Newspaper Page Text
The American State Bank
Invites Your Attention to
the Following Figures : ::
Jiiger o9t 112 . . . 919,210.80
MAY 25TH, 1912 . . . $58,489.62
GAIN IN 10 DAYS . . $14,725.53
20 per cent increase in deposits in the “good old summer time” :
You are cordially invited to do business with this
bank, and we will appreciate your business, too.
All business entrusted to us has our best attention.
“The Banking Home of the Farmer”
Announcement 0f :
Wright T. Paulk.
.From Ben-Hill County. Under
.Swech Rules and Regulations as
Prescribed by the Proper
Authorities |
“To the People of Ben Hill County:
During the 1911 session of the
Geperal Assembly of Ga., which
¥ serwed you, [ endeavored earn
estly and faithiully n the support
of el the General measures that I
advocated and pledged in my for
mer race for Represcntative. viz.
Laws with reference to Labor,
amd the extension of Education.
And in co-operating with others
egually interested, such Lawsw re
enacted and in my opinion of
&hought, have met with approval
in general to the people of Geor
g, especially in the New School
Law where au additional One
Handred Thousand Dollars goes
€o the children of this State.
E woted for cvery meaure that
tended to uplift the people and
f was always on the side with
dhe people in common as against
spaecial interest,
& moet regularlly with my Com
myitonss, having been assigned to
ssae smong the most important,
swer a< Education ‘‘Banks and
Badios 77 Railroads” Ways and
M eav , and Corporations ete.
Wi y osnduct as your Represen
€a% fe ica matter of public record,
az & with such experience as I
B awe had T feel that I am in better
pesitsion to still render more and
Teter service tO the people of my
| ¥am anxious to serve yeu again
&;::‘he General Assembly from our
Desnty, mot in any consideration
<if money for, all one can get out
0: it s the consciousness of hav
'tk% served his people well and
faithfully, and to me this is great
er than money. |
I therefore earnestly appeal to
your kind consideration, promis- l
ing if re-elected the best efforts of'
my life in all matters of general
as well as of local interest. 1
Faithfully Yours,
tf, Wright T. Paulk.
To the Voters of Ben Hill County:
I ancounce myself a candidate for
Representative in the Legislature in
Ben Hill County. I shall favor an
‘absolute secret ballot under the Aus
tralian ballot system ; a better edu
cational system with sufficient funds
for the prompt payment of teachers.
The repeal of ail the bad laws and
the enactment of all the good ones
I can get on the statute books. I
challenge any opposing candidate
in the county to a joint discussion
'of these and other questions.
S. S. Hite.
For Congressman
“To the Voters of the Third
congressional District: I have the
ambition to represent the Third
district in congress. As to my fit
ncss and worthiness, I propose to
submit that to the voters of the
district, along with the other gen
tlemen who may aspire to the hon
or in a democratic primarv,
“] am a farmer, was born and
reared on & farm in this district,
and have contributed all that I
possibly could to the advancement
of the farming interests of my
section of the country,
““ As a member of congress I
would be controlled largely by
the same desires and purposes that
have actuated me as a private citi
zen in advancing the farming in
terest of the state ard country,
which ultimately is the interest of
every person, whether merchant,
lawyer, doctor, banker, mechanic
or citizens following other callings.
I shall be glad to meet the vo
ters face to face in every county
of the district before the day of
election. Sincerely,
John K. Mercer.
For Congressman
To the Democratic Voters of the
3rd Congressional District:
I hereby formally announce my
candidacv for the office of con
gressman from said district to the
Democratic primary to be held
next summer. Owing to my fa
miliarity with conditions in Wash
ington (being the official clerk to
‘the speaker of the House) I believe
!if the peopl2 wilt honor me with
the great office, that I will certain
ly striv: to faithfully and intelli
gently represent all the people of
the district, Their interest and
welfare shall regulate, control and
influence my every note and act
and at all times I will be true to
the masses of our people. Before
the primary I will announce a for
mal platform of principles, address
the voters on the public questions
of the day, presenting my views
fullv to them and endeavor to see
as many of ther in person as pos
sibie. If you can give me your
support and influence I shall al
ways be most profoundly grateful.
Very respectfully,
Charles R. Crisp.
GEorGIA—BEN HiL CouxTty.
To All Whom it May Concern:
F. J. Clark having in proper
form applied to me for Permanent
Letters of Administration on the
estate of Dorcas Grimes, late of
said Couaty, this is to cite all and
singular the creditors and next of
kin of Dorcas Grimes to be and
appear at my office within the
time allowed by ilaw, and show
cause, if any they can, why per
manent administration should not
bz granted to F. 1. Clark on Dor
cas Grimes estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 4th dav of June,
| C M. Wise, Ordinary,
Grorcia—BEN Hirn Counry.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Chas, Hiteh baving in proper
form applied to me for Permanert
Letters of Administration on the
estase of Dora Hiteh, late of said
County, this is to cite all and
singular the creditors and next of
kin of Dora Hitch to be and ap
pear at my office within the time
allowed by law, and show cause,
if any they can, why permanent
administration shouid not be grant
ed to Chas. Hitch on Dora Hiteh’s
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 3rd day of June,
C. M. Wise, Ordinary.
Grorcia —BeN HiLL Counry.
Will be sold before the court
house door in Fitzgerald, Georgia,
on the first Tuesday in July, next,
to the highest bidder for cash,
within the legal hours of sale, the
following property: One Philips
& Crews Piano, No, 85632, levied
on as the property of M. G.
Vaughan to satisfy an execution
issued from City Court of Fitz
gerald against M. G. Vaughan in
favor of Phil'ps Crews Company,
property pointed out by plaintift’s
attorneys. |
This June 5, 1912.
C. C. Dozier,
Dept. Sheritt.
Sheriffs Sale.
I have this day levied the within
and foregoing execution upon the
following property, to-wit: One
certain six room house and lot 1n
the City of Fitzgerald, Ga,, Ben
Hill County, described as follows:
Fronting Jessamine Street, in
Lot No. 11, Square No. 12, Block
No. 11., said lot being 60 feet
wide and 160 feet long and known
as the ‘*Molcey Hutson” house
and lot in said Fitzgerald, Ga.,
said property leviea upon as the
property of Molcey Hutson Beech
er to satisfy the within and fore
going execution. This Tth day of
May, 1912.
J. W. Norris,
Sheriff Ben Hill County, Ga.
Guardian’s Sale
Gzorgia, Ben Hill County,
By virtue of an order of the court
of Ordinary of said county, will be
sold at public outcry, on the first
Tuesday in July 1912, at the court
house in said county, between the
usual hours of sale, the following
described real estate situated in
Ben Hill County, to wit:
Twenty (20) acre tract number
Four Thousand Two Hundred and
Fifty (4250) of the Colony Domain,
as shown by the recorded plat of
of such sub-division; the said tract
being a portion of land lot number
One Hundred Seventy Nine (179)
in the Third (3rd) land district of
Ben Hill County. Georgia.
Terms of sale: cash.
This June 3rd 1912.
~ Guardian for Gertrude Kerr.
Wlill Be Sold at
Public Outcry
Georgia, Ben Hill County.
By virtue of an order from the
court of Ordinary of Pike Coun
ty, State of Georgia:
Will be sold at public outery,
at the court house door of said
Ben Hill County, on the first
Tuesday in July 1912, within the
legal hours of sale, the following
property to wit:- One house and
lot upon which same stands, said
house and lot being located in
the town of Fitzgerald, in Ben
Hill county, State of Georgia,
ann described as follows: Lots
numbers Eleven and Twelve (11
& 12) in Square number Two (2)
in Block number Six (6) on Al
tamaha Street.
Sold as the property of Mrs.
Addie M. Carmichael, deceased,
for the purpose of paying debts
and making distribution among
the heirs. TERMS CASH.
This June 3rd. 1912.
Mrs. M. A. Jenkins,
Admrx. of Mrs. Addie M. Car
michael, deceased.
Sheriff's Sale.
Grorcia—BEN HirL County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersgned will sell at public out
cry to the highest bidder for cash,
at the Court House door in said
county, within the legal hours of
cale. on the first Tuesday in July,
1912. the following described prop
erly, to-wit: The entire stock of
goods, wares, merchandise, fixtures,
furnishings, etc., now located in the
certain store house situated on the
east side of South Sherman Street,
between Pine Street and Central
Avenue in Fitzgerald, Georgia, said
store being numbered 120 and now
occupied as a place of business by
Early Gibbs & Co. Said property
levied upon and to be sold as the
property of Early Gibbs & Company,
Early Gibbs and Thomas S. Gibbs,
uader and by virue of an execution
issued from the City Court of Fitz
gerald, Georgia, in favor of the Con
solidated Grocery Company. This
June 6, 1912. C. C. DoziEgr,
Deputy Sheriff City Court, Fitzgerald,
Sheriff’s Sale
GeorciaA—BEN HiLr County.
Notice is hereby given that the
‘undersigned will sell at public out
cry for cash to the highest bidder,
within the legal hours of sale, at the
front door of the Court House, on
the first Tuesday in July, 1912, the
following described property:
Lot of land Number One Hundred
Ninety in the Third Land District of
Ben Hill County, Geurgia, containing
Four Hundred Ninety acres, more or
less. Said property levied upon and to
be sold as the property of Thomas
S. Gibbs, late of said county, deceas
ed, under and by virtue of an exe
cution issued from the City Court of
Fitzgerald, Georgia, in favor of the
Consolidated Grocery Company
against Willis Gibbs et. al. This
June 3, 1912. C. C. Dozikr,
Deputy Sheriff City Court of Fitz
gerald, Georgia.
Citation :
Georgia, Ben Hill County.
To all whom it may concern:
J. B. Ford having in proper form
applied to me for Permanent Letters
of Admin.stration on the estate of
Daniel Ford, late of said county,
this is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of Daniel
Ford to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and
show cause, if any they can, why
permanent administration should
not be granted to J. B. Ford on
Daniel Ford’s estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 3rd day of June,
1912 C. M. WisE,
Notice of Sale of Bonds
Notice is hereby given—That
the Water, Light and Bond Com
mission, of the City of Fitzger
ald, Ga., will,on the Ist. day of
July 1912, sell to the highest bid
der the issue of Forty Thousand
Dollars ($40,000.00) “Paving
Bonds.”’ ;
Said bonds to be issued in
denominations of One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00) each, to bear
interest at the rate of five (5) per
cent per annum, interest payable
semi-annually on the first days
of January and July. The prin
cipal of said bonds is to become
due and be fully paid thirty (30)
years from date of their issue;
the principal and interest on said
bonds payable in New York in
Gold Coin of the United States of
the present weight and fineness
all of said bonds, both principal
and interest to become due and
fully paid within thirty (30) years
from date of their issue.
Sealed bids will be received up
to the Ist. day of July 1912, at
4p. m. in said City. A certified
check for One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) payable to L.O.Tisdel,
Secretary Water, Light and Bond
Commission, must accompany
each bid.
Bids should be marked ‘‘Bids
for Bonds’’ and addressed to L.
0. Tisdel,Secretary Water, Light
and Bond Commission, Fitzger
ald. Ga.
Water, Light and Bond Com
L. O. Tisdel, Secretary,
to 28th June. Fitzgerald, Ga.
R i
ey R T
W. W. Martin, The Auctior.eer.
Telephone or call at Miller Furni
ture Company, Fi:zgerald, Ga.
e —————————
Special Ten Day Excursion
Fares to Tybee Island, Ga.
Via Seaboard Air Line.
Rate from Fitzgerald is $6.
Tickets on sale every Saturday
from June Ist. to Aug. 31st limit
ed ten days from date of sale.
For ful! informafion relative
rates, schedules, etc, See nearest
S :abourd Agent or write
C. W, Small,
Division Passenger Agent,
Savannah, Ga.
WANTED - Young lady ste
nographer, one recently out of
school preferred. Must be neat,
accurate and willing to learn the
business. Apply in person at
office of
45-4 t D.P. Adams & Compuny.
FOR SALE—One gasoline range,
s2t of haviland china, diniug room
table and chairs, squares and rugs.
Practically new and will sell at
about nalf cost. Other articles for .
sale also. 408 South Grant or
phone 275, Mrs. E. M. Stoddard.
Read the ads and learn the best
places to trade at.
See Us,
a Buyer.
117 K Pihe St