Newspaper Page Text
H. K. COM M. - - £mto.
_ j... . -- —— ... i ■■... —. I
hx;jaT, gjl. xobcst is, iwt
!>> of the stupid attempt on
sin pan of the doctors to conceal
.'ro.n the public the real condition
<f the pres ;< !ent, the slate nf hit
i-uiso and temperature have pre
; a red thoughtful people for the
*Jr rnsation that he is in a dry
•* mcs! condition. For a week
or utore. he has been the victim
of a coi.s'Jtnmg lever. Whether
* . fever is the result of malaria
or whether it it superinduced by
alnod poisoning, it it scarcely
v>" r, h while to inquire. It liaa
not been controlled by the phy
ricians, and it has resulted in
bringing the patient to n condi
lion in which the enema is de
pended upon to impart nourish
ment to his system. Later I tie
grams that; liioao uo* before us
may bring more hopeful nears.
On t' ether hand they may
Vi .saddest nnnnuncemeut
tL.v. could Ik made.
Aiiaata Letter.
Atlanta, Aag. Mb ISBI.
!Uor Courier:
-.ven an tpitoat nf the actings and do*
.agt of the Letiabrture now in wasiuo,
would. 1 fear, prove too lengthy for your
ix'lumon, and too lintoor for ynur me
dm, so I shall confine inyvelf to a few of
the must uportent roe—urea which have
already past, or are Ukcly to pass. The
. tnpenutce bill, iuliadaoad la the Ilian
l? Mr. North n. has beta greatly Modi
fied, and will doubtless peas la its present
shape. As the tasli now before the Uoaae
* puhUtbrd la the 1-oostitntioo” of this
dale, it ro ureleat for nr to give yoa lie
import, as you will prrhaps an it before
’.bis reaches you. The charter fu the
"Uremia and Her Is pall" rail rood, ashed
for !.y Cel. G-.'e, will pare wilbouqdoubt.
dices Uov. Brown has opeaty declared
that he does not think that the new road
oil! hie - ’-re with, or injure the SUUr
fo id, Uteie serai* to be little or do oppu*
mion to the graciiag of the charter. An
• User rery impwtaat measure now before
tlie Aeseaibly, is the tall taxing rail roasts,
ia every courty in the State through
which they |ua. Thin lull went through
h rawer House *ilh little ar no oppoei
.rau. It ia bekiml that it will pass the
Secata ia a similar rosuuer. I understand
.1 this bill awets with the hearty approv
al of such men a* Gen. Toombs, Mr. Btr
phens, Judge Hook, and other prominent
men of the ate.
ThS acx; bill of irqiortsaer bow pead
Interest uual Dittos SftpuaUoa. 1 do ant
know v h ther thin Mil vrtlt pan or not, at
there is oppositioe to it Bat there
la oar thing sure, that appropriation or u
jnpreprtoriou the kix pavilion ie aa earared
iaoevt-s aad wiU prove to he of new
bei.tit to the South, aad the State of
ursqii peu-.i. siarly, than anything that
1: raasptred suice the war. This great
ia a thorns of ao nsoch isapor
'trx, all the papers of the state should
urtta am* help to hrtag It to a favorable
n that they will do are
>t> the attract of politic*. I have Util*
■vrite, a* it I* nUm early far a <M
of Haem, 1 one* ia a while hear the
Gutrua: vial eh-cti-jo mentioued, bal 1
bt’evc \a U r* ronreded oa all side. that
V.. ,w, J. tkitKll of Ihe ceuty of
r'ghot, will be !>>e uaoat available caadt-
Me. . Hix-ogh I hare heard an oa* ay
■.■, -i 'at would hr woo Uvl .mhortty
•; e,. .<. A*, by rats-, be i* the maa
stent ieuad ia coantrtioa
will w at Gorrtaor. While 1
r.aW'-n > I weu'Jal ia the matter, aad
c!- _ *bo ia Governor of the
00 ■ etpad BM, I must cnatcas
.idea* r-pirsaed la regard he
. Bir irntM* meet my hearty ap
-i_ .I*ll without loul oae <4 Ike
n br ' hurt mea la Georgia-* maa who
.a repeat oeut apo* the statu, aad
- -utd leap aew hauae* far him self If
.eet*-*. JUhde faun hi* abuuio, which
- iwcaded the beauty aad parity of hit
. ... we who know hlar Be it the
**Moiuwßt * trowwsity- far Kk Priam
. .i. he *%att a tear far Pity, aad a hand
. aw day far anlr X Charity." At a
t. .ait. thaeaeoeda of the V. S.O
.xntdhaw hha to hare beea the peer of
t* -wt of that able body, before the
ew. It i* aha PB eowaafad that he
a the x-e of tit -wjhl burnt the
' clsi- ■ fun" "tea, aad if the paph
are aiicwei ta speak thi* time, ha *V ua
rr‘. t) atmtiwi that the subject aft
(gtaLxe aeme arittatat, although I was
which ia thought will meet the
w*.- all patties ska Is eanagh far
dh TempeTMca Question.
t. . 'raarr rxm the two himn of the
whack H was nhaitled to the general aa
aeastdy. It providso that from aad after
Na paaeagn. k shall ha aatowtal for any
perwna to aril, barter or famish either di
rectlyfor indirect v any spirituom or tatox
tcatiag Ikpror* or dnaks or any medicated
atcohnbc totere of any ktod or any Uqtx*
of which spirit anna liquor k a ssaterial or
iacorporaled town or sky except upou the
written application to the ordinary of two
thirds of the freeholder* who reside oolrote
of suck towaa aad cities aad within three
miles of the place at which it is propuosd
t opea a saloon. The aeeood sect Urn of
the act provideo Urol to Incorporated
towaa aa election shall be held when one
fourth of the voters an petition at which
whie'.y may be voted out aad such a vote
shall drfaaraaay person from issueiu* li
cense ia each towns as polls a majority o(
votes against whisky. The fifth section
provides that the law shall not opet ate to
cause anew election in those places which
have alieudffvotod whisky out, or where
the sale of whisky ia prevented by special
Yaeterd.y a representative of Taa Cnn
st.tvtmui conversed with Hsnstor Byrd,
"The bill has baas referred hack to your
change iaitr
•No. Wo want aa change. It was
merely reported hack to at at a matter of
ferat. The MU wiU be returned to the
araale today, aad than will he read the
second tires. ’’
“Dots the hill satisfy the committee,
"Tee. with cere exception. 1 heard of
ao opposition, aad.tbs committee wUI give
it a warn support. Wo prepared the bill
with great care, aad rewrote aad rearrang
ed k antil 1 am mtkfied we have H as near
perfection aa wa can got iL”
“Da yoa favor Ure Milt**
'-Tea It places too natter of rel ay
whisky ia the power of the people. If
they want M they can have it, aad if they
don’t want it Urey need not have it, but
wo have to bo camfel not to ran ahead of
public sentiment oa each matters at th e.
While a prohibition law might pleas* the
temperance people better the eoe ore rec
ommend Is as much as we can get. aad we
might h m even that by sskii*;, more. The
ft —of a tow no this subject, not
backet by a at mug public approval, would
be a dead tetter, because it is the people
who enforce the tows as well as the people
who make thorn. Tbi bill is a concession
from both aides and we propose it because
we know it will not do to run counter to
public sralimeat.”
“Will the bill pose!
The general opiaion is that it will. If
it does It wilt ran whisky out of Ike coun
try into the towns, and if the towns don’t
want It they can run it out of existence so
far m they are concerned, (toe of the
bast operations of As hill will bo this:
Buppoae a wtsaky tooft Is toasted tow milas
from a toon. The negroes sad worthless
people of all classes wiU sisal aemything
they oaa toy their bahds oa aad sail It for
whhky, and the unprotected people of
too oauatry will be annoyed beyound en
dorauee. Take toe whisky away and you
taka this trouble away.”
With that the reporter took Ms leave.
Pickwi County Department.
Jom W. Holst, • • Knnon.
J asps A, Qa., Aug. 16tb, 1881. .
A great hue had cry being
made ihroagh the leading jour
oats about Mormoniam m upper
For Pickena ve can aay, (bat
she ia ooaparatiTely free from
the poison of thia serpentine
monster—Mormoniam. Only one
of the venerable polygamists haa
attempted to pollute our. atmoa
phere with the beiliah doctrine
held forth by the Mormons, and
hi* vile tongue was silenced sev
erai years ago, and he is no lon
ger standing*
We have seevral times regret
ted 0 at Piokena county has anch
a bad reputation abroad, and that
band of outlaws* bat if ibis has
bean the meant at warding off
driven miaaionriea
aa they rolt thwrolv—and of
protecting our country against
tbit Vila doctrino, wc are aaiia&ed
with tbe roanlt.
Tbe number converted to tbe
Monaen faith in this county, ia
small indeed. Only two or three
bav* become follower*, and they
were persons of very bad cbarac
ter, and eociely. ia bettered by
their having gone. This is gen
erally tbe case in alieommuoities-
Of the T4O Mormon emigrants
who recently arrived, there waa
not, it is Stated, a respectable
person in the;righte*n car loads.
One writing of the arrival says:
“The men were tbe most ill form
ep, ill- shaped Specimens that the
writer ever looked upon. There
was no appearance whatever oi
intelligence in tbe men, and they
belonged, without doubt, to the
lowest class of humanity. The
women were deformed, homely
and unintelligent also, and tha
children, the offspring of those
crude people, were terribly un*
Were the Mormons to prune
rueh characters from society and
do no more, we would bid them
Uod'!>pe*d, end oppose anv more
bills being introduced in tne leg
islature to restrict tlietr priviligt s.
but Ibis ia nol where the danger
is. We do not, lor a moment,
suppose ihev can det’ -v < ff
I'P cut. virtuous and uprigO’ r
ten*, bu* too much ignorai •
corruption is ac. miiuia' nig in
Utah In result in nv good for
our government. 1 nett sibii.
oraclisea enshroud mtr govern
ment in whame and disgrace, hut
worse than all, tlie found a ion is
being laid to sap the liberties of
our boasted republic. Such per
sons m they can persuade to sub
scribe !• their faith, they can gel
to perform any deed however foul.
If they wish a mob, they have
the proper materia! to make one,
or if a band of robbers, they have
Ibe jug backed, bandy legged
vilhaus to make it.
Our ordinary has about com
pleted the repsirs on his dwell
ing, and now it shines. The ve
randa attached and new nickel
fence erected add much to the
apDearance of bis residence. One
more ornament, and then, happy
Col. F. C. Tate will soon have
his magnificent dwelling comple
ted. The continual sound of the
saw and hammer add{new life to
our viliage. Col. Tate is a man
of considerable energy and will
make his mark in his profession.
Success to him I
Mr. J. K. Allen has about com
pleted his new building on broad
street, and will soon be r-ady to
rent it to some man who wishes
to cast his lot in Jasper as a mer
Pkrsonai. and Otherwise.
Col. W. 11. Simmons is still at
the gate city with his brethren.
Mrs. Chambers, mother of Mrs.
M. D- Berry near Jasper, is lying
at the point of death. Mrs. Cham
bers is now in her eighty second
Mr. Cleveland and family left
Marietta last Saturday morning.
Mr. Clevelaud and son will return
to their home m Jacksonville
Fla. ; bat Mrs. 0. and the remain
det of the>lamtl% t will reuuau in
Georgia f Jew wd~ jgU ; '
The Cole Chart**® passed the
House by a large majority, and
will likely pass the Senate in
like manner.
PIANOS at $75.00
PIANOS at $1 200.
ORGANS at $60.00
ORGANS at $500.00.
Hints to Purchasers.
When selecting n Piano Forte or Organ
it ia important to remember—
1. That there is more economy in bay
ing s really flrtcls*s instrument, at a rea
sonable figure, tliau in purchasing another
merely because U ia much cheaper..
1 Always give the choice of youi pat
ronage to Responsible Dealers that handle
established Pianos and Organs.
Always buy an Instrument with
a Soul in it.
WSend for Catalogue and Prices P
anna and Organs tuned and repaired. Pi
anos and Organs Exchanged, or received
ia part pay for new.
Forth;u ami American Sheet Music.
Guitar*. Violins, Banjos, Strings, and all
kinds of Musical Merchandise. Sunday
School Instruction Choir of all kinds.
Round Rote, “Shape’’ Rotes. Address,
&*jLiwr, &*•
Aug. 11, 3m.
Leather, Leather !
fan now turning out, from the Ellijay
Tan-yard, as good Leather, of alt de
scriptions aa can be found ia any market.
For Upper, Sole or Harness Leather of
tbe beat quality bring either tbe
Highest cash price paid for green or ary
ftMVJull either on J. P. Cobh or the un
dersigned at the Tan-yard.
June SO-tf.
Jno S. Young,
Knoxville, Tenn,
July SI-3a.
fW W4m wmdmm* Ini |wj
i‘ ri dl. aVoi’ktu* It •ONA* riKLLAPA. P A
Summer Complaints. .
At this ssssoe, various disease* of the bowel* are prevalentjmdiaamrkmsorvfew
through Lack of knowledge of a safe and sore remedy. PEBBY DAVIS'
PAIN KILLER is a rent cur* for Duurrtimn, Dysentery, Sammsr Complaint,
Chafe-re, Cholera Morbna. etc., and ii ptr/cdlj safe.
Bead the following: ....
/ p ‘ Bcrorrr. toipj tobed wttboat
Moraoo*.lowi, March It,KSI.'PACTltiij.amahnoW
issjTTr^ ————^
ioaUsi rebef L E. Caldwell. boofieboldfii an inditp***aJA neeeeeUw.
re IwbMoietß , iSSS.
InmrSnjy. H. ,v ° naed it or bod
Saco, lb., Jan. 22,1881. 21 Mostagu* Bt.,Losz>os, Bao.
Hot* naadmtßT Davis'Paiv Kil-zb for twelve Daring a residence of tmcty-Oam yam ia India,
yean. It U m/, nr., and reliabt . No mother I have riven it in many cases of diarrhoea, dyaen
2iw aW of th. t chotera, and toew it
■a Amity cam safety be without this invaluable remedy, ltl price briegs it
within the reach of all. For sale by all druggists at !3e. 50e. and Sl-SO a bottle, m ■-a
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence,Jß. V
*■ IRON TilT TCI S are liiclify recommt!i-jo<l for all diseases ro- I
nuking a certain and efficient tonicespecially Indiycr.Uon, V’jrptprid, IvU-r-
JpMcr.t Feccrt, Want of App-Uitr, Tms nf Flrcnjt'i, Lari if Etur'j'j, etc. Kiric’ic*
Ahokiood.ttrengtliens tlie miba-lei, and gives new life to the nerves. They act
liks a charm on the dkcslive orpins, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, goeh
as jh.itimi Ike F-od, hacking, ITtU in lJus FlmruuK, Ileartintm, tic. The only
Irdn l*rc;ar;iti<m that will not blacken tlie teitli or give
tieadiudie. Sold by all drtiggisfs. Write for the ABC 32 pp. of
useful and a:uu“iug rending— lent free.
DROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Bid.
go. sao.— Front View. Ho. aO.-Baek View.
• . .-—in
A (Jew Style of Organ, designed for Sunday Schools,
A Chapels, etc., and Sold at Moderate Price.
Gr OUR ORGANS aRe wa ; kranted are mam w te* same
tar Sent for Illustrated Catalogue before Miag wM to Buy.
Borne, Ga. Marble and Granite Works
ty P d4al in the tx-st Italian and American Marble, varigativf aoif white. We handle
If 1j a great deni nf tlie well known and popular Hut land Marble, which is tkc
whitest, uml said to be ti e best m the world for (lab work, tmeh ns Head Stones,
Tomb Toilet*, &c., lint the It dian equals it for monuments. We furnish all kinds of
buildingk*one, but make Marble and Granite for grave and cemetery pur|>oscß a pc
cialty. e build all kink of Monuments, Toom' s, Head Stones, L’rna, Vases, &c.,
&c. Out workmen are first-cla-a. We buy all our stock ia the rough and do the
work oitwelvrs ; therefore, we send out first-class work, madte f tire best of marble.
We pßy Ibe cash for all the stock we use. We get very low rates of freights, and
can and will compete with any Marble Works in this country, in quality of Marble,
workmaudiip and prices. Write and give us tlie description' of tlie work you wish,
and we vfill write you what wc can furnish it for, or write us- about what price you
wish to day, and we will let you know what kind of job or jot-s we can give you for
price mentioned. We keep some of tlie second and third class marble, but
never seiU Uiein out, except when the prices are such aa first-class marble cannot bt
furuislioifat, and then wc always tell the purchaser the kind of marble we will furnish. will give us a trial and let us prove what we say, we are, very truly,
•Jones V ICdmundNon.
Noy. lfi-tf.
MITCHELL, LEWIS St CO., Racing Wis.,
Manufacturers of If edfJf*D FREIGHT HV C O.YS,
>rnr v
All fjfatri-Swrmg r.nd Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies.
• Tin HTCHXLL WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock used in its cww
structtH apd made by the best mechanics m the world. The Spring Wagon and Buggy De
pstfm jtpwatsrely separate from tho Farm Wa?on shops. And for the manufacture of this class of
work wt (ft** facilities unsurpassed. Send for t.Aiologue and Illustrated Price List.
MITCHELL, LEWIS Sc CO., Racine.* Wt*
Mective, Simple, Durable and Cheap.
Compact, Substantial, Economical aad
Easily Managed.
Guaranteed to work well and give foil powtr
Every Fanner who runs a Cotton Gin, Corn
Mill or Wood Saw, should have one.
3 Horse Power Engine and Boiler... VM
4i '• “ “ BPO
gi •• ■* •* 355
8, •• ... 440
Hj©±±©l Sc Oo_,
H EX II fc L 8 8 0 II X PIANO CO.
Will make for tli* next 60 days only, a Grand offer of
PI A X O A > I) OK<JA>N.
SBSO Square Grand Piano for only $245-
CTV TP O Magnificent Rosewood cass elegantly finished. 3 string 7 1-4
J 1 vJ octaves full patent cantsnle agraffes, our now patent everstruag
scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre bear; serpentine and large fancy moulding
round case, full Iran Frame French (irar.d Action. O and Hammers, fii fact stery
improvement whichean in but wayteud to the perfection of the instrument has
our price for this Instrument iKixed and delivered on hoard cars t tO/R flrt
New York, with fttre Piano Cover, stool and (took, only
This Plan. will be sent on test trial. Please send reference if you do not aedtt
money with order. Cash sent with order will he refunded and freight charges paid
by us'both ways if Pratio is not just us represented in tbr- advertisement. Thou
sands in use. Send for Catalogue. Every iustiument fully Warranted far fiv
$lO5 rOffOO (with Stool. Cover and Hook.) All strictly Pirst-class
Ml A Hill\ and sold at Wholesale factory prices. These Piano* made due of the
[Hi* finest displaysat ihe Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimously
**** w, * w recommended for the Highest Honors. The s<|uares contain our Xew
Patent Scale, the greatest imjfiDvcment in the history of Piano making. The Up
rights are the ffnest in America. Positively wc make the linest Pianos, of the
richest tone and greatest durability. They are recommended by the highest musi
cal authorities in'the country, orer 14,1100 in use, and not one dissatisfied purcha
ser. All Pianos and Organs sent on 15 days’test trial —freight free if uusatisfao
tory. Don’t fail to write us helore buying, Positively we offer the best bargains.
Catalogue mailed tree. Handsome Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of 48 pa
ges mailed for 3 cent stamp. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years.
TTTIITT Till flVflilin our ••Parlor GratuT Jubilee Organs,” style 86, is the
II HI I II II II Hi A lU\ finest and sweetest toned lleed Organ ever ottered
ill! 11l Liu II If Hlt n II U the n ;usi ;al public. It contains Five OetaTcs, Five
• " w"*** l ' w*uw** sets or Heeds, four of 2 1-2 Octaves each, and one of
Thtee Octaves. Thirteen Stops with Grand t'tgan—Diapason, Melodia. Viola,
Flute, Celeste, Dtrtcet. Echo, Melcdia-Forte, Celestina, Violina, Flute-Forte,
Tremolo. Grand-Organ and Grand-Swell. Knee-Stops. fleigM. 74 in.; Length, 48
In.: Width, 21 in.; Weigh', boxed, 3(iu lbs. The case is ot solid- walnut, veneered
with choice woods, and is of mi entirely new and beautiful design, elaborately
ctrved, with raised panels, music closet, lamp stands, fretwork, Ac., ail elegantly
finished. Possesses alf the latest and best improvement';, with great power,
dep.h, brilliancy and svmpatliet ic quality of tone, Peautiful solo effects and per
fect atop action. Regular retail price S2KS. Our wholesale net cash price to bars
it introduced, with stool ami hook, only s97—as one* organ sells others. Positively
no deviation in price. JTo payment required until you have lullv tested the organ
in your own home. We seud all organs on 15 days test trial and pay lreight both
ways if instrument is not-as represented. Fully warranted for 5 years. Othsr
styles—B stop organ only SBB • 9 stops, SMS ; 14 stops, slls. Over 22.000 sold, and
-very Organ has given the fullest satisfaction. Illustrated circular mailed free.
Factory and W ttrerooms. 571 h St. slid 10th Ave.
CHITITX TV/TTT'wTP at one third price. Catalogue of 3000 (choice pieeea
A aent for Bc. stump. This Catalogue includes most sf
the popular music ot the day and crcry variety o! musical composition, by the bast
authors. Address.
MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO, P. 0. Bor 12058, New York City.
Who will have charge of ‘he counlies of
G I 1., ME Ii nnd FAN IN ITV
IH the sale of our celebrated Machines. Ho is two well known to
require an introduction from ut.
THERE is nothing more useful in a Family tliau a first elate
■Sewing Machine. In this as in everything else it is economy to
buy the b*t. Wo claim that the “SINUEIi” is the host ol all
We are borne out jo the truth of our statement by the fact tlrat
its sales exceed vny other Machine. U is
Unrivaled in appearance l
. Unparalleled in Siffipiicily r .
Unsurpassed in Construction !
Unprecedented in Popularity.
Wait for the Agent fur the Sl"(j£R !
ms. sfiiis in non. in.
Oar buyer has just returned Morn market „„
thine usually found m a mixed stock. ** * Vpr - r
DRY GOODS.—AII the latest novelties in juries of w i
Dress Goods. Calicoes, Homespuns. Ac. *
BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, of everr aire nnaliiv .> ,i
Satisfaction guaranteed or no trade. ‘ ’ - v anr k' r,c *
CLOTHING, for old and young, of everr rari. r. i
and let ua dress you out. * *T grao*. Come a!n
PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Wood-ware Tin war. r u
Pocket and Table Cutlery, Carpenters’ Finding,, Notion. i£ k * ,J ’
In fact we think we can supply you with wbatover von
want and at prices to suit von; for bavins bnmrfit r„,. nili? ,* - r
fir,, band, we are enabled to iell al r a nl i r#w
us. Don’t be influenced by anybody, blit corne and look er
elre*. We.barterjor anything which we can t„ rn into Ls.r
oct s-tf J.P. COBB,
Carriages, Phaetons,
B* ll ß'g'ies, Wagons,
• 1 *!? mannfactnnng a superior quality of Carriages Bne
ties and Wagons at my shop, , n Car.ersville, and also in Rome SL
I al.o keep for sale at lowest rates, a full slock of Eastern’
Western work, comprising the celebrated an *
My Shops are supplied with skilled and reliable workman
1 am prepared to do all kinds of Repairing at B h or t no
tice, and guarantor satisfaction. I have a Jarra
Repository at No 9fi and 100 Btoad Street
Rome, Ga., where mv friends will always
find my nephew. Mr. R L. Williams,
and Mr. W. L Whiteley, who will
be pleased to wait on them.
T . , P. H. Jonos.
&oerisri£ f &M 9 sr
Over 25 years a Practical Accountant, endorsed by all the
Prominent Merchants of Louisville.
f/tF* Send Stamps for Circulars and Specimens of Tenmanship
BEX. C. WEAVER, Principal | 11. S. DeSOLLAR, Secretary