Newspaper Page Text
E iI...NC. MBER 4 2 ‘
MILI.BDG&VILLE: published ('weeklyJ by DENX/S L. Hr AX.
■tFreshD rugs Of* Medicines
Dr. Wilson,
/$ NOW OPENING, at his dps-
theenry Slop in Miliedgcville, an
offortment ofarticles in the DRUG
pNE, receive'! from New-Yot k,
•which he is felling lowfur cafj or to
f>'.inarial cu/lorners on a credit,
Caftor Oil,
Cream ot Tar
"artnr Emetic,
Sugar of Lead,
Tooth Powder,
Lip Salve,
Senna, .
Peruvian Bark
Batcm's. Drops.
Britifh Oi , h<:
Dec mber 9.
Oil of Pepper-
Mint”, {[ditto.
Oil of Common
Oil of Cinnamon
Sugar Candy,
Peper-Mint Lo
Red Lead,
Oil of Vitriol,
Nitric Acid,
Ring’s Yellow,
Yellow Ochre,
Shaving Soap,
Caftiie Soap,
Wafh Balls,
Copal Varr.ifh,
Spirits of Tur
-p^ fuferiber refc&fully informs
Ins friends ‘ nd the P ublic in general
that he has -nrchafed the Houfe
formerly occupied b y M C or Edwm
Moungef, where he intends to con
tinue his former line of ; nifinels arm
hopes, by due attention an, I mduf-
try, to merit their jyitronage.
Roger UInis tend.
Miliedgcville, January 9, IS 10
Having declined teaching SCHOOL
I take ihe liberty of recommending
to my former employers and others,
wuo comes highly recommended lor
his lteadlutfs, l'obriety, morality and
abilities, from the Prefident and pro-
feflbrs of Jefferfon College in Penn
fylvania •, alfo by other gentlempn
of the fir(t refpe&ability ol faid Hate,
as well as of Virginia. And from
my knowledge of him, if
my judgment of his abilities deferves
anv regard, I molt cheertully and
gladly recommend him. He has
commenced in Miliedgcville where
he will teach ENGLISH GRAM
the others Arts and Sciences, as far
as can be, without apparatus, at the
ufual prices, and where board can
be had on reafonable terms.
John II. Pcfty.
Millcdgeville, January 5, 1810.
Planter's and Mariner’s Medical
From the New-York Medical and
Philofophical Journal and Review,
we fele£t the following review of
D?*. Ewell’s Medical Companion, j the parifli in which he
The motives which induce its re
publication are neither envious or a j an’s Do me flic Meaicine, he fup
though very willing to preferibe
for others, they are not fo fond,
adminiflering to themfelves
Oecafionally it is advantageous
even to them, as happened in
the following inftaftce ; A gen
tleman to the fouthward was ap
pointed overfeer of the poor for
and as he polled a copy of Bucli-
defire to injure the Hie of the work;
but a conviction' that many valuable
lives are Ihortened by a too implicit
reliance on fuch works and the nof-
trums of tlie day.—Argui.
“ FIELDING endeavours,dn
one of his effays, to prove’ that
pofed that he could very eafily
fave the expenfe of paying a
Dodor by attending the paupers
himfelf. Accordingly, he fal
lied forth with Buchan in his
hand, to put his defign into ex-
Wing eftabliflied, a relief of all
tide symptoms will occur.” Can
any directions be more plain,
more fimple, or more erroneous?
But romm-nts would iufuU our
readers. They no doubt are
fatisfied with the /penmen we
have given, and will gladly dif-
penfc with any farther c xtracts
from the “ Medi al Cun pan-
ion.” As to the flyle of the?
performance, it is faulty and in
correct in the extreme ; but this
blenv.lh is loll in the magnitude
of more important errors
“ I 1 - is not to be inferred, frofft-
what we have faid, that we con.-
ecution At the next annual denm the exhibition of aM
meeting of the overfeers to take
.efefpeftfully informs his friends
that he has removed to the
houfe occupied by the late Go
vernor Irwin, where bis ufual
attention w : ll be paid to their
December 26, 1809-
Cleared Lands
J^Thhin M'Cord’s re-farvey of the
7th Diltricl, formerly Baldwin
On Monday, the i l of February
cn tic f remifet, to the HIGH
EST' BIDDER, until tbs \Jl
day of January, 1811,
the Cleared Lands
Tiihin M Cords refurvey of the
1 iDillri^l, formerly Baldwin
inty. Small nott-S with ap
proved fecurity & interefl from
the date, if rpg punctually paid,
\v;U he required. Early, Secretary
> to the Executive Depart.
Gth January, 1810.. 4-t
The fubfct'iber informs the
citizens of Miliedgcville and its
vicinity that, he will attend at the
houfe of Mr. Samuel Buffing
ton, on Saturday the 20:h this
inflant, in order to colletl the . . ......
Tax of Captain Jarrett’s Dif- reading, lay down lu. h plain &
an author will write the better conflderation the con duion
tor having loine knowledge of
his iubjetl This is perfectly
lawyer-like, to take the wroVig
fideof aqueftion through c hoice,
to fhow how ing' nioufly he can
argue ; or perhaps inneed in lajjer
the propofition may be true,
as it is affirmed by fome to befo
in pbtlofophy. In medicine the
cafe is precifely reverfed, thole
writers being by far the cleared:
who know lead about the mat
ter. For thofe authors whole
minds are deranged by ftudy
and reflection, write fo obfeure
ly and defcribe difeafes fo vague
ly, that, they candidly acknow!
edge that penetration,judgment,
and God knows what befkks,
are neceflfary in thofe who at
tentpt to apply their doftrines
and principles to praflike ;
I whereas, popular writers, as
they are termed, whole minds
have never been preverted by
trift, for the year 1809.
C. Murpbey, r.c n.c.
January 5.
vd mini lira tors sale
WILL BE SOLD On the firfl
'Tuesday in March next, in /be
town of Grcencporaugb.
1.TO acres o! LAND on the
wa'ers of Shouldcrbone, in the
couii'y of Greene, adjoining
Mapp and Tally --Sold lor the
benefit of the heiis and credi
fames Kinman, 7
A. Wells, _S
January l, 1810.
Two fettlements of
Cleared Land,
on the Oconee River of about
thirty-five acres each, of good
quality, fitflate -about a mile
from MilledgevilU—Alfo, the
Two Store-Houses,
fronting the State Houfe, known
to be good (lands for bufinefs.
if;’ lie wifiles to contraft with
an honed i:\duftriouscapableman
to undertake the management of
a S A vV MILL—a perfon coin
ing well vi commended will meet
with profitable employment.
py Anv perfon w (filing to ex
change CORN and FODDER
in the neighborhood of Mil
ledgeviilc, for fuch articles on
Fifhing creek, in Jones county,
will be accommodated by apply*
ing to
f. IF. Devereux.
December .5, 1809.
fimple rules, that no man can
millake a complaint, or err in
the application of the proper re
medy, provided he can under-
Rand bad Englifh. While the
Admini/lraiors Sale.
If L BE SOLD, on the firfl
J us flay in Marsh next, at the
.y.;» Irt houfe in the Town of
PGUO M \N, belonging
oi Leonard Gordy
benefit of the
lid dec.
For sale or rent,
The HOUSE and LOT, in
the lower end of the town of
Adnfrs 1 Miliedgcville. formerly occupi ■
ed by Allen Greene. Terms
may be known by applying to
Judkins Hunt.
Hancock county, Dec. 1.
Freight Wanted.
or 800 BUSHELS of CORN,
will be taken on freight to Da
ricn—Apply to
J IV. Devereux.
Miliedgcville, 19th Dec. 1809.
former, who, for the fake of
dillinCtion, are called profeflio-
nal writers, as their works are
intended for the profdTioa ex
clufively, condemn their vota
ries to expend their money and
wafle their time in the purchafe
and parufal of nunu rous books,
which are iikewile very collly ;
the latter con'denfe the whole
into one fimll volume, which
their readers can very conve
niently carry in their pockets, if
their heads are not iuffi riently
Capacious. So much have thefe
popular writers fitnplifi-d the
practice of pliyfic, that nothing
more is neceilary than fo be lur
nilhed with one ol thefe books,
which may be very conv- niern-
ly carried about, and wlmn a
patient is afflidea with any
complaint, dyfentery for in j
(lance, all that is rrquifite is to i
look in the index for the word |
dyfentery. then turn to the page I
pointed, out, and give the medi )
cities there direded. Can any !
thing be eafier than fuch prac
tice ?
“ The fuccefs of thefe writers
with th< public has been com-
menfurate with their merit, the
fale of fome of their works hav
ing been very extenfive. This
general diffufi.n ot medical
knowledge has been and is hke
ly to cont’nue of the greatdl ad-
vantage to the poor, as in confe-
quence of it, they can obtain
medicine and advice gratuitoully
from their richer and better in
llruded neighbours. The rich
indeed do not derive the fame
eHernial bene^t it, for
of the poor, none could be
found ! the only one left hav
ing runaway to fave his life
Thus the ri:h were relieved
front the charge not only ot
dodor’s fees, but alfo oi the
“Nothing,however, can be fo
good hut tint fome dilcontented
minds will be difl.ttisfied and
cavil at it. Thus it is with coun
try phyficians in the pref nt cafe.
They fay, that where a Levant
or fome inferior member of a
family is lick, that he is doled
until the mailer or milt refs be
comes alarmed, when a jin (lon
ger is difpatcbed after the doc
tor, “ to come as fall as he can,
for that fuch an one is dying ;’ '
which prognoftic the doctor
frequently finds f ulfilled on his
arrival, or nothing is left for him
Kf do but (oconfkm tire i'm-
tence ; whereas, had he been
lent for a few days fooner, the
life of the perfon might in all i
probability have been faved. j
“ 1'hefe practitioners like-
wife aflert, that the very general
prevalence of this fpecies of
quackery, if not originally cauf
ed, is much increafed by popu
lar works on medicine. And,
moreover, that even where no
millake is committed on the
part of the perfon pr’fcr’ibktg,
as to the nature of the diteafe,
that much mifehief m.ay be done
in confequence of the improper
dio Clions given by- thefe authors.
This Lilt complaint at lead is,
we are fure, totally inapplicable
to Dr. Ewell's work, only fee
dirincs by perfons who have-
not received medical oduc ions^
We by no means think that %
! phyfician is to he applied to on.
every occafior to preferibe fome
; fimple remedy for fome High-
complaint; taut we reprobate
the idea of placing the moft ac-
(tive and poil’onous drugs ofthtf
(hop in the hands of old women,
, and men perhaps more igno
rant. We hold it ahfurd to fup-
1 pofe that fuch perfons ran ac
quire correct medical informa
tion from the bell books the-
profeffion affords. As for the
j Medical Companion, and u'
works, wlr im can they f<- :h
A Stallion....tur sale.
I will fell on reafonable term®
for eafli (or credit with undoubt
ed fecurifv) or exchange to?
Land or Negmes, provided the}
land lies above Milledgeviffiy
my elegant hotfe
of good bloerd & an excellent foal
getter. Application muft be
made by the fkft day of Febru
ary next, to the fubteriber living!
in Green county, Oconee, nea»
the little Cowlord.
James Cunningham*
December 15, 1809.
N O T l C E. * ’
WILL BE SOLD, on the 21fl of:
February next at the fate dwel
ling houfe of Alexander Smith*
dec in Sparta. ■
The perfonal property of (aid,
deceafed, confifting of one Cow
his manner of treating injuries , _ . , , c
of the head for example : “ As | two Calves, jeven head Ot
it will be fair,” fays he, page
21 Is “to conclude from the
deprivation nf the fenfes,* that
the brain may have fultained
fome injury —if tlie patient be
of a plethoric habit, a moderate
hieeding will be required, after
whi- h tlie bowels fhould be eva
cuated hy purgative medicines,
or glyfiers. One or two (tools
being procured, and, il poflible,
the warm bath ufed, the anodyne
I fudorific dropsf fhould next be
J exhibited, to produce perlpira-
I tion and excite abs oHfri'on of the
I exlravasatedblood; an ! this mix
ture to be continued in doles of
ten or twelve drops every four
or fix hours until the patient is
out of danger, taking care to keep
the bowels open.” Should the
fcalp be lacerated, fomentations
and poultices are direded (o as
“ to induce fuppuration, which,
* He is fpeaking of thofe cafes in
which a patient is rendered infentiblc
from fome accident.
•f Compofed of one-third lauda-
1ik two-ttydg winv.
Hoggs, fome Houfehold an<4
Kitchen Furnitur’. kc.
Thomas Fnjler, adm’ri
Sparta, January 5. tds
Administratoi’s sale.
WILL BE SOLD, on the JirM
Tuesday in February next, i’l
the town of Sparta,
143 3-4 acres of LAND,
more or lefs, in Hancock coun
ty, being the real efiate of Lecy-
nard Gordy, dec. For the be
nefit of the heirs and creditors.
S. M. Devereux^ aJm't
December 2 tds
Swords Qs? Epaulets.
The fnbfrlibers have for
hand fome affortni .nt of Epaulet,
and a tew Ofliuers .Swords.
Dcvevtaux ff Thwcatt
May if*. 1809 7-tf
a quantity of
\ TAR } Eor sale r
l VO.