Newspaper Page Text
Mayor Gaynor Makes
) Characteristic Reply
New York June, 18 —Mavor
Goynor received a message today
purporting to be a telegram from
a southern demcerat who said he
had charge of an uninstructed
delegation from a southern state
to the national coovention at
Baltimore, complaining that some
of the rural delegates did not have
safficient funds to get to the con
vention, ‘‘lf vou can assist me,”
the message concluded, ‘‘to get
some of these delegates there in
case your name comes before the
convention we will make it of in
terest to you.”
‘““The mayor, urged to ‘‘answer
at once,” dispatched the following
““You will not be in charge loug.
Your moral perceptions are too
Lid Clamped Down
Sl. Simons Island
Brunswick, June 18.—The lid is
to be placed on St. Simon, Bruns
wick’s summer resort, and no
more will the pleasure seekers be
able to go up to the bars and call
for beer. Strict orders were yes
terday issued by the county com
missioners to the special officer on
the island to hereafter see that all
laws, including the prohibition
law, were rigidly enforced on the
island. In the past the various
dealers on St, Simon have been
permitted to sell beer, but the sale
of whiskey has always been strict
ly prohibited. Recently the cour
ty commissioners have received a
number of complaints of drunken
ness on the island, and, after tak
ing up the matter and considering
it, they decided to at once stop
the sale of beer, and anv one offer
ing it for sale after today will be
rrested for a vwolation of the
prohibition law. |
Henderson Employes
To Enjoy Big Picnic
Ocilia. Ga, June 19.—An eveit
to which quite a large per cent of
the population of Ocilla are look
ing forward to with a great deal
of pleasure is a bharbecue which
4 Hon. J. A.J. Henderson will give
to all his emplopes on June 22.
v The barbecue will be at Lucy
Lake and all those emsployed on
Mr. Henderson’s piantation, and
all tne employes of the Henderson
Lumber Company, the Ocilla
Southern Railroad Compasy and
. the Henderson Naval Steres Coru
pany, together with their fannlies
are invited to attend. It is stated
that these include a good many
more than one thousand persons.
A bountiful repast will be pre
“oared for all, and every employe
of the Henderson interests except
those actively ergaged in running
,~t|'ains will be given a holiday.
First M, E. Church
Services next Sunday will be as
Sabbath School at 9:30 a. m.
Morning preaching at 10:45.
Sermon theme, “The Second
sTemptation of Jesus.”
Epworth League at 6:45 p. m.
Night preaching at 7:45.
# Sermon theme, ‘“‘Clean at the
There will be special music at
preaching services. Orchestra at
night. The general putlic, espe
-~ cially strangers. cordially invited.
Gentlemen welcome without their
E. J. Hammeond, Pastor.
Wanted. :
100 good agents, ladies or
gentlemen, to sell a money
+making line used in every
household. Can travel any
part of United States. For
information address Lock
» Box 870, or call at 129 East
Central Ave. Fitzgerald Ga.
A Square Deal
The Denmark Drug Co.
Back Up Their Claims
| With A Guarantee
We say to you that in our esti
mation there is no better nerve
and blood tonie—nor one better
able to bring the greatest relief in
the shortest time—than Rexall
Celzry and Iron Tonic,
We have had smple opportar ity
to note the varying degrees of
success attained by different pre
‘parations with this class of ail
ments. We feel that we are quali
tied to judge,
On the other hand, we have a
reputation to sustain, and could
not afford to recommend an article
in which we did not have positive
faith. But we do more than
recommend Rexall Celery and I'ron
Tonic. With every bottle we
gusrantee satisfaction or your
money back.
Warm weather is less bracing
than the culd, and decreases the
powers of lesistance to disease,
You become fatigued with less
exertion and ordinary work or
pleasures are a much greater draimn
on your resources, As a result
some part of the system breaks
down and refuses to do its work.
You don’t feel good. Something
is wrong. You are depressed,
easily tired, lose your appetite,
lose flesh, your complexion is bad,
vour heart ‘‘thumps” too easily—
any one of these symptoins is &
danger signa! you can’t afford to
You need something to repai
that nervous system, to tone uy
that stomach, and cleanse tha
blood. We believe Rexail Celer)
and Iron Tonic will help to do it
It is a specialized food aud oody
builder that, through its action o 1
the nerves and blood, aids in re
“toring them to perfect health
that develops an appetite and as
sists 1 converting the food int«
rich, red blood, and blood int«
brawn and brain. Price $l.OO,
Sold in this community only at
our store,
Denmark Drug Co.
726 Remalls Swre
Fitzgerald, Ga,
Waycross, Ga.,, June 18.—Three
lives were lost, two persons were in
jured. one by fire, another by jump
ing from the second story of tiic
burning building, seven autos de
stroyed and property valued at $30.-
000 burned i a fire starting in a
garage in the English building st 9
o'clock tonight.”: The dead:
Mrs. D. B. i nglish.
Mrs. John D. Gamble.
Paul Gamble, a 3-year-old boy.
The injured: . C. Lee, a me
chanic, burned about the arms and
Geerge English, bruised by jump
ing from second floor. |
Alvin Johnson, who was working
on an auto at the time of the fire,
was painfully burned and was car-‘j
ried to the King's Daughters Hospi
tal for treatment. His injuries werej
not reported last night and it was
not known until today that he had
been hurt.
Several firemen had close calls
from the falling walls, but none was
John Gamble and & young son
were sitting on the f{ron® porch and
had a close call
The fire started from some gasc
line whicn had been spilled on the
garage floor.
A workman in the shop struck a
match while repairing an auto, and
the entire garage was soon a seeth
ing mass of flames. Of the seven
machines destroyed five were owned
by Waycross people.
The upper story of the building
was used as a boarding house and
enveloped in flames within.ten min
utes, cutting off escape for those
caught in their rooms.
A moving picture theater adjoin
ing the garage was burned, but luck-
[ily was not in use at the titne of the
The flames leaped to adjoining
structures, destroying a small meat
market and a Chinese laundry.
Those losing automobiles were:
Andrew J. Jordan, Walter M. Young,
Dr. Albert Fleming, Sylvan Byck an,
H. A. McDaniel. Two machines had
just been taken from the garage
when the fire broke out.
Central Christian
Minister Lewis C. Hammond.
June 23
Bible School 9:30 a, m.
Commuczion and Sermon 10:45
a. m. Stereoptican Picture Service
7:45 p. m.
A hearty invitation to all,
e BRI e
Organize a Party of Extermina
tion and Kill 290 Reptiles -
in Gulch.
Anaconda, Mont.—A posse oOf ex
termination was organized and at
least 290 rattlesnakes of all sizes
were killed in Rattlesnake Guich, near
Three Forks.
The source of the hundrsds of the
reptiles from which the gulch takes
its name was found in the shape of a
small cave, discovered by accident by
Amos Smith the other moruning. Mr.
Smith notified his friends in Three
Forks and nearly 100 men and boys
proceeded to the sceme, armed with
all variety of weapons. g
For three hours the battle raged
and at its close 290 rattlers were
gl y*‘} "
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For Three Hours the Battle Raged.
gounted sirewn on the ground, and
not a man had been bitten. The rep
tiles were slightly dormant, owing to
the coolness, but when aroused would
sally forth from the cave. Clubs,
shotguns and rifles were used in the
slaughter. When no more snaxes
emeirged from the cave a repeating
shotgun was discharged into it and
about fifty more were dragged forti.
Some of the specimens killed meas
ured more than three feet long, while
others were only a few inches in
length. Some of the larger ones will
be stuffed and placed on exhibition.
For years the farmers in that neigh
borhood have been bhothered by tias
great number of rattlesnakes. The
gulch of that name was literally alive
with them. The den discovered by
Mr. Smith is on the Peoplex ranch.
After cleaning out this den it was de
cided to continue the crusade and
there are a number of men and boys
scouring the community for mora
I bave for service, male tnglish
Berkshire hog. Pedigree, Premier
Longfellow 102208, Sire U'remier
Longfellow VIIII 126940, Dam
P)antation Beauty 100676, Dam of
Ammal, Prode 89708, Sire Frum
peter of Britmore 652710, D m
Black Beauty 83489, .
G. H. Johnson, «
46-Bt. R. F. D. 6, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Notice to Subscribers
In consolidating the subscription
lists of the Leader and Enterprise
it is possible that some name might
accidentally be left out. If, therefore,
you fai! to get your paper, kindly
notify the office, Phohe 328, one will
be sent te you and the crriur cor
Watch the columns of Leader
Report of The Condition Of
‘The Exchange National Bank
| At Fitzgerald,
In the State of Georgia, at the Close
of Business, June 14, 1912,
Loans and Di5c0unt5................... 430,626.56
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. . ... 8,941.57
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation....... 100,000.00
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 1.000.00
Premiumson U. S. 80nd5.............. 3,000.00
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.. 10,319.96
Other Real Estate owned .............. 18,100.00
Due from National Banks (not reserve
ABAREE) meul oot e e T 519895
Due from State and Private Banks and
Bankers, Trust Companies, and
Savingßanks: vl vl i o 16595881
Due from approved Reserve Agents. .. 24,788.53
Checks and other Cash 1tem5.......... 597.50
Exchanges for Clearing H0u5e.......... 7,098.35
Notes of other National Banks ......... 7,010.00
Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels and
Cants . on e 310.75
SPORIE. .LAS e e v 20 80000
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation) ............ 5,000.00
ORAE . it o e s 885 2E0:98
Capital stock paid in................... 100,000.00
Surplasfund: Lol nav s o des 9000000
Undivided Profits, less Expenses and
axesipald... ;.. 5. cve. o 19:044.01
National Bank Notes outstanding ...... 96,900.00
Due to State and Private Banks and
Individual deposits subject to check.... 222,115.01
Time certificates of dep05it............. 108,693.24
Cashier's checks outstanding .......... 1,363.21
United States dep05it5.................. 1,000.00
Notes and bills rediscounted........... 10,700.00
Bills payable, including certificates of
deposit for money b0rr0wed........ 30,000.00
State oF Georaia, County oF BEN HiLL:
I, J. D. Dorminey cashier of the above named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
J. D. Dorminey, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day
of June, 1912
Correct Attest:
W. R. BowkN,
E. T. JAMEs,
| 6082
~ Report of the Condition of
The First National Bank,
At Fitzgerald,
In the State of Georgia. at the close
of business, June 14, 1912:
Loans ard Di5c0unt5....................5429,448.83
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...... 4,843.06
U.S. Bonds to secure circulation........ 100,000.00
BllsofExchange ... . ... oo - 820770
Banking house, Furniture and Fixtures 20,542 31
Otirer real e5tate0wned................. 222.50
Due from National Banks (not reserve
agents) .oo g s 409659
Due from State and Private Banks and
Bankers, Trust Companies and Sav-
IS BANRS. . s 2,5G3.29
Due from approved Reserve Agents...... 8.720.15
Checks and ocher Ca5h'1tem5............ 187.04
Exchunges for Clearis pHonse. .......... 610423
Notes of other Natie@#lßanks.......... 3.518.00
Fractional paper curgeney, nickels & cents 257.73
Lawros Movey ReseRMEMN BANK, viz:
Specie i.. ... L 92041060
Legal tender n0te5............... 449,00 20808.60
Redempticn fund with U. S. Treasdrer
(8 per cent of circu1ati0n)........... 5.,90¢.00
Totaliw o, on vl Bvo v aa2hTo 93
Capital stock paid in.................... 5125,000.00
Susolis ifund .2 e i e 0D
Undivided profits, less expenses and
Saweß AN . S 0T AT
National Bank notes cuc andlad. ... .. 100,000.00
Due to other National 8ank5........... 499.22
Die to State and Privaie Banks and
BankeEs o g i 1.836.28
Pividends unoaid. s i e 78.00
Individual deposits subject to check..... 184,264.44
Demand Certificates of Dep05it........ 10,056.64
Time certificates of deposit ............ 67,505.64
Cashier s checks 0ut5tanding............ 2,085.24
Notes and bills rediscounted........... None
Bills payable, including certificates of de- 1
posit for~borrowed m0ney........... 38,580.00 ‘
Total &l s s «$h12.579:08
State of Gecrgia, County of Ben Hill, ss:
i, A. H. Thurmond, cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement
is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
3 A. H. ThurvonDp, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day
June, 1912. Clavion Jay,
Notary Public.
M. W. Garbutt
J. Hawkins Goodman,
J. B. Seanog,
i R R B R R R
{Special Ten Day Excursion
’ Fares to Tybee Island, Ga.
| Via Seaboard Air Line.
, liate from Fitzgerald is $6.
| Tickets on sale every Saturday
l from June Ist. to Aug. 31st limit
'ed ten days from date of sale.
i For full information relative
i rates, schedules, ete, See nearest
| Seabonrd Agent or write
} C. W, Small, ‘
| Dhvision Passenger Agent, ‘
| Savannah, Ga.
i Drs. Holtzendorf & Turner admin
| ister nitrous oxide gas for the pain
| leas extraction of teeth. The best
‘and safest of general anesthetics.
41-8 t
{" WANTED —~Young lady ste
| pographer, one recently out of
[cr{“":,nol preferred. Must be neat,
Laccurate and wilhing to learn the
| business. Apply in person at
| office of
14 4t D.P, Adams & Company.
! FOR SALE—One gasoline range,
iset of haviland china, dining rcom
table and chairs, squares and rogs.
Practically new and will sell at
about half cost. Other articles for
sale also. 408 South Grant or
phone 275, Mrs. E. M. Stoddard.
Prone 367.
Clothes called for and delivered.
Qcilla Southern Railroad Cc
l oad Company
| Between Fitzgerald and Alapaha
. | .
. - Bouthßound = | Time Table: Noo 3| o 0 0 o
2d C.m=---2d Co-==-18t (. ~--18t C ! 15 Class=ls Clas:.2d Olass
e e eeee i . | ioo i
9 1 3 ! : \ 2
—~-—--——?_—_—————-———-———————-3(Supetcrc:mg Time Table No. 2),-——»-”_——4___B-—.
S 8 LA Lot ae ; gol oo ]
ox>o>| Bt 1% 221 5. |B| 885
BT | oE@e | 82| £:=| @ !In Effccc Wednesday. January 25|72 |£=| §2 I c@T
Sl a nl 24 @2l ok 12:01 A, M ra| 53| 22| 8,5
w 3 |ns | | w] 28 | s ieile S 3 |@ | val ®=2
iq | 23” l & ls| =& =< 2| 27 ga®
£ |#2 |V [T AT 0 o a s
530 oz |l4 Lv.. . t.zgersld Arjo | 140 34>
548 38 |203 l f Dorminey N([224 ! 1127 l 327
2eh 43 |2 08 f Barnes N|{2o.6 |ll 2 { 319
600 6 {2l £ Frank N[19.7 |ll 19 i 315
615 1130{ 700 (22810 Ocilla 159 105 .}\l:g%’
1135 704 |2 32 [12.1 f Reason N(14.6 |lO5B J 210
11 48] 713 |2 38 |13.8 f Melvin N{12.9 |lO 44 156
11 04| 718 |2 44 {l5B T Mixon ~|10.9 |lO 38 1350
1206 720|266 {l9B Gladys 9110 26 188
1211 78 | 301 |2 .2 f Barrineau N| 4.2 10 21 133
1220 733|308 |228 | £ Lucy Lake N| 3.9 10 12 124
12 84! 751 | 335 |2R.7 Ar Alapaha Lv| 0 952 100
PM. PM-A.M-P.M=- ~-A.M-P. M~ P M
SRe e T
o IA%I .| s l 2|28
D\'g >.'2 z = 3 = 1 b.'g
=3 3 2 a a l = £| g 8
bt R I SR s e e el T
9 - 7. :1 -3 - T AT
Close connections made at Alapaha for Savannah, Albany, Jack
sonville, Tampa and other South Georgia and Florida points.
Close connections also made at Nashville for Valdosta, Jackson
ville and other points.
N Non-agency--freight must be prepaid.
f Flag Station.
President and General Manager.
IF J/aay |IF
You have some- @f“ ,\ You are in need
thing you wish e 'S, AY of good Station
to sell, adver- AN ARI ery— and good
tise it through Ny business men
the columns of § 1 use no cther—
The Leader-En- P 43 NE let The Leader
tarprise. 328 Enterprise do it.
' Be Happy!
Happy the girl, or woman, who has never suffered from
any of the diseases of womanhood! Or, if she has been a
sufferer, happy is she if she has learned of the wonderful
benefits of Cardui, the woman’s tonic!
Cardui is a gentle, tonic remedy, for women's ailments.
It is a natural medicine—safe, harmless, purely vegetable.
It has been in successful use for more than 50 years. It
has cured thousands. It should do the same for you,
TAKE . The ;
ARDU | Woman's Tonic
Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, Tenn., says, “I think
there is no tonic on earth, as good as Cardui. I used it
with the very best results. I had backache and nearly
everything a woman could suffer with, until I took Cardui.
Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall
always recommend Cardui to other sufiering women. [
can’t praise it too highly. As a medicine for weak, tired,
worn-out women, Cardui is safe and reliable. Try it, today.
Write to: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, “*Home Treatment for Women,"” sent free. ] 56
w $ 3
Lumber! Lwumber.
Let us Szure with you before you pur
chase vour Duilding Material. :
Mill East Magoolia St Office East Pine St Phone 14.
o ®
Gasoline Engines
. & Bl el
302 South Grant St, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Agent for the best Gaso}ir;e Engines. Expert on Gas Engines—
will give prompt attention to all calls in my line.