Newspaper Page Text
Baptist Church.—Regular Services, 1st
anil ail Sundays in each month, llev. Court
ney Brown, Pastor. Sabb*Ui*school at 9
o'clock, A. M.
MaTnontsT CuoRcn.—Services at 11
o’clock, a. m* ami 8 o’clock, r. m. every
Sabbath; Rev. Win. II. LaPrade, Pastor.
Sabbath-school at'O o’clock, A. m.
Pa*8BTTBHiAW Church.—Servioes 1st
and 8d Sabbath every month, Rev. U. K.
Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school nt'Jo’clook,
Caledonia Loduk, No. 121, F. A A. M —
Regular communication, the 3d Friday
night in each month.
J. 8. Stubbs, W. M.
N. M. WnioitT, Secretary.
Good Templars.
Cr.oAn Vallkt Lodor, No, 303. I. 0. G.
T.--Meets every Friday night (except 3d
C. G. Janus, W. C. T.
J. M. HAunts, Secretary.
Coiquitt Guanok, No, 20 Regular meet
ings Saturday before the third Sabbnlh In
each month.
Our Agent*.
John S. Vann, Priors Station.
F.. P. Feathers!on, Liine Branch.
U. S. Paitillo, Taylorsville.
W. P. West, Esotn Hill.
Wanted.—A smart, intelligent boy ’
about 18 yearo old, with a fair Kngllsli ed
Mention, to learn the Printing business.
He must be a boy of good ohnracter, and
not afraid of work. Nono other need ap
ply. A resident of town preferred.
Remember—Onr terms nro strictly
cash In advance, and wo shall expect all
who have subscribed to pay their subscrip
tion after this, our first issue.
We desire to be prompt in all our deal
ings, but unless our patrons pay on prompt
ly, It will be impossible for us to meet our
liabilities promptly.
CoimESrONDENTH Wantkh—We wish
to make arrangements with a proper person
at every post oflico and in every neighbor
hood in the county, to net ns a regular local
reporter and agent to rejeive subscriptions,
to whom a liberal commission will be given.
N.Ejn.Fs for nil kinds of Sowing
machines; Singer,76ets per dozen—all oth
ers 90 cents. Will send needles by mail on
receipt of price. W. H. WIKLE.
Cnrtersvillo, Ga.
Durham Smoking Tobaco (Black
well's) at Burbai:k & Go’s.
Old Georgia Anti-Diapcptio Bitters,,
for aide at Bui bank & Co’a Drug Storo
Barber & Wood atill have on hand
some of those celebrated fruit jars, tbo
* Gem.’’ Now is the tiino to buy thorn.
Two Stato lino liquor dealers es
caped builif Hampton at about twolvo
o’clock Friday night of Inst week.
Hampton’s duster sailed again, blit
his prisoners out-sailed him.
We hod the plensuro of a call, this
wot k, from Mr. IT. A. Edmondson, of
Esom Hill. Ho is one of your honest,
straight forward farmers that wo lilco
to meet. Ho reports crops doing
well, and excry thing quiet iu his sec
Air. R. W. Whitehead brought into
onr oflico, on last Thursday, somo of
tbo finest peaches, and largest toma
toes, and best okra and squashes, wo
have boon in possession of this sea
son, and wo appcrciato such tokens of
kind remembrance, moro especially as
wo have no vegetables in our own
garden. All donations of this sort
thankfully received.
Fashions !—Tbo cheapest anil best
way for our patrons to obtain the
oenuine fashions, is to get Smith's Il
lustrated Pattern Bazaar; it imports
(very new design in Foreign Fashions
in Paper Patterns, and supplies theso
patterns to its subscribers with littlo
Clctii Models of the garment already
mado up, so that any lady can make
and complete her own wardrobe with
out any assistance from any one. The
prico of this elegant Magazine is only
One Dollar a year, and gives a splen
did premium besides one dollar’a
worth of patterns or a splendid Chro-
roo that sells for three dollars each.
Send one dollar to A. Burdette Smith,
914 Broadway, New York, and got it
and save your dressmaker's bills and
make your own clothing.
There nro still some names on our
subscription book who lm\ve not paid
their subscription—names that were
put down before the first number of
our paper was printed, with the un
derstanding that it should be paid
when the paper was established. Un
less our friends come forward and
settle these little subscription bills,
wo will be forced, in self defence, to
ernso theso names from our books.
It is utterly impossible for us to pay
cash for our paper, and everything
else we use, and send our paper out
on credit. Wo wish to bo accommo
dating, but this is something wo can
not do—wish wo could. If you have
not paid your subscription, don’t
thick this is meant for some one else,
but consider that it is intended di
rectly for you.
The Pic tile.
Tbo gala day Inst Saturday, was a
mammoth affair and a success in ovory
sense of the word. Wo lived moro,
oat moro and hoard moro than wo
had for many days before. Thoro
woro moro good things to bo oaten,
moro good things to bo hoard and
seen than is common on such occasi
ons. Wo hud a fino day, all aglow
with sunshino anil fannod by breezes,
our turnout was a thousand, moro
loss. Tbo most remarkable foaturo
of the occasion was, that out of fivo
speeches, wo hoard not ono word of
politics, aud strango to say, ovory ono
of them was interesting and not ono
of the speakers was a candidate.
Gonoral Alfred Colquit, (God bless
the man and may ho livo forovor) was
introduced to the audianco as tho first
spoaker, after a fervent and nppropi-
ato prayer by tho Rev. Mr. Taylor.
IIo represented tho agricultural inter
est and direct trade, and did it with
ability and power, and tho happy re
sult was, a largo subscription of stock
to tho direct trado movement. IliH
spoach was replete with humor and
strong common sonco reasoning. Tho
General is a man after our own heart,
lio speaks for tho edification of tho
peoplo, ho speaks that good may come
of it and there is not a ainglo ovidcnco
in all ho says that ho is trying to get
a great name for Colqnit. Ho deliv
ered a most touching address to the
Sunday Schools in tho afternoon,
which greatly endoared him to tho
children and tho peoplo generally.
Would that we lmd spnoo to say moro
of this good and groat man. Ho is
ono of the few pure, undoiilod and un-
defilablo knot). Would wo lmd moro
liko him. Tho longer ho lives tho
moro wo shall love him, and hopo thut
ho will como to Cedar Valley ovory
summer, yes, and winter too.
Dinner camo in just hero and those
who have boon to Cedar Valley din
ners, know what sort it was. Wo
put our ladies against any you can
find to get up good oatablos.
After dinner ai d ernrting -and
thoro was much of tho latter done,
for many a young hero humbled him
self before the goddesses of bounty
and gave up tho ghost—Rev. Mr.
Gwaltny, <*f Rome, spoko as tho rep
resentative of tho Temperance Cause,
and chiefly of legal prohibition. His
argument was tho best wo over hoard
on Ibis point, and was conclusive. Ho
showed it was not only lawful to pro
hibit liquor traffic by statute, but also
proved that it had boon a success iu
those states wbero snob laws existed.
His reasons woro convincing for tho
justice, legality and practicability of
putting down liquor. Mr. Gwaltny
is a good speaker and is in oarnosl in
this matter.
Tho Rev. M. Brown was boro intro
duced, and spoke with groat earnost-
nes of the importance of good,
(•nergotio Sunday School toaohors.
Mr. Brown spoke briefly but spoko well
and to I ho point. IIo is right about tho
wants of tho Sabbath School.
Rev. W. II. LaPrado was next in
troduced to tho audieucons an advo
cate of Sabbath Schools. IIo talked
about the obligation of ovory Sunday
School attendant to work for tho pro
motion of tho cause, ovoryono had a
woik to do and it is a duty to do it.
Mr. La Prado, in his concise, logical
way, sont probing truths to tho hearts
of his hearers. IIo is undoubtedly a
clear and closo roaeonor. Ho mado a
good address and a good impression.
Tho singing was splendid for tho
opon air, and tho organ was a great
advantage and was managed well.
Altogether it was a joyful time and
wo all went away happy. Wo must
l'efor to tho proficiency of our town
officers and sobriety of our peoplo,
evinced by tho quietnoss of tho day.
Only ono intoxicated person croatod
any disturbance and tho authorities
readily took charge of him.
Throe cheers for tho Granger, Far
mers Club, Good Tornplar, Sunday
School, Masonic, Colqnit Pic Nic.
To onii County Subscribers.—For
the information of our county subscri
bers, wc publish tho following soction
of tho new jiostul law in [relation to
nowspaper postage :
"From and after July 1, 1874,
newspapers, ono copy to each actual
subscriber residing within the county
where the Baino arc printed, in whole
or in part, and published, shall go free
through tho mails.”
It will ho seen from tho above that
there is no postage on tho Reorrd to
county subscribers.
Mr. L. B. Stone, of Prior’s Station,
was in town on Thursday, and says
things are breathing smothly in his
beat. Mr. Stone is depot agent at
Prior’s Station, aud tho cloverest ono
we ever saw. There is more of life in
him {than a dozen ordinary mortals.
He lives ten years to one, and if prov
idence smiles on him till good old
age, at that rate ho will outlive Me
thuselah. Liko Oxcusterna of old, ho
pulls off his cares with his clothes at
night—only he never puts them on in
tbo morning—wo moau his cares. Wo
nominate Mr Stone for matrimony
thoro will bo no opponent.
Mr. A. L. Davis, onr clevor watch
maker and jowelor, who has boon ab
sent somo weeks, 1ms roturued, and
located South of the Court House,
where ho is prepared to do all kinds
of work in his lino.
By referouoo to advertisement it
will bo soon that tho Chorokoo Iron
Company Imvo postponed tho salo of
Water Power on Cedar Crook, to tho
17th instant.
We oall tho attention of tho travel
ing public to tho card of tho Fulton
House, Atlanta. Mr. Cora knows how
to koop a hotel, and his charges arc
vorv moderate.
Now is tbo time to make money by
soiling old casting. Tho Chorokoo
Iron Co. will pay ono dollar, in trade,
for ovory lmndrod pounds delivered
at tho Foundry.
A protracted mooting has boon go
ing on at the Baptist Church in this
place all this week. Largo congrega
tions and much interest manifested.
Tho pastor, Mr. Brown, is a faithful
workor. Wo hopo his efforts will bo
productive of much good to tho causo
of Christianity.
A primary mooting of "Polk County
Guards” was held at tho court house
on last Wednesday, preparatory to
permanent Organization and election
of ofllooi’B. Somo discussion onsuod
as to name, uniform, ole. Our young
men nro in oarnosl in this matter, and
will endeavor to bo fully organized
and oqnipod in time for the Stato
Fair iu October
It will bo soon by reference to a no-
tico in another place, that our Presby
terian bret hren propose to commence
a sorios of mootings iu their new
Church in this place, on next Friday,
tho 14th inst. Wo would ho glad to
roo all tho denominations join in aud
assist ill gutting up a good old-fash
ioned revival, letting all prejudices
and difl’eronco of opinion on minor
doctrines ho laid aside, and go to work
as brethren indued.
Our now Court House foiioo is com
pleted -the last touch of tho painter's
brush having boon nppliod, and wo
fearlessly assert that a moro substan
tial, durablo wooden fouco can’t bo
found any whore. Judge Brower, Mr.
Enlows, tho contractor, and Dir. Ran
ger, tho painter, and nil concerned,
doservo groat credit for its nppoavauoo.
Next woek Superior Court convenes,
and a groat many peoplo will bo in
town, and wo predict Hint Judge
Brower will kei pa sharp lot kout, and
woo he unto tho man who “whittles"
on that fence.
Wc have information which wo
consider reliable, that tho Chorokoo
Railroad oaso has boon postponed to
some time in Scptombor, which is a
sourco of regret to all of our peoplo.
Wo failed to get our cxpcclod
Esom Hill nows this week, which wo
regret, as wo want news from ovory
neighborhood in I ho county, which
makes ovory ono feel personally intor-
ostod in tho paper, and that it is print
ed in tho interest of tho whole county,
which it is our dosiro to do ; but wo
cannot do this without tho co-opora-
tion of our friends in tho different
This pioco was onlivond last Satur
day j^vening by a littlo unploiiBantnoss
between two of its citizens, which re
sulted in ono of thorn going homo
with a black oyo and a broken head,
and singing in a vory mock, submis
sive voice, ‘ Think of your haul in
tho morning.’’
Tho average boy, and a fow of tho
overage men, of this place, onjoy thorn-
sclvcs with a social garao of nuirblos
tlioso warm afternoons.
Tho fruit crop in this section is very
largo, and tho ladies are vory busy
cutting and drying for winter uso.
Last Sunday was tho semi-annual
Association of tho Primitive Baptist
church of Biincomb, which was well
attended by members from all ad
joining counties, and a great many
that were not members. Your repor
ter failed to secure a seat in bearing
distance of tho preacher, on account
of tho immouco throng around tho
church. 7- Nosco.
Editor Record:— \Wjl you do ns tho
kindness to insert tmo following no
tice: Tho Presbyterian Church will
be sufficiently near completion on
next Sabbath, the 9:h inst. to 1 o used
for Sabbath School purposes.
Tho Rev. It. F. Taylor, assisted by
the Rev. Theo. E. Smith and Rev. S.
E. Axson, will commence a series of
meetings at this church, Friday night,
tho 14th of August.
Wo take this occasion to public
ly express our unqualified thanks to
numerous friends iu tho Methodist
and Baptist Churches, and to kind
friends outside of all churches, for tho
hearty, cheerful and liberal innnuer
with which they have materially ns lif
ted us. To tho former, we bid God
speed in tho good work in their own
churches. May they abundantly pros
per in tho work of tho Lord. To the
latter, wo say, bo not like tho work
men and builders of tho ark, but como
and go in with up.
Ethics and Religion.
Tho relation of Ethics to Religion
s of tho simplost aud most manifest
sort, aud yot no relation is more gen
erally misunderstood. Standing at
extremoH of tho many envious views
of this subject, thoro are two of which
I wish to say a word or two, boonuso I
concoivo thorn to bo dangerously com
mon and dangerously wrong. Ono of
those errors obtains among clmrch-
momhors, and is what Theologians
term Antinomianism. It was a here
sy of tho oarly days of the Church,
and in somo form or other, has como
down through all subsequent ages. As
tho name imports it is, practically, u
declaration that strict obsorvuuco of
moral law is not incumbent upon a
believer in Christ. Salvation is of
graco—not of works. It is subjective
ly considered a question of faith. I
btlu've and am savod. Tho old ordi
nances havo boon "nailed to tho
Cross.’’ I am no longer under a dis
pensation of law, but under graco. If
I beliovo in Christ, I may lio, steal,
get drunk, fight, and break tho sab
bath with impunity. Such are tho
poisonous tonots of this heresy. Its
origin, humanly considered, is three
fold, sometimes it comes from liypoo-
rioy; sometimes from tho mistaken
idea that Roligoou deals simply with
tho omotional part of man’s nature;
ofton from tho i ffort of a corrupt na
ture to oxcuso to itself its criminal
tcndoncos and conduct. St. Jumos
wrote to overturn this heresy. Chris
tianity was novor intended to oast out
legal upriyhtnoHS, hut to sanctify and
elevate it. By restoring to the soul
tho imago of God, it seeks to form n
solidity for tho ourfaco of morality
which was hitherto a moro shell. It
combines tho two ideas of outward
rcafcitudo and inward purity and god
liness, and so forms a harmonious and
well developed system. It. is a pure
fountain, and all its streams are pure.
No liar, nor drunkard, nor adulterer
has tho grace of god in his heart what
ever ho may lmvo boon. Ho may re
pent and bo forgivon and renewed,
lmt at prosout ho is in sin—and woo
to him who loaches to tho contrary.
Tho othor error is exactly opposite.
It is thodootrino that morality is iden
tical with Religion. It is based upon
the plmrisaial idea that Religion has
to do wit h man’s conduct moroly when
tho very ossonoo of tho Gospel is that
condition, primarily, and conduct
through condition is.tho aim of Christ
ianity. Its adhonrontH forgot mini’s
compound nature'—that ho has soul
ns well body, motlvos as well as not
ions. They forgot, too, that, tho groat
Being to whom all nro accountable is
essotiiialy a Spirit, and that their re
lation to Him is a spiritual relation:
Worship must therefore bo spiritual,
and all out want conduct must spring
from spiritual sources in order to ef
fect him ngrooably. Tho ono error
would degrade spiritual liborly into
carnal liocnco. The other would palm
off moral uprightness for spiritual
worthiness. L.
A Wise Choice.
Tho Amorioau Baptist, tells tho fol
lowing good story, which wo commend
to our young foinuio readers, aud
males also:
"Where did you first moot with
your bride?” I said to a young friond
of mine, who lmd invited mo to his
His reply wa : "A year ago I was
one of a laVgo.dimior-party of Indio i
and gentlemen, at which a young lady
was notiood not to drink any wine;
our host obsorvod it, and said:
“ ‘A glass of wino with you Miss.”
“ ‘Exeuso me, sir,” said sho.
“‘Wlmt excuse? Are you a tcoto-
taler? What I lmvo wo a toetotider
here? Ha 1 ha ! a tcototuler 1
Why, do you never drink wino?
"‘Never, sir?’
" ‘Why not?’
‘“From principle, sir.’
Nothing more was said. Hor de
cision of elmraotor deeply impressed
ino. I sought an introduction to her,
satisfied that ono of such principle
would make me a good companion.
I became a teetotaler myself and now
sho 1ms just become my wife. That
is why 1 married her."
Our friond was right. .Such a fine
young lady will inako a fine woman.
Would there were more liko her.
Sources of—Fvory con
dition of life 1ms its advantages and
its peculiar sources of happiness. It
is not tho houses mid streets that
make tho city, but those whofrequont
thorn; it is not the acres which make
tho country, but those who cultivate
them. He is wisest who best utilizes
his circumstances, or, to translate it.,
onr surroundings; and happiness if
wo deserve it,, will find iu whprever
our lot may bo cast.
Beautiful Words.—Tertullian saith,
"If thou endurost wrong for Christ’s
s.ike, ho is a Revenger; if sorrow, ho
is a Comfortor; if isicknoss; ho is a
Physician; if loss, ho is a Restorer; if
life, ho is a Itevivor.
The Whole Race of Woman.
IT’enin.lo HeR-iilutor.
It will bring on tho Menses; voliovu nil
pain at tho monthly “Porlod;” ouro Rheu
matism ami Neuralgia of Rack nml thorns;
l.ouoorluva ‘‘Whitos,” and partial Prolap
sus Utorlj chock excessive How, and cor
rect all irregularities pooularla ladies.
It will romoYO all irritation of Kidneys
and Hladder; relieve Costivonoss; purify
tho blood give touo and strength to tho
whole system; clear skin, imparting a rosy
lino to the cheek, ami oborfulnoBS to the
It is as sure a ouro in all tho above dis
eases as Qttlnhto is in Chills and Fever.
I.adles can cure themselves of all tho
above diseases without revealing their com
plaint to any person, which is always mor
tifying to their pride and modesty.
it is recommended by die host physicians
and tho clergy.
LaGuanow Ga., March 23d, 1870.
llUADFlELD ft CO., Atlanta Ga.—Dear
Sirs; I take pleasure in stating that 1 iiave
used for the last twenty yours, the medicine
you are now putting up, known as l)r. J.
llrudllelds FEMALE REGULATOR, aud
consider it the best, combination ever got
ten toguthor for tho diseases for which it is
recommended. I have been familiar with
the proscription hoth as a practitioner of
modieinoand in domostio practice, and can
honestly say thut 1 consider it a boon to
suffering females, and can hut hopo that
every lady in our whole land, who may he
Hollering in any way poouliur to their sex
may he able to procure a bottle, that their
sulferings may not only bo relieved, but.
that they may he restored to health and
strength 1 VVitli my kindest regards, 1 am
respect fully, W. 11. FERRELL. M. D.
Nkau Mawiktta, Ga. March 21. 1870.
MESS 118. WM. ROOT & SON.—Dear
Hirs: Nome months ago 1 bought a bottle
from you, and have used it in my family
with tho utmost satisfaction, ami lmvo roe-
emended it to lligoo other families, and
they have found it just wlmt it. was recom
mended. Tho females who lmvo UHod your
REGULATOR, aro In perfect health, and
are aide to attend to their household duties
and wo oordluly commend it to tho puhlia.
Youri respect fully,
Wo could add a thousand othor certifi
cates; hut wo consider tho above amply suf-
llotont proof of its virtue. All wo ask is a
For full particulars, history of diseases,
and oortificales of its wonderful euros, tho
reader is reforod to tho wrapper around
tho liott lo.
Munufactored and sold by RRADFIELD ft
CO. Atlanta, Gn.
Hold by all Druggists. July 31, 1874.
Legal Advertisements.
I hereby givo notice that from and after
Ibis da to, my official advertising is changed
from the Hockmurl Report or to tho Cedar-
lown Record. 15. W, CLEMENTS,
Sheriff Polk comity.
vi W. H. I logo, oxocutor of It. W. Hog.
decease.!, has made application, iu chi
form of law, for letters of dismission from
his executorship, representing iu his peti
tion lhat. lie has fully oxonutod Ills trust.
Therefore all purHoiiH ponoornod will ho
and appear at a Court of Ordinary to tie
hold in and for said county, on I ho first
Monday in November next, to show oaiiBO,
If any thoy lmvo, «vhy luttovn of diumission
should not. lie granted to said applicant, and
ho lm fully discharged from his Haiti trust.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this 17th day of July, 1874.
tnov 1 JOEL BREWER, Ord’y.
\J Hold la A. Adams, Administratrix on
tho oHtato of Tenipuraiioo Si Ivy, dco’d, has
made application, In dun form of law, for
dismission from said administration, repre
senting in her petition that she has fully
administered said estate.
Tliia is, therefore to cite and admon
ish ail persons oouoorno.l, kindred and
creditors, lo appear at my office ns required
by law, to allow cause if any they have, why
said administratrix should not rouoivo let
ters of dismission, on (ho first Monday in
October next. Given under my hand, this
4lh day of July, 1874.
july II JOEL UREWRE, Ord’y.
G eorgia, polk county—whoroas,
.11) Smith lias inode application for
permanent loltorK of administration on tho
ostatc of Alien Mathews, late of said county,
This is, therefore, In notify all persons
concerned to ho and appear at my office with
in tho tlmo prescribed by law. lo show cause,
If any thoy lmvo, why said letters should not
lie granted. Given under my hand and offi
cial signature, this July 0,1874.
C l 150 KOI A, POLK GO.—'Whereas W. C.
I Knight, Administrator on tho estate of
.Tamos Carter, late of Hiiid county duccasod,
has mado application for leave to sell tho
land belonging to said deceased. These aro,
therefore, lo cite and ndmonisli all persons
concerned, lo ho and nppour aL my oflico
within tho time proscribed l>y law, to show
cause, if any they lmvo, why loavo to soil
said land should not bo granted. Given
tinder my hand and official signature, this
Oth July, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Odr'y
Opened, A Boot and Shoe
Shop, on the corner of Prior and Clollogo
streets, near 8t ChurlcH hotel. Our terms
are Oath, and no work shall bo delivered
until paid for. Work dono with dispatch
and at small cost.
Patronage solicited. Vory respectfully,
June 20Ui, 1874.
J. W. Hook & Co.
V J Childers lmd mado application, in duo
form of law, for administration on tho es
tate of Juno W. Childers, late of said coun
ty, deceased.
Theso are, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned to appear at my oflico within
the time prescribed by law, to show cause,
if any thoy have, why said lottors of adinid-
istral ioil should not ho grant ed.
Given tinder my hand and official signa
ture, this July <i, 1874. july 11-301
A Twenty-Eight Column Papor,
N E W :s
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
indebted to tho estate of W. M. fa A. J.
Youngblood, late of said of comity, dco’d,
aro hereby notified to make Immediate pay
ment; and those having claims against said
cstiite, will present them, properly made
out, within the time prescribed by law, to
tho undcrHiguod. This July 10, 1874.
july 11-0w W. O KNIGHT, Adrn’r
Sheriff Sale for September.
W ILL ho sold, before tho Court House
door, in Ccdartown, Polk County, Oa.
on the first Tuesday in Scptombor next,
within tho legal hours of salo, tho following
Ono portable Steam Saw Mill, with on-
gino, boiler and fixtures oomploto, by vir
tue of two mortgago fi fas, issued from Polk
Superior Court, in favor of David Garrison,
vp John 11 Russell, ns proporly of John II
Russell. july ll-8t
15 W CLEMI5NT8, Sheriff
Tho llROORl) will labor for the develop
ment of tho houndloHS resources, both min
eral and Agricultural, of this highly favor
od section. It will labor for tho good of
The Whole People
And will endeavor lo dissominato aknowl -
edge which will invito capital and labor to
assist in constructing an independent fu
VX hereby given that from and nftor this
date a portion of my Official Advertising
will he done in this, tho Ccdartown Record.
June 24. 1874. JOEL BREWER. Ord’y. J!
Will ho steadily and permanently pushed
forward until it roaches all parts of the
country, anti its subscription list, in point
of number, will boar a favorable comparison
with that of any wookly newspaper In this
sooUonj It wUl look uftor tho interests of
.A-clvortiNing- Patrons
and endeavor to nmko their favors profita
ble. To its subscribers it will sock to bo
furnishing them with the latest and fresh
est news, choice miscellaneous articles and
general intelligence.
Soliciting tho favors and oonfiding Its
interests to tho patronage of n genorous
public, Tub Rr.aonn feels assured of n lib
eral support and an onduring prosperity.
Ono Copy, ono year 82 00
Ono Copy, six months, $1 00
To Clubs of Ten, ono year $1 60
Invariably in Advance. t
Real Estate Agency.
The undersigned respootfully announos
to tho public that thoy havo formed a co
partnership under the firm namoand stylo of
For the purposo of transacting a gonoral
businoss In Real Estate in Polk and adjoin
log counties.
Wo will lluy, Boll and Rent Farms.
Wild Lands, Residences, Stores and all
kinds of Realty.
Property placed in our hands will be lib
erally advertised, nml no ohargo will bo
tnndo if wo fail to disposo of it as stipulated,
lmt if tho parly plaoing property in our
hands disposes of tho samo boforo the expi
ration of tho stipulated time, wo shall
chnrgo tho same as if wo had disposed of
tho proporly. ,
Every one having realty to sell or rent,
and all desiring to buy or ront realty is re
quested to call upon or writoto usauddearn
r terms IVY F. THOMPSON,
W. 8. D. WIKLE.
T. M. ANDER80N, Into of Romo, Go. with
Corner Loyd and Wall sts. near Union Pas
senger Depot,
M EALS and Lodging per Day $2 00; sin
gle meal, 60 cents, First-class table
and good rooms, B6X. Saloon in basement
nislioi with pure Liquors, Fine Wines,
Boor ami Sugars, july 11
W. H. Wikle & Co.,
Ctirtcrsvillc, - - Georgia,
Etc.. Etc.
A AKE Subscription for any Book or Pe
riodical published iu tho United States, at
Publishers lowest priooH.]
33 Xj B:SJ
For all kinds of Sowing Maohinos, also tar
nish Attachments, Oils, oto. Will send
Noodles by mail, to any address, on reeelpt
of prico. Singer, 76 cents por doien; all
olhors 90 cents. Parties would do well to
consult us before buying goods from ped
dlers, or sending North to tho various
swindlers and humbugs. Any goods not In
stock will bo furniBhod at short notice.
Juno 20-tf
Rome Railroad Company.
O N and after Monday, Juno 1st, 1874
doublo daily trains will bo resumed oil
this road and run ns follows:
IjQftVOB Homo at 8 15 am. 1 t 8un( ,
Arrivo at Romo 1.16 p. m J
Loaves Romo at 6 80 p. m. ) « _
Arrivo at Rome at 10.10 p m $ * jV0r7
Each train will make closo oonneotion
at Kingston with Western and Atlantio
Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga and
Atlanta. W. 8. COTHRAN, Pres.
JOHN C. PRINTUP, Tioket Agont.
tfjp* Address all Communications to Tins
Record, Colartown, Ga.
W. 8. D. WIKLE & CO.,
Publishers ft Prop’rs.
June!/ *
Western * Atlantio Railroad
and Conneotlona.
Arrivo at Cartorsvillo
Arrivo at Kingston
Arrivo at Dalton
10.80 p. m.
12.30 a. m.
1.03 a. m.
3.00 a. m.
6.00 a. m.
Arrives at Cartorsvillo
Arrives at Kingston
Arrives at Dalton
8.30 a. m.
11.00 a. m.
11.46 a. m.
2.01 p. ra.
4.28 p. m.
Arrives at Cartorsvillo
Arrivos at Kingston
Arrives at DALTON
6.00 p. m.
8; 15 p. m.
8.48 p. m.
10.80 p. m.
sotrruwAiiD mo 2.
Arrivos at Dalton
Arrivos at Kingston
Arrivos at Cartorsvillo
Arrives at ATLANTA
3.45 p. m
‘6.85 p. m
7.44 p. m
8.10 p. m
19.46 p. m
Arrives at Dalton
Arrives at Kingston
Arrives at Cartorsvillo
Arrives at ATLANTA
8.46 a m
U8.00 a m
10.12 a m
10.51 a m
1.43 p m