Newspaper Page Text
Vnunu lias dftoidod to adopt crema
tion. It la the first onpltal city which
ha* taken this atop,
Wnr i* it (hat a sailor will poraiat In
calling all that part of a ahip below the
rail the “hull r 'of her, when it isn't
much more than half ?
Baeainr will lire in London, and has
taken the apartment, on King street, Ht.
.Tames, that were once oocnniod by Na
poleon III, in tbo dsys when he was
oalled Prince Lonis.
BunniiAna intending to visit Vicks-
bnrg aro informed that one of thoir
brethren went through cloven honson
in that city the other night and aecured
nothing hot a’ chargo of bnckahot.
Thk white tullo veil mania rogea
among tho ladies at Long Branch, par
ticularly among tlioao who ride up and
down in front of tho hotels when the
evening trains arrive. White tulle
veils are the boat things wo know to
tono down a powdered und iuartiatioolly
painted face,
Wukn you make a mustard plaster
nao no water whatever, but mix tho
mnstard with tho white of an egg, and
the rcanlt will bo a plaster that will
“draw" perfectly, but will not produce
a blister oven noon tho skin of an in
fant, no matter how long it is allowed
to remain upon that part.
Thjmir is something olassio in thooon-
duot of a Toronto gentleman. Uia two
aons wero drowned iu the yacht Foam,
near Niagara, and, unable to bear the
thought that the public gaze should bo
allowed to rest upon au article fraught
with so much misery to him, ho bought
the craft and burned it to tho water's
Vnn modest doportmnnt of thoso
who are truly wise, whon contrasted
with the amusing air of the youug and
ignorant, may be compared to tho differ
ent appearanoes of wheat, whiio its oar
is empty, holds np its hood proudly,
but as soon as It is flllod with grain,
bends modnstly down, and withdraws
from observation.
Bismauok la said to bo a rollicking,
overbearing man. His wife, children,
and friends staud in awo of him. Ho
cate old sansagos and black bread f ir
breakfast, swallows an onormous din
ner, washed down with largo goblots or
Burgundy. Ho smokos, works, and
talks pcrpottially. He is funny whon
pleased, very formidable, very rash,
and very independent.
Thk hr are in Franoo oltios of 15,000
inhabitants whioh have not a single phy
sician ; there aro cities of 20,000 inhab
itants whioh have but one physician,
ho not a graduate of a modioul sohool.
Thore is always posted in tho arcade of
the Paris medical sohool the names of
fifteen or twonty towns or villages
whioh have no physician, and wish one.
Lille ia a city with a population of 200,-
000 souls; it contains only forty-three
phyaioiauf. lloubaix is a oily of 70,000
souls; it oontains only eight physioiuus.
Onb of the most interesting fouturon
of the Oity of Pekin is the condensing
apparatus, an invention of the onginoer
Liehthall, This is able to lurnish 5,000
gallons of frosh water dally, at a tern-
peratnro of ilfty degrees Fahrenheit.
Tho proocsH ia aimnlo. Hteam, drawn
from tho great boilers, is aerated, ill-
£^pd. jnjd thovnouum olinm-
withdrawn, and tho* heat oMho'oou-
densed steam rushes out to restore
equilibrium of tomporaturo, and leaves
the water fresh anil cool.
Tub project to oonstrnot a tunnel be
tween'Franoo and Ruglnnd is uasumiug
a practical phaso. The capitalists and
onginoers embarked in tbiagigantia on-
accorded to railway oompauios, an i ask
for neither guarantee nor grant. Farth
er, thoy are roady to ailvapoo a aum of
of two long gal lories from oaoh side.
Knurr's steel gnti, ihtondod for tho
Austrian government, has been tested
by a gpvorumout oornuunabn, who, after
three, (day's ekiwdmolibi/ WflTo highly
aatisflod with It. They proposo to
Krupp'a agent that half tho gnus re-
qtiired be eilst at Hshous, hut that Horr
Krnpn should divulge the proocss of
manuvaotnre so that the other naif could
be oast in Austria. The agent, how
ever, said that the aoornk could not be
revealed under auy oiroumstauces. In
oompetont military oitoloa it is bolioved
that the guus oauuot bo inado without
Krupp'a assistance.
Braqubt, tho aeronaut of Bordeaux,
waa about to make his three hundroa
and tkirtv-flrst asoonsi .n on Monday,
August 10, at R>yan (Oharonto-Iufori-
euro), when, by aomo accident, tho op
der to “lot go" waa given too eoon.
The balloon. In rising, swmo in oontnot
with a ladder, and the jork dislodged
Braqnet, who was seated on his trapezo.
Ho, however* oaught Uiq salvage ropo.
and by almost superhuman efforts had
nearly gainod tho oar, whon the oord
broke And ho foil from a height of throe*
hundred yards. The body was horribly
shattered when it wuh picked up, aud
life was, of course, extinct.
Thr atlases will lmvo to bo rovisod
again. Mont Blanc ta no longer tho
mouaroh of tho European mountains.
Ho must bow his “bald aud awful
head" before Mount Elburz ou the
northern or European Bide of tho Oau-
oaaian watershed. Tho height of Mont
Blauo Is variously estimated nt from
18,732 to 15,784 feet, but his rival
Mouut Elburz, whioh hna just boon i\h
oended by some members of the En
glish Aim no club, is found to bo 18,-
52(1 foot nigh. In shape, tho mountain
is doppribed m u flattened dome like an
iuvorted teaeup, aud although it has all
the Alpinochuracteiiatioaof snow Holds,
ioe-lakos, and glaoiors, it can be olimbed
without muoh diftloulty by oxporienoed
Ttib Trarlumr Perforated by HIom Oats
Wall and Marrla* ilia Itaaghlar.
In Juno last tho press of tho oonntry
contained accounts of tbo shooting of
ono George F. Long by Congressman
J. H. Hloss, of Tu scum bin. Alabama.
Tho circumstances wero as follows : Mr.
Bloss, when ho returned home from
Washington, learned that injnrions and
slonderons reports had been set in cir
culation concerning his dnnghtor, Misa
Mamie, a yonng lady of eighteen years,
by Long. The reports wero of a most
slanderous character, and when Mr.
Bloss succeeded in tracing up their au
thor his rage naturally know no bound*.
Long is oousidered a desperate man,
ami a« he associated with several of like
ilk, who had openly threatened ven
geance should Mr. Bloss seek personal
redress, that gentleman oonolnded to
omploy strategy. Procuring a double-
barreled sliot-gnn, whioh ho loaded
with a handful of buckshot, be stationed
himsolf near a second-story window of
u building which Long frequently paus
ed. Ho had been thore hut a short time
until he espied the trsdaoer of his
daughter's good name coming up the
street witli several boon companions.
Waiting until his man got well in range,
Mr. Bloss turned both barrels loosn,
and lodged thirteen of the shot in tho
anatomy of Long, who foil souseless to
tho pavement. Long was carried homo
on n shutter by his frionds, whiio Mr.
Bloss surrendered himself to tho proper
authorities, and was released on bond.
Tho entlro community justified tho
action of Mr. Bloss, while their sym-
E nthies wero heartily extended to Miss
lam hi an a victim of a slanderous per
secution. Long soon rcoovorod from
his mnuy wounds, and a fow days since
was onoo more on tho streets. About
that time Mr. Bless, who is au indepen
dent candidate for re-election to con
gress, startod out to canvass his dis
trict, and has since been absent from
Mrs. Bloss and Miss Mamio woro loft
at home alono. From norno reason tho
mother kept watch on tho daughter,
whom sho confined to her bod-room in
tho sooond-story of their residence.
Last Wednesday Miss Mamio asked
permission to go down ntuirs for a drink
of fresh water. Mrs. Bloss, suspoating
nothing, granted tho request, and the
youug lady went down stairs. Not re
turning in a short time. Mrs. Bloss'
suspicions became aroused and sho wont
iu quost of her daughter. A search of
tho promisos *only roveaVod that the
young lady hail got up a mysterious
disappearance. With a rare divination
as to tho OAtiBo and probahlo where
abouts of tho erring daughter, Mrs.
Bloss picked up a brace of six-sliooUri
oud startod for tho oilloo of a very pop
ular 'squire, only a few squares distant.
Whon she arrived she fouud Long and
her daughter tho oontrn of a oirolo of
an admiring group of friends, who woro
oxtondiug their congratulations in the
lionrticst of manners. Tho good old
lady leveled her artillery aud domauded
her daughter or goro. Hko was deter-
milled to liavo ono or both until the
'stpiiro interposed, and in tho blandest
of tones, introduced her daughter ns
Mrs. Long. Hoeing that she was too
lute, Mrs. Bloss proceeded to rolievo her
mind, uml then with her implements of
warfare tucked under her arm, sallied
runt* fw« iioiuo, wnllo tho groom aud
brhlp proceeded in another direction,
TIm* MftAMAl tf\ 4l»» nlun'nl Li n«vA , ,
related abovo, created the liveliest ns
tonishmout and gossip Mint Tusoumhia
had over experienced. At prosont, in
view of all the oiroumstauces, it is
thought that Long dofamod tho young
lady with a view or rendering lior odious
iu tho coromunUy, bo that her pnronts
would cousimt to tier marriage with him
as a compromise. Tho alaudor hail an
opposite offoot, ns is shown, and it was
with hi tho last fow„wooks that tho two
determined upon nn olopomeut. Tho
fibsonoo of Mr. Bloss rondernd it com
paratively oasy, although Mrs. /Sloes
caino vory nearjmttiug au extinguishor
on the wholo niuir.
Mtf. Long is*tt man of very good fam
ily, but was objectionable on account of
his associations. It is only u few months
ago thut, iu a tight, ho had his face from
oyobtow to chin laid opon with a razor,
aud at tire same time got a slush across
tho throat that come very near resulting
ill a funeral, A fow years ago, while
passing from one oar to onotlior, ho
misBod his footing and foil between tho
oars, catching on a brake, in whiali po
sition ho was draggod three-quarters of
n mile oro ho was rosouod. All this,
ootnbiued with the thirteen buckshot
whioh his now father-in-law gave him,
would go to show that Mr. Loug is n
Best Organs on Most Favorable Terms.
The now terms offered by the Mason
A Hamlin Organ Oompuny, for tho buIo
of their celebrated instruments, create
dissatisfaction with many dealers* who
declare that they will greatly injure tin
business of soiling other organs, espe
cially bv peddlers. By those terms a pc r-
son isallowed to hire au orgau, pavinm
only a maskable rent for it—having
tlio privilege, of oourao, of returning it
at any time after six months, or of pur
chasing it at any time. If the purchase
is completed within a year, tho wholo
oost of tho orgau is only five to ten per
oent. more than if all ouah had been
paid at the beginning.
Dealers Bay this is muoh too small a
difference for the accommodation in
time, aud privilege of returning, giveu.
Tho Masou & llamliu Company nro
determined to try the experiment thor
oughly at least, being confident that
their organs will prove bo attractive aud
satisfactory iu use that Ecaroely any will
over be, returned to them. Circulars
with full particulars can bo obtained by
addressing them in Boston, New York,
or Chicago.
lending forlorn hopes in
battlbn.—Memphis Avalanohc, Septem
ber 27th.
Hard Water Is Wholesome.
l)i> Loflioby, after devoting many
years to au investigation into tho prop
erties of tho water introduced into Eng
lish oitioa, aud to a study of tho sani
tary reports on this subject, comes to
tho conclusion that moderately hard
water is safer'and more hoidthful than
soft water. Hard water is uot only
olbnrpr, colder, more free from air, and
oouHoqnontly moro agreeable to tho oyo
and to (ho taste tlum soft water, but is
leas liable to absorb organic BubslnuoQB,
to sustain tbo life of zymotic organism,
or to exert solvent properties upou salts
of iron or upon leaden oouduotiug
nines. Tho lime salt-H oxort a bem tloial
iniluenoo upon tho auimal economy aud
even protect, tho system from dangerous-
outward influenoos. Dr. Wilson, of
Edinburgh, has ateo collected muoh val
uable mutorial on tho subject, and comes
to tho same oonotUBion as Dr. Lethoby.
He takes tho ground that thu human
body requires for its nourishment, and
s*ipi*ort a supply of oorlaiu mineral
salts, among which cnvbouato and phos-
t ihate of lime play au important part iu
mildiug up tho oompactuoss of tho
bones aud in other functions. Wo usu
ally observe phosphate of lime in our
auimal aud vegetable fond, but n6t
from tho water wo driuk. C irbouato of
lime, liowover, is not contained iu ade
quate quantity in our solid food, but
generally obtaiun iu spring aud well
It has been inooutestibly shown that
in mountainous districts, where the wa
ter is moro or loss hard, tho inhabitants
exhibit tho best physical development.
On tho other hand, it is believed tlmt
iu large o ties the mortality is inversely
as tho hardness of water supplied to
the inhabitants. A water whioh con
tains about six grains of cubouato of
lirao to tho gallon is suitable for use in
all household purposes. As a drink sud
for cooking food, snob a water offers tho
U&oossary carbonate of lime (or tho .sup
port of life iu the simplest, most nat
ural and most easily digested form, und
is nt tho some time moro agreeable,
fresh and spurkliug. It is evident that
mr preconceived popular notions on tho
iiibjeot of hard water need revising,
md that it may bo bet-tor to use such
water thuu to have recourse to raiu or
ice water.
For Love of an Actress.
A romance in very high life hss just
been brought to its last act. Ono of
the most noted of tho sooth German
nobles was the Prince of Thurm and
Taxis, no hod been minister to the
late king of Bavaria, and his son was
aid-de-camp to the present king. It is
this son who is tho Loro of tho German
romauoo. Long ago the Lord of Bur-
leigT. chore hia wifo from the peasantry,
and King Gopholua swore a royal oath
that a beggar maid should bo his
bride ; but neither of theso traditional
lovers went so far as tho young Bava
rian prinoo of our own days. It was
an obscure actress who fascinated him,
and for whom ho was content to sacri
fice everything. These conventional
words meant a great deal in thin case.
Tho marriage was actually solemnized,
but it was made subject io conditions of
a vory vigorous character, which won
imposed upon tho bridegroom ns a con
dition of tno family assent. lie was to
renounce all his paternal rights, and
even hia namo. Ho was to be no longer
tho Prince of Thurm aud Tuxis, but a
plain bourgeois, and he was to reocive
an annual allowance of 5,000 florins.
It might scorn that such conditions
would be impossible. Tho only answer
is that they were exacted, that tho mar
riage did ooour, and tho prinoo descen
ded into plain M. Do Pels,—London
Statistics of Draw Poker.
Whatever may bo tho result of tho
aboratiouM of the transit of Venus* they
cannot compare in practical utility with
the benefit that oau bo derived from a
tabic of “poker probabilities." An
abio statistician has, with infinite labor,
oompiled a table whereby tho ohungsa
aud ohanooR whioh may occur in a game
of poker may ho told at nt a glance.
For instance, 2,508,980 different hands
can be doult with a pack of cards ; 1,-
802,540 will contain leas than a pair,
and 1,206,420 ono pair or moro. Tho
lattor hands divide into 1,008,240 of one
pair, 84,012 of threes, 125,532 of two
pairs, 10,200 straights, 5,107 flashes,
8,774 fulls, 627 fouru, and 40 straight
lltiBhoB. With Ibis table in ono hand
aud your carda in tho other, it will take
a very smart man to get ahead of you
in a littlo game of draw. If in the
oonrse of 64,974 deals your adversary
holds two straight flushes, a look at the
table will convince you that something
is wrong, and if fours nro played on
yon moro than onoo iu tho eourso of
4,102, instead of drawing your cards
“draw" your revolver aud “call" for
tho polioo, and whon thoy tako him you
take the pool.
Highly IliiguUli.
Victor Hugo is said by sorao mall-
ohms person to linvo addressed a letter
to the peace congress sitting nt Genova,
from whioh tho following is an extract:
Every congress is a reunion, evory re
union is a union, every union is u pro
gress. Congress, progress—two great
thiuga whioh rhyme, aud rhyme is
BOH. You want peace aud liberty,
do I. Ponce und liberty I Grandiose
and luminous—-pleonasm, l’onoo
liberty ; liberty is pence. To desire
is to desire thu other. Tho one is the
other: tho othor is tho one. Who doe
uolj wish for it ? Penoo aud liberty nr.
tho twiu sisters fiom whoso embrauo tho
oommuiiiou of youth will spring—tho
ulmofi mates bi mnipu-tuo u»t>.
muniou of men. You have selected
Geneva as tho lyiug-in hospital of your
grand conceptions. You wero right.
Voltairo took refngo in tho bosom of
Gepova—that flea of genius, whose
bitoH aroused sleeping peopio, Oenova
is loss groat for haviug given birth to
ltQiisiioau. Health and prosperity.
Vinegar Uirrnnn Tim Ghkatbst Yrt.
A few doses stir the life current; slug
gishness departs, pain vanishes, aud
after continued use of tho remedy the
wholo body glows with n now energy
and a new being. Purgo tlio blood and
every organ will perform its function
perfectly. Tho ntomnoli will bo no
longer tortured witli dyspepsia; tlio
hinge will bo froo from consumption ;
tho liver notivo, tho hoart healthy, tho
brain clear, tho nerves braced, aud the
ihlnrt elastic. Uso tho “'Vinegar Hit
ters,''and purgo your blood. Whether
tho disoaso bo fovor. consumption, dys-
pepsis, affection of the liver, or kidneys,
dropsy, catarrh, rheumatism, gout or
pains und aches of any kind, attack it
in its stronghold, tho blood—tho foun
tain of life—aud it will soon surrender
aud abandon tho outposts. To do this
.you must have tho “Vinegar Bitte
very (.oiigh mnn- one who would provo there is no oomnhunt to which tho hu
invaluable in lending forlorn hopes in nm . n 8 7*teju is liable, that will not yield
to its influence, aud thoreurothousands
which no other remedial agent will re
Died Suddenly of Htmrt Olaensv.
How common »h Uio simouucomont. Thou-
siuMouly swept Into eternity by this
generally lum its
This at- , ...
blood flllod with Irritating,
misting thtniigli
f»tnl malady
origin id Inv
poiHounUH material*, which,
thu hoart, irritate ito delicate tin.
the Irritation may at Unit he only tdigh
ducing » littlo palpitation or irrcgul
dull, heavy, or sharp darting pal
l hy tho dwoaeo beootnou firmly
intlamiuntion, or hypertrophy, or tli
tlio lining uiembrano or or tho i ‘
dnoodi lloiv Wine to glvo early
cash of this kind. Unnatural .
pain iu tlio region of tlio heart should «d-
tliat all ia not right,
tested, ui
r tho vsIvoh, in pr
early attention to
Unnatural throbbing
To iiavb good health tho liver ranet
bo kept in order. RnnfonVt Liver Invigoralor
lion Uyomo a ataplo family medicine. Purely
vegstabls—CatharUt and Tonic-tor all do-
rangement* of liver, stomach and bowebt.
Will clear tho com|iloxion. euro eick hnulacho,
etc. Shun imitatloua. Try Hanfor/fa Liver
Jnvigorator. ___________
f.adlea Dealre what Men Admire. And
thl* mile tiling I* beauty. What do wc **y !* l*ean-
tlfUir A tr*n*paJ'-nt roinjiloidofi and a tuiortou*
MaRiiolla Halm will make any lady of thirty ap-
theUa«no:la Ral
815.;. 820
CIKNTs^ WANTKD-j-Mmi and women^4^ a
at ODC4. (O UOWKN A i;o . Dili Mr.-Vi, New York.
gQ- I*Hit DAY^.-o'Ml .ilon or^fSO a «Mk
I»A V It Apply i**.« ‘vVcbher ACiI. AUrlon.U
••pavniOBAStT, or Nenl t Chtnalaf.l
60.000 "'
ilansrJl^Nunrer Hlqck. *V. r*lermTOonTM"’ ’‘"' 0
IIOdvKIt A (MINKS. Dayton, Ohio
Capital Prize, . . 050,000
To hr Drnwn nt IMIVIMB, ni Miuonif
TrHIpIr, Snlliril(Hlt Oct. 31, 1S7I.
Simmons, Dlcklimon & C9., Miuiagers.
Corner Church and Summer Sts.,
Nashville, Tenn., October 26, 1874.
100,000TickotB. 5,000IPrizes inCnsh<teRealEstato.
T lcliotw W2. Blovon for HBO.
AU orders muni be addressed to ./. 7?. QOLLADAY\ Howling Green, Ky.
I Ten Thousand Ilolln
1 bouse* 3 room* taon. and oulhonwi...
' Kd'ieneld* mie ?nd°a half milei frne
Nashville, Tenn., on Monday, Oct. 2(>th
m* aOjowlInIrrt.n^ Kr^
folslic LiBrary of ReitncKy.
NOVEMBER 30. 1874.
Drawing Certain at that Dato.
The Amrrituu Ural uml Uirlublr l hu|i|wr.
Prizes 1‘nynlitn in Full Witlisnt llriliifllon.
moiilap . .
mild preserve it from further dti
ust help it to heat rightly by tlio tike of 'such
roufcdy an will romore tho cauao of Uio
trouble. U*o Dr. lHsros's Uoldon Modioal
Diaootory hoforo tlio diuoiuo hao hoepmo too
soatfld, and it will, hy ith groat blood purifying
and wonderful regulating proportion effoot a
j>orfoot pure. It oontainn medicinal proportio*
Best Organs for Easiest Paymonts.
. luu win also
A *\a
Co., Ind.. Fol>„ 1, 1874. t
Dr. It. V. Pieiick, ltuffalo, N. Y.:
Abouttivo yearn ago I waa aaiictwl with a
schho of the heart, which at tnnon created a 1 * _! .7. ' ‘‘ r, ‘ “* P^Porttonaie r.*u?..
■s^uro around it, causing aiifToontlon. | 6**h. Price'. ti“v 'TihiiS i i rl(ftt.4uClieni 1 Mo-
i*aw an advoitiaemoiit of your C olden Metli-
Civi Discovery, rceo mending tho same ns a
iur<> ft>r disease of the heart. I then bought
1 air a dostn bottles of it, and after using
throe bottles I waa entirely relieved and am
enjoying good hoalth.
Gratefully yours. Virus Killian.
How tub Money Gobs!—After Nov.
20, it will bo oa«*y to eeo how tlio money gooe,
the drawing will tako place of tho
" T of Kentucky, and at tiiat Grand 1
5MJ,StK),<>00 iu caah will ho give
- — .t holders. The fortuimto hotd«
of the ticket drawing tho tlmt priao will walk |
id prize, ?100,-
for Ui
Public Lib
Gift Oonm
away to ticket holders. The fortnuato holder |
of tho ticket drawing tho tlrnt pi'
Off with $2.10,(TOO; of tho secouu unto, - on w
000; of tho third prize, t75,000; of the fouith m \ ,
prize, $50,0(M>; of tho fifth prixo, $25,000, etc,, York
until 20,000 grand oabli prises shall have been
The Elmwood Collar is tho most per- 1
feet tilting collar vet made. It ie eo close an
imitation of linen that it cannot be detected.
Tho novelty thU produce, this affect ia the 1
folded edges which, when worn over a scarf or
tie. prevents tlio sharp, raw edgo from sliow-
ing as in other collars. It is for sale at all
gents furnishing mores.—flruoklyn Union.
Go to Riverside W
it cor" 1
Thl. ent,r|>rl,ii 1. , umlirlH i.v Hi. ,fASON1C
tnidvr *uit lierh V*' V' ib ' V "f '*• ' A ■
30,00(1 TICKETS . . 0,011(1 CASH CJJifS.
AGENTS' —' 1
r Cure, Hamilton, III* I
Milwaukbb pnreuts never whip their
children. They tie their ears around a
iiiwSf "
ertta tJAfi Saiuph? box, by nm'V.
KigbUk StUMl. rtiUaiSolphia.Vu.
f.,000 CASH PniZES *K«rrK»tin« .*2*0,000
'holo TSckota.. .(100.0 I Quarter Ticket.3.60
•If Ticket* W.O I Eleven Ticket* 10P.00
m» h W 111° be*'com ' 1 ,f^P«{ *«.
^£13 ( m Vo PK It frredo e IU.*‘
Mn-^IIKNUY v'.‘ SlOOIlS/ScireUry, 1 »«!
Of Parliamentary Practice.
IW of “ THE l^KSCTJK,”
Luaincss Cclloca and Telegraph Institute,
So, 5 V«rrlh Cherry tilreet.
llr. .1. Walkers raliforniu Viii
etrnr Hitters nro a purely V
preparation* inado chiefly from tl
live herbs found on tho lower ran
tho Sierra Nevada nioiintninn of C
ilia, tlio inodicinnl properties of
nro extracted tlio
eta bio
of Ale
daily naked,
Tho question id
‘Wlmt Is the onus-
3UCCC88 (if VtSFAU
msut-i* is, that they
tho cauao of disease, nnd th
covers his health. Thorn
blood purifier mid a life-giving l
feet Kenoviit
ami In
>f tho
liUtory of tho
Noror be
i has a iu
Tlio properties
WWiAB IliTTBBs are
id Anti-Itillol
, A1Lara
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin
egar Bitters ihe most wonderful In-
vignraut that over suslaiucil' tho sinking
No Person can lake these Hitlers
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided thoir bones arc not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
moans, and vital organa wasted beyond
repair. •
Bilious. Remittent aud Inter
mittent rovers, which aro so preva
lent in tho valleys of our great riven*
throughout tho United States, especially
thoso of tho Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas. Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Gmudo,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savanuali;'Ro
anoke, James, and umnv others, with
thoir vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during tho Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual boat ami dryness, aro
invariably accompanied by extensive, de
rangements of tho stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
trcfttnumt, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful influence upon these various or
gans, is essentially necessary. There
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to
Dr. J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters,
na thov will speedily removo tho dark-
colored viscid matter with which tho
bowela nro loaded, nt tho samo tlmo
stimulating tho secretions of tlio liver,
und generally restoring tho healthy
functions of tlio digestlvo organs.
Fortify tho body against discuso
by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar
Hitters. No epidemic qqtr'tako hold
of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Hour
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tasto
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pulpita-
tntion of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain iu tho region of tho Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, nro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia.
Ono bottle will provo a better guaranteo
of its merits than a lengthy advertise
Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito
Swelling*, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Nook,
Goitro, Scrofalou* Influiniiiati.uis, Indolent
Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old
Sores, Eruptions iff tho Skin, Sure Eye*, etc.
In those, a* in all other conKtitutionul Dis-
inkoak Bittkrh linvo
most obstinato anil intraetahlo < . .
I’or Inflammatory ami ( Immic
Rlinumutism, flout, Illliaus. Kimk;:-
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of
tho ljlooil. Liver, Kidneys and JUnd-lcr,
theso Bitters have no cnual. Such Diseases
are cmiRcd hy Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. PersonRon-
gnged in Paints and Minerals, such ns
Plumber*, Type-setters, Gold-beater*, and
Miners, as thoy advance in life, nro subject
to paralysis of tho Bowel*. To guard
against this, take a dipso of Walkku's Vin
egar Bitters occasionally.
For Skin IHscasps, Eruplinns, T.t-
ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples,
Pustules, Boil.*, CnVbnnoli'.s, Ring-worms,
Scald-head, Sore Eye*, Erysipelas, Itch,
Scurfs, Discoloration* of tlio’Skin, Humors
and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name
or nature, nro literally dug up nnd curried
out of the system in a'short timo hy the uso
of these Bitters.
Dili, Tapis and oilier Worms’,
lurking in the system of so many thousand*,
nro effectually destroyed and remoVed. No
system of medicine, "no vermifuge*, no an-
thelminitics will froo the system from worms
like theso Bitters.
For Fomnle Complaints, in Toting
or old, married or single, at tho dawn of wo
manhood. or tho turn of life, theso Tonic
Bitters display so decided an inflUnco that
improvement is eoou perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated lllood when-
ever you find its impurities bursting through
the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Soros;
cleauso it when you find It obstructed and
sluggish in the veins; cloflnso it when it is
foul; your foelings will tell you when. Keep
tho blood pure, and tho health of tho svstdm
will follow.
it. ii. McDonald & co..
Dmgpirt* and Gen. Apts.. San Francisco Califarni*
and cor. of Wuskiurton nod Charlton Sts , N. V.
bold hy all l>ru«i;lsl« nnd Dealers.
112 John Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO.
to Robert Wells, « Vesey
i n»u°" lU Pric^ R nrij- rB otnt»f 1 2r
| ^ti.u';fSir8. D 'LoSS:Mo I> '"‘° > " 7 ' ° Monf