Newspaper Page Text
Society News Notes
[ C A. Holtzendorf )
_aa Floor Ro ms 207 9:-10 S
% Ge.vbutt-Inovan * Idy :
Facterx Stars Enrerrary Wortny
Adah Chapter Eastern Star was
honored in havirg with them at
their last meeting Monday night
Miss Tallulah Atkins, Worth Grand
Matron of Georgia. She has the rare
gift of putting all - t ease and at the
same time maintain the dignity of
the high office. Her words of com
mendation were unstinted and fully
repaid all the efforts that have been
put forth to perfect ourselves in the
work. Her criticisms were so few
and so kindly given that we hardly
realized we had been criticised.
Georgia Chapters can well feel proud
of the one whom they have given
the highest gift in their power to be
stow. She is well worthy of all the
honor we can give her.
The hall was most beautiful Mon
day night, the docorating committee
having done themselves proud, and
the refreshment committee served
the tempting lunch in their best
style. At a late we repaired to
our homes, feeling it had been an
evening most pleasantly and profit
ably spsent. M. A G
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Green en
tertained three tables of Rook last
evening at their home on north
Main street. The game tables
‘were arranged on the front veran
dah, and at the conclusion of the
game, a delicious two course lun
cheon was served. Among the
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. M,
Warren, Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Mc-
Carty, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Tisdel,
Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Denmark,
Mr. and Mrs. G, P. Mingledorf,
Misses Ruth Clay ot Tampa,
Barbara Harless, of Bartow. Fla.,
Alery Lobingier, Isla Green and
Messrs, Fred Harrington, Chas,
Werelr, and Edgar Bragg.
Miss Ruth Clay, of Tampa, Fla.,
AMiss Barbara Harless, of DBartow,
¥is., theguestsof M iss Isla Green,
dliss Kthel Avera. of Mississippi,
Yne guest of Miss Alma Roberts,
and Mrs. George L. Kilcrease,
one of Fitzgerald’s recent brides
shared the honors at a delightful
porch varty given by Miss Isla
tireen yesterday at her home on
Maine street.
'The afternoon was enjoyably
spent playing rook, at the conclu
ston of which, delicious refresh
wments were served by Mrs, W, A,
Green and Mrs L. A. Turner.
Invited to meet the guests of
Soner were: Misses Miidred Woo
ses, Blossom Mercer, Kathleen
Vraswe!l, Mildred Hanger. Mary
Murston, Huzel Ilisdel, Maude
Glover, A. Cason, of Toombsbhoro,
Caroline Hoover, Mary Lobingier,
tannin Boyd, Helen Osborre,
Mprs. Thomas J. Dickey and Mrs.
1. A. Turner.
Miss Griner's Box Parry.
Miss Kadie Griner entertained last
Wednesday evening at a box party
af the Grand in honor of her guest,
Miss Wilkinson.of Atlanta. The party
was ~haperoned by Mrs. T. L. Griner
ene Mrs. T. J. Livingston, and after
wiziting the theatre, they repaired to
Adams' Candy Kitchen for refresh
Miss Griner's guests included
®dith Griner, Fannie Boyd, Mary
Livingston, Kathleen Braswell, Hazel
Tisdel, and Messrs. Robert Kilcrease,
8. L. Dent, Randall Bryan, Ted My
wrs, John Fields and Byron Bryan.
Mrs. George F. Johnson and Mrs.
Maud Dupree, of Hawkinsville, ar
zived in the city yesterday to be the
guests of Mrs. J. C. Holder and Miss
tiollis McKinney.
i‘ Dr.G. W.McLean i
Rocms 512-543 PHONE 438. |
Garbutt Donovan Euiiding !
Filth Floor il
! Sunday Hours, 9 to 10 a
‘\-—a—--m -
| Miss Dembry, formerly of this
city but now of Hawkinsville, is
visiving friends in the city,
. Misses Edward Perkins and Linda
Jones have returned from Valdosta,
where they attended the Epworth
League Conferencz.
Mrs. Malae Craddock left Wednes
day for Thomasville to spend sev
eral days with relatives.
Mrs. J. R Watson, of Wadley,
who has been here visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. J. C. Holder, left Wednes
day for Tifton to visit relatives.
Mrs. B. F. Knapp entertained very
delightfully at a spend-the-day party
yesterday, her guests including Mrs.
R. A. Majors, Mrs. Hannah B. Don
‘aldson, Mrs. J. C. Irving and Mrs.
Riley Elgen.
Mrs. Hannah B. Donaldson leaves
Sunday for Baltimore, the home of
her girlhood, where she will visit
with relatives and friends six or
eight weeks.
Miss Lula Ryman formerly of
this city but now of Talladega,
Ala., passed through the citv Fri
day, in company with a number
of friends en route to St., Simons.
Dr. and Mrs, 1. A, Turner will
leave Saturday night for Deuver,
Col., to spend a month with Mrs,
Turners parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kistler, and her brother, Mr, Kred
Kistler and family.
Mrs, Howard W. Brown and
children left last night for an ex
tended visit to relatives through
[Hlinois, Nebruska and Denver,
Col,, after which she goes to New
Mexico, to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Funk, formerly of this
Miss Eva DPersons, of Tiffon,
Ohio, is here visiting her brother,
Mr. Claude Persons, and sister,
Mrs. Boothe,
Mrs, James 1. McCarty and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth, will
leave Sunday for an extended
visit with relatives in Shellman.
Mirs. John” Russell, Mrs. J. M.
Cobb, Mrs. R, C. Keller, Miss
Mable Rogers, and Mrs. James L.
VM.cCarty spent today in Ocilla,
motoring over in Mrs. MecCarty’s
1912 Cadiilac.
Mrs. George E. Ricker left Wed
nesday night for Pond Creek, Okla.,
for two-months’ visit with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stalker,
former residents of this city. Mrs.
Ricker spent yesterday in Atlanta,
the guest of Mrs. Huggins, who for
merly resided here and well-known
to many personal friends.
Mrs. Reason Henderson and Miss
Nassie Henderson, of Ocilla, were in
the city Wednesday enroute to St.
Mrs. D. B. Ware and Miss
Jennie Mashburn left Wednesday
for Tate Springs, Tenn,, where
thiey will spend about two months
Mrs. F. W. Nardin, of Ocilla,
and brother, Mr. Simpson were
visitors in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reid and
daughter, little Miss Kathleen, of
Marianna, Fla., will arrive in the
city tomorrow ;to spend the week
end with Mrs. Reid’s parents. Mr.
and Mrs. E. K. Perkins. Miss
Lillouise Reid, of Atlanta, will al
so arrive Monday and return with
Mr. and Mrs. Reid to Florida,
Superintendent Adolph Moritz, of
the A., B. & A, and family, are occu
pving the cottage at the corner of
Jessamine and South Grant Streets.
Mrs. C. B. Lee is visiting friends
and relatives in Jacksonville and
other points in Florida.
Mr. W. Gillespie took in the
excursion to Tamps, Fla,
'l Toe many Iriends of Miss Cors
l Harrell will regret to learn tha:
[ sne is quite ill at her home on
| vast Suwanee street and hope she
} wWili SOOL jccover,
i! ‘Tiss Leila Giriffin has returnec
H from a .~hn.l.‘ visit to relatives and
! ‘riends in Nashville, (Ga,, where
'% sha formerty resided,
; flon. William R. Bowen leaves
i tomorrow night for Baltimore to
'attend the National Demoeratic
Convention as a delegate from
gme third District. He will join
the Georgia delegation in Atlan
Mr. J. J. Dorminey, of Brox
ton, transacted business in the
city yesterday. i
If vou desire to replenish your
stock of ‘‘Wear-Ever’” Alumi
| num Cooking Utensils ycu may
do so now. |
Messrs C. F. Wells and J. B.
]Davis, representing the ‘‘Wear-
Ever’”’ Company will call on you
within the next few days.
Read Davis Bros. ad,
Mrs. A. E. Russell delightful
ly entertained last evening at a
pretty porch party in compli
ment tc Mesdames J. M. Cobb
and R. C. Keller, of Union
springs, Ala., the guests and
sisters of Mrs. J. B. Runsell
and Miss Mabel Rogers.
I'our tables were arranged for
Display Rook. The poreh was
decorated in potted plants. |
At the conclusion of the game‘
the Guests cut for a beautiful
boguet of pink roses whieh fel!
to mas. C. A. Holtzendorf for
lowest cut. The hostess served
a deliclous ice course assisted by
Mrs. Holtzendorf. Those invit-!
ed were Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Dor-|
miney, Dr and Mrs. C. A. Holt—i
zendorf, Mr. and Mrs. &. E. Le«, |
Mr. and Mrs. John B: Russell |
Mesdames R. C. Keller, J. M. |
Cobb, .Auhl, Mizses Epsie Camp- i
bell, Mabel Rogers, Rosa M'xi
Adams, Mr. P. F. Clark and Dr. |
J. M. Adams. i
June & July Specials.
For Cash—Molases, Horse and
Mule ground mixed feed $1.90:
Cotton Seed Meal $1.50; Hulls 50
cts; Syrup 50 cents galion; Bran
& Shorts $1.50 per <ack; Flour
$5.90 per bbl; Phone 354; your
cash will go farthest hLere.
47-3 t Dodd Supply Company,
Central Methodist
Guyton Fisher Pastor.
Rev. J. A. Thomas, Presiding
Elder of Cordele District will
preach at 11 a. m, and Bp. m.
It is about certain that the service
will begin on Sunday the protract
ed meeting, whieh will continue
for two or more weeks with the
as-istance of Rev. Thomas. All
are cordinlly invited and strangers
are especially weleome,
Picnic Tuesday, June 25
All the churches of the city,
with the exception of the Baptist,
who have already had theirs, will
join in a picnic at Bowen’s Mill
next Tuesday June 25th. A
special train will leave the Sea
board depot at 8 o’clock and there
will be ample equipment for as
large a crowd as may attend.
Ladies Gauze Lisle Thread HOS E 2 5 Per
Indestructible Heel and Toe ; C Pair
They come in all the leading colors. Try a pair. You will be as well |
pleased with them as those you have been paying 50c for, and only 25c.
B » 11 B 124 E. PINE ST.
Do You Patronize
The Swimming Pool?
Swimming is considered one of the
most healthful exercises in which
one can indulge, and Fitzgdersldites
are begining to realize this, for the
splendid swimming pool at the Blue
and Gray Park is growing in popu
| larity every day. Swimming, besides
being an «xcellent pastime, is also
verying refreshing, aud the grown
ups as well as children should never
lose an opportunity of spending an
hour in this way.
The pool at the park is in charge
of Mr. J. W. Manbeck, and he can
not be too highly commended for
‘the sanitary condition in which it is
kept. * The basin of the pool is kept
clean and several times a week is
completely drained and fresh water
supplied. We hope to see the swim
ming pool continue to grow in pop
ularity, and the ladies and children
are especially invited by Mr. Man
beck to patronize it. The water is
changed Friday morning, and every
Friday afternoon, from 2 to 4
o'clock is reserved for ladies and
girls only. Yeur patronage is solie
ited. el
Sugar Headquarters, Davis Bro.
Epworth League Conference
The South Georgia Conference
of Epworth Leagues has just
closed a most glorious meeting
June 12-16,
The speeches, lectares, sermons,
and music were all grand.
Mr. C. A. Wheeler who has
oeen a moss efficient Treasurer for
v number of vyears was elected
President of the Conference. Col.
C. D. Sheppard of Fort Valley
aas been Prefident for two years,
The hospitality of the Valdosta
oeople made the 200 delegates
nost welcome and comfortable,
A reception Wednesday night,
1 picnic from 5 to T Friday after
aoon. An automobile ride Satur
lay afterncon. Those whoe were
felegates from this League were:
Misses Edward Perkins and Linda
Jones, Messrs Herman Martin,
Mark Mathis. Miss F. . Jopes
ittended as delegate from Cordele
League. l
Mr. C. A. Wheeler astended as
Conference Treasurer, AM the
places of business were decoratd
o Lieague colors, Bishop Candler
preached the sermon Sunday,
There will be no services at the
Catholic Chureh Sunday June 23rd
the next services to be held 2ad,
Sunday in July,
Is your subscription paid up?
“For twenty years I suffered from
eczema. My skin would break out and
itck and burn terribly. 1 heard of
Saxo Salve and decided to try it. Af
ter two or three applications I found
great relief and before I bad used
one tube I was completely well. If it
will benefit others who suffer frem
eczema you may publish my letter,
as I believe Saxo Salve will 1o just
what you claim it will.”—A. Pritchet,
Shelbyville, .
it is astonishing, even to us, to see
how Saxo Salve, our new remedy for
skin affections, allays the itching,
softens, soothes and heals the skin
in all sorts of eruptive disorders,
such as eczema, barber’s itch, ring
worm, tetter, etc.
It is guaranteed to help you—we
cheerfully give back your money if it
does not.
Denmark Drug Co.
To the Ladies
Every Friday afternoon from 2 till 4,
o'clock the Blue and Gray Swimming
Pool is for the ladies and girls only.
We are glad to offer you this special
accomodation, and hope to see you
take advantage of it. Fridays 2 tili 4°*
Opening of Lucy Lake Picmic”
" Grounds on Alapaha Ri
opening of above picnic grounds, which are ideal in loca
tion and equipment. Fishing and Boating; Large Swim-m
ming Pool, and Pavillion. A delightful place to- spend a’
'day of recreation. Special train service arranged for large
picnic crowds. Note the very cheap round trip rates for
parties of five or more:
. Fitzgerald . . 50c Ocilla: . . ~ . G 0 7
Muystic . . - ole Pewinville . .. 80c
In addition to our regular train service, a. convenient
special Sunday Schedule will be: inaugurated June 23r4: R
' Lv Fitzgerald 2:15P M: Lv Lucy Lake 5:25 P M
Ocilla. . 248 P M Ocilla . 6:OOP°'M
Irwinville 1:00P M Mystic . T4OPM
Mystic . LA7TPM Irwinville 7:58 Pil
: Ar Lucy Lake 3:25 P M Ar Fitzgerald 6:35 F v
"~ For further information, consult Ticket Agents. or writer
D. C. Smith, Traffic Manager, Ocilla, Ga.
W. R. McLendon, Commercial Agent, Fitzgerald, Ga. 54
At 9 O’clock a. m., the Procession
will form on Ceniral avenue near
the Post Office in the foliowing or
der: The Band; (eorgia National
Guards; Speakers, Commander,
Mayor and others in automobiles;
Fire Department; Civic Societies; G.,
A. R., and Blue and Gray. ‘
The Procession will march to
the Park and assemble at the speals
ers stand. Exercises at the Park
will be in the following order: ;
10am Music by the Band. a 0 e
w Introductory Address of Welcome by the
ayor. :
Addresses by Congressional Candidates, Hon.
Chas. R. Crisp, Hon. Emmett R. Shaw, and Hor. John R.
Music. Adjourn for Dinner.
1:30 p m Music ¥
Patriotic Address. :
3:30 p m Annual Election of Officers. 5
4:00 p m Sports for the Young People.
J. H. HICKS, Com.