Newspaper Page Text
The Surprise Store’s Great Sale
People of Fitzgerald and vicinity are realizing every day what The Surprise Store means to them. |
High grade, clean and up-to-date merchandise from 25 to 40 per cent. less than shop-worn goods gales:
They have also learned that our iron-clad guarantee is just as advertised---we positively give your money
back if our goods prove to be other than we claim. Ask our customers, your friends. Below are a few
more of The Surprise Store’s wonderful Specials: _
Saturday, August 31, 10:30 A. M.
Slx Dozen nickel-plated 35¢ Serving Trays, .06
Saturday, August 31, 3:30 P. M.
Six Dozen assorted Jardiniers, medium and
small and large sizes, glazed and earthen
ware, 25, 35¢ and 50c values, : : - .08c
e e e
35 BETTN PRI e€PP R T FETEY Y IRd SPTRs SRIEE TR, LY LR, el ‘:31,:- QS 3 RTOUE T _‘\'r-,l‘" ki “.a,y;' Qfl <fll ‘A{'." z '.-_..; ovy "-.ffiir iAN >
: N \,‘f E 5 ;;3 i ‘g )Ri R ;.'\,,;;:, m 2 ,,{ .w:; K & B g N 4 3s A% P '.”‘ o g
!4%§ ey 3 Rat rvamye 2.5 AT (o s s 4l A =Bl 71k N Y T & ¥ ~rugen TR 4 N o o 2 gt
4 ¢ VSN b T AR S pßueygSS [&5 Brvntty | SAIALTD R NR R 8 i B e i
s iE e & 3 “HEY 808 Wik eey e B ey A " Be oslB W
:Gt i 3 d Eiey o * ~‘*«..,_»‘r'..."'""f 'L;"-i‘f),"-l_n;-;:,i"“v eLT inm Eadid A Stk mhitia) ENELRRTSu e SEERT i LR it Wi eSTTR DT A
2 . 66 9 "
South Main St., Near Postoffice. = OUR MOTTO: v our Money'’s Worth or Your Money Eack.
LeeT T ML S PRy RS 'm STt .",‘,h"‘f\-’»' N \;'-“*_.-’,-A TTRRN EE SRLA 5T P SRR ILZR LAV RY
Free Ink for School Chuldren
Any child buying one ten cent Tablet or two
five cent Tablets for cash will be given one bottle
of Carters black Ink FREE. Oanly one boitle to a
customer. This offer good for one week only.
We are exclusive agents for the genuine
150 Sheet Bive Ribbon Pencil Tablets
120 Sheet Fairy Bell Ink Tablets
Note the size and quality of our Tablets and you
will appreciate the excellent values we are offer
ing. }
Drugs, Seeds, Stationery, Toilet
Articles, Tce Cream, Soda Water
and Cigars
Denmark Drug Company
| The ?\@fym’fla Slore
A Solid Car Load of Alabaster Plaster
See us for Prices before you buy
Also agents for Walter A. Wood Meving Machines and Rakes
Best en the market.
We want to sell youone of the famous Chattancoga Wagons
When in need of anything in the Hardware line, we will
be glad to serve you. 5
St e e e i
Fitzgerald Hardware Company
Central Avenue
Wall-Fretwell Realty Company
Real Estate, Renting, Loans, Fire Insurance
We make returns and pay taxes for nor -residents
Second Floor, Empire Annex Fitzgarald, Georgia
We have an inquiry for a small farm to cost abeut
Clflw also an inquiry for a Five Acre Tract near the city.
. have inquiries daily for renting property.
FOR RENT We have two large rooms, furnished or un
furnished, hot and cold bath and in desirable
location, for light house keeping.
2 : i
iGrand Opera House
| : 8P ’
’ To-Night, August 30
1. Piano, ‘O Pretty Maiden”.................. ..Sonata
9 Diana “THrlaboN - ... ii v ono-novviing .Melodie
3. Piano, ‘“'French Romance” ................ .. Fantasia
l 4. Piano, “The Angelic Ch0ir’”’............. .Tone-Poem
. 5. Piano, ‘‘The Dance of Mirian”............. .Rapsodie
6. Piano, ‘‘The Recluse and The Lark’’.......»:&nthem
7. Piano, ‘‘Monarch Le Grand’”.............. ..Fantasia
8. Piano, ‘‘Beautiful 5weetheart”............ .. Fastasia
Three Reels of Pictures. Price, 10c to all.
New Headquarters For The
Fitzgerald Motor Car Company
The Fitzgerald Motor Car Company moved into their new
quarters today, at the rear of the postoffice, where they will carry
in stock the Maxwell and the Stoddard-Da: ton Automobiles. They
invite the public and those who are interes:ed in the purchase of 2
new car, to come around and look over the lines and try them out—
see for yourself that they are as good as represented, and if you
are not a judge, bring some good automobile man who is, and let
him look through for you and advise you. If, however, this does
not satisfy you, then call on the following owners of Maxwell cars
and be governed by what they teli you:
Dr. E. J. Dorminey, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Dr. W. D. Dorminey, Fitzgerald, Ga.
_ Dr. D. B. Ware, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Dr. R. M. Ware, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Bob Handley, Fitzgerald, Ga.
Jackson Bussell, Fitzgerald, Ga.
A. B. C. Dorminey, Fitzgerald, Ga. |
Rufus Horton, Fitzgerald, Ga.
. H. M. Dodd, Fitzgerald, Ga.
John Henry Dorminey, Fitzgerald, Ga.
J. M. Mosher, Fitzgerald, Ga.
J. W. Morris, Fitzgerald, Ga. |
Note that four of the above names are leading practictng phy
sicians, who are on the road day and night, and Sunday too, mak
ing from three to five hundred miles a week, and they will tell you
fhat the up-keep of these cars are equal to nothing in the way of
expense. We do not sell any Sunday Aft-Noon Cars, that lay up
the remainder of the week for repairs, but instead the business
car, that must go, rain or shine. ‘
Cenrtal Christian
Minister Lewis C. Hammond.
September 1,
Bible School 9:20 a. m. :
Communion and Sermon 10:45
a. m. People’s Service 7:45 p. m.
Labor Day will be observed at the
night service.
Good Musical Program.
Heartv welcome to all.
Episcopal Church.
There will be no church services
in the Episcopal church until
September 8, second Sunday in
September, Sunday School will be
as usual, at 10 o’clock a. m.
Saturday, August 31, 7:30 P. M.
One lot 15¢ Cake Plates, 2to a customer, - - - 1c Each
Saturday, August 31, 7:30 P. M.
15 Dozen 15¢ half hose, 2¢ pair; 35¢ Men’s Neckties, S 8c each
e e
Monday, Sept. 2, 3:30 P. M.
40 Dozen 15 and 20c Plates, Cups and Saucers, 6to a customer, 2¢ each
Central Methodist
Regular preaching servioces ab
11 in the morning and eight at
night. Rev, D. B, Nicholson, Jr.
}win gll the pulpit. Sunday School
9:45 R. J. Prentiss Supt. Prayer
‘meeting Wednesday night, con
ducted by Mr. J. A. Murphy.
Good music at each service, A
welcome to all.
Rev. Guyton Fisher, Pastor,
Rev. Guyton Fisher, pastor of
Central Methodist Ckurch, has
gone to Asheville and Waynes
ville, N, C., to spend his vacamon.
~ Bigest and best values in school
supplies at Denmark’s 66-2 t.
e e :
E Annual Atlanta Trip :
: via %
- Atanta, Birmingham and Mlantic Railioad |
| i
E Thursday, September 12, 1912 |
. |
. $3.50 Round Trip $3.50 |
E Tickets will be sold for special train leaving i
; Fitzgerald at 9a. m., arriving Atlanta 5:00 P. g
; M., and will be good to return to, and including g
; Tuesday, September 17, 1912. Special will g
; consist of famous A. B. & A., electric-lighted 5
i vestibuled cars. é
. Pleaty of Seats for Everyhody-- ;
E Go and Enjoy Yourself {
'W. H. LEAHY, E. H. FELL, %
,' General Passenger Agent Ass’t Gen. Pass. Agent
; A. D. DANIEL, |
| Travelling Passenger Agent i
; Atlanta, Ga. i
a 2 @
Gasoline Engines
= o BL.
302 South Grant St, Fitzgerald. Ga.
Agent for the best Gasoline Engines. Expert on Gas Engines—
will give prompt attention to all calls in my line.
Lumber! Lwumber:
Let us figure with you before you pur
chase your Building Material. : :
Mill East Magnolia St. Office Fast Pine St. Phone 14.
: .~ Fitzgerald Mercuntile Co.
&L 2 &1 GASL Day Phone [l9—-Night Phone 9