed out by Wilhite.
Ofte Negk# ! Miii, tmWdd George, kbout
twenfy-fbur jfoirs old; One Hundred Acres of Rand,
. JMlri f lees^n tite latere of Curry’s creek, granted
to Maibury, adjoining King: levied on as the pro
perty of Charles Hemphill, to satisfy afi. fa. in favour
of Seaboum Lawrence, vs. Charles Hemphill and
Lewis P. Eaves, his security on stay of execution:
h aQ pointed out by said Hemphill.
Retied Lot, in the Town of Jef-
16, srirty-sULleet in width, and one hnn-
sixty-nc feet in length, now in the occu-
pqncy of Joshua Roberts: levied on as t^e property J
that. date Vo your applicant, whereby to' secure
Kin the sum of T Ohe Hiindred Dollars, -on or beft
the29th of July, 1824, he, the said William, Mortgr
ed to your applicant tiie following described Tract!
Land, to wit: lying and being in the County of Ja
son and State .of Georgia, containing one hund^ r
one and onc bilf acres, being half of a grant made to
Elisha Lake of tdro hundred and three acres, the
half butting and bounding as follows: beginning on
a white oak comer, on the branch on Jonathan
Smith’s line, running north' east to ft pine corner on
said Smith’s line, thence South to a white Oak cor
ner ©irtbe braricb oft John Smith’s line, thence So«th-
west to a post oak comer on said Smith’s line, theice
on Burma's line, to the beginhing corner. And tlkt
there is due on skid Mortgage the sum of One Hut-
dred Dolton with Interest from the 29th of July,
1824 ; and praying the foreclosure of the Equity of
Redemption of, in and to said Mortgaged premises.—
On motion, Ordered, Tnat the said Mortgager pay
into Codrt the principal and interest due on said
Mortgage, together with the cost, within tweli-e
months from this date, clseVhe Equity of Redemp
tion of, in aiid to said Mort&jQrcd' premises’ will be
thenceforth'forever barred And forclos^d.—And it is
further ordered, That a coipy of this Role be publish
ed in some public gazeRe of tKs State or served
in such
THEREAS, John Selman, and Bonjamin F; H.
' ■ Lindsey, Administrators of t^e Estate of
t el S. Hunter, apply to me for Letters of Dis-
m from the further administration of said Es
e are therefore to ciie and admonisb all and
singular the kindred and creditors of 6aid^eceased
to bc abd appear at my office within the tifoe pr
ibed bylaw, to shew cause, if any theyhav
y said letters should not be granted,
iven imder my hand, this 5th July 1827. ^
JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk?
, ,
To, prevent, ?my person of colour from keeping a
trading shop in-any part of the Town of Athens
or its suburbs, separate and apart from the lots of
their owners, ertiployers, or guardians.
E IT ORDAINED by'the Commissioners of
K the Town of Athens/ iu council assembled;
that frkm and after the passage of this ordinance, it
shall b&unlawful for any person of colour to keep:a
hop in the Town of Athens, or its suburbs;
pose of selling any thing whatever therein
of therefrou, separate and apart from the lot or rcsi-.
dence of hikor her owner, employer, or guardian;
and if any. person of colour shall presume to keep
such a shop or house contrary' to the true meaning
and .intent of this ordinance, it sliall be the duty bf
the town Marshal to- break up such establishment,
either by demolishing said establishment, if it does
not belong to a white person, Or potting Out-of pos
session, by force, (he person and effects of such vio
lator, inflicting corporeal punishment upon Km, if
necessary, to carry into effect this ordinance.
J. A* COBB, President pro. tem.
July 27.
i— -■ n i ,-■! i.- ' -in .tv i i•"■•mi ■-.-o-M.;.i—
Description of the Qualittf
Lots in the New Purchase,
Several District Surveyors.
A S soon as two hundred subscribers are obtained,
I wiil immediately direct a sufficient number of
copies to be struck off, and will give public notice to
subscribers that they are ready for distribution.
Those who are desirous. to Obtain, lists, will please
inform me as early as possible bv letter, post paid,
that they wish copies, or give their names to the
Post Masters in their counties, to whom subscrip
tions have been forwarded. The price will be Only
Two Dollars a Copy.
Milledgeville, June 25.
J UST received,—Grim Shaw’s United States, with
Question’s and Key for do. Conversations
on Natural Philosophy. Blair’s Lectures and Gram
mar of Philosophy. , Pa ley’s .Moral PKlosophy.
Polite Learning. Whelpley’9 Compend of History,
With Questions. Cdlhstock’s Chemistry. Perci-
val’s Poems. Benftet’s Letters. Beauties of Shake-
spear, &c. &c. for sale by
July 20. * 0. P. SHAW.
IiEREAS John Espy and Elizabeth Wither
spoon apply to me for Letters of Adminis-
trntion bn the estate of James S. Wlthet^pOon,'Iato
of said county, deceased,
This is therefore to cite and- admonish all and Sin
gular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the . time pre
scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why
said letters should not be granted.
Giten under my hand this 13th day of Julv, 1827.
P July 20.
. ‘ i...' —
u -'.'
upon the Mortgager according to tha statiRb l
cases made and provided.
A true confront tl^foiftult s. *]
April 6,
iks applies to ra
n on tho estate of Jobr
rnish all a ud
nc pre-
if 3n j\thcy may have,
letters should riot be granted. ' '2~\:
r roy hand, this 5th day of July TC27,
JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk,
WEN'i'Y-TWO Acres bf Land, with a
D welling-house and other out-buildin
thereon, within a quarter bf a mile of tl
College^ very fow for cash. Apply to C. Holt, of
Atbchs, for particulars.
Jane 22.—25 3t
If n.V.k’.'.i.,
»j ibeolh'i
HE House and Lot occupied by G. B.
JftM,' below Mr. Erwin’s Tavern —
_There is- a good Dwelling House, Store
House, lee House, and other out buildings on the
premises. Those; aispbsed to buy or rent will do
well' to call and view the same.
' ! R; SISSON.
Athens, July 27.—30 St
New Purchase
Sketches of Districts.
■tt" WILL furnish neat and accurate, plans, of'the
JL New Purchase, ehewing the districts, counties,
water courses and other remarkable objects,: for
Two Dollars, and if a table,- shewing the begiafting
corners at which the District Surveyors. began to
number the Lots is desired, this will be plainly writ
ten on the Plan, for Fifty 'Cents only. My charge
for each Sketch bf a District is 50 Cents.—The
Sketches will distinctly. represent the Square Lots
and Fractions, together with the numbers apd "wa
ter courses. Those ; who may be desirous to obtain
Sketches or Plana of the: New: Purchase, - will be
promptly famished bn application by -letter, post
paid, enclosing the. proper amount. I will likewise
promptly forward to any part, of the State, Granlp
for Lana, on reebiving-the sum of Fifty Ceftts,i ex
clusive bf the Grant-fee.
Milledgeville, July 6, ,4t
A TTORNEY AT ,LAW, located at the Court-
Jm. House in Muscogee county, (now at Wm. O.
Osborn’s) -may there be consulted - on professions?
business.. In addition to the counties of IheUtaftta-
hoochie Circuit, he ftriU practice in the Wqat|Bn) coun-
|Mapf the Flint Circuit. It is probable, that many
Hi jmay arise from land returned as firatidulently
-drawn; to all such eases his prbmpt attentionyrill
be given, and the most energetic eoaisunss adopted
for-their successful prosecution. : ,Hq will attend to
tli<9 collection of all-fi. fas. against peraons moving
to tho New’Purchase, or fortunate dpito^fs in the
Land' Lottery, who may ‘ be otherwise insolvent.
Communications directed to . Thomftstony. Upson
county, wiil-he immediately received, there.having
been established a regular conveyance from that
pace to the Court-House m Muscogee, once a 1 week.
May ll'Jti-19 3m : (-
improveffFour Acre Lot, in the vil
lage of Athens is for dale.
N?h*ONyeryacc _ ...
U, light CARRIAGE, suitable for a small
Also, a light SULKBY ninth a top, in go^-1 o:
For further pcrticuluiu, enquire of
toly 5—4t JO’LNNISBJ
; subsl-ribars will prae_ JpiLaw in f.'opa
ship iii the Counties of Lf e, Musc<, ; ee, T
eta and Carroll, of the CiVittahooccie Ci:
' firm of 'SMITH fc f ERRKLL.-^l hey wffi
attend to the collecting of
fortunate drawers in the la
be placed hi their
J S5^'4x M
esciP.e, July 5„