Newspaper Page Text
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Georpin—Effingham County. } Q«ntrftl Drug an& Family |
Ml«AVcAu« \V •Xt\hO'U»«.
/fernnAer Ttm, 1881.
The Trustees nf th* German"
lailheran Congregation at
Ebeneaer, ^ W, Nisi.
Tha Main fe H.prrseatatlvea
of Michael Mock, deceased..
-M"KN tha petition of tha TBisteei of the fler.
man I.uthaimn Congregation at Ebeneaer,
praying the foreclosure of the Equity "f Me *
demptlon of all that tract or parctl of land, eon.
taining two hundred aerea, lying and being in
the county of Effingham and atate aforeaaid,but
ting ami bounding north-west on .'iliii J. tlro-
Wnatine. northeastward on Jehnllunnlil, aoulh
aaat on John Lidia Livtinrr, 8. K. David Unarld
and are vacant at tha time of tha auftey thereuf,
originally granted to Wolfgang Mock, deeeaa-
ed on the aecond day of April, nna thouaand
aeven hundred and aecure the pay
incut of the ium of eighty dollar*, on the fourth
day of December, eighteen hundred and three,
with intcreet at the rate of ala per cent, from
the fourth day of December, eighteen hundred
and two; and It appearing to the Court that
there is now due on said bond and mnrtgtgethe
turn of sixty ilullare with interest from March
twenty-filth, eighteen hundred and eighteen,at
fix per cent.
On motion of Wayne andCtiyler, Attorniea
for thr petitioners, It ia ordered that the amount
due on aaid bond anil mortgage be paid into
t'.uurt, w ith intcreet, within twelve monlha. oth-
erwlae the Equity of Hedemptinn of the lieira
ind representatives of The aaid Michael Mock,
he foreclosed, and that other and further pro.
eetdingt be hud thricon, pursuant to the atai-
ute in inch cases made and providedi and It ia
further ordered lhaJ thiallule be published once
a month lor twelve months in one of the public
guettea of iMt state.
Sstnetfnm th. Mimtlot.
dee 11 lr«
N INP, months alter dale epplicetlon will be
made In the honorable the Justices of the
Inferior court of Cemdrn county,for leave toaell
all the lamia In aaid county belonging to the
(elate of John King, lata of Effingham county
8AUAH KINO, intoiVr.
April J, 1831. la* Clark county, Oa.
apnl 6 .
N INE montha alter date application will be
made to the hnnorthle the Jiiilicua of the
Inferior cnnrt of Glynn county, lor leave to aell
•II the lands In said county belonging to the ee-
Ute or John King, late uf Effingham county.
April J, 1833. la* Clark county, Ga,
aprii 6 . „
A T the expiration of nmu mohthl from fids'
date, I shall apply to the honorable the Ju>
Tieea of the Inferior court of Chatham county
Kir loavo to aell the following real and personal
property held by liie lato It J. Houston 01 trust,
»ii i ...
Cedar Grove plantation, containing upwards
of 1300 acres, situated in the district of White
Bluff. ■
One Traot of Lend, containing JO acres, near
Hie above.
May Island, containing 100 acres, more or
less, eituaied on Ihq marihe* of Little Ogechee
^Alsm between «5 and TO Slave*.
May 13, 1823, odsi’r. 71. J, llomt.n.
may 16 1
A T the Apityliun of nine months from this
date, 1 shall apply to the honorable the Jus-
tires uf the' Inferior court or Chatham county,
in, leave to aell the Ihllowlng real properly ot
the eatate of IL J llnusion, via:
Duo tract of U4j aerea nf Land in Bryan
County, anuSted mi lied U,rd creek.
One Undivided fourth part of M30 acres of
ImuI in McIntosh county, situated on the Alata-
uiaha riven
Twelve Lota in tha ton n of Brunswick, Glynn
county. PAT. HOUSTON,
May 13,1833. attm'r. a. J. H
may 16 \
Ab* 8 Gibbttu* JhtHdings,
R ESPECTFULLY inform* hi* friends «nd
customer* in thin stair and finuth-Carolina
trmrralty, that he has established himself i.i the
Drag Line, on Ids own individual account, and
ia opening at this time an extensive and general
assortment or warranted fresh imported
Drugs, Chemical*, Perfumery, $c.
Gentlemen Physician*, Country Merchants,
and Planter*, and all who wish to purchase at
wholesale or retail, can be supplied at this Ks*
tablialiment on the most accommodating terms.
Marble Mortera
Composition do
iron do
Ivory Injection pipes
Ivory Syringe* .
Syringes, quart* Ih boxes
do pints, do (pints
Antimony crude
Aloes soct
do hepat
Arrow root
Annis seed
Assafatida, Allum
Angelica root
Angostura bark
Aqua Portia
Antimonial wino
Acid Muriatio
do Nitric
do Nitrous
do Tartaric
do Sulphuric
Bark yellow, do red
do pale, do in quill
Hals Capcvi
do Canada, do Peru
do Tolu
Batbadoes Tar
Borax rePd
Burgundy Pitch
Bole Armenia
Beeswax yellow
do white
Brimstone roll
do re Pd
Castor Oil, American
do W.lndia
Castor, Russia
Camphor ref’d
Calomel pp
Cantharidea, do pulv
Camomile tlowcra
Canella alb.
Caraway teed
Cardamon seed
Caacuiilla hark
Cassia, Cinnamon
Cuttle Soap, white
do colored
Cloves, Cochineal
Colombo root
do pow.
Chalk prepared
Coriander seed
do pow'd
Cream Tartar, pulv
Corrosive Sublimate
Conserve Rosea
Caustic Lunar
Dragons blood
Dovers Powder*
Epsom Salts, Eng.
Ether Sulph
Ehfer blossoms
Emery fine
do No 1,3 and 3
Elixir Paragorio
do Vitriol
Extract Cicuter
do Gentian
do Quassia
do Lead
Hour Sulphur
do Benzoin
Hnk root
Pearl aahe*
Pearl barley
Powdered tin
Plaster mercurial
do Burgundy pitch
do adhesive
do strengthening
do drachlyon
do rum
do blistering
do rasp’d
Rhubarb root
do powdered
Red precipitate
Rosewater, Rosin
Rust of Iron
Gum elastio, Spatulas
Scales and weights
Garden seeds in boxes,
Sixth Circuit Court,
Pott and M'Kinnc
Lewis J. Dugas and
John Comdex,
Chambers t June 3, 1823,
I T appearing that process has tasued in this
caac, returnable to the term of this court in
December next, and that Lewis J. Dugas, one
of the defendants, resides without the limits of
Ihe District ofGeorgia—It is ordered, that the
wild Lewis ,f. Dugas do appear at the term of
this Court, to be holden at Savannah, on the
fourteenth of Decomber next, to answer to the
plalntiflk on the merits of their said petition
and that a copy of this order bo published in
on* of the gaieties of this atato for three
month*; and that the plaintiffs have leave to take
such ftirthcr proceedings as are prescribed in
the ml* in such cases made and provided.
J. CUYLER, Dill, Judge.
Extract Asm Ms minula.
GEO. GLEN, Clerk. juncY *3m
do male and female
Congres*& spring water
I.emoii add
Soda powders
halts nf Lemon
Cologne water
Wash bulls
Windsor soap
Transparent do
Liquid do
Low's perfumed do
Naples do
Pomatum in sticks
do in pots assorted
Rose water, lavender do
Fancy Vials
Essences oss’d
Sal Ammoniac
do Volatile
do Soda
do Rnchell, do Tartar
do Epsom, do Glauber
' do Nitre refined
Solut Arsenic, Fowlcr’4
SptB. Ammonia
do Hartshorn
do l.avender compil’d
.do Wine, do camphor
do Nit. Dulc
Sassafras burk
Sponge fine, do coarse
Saffron Spanish do Eng
do Americap
Savin, Senna Alex
Snake root Virg.
do Seneka, Squills
St ora x, SultsHartshorn
Sugar lead
Syuip Squills, do simple
Tart Emetic, Tapioca
Tinct Aloes camp’d
do Myrrh, do Valerian
do 8nake root
do Astalortida
do Ronsoin comp'd
do Cantharidea
do Senna
do Rhuburb
do bark Huxhams
do Peruvian'bark
do Opium, do Castor
do Muriate Iron
do Colui•• bo root
do Kino, doJnlnn
do Uuaiac, do Valerian
do Gentian comp'd
Vinegar distilled
do Squills
.Valeriap root
VitrioUtcd Tartar
Vitriol white, do blue
do green
Patent Medicine*, tfc.
Batemkn's drops
Flux seed, Fennel aecd British Oil
Filings steel, do iron Fassencc peppormint'
Stoughton’s bitter*.
Godfrey *s cordial
Steers Opodeldoc
Turlingtons halsom
Dalbeys Carminative
Daily s’ Klixer
llarlem Oil or medeca*
Oil Wormseea
Pills, Lees N. London
Pills, LeesWindlism
do Anderson*
do lloopera
do Calomel, do opium
Prussian blue, 1,2 & 3
Fig blue, King* yellow
Drop Lake, No.l U2
Flake white, Carmine
Ivory black, lamp black
Indigo Spanish'
Black lead, red do
Terri ac Senna
assarted Mole and female silver
Balm Quits Catheter*
Churches cough drops,Whitc leather skins
for coughs, colds, con-Entfish mustard, by the
sumptions, asthmas, lb. in canisters
tfc. Uc Ground Ginger, race do
Cephalic Snuff, f#r ca-Cloves, cinnamon
larrhs, Mace
Scutellaria, Lateriflora, or Scullcap.
Assortedin Small Bo i es,
Well calculated lor Plantation'use.
Together with a kenernl ano.tmenl of
Surgical Instruments, Shop
Furniture, asioWed Phials, &c.
Saratoga and Ballaton Mineral Spring
Waters, will be kepi cutstautly bn hand in as
perfect atate aa can be imported. '
dec 31 |p j
Glauber suits
Gall. Aleppo
Galbanuin, Ginseng
Gold Thread
Gentian root
Glass Antimony
Ginger Kace
do powdered
Grains Faradiae
Gum Ammoniao
do Senegal
do Arabic
do powd.
do kino
do benaoin
do Tragacanth
do Gtiao
do Myrrh
do Shellao
do Copal
do Mutich
do Gamboge
do Scamony
llelebore black
do white
Hierq Pier.
Honey, do squills
Hotlinans anodyne
Hug Destroying Tincture.
v * TirM Nature*, aoft rvatorer balmy sleep,
lie like the world, his ready viaitpaya
AS here fortune smiles t the wretched he fer-
BwHt on hia downy pinions dies ftom betl
M'uh Buga infested ■ and gilda the Couch
Of prudent bouse wife.
A FTER the moat minute research and ex-
UU perience made on its efficacy. Dr.
THKLOT now confidently assures the public
that he has invented e mixture which will most
infallibly de.troy those unwelcome disturbers of
our repose,bvapplyingittothe Furniture which
they infest. There ia no daoger in its use, and
H ia perfectly feee from unera’efid smell.
Aa Dr. B. is desirous that u bat he now of.
fers to suffering humanity msy recommend it-
seif by its use, he si V sins from ail that panegv-
rick too often accompanying the most contemp.
(Able nostrums. june 13
TactoTRgc & Ootimisaiou
their Mends a ahare of business—-Their Count*
ing Room lain the west end of Bulloch’s Build
ing*. ttiey will be enabled to make suitable
tdvtncesoB produce deposited for sale.
Sevixsab. Dec. J» 1821. $
Ess. Cinnamon
do lavender
do Bergamot
do Lemon
Calc’d Magnesia
Ipecacuanha or Hippo Epsom salts. Rhubarb
Juniper berries
Liquorice root
do powdered
do ball
do refibed
Lime water
I«ead do
Magnesia lump
do powdered'
do small aauare
do calcineo
Manna flake, do aorta
Meiereon, musk
Mustard seed, mace
Nutmegs, nux vomica
Opium, orange peel
Oxvmel squills
Oil Vitriol
do Tans*/
do olives
do Peppermint
do spearmint
do aavin
do Rosemary
do Peneroyol
do Origanum
do Cinnamon •
do Worm seed
do Lavender
Annis seed
do Juniper
do Cloves
do Almonds
Ointment mere
do Basilicon
do cerate
do simple
do red precipitate
do Spaiuahdica
Peruvian bark
Cheltenham salts
Henry* calc’d Magnesia
Stomachic bitters
Castor Oil
Antimonial wine
Tinot rhubarb
do assafotida
Bala Capeva
Sweet Oil
Spts Lave nd com
ao camphor
do Hartshorn
do sweet Nitre
do Turpentine
Tartar Emetic
Wine Bitters
Spts Hartshorn
do sweet Nitre
do Turpentine
Sweet Oil, castor Oil
American and W. I.
Spanish whiting
Rotten atone
Pumice do
Powdered blue
Vermilion, Chinese
do English
Verdigris, Irish Glue
Patent spriog Trasses
common do
Durable Ink
Red ink powder
Black do; Pill bixea
Vial corks, bottle do
Wax tapers
Narambergh da
Worm Loiengea
Patent Lint
Thumb lanoetf
do common
do Gtewltya
crown do; do Evanrt
Spring lancets
Tooth Inatrumentaaaa'd
Bougies, Gallipots
Maeaboy snuff
Liquid blacking
Black sealing wax
Red do
Red wafers, assorted do
Tooth brushes, common
do silver wire, 3 and 4
row* <
Cupping andHrepaning
O N the first Tuesday in July next, between
tin* ufliial hours of side, will be sold the
five following Negroes belonging to the estate
of George VV. Allen, deceased, viz : l|en, Mo.
sea, Nancy, Hannah and Dinah; sold under an
order of the honorable the Court of* Ordinary
for Chatham count;. A
may 16 t 1
At Private Sale, ,
Received per Corsair and Mar
1"4 hoxc*,Troy Candles
TO casks'HBL Porter
20 I,hi Is Jamaica Rum
£U du 4th prtiof N O do ^
24 IiIicIh MiiHcovads Sugar
50 his Newark C'd*r
5 pipes Cognac Brandy , v
5 bales Oxuahurgs
june 5
J. B. Herbert 6; Qo.
Offer for safe, *
P r »" e New-Otleana Sugar
50 ldids Muscovado do.
100 bis do do.
250 hags prime green Coffee
200 casks assorted Cut Nulls
20 ldids pure Jamaica Rum, 4th proof
7 pipe* Cognac Brandy
20 hhdskth proh^New-Orleans Rum
$0 casks UBS Porter
50 crates assorted Crookerywarc
*00 kegs Lard
100 boxes Troy Candles
100 his kiln dried CormMeal
20 bugs Pimento
50 boxes Muscatel Raisins
50 do Crab Cider
300 bushels Corn
Terms, for approved endorsed paper will be
locommodating. july 11
D OCTOR BBHTHBLOT respectfully in-
forms the public and his friends, that he
is supplied in his store with a large quantity of
that efficacious Medicine called the Syrup of
Palmetto, wlrtch is celebrated for its extraordi
nary virtues in destroying WORMS, which so
generally afflict children in this country. It has
been genrruily acknowledged all over the West
Indies and the United States. , I bis Syrup be
ing of an agreeable flavpr, children will take it
easily without ihkt disgust which ordinarily At
tends the use of r other Medicines employed
for the same purpose.
Those persons who will use this Syrup in
the above case may be certain of a radical cure.
Directions to use it will be given by the sub-
acriber. J. B. BEUTHELOT.
may 31
The Subscriber
O FFERS for sale a FARM LOT, about fou
miles Savannah, known by the No 10,
Carpenter tything, Decker ward, bounded on
the north bv lands of David Taylor, on the south
by Lot No 4, Eylea tything, on'the east by Lot
No 9, Love’s, and on the west by lands former,
ly B. Gibbon’s. An accurate plat uf the land
will be shown to any person disposed to pur
chase. In the mean time all nersons are cau
tioned against cutting the wood off'aaid land.
may IQ
Elegant Saddlery and Harness
I IICHARD M'KENRIfi, begs leave to inform
tL his friends and the public, that he has re-
moved his Saddle, Harness and Patent Leather
Trunk Manufactory tVom Philadelphia to the
corner of Broadway and Wall-street, New-York,
where he has for sale, every article of superior
quality in the above line. All orders carefully
attended to. In addition, R. M‘K, will be regu
larly supplied with Saddles and Bridles from
his correspondent in London,
june 3 6w
Classical and English School
T HE subscriber has removed his school to
the room under Solomon’s Lodge, near the
old Presbyterian Church, where he can receive
a few additional Scholars. For terms app^y at
the School, or at Messrs Oemler & Posey's,
Broughton street.
june 29
At Private Sale.
A Prime Negro Girl, about 18 year, of age,.
firet rate bouse servant. Apply to
july *
H AS a great Variety of Works on the above
subjects, among which are:—*
Arnold’s Observations on the Nature, Kinds
and Prevention of Insanity, 2 vols. gu.
Adam’s (8ir Wm.l on the extraction of the Ca
la fact, as usually performed, with the des
cription of a Series of New and Improved
Operations, 5 75
Adam's (Sir Wm ) Practical Observations on
Eutropium,<# eversion of the Eye Lids; on
the modes of forming an Artificial Pupil,
and on the cure of the different species o!
Cataract, 4 25.
Adam's (Sir Wm.) Treatise on Artificial Pupil,
with an aooount of the morbid states of the
Eye. 3 50.
Ayve on Marasmuaand Biliou* Disorders, $3.
Accum’s description of the process of manufao.
luring Coal Gas, for the Lighting of Streets,
Houses and Public Buildings, plates, 9 50.
Accum'a .Treatise on Adulterations of Food
and Culinary Poiaona, 82( eta.
Bancroft's Essay ort the disease called Yellow
Fever, with observations concerning Febrile
Contagion, Tj phus Fever, Dysentery and the
PUgue, $8.
Do, do. do. with Notes, by John B.
Davidge, Professor of Anatomy in the Uni
versity of Maryland, $4.
Balfour's Illustrations ot the Power of Com
pression and Percussion in the cure of Rheu
matism, Gout, and Debility of the Extremities,
Ac. in promoting Health and Longevity, 4 25.
Blackall'a Observations on the cure of Drop
sies, 4 50.
Bainpfield'a Practical Treatise on Tropical
Dysentery, 4 25.
Bew 1 * Opinions on the Causes ind Effects of
Diseases in'the Teeth and Gums, with co
loured Engravings, f 50.
Bell’s (Charles) Essay on the Blood; being an
examination of the difference of the motions
of ^Fluids in living and dead vesnels, 1 50.
Bell’s (Charles) System of Operative Surgery,
founded on the basis of Anatomy, 2 vole $1)
Bell's (Charles) Letters concerning the diseases
of the Urethra, 4 50
Bell's (Benj.) System of Surgery; 6 vols. $18,
Bell’s (Ueiij ) Tr.ektise on Gonorrhea virulenta
and Lues Venerea, $4.
Bell's (Betij.) Treatise on the theory and ma
nagement of Ulcers, $3.
Bell’s (John) Principles of Surgery, 5 50.
Bell’s (John & Charles) System of Anatomy,
2 vols. $8.
Bell’s (Charles) System of Dissections, explain
ing the anatomy of the Human Bpdy, 2 vols.
Bidiat's Treatise on the Membranes in general,
and on different Membranes in particular, $2
Barton’s (W. P C.) Treatise on Marine Hospi
tals in the United States, and on the Medical
departments of the Navy, 1 75.
Brera's Treatise on Verminous Diseases, pre
ceded by the natural history of Intestinal
Worms, and their origin in the Human Bo
dy, $3.
Raillie’s Morbid Anatomy, 1 50.
Bree’s Practical Inquiry into disordered respir
ation, distinguishing the species of Convulsive
Burn's Principles of Midwifery t including the
diseases of women,and children, with im
provements and notes, by Thomas C. Janies
of Philadelphia, 2 vnis. $6.
Burn's Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, with
practical inferences, relative to pregnancy
and labour, 3 75.
Burn's popular directions for the treatment of
Women and Children, $1.
Boyer’s Lectures upon the diseases of the
Bones, plates, 4 75.
Brown’s Elements of Medicine, 2 75.
Braude’s Manual of Chemistry, to which are
added notes and commentaries, by Wm.
James Macneven, $5.
Clatterbnck’s Observations on the prevention
and treatment of the Epidemic Fever, 3 50.
Copeland’s Observations on the diseased Spine,
2 50.
Copeland’s Observations on some of the princi
pal diseases of the ftectum and Anus, 1 25.
Cullen's first lines of the practice of Physic,
with notes and observaUon*, practical and
explanatory, by Charles Caldwell, 2 vols, 6 50.
Cullen'l Treatise of the Materia Medico, with
large additions, including many new articles,
by Benj. Smith Barton, 2 vols. $5.
Crichton on Mental Derangement, comprc
hending a concise system of the Physiology
and PaUiology of the Human Mind, 2 vols.
» 12 *
Crichton's account of some experiments made
with the vapour of boiling Tar, in the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, 1 50.
Chcselden's Anatomy of the Human Body, 2 50.
Cuvier's Lectures 4>n Compaiative Anatomy, 2
vols. $11. • ,
Coxe’a American Dispensatory, containing the
natural, chemical, pharmacautical and medi-
cal history of the different substances era-
ployed in medicine, 4 JO.
Cheyne’s Essay on Hydrocephalus Acutus, or
Dropsy in the Brain, l 50.
Cheyne.on the Diseased of Children, 2 vols. j|3,
Clcghorn’s Observations on the Epidemic of
Minorca, from 1744 to 1749, with notes by
Rush, 1 25.
Chapman’s Elements of Therapeutics, and Ma<
tecia Medico, 2 vols, $6.
Chapters Element* of Chemistry, 3 vols. 5 90.
Do. do. do. 1 vol. 3 78.
Do. do. do. with additions
and improvements, by James Woodhouse, 2
vola, $5. ...
Comstock’s conversations on Chemistry, in
which the elements of that science are fa
miliarly explained, 1 75.
Duncan's Observations on Pulmonary Consump*
tion,3 50.
Dortay'a (John Syng) Elements of Surgery for
the use of 9tudents, 2 vols. $7.
Douglass’s comparative description of all the
muscles in a man and a quadruped, R3.
Ewells’s Medical Companion, with a Dispensa
tory and Glossary. $5.
Ewell's (Thos.) plain discourses on the laws and
properties of Matter, containing the Elements
and Principles of Modern Chemistry, $3.
Elliotson’s numerous case* illustrative of the
efficacy of the Hydrocyanic or Prussic Acid
in affections of the stomach, 2 75.
Edinburgh School of Medicine, 4 yola. 10 50.
Farce's Essay on Malformations of the Human
Heart, 2 50.
Fontana’s Treatise on Poiaona, 2 vols. $8.
Faithorn's Observations on Liver Complaints,
$1 50.
Fourcroy’s Elements of Chemistry, and Natural
History, with notes by John Thompson, 3
vols. $12,
Gilman's Dissertations on the bite of a Rabid
Animal, 3 50.
Gallup’s Sketchei of Epidemic Diseases in the
State of Vermont, from ita first settlement to
1815, $3.
Gamage’s Account of the Fever which existed
in Boston during thp autumn and winter of
1817 and 1818, with remarks on typhus fever,
62& cents
Hillary’s Observations on the changes of the
air anvl the concomitant epidemical diseases
In Ih. hltnd of B.rbtriota, with notet b,
3 50
llanttr't Tre.ito on (he Blood, Inflammation,
and gun allot Wound., 3 vola 50
llall on 8potted Fever, I 50
lleustia’.Vhy.ical obicrvation, on the diicuc.
oF, 1 35
Hamilton's Obacrvatlona on the utility uid »d-
ministration of purgttive medicine, in lever-
>1 diieuee, 3 35
Heberden'l Cummentariei on the hiatory anti
cure of diieasea, S3 00
Hatlera flrat line, ofl’hy.iolngy, 3 50
IlMting.* Treati«e on Inflammation of the mu
cous membrane of the lunge, (JO
Hasting.' Experimental Inquiry into the ga>
neral nature of Inflammation, 75 cent.
Houie Surgeon and Phy aiciun, de.tgned to to-
fin head*of famllle., traveller., and no-faring
people in ducerning, di.tingui.hing, iod cur
ing dlaeue^ 1 25
Herts Familiar Dlaaertation on the cauaea end
treatment nf the Piaeaaea of the teeth, 87| cle
Ifcnry’a Element, of Experimental CbcmiatrL
2 vola 6 50
Henry’, new and complete American Medical
Herbal, platei, go
Imtea’t Short Ueacriptlon of the Human Mum
clea, 1 50
Larrey'a Memoirs of Military Surgery, tntulth
ed from the French, 3 vola %7
London Practice of Midwifery, I 80
Lavoiaier’a Elements ofChemiatry,
Lagrange's Manual oft course of Chemistry, or
a aeries of experiments and illustrations ne
cessary to form a complete course of the sci
ence, 2 vole, go
Marcet’s Essay on the chemical hiatory and
medical treatment of calculous disorders, 7 50.
Monro’s Obserrations on the dillerent kinds av
Small Pox, 4 50
Medical Lexicon, on the plan of Quincy, K4
Medical Dictionary, by Hooper, 4 50
Maclean on llydrothurax, 2 75
MacNcven’a Atomic Theory ofChemiatry, 75 cti
Medical ltcpuaitoiy, 15 vola 37 50
Do do new series, 3 vola, R12
Murray a System of Materia Medlca, with note,
by N Chapman, £5
’’t'o'ln Sketches of the Campaigni of
1812,13 and 14, to which are added surgical
oases, observations on military hospitals, and
hying hospitals attached to a moving army
Mease » 1 realise on the causes, means ot pre
vention, and cure of the 8ich Head Ache 50
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es into the causes, symptoms and treatment of
Gravel, l 75
Magendie's Summary of Phyeiology, translated
trom the french by John Revere, of Balti*
more, g3
Magendie's Phyaiologfe.1 and Chemical Be-
searches on the use of the Prussic or Hydro
Cyanic Acid in the treatment of Diacaara of
till! Breast, and particularly in Phtheaia Pul-
months, fS; cents
OrlilL’sQincral i; ystemof Toxicology, oraTrea.
tisc on Poisons, 2 vols 13 50
Orlilla’a Directions for the Treatment of pet lone
who have taken poisons, 2 50
Front's Inquiry into the nature and treatment of
Gravel, Calculus, Eifc. 3 25
Phillip’s Treatise on Indigestion and ita conse
quences, called nervous and billious eum-
plainta, 4 35
Phillips’ (A P Wilson) Treatise on Febrile Bia.
cases, including the variuus species of fever
•K? »>! diseases attended with fever, 2 vols *7
Phillips (A P Wilson) Experimental Inquiry
into the Laws df the Vital Functions, 2 50
Parkinson's Medical Admonitions to Families
respecting the praservation of h««hh and tho
treatment of the sick, £3
Potts' Chirurgical Works, 2 vol* $8
Pharmacopeia of the United' States of Ameri!
ca, 2 25 : >’ *
Do. of the New-York Hospitaffl 50
Do.ei the Massachusetts Medical Society, 1 SO
Paris's Phanmcologla, or the History of Medi*
eal Substances, 3 25
Parker's Chemical Catechism, with notea, illus
trations and experimental 50
Parmly'a Lectures on the natural history and
management of the teeth, 2 50
Ramsbmham’s Observations on Midwifery, with
notes by Professor Dewees, 2 75
Rodman on CHncer in the Female Breast, with
the method of cure, 4 25
Rioherand’a Elements of Physiology, with notea
by Chapman, £4
Rush’s Six Introductory Lectures to Courses of
Lectures upon the institutes and Practice of
Medicine, 1 50
Rush’s Works, a new edition, 2 vols $7
Reel’ Practical Observations on Disorder* of the
Stomach, 2 25
Reid’s Essays on Hypochondriacal and other
Nervous Affections, 1 50
Rioketaon's Means of Preserving Health and
Preventing Diseases, 1 25
Sydenham’s Works on Acute and Chronic Dis
eases, with notes by Rush, 3 50
Swediaur’s Complete Treatise on Syphilis £4
Scarpa’s Treatise on Aneurium, with numerous
additions, and a memoir on the ligature tf
the principal Arteries of the Extremities,
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Suigicul Essays, by Astley Cooper and Benj,
Travers, with plates, 5 50
Thomas’ Modern Practice, of Physic, with an
appendix, by David Iloasuck, 4th edition, 4 50
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pie method of prcycniiou and cuieot'difcas-
ea, £4
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tire duties of professional men at sen 4 >0
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Guide to health, 2 50
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Underwood’s Treatise on the Disease* oi Chil
dren, with directions for the maintgemtiit of
infants, 3 25
Wistar’s system of Anatomy, for the uae of Stu
dents ot Medicine, 2 vols £7
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cine, &c. published in Philadelphia,ai £a pVr
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the above, £5 per annum.
Chapman’s Philadelphia Journal of the Medical
and Physicui Sciences, £5 per annum.
Eberle’a American Medical Recorder, Philadei*
phia, £5 per annum
The New England Journal of Medicine and Suf- *
gery, £3 per annum.
Godman s Western Quarterly Reporter of Med
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at Cincinnati, cants per number,
july 20
Ten Dollars Reward.
R ANAWAV from the subscriber on Thurs
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MUtdfevillc, July 8.
gj* p. S. Uaptaina of Vessel! and other* are
cautioned against carrying him off, under Urg
penalties of the law. inly IS e