Newspaper Page Text
Georgio Flag Now
Secves as Mop Rag
' Atianta, Aug. 28.—1 f the stat
of Georgia held its flag in the
<mme reverence which Uncle San
eaquires to be paid the Stars and
#agviges somebody at the capitol
ewontd be hnuled (ver the coals to
wew, For a Georgia flag, spreac
et on the floor of the capitol cor
ridor, is being used by decorator:
«at worlz on the building to catcl
“the drippings of paint which fail
froa the ceiling.
7t és true that the flag has beer
<fovm-beaten until it is hardl
wu ve thao a dingy, grimy rag, but
it still bears thie stripes and the
insiguia of the state. It had pro
batly been discurded for the new
er and brighter colored banne:
which waves from the capitol dom:
ahen occasicn requires it.
#Bad Half-Dollars
Made in New York
Deaver, Col., Aug. 28—Tha!
dhere is a plant in New Yorl
eaanafacturing spurious half dol
fars which are sent to variou
agencies throughout the Unite
States is the confession made by
Jdgnacio Moncimi, an Italiap, ar.
yested yesterdav at Sopris near
“Trimidad, charged with counter
Moncini declares the countertent
“half dollars are sent out from the
New York headquarters of the
grang and that he has been distri
Outing them to the four othe
fuwliros who were arrested by
Secret Service Agent Goddard.
Blond Eskimo Race is
Found on Yukon
Dawson, Y. [I., August 28,
“Pwo wen who arrived from the
mouth of the Mackenzie river by
geail veported that Vilbjmar Stef
anson and Dr. R, M. Auderson, of
Jowa, who have been in the Arctic
gegion wore than four yesis ol
ghe American Museum of Natural
History, m a kin g ethnological
studies, have emburked on a whal
ing vessel for Seattle.
_ Stefanson, it is said found a race
of blond Eskimos on the south
woast of Victoria Land.
What To Do For Ants
‘The following is taken from the
e Irreat issue of Farm and Home:
“An lowa farmer is puzzled
thow to keep ants from his pansies,
¥ canvot imagine what the ants
avsnt from pansies or other healthy
glants, They do not feed on souud
plant tissue, But when plants are
dufested with aphis (plant lice,)
auts gre sure to come and feast on
the wectar secreted by these lice,
The remedy, of course, is to get
arid of the ants, Spray lice-infest
«d plants with strong tobacco pre
pacation, especially from the un:
Aer side, or with kerosene emul
«sion, or whale-oil-soap emulsion.
Sometimes ants become trouble
some by building their great nests
in cultivated ground, or in sod, or
mear trees or shrubs, In that case,
grocarc a quantity of bisulphide
-of earbon, punch a hole n the ant
%aitl and pour a table spoonful or
fwe into it, then quickly cover the
fzole with carth so that the fumes
«afthe drug have to pervade all
through the ant nest. That will
«yuickly putastop to the nuisance.” ‘
Panama Exposition Stamp.
R %
‘Washington, Aug. 28.—A new
<. cent stamp in commemoration
the Panama exposition in Sanl
Francisco in 1915 was approved
goday by Postmaster General
Hitehcock. It bears an engrav
#ng in commemoration of the
Gatun locks of the Panama canal,
showing a steamer emerging
#rom the northern lock and an
wgther being raised in the south
emlock. The first issue will be
@n sale in a few weeks.
wen 3 wisdom dispenser
w’t prolong the performance
satil people get weary.
A. 8.& A.Excursion
e ’
To Gepitol City
In another part of this issue of
'he Leader-Enterprise will be
‘ound the A. B. & A.’s advertise
et of their annual excursion t
Atlapta. Thursday, September
(2th is the date for the excursior
«nd the round trip is only %3 50.
ess than one fare ordinarily.
Tickets are good returning t
and including Tuesday 17:h. The
special train leaves the A. B. & A.
depot at 9 a m., reachir g Atlants
it 5 p. m. :
Those who have patronized the
\. B. & A. excursions at previou:
imes know how to appreciate thi
.xtraordinary offer, for the A. B
& A’s. standard of excellence ap
plies to the special trains as well
1s the regular, Pleoty of electric
ighted vestibuled cars and the
wrip is one that really shouid b
'‘njoyablz2 to everyone. Read th
wdvertisemeant in ancther part ol
the paper, and prepare to join the
vig crowd who will goon the 12th,
Plus Ultras,
Now that so many of the mem
bers of the Ulvra Class, of
the Central Christian Church whe
have been away are beginning t«
come home we look for a large:
ittendance each Sunday and hopt
.ur teacher, Mrs, Jennie Shallen:
serger will be buck with us soen.
Che Plus Ultras hope for her a
.peedy recovery, and aiso the re
covery of Miss Isla (Green, that
-he too may be back among us.
The class regrets to lose several
of her members who in the past
two weeks have moved Lo otber
points, and hope tiey mway retarn
at no distant time,
All the members in the city at
the present time are requested to
be present Sunday. Our Tennis
court 1s progressing and we hope
(o be playing tennis in a short
Come next Sunday and bring
some one with you, no matter how
young or how old, we are working
for the Sunday School and will
have a class for them,
Remewber our Sunday School
starts at 9:30 o'clock.
A Member Lookout Con.
Desecration of
The Stats’s Emblem
Atlanta, Aug. 29.—Attention
has been called to the fact that
a flag of Georgia is being used
by painters at the capital as a
floor covering to catch dripping
paint. and the desecration of the
state’s emblem is arousing a
storm of protest on the part of
the people who feel that a state
flag should he held in reverence
similar to that which is felt to
ward the Stars and Stripes.
The flag in question is the old,
tattered emblem that used to fly
from the staff on top of the dome,
and it had recently been replaced
bv a new one which boasts
brighter colors.
Baby Falls 20 Feet
And Escapes Injury
.- Tifton, Aug. 28.—8. H. Jr.,
the one-year-old son 'of B. H.
Bates, of Tifton, fell a distance
of about twenty feet from the
second story varanda of their res
idence this morning without re
ceiving any injury.
The baby was picked up in
stantly by its mother, who expec
ted to find it dead. A physician
was summoned and examined
the baby thoroughly but failed to
find any broken limbs or any in
jury except a small scratch on
the side of the head where itis
supposed he hit. It is a miracle
that the child was not instantly
The kind of reform most needed
is the kiod that will not go a thou
sana miles away from home to be
gin work,
Administrator’s Sale. ‘
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned will sell at public
outery to the highest bidder for
cash at the court - house in said
county, within the legal hours of‘
sale, on the First Tuesday in
September, 1912, 16 shares of 1
the capital stock of the First Na
tional Bank of Fitzgerald, Geor
gia, of the par value Ose Hun
dred Dollars each, said shares
being represented and evidenced
by Certificate Number Fifty-two
of the capital stcek of said bank.
Said property will be sold under
and by virtue of an order of the
Court of O dinary s the prop-{
erty of the estate of Alice G.
Garbutt. This August 5, _1912.|
Administrator of the Estate of
Alice G. Garbutt, deceased.
Sheriff’s Sale
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned will sell at public
nutery to the highest bidder for
cash, at the court house in said
county, within the legal hours of
:ale, on the First Tuesday in
3eptember, 1912, the following
jescribed property: One hand
rill; one emery wheel and stand;
e gas tank; one lineshaft and
pulleys; one engine and lathe;
e roller-top desk; one typewri
ter; one lot of hand tools; one
lot of automobile parts in show
windows, all of said property be
ing located in the certain build
ing on the east side of S. Main St.,
between Pine Street and Central
Avenue, in Fitzgerald, Georgia,
known as the ‘‘Enterprise Gar
age.”” Said property levied up-i
on and to be sold as the property
of M. G. Vaughn to satisfy an
execution issued from the City
Court of Fitzgerald against said
M. G. Vaughn in favor of Stand
ard Oil Company. This August
8, 1912. C. C. DOZIER, ?
Deputy Sheriff City. Court of
Fitzgerald, Georgia. w 2
Sheriff’s Sale.
Groraia - BEx HiLL County.
Wil be sold on the first Tuesday
in September next at public out
cry at the court hcuse in said
county, within the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property:
One mouse colored mare mule
about eight years old; one dark
hav horse mule about 7 years old;
said property levied on as the
property of W. M. Fussell to sat
isfy an execution issued from the
City Court of Fitzgerald in and
for said county in favor of Hus
sey & Parrott Hardware Co.
against said W. M. Fussell and
Robert Fussell, said property be
ing in possession of W. M. Fus
sell. This 9th of August, 1912
Sheriff City Coart of Fitzgerald.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Will be sold before the court
house door in said county, he
tween the legal hours of sale, on
the First Tuesday in September,
1912, the following property, to
The entire stock of merchan
dise, consisting of furniture, car
pets, bedding, etc., and all store
fixtures, located in the store room
on E. Pine St., in the City of
Fitzgerald, Ga. now occupied
by by C. Kilburn. Levied on as
the property of C. Kilburn, to
isatisfy an execution issued on
98th day of May, 1912, from the
City Court of Fitzgerald, Geor
gia, in favor of the Greenville
Furniture Company vs. C. Kil
burn. This August 8, 1912,
Deputy Sherifi of City Court of
; Fitzgerald, Ga.
s et ol
Stove Wood.
12 and 16 Ilnch lengths. Quick
delivery. Telephone 402. Bernie
A Fohl. : 63-tf.
& v
| ' YW] o
. £ = NN
’ VO7 7 o A N\ A 7
///'//f’;%’//{z e
L/ // )7= /
A i 0
\ 7 mt
B/ ////;/;/ ‘l/’7;/ /i\i:‘;‘t\;\)w /’,/'7"'
N s
) A‘ i)
Liquid SUBSTITUTE | (,ntains
1 BEARLAX (liquid laxative)
Laxatlve contains no calomel, but rgives no
prompt relief to all disordered
gondiltions of liver, stomachand §
If the organs which are con- Calom el
It Tastes cerned in the removal of waste
material from the system, :
liver, intestinal canal, kidneys, §
etc., cease to operate in a A k
GOOd normal, healthy manner, mate- § S ;
rials which should be excreted § ;
are rletained tllril tll;ia :(ilssues or
circulate in the blood stream
alld and manifest their presence Your
: by a wide range of symptoms. .
BEARLAX acts promptly E .
upon the liver and bowels and §° SOlSt.
AC ts Be tter helps nature to quickly cleanse Druog
the blood of impurities and
eliminate them through the t
; natural channels. ; -
BEARLAX is mildly laxative -
or strongly purgative as de- |
sired, according to dose.
! ‘We guarantee that BEARLAX cone
tains no calomel, but that it is a satis
factory substitute for calomel, castor
% oil, blue mass, epsom salts and all
other purgative medicines, We guar- W
antee that it will be entirely satisfac- ¢
. tory TO YOU. Your dealer is author
ized to refund the purchase pricein §
any instance if the user is not satisfied.
BEARLAX is carried in stock by
mnearly all first class merchants. How- J§
ever, if your dealer cannot supply you,
we will ship you a full size bottle
by express, prepaid, on receipt
of 50c, or 6 bottles by ex
\ press, prepaid, for $2.76, ;
N - ”. z
e Liwgs BEAR DRyGAo. ™ _
Montgomery, Alabama :
F Constipation |
Distzributed by ‘
Stovall, Jones & Company.
Georgia, Ben Hill County.
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of said County,
will be sold at public outery on
the Kirst (Ist) Tuesday in Septem
ber, 1912, at the Court House in
said County between the usual
kours of sale, the following real
estate situated in Ben Hill County,
All of lot number Seven (7), in
block number Ouve (1), together
with improvements thereon, v
Fairview, as shown by the record
ed plat of Fairview,
Terms Cash.
This sth day of August, 1912
Fred J. Clark, Administrator of
Dorcas Grimes. :
GrorciA—BEN HiL Counrty.
By virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of said Countv,
will be sold at public outcry on
the First (Ist) Tuesday in Sep
tomber, 1912, at the Uourt House
in said County betwecn the usual
hours of sale, the following real
estate situated in Ben Hill County,
to-wit: ‘
Five (5) acre tract number Four
bundred ffty-five (455) of the
Colony domain as shown by re
corded plat of subdivision the said
tract being a portion of Land lot
pumber One hundred wineteen
(119), in the Third land district of
Ben Hill county Georgia.
Terms of sale Cash.
This sth day of August, 1912,
Chas. Hitch, Administrator,
Estate of Dora Hitch.
Tell it not in Gath, but there
are church members who look too
happy at a horse race and too
soleinn in prayer meeting.
S ittty
Try The
Best Place In Town,
P. B. & R. B. OWEN, Props.
119 East Pine Street
o’ = 4 . B 22 Ty
e R \‘\‘"\ ¢ fl't%"/:
AR i2anN 3 Zroe SN N \ & T
'r‘g i 3 s—i.z,;;,' Ay /
RL N d 0 i v :
Rsy /%/;f,/;/ 74 ..l N
WY G @it he
3 U DN Ll S ; =1
B s ii Ho 4
14 B i 0% | e (B / J : ’
e R T) Se VY T s VA P
GOSB ) B Eanny oy e R Y TTR ATy SRS s eS U A
AP el ) v
2By BEARLAX is not only the ideal laxative for
adults and old people, but is dosizned with special (4
consideration for its administration to infants and arile
§3es children. It gives utmost satisfaction in_constipation ;
oo fs and the digestive disturbances of childhood, and may be
R given with absolute confidence and safety. S
sy BEARLAX produces without griping or nausea, the results Sk
s that are desired of calomel and the more violent purgative
5 substances, which should always be avoided in treating :
e children. No general or local depression or other bad effects '
N follow the use of BEARLAX (liquid laxative.) ol
3B No better remedy can possibly be found for the digestive § S 8
A disturbances which accompany teething, nor is there ar}y s
N danger of forming a ‘‘drug habit’’ as is the case o
medicine containing opiates. S
i 5 Guaranteed not to contain Calomel, and your dealer is authorized to i
) refund the purchase price if BEARLAX is not found to be the et h
ey most pleasant Laxative and the best Liver medicine ever (IR
.-‘,#,‘_ used. Pricesoc a bottle or 6 bottles $2.75, at dealers or i3h
RN by express prepaid. & S
- p— _;:,'"‘;’f_'f""{j-". . Montgomery, Ala. St
Nz e 427 3 380 y
A'_ ; 5 Si 2% "
2 ;,T,,V' ’-u ’,f"j}‘ 8 ".‘:‘; ~¢ 5v Q 5
E P RGN el
: ’i;ii "2.5 5*333“., @;' i '-5,4&112 ggz-. E{'iggp&a Ga
ol TR Ul W WG IR 90 LU § h"l.'a.-'..zfl 3 -
= : s2eiy . The South’s great
\ TR R SR e ’ :
Q\\v,z;)-.,\fl eBl rf Tecinical and
R e R AR Lugincering
f' 4 J%j i";‘.‘.b-"" "‘ 36s ’3 Tre ?\’!"; & .
el Je S SN e School
/) No2F T {¥H Ga. Tech Spelis “Oppor
: 4 ‘},“ —};‘_E‘_-"*"vfi"—{ Sl tunity” for the oung
$ g 2 Ry fS e ~~-> men of Georgia and the
~; }v ‘:"\iggi\:) = " Sol:h. s
e f- g B W Offers fuli four-year courses in .
Ae el "i\ Llechasies!, Texble, Chemical, Civil
,‘&Mfij& Ntea zxd Llscirical Ervgineering,
oy g znd Archilecture.
The gcraduates of *“Gzorgis Tech” are in gre:t demand, owing to the
gplendid training oficred st this ins.itation. Courses of study practical
and thorough. %‘or Cataloy aGdres :
¥mprovemen's in past year: :
eße ¢ & K. G. MATHESON, LL. D., P-csident
$75,000; Larmitorizs, reasasalis cast 5 5