Newspaper Page Text
iJimi ». The Chrl,liana it PalomcMhave
pur<.lui«e«l many til theae unfortunate par.
*«m lur three ur four piutert, in nriler tn
reicua them tram the wretched fate that
•wailed Ihem.
Grrne.—The private letter from Con ■
etantinuplc are dated the I Oth, aod from
Smjna on the 2d ult. These letter! con
tain horrid descriptions of Turkish cruel
ties and barbniitieaet Scio. Two Frenoh
gentleman had gnneover to aee this unfor
tunate Island, and they represented the
town at iiillagecl and destroyed, and the
•treeta filled with the festering remains
•t the butchered inhabitants. The wo
men and children were articles of com
merce, buth at Constantinople and Smyr
Da, and tho Spirit of the Prophet was
hourly gratified with the blond of Chris
tiaos sacrificed by the religious, who hsd
-conceived themselves bound in duty thus
to express their gratitude to Heaven for
. their signal aucceas. Thus the Turkish
^Empire Icada the way in barbarism ; but
'thaindignant spirit of the oppressed will
ytt take an awful revenge, and teach the
peasant and tho prince that crimes, even
in this world, meet their merited reward.
'Hie Turkish licet was to auil from Scio
ebout the 3d (if May, which leaves little
hope of their having been defeated by the
FYam I he American.
Lord Bclgravo presented a petition to
the House of Commons on the 12th, from
the tobacco munufactureas of the city of
Chester complaining of the distressed con
alition of their trade, which they attributed
to the smuggling, to which the temptation
was irresistible, Irom the. high rate of the
duty in proportion to the value of (he
article. The Chancellor expressed an
opinion adverse to the prayer of the peti
tion, which was ordered to lie on the ta-
•ntl to be printed.
The case of Olive, claiming to be prin
cess of Cumberland, has been postponed
in the Prerogative Court, after a learned
argument by Dr. Lushingtnn.
A royal levee was held at Carlton House
on the 12th, which was attended by up
wards of a thousand persona. Washing
ton Irving, Esq. was presented by the
.American Minister.
A part of the Royal Family were in
formed by note that it was Ida Majesty’s
pleasure that they should not attend.
There appears to be more of pump than
Ikarmony in the Royal household.
His Majesty’s second Drawing Room
for the season was held on the 13th June.
Six columns of the Courier of the 14th are
occupied in announcing the names of the
persons who attended, and in describing
ille dresses and deenrations of the ladies.
The Corn Exchange on the I4ih was
represented to be very dull at London.
W heat, Barley and Oats on the decline—
beans and peas at a small advance.
Mr. Stuart surrendered himself and
was tried at Edinburgh on the 10th Jane,
for the concern he had in the late Duel,
in which Sir Alexander Boswell was kil.
led. The trial lasted 18 limn s, when the
jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.
. The Lark, Inglis. bound from Jamaica
to Belfast, has been shipwrecked, and all
on board, except Mr. Hugh Fulton, a pas
•enger, perished.
A third edict by the Chineie Viceroy
bas been received, containing a command
to the Hong merchanta, to urge and com
pel the delivering up of the foreign mur
derers. “The sum of the matter ia this,"
•ays Jaow-Kwang, “ that for a man killed
it is absolutely necessary that a life be
forfeited. It is not by any means an af
fair that can be terminated by empty talk
•nd reasonings.”
The distresses nf this hapless kingdom
have beeh Ipurtially mitigsted, but by no
means relieved. A letter at Farmhill,
June 1, states ihat they have at present
a list ol upwards of 2000 souls who have
•earcely a potato to eat. <• The English
(says the author) are behaving nobly, and
if it wav not for them, hundreds and hun
dreds would die of hunger; it has alrea
dy produced a good deal of disease, and
will, I fear be the cause of much more.
!We have still three months before the
^tiext crop will be of much use, and a ter
xible time we shall have of it.”
A letter from a lady io Mayo, states
that the utmost danger is lobe apprehen
ded from the pestilential diseases, which
living on the half putrid carcasses of cows
and horn's must create in the lamishing
wretches around her.
Some idea of the extreme distress to
which the peasantry are reduced may be
formed from the fact, (hat in the town of
Galway, a number of women are daily
•mpluyvd in drawing down turf from the
bogs in the neighborhood of the town on
their backs. For aa great a load as they
•re capable of carrying, they obtain but
one penny half penny ; and in order to
obtaio this scanty pittance to sustain life
hey perform a journey of six miles, bare-
joted, under a burning sun.
The contributions have been liberal and
extensil e in most parts of England.
The subscription in Liverpool amounts
to 69001. including 11)001. from the town
of Leeds.
At Lloyd’s a mnjority of of 23 appear
ed against voting 3001. for the relief of
the distressed Irish. We wish, (says the
Courier) the names of the majority were
recorded, who thus denied to suffering hu
manity a sum they could well afford, up
on the cold plea oi formalities and prece
Georgia R. A. Chapter No. 1.
03* A Special meeting of the Chapter is
hereby requested on Friday Evening at half-pas'
7 o'clock, to adopt the customary demonstra
tion of respect to their late companion the Rev.
Waltke Cranston, Royal Arch Chaplain. The
Companions will be particular in attending.—
$y order of the M.B.H.P,
August 8, 5822.
Prim Curient at Marietta*i. Jug, 5.
Cotton 8 Island 20 a 24, stained do 14 a 16
Santee 18 » 20; short staple very fine 14; do
inferior tn prime 9 a 13; Rice prime 29 » good
2| I inferior 2}.
Cotton t —We have reduced nor quotations of
Sea lihnrin j two or three small aslea having
been made as quoted 5 but some holders are
•till asking higher prices. The sales of Up
lands Imve not exceeded a few hundred bags,
principally at from 11 to 12 cents.
Hire—No variation since last week ; talcs
quite limited.
Sales of U. S. Dank Shares have been made
at 106. Courier.
Office the Daily . hlvertiser,
Xmo-Vork, July 29. \
Review of the Market for the past week
COTTON—The import of the week was 173
Uplands 17
Louisians 136
Total 173
There were between 2000 and 3000 bales ta
ken out of market, against an import of 173
bales, y»’There was a alight improvement in the
lower qualities of Upland ami Alabama. Fine
parcels of all kinds remain scarce.
Louisiana 14 a 17
Uplands 12 a 15
Alabama 11$ a 14}
Tennessee 11 a 14
Sea Island 24 a 27 nom.
FLOUU—TIvere has been rather more doing
in this article during the last week; but gener
ally at a further reduction. The stock on hand
is considerable for the season, particularly of
western Fldur, A few hundred bbls of Virgi
nia new have been received.
New York superfine • 6 00 a 6 12
Richmond City 6 50
Halt. Howard-st anti Philad. 6 75
Fredericksburg, Alexandria,'> * „ -
aiuPftlih'd Canal $ a 6 u
Petersburg fine 5 50 n 5 75
Rye Flout 3 75 a 3 87
Indian Meal in hhds 18} i V
do in bbls 4 5 y
RICE—Sales were made of new at 83 25
some of the holders however require higher
New Rice 3 a 3 50
Old 2 12 a 2 50
TOBACCO—The principal transactions of
the week were in Kentucky at auction, which
went off at little better rates than our last quo
Petersburg 5}
Kentucky 3
North Carolina 3} a 4}
Cuba 20 u 30
St. Domingo 15 a 25
Freights to Liverpool, a smith improvement.
Cotton square ami round biles per lb } J a f d ;
Rice 10s od a l Is.
Bills on England 10 per cent; do on France
350 shares U. S. Rank Stock were sold at N
York on the 27th ult. at 102$. In Philad. on
the 26th, 102} to 103.
Ship Rising States, Jacobs, Providence, 12
days, with an assorted cargo to G Collins, con
signee, Cluland <J Frazier, S Manton and I
Butler Ik co. .Inly 28, Ul 37, SO, long 73,45,
spoke U S. frigate Constellation, bound to Phi
ladelphia, blowing fresh did not ascertain where
Barque Spartnn, Ward, New-York, 10 days,
in ballast to Cantclou Lamar.
Sloop Henry, Snow, Baltimore, 25days, with
(lour, Ofc. to Douglass Of Sorrell.
At Charleston 5th iust. sloop Ann, Patterson,
l day,
At Elsineur, June. 1, ship Mary Augusta, Mil*
At Havre, June 6, Ranger.
At N York, 27th ult, brig Hector, Redding.
The Mexican, Hind, sailed from Liverpool for.
this port on the 12th June,
The Adventure, Wallace, from this port fof
London, was off Fa I mouth on the 6th of June.
The ship Deborah, Pluming, ol this port, ar
rived at N York on the 27th ult. in|24 days from
Boston. > ’
The ship John, from this port for Liverpool,
was spoke on the 8U1 ult. in lat 42, 28, Ion 50.
The ship Elizabeth Wilson, from this' port
for Liverpool, waft spoke on the 12th ult. in lat
44,12, ldng 32, 27.
CHARLESTON, Aug 5—Arrived, brig Se
re no, Harding, Boston, 14 days; Danish shir
Fortuna, Kuck, Guernsey, 63 ; brig Neptune’s
Burge, Michaeletti, Havana,7; sch Olive Branch,
Ireland, Philad. 9.
BALTIMORE, July 29— \rrived, ship Oryza,
De Valcnguu, Rio Janeiro, 49 dsyB; sell Nauoj
Myers, St Thomas, 12.
PHILADELPHIA, July 29-Arrived, ship
Addison, Hewitt, Canton, 126 days; brig O •
leans, Grover, N Orleans.
Cleared, ship Susquehanna, Collinson, Gi
braltar ; Hebe, Jones, Rio Janeiro j sch Indus
try, Tittermary, St Thomas.
Offices of the Mercantile and}
Daily Advertiser. >
NEW-YOUK, July 29—Arrived, ship Nestor,
Macey, Liverpool, 41 days; Swedish ship Com
merce, Applegrun, Stockholm, 98 ; ship Jiifiti-
na, AI my, Liverpool; By brig Robert Qiiayle,
Roper, do 55; brigs Francis, Kdes, Havana, 17 5
John, Hillard, Vera Cruz, 28; sch Margaret
Ann, Bodfiah, Charleston, 7.
Cleared, ship Zodiac, Burnes, Liverpool;
brig Matteawau, Collin, Curncoa.
, To Rent,
'JllHE Office corner of Bay and Whitaker-sts,
4JL lately occupied by Mr- K. Raiford, one of
the most eligible situations in this city. Imme
diate possession will be given Apply to
july!8 a
Warranted Articles.
J UST received per ship Corsair, a fresh sup
ply of Drugs, Chemicals, Spices, Dye Stuff’s,
lie. For sale by ANSON PARSONS,
Druggist, No 8 Gibbons' building*
' July 25
Dexter Rock Lime,
Casks for Salt- by
aug 3 a
For Ncw-York.
(T* sail on SumLy next,J
*“ The fkst sailing coppered packet
aawiai Persy matter
w ill positively tail on Stuulav, II th nat. If the
wind is fkir, with what freight may offer. For
freight or passage, apply on board at Hunter's
whrf, or to JOHN LA1HROP U CO.
•ug 8 e
For Providence,
The regular packet shin
J Jacobs, master,
will meet with despatch. For
freight or passage, havmg good accommoda
tions, apply onboard at Rice’s wharf, or to
august 8
To FTire,
A NF.GRO BOY. Enquire w| the office of the
nL Georgian. ,ve 8 e
Seidlitz and Soda Powders.
S UPERIOR Rngl.h Seitllta Powder, and
Soda Powders, for sale by
Druggist, No 8 Gibbons' buildings
aug 8
Fresh Articles.
I ’IHE subscriber has received per recent ar
. rivals from Ncw-York, ft general assort-
inent of Drjigs, Chemicals, Perfurirty, i*c. Vi*:
Superior cold pressed American CustmvOil
Common*Casto.- Oil, for plantation use
Superior Syfect Oil, ip bottles and flasks
Common do for ctftycnlers use •
Henry's Calcined Magnesia
English Epsom Salt*, Cheltenham Salts
Tartaric Acid, supu’lor Curb. Sods
Cream Tartar, Mugsnsia
Roars Oil, far the Mr
Macassar Oil, Prince's Russian Oil
L trgc stick ami not Pomatum
Colognb, Rose, anti Lavender Water
Milk of Roses, Hair Powder, Down Puffs
Superior Soaps, snorted Pei fumes
'Elegant cut glass Smelling Bottles
Antique Oils, assorted, Uc. for sale by
Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ buildings,
aug 8 ’■ * i *
Assize of Bread.
r HF. average price of Flour being $8 50 cts.
per barrel, the weight of Ureud for the pre
sent month must be as follows;
12} Cents Loaf 21b 3oz
( 6} Cents Loaf lib l}nc
of which all bankers and sellers of Bread will
take duejnoticc. JOHN L ROBERTS, 0 t.
03* Messrs. J. B. Herbert §
Co. arc agent, for the subscriber., (luring iliei
absence from this city. '■
.IlgUSt 1 b*
*** 150 Bales Cotton want-
ed to (ill the Ship CO\|\1KR<JK,(japt,
for Liverpool, upply to
*** The Partnership here
tofore exlstinff under the firm of I'nwen (•
tvoonnniuoii, is this day dissolved, by mutual
consent. HOMES,
n. g 'WuoDunior.B,
Savsonalt, .Tilly 9, 1823.julv IS h
*■#* A single Lady, capable
of teaching Reading,
ig, ttfriling,
, Drawing a
Arithmetic, Go
wishes a situation as Tutoress in a private fwrrt-
ly ; would have no objection to go in the coun
try, if in a healthy situation. Enquire of the
Editor. juty 23
Burlington Hams.
tbtf. Burlington Hums of a sup,
rior (pudity for family use; jus
received and for sale by
nog 1
Bags prime green Coffer, landing
W from sohr Hope It *>ib r, for asle
l>y HALL (t HOYT,
nog 6
©©© b ' , Far k :.T e 1, by° 3
june 22
Anderson's wharf.
Swedes Iron.
O SVPk * nnB assorted Swedes Iron—landing
il-SJva/ from brig Elisabeth, and for sale
lots ,o suit purchasers, by
July 30 a
Tf StTTk Bla Btiperfine Baltimore fresh ground
iA ZJ'U Flour, for sale by
Alto—50 half bis sup. Baltimore Fluur, fat
8'iIh is nbrve aug 6 p
E DWARD WILLIAMS offers his services
to the friends of the late firm of E. Wil-
hams ii Co. in the transaction of Commistion Jiu'
sinett, at Savannah. uug 6
liSTVS just reoeived THE FORTUNES OF
<*1 NKiEL by the author of, 3
vois. price 01 75.
»ug 3 r
Ten Thousand Dollars,
O R any part thereof, will be loaned until 1st
December next, on a pledge of Stock of
cither of the Banks of the State of Georgia. Ap
July 2 No 1, Commerce Row
O. RYERSON, will act ’as my Atiornies,
luring my absence.
aug 3 r
Holland Gin.
J UST received i er ship Savannah, 7 pipes
Holland Gin—for sale by
july 30
J; —For NflW-Yoi4,
rA: 'litWcgnlar packet ship
•Hj™ li.ving part nf horosrg" eng.grd;
oBRIBCfur the rcmanider, Or, Hav
ing nindabme sccuinmndstlnns,apply to captaii
Russell ou board, at Jones’ lower wharf, nr to
taunting fum .aid Mp,
100 hla superfine Flour
100 pieces Cotton Bagging
«ug 6 u
For New-York,
•t The fast Railing packet ship
Drittan matter,
pavaT^Mi^wlll meet with despatch. F*»i
freight ur passage, having superiuv acc»>mmt»*
dations, apply to tltu captain on board, or to
For New-York,
etb The now Fuekel Urlg
Bedell, Master,
JK Will meet with immediate despatch,
/or freight, or passage, having good accommo
dations, apply to the Captain on board at Jones'
upper Wharf, or to
aug 3 HALL k HOYT.
For Ncw-York,
The ruguhir Packet Brig
Oviutt, Matter,
mmmmm Will meet with despatch ; for freight
;m Pussugc, having Nunerior accomodations, up
ply to the master on board at Telfair's Wharf,
t Who hat landing, and/or tale,
Freili superfine Flour in barrels,
an if 3 . k
By J. B. Herbert Co.
THIS DAY Sill,«t 11 o’clnrlt,
Will it told tn B»li,n’« via’/, landing
A"in ,t hr Ariadne,
300 No ,i Msckrrci
S3 Mills muscovsdn Sugar
15 bis N E Ruin. Terms St time of uloi
For Boston.
The brig
Jn,*c Atwood, Matter,
Will sail nn Wednesday, live 7th Inst
Fur IVuight or pa.nugei apply tu tile muster un
beard at Hiimcr’a WhinF, ur tu
If 7io hat for tale, landing from otdd Brig
100 bbls No. 3. Mackerel,
aug 3 a.
For Bidtiintire,
Or any other Northern Port,
““ The schooner
Simmons, matter,
rmmmmmmF"}’ freight Ul‘ passage, having good
acconiiuodaiions,apply to the captain on board,
or to HALL li HOYT,
aug 6
For Freight or Charter,
The staunch selii oner
Capi Baker,
i» now ready to take freight. Apply
tu the captain on board at Anderson's wharf, or
aug 6
A First Rate Cook.
YIpfrR Sale, a woman who is un excellent
sJh Washerwomat) ami first rate Cm>k, she has
wile child about three yeai aoid Field hands
will be taken in Exchange r Cash. Apply to
llie* Editor. aug 3 r
Negroes Wanted.
ANTED immediately, 10 Prime Megro
Men, those who understand splitting of
Rails will be preferred; liberal wages will be
g,ven, payable monthly, and in advance if re
quired. A Hue addressed to II ami left at this
office, will be immediately attended to.
July 25 u
For Sale,
O V hoard the scliooneu Three Sitter,, Captain
James D. Taylur.frum the lluvuna, at ttic
Exchange wharf, a quantity ufWesl India Fruit
eunii.ting uf
Pine Applet,
Orangey, Limes,
Bannaiins and Plantains,
Apply on board, or to
Lauda for Sale.
QrpttE subscriber will sell the following Lands
ilA tor cash, or any other property, be.ionglng
tn Mary and JusephGibbins, orphans-Lot No.
343. 1st District of Early County i ditto No.
386.16th District ol Early County.
July 30 new Market atreel.
S IX cases, containing ruperfine, fine, and
common Letter Paper
Superfine, fine, and coiumim Foolscap Paper
Dn do Folio Post
Pul Paper
100 reams targe and small Wrapping Paper
I case assorted Playing Cards , for tale low,
wholesale or retail, by
Flour, Gin, 6;c.
J UST received from Baltimore, per sloop
104 bis superfine Baltimore Howard street
30 pipes pure Holland Gin
4 bis fallow
Who have in .Mra,
100 piece. Cotton Bagging
20 lili<lsmu.covadu Sugar
10 bl. Loaf dn
10 ternon. Spanish Tobacco
50 bis Northern Gin
Spnnisb Began in whole and half boxes
Window Gluts of all s sea
Coffee, Whiskey, Sugar, £jc.
/ hhds and 30 bags prime Green Coffee
Uvi/ 50 hhds St 100 bis Pliikd Rye Whiskey
7U blaStCroix 'Sugar
10 boxes Pouclion Tea
3 cases Lacquered Tea Caddies, containing
Gun Powder and Young Hyaon
150 keg. Nitre Hall Gunpowder
4000 bu.lielaCom, tn bulk and bag*
10 pipes Cognac Brandy ”)
4 qr cask. Port Wine ( Superior
3 do do I. P Madeira do f quality
3 do do Sicily doj
16 bis Apple B andy
50 demijohn. Gin
200 piece. 42 in. Cotton Ragging
40 tons assorted Swedes Iron
30 boxes and half boxes M.gnth’a Soap
For talc by
By J. B. Herbert 6; Co.
THIS DAY, 8th instant, at 11 o'clock,
Will be told before our store, for account of all
24 bags COFFER,
damaged an the passage from bunion tn this
port. uug 8
Jldmihistrnior's Sale.
Herbert f$ Co.-
On the /rsf 7'uesday in October next,
tj/ILL he Juki before the coni't house in (ho
jKJ city of S tvanimh, between the usual
hours, a Neffrn Man named Dave, sold ns tha
property of Mi .Samuel Davenport, deceased,
by order of the Administrator. Terms cash.
' T
N OTICF. h hereby given, that the copartner*'
nenliip h,«l«fore existing between Ed
ward Williuma etlSfivanpah. and AhijiihjFisk of
U nion, under Ijfe firm of K, lliHum, & Co.
Savannah, Georgia, Ib this day diHsolved by inu-
lual consent. All peryons having drmniitla
against the said firm, are tequeatod to prebNit
die same for payment, and nil pjrsona Indebted
to said firm, are called upon to make payment
to Edward Williams, of Savannah, by whom tho
buaineia will be hereafter carried on
notion, dime 18, 1833 n ug Q
Notice, r V
P ROPOS ALS.will be received until the lit
tlav of October next, to supply (lie ,Steam
It mt Company wi'h WOOD on the Savannah
river, for line year. Applications for cuntraett
must specify the quality and price, and uaina
die lauding where to he delivered.
Lettcra, peat paid, addressed to Carlos Tracy,
Treasurer, Aiigilatu, ortb the President at Sa.
vunnah, will be promptly a<tended tu.
Genuine Seidlitz Powders.
3|T| IIE gtiuil effects of this Medicine have beery
« observed by'many of die must eminent
Ptiyaicians mid Surgeons in a vurieu id eases,
psniculurly in those where the stomach bus re
jected all oilier aper.eot Medicines. It lisa
obnlequently been fiiuml a most usi fill Medi
cine in liiliuna and other diseases incidental to
warm climate*.
The above, together with a fi'eah itipplv of
superior SODA POWDERS, pul up neatly in
t.n boxes, amt warranted tu keep perfectly pura
in all climates, just reoeived and for tale,
wholesale and retail, by
FRANCIS J. I.AY, Druggist.
Corner of Congress and Whitaker street*
1 ’■ Savannah.
A VERY superior Steam Suw Mill has been
recently erected In the vicinity of the
as Ihe most eligible situation for a husinoRs of
the kind on the Atlantic shores of the United
States. Possessing all the advantages of an in*
exhaustible supply of the finest yellow pitch
Fine and Cypress Timber, built on a fine bluft;
with thirteen feet water clone to it, and a natural
cove for the reception of logs.
The present owners not hiving^t in their
power to bestow that attention to it wliioh a
concern of such magnitude requires, arc desir
ous of telling the whole, »r a part of their inter,
tst in it, and now offer it /or tale at a very low
valuation, and much less than such a structure
could be completed far,
Inhere has just been added to It a very stipe*
nor Bice Pounding Murhine, capable of dis
charging at leant 50 tierces of ofaun rice per
day, mid u Corn-Mill, all aet in motion by tho
same engine.
The Saw-Mill it upon a new principle, by
the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. REN
NIE of London, who aentoMtoneof his best
workmen to superintend its erection. It can
now cut with 48 saw#, and may be made todrlv*
twice that number.
The 6team Engine is perhaps the beat in
the United States, made by Messrs. BOLTON
U WATT, of Soho, near B rminghani; and
erected under the inspection of their best fare*
man, sent out expressly far that pm nose.
A wonderful expence is saved in fuel, as the
saw-dust from the pitch-pine is lound to answer
instead of firr-wood, and is carried to the
mouth of the furnace from the pit by elevators
now in use.
The Rice Machine it alto on a new principle
and found hy experience to answer better than
any yet in use. The quickneas and regularity
of the movement, producing it of a superior
brightness without breaking the grain
The mill i« situated on a fine Oteek, called
Cat»!lend,W)n a branch of the Altamaha River,
and only about half a mile from Darien.
Sea Veasclo, whose diaught ol' water enables
them to go to the whuff at Darien, can load at
the Mill, only a Short distance off, with great
facility; aa an euclmcd plane from the mill, will
enable them to receive the lumber into their
bow poris, almost without expence: and the
mill, as new in eptirauon, can furnish 40 M. feet
of plank per day, which may be increased if
found necessary; the power being amply suffi
The lumber lent from this establishment since
it went Into operation hua been allowed to be
superior in quality and regularity in sawing.
The commissioners of the Navy of the Uni
ted States have approved of the ship planks,
furnished from it, and it is highly probable will
give it a preference in future contracts.
It hat also been teen and justly admired in
New-York and Philadelphia.
The prospect of a renewed intercourse with
the British West India Islands, renders this
establishment* desirable mode of investment—
offer*, in that case, having been made from
JAMAICA ALOftE, for about half of all 'he pro
duce of the saw-mill.
The present owners hate no objection to con
tinue interested in it to a certain extent, bub
their other avocatious preclude their peraousl
attention to it.
For term* and other particulars, apply per
sonally or by letter to
N. B. If not disposed of soon, the. miH
with all its privileges, will be rented lor a term
of years. Apply as above.
may 13.
O N BALTIMORE, at one day’, sight, foraa!o
by iUU. •* UOKT,
auf 6