Newspaper Page Text
Tho D oniocrnoy of Polk county nro
liiivhy notified that tliero will l»n n
inoeliug of the party on Tuowlny, tho
21*1 cluy of July, iuat,, for tlio jmrposo
of np|>mnting do logit-1 a to HioOon-
vdiUon to nomjtiato a onndklato for
Congress of tlih District.
Many Dkmociiata.
T. J. Gibson has rotirotl from tlio
Hockfrmrt Reporter, nnd Thomas W.
Do.ltl takes editorial charge. Wo
wish Idin huocohs in Inn now /Sold of
labor. Friom! D"ald in u lawyer, iiisnr-
nnco agent, Hdiroud ngnnt, farmer
and editor, and we lm\o hoard it
suggested that if ho had a steam saw
mill, bis timo would bo pretty well oc
Wr Ir ani from the Romo Commer
cial, that a mor tingof tlio stockholders
of tho Romo Rail Road, wan hold in
Itomo on tlm Olh lost., tho following
gentlemen were (looted directors
Alfred Shorter, John 1’. King, John
A. Johnaon, J). S. Print tip, 1). M.
Hood. E. Hillyor and George Hillyor.
Wliut (h'oi'Kia OetN.
Under an appropriation bill panned
by Congress on Tuesday, Georgia gets
$250,000 fora custom house nt Atlan
ta, $50,000 fur improving tlm -Savan
nah river, $25,000 for improving tho
Olmttuhoochf o and Flint rivers, $10,-
000 for tho improvement of tho
Oohtnnntiln river nnd about $20,000
for Hiirveya of tlio water routes roc-
om mlod in tho report on IrunsporU-
tion. Tlio Georgia mom bora have
certainly dono their full duty in having
tho claiuiH of thin -State fully recog
nized #
CoiiHolliliitfcd Tin KeluriiH of
Polk County.
Polls, Whiten, 001)
“ Colored, 117
Total White and colored do-
fa td era, 87
* Physicians and Lawyers, 25
Dentists, o
Photograph Ai lists, I
White children between six and
eighteen yours of age, 1251
Total acres of land, 100,030
Aggregate value of land $1,072,731
Aggregate City and Town
proport y, $127,830
Amount of money and sol
um t debts, $210,850
Stocks and bonds, $800
Stock in Iron works, (Cher
okee Co. exoop!ed,) $2,000
Value of lioUBohol I and
kitchen furniture, $78,031
Plantation and mechan
ical tools $11,791)
Value of all oth( r property, $255,788
Aggregate value of wlielo
properly, $1,820,111,
An Extiiik Niav Cuimr.xcr. Thu
Trcsfiaiy Department, Buys tho Wuah-
ingt.»n Chronicle, is making extensive
preparations to retire the \vh<do of tile
filthy and imdditod national hank
cmrencv, iih provided in the third sec
tion of the new currency law.
Under previoua law, the renewal of
wmn out and mut‘uluted national
bank notes v,as nearly impossible.
R.V provisions of the new law, sums of
one thousand dollars, or any multiple
thereof, or luiHcelancous noter, the i -
Hues of mm or numerous k inks, may
be Kent to Tl'ousuri r Spinner, and the
new greenbacks obtained in exchange.
Tho old notes ari' destroyed, and ro
issues of the same distributed among
tho banks that originally issued thorn,
the government at’tho same time be
ing rein.bnrHed from the fund kept in
the Undid Elates Treasury by the
banks for this purpose.
In this way tlm eumucy of tlm
country, both national bank and green
back, will bo quickly renewed, and
afterwards kept in good condition. A
change was certainly needed.
Planetary Flirtatious.
The fashionable events in celestial
society for tho ensuing months of tho
present year will bo as follow..: On
tho 12th of August, three minutes
past seven in tho evening, Jupiter and
Venus will approach within one de
gree of each oilier, presenting u rare
nnd beautiful spectacle. An nnular
eclipse of the sun,*\Bible in Asia, and
partly in Africa and northern Europe,
will occur on tho 10th of October.
Tlifhnngui fiend Venus will bo at her
nearest to our earth on tho night of
November tho l()!b. One month
thence, on the 10th of December, will
ocevr the great ccntcniul transit of
the beautiful planets across tho of
tho bum, by elaborate observation of
which tlio astronomers of tho world
hope to establish the exact distance of
our woild from the sun. On the
mornings of tho l lth and 15th of the
Huue month, to\ Mats and Venus
will couie within three minutes of each
other, so ns to seem in actual contact.
Iurr not mistakes or wrong direc
tions, of which every man, in his
studies nnd elsi win re, falls into many,
dim.mage you. There is precious
instruction to be got by finding that
we arc wrong. Let n man try faith
fully, manfully to l c light* it is at
the bottom the e- ndition on which all
men have to cultivate themselves. Our
very walking is an incnssi ut falling—-
a falling and a catching of ourselves
before we come nctualy to tho pave
ment! It is cmblnmatic of the things
a man does.
1. That, nil male citizens within tho
corporate limit s of Odartown,between
tlm -g.*H of 1(1 and 50 shall, on proper
notice, bo required to Work, i ithor him-
telf or by an acceptable substitute, not
exceeding 15 days in each year on
streets, alloys, crosswalks, A *., or to
pny n commutation therefor, if tln-y
so elect, at tlm rate of G2£ cents per
day, which said commutation shall ho
paid immidinb 1, on receipt of no
tice to work, or tho sumo will bo rc-
joc'o 1 and tho party In 1 I bound to p i -
form the woik or to hoar tho penalty
for hia failure ho to do. which shall he
a line not exceeding $20, or imprison
ment m-t exceeding ton days, or both,
at the discretion of the Mayor and
2. It Hindi bo deemed a public
nuisance for any individual to remove
or causa to be iamoved, any sand,
gravel or dirt from any of tlm public
loads, streets or alleys, or place ob
structions in tho name, or on or over
any sidewalk. Any person or persons
violating the same shall, on conviction,
be lined a sum not exceeding $20 and
cohIh for each offense, or imprison
ment for a term not exceeding ion
days, or both, at discretion of Mayor
and (lotincil.
3. No person shall wilfully destroy
any shade tree, or shall fasten any
horse or other animal to any shade
tree or fence, within said town, and
tho Marshal shall, in every case, seize
tlm hone or other animal, and retain
it. until tlm fino and costs are paid.
1. It shall be the duly of the Mar
shal to superintend the street hands
nnd to direct the woik on streets, un
der tho direction of Council or street
5. All lots or premises within the
town limits shall, by their owners and
occupants be kept in such condition
us not to allow any water to stagnate
or otherwise bocoujo oflhnsivo or un
healthy, or any other miisunoo to ex
ist thereon ; and upon conviction of
a violation of this ordinance, such
owner or occupants may he lined not
exceeding toil dollars, or imprisopod
not exceeding ton days, or both, for
each day such nuisance exists after
tho notice hereinafter provided for,
has been served.
0. Tho Marshal or his deputy shall
give said owners or occupants written
notice of tho existence of nuisance,
and, after three days from tho time
of said notice shall proceed to abate
the nuisance by draining or filling up
said lots, or otherwise, as may he
necessary : and the Recorder shall
issue oxoeu ion fov the costs of such
abatement against said owners or oc
cupants, and tho lot on which said
nuisance may exist.
7. Anv owner or ooupant of any lot
who shall sutler to remain on his or
her lot owned or occupied by him or
liar, any dead animal or vegetables, or
any other tiling which may annoy his
or her neighbors, or tend to affect tho
health of any citizen, shall, on com
plaint. to the Marshal bo required to
remove the same within six hours, if
it can be done, (and llio possibility to
be decided bv the Mayor, or Council,)
and on failure to do so shall, on con
viction, pay a fine of not, exceeding
twenty dollars and costs, for every six
hours it. ih miIV"red to remain.
8 No person shall preinit or sufier
his or her horse or mule to run at.
large or stray within the limits of (L
Town: ami ii. ulmll \>r the duly of tlm
Marti!mt or Ills Deputy, am] they are
hereby oufhorizcd and required to
seize and secure every horse < r mule
straying or running at largo, and keep
the sumo until the owner or owners
of the tmino pay the line and costs,
which shall ho not exceeding one dol
lar for the first oftengo and two dol
lars each for all subsequent olienees.
9 No person shall within tho incor
porate limits of Godartown, he guilty
of an act of public indecency, tending
to debauch the morals of any
of the cit izen i, or of quarreling
or lighting, or of using obsene, vulgar
or profane language; or of malicious
mischief oi otherwise act in a disor-
doily maimer.
10 The firing of guns, pistols and
all other noise calculated to disturb
the citizens, except by perinision of
the Mayor, shall be prohibited.
11 Running l.orses or mules on the
streets shall bo prohibited.
12 No person shall inalto any noise
at night calculated to disturb the pub
lic pence, or to annoy any of tho cit-
13. No person shall bo found drunk,
or htooting, hallowing, or making any
other unnecessary or unusual noise to
the disturbance of any citizen.
I t. Any person or persons who
shall permit part ies of disorderly char
acter to assemble in Iks or their house
or houses, within the corporate limits
of the Town, to tho disturbance of the
citizens residing in his, her or their
neighborhood, shall be guilty i f keep
ing a disorderly house, and shall, on
convict ion, bo lined not exceeding
twenty dollars and costs, or ten days
imprisonment or both, at tho discre
tion of the Mu; or or Council.
15. It shall la; the duty of the Mar
shal to see to the enforcement of all
the ordinances ami laws made for the
government of tho town, to enforce
all orders nnd resolutions of the Coun
cil, or committors appointed l.y the
Council; and for every vitiation there
of to have the offender or « IV tutors
brought before tho Mayor, or in his
absence the .Mayor pro tom., or three
members of the Council, and tv) see
the judgment of the court executed.
lt>. Ill ail rises of emergency, where
the immediate arrest of an, pcis ui is
m res-ary, to s» oil tv the public peace,
the Marshal v r his deputy, nm\ arrest
such person, without written warrant
or summons, and detain him or her,
until wai rant or summons can he i>-
Mi-d and served, but in no ease shall
the party ho imprisoned before trial,
ill the Calaboose, without having a
r> asoti .ble opportunity to give Bond
and s< cm it; for bis appearance.
17. It shall be his duty to at
tend to tlio collodion of ti. fas.
nnd other matters placed in his
hands for Raid town ; to nttond
nil meetings of Council and Mayor’s
Courts, nnd do all such things as the
said courts may require, and he shall
also Mm to tho enforcement of all laws
and ordinances of ►aid town that may
be enacted or pointed out to him from
time to time, anil Khali perform all
the dutios required of huh by tlio
Charter, ami nmondonls thereto of
tho Town.
18. Any porson who shall commit a
violation pf tho penal laws of this
State, in tho presence of the Marshal
or his deputy, hIiuII bo arrested by
them or either of them, nnd carried
before some proper oflioor for exam
ination, and if ordered by tho Mayor
or any member of the Council to pros
ecute any such offender at the Superi
or Court, ho shall do ■ o.
19. Any person or persons in said
Town, between tho ages of sixteen
and fifty years, who upon being sum
moned by tho Marshal or his deputy,
or Mayor, or a member of tlio Council,
to aid in suppressing an affray, breach
of the p jaco or other outlawry, and
shall refuse so to do, or refuse to ar
rest, or aid in arresting any offender
against the laws of this State, or any
ordinance, or any person who slmll
oppose, resist, or obstruct tho Marshal
or his deputy, in tho arrest of any of
the offenders against any ordinance
or law of this Town, or other discharge
of’duty, shall, on conviction, pay a fii.o
of not exceeding twenty dollars and
costs, or imprisonment not exceeding
term days, in the Calaboose.
20. No itenerant trader or pedler,
shall offer for sale, any goods, wares
or merchandize, within tho corporate
limits of this Town, without first ob
taining from tho Council a license, for
which he shall pay tho sum of not ex
ceeding twenty dollars and Recorder’s
fees, for each day lie, aim, or they slmll
offer any goods, wares, or merchan
dize for Halo' in said Town.
21. If any person shall off’ r for
sale any grads, wares, or merchandize,
within tho corporate limits of said
Town, without first having obtained a
license from tho Council, tlio Marshal
or his deputy, slmll arrest such per
son, and carry him, her or them before
tho Mayor, Mayor pro tom., or Coun
cil, for trial, whon, lin, she or they,
shall bo timed a sum not exceeding
twenty dollars, for each <1 iy lie, she or
I hoy, shall violate tho proceeding sec
22. The police force of tho T>wn
slmll emsi t of a Marshal and such
subordinate ofilcers as the M lyor and
Council may deem necessary.
23. Itshuil bo tlio duty of the Mar
shal, to sco to the enforcement of u 11
the ordinances and laws mail a for tho
government of tho Town, to enforce
all orders or resolutions of lhe Mayor,
or tho Council, or committees from tlm
Council; and for every violation thoro-
* *f, to I in Vo the offender brought bofoie
the Mayor, Mayor pro tom, oi Council,
and to see I lie judgement of the Court
i xveutod. He slmll not absent him-elf
from Town, except on official business,
without permission of the Mayor.
21. ft slmll be the duly of tho M ir
Kind to attend to tin. e. lleeti m of all
lines, tax risHasmonts and other nmt-
tera placed in his hands for su'd Town,
and turn tlm sumo ovev to tho Treas
urer and take his receipt for the mime;
to attend all mooting( of Council and
Mayor's Courts, he shall also see to the
enforcement of all I iwn or.ulmii
cch of Mm Town, that may be enacted,
or pointed out to him from time to
dine, and shall perform all duties re
quired of him by tho Charter, and
amendments thereto of tiio Town, he
Hindi do and perform faithfully, and
dilligontly, all, and singular, the duties
now required of him, or which may
hereafter he required of him; and for
failure to do so, shall boileiilt with as
flm Mayor and C uncil shall deem
best, and while be is cautioned against
all living bimsell t > b • easily provoked
by unciv il or rude language, yi t if the
offence be of mi agrivuted character,
or any thing like an assault, to be
made or attempted on bis person, ho
is authoriz 'd to arrest the offender,
ami take him before the .Mayor or
Council, or to the Calaboose, on u
charge of a breach of the po ice or an
assuul , as tho circuit)stuucus may war
25. No license is transferable, ex-
e< pt by the consent of tho C.-uneil,
and shall not protect more than one
place, ami Unit the place described
2(i. I'll" Council shall annually ap
point one of their number Tax Asms
sar, who shall, after tho first day of
April in each year, value ami assess,
dnder oath, all of the real estate in
the town subject to taxation, and
make return thereof to the town coun
cil by the first day of Jane.
27. Parties dissatisfied with theas-
flOBmont of their propeity, may have
the same reviewed by the assessor, by
tiling with the Recorder of the Council,
an affidavit, that the valuation is ex
cessive, and that tlio property is not
worth the amount assets d, and upon
such affidavit being tiled, tlio assessor
shall reconsider bis assessment, and
his report shall bo final.
28. It shall l>o tho dntv of tho Mar
shal to collect the taxes assessed beforo
tho first day of October, ami before
entering on his duties as such, shall
give one weeks notice through the
29. It shall bo the duty of all per
sons to give in their tax by tho time
prescribed, and any person failing to
do so shall bo double taxed, tho as
sessor making the best estimate that
he can of the property not valued.
30. Pt rsons coming into the town,
or commencing business after tho day
mi which taxes are given in, shall give
in when called on by tho marshal, aud
pay a tax porpotionate to tho lime.
31. Tlio treasurer shall bo elected
from one of tho Council, and shall be
required to keep a full book oi’ entry,
of all sums of money bo may receive
or pay out, and shall furnish the coun
cil with a detailed report of all re
ceipts aud expenditures, and the dif
ferent orders upon which money has
been paid out by him whenever called
upon; ho shall pay out no money but
upon orders pissed by tho Mayor and
Council, drawn up and tfigned by tho
Recorder, and countersigned by the
Mayor or Mayor pro tern.
32. Tlio Recorder filial! attend all
mooting* of Council and Mayor’s
Court*, and keep a record of tlio same;
isHUe all summonses, processes and
executions, shall have tho custody of
all records, pipors and books belong
ing to the Council, and shall see that
the following foes are collected for all
c won sustained before the Mayor or
Council, record same, and j ay same
over to tlio Treasurer.
83. For each summons to p irties
accused, - - - .75
For each subpmna to witness, .15
For each judgment of Mayor and
Council, ... 75
. For each ontering of nppaoul, 125
For ouch bond - - 100
For each fi fa, - - - 60
For each warrant, - - 150
34. Tho Marshal shall bo elected
by the Mayor and Council at their
first annual mo- ting after their elec
tion, and shall, before entering upon
tlio discharge of tho duties of his of
fice, take the oath prescribed for offi
cers of mid town, give bond in such
sum ns may bo determined by the
Mayor and Council previous to bis
election, with two good and sufficient
securities, conditioned for tho faithful
performance of his duties; and said
Marshal slmll receive for his salary
such sum as shall bo fixed by resolu
tion of tho Mayor and Council before
bis election, and not to bo increased
or diminished during his contirmaucj
in office.
•35. Whenever any fieri facias shall
issue against any person or persons,
citiz ms of said Town, or who have
property subject to taxation within tho
corporate limits of the same, for taxes,
in the manner prescribed by the clmr
ter and ordinances of this town, ii
slmll be the duty of the M irshal forth
wi h to levy the same upon tho proj -
erty of the defendant, or stiftieney
thereof to satisfy said firn’i ftpi/m and
3(5. Whenever tho Marshal shall
have any oxocution or executions plac
ed in his hands, ho shall execute the
same in the manner proscribed by this
Ordinance, and whenever he shall levy
an execution mi any goods, chattels,
or tenements, ho slmll alvertiso H o
-time in three of tho most public pluoi s
in said Town, ten days b. foro the
sale, (except in cases whore I ho land
vied upon, when he slmll advertise
t'legimoin three of thu mod public
os in said town, and in the
O'do town Record at least once a
wet k for four Weeks prior to the day
of sale,^ and the said Marshal shaH,
on tho first Tuesday of each month,
between the hours of 10 o’clock in the
forenoon and 4 o'clock in tlm after
noon, sell nil thoproperty levied upon,
in front of tho (' nut House, at public
outcry, and Hmll knock down aiid
property to the highest bidder, and
execute titles to the same, if required.
37. Where real estate is levied on,
it slmll bn the duty of the Marshal to
give to tho owner, or tho tenant in
possession, if tho owner is unknown,
a written notice of such levy fivo davn
before sale.
38. Whonovcr any land is sold u -
der and by virtupof any tux execution
issued in pursuance of tho charter and
ordinances of the town of Oedartoivn,
the owner or.owners thereof hi ■, h r,
or f«> ii ngeflt or attorney, or the
. vendor of the laud, when tlm purchase
money has not boon paid. Hi ill have
the right and privilege of redeeming
the land thus sol I, within one year
from tho time of the sal'*, by paying
the I’urclmsor thereof tho amount
paid by said purchaser for said land,
with leg d interest thereon nnd toil
per centum premium on said amount
39. Tho Recorder ■ h ill issuo execu
tion in stun tor, where any line is im
post d by the Mayor or Conned, to bo
levied upon tho goods, cbutteln, lands
and tenements of tho person or persons
ffn.d, if tho sum is not immediately
paid, which execution slmll bear test
in the name of the Mayor, and bo
signed officially by the lloeorder, and
be directed to the Mra u a’ of tho t w i
of Codurtown,
49. When any person is convicted
of any offense against tho laws or ordi
nances of tho town, tho court may,
impose in its di&tmwtion, any lino not
exceeding twenty dollars and costs,
and ten days imprisonment, or both,
at the discretion of the M iyor and
41. The Mayor, or in his absence
three members of tho Council, shall
hold a Court for the trial of parsons
ohargod with violating any of the
laws or ordinances of tho Town.
42. Any person who is charged with
an offence against any of the ordinan- -
ees of the Town, shall be informed, by
summons in writing served on him, of
the nature and c itise of his accusa
tion; shall have compulsory process
for obtaining witnesses in his behalf;
shall have a speedy trial before tho
.Mayor or three members of the Coun
cil; shall In* confronted with tho wit
nesses against him, and have the priv-
ilidge of cross examination, as in tho
Superior Courts of the State of Geor
gia. Tlm same rules as to the exam
illation of witnesses, and the evidence
a Idue. d as obtained iu said Couiti, as
far as they ate applicable to ex un-
ini"g courts, shall bo applicable to cas
es before the Mayor’s Court, and before
tho Council. The party accused shall
lmve the privilege of defending him
self by council, or by himself, or both,
as to him shall seem proper. No one
slmll be condemned, fined or punished
without a ohaneo of being heard iu his
43. Any person being dissatisfied
with the decision ot the Mayor, or
throe members of Council, shall have
tho right to appeal to a Board of
Council by payment of costs and giv
ing good and sufficient security for
tho eventual condemnation money,
which appeal shall be entered instanter,
and shall operate as a sap'rseth'us of
the execution or judgment, until the
disposition of the appeal by tho May
or and Council, which said appeal
shall bo taken up and disposed of at
the next meeting of Council, unless
continued upon a legal showing.
44. An ordinance to adopt tho code
as ordered printed in Codartown
Record, containing a part of tho ordi
nance of Cedartown. nnd to rapes 1
(with certain exceptions) nil ordi-
n Hires conflicting therewith :
Tho Mayor and Council of Cedar-
town do ordain, that the fun-going
revised Laws and Ordinances of the
town of Cedartown be ndopted and
declared to bo in full force, and that
all ordinances or parts of ordinances
conflicting with them aro hereby re
pealed, with tho exception of those
under which rights have boon vested
in any person or persons.
Passed in Council, Jnuo 1G, 1874.
Cotton Statistics.
Tho statistician of tho Department
of Agriculturo makes report oi tho
acrcago iu cotton based on returns
from moat of tho cotton counties and
on personal observation iu Hix cotton
.Stales, as follows, the comparison be
ing with arc a of 1873: Virginia, 80,
North Carolina, 89; South Carolino,
91; Georgia, 90; Florida, (51; Alabama,
80; Arkansas, 89; Tennessee, 92; Mis
sissippi, 83; Louisiana; 80; Texas, 102
Missouri, (55. The aggregate reduc
tion slightly exceeds leu per cent. The
condition of the crop is represented by
the following figures—100 being nom
inal or fair condition:
North Carolina, 89; South Carolina
81; Georgia, 80; Louisiana, 70; Texas
90; Arkansas, 90; Tennessee, 85, The
report of condition in June, 1873 is
more favorable in every State except
North Carolina and Texas, the record
stands as follows: North Carolina, 85;
.*■ o ith Carolina; 88; Georgia, 94; Flor
ida 102; Alabama, 93; Miscissippi, 92;
f. niisiaim, 94; Texas, 8(J: Arkunsus, 92;
Tennessee, 90.
Fields are much cleaner than this
date last year, and cun easily be kept
free from woods. With favorable
weather rapid improvement is certain
and fair comparison with July is quite
probable at the next report.
New Advertisements.
X. will sell, nt llieir Work.-, ui Public Auc
tion, «i 10 o’clock, A. M., on tlio 10th <lny
of August, |*71,
with 100 feel front of land, running buck lo
the centre of Cedar Creek. Hiiitablfl f.»r a
Criit Mill. Also, one CJ inch i urbinc
Walor Wheel, nnd nhout .'WOO foot of framed
nnd iinfrntned lumber. Terms lo l>»- made
known on the day of sale, fly order of
Codartown, On, July 11, DTI
Tl. C. IV i I Icon,
over Rrett't Drwj Store,
Codartown, Coorgio.
Copying old pictures a specially.
W . V NTE 1 >,
B v the Monn.i: i.ifi: insurance
COMP w v,
l.ive, Active Agent*. In *nlicit Inmriinoe.
Iluiinexi liirht nnd profitable. Appl)
(0!<!r«f Ettablithnl Ifotue in To e-..)
Pryor Street, South iitle Court Ifoust Squn.-e
Odiirfuwn, <iu.
General Merchandise.
Agent Dr
D I S S O I. V E I) II0 N E S .
and 4>ther standard Fertilizers.
l'Jnfjfyinf*- nml 'Pio*.
Virginia Salt and Plaster Company.
W. C. Barber 9
ft of Ii mu cl« (iu.
“TT7 ILL -ell or buy W ild or Improved
*» Lands in nny portion of ihr county.
Haring been a citizen of Tolk county for
many years, nnd being thoroughly posted
in the Location. Value, etc , of Lands in ev
ery section, feel confident that it will be to
the interest of parties having lands to sell,
to place them in my hand*; nnd those wish
ing to purchase Lands can always be ac
commodated. I will be in Cedartown on
the 1st Tuesday in each month, for tho pur.
poio of transacting business in my line.
June 20
• F. S. Stubbs Co.,
J£KEP constantly on hand a full line of
UooIh mid Shoos ;
also a line of
(’ash buyers will find it to their interest
to examine our goods and prices before
ntf*,. Hole agents for the sale of the cele
brated Watte Plows" nnd fixtures, in Polk
county. juno 20—tf
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable,
Alain St reel, ('edurtoxvn, (in
| )ltl Ts down to - lit the lime*. G .n I
Htock, Vehicles, and Careful Driver-
always on hand.
Special attention given to the care cf
stock left in our charge.
Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store.
Or any article generally kept in
,\( Prices to suit the Closest Buyers, y-ti
»ill make it greatly to your advantage by
■ailing at tho above named store.
f,7).l/(71l II .V, (V I.
Boots, Shoos,
Wool A;. Fur I lals.
Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal
Which we will sell as cheap as nny one in
town for the CASH. Call and examine
before purchasing. june 20
Codartown, - Georgia,
ITH increased facilities for doing
business and obtaining goods, my long ex
perience in business, makes mo confident
that my Stock, Terms nnd Price.-, will com
pare favorably with those of any other
house in Town. I defy good, healthy bus
iness competition. An inspection of my
(ioods and Prices D earnestly desired.
Grateful for past favors, and the generous
patronage of Polk and adjoining counties so
liberally bestowed for the past nine years,
1 shall strive to merit a continuance of the
N. U — Liberal advances made on grow
ing crops. During the coming cotton sea
son 1 shall, a* in tho past, strive to bui'd
up and increase a home cotton and produce
market, having already perfected arrange- I
monte for increasing my facilities for buy
ing and storing cotton.
Solma, Romo & Dalton R. R.
Traius ou this Hoad will run as follows : j
Leave Selina 7.25 a m
Arrive at Prior’s IS p m I
“ Dalton t', 16 p m j
Making close connection at Dalton with
E T V At 0a. K R., and W & A R R for all
Eastern aud Western cities ana t!ie Vir
ginia Springs.
Leave Dalton 6-45 p m
Arrive at Prior’s 10.12 p m
Arrive at Selma 8.30 a m
Leaving Dalton ior Solma upon arrival of
E T \ A: Ga U R and 5V \ A K it trains.
JNO. U. I’FCK, Gen. Sunt.
W. S. MAYNARD. Asst. Supt.
RAY KNIGHT, G. P. & T- Agt.
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
I Uepo.i
Professional Cards.
’ Notary Public
L’LAR attention given to taking
(Ions an<l collection of olatnis.
J. A. BLANCH, A. niriiAitnsos.
CedarfoAVii, tin.
FF1CB in Court House.
(’cilnrfoAvn, (in.
QFFICE in Court House.
W. F. T CRN E R .
Codurtown, tin.
0 F
Attorney at Law,
^~^FFICK — East side Court Hoihc square.
Cartcrsi ille, tin.
O mrE in Dntik Dullding. june *20
and Roai Estate Agents.
C UiTh'RS VII / E 0 i.
CEI)AUTO\Y.\, a A.
Drs, Liddell & Richardson,
Odnrtowii, (ia.
AY be found iu Ilnur office at ull hours
hen not professionally engaged.
juno 20
Physician and Surgeon,
(Ctlartoii n, (ia.
3 _
< •*',*?, C
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Codartown, Ca.
\ 1~<>I1K done promptly and ^lisfactorily
’ ’ All work wnrmtiU d T« olvc Months
,;, T'-“ring t'""-' "at--I..- a specially. Ali
kinds ot Jewelry and Watches and’ tllocks
kept for sale. june 20-ly
JOHN C. attHNt
Practical Mechanic & builder,
JO\ I.I> respectfully announce to the
public that he is fully prepared to
furnish Material and
Everything Fresh and Pure !
IGroot I Stiil<lino>
ot all sizes nnd grades, on short notice and
a ui ion given to making and trimming
i» e is k i j m i£: it y, G O F F I UsT S ,
Always on hand.
Tooth, Hair ami Nail Brushes, I
Combs, etc.
Buying for Cash, we are prepared to sell '
Those desiring work of any kind i
line would do well to call on him at tl
Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court 1
• s ‘i uare * june 20
r p ln: undersipncil lias Lcaled in G'cdur.
1 1 r “ r >lio purpose of cun-vine on
the business m all its branches. If/ou want
s low as the lowest.
Give us a call and se
for y
a shampoo or
Will guarantee satisfaction,
june 20
give iac a call and I