Newspaper Page Text
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i POWELL’S ' (if §
#® FENOLE. J , Ay f
i Liberally used Y g D> i !
‘R with a Fenole Ll L i
B Sprayer will de- 24 BE
: .t:;onyl y::(rl hodt;l:etny and all kinds of I Vermi &
Flies, Mosquitoes, Ants, Fleas, R%;}fme?.ml;:d%rugs?r?tc': :vulqtgo::
harm to the user or the house furmiture, Alse = sure ghot for
ticks and flles on cattle. One thorough application will remove
}ga ticks from cattle without leeving sores. Will also destroy
P eas on deogs while {:u look. Spray very lightly, holding the
; qrn_ior thoua:_n:teen cheés from tbe animal.
As sour saler for Wenole and do not “mn!" a cheap substi
: tute. ualrt TB¢, half gallon $1.36, gallon $2.50. A 80c Sprayer
\ free with firat gallem order.
i Manufactured only by »
Dodd Supply Co.
Who Charged Sabbath?
Evangelist Crisler Heard by
Large Congregation
Savannah June 17.—*To accu-¢
Jesus Christ as being the cne whe.
&t aside ¢r changed any of the
Ten Commandments, 18 to accuse
Him of being **i'he man of sin.”
said Evangeiist Crisler last mglit
in his lecture on ‘*Who Changed
the Sabbath?”
There was a large crowd in the
Adventist Church. Thirty-seven
th and Jefferson streets. The
speaker led up to the kernel of his
lecture by giving an exposition of
the prophecy in Damel 7. Texts
of Scripture and ancient histor)
‘wePe used hiberally to prove that
these four beasts represented the
four great kingdoms of Babylon,
Medo, Persia, Grecia and Rowe.
Stereopticon pictures of these fom
l'l;,freat, beasts were thrown upon the
sereen as their rise and fall were
traced. The interest centered i
the fourth beast having ten horps
and the fise of alittle horn. ““Hav
ing eyes like the eyes of a man.
agd a mouth speaking great
things.” The position was taken
%mb this fourth beast represented
{he Roman Empire, which was
broken up into ten divisions be
tween the years 351-483 A. D.
Mr. Crisler said in part: *‘Be
tween the years 351-483 this little
horn power, ‘Having eyes like
‘t.%e eyes of a man and a mouth
speaking great things,” was seen
coming up. What power was
coming int> prominence at that
time? Only one fulfills the pro
pheey and that was the rise of
Catholicism, or the great ecclesias
tical kingdom of the Papacy. On
ly three divisions of the Roman
Efunire, represented by the three
horns that were piucked up, op
posed the establishment of the
Papacy. These were the Heruli,
Vandals and Ostrogoths. The last
of these were overthrown in the
year 538, leaving the Papacy un
disputed control over the civil and
religious world.
“#he Prophecy points out three
special characterists of this power
in ghe following words: ‘He shall
speak great words against the
most High, and shall wear out the
Saints of the Most High, and think
to change times and laws.” The
special titles and privileges claim
ed by the lopes; the persecution
of Protestants during the Dark
Ages, and tampering with God’s
law, marks the Papacy as the
power referred to in the prophecy.”
. Mr. Crisler to-night, will ex
amime every text in the New Test
ament which mentions the first
day of the week.
State Firemen Meet in
Americus Next Week
* pAmericus, Ga., June 16.—The
Georgia State Firemen’s Associa
tion will hold its anpual conven
tion in Americus next week and
from every city and town in the
|State will come delegations of
firemen to attend this in‘eresting
meeting, which convenes on Tues
day, ttie 25th, and continues three
Americus has entertained the
state bankers, the state dentists.
rhe state camp, Patriotie Order
Sons of America; and the district
oOdd Feilows, the school contes
tants and other assemblies alieady
this vear, bat locks forward with
renew «d interest now to the com
iy of the fire chiefs and the fire
men, 700 to 900,
The firemen will be welcomed
by Mayor J. E, Mathis upon be
half of the city. Aside from the
business scssions, the firemen will
be handsomely entertained with
reception at the Country Club,
automobile drives to Anderson
ville prison park and over the
county and with barbecues galore.
Chief fhomas Ballentyne, of
Savannah, is president and Chief
W. B. Cummings, of Atlanta,
vice president of the state organiza
tion, and both will attend the
meeting in Americus,
Warshouss Plais
Made for Georgia.
Leading QOfficials of Farm
ers’ Union Gather in
Atlanta Georgia—At a confer
ence held in Atlanta by leading
officials of the Farmers Union and
G. R. Hightower, of Mississippi,
plans were formulated to actively
inaugurate the work of the Na
tional Warehouse Company in
Georgia. It is expected that the
company will have the organiza
tion in this state sufficiently per
fected to begin vusiness at the
opening of the cotton seascn.
The National Warehouse Com
pany is the outgrowth of several
watehouse movements in the cot
ton states during the past few
years and particularly the farm
ers’ warehouse system which for
three years has been operated so
successfully in Mississippi.
Agents of the company will
visit the cotton counties of the
state in the near future to lay its
merits before the farmers and
business men,
It is believed that this system
‘when perfected and extended into
the several cotton states will solve
the cotton grower’s difficulty, both
in financing the crop and warket
ing it direct to the consumers at
the least possible expense,
ot o e e S S o
$lOO,OOO to Loan
And on Fitzgerald Ci. 7 Property
Loans Negotiate 1 ’romptly
Terms the Best; Interest
the Lowest.
Come and See Me.
Garbutt-Donovan Building
Room No. 311, Fitzgerald, Ga.
ELLIS & ELLIS, Tifton, Georgia
' Petition for Charter
State of Georgla, County of Ben Hill.
To The Superior Court of Said County:
The Petition of-
Adams, H, A.
Adams-Rogers Hardware Company.
Beall Grocery Company.
Beall Brothers.
Boney and Sen, J. C.
Borum, W. A.
Brown, E. J.
Baker, C. E,
Bryant, Geo. H.
Barrentine, J. M,
Bryan, Byron S.
Ball, G. C.
Bowen, W. R.
Bruner, A, s
Bryant, W. K.
Bush, J. C.
Eond, J. A.
Buck, L. N.
Clark; P. F.
Churchwell, J. H.
Cook, A’ B.
Davis, Raymond.
Dorminey, E. J.
Dorminey, A. B. C.
Dorminey, J. L.
Dorminey, E. L.
Dorminey, J. D.
Dorminey, J. H,
Dykes, W. R.
| Duckworth, R. L.
| Dickey, Lon.
Dickson, M.
Dixon, J. B. F.
Deyo, H. B, *
‘ Davis, E. N.
Dodd, H. M.
Elkins, O, H.
Enniss, J. M.
Fretwell, C. A.
| Fletcher, R. B.
Farmer, E. K.
| Fountain, W. H
Gibbs, Erlie.
Gray Brothers.
Glover, J. C.
Giddings, J. N,
Griffin, D. E.
Griffin, J. A.
Gelders, I.
Griner, L. L.
Goodman, J. H.
Haile, Will S.
’ Horton, J. R.
Hayes, C. W.
Isler, H. B. & C. 8.
James H. H.
Jones, R. L.
Jones, J. A.
Jolley, G. A.
Kendrick, W. H.
Kratz. A.
Kimball, C. W.
Lee, W. H. F.
Lee,R. E.
Luke, Marcus.
Martin, D. L.
Mayo, B. W.
McLendon, H. L.
McLendan, R. W.
Morris, J. W.
Maffit, R. 1. )
Moss, J. H.
Meakin, L. W.
Mercer. J. E.
Newcomer, C. A.
0. K. Barber Shop
Paulk, W. R.
Paulk, W. T.
Paulk, D. T.
Paulk, Drew W.
Powell, H. G.
Patterson, J. P.
Prentiss, R. J.
Pryor, S. G.
Prescot, L. O.
Perry, J.'L.
Pass; J: W
Pitman, J. L.
Russell, J. B.
Roush, A. J.
Roach, E. E.
Robitzsch, L.
Scarborough, J. W,
Sandlin Furniture Company.
Smith, W. L.
Simon Brothers Cempany,
Stovall, W. L.
Swords, A. J.
Thayer, Lewis.
Turner, J. E.
Thurmond, A. H.
Tisdel, L. O.
Wightman, E. P.
Wilbanks, T. M.
Watkins, Newton.
Wall, J. B,
Whitehead, E. M.
Wilkerson, W. C.
Whitley, D. W. M.
Wise, C. M.
Warren, H. M.
White Swan Laundry
Ware, D. B.
all of said county, and
Bussell, 1. J., Jr.
Holt, M. D.
Paulk, J. B. D.
Walker, Eli W.~
each of Irwin County, Georgia, and
Deorminey, J. J.
of Coffee County, Georgia, respectfully shows the
following facts to- Wit:
1. That they desire for themselves, their as
sociates, successors and assigns to become incorpo
rated as a private corporation under the name
2. That the term fcr which petitioners ask to be
incorporated is for a period of twenty years with
the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that
3. That the object of said Corporation is pecuni
ary gain and profit for the Stockholders thereof;
and the uplift of Ben Hill County.
4. That the principal place of business of said
Corporation shall be in Fitzgerald, Ben Hill Coun
ty, Georgia, but Petitioners desire the privilege of
establishing and operating branchesjof said busi®
ness at such other places as may be deemed best.
5. That the capital stock of said Corporation
shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), divid
ed into Two Hundred shares of the par value of
Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) each. Petioners de
sire the right to increase said capital stock at
any regular stockholder’s meeting to any amount
not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00),
and in like manner to decrease said capital stock to
any amount not less than Five Thousand Dollars
($5. 000.00).
6. Petitioners show that ten per cent of said
capital stock has been already paid in
7. That the particular business which petition
ers desire to carry on as such Corporation is as
{ To maintain a fair and amusement ground; to
~operate the same for profit; to use or to lease said
- ground for the purpose of holding or permitting to
‘be held therein fairs, carnivals, races, olympics,
tournaments, ball games, displays, exhibitions,
convention, public gatherings, and amusements,
'and for all other like purposes, and uses, and for
-agricultural purposes: ana to buy and sell for pro
fit at wholesale or retail, or both, all kinds of
| goods, wares and merchandise, and all commodi
ities of every kind of description whatsoever; to
| purchase, improve, own, hold and convey all
kinds of property whether real, personal or mixed;
to offer and give prizes, premiums, and awards;
-and generally to do or perform every act and thing
which may be necessary or convenient or profit
| able for the carrying on of the business of said
l Corporation to the best interests to the stockhold
ers thereof, or the uplift of said county.
l 8. That in addition to the powers and privileges
or doing the things herein before recited, petition
ers desire and pray that scid Corporation be
clothed and invested with all the powers and priv
ileges usual and incident to corporations in gene
ral and in addition thereto the following powers
and privileges: To sue and be sued; to have and
use a corporate seal; to elect a president: vice
president, treasurer and secretary, and beard of
directors, and such other officers as may be deem
ed expedient and sufficient and to prescribe their
powers and duties; to make and adopt a Constitu
tion and By-Laws for the government and direc
tion of the business of the said corporation and
the officers thereof; to lend or borrow money and
to issue bonds, notes or other negotiable evi
dences of debt and to secure the same by mort
gage, pledge, trust deed or otherwise, and to pro
vide for the payment thereof; to sell real estate,
personal property,®oods, wares, merchandise and
commodities of every kind on credit, and to take
mortgage or other evidences of debt, or any kind
of collateral whatever, to secure the payment of
the purcliase price of the same.
9. No person shal. become a shareholder in
said Corporation by transfer unless the same is
done on the books of the company in accordance
with its rule and that said Corporation shall have
the first lien upon the stock or shares of the stock
holders for any indebtedness that the stockholder
‘may owe or be liable for to the Corporation in any
i manner, whatever.
10, Petitioners desire and pray that the shares
of stock of said Corporation shall be non-assess
11. Petitioners desire and pray that no share
holder of said Corporation shall be liable individu
ally to the creditors of the said corporation, ex
cept to the extent of any unpaid balance due on
his stock subscription.
12, Petitioners desire and pray that said Cor
poration be authorized to accept and receive in
payment for its Capital Stock real estate and per
sonal property of any kind.
Petitioners pray that they and their associates,
succesors and assigns. may be incorporated under
the name and style aforeraid, and for the time
and purposes aforesaid; and with all the powers,
priviliges and immunities aforesaid.
| ————
Georgia, Ben Hill County.
Office of the Clerk of Superior Court.
I, D. W. M. Whitley, Clerk of Superior Court
of Ben Hill Caunty, do hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true and exact copy of
the original petition for charter now on file in this
office in the matter of the Ben Hill Fair Associa
V/itness my hand and official signature this the
Bth day of June, 1912,
Notice of Local Legislation
The following bills are proposed
for introduction:
There will be many who are in
favor of these bills and many who
are opposed to same; and while I,
as your representative, intend to
be fair and impartial with all either
for or against, much will depend
on their introduction from petitions
signed or of public sentiment as
may be determined.
Personally, I have my own views
made up. but when acting in’ the
capacity of a public servant I de
sire the sentiment of the people of
my county or particularly the ref
erendum, and such will be my po
sition with matters not made pub
lic in my former platform.
Wricat T. PAULK.
Notice of Local Legislatien
An act to amend an act entitled,
“An act to prescribe the duties and
powers of the commissioners of
roads and revenues in and for Ben
Hill County, to fix their salary and
respective terms of office; to pro
vide methods for the election of its
successors of such offices and for
other purposes.” Approved August
22, 1907. published in Georgia Laws
page 260, et sequiter; and the act
amendatory thereof approved Au
gust 12, 1910, so as to provide in
addition to the three commission
ers provided by said act as amend
ed, for two commissioners to be
elected from the county at large,
and to provide for the election of
said two commissioners at large
and tor other purposes.
Notice of Local Legislation
Notice is hereby given that at
the coming session of the Georgia
Legislature there will be introduc
ed a bill, the caption of which will
be as follows, to wit:-
An act to make unlawful the
sale of near beer and all imitations
of beer or malt or any similar bev
erage or tonic within the limits of
the County of Ben Hill and to fix a
penalty therefor and for other pur
Notice of Local Legislation
An act to amend an act incor
porating the City of Fitzgerald in
the County of Ben Hill, approved
August 22, 1807, so as to provide
for the election of a chief of police
and chief of the fire department
and to regulate the operation of
pool tables, bowling alleys, tin pen
alleys and for other purposes.
Is your subseription paid up? 3
The Big Three of a
successful Shoe,line are
Style Comfort Ser
vice. You'll find these
qualities to an unusual
degree in the Red Seal
line for this season.
The Three Big Sellers
in our new lasts are ““Ty
Cobb,” “Red Rock’*and
““Dope.” They’re stylish
and have th> right ““fit.”’
And then again they look
“A dollar a pair to the
Ask your dealer to
show them.
‘c' Y
&y =TT
J. K. Org,Shoe Co.,
Red Seal Factory, Atlanta
Notice is given to the public
that if no good and sufficieut cause
is shown to the contrary, the
Commissioners of Roads and Reve
nues will on the first Tuesdav in
August pass an order establishing
a public road as follows: Commenc
ing at the North end of Sheridan
street and extending due North
between Land Lots and on original
Land Line between Lots (150 &
299) in the 3rd and 4th Land Dis
trict to Northwest corner of Land
Lot (299) intersecting with road
at Mr. George’s place.
By order of County Commis
sioners this June 4th, 1912,
J. G. Minshaw,
H. M. Warren,
Wesley R. Walker.
R 1; King,
Clerk County Commissioners.
45-4 w.
The pamNLEss way to have your
teeth extracted is TRy the usk of
NITROUS OXIDE GAS, administered by
Drs. Holtzendorf & Turner, who are
41-8 t
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished
rooms with all conveniences and
close in. Apply Phone 465. 37-tf
Puone 367.
Clothes called for and delivered.
Keefer’s Barber Shops
Registers Meat Market
Prompt and Reliable/Service
Fresh Meat at
Reasonable Prices
319 E. Pine St. - - Phone 448
. 3 -
Lumber! Lwumber:
Let us figure with you before you pur
chase your Building Material. : :
F. M. GRAHAM & CO., |
Mill ICast Magnolia St. Office East Pine St. Phone 14.
L ——————————— S
Gasoline Engi
e . TRk Sk
302 South Grant St, Fitzgerald, Ga.
‘Agent for the best GLzso}i;x—ewE;g'i—r;;_—Expert on Gas Engines—
will give yrompt attention to all calls in my line.
Professional Gards
S-Story Building
Rooms 200-201 2nd Floor Phone 184
Residence, 328 N. Main St. Phone 120
Oifice Hours, 9 to 11 and 3 to 8
Evenings and Sundays by Appointment
Plastering Contractor.
Estimates on Material. Al
Work Guaranteed.
Leave Order at Dan Mahoney’s
295 8, Grant DU,
Delivered Anywhere
intheeity . . .. .
PHone 269. 115 S. Sherman Strest
Atitoraeys at Law,
Rooms 408-11 Garbutt-Donovan Building
Will practice in all the Courts.
Boot and Shoe Makers
212 E. Pine Street
Fine and Substantial Repairmg
Promptly Done.
Try The
| Best Place In Town,
P. B. & R. B. OWEN, Props.
119 East Pine Street
Office Fourth Floor Garbutt-Donavan Bldg.
Office Hours:
10t0c12A.M. 3tosP. M.
Phone 266 Residence
‘“ 269 Office
Diseases of Wemen and Children
Dr. J. W. El;iott [—; F. E. Keefer
Office Hours, 8:12 a.m. 2:05 p.m.
Offices—-211-212 B-Story Bldg.
Fitzgerald, Ga.
S Story Buiking
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
315 Century Building