Newspaper Page Text
A Live Country Newspaper. Fabl.ihed Every
Saturday Morning by
w. S. D. WIKLE & 00.
Ono copy, one year $‘2.00
One copy, «ix months 1.00
Ton copies, iu clubs, one year, each 1.50
Single ooplrs Bets
All subscriptions invariably in advanco. No
namo entered upon the lint until tbo subsorip-
tiou is paid.
1 W. I 1 M. I 8 M.
t*. M. | 12 M.
1 Hqnxro...
V Column.
H Column.
1 Culunui..
t 1.00'J 2.50 f 5.00$ 8.00$ 12.00 12.001 20.10 30.0c 40.00
1 H'Wl 15.00 25.00 40 00! 0*5.00
1 18 DO! 25.00| 45.00 65.00 120.00
Professional and Business Cards of ouo
inch or less, $12 per annum, payable quarterly
in advance; si* months, $S. All advertise
ments due aftor first insertion.
Baptist CuubcH.—Regular Services, 1st
anil 3a Sundays in each month. Rev. Court
ney Brown. Pastor. 8abbath-school at 0
O'clock, a. st.
Methodist Church.—Services at 11
a. M' and 8 o'clock, r. si. every
/MI%R’h* Rev. Win. II. LaPrado, Pastor.
Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, a. m.
PnKSnvTrniAN Citt'ACtl.—Services 1st
nnd ltd Sabbath every month, Rev. U. F.
Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school at 0 o'clock,
Caledonia Lodge, No. 321, F. A A. M.
Regular communication, the 3d Friday
night in each month.
J. S. Stows, W. M.
N. M. WntoitT, Secretary.
(• ootl Trill plat-.
Ckdau Vallby Lodge, No, 303. I. O. O.
T - Meets every Friday night (except 3d
J. E. HOUSE A L, W. C. T.
.1 A. Liddell, Secretary.
Coiqcitt Granob, No, 20—Regular meet
ings Saturday before the third Sabbath In
each month.
Our A grill*.
John 8. Vann. Priors Station.
K. I*. Featherston, Lime Branch.
11. H. Pattillo, Taylorsville.
W. P. Best, Rsotn Hill.
We are authorized to nnuouuco the
nntno of Judge W. C. BAIUIKU as an
Independent Candidate for Itoproaon-
tativo. Election first Wednesday in
Wo aro authorised to unuounco Mr.
W. F. TUI'ADA WAY as a candidate
for 'fax Colloetor of l’olk county.
Election 1st Wednesday in January
next, td
Lurapkin&Mc Couuvll lmvo just rc-
cieved and opened a fine lot of clothing,
from the cheapest to tbo finest., which
cau bo bought cheap for cash.
Dr. Felton will address the people
at Uoclunart on Monthly, 28th instant
and ut liuehauan next day, 20th.
sellers, stationers and printers, havo
something to say to our readers, in
an advertisomout this week. Thoy
keep an ot eh ut stock of goods, and
sell them cheap.
Our friend N. M. Wright has just
returned from inarkot, and is rocoiv-
i ig aud oponiug a full stock of goods,
and ho will Bell them cheap, too, try
Tho walls of tho new jail aro going
up rapidly.
Mr. J. C. Allen is electing a four
room cottago on tho corner across tho
street from Fcathorstons store.
We wero absent part of this woek,
consequently our local columns aro
bare of local nows.
N. M. Wright is receiving a largo
and beautiful stock of goods, and of
fers inducements to cash buyers.
We call tho attention of our readers
to tlio advertisement of Ayer & Mo
Donald, in another colutnu of this pa
per. They have a very extensive stock
of goods iu their line, and will offer
superior inducements to our people.
When you visit Home, bo sure and
callpn them.
“Soo new advertisement of John
Harkins of Rome, in this issue of our
paper. R. E* Cobb, a young man of
t lis county, is with Mr. Harkins, and
would bo pleased to bog bis friends
when they visit Rome. They have a
very fine assortment of carpeting, from
the cheapest to the finest
The negroes of Columbus declare
that they want no troops iu that
The negro Blue has been renomina
ted for tho Legislature by tho negroes
of Glynn county.
Thb Columbus Enquirer suggests
that a peanut warmer should bo kept
in the Georgia Legislature.
The Savannah News learns that
Col. Albert R. Lamar will soon resign
his position as Solicitor General and
move away from Savannah.
Reader, if you want a nice, stylish
hat, go to Barber & Wood’s, just over
tho way.
Peoplo are quite apt to go where
their attention is called, and if they
find things as represented, will pur
chase there in preference to spending
their time iu seeking elsewhere.
Tho trader aud his calling become
identified. Days and months may
elapse, but when tho want arises, tho
article to be obtained suggests tho
Ladies if you want a stylish hat, go
to Wright’s, he has them trimed to
order by Mrs. O’Connor, of Atlanta
Tho prettiest lino of prints to bo
found in town is at Wright ’s.
If you want to buy clothing and
hats cheap, givo Wright a call.
Tho choapest and best assortment
of lady’s and glint lemon’s shoes and
boots is at Wright’s.
Candiduios I would you grind your
aXe? if so, go over to Barbel* A Wood
and buy a Grind Stone.
Friends, if you want any urticlo iu
the Notion lino, go to Barber A: Wood.
As pretty Culicooc as you cau de
sire, aro to ho had at 1> ubor A Wood's.
B.irbur & Wood have Sauongo
Kip homo collars are to bo found at
B uber Sc Wood’s.
Nothing tends more to promote a
cash business than advertising. Tho
strungor'who iH attracted by tho in
ducements offered exptets to pay
cash, because his commercial standing
is not known. Tho man with cash in
baud seeks bargains, and tho man
who advertises offers thorn.
One advertisod a trilling article.
Sales did not amount to coat of adver
tising, hut new eyes wero brought to
see; other goods, not advertised, wen-
sold and profitable couueoiout
An uniuont Bostonian r gardod an
advertisomout iu iv newspaper us a per
sonal invitation to call, and always
fuel certain of a c >rdial welcome from
tho members of an advertising firm.
A train on tho Selma, Romo and
Dalton Railroad, was precipitated in
to a chasm sixty feet deep, on
last Thursday night, near Shelby.
Six persous were killed outright, and
two have since died. Every person
on board, except tho conductor, was
injured. An attempt had been inn le
t.o burn tho bridge, and a cross-tic
being burned, caused tho accident.
Mr. «T. C. Burney, ug< nt fur tho At
lanta News, was in town this weok.
Tho Nows is ono of the host i apera iu
tho State, and is taking a s and for
Dr Felton and opposes rings. Our
people should support tho Nows lib
erally, and wo beliov they will.
Colonel T. S. Smith, Master of tho
State Grange, will address tho citi
zens of Folk county, at Oudurtown, on
tho first Tuesday iu October next.
All tho peoplo are invited to attend
Farmers ospocial’y aro earnestly re
quested to come, as matters of vital
importance to them will bo discussed.
Folk Coiluly Guards.
At a regular meeting of tho Folk
County Guards, hold on lBol ( iust.
a cuYnmittio consisting of L. 13. Stone,
Joseph Mann, John M. Hutchins J. A.
Winn and tho commissioned officers of
tho company were appointed to solicit
subscriptions from tho citizens of Folk
County to purchase arms for tho Com
pany. Mnj. A. R. Jones heads t he list
with $25,00.
It is ordered by tho Captain that
every member of tho company whoso
namo is on tho original list bo present
at the uoxt drill, on tho 3d of October.
As tho roll of tho Company must bo
made out. It. is ordered t hat each
momber, if possible, report with a
shot gun or musket.
J* A. Peak, Capt.
J. F. McConnell, Ord. Surgt.
Singer Machines.—W. W. Wells
the traveling ugent for tho Singer
Manufacturing Company’s Atlanta
office, visited Cedartown and vicinity
this week. Mr. Wells made Vir-
gia Lumpkin, of this place, agent for
these justly renowned machines, and
parties wanting sewing machines,
needles or accessories, can bo supplied
by calling on Miss Lumpkin ut Dr.
Harris’ hotel.
Two years past it was evident that
some of tho many represented ma
chines must have the ascendancy in
this country, and for some time it was
nip and tuck between all machines
.represented; but merit’s dormancy is
of short duration, and now the “nip
ping and tucking” is being done by
this little houwahold gem. Lot all re
member, “what i*> homo without a
"Be careful how yon drink or you'll
wash the color from your cheeks 1’
said a gentleman at a fashionable par
ty, as ho handed a glass of water to a
lady. “There is no danger of your
taking water enough to remove tho
color from your face,” was tho good
natured retort.
Judge Wright’s Letter.
R1MB, Ga., Sot. 22, 1871.
Messrs. In/ 27idmps"N, Hordn\% Perk,
PhUjtof, Lumpkin and Ttivnhj-ttvootlurs
of Polk Co. Ga.
Your letter earnestly requesting
mo to meet the citizens of Folk Coun
ty on Saturday next iu behalf of Dr.
Felton, the Candidate of tho true De
mocracy of this District, was received
on my return from a short absence.
You do mo honor in believing mo iu
sympathy with tho people. I ask no
office of tho people and shall ask none;
and know of no reason why I should
not ho an impartial judge of tho
transpiring scones. Wore I in favor
of Conventions I would not support
this ouo. If they wore to bo maintain
ed at all, it can only bo by having
them conducted in tho utmost fair
ness. Thoro aro but few men who
protend to believe that this nomina
tion was fairly made. A more unmit
igated fraud was never attempted up
on a free peoplo. Tho restoration of
Kullog by tho Federal Government
was a triumph of forco over tho will of
tho people. Tho success of this conven
tion would be ono of fraud. Which
is preferable? I understand the pow
er of tho prss. In a just cause it is
very great. Iu an effort to lido over
tho will of tho people, it will make a
signal failure. Tnu people are its mas
tors. Let tho contest go on. Let the
usurpers go on, and get up a radidul
convention aud got out a radical can
didate, and cry wolf! run Democrats
to your ark of safety, tho Calhoun
Convention. It won’t do. Tho signs
of tho storm aro not more certain and
portcmliouH than tho display of tho
power of tho people, and tho over
whelming defeat of their would-bo
1 have known Felton for twenty
years, i know his father brforo him.
1 hero did not live a finer Hpociiuou of
a true country gentleman. Tho sou
inherited his virtues. A (rue Demo
crat, ho stands before you without
a blemish upon his character. Of ex
ulted private and public character, ho
chaleiigcs our admiration aud our
v ties. Lot the p optc send him to
Congress. In honoring him, they hon
or themselves, llowill lobby through
no railroad hills, nor spring into fraud
ulent existeneo any Credit Mobiliors.
Ho will stand like a rode for bis coun
ty's hoi or, an 1 uphold by his capac
ity and firmness her prestino glory.
A previous business appointment
will pit vent my presonco with you.
Very Respectfully,
Amu tuh It WiuaniiT.
Tlir .Hun wiili n Louse in Ills
When wo were a hoy wo heard
Judgo Colquitt relate the following
anecdote ; A certain noted hunter,
who owned an old stylo squirrel rifle,
with which he would kill a squirrel
from tho top of a tree 100 feet high
“every pop,” went out ono day with u
fiieml to hunt for these nimble uni-
muis. Very hoou ho thseovorod ono
on tho top of an oak, not mole Mum
half a hundred foot high, and forth
with proceeded to draw bond on it,
bill as soon us lie shut his left eye he
saw no'hing of the squirrel. Taking
dowu “old Hal”—for so ho had named
his trusty rifle —ho moved to a differ
ent position, ami looked again f a* Ins
squirrel, supposing that it h id shifted
to another limb. Now ho saw it more
distinctly than bef >re, but us soon us
he had brouglu “old Sal’’ to his shoul
der and closed his oyo, tho squirrel
disappeared a second time. Tim was
repeated several times, until utterly
b< wildcrcd, he called hit friend to his
aid, swearing that he or tho squirr. 1
was bewitched. While ins friend was
listening to his story, ho observed a
lou.s ■ m rhu hunter’s eye-brow, which
being remove d. the hunter no longer
s iw the squirrel.
We were reminded of this anecdote
by Col. Trammell h story of tho sow
pig. Jle evidently had a louse in h.a
eye-brow on the morning when he saw
Ins sow on the north side of tho
brunch; and the next morning there
happening to bo a louse on the otin r
oyo-brow, he saw heron the other side
of tho branch. Aud so when ho saw
her cross from one side to tho other,
it waB plainly only tho louse passing
from one eye-brow to tho other. The
next morning several tittle “louses”
being in each eye brow, lie saw a
whole litter of pigs iu ihe branch.
Now this is certainly the only expla
nation of tho Case, since no saw was
ever such a fool us to in ike two beds
on dry laud in order fo bring forth
pigs in a branch. Yes, it must be.
The Colonel bad a louse in his eye
brow, and wo think he has yet.— Car-
terse die Sentinel.
A dog belonging to a gentleman
who lived near Chester was in tho hab
it of not only going to church, but re
maining quietly iu the pow during
service, whether tho master was there
or not. Ono Sunday a dam ut the
head of a lake in tho neighborhood
gave way, so that the whole road was
inundated. The congregation, n
consequence, consisted of a few who
citme from some outages close by, but
nobody attended from the great house.
Tho clergyman stated that, while read
ing tho Psalms, he saw his friend, tho
dog, come slowly up the aisle, Grip
ping with wet, having swam to get to
church. IIo went as usual into tho
pow and remained to the end of tho
Tho weather, for the past two weeks,
has been clear and cool, very favora
ble to cotton.
Professional Cards.
a. it. it ,v it i: r. it,
Notary l*nl>lio
Odiirtovrn, (in.
I ) AUTI(M I, \|{ attention given to Inking
-I Depositions nml collection nf claims,
•1. A. lll.ANlJi:, A. KiniAIUUtON,
IVdiutovi n, (Jit.
/AFFICV. in Court House.
V Juno 20
attorneys at it aw
(Tdiirfoxvit, (in.
/ At’Fieri in Court House.
V - / Juno 20
W. F. T U It N E It ,
attounky at law,
(Vdiutow11. (in.
( YFF1CE over Dr. Reece's Drug Stove.
V 7 juno 20
Attorney sit lAsxw,
/AFFIt’E -Hast sido Court IIouso squnro.
■ June 20
Cnitotsvillo, Ga.
(TAFFICK in Hunk Building. juno 20
attorneys at law
and Roai Estato Agents.
c. I/.’ 77.’ A’ s\l a A,
cun.til TOWN, (i,\.
( WICK over Dr. Reese’s Drug Store.
V 1 ju no 20
Drs, Liddell & Richardson,
Ccdnrtowii, (i
f AY ho round in Mieir olTioo nt nil ln>
. when not professionally engaged.
Physician and Surgeon,
Odni'towii, (in.
O FFICII at residence, on l’ryor ft root.
juno 20.
('I'diirlown, (Jn.
( AKFERH liin professional services In tho
V / oltixoiiH of Cedartown ami vicinity.
Cherokee Iron Comp’y Store,
Or any urticlo generally kept iu
At I’riceH to unit Mil* Close.*-.l buyers, you
will make it greatly to your advantage by
calling at, (lie above mimed store.
Livery, Sale and Feed Stable,
Mnin Sired, Cnlarfouii, tin.
jnrcff.s down
Stock, Veliio
always on band.
Special attention given to the care cf
stock left in our charge.
lumpkin (St McConnell*
-I. S- Stiibbw Oo.,
J£EEP constantly on hand a full lino of
FAMILY groceries,
Hoots and Shoes;
also a lino of
Cash buyer. 1 ) will find it to (heir interest
to examine our goods and prices before
RfSjU Sole agents for the sale of the cele
brated “ Watts Flows'’ and fixtures, in Folk
county. jane 20—tf
J XIfV. undersigned has located in Cedar-
town for the purpose of currying on
the business in all its branches. Ifyou want ^
a shampoo or hair cut, give mo a call and I
will guarantee satisfaction.
Legal Advertisements,
/ 1 EOKUl A COUNTY.—Martha E
' J Frasier lias applied for exemption of
personally and I will pass upon tho
same at II o'clock, A. M,, on the (Itli day
of (Jotobcr next, at my oflloo. Thin the
I7tli d«v of September 187-1*
JOEL BREWER, Ordinary.
' * Evans lias applied for Exemption of
Personally and l will pugs upon Mu*
Him.* at 11 o’clock, a. m , on tho 20th day of
Septombor, 1871, at my oilier, tills 17<h day
id' September, 1874.
/ 1 KOURIA, l'Ol.K COUNTY;—Dane
V I Harper lion applied for oxoiuntlon of
personally, and l will pass upon tho mime
• i ll o’clock a. in. on t he lut day of October
1871 at my etlioe, Ibis tho I8th dnv of Sep
tember, 1871. JOEL BREWER Onl y
( t iff) KOI A, POLK COUNTY. -Whereas
L. J. Uoupree, ndininlslrotor on the
estate of James M. Ware, deceased, lias
made application to mo for loavo to nidi, at
private solo, all tho wild uncultivated lands
of said deceased, lying iu ether oounticrt
than thin, iu said State, to-wit: No. 50 iu
3d disk nnd 3d Ncotion, 050 in 2d dial. 3d
nos)ion, 400 17th dint 3d Hoetiou, 33()ln ltitli
district and 3d Mention, 1100 in 20th dint riot
3d section, 001 3d district 3d section, 40 i
3d .list 17th section, 4SO in 3d dist 20tli sec,
1050 and 1102. 17th dist. 3d section, 371 *V
422 2d dist. 3d sec., 873 10th dint riot 3d sec,
1057 lOih dist 3d see., 30 in 101 It district 3d
hoo., 781, 4th dist. 1st sec.. 281, 10th dist.
Iih see., 400, 17th dist. 3d sec., 730. 201,
202, 203, iu 3d dist riot and 4th seel ion.
'I'lloho lire, therefore, to cite all per
sons ooncernod, to bo and appear at the
next court of Ordinary to bn held in said
county on tho tlrsl Monday in October next
to show cans if any they have why leave to
sell said land at private sale, should not be
grunnted in terms of law. (liven under my
hand and olllcial signature, This Kept. 71h
1874. JOEL BREWER Ord'y
* * Lciuuler J. Doupree, administrator of
the estate of James M. Ware, deceased, lias
nmdo application, in duo form of law, for
leave to soil all tho real estate of said deu'd
lying in said county.
These are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish nil eonoerned to ho and appear at the
next Court of Ordinary, to lie held in said
county on tho tlrsl Monday in Oelobor
next, to show eauso; if any they have, why
leave to sell said properly should not be
granted in terms of the law. (liven under
my hand aud olliobil (denature, flits Sept
7th, 1871. JOEL IIREWKil, Ord'y.
SSicrill Sale for Octoliui*.
\ 174 LL lie sold, before the Court IIomho
\ V door, in Ceilartowu, Polk County, (la.
on the first Tuesday iu October next,
within tho legal hours of sale, the following
properly :
One Lathe iManhiuo, its tho property of
J. 1M. Bishop & (Jo., by virtue of one ll. fa.
issued from Bnrleiv Superior Court., iu fa
vor of Henry T. Jones, vs Haiti J. M. Bish
op & Co.
Also, at same time and place, bits of land
Nos. 1 It 10 nnd 1101, in I ho 3d disiriol and
dthseol'oii ol' Polk county, us tlio property
of II. Lawson, by virtue of one li. I'll - issued
from Polk Superior Court, iu favor of Har
vey Bell, vs said II. Lawson, for purchase
money. (September 7, 1871.
^ & L. Drummond, Executor'on (lie estate of
Henry Drummond, deceased, b .ving made
application for leave to sell tho laud., belong
ing la tho said esiale. These aro therefore
to cite and ndmonish nil and singular, kin
dred and creditors to ho and appear at (lie
next, court of Ordinary to bo hold in and
for said county on Hie tlrsl Monday in Octo
ber next, loshow cause, if any they have,
why leave should not bo granted lo said
(1 ■ I.. Drumoiid lo h< II said land iu terms of
law. (iivnn under my baud and olliainl
signature, this the fith day of September,
1871- JOEL BREWER, Ord’y.
Marshal’s Sales for October.
W ILL bo Hold before tlio Court, Mouse
dour, iu Cedurlnwn, Polk county,
On., between the legal hours of sale, on Iht
first Tuesday in October next, tlio following
property, levied on for town tax.
Also, town lot iu Cedartown, No. not
known, but known as tlio old brick store,
on corner of slroat opposite Cherokee Iron
Company's Store, as I ho property of M A
Chisolm, to Hatisfy a tax li fa for town tux,
Mayor and Council, vs said Chisolm.
Wm. MELKS, Marshal.
August 17, 1871.
' ^ W. S. Huge, executor of It. W. (logo,
deceased, has made application, in duo
form of law, for letters of dismission fron
his executorship, roproHonling iu his poti
tion that ho lias fully executed his trust
Therefore all persons concerned will bo
and appear at a Court of Ordinary I
held iu and for said enmity, on tlio tlrsl
Monday iu November next, to show cause,
if any they have, why letters of dismission
should noi lie grunted to said applicant, and
lie bo fully discharged from his said trust.
(Siven under iny iiand and olllcial signa
ture, this |7th day of July. 1874.
inovl JOEL BREWER, Ord’y,
ri EOliaiA, POLK COUNTY.—Where
vX Solatia A. Adams, Administratrix
tlio esltllo of Tmnperunco Hilvy, doo'd, lias
made application, in due form of law, for
dismission from said administration, repre
senting in her polilioi that she lias fully
administered said estate.
This is, therefore lo cite mid udmon-
Mi ail persons coiioornod, kindred and
creditors, to appear at my otlioe as required
by law, lo show cause if any they have, why
said administratrix should not receive let
ters of dismission, on the first Mo iduy in
October next, (liven under my hand, this
4th day of July, 1874.
jitly 11 JOEL BREW RE, Ord’y.
school JVotice.
A LL 'Poachers of Public Schools in Polk
. county are required to file tlioir ac
counts, proven according to law, by Mori-
day, the 12th day of October next, ortho
same will be barred. Said accounts will bo
audited and ready for payment on Satur
day, October 171 li. By order of the County
Board of Education. T. L. PITTMAN,
Sept 12, 1874. County Soliool Uom’r.
G, R, RANGER & C0»
FFER8 his profession to the citizens of
Cedartown, - Georgia,
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, k krohene,
Everything Fresh ainl Purel
1 * E R F IJ M E I t Y?
Always on baud.
Tooth, Hair and Nail Bnuihou,
Ootnbs, etc.
"Fancy," $ I fiO
“Choice,” 4 00
‘•Extra Family," - - - !1 50
‘ Family,” ... ;j oo
Flour 1-2 emit loss by tlio 100 lb?.
Corn Meal $1 115 per bushel.
Buy lug for Cash, wo nro prepared to sell
as low as the lowest.
(Jive us iiaall and hoc for yourselves
June 20-ly
A Boon to the Whole Raco of Women
Female Regulator!
| I’ WILL M I Nil ON Till 1 ’. MKNHI'H, rulinvo
1 li pain ill In* inn in lily • I'erlml." mni HIumi-
inn 'Hill ainl N* uiul».l» ol Uhi R I'.nd Ulnrm I,i-n-
i in i linn nr Wlil ni, mid purtlul l*roln,isliH Uteri,
eln oU I'xco sive ll nv, i d correct nil lr.e.;iilarilh N
11 will rum v till I ill I u Inn of Klilnryn end llliul-
ilnr. relieve OiwiIvdiichm, mirl'y the lllond, ,;ivn
Hkl'i, IiupiihIiisii ro-y liUo in llieulieek, and ulivcr-
^ (tin k s rn enri* Lmi'I tlio aliovodin aiOsasQlllll-
tliomiiRiven of all tin* atmvo din-
tlioir onmiUaliitH to any
linn Ilf. Inn in lliclr pride
rituoTnmundcd t*y tlio Ixml phynlclann anil
:<aQiianiik, (la j Mareli vs, 18711.
I riivouluia t
tin* 0 or«y
I m iwenly a it
lalnr. ami (iuiihIUi
i o''iSuSui'/iVol’l. as a
rail He d's I'nma'n ll«,»
* nldiuiili
vn iHieii mini lar w tli tlui tin
prumlllii ii-i of 11111111111111 nml I
and i'.in hom sliy say tli 11 inn
milli rtiiK liiu.afi'M nml mu In
mil only In* rein** ort. hilt i Ini' I lu-y limy in- ii'Morcd
i*> hi'iillli ami NtreiiKtli. Wl linn Mmient ii'ynriln,
1 nm, ii'HpccUuMy, W Ji. I'idlUULL, M. i).
Nkiii Mamikita (la.. Mnroli ‘JO. 1870.
PainUnjv Husiness
and all Htylos of Room Coloring and Fancy
Paintings. All work guaranteed or no
charge, at the annexed prices. We furnish
(lie best slock.
Each Coat, for Stock nnd Work, 00 cents.
If furnished by oilier parties, per
Or by Job at reasonable prices for cash,
or half lime till Christmas, on responsible
parties. (Jive me a call.
Shop No. 100, Main street, next door
to Barber Shop, CEDARTOWN, GA.
sept 5-Gni
liniml lijimt a Inn ll Urut'oinniomlei!. The fi'iuali'ii
who have urn* i your Kean ator arc Iu perfeet
li mi 11 li, and are able lo alti'iul to their hoimahold
dot leu, and wn cordially mtuiiiinciiil ll to the pub-
lie. Yotirn. reNiuietnillv.
For full uuriluulurH, history of dlmmuen. and cor-
tlllcatui or Its wumhirliil cureH, tIn* roudur iu re-
lerred to Ihu wrapper around the bottle.
Mauufacluri il ami hoIiI by
IIIIADFIIOHI) & CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Sold by all druauiHin.
john c,
Practical Mechanic & Builder,
W tlU Ll) respect fully muiotinoe to Hie
public. Unit. Iiu is fully .prepared lo
furnish Material aud
Erect ILiildinns
of all sizes and grades, on short notice aud
after the moHt approved plans. Particular
attention given to making and trimming
Those desiring work of any kind in lib
line would do well to call on him at (ho Si.
Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House
Bquaro. June 2’J-ly
W. O. Barber,
Kockmui-t, (Jn.
W ILL sell or buy Wild or Improved
Lands in any portion of the county.
Having been u citizen of Polk county for
many years, and being thoroughly posted
in the Location, Value, o!u , of Lands iu ev
ery section, foci confident that it will bo to
Hie interest of parties having lands to sell,
to place them in my hands ; and those wish
ing to purchase Lands can always be ac
commodated. I will bo in Cedartown on
iho 1st Tuesday in each mouth, for tho pur.
pose of transacting business iu my lino.
juno 20
Opened, A Boot and Shoe
Shop, on the corner of Prior and College
streets, near St Charles hotel. Our terms
are CW/, and no work shall be delivered
until paid for. Work dono with dispatch
•ml ut small cost.
Patronage solicited. Very respect fully,
.l! W. HOGE,
Cedartown, Ga., June 2dlb, 1874.
Will furnish nil Mutorinl at
A No. 1 drainer, Painter and Paper
Hanger. Roforonco, my work,
All Styles of Fancy Sign Paltlling done;
Will refer to work done ai Rdnio
Sovon years ngo.
Ifyou tiaiit painting done well and vory
cheap, givo mo a trial and I know I onu
please you all. 1 don’t work any thing but
Ihu best material, nnd will prove its quail;
(ies. Apply at Iho
Opposite the Posl-Ollieo.
Window HIlmcIoh
of tlio best manufacture, all sizes, and Hid
host Shade in use. All slylus of
And Cushions of every description made
to order. Cain
House I*n,luting'.
Contracts of every stylo in Town nnd
Country, taken nt the above figures;
Rospccl fully,
July 25 3m DAVID AXE.
Real Estate Agency,
-1 HE undersigned respect fully announce
(o the public that thoy have formed a oo-
partnership under tho linn namo and stylo of
For iho purpose of IritmmoUng a general
butdfloss in Real Estate in Polk and a'ljolii
ing counlies.
\Yo will Buy, Roll and Rout Farms.
Wild I.nnds, ResidouboH, Sloros and all
kinds of Realty.
Properly plaood iu our hands will l»olib
erally advortisod, and no charge will bo
made if we fall lo dispose of It ns stipulated
but if tho party placing property in our
bands disposes of Iho same hoforo the exp'*
ration of tlio stipulated lime, wo shall
charge tlio sanio ns if wo hod disposed or
tlio properly.
Every ono having really to sell or rout,
nml all desiring to buy or rout roalty is ro-
qunstod lo call upon nr write to us and I earn
oui terms IVY F. THOMPSON,
W. 8. D. WIKLE.
I. M. ANDERSON, Into of Romo, Ga. with
Corner Loyd and Wall r(h. near Union Pas
senger Depot,
M BA LH and Lodging par Day $2 of ain-
gln meal, 50 cents, Firsl-olass tablo
.mil kiimiI ntOi- Bullion iu kiuiomeut
Airnlnhn niHi |iuro IJ.juora, Finn Win os,
Uoor mm Hogura, July J l
W. . Wikle & Co.,
Caiiersvillc, - - Georgia
books and Simmy,
IE to., lUtc.
J A ICE Subscription for any Rook or Pe-
nodical published iu the United Slates, at
rublishoi’H lowest prices.
For all kinds of Sowing Maohlnos, also fur
nish Attachments, Oils, olo. Will send
Noodles by mail, to any address, on receipt
ol price. Singer, 75 conts per dozon ; all
others (Ml oonts. Parties would do woll lo
consult us before buying goods from poil-
dlers, or sending North to tho various
swindlers nnd humbugs. Any goods not in
stock will bo furnished at short notloo.
juno 20-tf
Tit A VI*:LHIPS (il ll)L.
Romo Railroad Company.
O N and aflcr Monday, Juno 1st, 1874
double daily trains will bo rosumod ou
this road aud run as follows:
Loaves Romo at 8.15am. 1 . „
Arrive at Romo 1.15 p. m / UX00 P t Sundays
Leaves Romo at 5 30 p. m. )
Aridvoat Romo at 10-10 p rn J *' jVor y Uay.
Lsoli train will rnnko oioso connection
at Kingston with Woslorn and Atlantic
Railroad trains bound for Chattanooga and
Atlanta. VV. H. COTHRAN, Pros.
JOHN (J. PRINTUP, Ticket Agent.
Wostorn & Atlantic Railroad
and Connections.
*•«**”“ ATLANTA 10.30 p. m.
Arrive at Gartorsvillo pj 30 a. m.'
Arrive at Kingston * 1.03 a. m*
Arrive at-DuRon ' 3.00 0t * m< *
Arrive at CHATTANOOGA 5.00 a. m.
Arrives at Cartorsvilio
Arrives at Kingston
Arrives at Dalton
Arrives at (Jartcrsviilo
Arrives at Kingston
Arrives ut DALTON
Arrives at Dalton
Arrives at Kingston
Arrives at Usrlorsvilio
Arrives at ATLANTA
es at Dali011
Arrives at Kingston
us at Carlersville
Arrives ui ATLANTA
8.30 a. r
11.00 a. 1
11.45 a. r
2.01 p. c
4.23 p. n
0.00 /». 11
8;16 p. n
8.48 p. rr
10.80 p. n
3.45 p. 1
6.35 p. 1
7.44 p. n
8.1« p. ,,
10.45 p. b
3.45 a n
8.00 a n
10.12 a n
10.51 n n
1.43 p u