Newspaper Page Text
The Meriwether County Vindicator
VOL. 7.
rilßUlSl KD KVRHV raiDAT,
BY 1* M. T. REVILT.,
&T tiW P R ANNUM. IN A.*>\ AND-*
(JT Office hortu hue sqcabk
7>t ce >) 00 I k- 3rA Ifimo j lyesl
1 men l aA. 4 s*> 'tDO I 13.06
- sUir t 75 s(x 650 JlO 0)I15<0
5 uc.nts* 200 am 10 00 15 OO |*s X)
*C 'i 500 10 00 30 00 85 00 |S3 01
4 700 nuO 35 to 1 3-5 00 jl • i>o
1c 1 10 00 to 00 0 0 163 00 I #IOO
t M~ A libels! deduction III*.)* til lh-*
nil\e tti~iitg t>\ Hie n.on'li <*r vMt.
MIERtFF , .>■ ft- Florence
CLERK S. l' W, U- Keller.
TAX COLI.BITOK . ■ JO. Clirimimi
1 REAM HER J Anthony.
M RYE YOU F WwDrrwa.
I 'oROM It John It JJon*-*
I. J Mi Uni, Anisin, Silil* >
i£ J Kirin J E Buchanan
J l\. Em i h
iujiu v\ Park At J Barnes
Madison 110 iril, II A I’nrWi r
A H Freeman N<l
PEN \ I'llß .iiiili lliniriii, 1 M Duucsu
I J William*. ' " William*
in sin i; s?* c a u i) s
HENRY I W A 111 - .,
AT ,.aw.
lbs. t vnl ii I r 1 i:> W-o A
|> ( . mill T v > •LI 'll nttcntio.i I ni-i all
I • isi -i* *s * 111 lUr I i'll ti' Ills- * *' *
HHc * •) *'"t
Will im in "tin* In Mi riw i-iln-i Slid tin
■ nlMtlM* e Moposltljf 1 1* * " Wet I* Ol|( till
A I liillNlY
Ii ff V*• *ll * ¥ • < ■ K'lldHA
I! I M LA! V1 1 '>,
I Iir8c(l ' r limni.i*
Hi )<s**pl IJ*h J.H'll aH lf <*ll > ill 11 ni"l
Ii HUM n* i t f * * * r \
\\ ill jxwtM - ** in il * >urt" “f th* *
ifi li*, !l> * rati *l O.tlmary *"H J oU< •
( uni if Mi-riwllio county
rr < i ii- *m ttoo s-ctUi ndc ni Dir pi'ib*
■iiuafE, txxt drstr In Dn- Drug More
O FIXUP* 111* J*rn(.‘-SMCtnal mrvii In
Ule Ptthllft om .. With hU tmunr,
!r .1 I (LTonll m Dx HnnrKlmv
fiJSU a. via}\n, i). i> ; . w :.,
I~\ k hm;nt iknlim
-A <imr.r.\\ iut
\ IJzoWtl*.
Term* < a*b All work arm'll*-L
A*AaTMONTH ffiSrifeard. ft* *
Hv -<L/U ,l:, y <■*' by th* mdoW-riiw*
( *[xt*l tv* rcpiired : we will
tfxrt v<i Men, women, lews and girls
—>>- mV faC't a’ w'-rk for tt* than at
m hyUi me *•!**• The work t* “‘ l
pleasant, arc I •** * ** W* <•* ♦'JUJ f*- n?W
l The* who an- *i who awe Uiwjfjee
wi!l w-nd < their whir*-**** at 'SOW and •**
'lk-h-vlv.-* OjsUt Outfit and tern*
fr*-, Sow i 111* lime, 'new*- already at
m ,*k are lavine up iatlfe sum* "f numty.
—'-'?s? i. %• >; • |
ATLANTA. -- - • '- - ' OF/KWHA
’~ ’ -
Hook, News mwl rmpyu%
■ % If I ,
ofnot, motm wh-muwa
Addsm*, JA£. ORM<^,
Kefr t*> this hw *> a Specimen 'f hi*
i * ' ."i
I >{e r.
Psalm of Marriage.
Ti ll me not ia idle jingle.
•‘Afnrriace is an cniptx divtuu "
For the girt i* dead Dint's single,
Ami girl* are not what tiny seem.
life is ri-al ! l.if u earnest !
Single blessedness u fill ’
Maui thou art. In muii rvliirm-nt
11ns l>*n of the rile
Not enjnymOnt. anti in* sorrow,
Is our tlcaliniil ciul or way
Hut to net tlvt each 10-morrow
FimL us nearer marriage day
l.ife i long, am! yonlh i Atvling,
Ami oar htsurtsUhtnigh uiul gn>
Still like plt rtAAnt flmmw nn In uting
Winklimr mart luti nil the way
Iu thp tirlil’K bnKul tlciil ol b.tUb*.
iu tin* !*i\uKutc tf life,
ik* not like daikib lnv ii rnttle !
He it it wife
Trust no future btuk'< i pl< rtsuut.
l, t tin’ ti jnl |Mart Italy its iiol '
Ad rtM* living I'resent
Heart witiiiu au<l Uofs- aln ml !
i.lYm of mairitsl ft!k re niuti m*
\\ t fiiU IiVO oui live* v\ ll t
\n l cle iurtiiitf, |i*nvc Is liliul us
Sin h t xam pit ti iib iwliwll ■ till
Simli iMimplt t* that an**tln i
VVustine tiiii** In sport.
A turlont. uii!iwirii‘l !r*tln*r
Seeing, stiali tiiUr lu’Hrt amt e*urt
1s t uh. tlwu is up runt itoiu^.
With n heart On triumph set
Still eonfrlvfiu.F still ptn-*itrmr
And e.u li mu a linslmtnl jxvf.
A I’niinjit .liifor.
\n iiimiKinf* **!tr\ inli<|tif tlx \\ ny h ju
r*f iti hrt n <<n\i* li**n A
marth r <i\m wiw* trh-l mul at *hl
fu all \ < x|m iin H ju **
Klvi i jiit• *f* |m<l hffii KWttni in finft In (In*
lit *XI | HUM l WHlt I iti Ml y llt in Will* II
" hull, lunk U ;in, (Titlttvt*uih lookiiy f!
|i \k \v j|i. had •Mt hlhh hi" |wnl wen ix til
!\ £|ln >Vl’ III* kfX’fF lltN Vh>l It in
fl’Dll ;ktxl Im k. Ill]*t llx ufoT‘Mli<i pHlilt*
aa< m 11< 1 ! 111* *• \.t
Nklh i.ttf )>n m tH In futk lh* uhuuJ *|h h
• j'Mt- Hi mx h * UMK, Uft I||*YVl* :
Hrtvt- von, ft'itn huvlnjir mii Hx- i rin)
*r hf unl mty of tin* t Uijjoii\
‘KhM.T"* uu*!* r ! |orini *l unit •
m* to tlx yuJM *n of
tlx f uf tf# hwf V**
Th "Hiiffh jrikUin*’ f !l*-vk in if lrur unit
*h 'tin< t v<*h • HD) fr* i
N *Mtl> *' v
So# * tjxl jn* *t i< *n 1 1 ti a * \mii |r< jij
*lmv *t h|.? njntb'V4"* '"*ir miixi for r>i
uyitin J tlx ptiMx r at th* Imt * /M
I linifi t
Third question "I* vour lifl'id j*C r I'l-tly
imparl is! l'tM'ii Hi' Hali ami ill' l ine
\nwi-r*il Hit mi *
K<>urlli question "Am y<i coma-icii
tint wly opf*** and In t :i|ill*l pU'iialiiiM "1 “f"
Answer I isn't
The Htntc did" I likel he JttrW Diwh. lull
ll l* 11 iff il<- and lln Jur-ira aanr, In- wa
pill upon tlt* -jiffy In lln- usual manner ; the
auli< il<m mu : "Juror, look upon Hie pria
oner. aud wbe.n Us- cironatrl was give a
,In Ik til a vf * aiming him from (read In
1 f-iot 'll*" Juror looked tie primmer
i interface iukl llm ii Uirnlnjr In III" Judy'",
[h"#l In a Arm, tilrnm voice "V"
I .lodge I think In'* guilty,”
Of (cn, Washington'* dialik" fur jtrofan
ily a pii-iurempir t*iry la n lut'd. In lln
summer of 17ft, * man who waa plowing
in af" a Kiilikill road Inritn* very
impatient with wmim- difhnitty in hi* work,
and la gan l*i jssir forth violent nsth*. Jual
then three li’irmami In fnilhary undriwa,
who ' riding Of. janineii, and. nri" nf
them aalting tor infonuation Ur*-
miki, thanked the f*k, man for hi* anrwr,
and added * ‘ jiy fri"n*l I am uldr-r than
you, ha**- many Urne* t*en plar ml in p*aii.
♦ iona <if ißlfv uHv and danger and hare had
many llmig* to jn rpl' x and annoy tiu, hut
I hare aitrayn (ihind dud it did no syvi'l to
K>i angrr an*l that neither liroken plow*
nor any tiring elae can U m<-nd-l nr nutflr
h*l*r k the iia* of ph'fan" language." and
With a how Ire irgjg /m. It wa* tr*,-u. W'ualt
Did our young rea'Wa ever think ho a
HtUe it tg^oLhi aJJhtl their ctoanetr-r ‘t A
mngir OpylA ll* hr a rfy mm'A thing yet
dropptil into a tt*lnr nf clear water it
h)a*Jtdha<be drbofe j and m tiu- fir-t H* . the
firm oath, the firm gjaa*. tlwy ae- arr
Tririrf, jrmfcer fcarr dark ththr npon
v*ir (Mtdif. Look out te tiu- ird
f*” 1
(diionel Jamm JV/wie, tire hero of the.
Alamo, after whom bowie kin tea were caiL.
ed. waa a mild pleaaaiit and by u> rnrana
hormnda! perano who nv-rehr IWeoled a
conrentent aod naefoi knife for hunting.and
newer bad a aerhaia "pamnnaf dUhialiy in
hraWe found hra kahfe a handy
Gpkatd thi Hia fhngi
|| Patrick. ofTVt*at ; wfc> b reported In
the tJal-fealrm Newt to hare lArrii>e*l Coh
Atael B owie m a firare aohfkr. and not hy
,nv meat* a V* lemperedbiiTTy
How Ohio Game to, be Called
the Buckeye State.
A correspondent of the Marietta (Ohio)
Register contril*utea this iufuvSing Bale
chapter of history :
The first settlement in Ohio was ma.le at
Marietta, at the jtinctirm of the Muskinguui
with the Ohio, h\ a lusty of New England
emigrants, forming a part of the Ohio com
pany, an incorporated Ihklv preshhsl over
ihy Oeneral llnl us 1 hit mini, of Mnssaehu
| setts, assisted hy a laiard uf eUrrrtors .
posed of gentlemen of integrity and marked
. ability. Oeneral Putnam was a waisin of
the revolutionary h*ro, Israel Putnam.
The company had pun’llasid front the old
IV'ngross a large Ixhlv of land in the south
eastern part of till’ territ.ny, and the mouth
of Die Muskingum was selected as the site
of the ftist si tUeiuML- During |ii< war of
1 THd-b llie first instailmeigcif llic country's
emigrants, tmmlkering forty-tlm*e men,
were journeying hy wagon train from New
r.nglnial to Piltstmrgti in consequence of
the impassahle rimdllimi of fin* mails over
j 1 he mountains, eaiisrfi hy heavy snow.falls,
, the wagons were ahaiid'Mieil and b\ pack
horses tin lompauv tvneluai Sumrvll's Fer-
J r.V llufty'mlTi-s'll *>vr I‘ittshiugh, in the
; latter purl of March. Here the emigrants
found n cruft sorttew liut resemlillng a utile
i moil lliitlHsit. hut w ith a mof and raking
, liow. so that it could la* used In ascending
as wll s descending the stream. This
* loft was named Mayflower. They had al
so om fiat!Mail and three large canoes On
this insignilleant llathoat f,,rt\ eight men,
the germ if the stale of Ohio, with its mill-
I ions of population, its vast stores of wealth,
mid its eminent |H**ii|oi) in the sisterluual
jof states, i nihniKill foi llieir deßtlniition.
I After floating lor ah w day* without any
| marked incident, Miami noon on the 7lh of
[ April. ISHH tin si lilt is landed on Die siti of
the pieselll l ily ol Marietta. Two of them
I liiiiiH ilinl rl) lisik each Ids own axe, cadi
w oldng to nit the first iree, Neither of
them knew the s|M*i les iif the selected
hy him < tin- altiu keil alais h, which la’,
lae a lull'll winml, the pria-ess of felling wna
slow Tin oilier aelei led a Inn keye, which
In-ing s*ifl msin raille to Die ground. And
lliu*. it is allitnieil hy a lamily Inuiitloii,
which during niin-lv years has not heen
eontradleted hy any Idsfoiy or di nied, Ohio
' i mite to In i ailed tin- Kuelo ye slate ill*'
! hiici essfid eoin|M‘lill<in In this little ion
lost wast aplain Daniel Davis of Killhiglv,
I W’lmlliatn eoimty, Coiitn elieiilt
A Bad Moruory.
Tt"’"' wlm I'iilly ileairea In it*>jiiiri‘
klinwledg", ll hull Ull lll'iiy in It Nerl'tUH and"
fill, will' ll klinuld Ik- reiiH'dii-d. If |Hiaaihli‘
I imh tell yiHi two wiri'la tjj,t< will cure l|wt
wnrat inciiiniy. One la to Hud a auhjift
When Uroagly intereatrul. The other 1* In
|)il only read, toll think. When Vnu have
rend u luiriigraph, nr a page, atop mid clone
tin- I*ok, hiiil trv to wm!tH"i- tin- idr-a* on
that page, and not only recall them vaguely
in vom mind, hut put them into word* and
eif-ilk them "ill I'altlifully follow llteac
two rnli*. and you have the golden key to
knowhdg' liealdea inattentive rending
ih< n are other thingH injurioua to memory.
One im tln- liahit of Kkiiiirning over iiewvpa
[e ra. io iu* of newt, wnurt rttnmrka, hit* of
information, jeiiitical refiee.-tiona, faalii'in
ootiie. all in 'llftim’d jllfllhle, never to ll"
thought of again, thus diligently cultivat
ing a lutliU ot earelea* reading, hard to
hn ak The In al meniotv nnmt incvltuhly
*ulf* r hv ran-h a •v*t<-in.
! Mf Aiina JAavia, of J'ike couoiy, aoid
, hi -t week thirteen hundrett pound* of dried
fruit at nine eenta |"-r pound. Thl* waa
the fruit of lair orchard after an ahundmit
-li|i|.|v fni the family, and tntul" with her
| own lalmr and that of tire "tKaia*' (rang ”
I'flic tlriflin New*, w hich furnlalw* the
i hrtti think* thia “beata r-ott'ai rniaing to
flriffin want* a tctejihone ejehange with
Atlantu, turd a plan in jrrofwiaod t*r cre*,-t a
lin* i*> tlwt fUy, jilaeing the OHfflnltea in
full f-ommttnlefl'*n with *ll part* of the
capital If th*- plan 1* carried wit noon the
liata lof Atlanta voir** will be re-echoed
thrmigb tlje atrnet* of ataid tiriffin.
Dryli ii wan M fond of reading that Ida
wife otic 'lay exclaimed :
"I wiah I wert-nhook. that 1 /night la*
aiway* in yiatr jireaeu**."
I'll wiwli that you were an almanac.” he
i replied, “mi llml 1 f*aild cliange every
| J-e*’”
* ftougla* JiTroUj eurlhi women'* ann* "the
1 iK-rj/ent# tliat wira! alnait a man'* neck."
' Th‘ ‘oldeat inhabitant" aav* he don't ole
jeet to them kind o' acrjx-nl*.
; hvdnev Kniith <mce said that in Kngland
It i regarded a* an imjx-rtincnce I<it a man
with h-a* than two tieataatid a ystr to have
an ojiiuem of hi* own.
* A drunken man lately tried to get a po
hfloeman to arnwt hi* own ahailoW. ill*
inipl*int waa tliat an ilHookipg Kiouiidrel
! kcjrt f*dk*wing him.
The (.ouMniaaiooen <A Internal flcrenoe
Tr\> ort* that the tax on Dialehe* produc**) a
wtwrnue during the hut Oacai year of three
had a quarter million doilan—an htcreaae
over any previous year. From five-eight*
to throe-fourth* of the price of matchc* i*
due to the tax. We import no matches
[new. I*it are cxjiorting them to a large ex-
i tine. \
[Memphis Avalanche.]
JlKßr* Uhwrlev Qtumtcl, Jr., and Henry
(JtU3(ttel, with their wives imd several ootn
pagßOM du voyage, left towu yetenUy in
with the intention of taking the
IxhiUtUlc and Nashville train at Rartlett,
and imparting for a tnotv salulirious clinic.
Krfything went well >t:\lil the party near
ed Rarileti ; not a single* murdcrmia quar
antfest gnaol was met with, and hop**, that
sprtigßttcninl in the human hreaat, lent an
m ItHXToa I charm to the beauties of nature
so lioldily displayed on every hand. Rut,
aa dbtnc one. prohahly Mark Twain, has
sillily “AH that’s bright must fade.” On
iea:|tlat Die bridge this side of llurtlett a
■*di(l iy horsi •man liearing the typical allot
gun •wu, mu approaching, but immov
ahly f*\cd in the road. When the party
dro up, this party of the first part hnlhsl
“Yott can’t puss." said he with heroic
•‘Wherefore f" wus asked.
‘Wisanse you can’t," was the re.
“Well, Iml we will,”
"If you do it w ill la- with a load in
“If you draw Dial gun, you’ll la- destroy
ed Without remedy," replied one of the trav
liera He drove on , the rest followed, lie
gidno )ea*l In him.
When Bartlett was reached, the train
wna still Da-re, and the refugees were lie
ginning to lay the Haltering uiirlttm to
liudr nails that all would yet la- Well, w hen
suddetdy rommiltec np|M-ared hairing the
way. They said, “Thu* fur, and no far
tlmr," ’Twits vain to speak, to weep, to
Sigh- -Hie imorriiplihle guiudiuns of the
Hadh-tt lu-altli were not to he moved,
i Urey said, however : “If you’ll go on to
! Hwnd’a Hlution (six uiiles further on,) you
e|B get aboard Die train there," and with
this-the refugees wite forced to U- eoulenl
TlHit Uiey asked Du- conductor to take their
hafttage on Dutre. He said, “II Ido they
wifi eliminate im-from oil tin* fin e of the
fto they went oil to Itoml's Station and
WlWed for the train. It ciuuc along uiul
waa duly aignaled, hut passed on witlumt
tH Upping, The comlurlor, howfVtT, lm*l
rial f* Tgoltcn them. Hr Milled all the pas
Monger* to III'- window of the ear, alld ex
hibthd tin- forlorn Memphian*. Tin- seem*
w- -ijiU'i'd liy wll plewjlll, WlUl II few ex
rt-ptlhns. The "iefl" then tfled tog-tpmr
li-r* hi tlig(ouiitry unlit tonjorrow, wlu-n
they hoped to gel a I rain, hut the iiilinhl
taiilf ilei lui- and they wouldn’t lake them In
If there was millions In it This was tin last
slrnw, and the bright ho|a- that unlimited
the parly in tin- morning had Ih-i-ii mit'ci-ed
ed hy the hilternem of despair Memphis
wuaimw the only plmx- retimining open to
Dumb, mid to M- inphis limy relumed, arriv
ing yesterday evening Imbued with a mono,
mental disgust at Country quarantine
John A. Itoekafellow writea from Arl/o
iih n aaoinil of a verv .amusing adventuie
lie Itwnlly hid with ucilinitiiion Isuir. The
hitler is it very ugly customer to clone with,
hut our friend waa delivered In the most tin.
e*|ecU*l manlier, us will lie men hy the
following i
night I wiis e> lining ll j. from the
Himta Crux valley, eighteen mile* Iw-low.
I waa rtding u Intro (Jiiekus*;, hut on coin
lug to u very steep hill disiiauiiiled, and
wua alow Ir v. idking Up when I entile on tin
iuttiMsuae einiiamoii Is-ttr, ,!••** limn twenty
feet wuy. Of course, to run wua out of
the ijucaliou ; *o I stood and eyed the old
fellow, grid In- stood and eyed me u* f slow
ly pulled (sit toy "lx slesit/ r from the hoi-
Met. Old Is ur hunter* wiy It isn’t safe to
tackb a chtnatnou ls-ar wtlli h rifle currying
hw titan seventy grain* of |s*wder. mid
then give him a dead shot, tw the el linn
lnous an- worse Hutu the grizzlies I didn't
hnve my rifle with me, and twi.fny aix-*h<ss
er only uses I weenty-Uirw of powder J con
cluded I wus not looking for a fight uuleaa
the (tear wa*. Whoever hi* Intentions
werrTl don’t know ; but my Jhtirn fjackaw;
wlidflHa some dintanec ahead just then,
caught aiglit of trim, and, in*t*-d of run
ning away, as one wrsild ex fieri , started
for Mr. Bruin with tail and emw erect, and
to eaj) tlic climax commenced to lirnv.
Tliia was t<s. much, and the Old Is-ar atari-
if he waa shot (Stf <A a gun. lie
ju*t tore up the ground, ami rolled down
tiu- mountainside.
tliat trick before with me wlu-n I Imre
liecn irying to get up on to a <U-cr, and I
have always pmusled him for it. hut last
night I concluded I would give him a
leather medal.”
A Miossu.-how-t!.- lady is rejuirted to have
scolded her Uttic.hoy for taking a drink of
Wiser at u hotel, “for," said she, t'wrg pay a
dollar for tr dinner, and water Is very
A gentleman hiring a acrvanl in this city,
aftffrntteutly enduring the usual catechism
when asked:
"And have you many children." re
plk-d :
‘ Vhs. I have five boil win drown two
or thaen, If you Insist ujsaj it. "
A hnry Is told rd”“a ’Vrettelißwo. who
went into a hpvrer - * office one day and told
a defk that be Wanted to look m a swart..
"A sn*i.t j* said the astonished auditor;
“a slisll. O, a will you meart ”
“Kh hien, if J* ?M the **me ; a will or a
-hall r ■ i > ' - -
A Tall Snake Story.
While (liner Ludlow, who ha* in exten
sive farm near l-awrenecburg, lnd., wan en
gaged with fever*! amistanu in hauling in
to hi* liam* hit crop of wheal, and while
lifting a shook of wheat to Die grain rark
lie uncovered a large red blow adder at
least two feet In Uaigth. TV mirier was
fullof fight when it heiu-ld ail mlvrrsary,
and stndghtway Isrgan to blow. I.urilow
planted hi* foot nti the reptile, and afttr
running a title of hi* fork Ihrmigh il called
for Ids teamster to drive- lit* wagon over it.
I’lh- teamster obey-d, and when the wheel
of t lie heavy loadisl warn at rested on the Issly
of the scr|H-iit Ludlow again sghu-d the er
pent with his fork line, this time din-etly
through his head. I'arelesaly Hinging the
ophidian specimen off hla fork, Mr. Lud
low then proceeded to Dm; latrn to unload
Die grain. On Ilm return to the wheat
field, and on lifting another shock uf wheat
near where he had the tight with the snake,
what was his horror at again finding him
self fuuing the identical stmkeshlp, which,
smarting, no doubt, under his wounds, ap
peared more vicious than Imfore. Ludlow
watched his opportunity, and again suc
ceeded In getting a fork line clear through
the adder’s head. An asaislant was culled,
and While Ludlow’s fork tine Imd the
snake fastened to the ground, the assistant
pulled the reptile away from Die fork, lliiir
splitting the head into equal pmia. The
adder was then ground into llje dirt w ith it
"boot-heel," strictly in accordance with a
script mill injunction, and left for dead. On
a third return to tin- vicinity of the scene
last enacted, the same tenacious udder
again uncovered from another shock of
wheat, exhibiting ut the satin- time as much
life as la-fore. With the continued efforts
of all the hands the adder was then pound
ed until I line was scarcely enough of it h '
to quiver.
A few hours later Air. Ludlow- narrated
ills adventure to a curiosity-hunter mid di
rected him plainly to the spot where the
mangled tiiasa was left. The hunter re
paired to tin- spot and made dllllgcnt search
for Dm remains of the adder, lint In vain,
Even the pieces had crept off. [('inriiumtti
Radical Campaign Capital.
The “< hlsliolin iimssMere" in Mississijijif
in 1M77 hns been extensively used try north
cm republican papers ns pollUcal capital.
Lulled Htatea District Attorney Woodford,
of New York, onn of the pnrties to Ule
tarant-Wonrlford scheme for the kidimj)|ilng
and Impriaonuieni of ['resident elect Tfldeii
in March, 1M77, has volunteered to npjiear
at Kemjs-r, Miss., next week to conduit
prosecution of the alleged nturdi-rers of the
< hlsholms. The history of the cnru', the
• inssSHi re" Is ing simply the eultnlrmtion
of H vendetta, is a* follows : Hevcral year*
ago, Benjamin ltaslie, a white republican,
fired "I and missed John W. < fully, a dem
ocrat, hut hit and killed his brother, Bantu
el dully. John then relumed the fire, glv
ing ltaslie a dangerous wound, from which
he, however, recovered. On Ajirll 2/Jth,
1877, John W dully was assassinated hy
an unknown hand. Two colored men testl
fled that Benjamin Kaslu-, Instigated by
Judge < 'hlsliolin, Ids son and three men
named tillin'r, nosrrilintim and ((offer fall
white rejaililieansj. committed the murder,
dhisholni and son wen- arrested, and Mr*.
Chisholm anil daughter insisted on sharing
their confinement. In tt few days dilmer,
one "f th" alleged consjiirators against fiul
ly's life, was arrested, hut. was taken from
tin- officers by a mob or lynchers and kliled.
The mob then uttneked the Jail, overjrowef
ed the jailer, mortally wounded Judge
f 'hlsholm, and wounded his son I luring
Hie fight Miss Chisholm shot and killed Dr.
Kasser, one of the lyncher*, and Mra. fills
holm severely w-oimdeil n son of thenss/issln
ated John W dully. Mias Chisholm via her.
*elf wounded and snfMeqttcntly died. It is
the trial'if a number of thesi- iynefrers at
which Mr W'sslford I* to prosecute. Mr*,
(’hishotm holds a clerkship at Washington
and has. since the so railed "massacre” fre
quently ajijM-ared In [>rint on the *iibjii-t
ami has, consoqaenlly, been tin- siairee of
great and exr er ding Joy to the rifuihlli
an jircs*.
[Tlioumavillc Time*,]
We hope- that llte present alw> ain will
go U> tin; very IsAltmi of ever)' cluirgc
which ha* Iniwi or may lie brought against
any of tin- state ofUriala. fa-t no favoritism
lx- shown. I'm every olUcial in the cruel,
hie -if denmndc'i|- and try him as with fire.
The people want only the pur* gold. Con.
"nine the droaa, We miMt my to radical*
and liidcfiendciiUi in the next caovaaa— and
9- *“y in troth— that the dernermt
ie jiarty haa the nerve and the honesty to
expuM and poniab crime, be it committed
by detvxnt* or any one else. The legia
lature rrrue make this record. We can
l*-ar. even now. lire *anc:imonir*is whim*
a'rorrt democratic corniftion. Ix-t iu tie
ready to meet it. Jt can only lie nicnw
fully met by the present legislature prob
ing every rliarge to the bottom. Ix-t them
do h fairly and unfMer+ingtr. If they have
to atay there Mil (’’hrtatmaa to do It. Turn
on Ibe light*.
“My remarked a man, ‘ make*
her tea to Wrong that it break* the etipa.”
“A nd mine,” said another. “make* hers
do weak it can't be run <ad of the pot.”
(iroely on Collge Mein
Mr Ureely, a* almost everybody knows,
luted young men fresh from college worse
than he hated democrats—which is saying a
good dm). 1 remember one occasion when
in my presence a young nun, armed with a
strong letter of introduction, made his ap
pearance in the old man’s office. Mr. Uree
ly read the note carefully, and then turned
upon hkt visitor.
“t see you want a piece on my paper,"
he began. “What are qualifications ? How
much newspaper work have you ever
“1 Hint Is ’’. responded the stranger,
iu kceilatatlng tones, “you soe by my letter
that I am a gmfoirte of Cornell Uni "
“That's im rccotntneudatloa here. What
ik> you know about journalism ?"
Hy this time the young nym was d*s
j pernte, and he s|Hike with some ssperi
[ “ I come from tltchflcld, Conn., where I
1 have done soiim- work on the local weekly.
And, by tin- way, I am well—l may say
very well acquainted with y*>ur bruthera-in
law who live them, the Messrs. Cheney,’.'
Is I ivit •! ? ftfislstsilfjixdy,- (fiia- a
surer. “Weil, tUmi, if you w ant to know
wlutt 1 think of that, I must say you arc ac
quainted with a couple of mean men. Good
And as the young chap fieri, Orccly tum
id to me with a scowl, and added : “When
I take one of those infernal college fools
"P°n 'he paper wlthmit some other recom
mendation tlian their graduating papers.
Just let me know ulsmt it, will youf"—Chi
cago Tribune Ix-t U-r.
Rml on “One-Eyed Juke."
The drifiin correspomlnit of the Atlanta
fonnlitnliou sends that pajier an accoimt of
an smttsing littrglary which occurred In
Orlrtlir Saturday night last, the rascal who
did the work l"'lng one Jake Hhclton, or
"one-eyed J„ke," us he Is familiarly known.
He says ; "I allude to It as an amusing
case of burglary, and it certainly media
such a title. Beeves A Cos., druggists here.
Imd been suspecting thieves from their back
entrance, and in order to frustrate any at
temj't* in Hint direction had arranged a
Jur of sulphuric acid over the window j
Httaehed thereto a cord, which was connect
ed with the window. Raising this win
(low would Invert the Jar, emptying the
content* all over whis-vc-r made entrance.
Jake (ami hided In- didn't have enough
worldly giaxls of Ids own, so he derided to
Bjiprnjiriulc a few drug* and whatever else
he could rake In, C'llnihlug nj> to the win
dow, he made Ids cutranco by boring
through, hut aa ill luck would have it for
him, he struck the cord and down cam* th*
whole Jar of arid on his wuoly head, eom
pUitely burning oft his dothea* The fool
wii* so frightened he rxiuldn’t get away,
and Ills noise attracted an officer, who took
him in tow. Jake says as fast a* he would
grab in one place to keep his clotlic* on,
the neid would ea; through another, and
hy tlw time he gig to the lock-up lie waa
about clotliesless, |iim:o hy piece having
dropjsid oft on tiie way. He waa removed
from (lie guard Ins we to the Jail yesterday,
and had on nothing lint a blanket. He is
not iiiucli Injured by Hie hums. I guess
the slate will furnish him with a suit of
stripe* in n few weeks."
'Tin Infernally disgusted with my wife—
that's the long snd abort of It." “What’a
wrong now /" lias she Is-en kicking up a
new cajM-r >" "No j J wouldn’t stand that;
hut she kei-ps on repeating all of her old
"A ml how doc* Charles like going to
school 7" kindly Inijtiiivd the food man of
tin- house of tin- little slx yctr-ofd boy, who
was waiting with a tin can in bis hand the
advent of another dog. t like going well
’iiough," rej'lied live cuibryo statesman, in
genlisisly, "hut 1 don't like gsyin’ after I
git lhere."-
"Pul, yisi have ihvted your Islser a week
ahead. It is nutV) lute in the month liy one
week, you *poljK-en.”
"Troth, Imy, indade an’ K's Jlst mlself
what Is wantin' wal*' Kathleen to it in
advarue af the mail, hhurc, I’ll not care
If slie girts it three days afore it is written,
tny dariint.”
Tire woman who canned a bushel of
cherries this year lias a right Ur look down
on Hat woman who only caimad six quart*
of g'ssteU-rriea.
An Albany genius calla anew suspender
which has been patented "The Conadsnc*
Suspender.” It owe* its name to Its ex.
trerne I'lwUcity.
The Him** of absent-MiladedMcaa—To
aupjtone that you have left your watch at
home, and pull it out of your pocket to aao
if you liave time topohaek and gat it.
“In puuming my theme, I should Hke to
cover iivm ground” “Buy *hoea lag
enough for your feet, and you’fl’tJo It,** wa*
tlie impudent suggestion from someone of
the crowd.
■ ■i— an ■■
“If there's no n*tligM, wifi you meet
me by gaslight, dearest Juiiaaa T “No, I
Won’t replied *he t “I’m no gm-am Ur."
“Julitut, why SifTt yoa oblong your
May at the spring* *** ‘Ka#a, Mr. Baow,
dey charge too touch." “How to, Juttua?”
“Why. d* landlord charge tbkt colored in.
iliwidual wid stealing de apooha.”
NO 38*