Newspaper Page Text
ft ml'n. June S.—Lctlori from Tliloglia
of M»y 29,lieva liten received it U.-lgiade
from which it appoint tint conilernetion
prevails in thit pirt ortho country. The
Turki irt advancing in great force to-
wmde Larissa, The i|;enti of the Kng-
libli tta laid to have tiicceeik-d in indue-
(lit 'ho Suiioti ind Alhaniini to luhmit
to Chourchid Pacha, who Mill loan effect
bin junction with the Pacha of Silonichi,
to mirch through Lived!.) nguinil the Mu
tea.—Deciaive events may tlievofore loon
be expected ia those parts. Nothing but
• miracle can save (lie Greeks, as affaire
Dow Hand, (t is affirmed that thu opera
tions of the Turks both by sea and land,
ure directed by English officers, end that
they have promised entirely to quell the
insurrection of the Greeks before the ter.
tninatiuu of the negouiatioua with Hus-
From the Gas,•lie.
The Chancellor of the Etchequer was
I to bring forward the Budget an the 1st of
I July.— I'ho postponement hud been at
tributed by some to some new arrange-
meins in contemplation relative to thu
Sugar Trade.
The Crops of grain and vegetation gen
erally had been muon improved by a sue
cession of rains.
Accounts from Dublin, Galway, Sic. still
apeak of the eitreino distress of the Irish
peasantry.—In addition to their want oi
provisions, hundreds were dying ol dis
ease, occasioned by eating bad provisions
Groups of afflicted human being were
t casting themselves at the thrashhulda of
' the hospitals, for admittance.
Accounts from Vienna, of the lGih of
June state, that the hope of Pence daily
gains a firmer footing.
The Kent had arrived in England from
Canton—sailed 2Gtlt February. The ac
counts by her state that the differences
between the two governments had been
settled in the " most honorable manner
to th - English character.” In conse
quence of the English Agents' peremptn
ry language, stating that tin native of Eng
lam) would be given over for trial. The
Chinese Authorities gave way, and the.
edict for resuming the intercourse was
given without the smallest proviso. [This
account does not tally with our iuturma
tion from China.]
The Emperor of Russia has issued a U-
kase directing that prohibited goods which
may arrive in vesaels, (the Captains of
which can prove that they left their res
pective porta before the new Russian Tar
iff had reached them,) shall be received
and permitted to be sold on paying the
ancient duties.
The valuable silversmith establishment
of Mr, Fcarn, the Jew, in the Stand, Lon
don, was burnt on the night of the 28th
•f June.—Lon 10,000'.
London June 29.
•'City, twelve o'clock.— There is u great
bustle at the Stuck Ekuhnnge this mor
ning; and, as usual on the holidays, there
•re a variety of rumors circulated, fur the
purpose of depressing the Stocks—an ex
S resa from Purls—the French Fundi
own—warlike news from Turkey, and
various other idle reports are industrious,
ly circulated. Consols for Account, ut
'Twelve o'clock, were 81J. It is unrtecos
»<ry almost to state, the rumours are
■wiilmut the slightest foundation ; they
however, answer the purpose for which
they are circulated, making a temporary
depression in the Funds. It is the opin
inn of the best inlbnned, that the Stock*
will rise In very high prices, and there is
Do question that the advance would be
immediate, hut tor the effect of specula
tion which muy for a time prevent the
rise. If the common interest is Four per
Cent, certainly the Funds ore in an un.
natural stale, when the Government rn-
cunties, bearing 'list interest, are under
one tiu dred. Within a few weeks, many
important events wilt be favorable to the
jise—the Budget—the Dividend^—• the
payment of two and a hull millions to the
persona who dissented from the plans ol
the Chancellor of the Exchequer respect
log the 5 per Cent, Stock; anti generally
the state of the Money Market, and the
scarcity of Stock, which has already been
Apparent, when the Commissioners come
Iwqjut chase for thu reduction of the debt.”
June 30.
The return of the quarter’s revenue is
now likely, wa understand, to realize the
very favorable prognostics formed of its
commencement; yet it is far, on the oth
er hand, from being unproductive. The
excess, compared with the corresponding
quarter of Inst year, is now something
below 200,000, and as the abolition of the
(c agricultural horse tux is now tint felt in
the revenue, the whole increase may bo
deemed equivalent to about 250,0001.
It ia now understood tnat Parliament
will not be porogued before the 8th ur 10th
of August.
The French papers of Thursday have
thrived. It appears by these papers that
• body of Spanish Insurgents amounting
to 3000 men, were defeated near Vich on
the 10th inst. and 100 left deud on the
field. Six, taken with arma in their
hands, wese tried next day, and four con
demned to be shot. Two were pardoned
on account of their youth.
It is now calculated that about 240,000
binds or persons chielly children, are cm
ployed ,in the spinning i t the cotton
thread, technically termed twist. 'These
make it is said, as much thread by
water and steam, and the application ol
the new improved machinery, as could
have been done formerly by 18,000,000
persons by the fingers only.
Dublin, June 26.
We cannot announce to uur readers
tny mitigation of the calamity afflicting
the country. ....
From Galway it is stated, that the
^assure of misery is overflowing, and
rapidly increasing. In tin town, (he soup
kitchen is unavailable in supply the ap
plicants, the hnspiltl ia Ibll, and fever in-
creuiei. In common, village* wire deser
ted, many hove died, and die people ate
afflicted with dropsical swellings from Illy
bad rood—Faulker'i Dublin Journal
We were on Friday assured,by one nf
the district visitors, tint simiugst a great
number or cabins to which lie called at
brenklait hour, (here was not more than
six houses in which lie could observe any
preparation for that meal—not even a fire
un the hearth. Another melancholy foot
was refilled by the Rev. Mr. O'Conner,
Roman Catholic Priest, at the last Com
mittoe meeting, of his being called to at
tend the last moments of a poor man,
who, be had every reasons to believe, di
ed front actual want.—Sligo Journal.
Contagion spreads every day amongal
the working classes, and we are threatened
with the like kpeciei|of desulutinu as that
which swept this devoted country in 18IT;
the same predisposing causes ure in ope
ration with n tenfold intensity, drhicli can
not be contemplated but wjtli horror.—
Groups of afflicted human beings cast
tliciiiielves at the threshold of the hospi
tal to gain admittance, »tid number*
would seek even amidst pcstiforfons con
tagiuu, a momentary relief from hunger ;
and is this to be wondered at, when
swarms ol ghastly spectres crowd in upon
us from the surrounding neighborhood,
whom famine had literally devoured to
the vory bones and ligaments, who scare
our souses, ami carry horror to our very
souls. Galway diverUser, >
Wo have this' mailing received thu
Paris Journals of Thnrsduy fast. The
Monitcur contains a royal Decyce^of sin
gular import. It revokes a former ortlin
unCe, which we noticed in our paper of
•lie 20th instant, exempting the Marshal
Duke d’Aibuferaaod Count Belliard from
the restrictions imposed upoUjthose who
sot in the '■ pretended Chamber of Peers
of Napoleon Bonaparte.” This revoca
tion is grounded upon " the ititerpreration
given (by the above named personages) to
the motives of (heir demands, and to the
Ordinance issued in IliCir favor on the
10th inst.” What that interpretation is,
ia not stated, '
lntelligenue in these papers from Na
pics, dated the IOth inst. uimuiincea a to-
tot re organization of the Neapolitan
The Vienna accounts are of the lGth
inst. They say that the hope of peace
gains fir tier looting.(Idly.
dustrinn Funis, June 16.—Metalliques
99 17 2b i Bank Shares, 770 4 3.
The following are extracts of letters
received ibis morning at Lloyd's') from
their Agents at Constantinople and Smyr
0ONBTANTtNOI'LE. Mqj', 25.
The Government has caused ten of.'the
most respectable Greek merchants, unlives
of Scio, In beheaded. They are filling
out out more men of war. The fleet in
the Archipelago appears to hav« done no
thing beyond Backing and pillaging of
A manifesto has been circulated at Ma
drid which presents the views of tips Spa
nish Government for conciliating its
itercsts with llinse of the other BBropoun
nations, and with the true advantages of
the Spanish American Provinces. It be
gins by ascribing the fatal separation
which Inis taken place between the morn-
bors of the great Spanish family to the
extraordinary situation to which'Spain
hail been reduced by foreign invasion. It
announces that the King baa sent pacific
Commissioners to the did' rent South A
mclioan Governments, to renew,the con
nexion between The two countries on the
grounds “nf common odvantsge.” It on
noun del foreign interference as extreme
injustice, nod calls upon all nations who
possess |oltru marine cnlntiies, to com
aider whether it .bo their • interest, th
encourage colonial insurrection, ft inti
mates an intention nf throwing open i*
II countries the trade with South Ameri
ca which it had been the injurious policy
of Spain fur ages tp clpse to all the world
and it expresses a .hope that as this course
musLpmmote the interests of every Eu
ropean People and Government, no one
will bn found so blind to its own advan
tage as te throw soy obstacle in the wayi
flour's lioftor." Mayer— 1 "Then what do 1
you Intend to do r Mr*. M C—"Shore
to go back again, your linnuur,” Mayor—
" But yon have no money.” Jlrt M.C.
•' Arrnh, vhure, and I don’t cate lor that
whm I have none I must do without it.”
The Mayor thought that money was ot
more importance It nnn in her ailuallun
than she supposed, and handing her a
small sum, advised to fly, ns, if Tiionght
before him again, he would he under the
nereaaity of bulging her in Prune atreat
for n month,
Jaclc Silent, charged with being drunk
.in the streets, plead neither guilty uur not
gulty. The Muyor assured him, that If
lie could give an account n> himself, lie
should not be committed t but Jack, like
Pythagoras, esteeming silence the mark
ol truo wisdom, spoke not a word. He is
to be provided witli u month’s liuuid at the
public expeoce.
Elliclc IFitdboy, a merry sailor, lately
arrived from St. Baris, was determined
not to shore J ick’s fate fur Jack’s fault.
He hail n tongue, mill he made use of it.
“ Von know, sir,” said lie, "bodies will
drink ton much by times. The beat sai
Inr in the World eun’t tell how the wind
blows to-morrow, I know l steered too
much to the leeward, but I couldn’t help
it.” He was fined five shillings, ami the
mate,as ho called the officer, waa permit
ted to go with him to procure the money.
/feitWrl old tiny whom the Mayor knew
to be * notorious drunkard, could not tell
how,old he was ; ami Bill Paton, a sailor,
■who had been found asleep in the atrect,
could not tell where ho lived. The Aral
of these ignorant gentlemen was commit
ted for one month s ami the second was
ordered to puy the costs.—PhU, Union,
Fi len/h of the People ami Cittj,
Your discernment cannot be better illustrat
ed, or will it be more respected I hall by adopt,
mg thu following ticket—it unites talents, vir.,
toe, honor) and patriotism. The city must
flourish under the auspices of Aldermen thus
selected—success 10 Ilian. VOX POPULI.
Charles Harris, '
It. W. Habersham,
Hoses Herbert,
V 3. Fell,
James Morrison,
Thomas N. Morel,
Mocdecai Shefiall, Sen.
A. It, Fannin,
W. 0, llimiell,
Thoinns Ulurk.
'William Ilavls,
laniali Ilnvenpurt,
Gpo. I. Cope,
Gardner Tufls,
The Wardens and Vestrymen of Christ Church
impressed willi a sense of the obligations they
ure under to the Itev., Mr Mmi Iiiri!, far Un
feeling and eloquent funeral sermon delivered
bv him on Sunday lam the iloatli of (heir
Pastor the ltov. Wii-rKnOiUNSTOki nod also lu
■the Itev. Mr. Asnm.-vs for Ida performance of
the service of the Church on that occasion, beg
leave in the name of (ho Congri gallon they rep.
resent, and 111 their own behalf, moat respect-
fully to present their thanks to llinse gentle
men, for their kindness, and Ibr thu prompti
tude with which liny acceded to the request of
the Wurdens and Vestrymen.
The Wardens and Vestrymen are the more
sensible of the obligation, when they reflect
w.tlt wluit iinhcsiintuig frnnkiu-HH both nf thole
gentlemen consented to close their own Church
es mi that occasion, mol to pay respect to the
memory of thu deceased according to the moilu
of worship of tlie people of wliioli lie had been
the ,I’astur i exemplifying the hurmonyof the
Christian faith, and that brnthedy kindness
which should evor distinguish the Worshl qiem
of the IteiTcemer.
Ilnolveil, That a committee of die Wardens
and .Vestrymen wall upon the Itev, Mr. Mens.
tiitH oust the ttev. Mr. Attonaws, with copies of
the foregoing, and lliat they also cause it tube
Keihlreil, That Mr. Muisniru be requested
to furnish a copy of his sermon.
It. W. nAUGIISIIAM.CCommittee.
Savannah, Aug. It), IB22,
Prices CumII al kbarleaton, .lug. 19
'Colton 8 Island 20 u 24, stained do 14 a 16 |
Santen 18a 20| abort staple very Aoe 14a 13, do
inferior to prime 10 a 131 llice prune 2J , good
2J i inferior 2J.
Cellom—Some sales of Upland Cot.mis ure
still niskingi but there is llitln or nothing do
ing in Sea Islands. Prices the same as last week.
Nice—We continue our quotalions us in our
lust i but wd understand there lias been a Sale
of one very prime lot ht K2 93|nnnts. prime
Idee hafbeen much enquired lor within uiew
days, and would no dplibl cuminand £3 87J cls
There ts none ill market.
U. 8. Bank Shales 106. |
Exports of Cotton and Itloc froti Charleston for
the week ending on Satunluy last.
Police Office, Saturday, dug. 10.—A
fine, lat, round shouldered negro, named
Sam, wlto wns found drunk in- l(te
street Inst evening) was brought before
before the Mayor thia morning. He stst-
out that he «»’ from t>"l" ami flliut
he lied come to Philadelphia in search ol
hia wife, who had left him some time ago.
"And when I camq here,”said he, “•nil
could not find her, I thought aho wa-V
death Then l got drunk for joy, for ihe
waa always the plague of my life when
she did live with me.” Ho was fiinetl 5
shillings, the law not making a man’s joy
at being released from his wife, an excuse
for drunkenness.
Mrs. Jt-6ny M’Clmtd, a spruce little
Irishwmtup, who had been carried to the
Watch hittse, by two citizens ns one
having nolintne, seemed to .posses* truer
conjugal iffectinlh. ’• Pleae your Honor,”
she said, * I belong to Delaware, and l
came hereafter mv man, who left me some
time ago,” Mayor—" Have you ever
been herebefore?” Mrs. M'C.—• Yes,
mny it phase your honour’s honour, I was
born at Wilmington, and roved here-”
Mayor—' Ah ! stop now : are you not
from beytnd the water? Now, Mrs. Me.
tdl me (He truth, if you wish to go clear.”
jlfi-s. M'C.—" Oil yes, sir. but shure it
■was at Wilmington in Ireland, that I was
hnrn, your honour.” Mayor—"Ah, that’s
it, Mrs. M'Cloud. Well. 'haye you had
any word of your husband ?”sfflfri. AFC.
“ No, not a word at all at all, your bo
POUT OF *drdjrjv§)ll
Ship Cotton Plain, Bussell, New-York,
Guo. llurdon
Brig Telegraph, Snell, New.York,
Hall k Hoyt
SchrMary M'Koy, Timmoni, Turtle Hlvarand
Darien, wilh Sou (aland cotton and wood, to Bul
loch U Dnnwikly.
Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charlraton, 3 days,
with an assorted outgo loonier 9 passengers
ltrvemin Cutler Crawford, Clianipluiii, from a
aentvati mow tiui rnn-r.
Al Liverpool, June S3, tutlpl William, Noyca i
Boston, Piinlltyi Oglethorpe, Jayne i Dorael,
Dixon. 28th, Kliia'ieilt tVUson, Blit-1 Mount
Vornun, (towns. 29ih, Liverpool Packet, Blrk-
ett i Penelope, Chisolm. July 1, Oagnmt, Fua
dick i Factor, Slicod i Cumberland, Odttn.
ci,sultan rua this rnitr,
Al Pliitad. 12lli lint, hrlg Fianoci, Funk,
or roa thu tout.
At Liverpool, July 2, Hr. ship Uichsrd I'las
ket, to aail July 211 ship Oglethorpe, to sail lOlli
TlieU S ship HoBK-t, Cat t. Henley, arriv.
oil at tile quuranlmitjNerfolk, on the lGth Inal.
In 7 days IVoin llavanu.
NF.W.YOIIK, Aug 9 Arrived, ihip Coltiitv
Ida, Uug.-i'i, Liverpool, 38 (lays.
Cleared, aliini Acaala, Urlawuhl, London i
Empress, 81 nolair, Charleston.
Executors' Sale.
By 3 B. Herbert fj to.
On Ibr/rtl Tumlaf in \rpiembrr nr.rl,
W s„td at the court liuuae In the clt*
of Savannah, betwrrn die uiual hours,
28 head of Cattle, 2 Honrs
2 riding chairs, t Jerary Waggon
30 Bee Hives, Saotten Foot Ghis
Plantation Tools, and Hnuacheld Furniture,
tielonging to the estate of ^Thomas G. Davis, and
sold fur the hciielil of the hcinanucrcdituro.
july 20
ddmiuistrolor's Sale.
By J- II. Herbert $ Co:
On the fim 2’aridoy in Ocloher nex/,
W ild, be soldhul'ore the coutI home in the
oily of Ssvannqli, between the onus
hours, a Negro Man named Dave, sold as the
property of Mr Samuel Davenport, deceased,
hy order of the Administrator. Termi cash,
aug 8 t
(£7* The friends and acqmviii
Uncutt oftlip late Mi'>Tiium4S nml Mr. S\'iietUM
Mrihomk, fyiu. are rcnucMetl to attend their
PuiteftiU at 10 o'oluoic Tlili Moriiintf f from
Julies* lower wlmrf, mig‘ 3d
To Rent,
S EVERAL convonlen' and pleasant Dwelling
lluuaes. Applv t -
sng 33 rp_ %
Cherry Hill ibr Bald
f\ Valuable Plantation in Bryiin county, all ■
«wt listed on I lie aniitli aide uf the Ureal
llgoclico river, about S miles belmv Hill s
Bridge, and 2d miles from Buvamiali, contain,
ing two hundred and ninety aciea of river
aWutnp of the Hi al quality', un an escollent pitch
of tide, two hundred ot which are cleared mid
under dams i und (luce hundred and fifty seven
ucrenof high land nf mixed qualilies, one hun
dred and filly ut wliinti are jfaarod and fenced,
There ore new growing un this plantation,
crops of colloil mid rloe, iiy the appearances of
Which the qualities of the lamia under culTvu-
fljin may be entiuiated.
- There are a largo and commmlioilaharn, mas
r.hino and mnoliiiie lirniso, cotton, corn and gin
liouses, all netu-ly new i nil uvuraeer’a house, a
onmlurtahln dwulluig limiic, atablea, chair
house, Ac. negrit houses fur the atcommuda-
Hon (if from JO lo 6u negroes, amt one of the
firs! springs of walorln the low country. There
is also attached In Cherry Hill strut of live
hundred uercs of pine laml, from wliioli till Hie
lumber, valla, aluvi-a, yet lo bu used on the
place, may he procured.
A Plat uf the slioyO. land msv bo seen al the
ufttce nftho subscriber, in the Exchange, Sa-
For terms, apply to Mr James 8. Bond, Tin
rien, lo It- P, llumoro, Esq. Bryan cminly, or to
nog 32 f
For Philudeljibiu,
Tho | Uok«t briir
is dRily expect pel from Philudelphit,
und will return wiliuml delay. Fur
f eight or pusauge, apply to
nu|r 50
Vt'tiYn n “g» pvim-i Given ColTve, landing
u-y-y from slunp Packet, ll-mn Baltimore
|, it sal - hy DOUGLASS U SOItltEL.
»llg lfl .
To Liverpool
T'u Grccnoek
To West Indies
Uplands. S ilands
t U
Priren Current al -Acw-Vert-, ,9,1? JO,
Cation—there duel not artlMr to be so
milch going' forward as tlier|Wu a few weeks
pusl i some considerable saleihowever, for our
domestic msnufacturiefi htvf bken math-, and
the den lap d fgr prime Tljilama list had a ten-
deucy to raisS (lie price ter t|ut paffionlar sort.
Ten Uollurs ilcwui d.
L OST yettfrday morninl, a amnll rc<1 Mo-
rocco POCKKT BOQK\ eontniningiixty*
three Dollati, amunfr wh ch wtyc two twenty
^olUr note* uf the Hank ot'DarAn. one of them
twmped’on the back i ilm rcnmDdei in smaller
note*. Also, one note of hand dawn by Fred
erick Selliok in favor of Itoberi Worrell, en-
doraedjby Robert Worrell and.r«n Nevitt, for
79 \ one ditto drawn by CollSteele White.
mtSvor of John Nevitt, for on* due hill
dmwhty James Dick, in favor ol John Nevitt,
fur , another due bill dmwnhy John Grib-
bin, in faAor of the same, for g 5; one ditto
favor of the estate
so sever*!
he ofnouVt any person but tle owner. Ten
^ullart l wilfcbe pt'd tethe finder, on
' IC o e ' lver A the Pocket Rook and contents
“aug20_ t JOIIF WINTEB.
] Notice.
tithe subocr! • will be absent from the city
sT™.. p , P ei during bis abaeuce Mr.
Zso P r i wi| l actaj his attorney.
• U S S0 « I L Hi NIK
. Corn—afloat.
fl(£)(S)© "»le"by P1 ' i "' ,Wl ' M ‘ COr " ,fuP
l)r. D. Blciinerhassctt
H AVING been fxamined and approved of hy
the Georgia Mid cnl Society, offera his
lirideaalonal services to the udiuliitants of Sa-
vannsh and ils vicinity. Dr. It. can Ise consul!,
edit any time, al Mrs M’Leod’i hoarding huuae,
near (lie Itapllat Church aug 13, p
"Corn and Flour.
Bushels white Flint Corn .
I0U bis superfine Baltimore
flowenl iirant Flour, rncoivedper aclir Sail)’,
Irom Baltimore, fur aide by
_«"Rl7 P v,
150 ikies Cotton want
ed to till the Ship COMMKltCE,Capt Gardner,
Inr Liverpool, apply to
»ng 3./
ViailOM the brig Ohly 8on, 400 Ids Rit^mond
KLOyU, of CiMininghnni U Rutherford's
llramls, ol the new WIicmT, and particularly fine
For a ile by NICHOLAS if NEFF,
aug i7 n
E DWAltD WILLIAMS nll>i his s.rvicca
to the fnnndiuf the lat»? firm of M, Wil«
hums U Go. in the trsiiKaction of Commission Hu•
liticss, st Havinnih.»ug 6
arntlBF.F. or four yinmg gentlemen wn be ao-
euminodalgil with Hoarding anil Lodging
in a respectable family, in a central altuatinn,
and tin the mum moderate terms. Apply to tin-
Editor of U|«G«o»uut». aug 17
Lin to, Mackerel, t$c.
100 tils TlmmMtn- n l.ime
SI) do New No 3 afackcrvl
MV bag* prime Grcen OHee
2300 Iba Bacon >
7 cases writing, wrapping, letter,and folio
poal Paper
30 bundles Hay
20 bli Prime Pork, for sale by
aug 17 p Exchange wharf
Cold Expressed Castor Oil.
tiViiYITk Bullies nf the above, just receiv-
iLyiS/vy ed, and for sale by
Druggists and Chemists, opposite lire WxjMfTr
Bug 13 P
, Notice.
T^TOTIOE i« hereby given, that die copartner-
la nerahlp lieretulore eiisting between Ed-
wyrd Williams of Savannah, and Abijsli Fisk of
Beaton, under the firm nf E. tlilliumi £# Cs.
Savannah, Gt-urgis, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All persons having demands
against the said firm, are requested lu present
the same for payment, and all persona indebted
te said firm, are called upon' to make paymdfR
te Edward Williams, of Savannah, by whom the
business will be hereafter carried on
Potion, June 18,1832, tug 5
P UOFOSAI.S will tic rercivad until the 1st
day of October next, to aupply tho Steum
Huai (Company with WOOD un tho Savannah
river, fur one year. Applications for cnntraeli
must specify the quality and price, and nama
the landing where to lie delivered.
Letters, pull paid, addressed to Oarlos Trsoy,
Treasurer, AtigusK, nr to the President at Sa
vannah, will be promptly attended te,
8. C. DUNNING, Pres’t.
«"« 8 v i _
Lost or Stolen,
F ROM a, limmo on the Hay, on Thursday
evening Inst, a red Morocco POCKET
BOOK, containing about j$Jl Dollars of the
following deseflpunn—one ol jJSO Darien Bank,
one 5 dollar bill of the Insurance Company)
one 5 dollar and one I dollar of the Bank of
Augusta, ami sundry other pipers, of no use to
any urn m but thu uwiivr, A liberal reward
will lie given by leaving tile same (ur any infor
mation that may leutl lu its recovery) at this uf-
flee. aug 29 p
Just Received,
Pyr till Fisiiig Slates,
Dales Domestic Plaids
2 do do Stripes
2 do do Drown Shirting
5 lilids prime Sugar
2 buses lump do
50 bis N. Gin
Tn stare,
20 lihds Tobacco. For sale hr
aug 10 i
A VFsUY lupei'lor Bieum Saw Mill hns been
recently erocirtl in the viciniiy of the
as the moil eligible altuution for a business of
the kind tin the Atlantic allures uf the United
States. Possessing nil the advantages uf an in-
exhaust.hie supply of tho durst yellow pitch
-’ine and Cypress Timber, built un a fine lilufl',
with thirteen feet wator close to it, and a natural
ouve for tho reception uf logs.
The prosuiit owners net having it in theip
power to bestow tiiat attention to it which a
concern of inch magnitude requires, si e desir
ous of salA'itg the whole, ur a pud uf their inter
est in it, Slid non, offerU far tale at a very low
valuation, and ntiioh leas Ilian such fKn/cmrs
could he completed for.
There hiu just been added to It a very stipe.
nnetjhce J'ouiutlng Machine, capable of dis
charging at least. 50 tierces ut clean rice per
day | and a Corn-Mill, oil set in rtwtion by tha
same engine.
The Saw-Mill It upon a now principle, hy
the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. BEN
NIE nf London, who sent out one of his best
workmen to superintend .Its erection. It esn
now cut witli 48 saws, aud may be made todrlva
twice that number.
The (Beam Engine it perhaps the hrst in
the United Slates, made by Messrs. HOLTON
U WAI T, of Soho, near Birminghami and
erected under the inspection of their best fore,
man, sent out expreoaly fur that purpose.
A wonderful cxpcnce it saved in fuel, ai the
saw-dint from the piloh pine is lound to answer
inntcsd of fire-wood, and it carried to the
mouth of the furnaee from the pit by elevators
now in use.
The Bice Machine is also on a new principle
and found hy oaparicnce to answer better than
any yet In use. The quickneas and regularity
uf the movoment, producing it of a superior
brightness without bretking the groin.
The mill is situated on s tine Creek, called
Cut-Head, on a branch uf the AHtmnlia Itiver a
and only about half a mils from Darien.
Sea Vessels whone diaught of water enables
litem to go to tha wharf at Darien, can load at
tlie Mill, only a short distance off, with great
facility i as an enolined plane from the mill, will
enable them to reouivc the lumber into their
Imwxports, almost without expence: and the
ntdl, as now in operation, can furnish 40 M. feet
of plank per day, which may be increased if
found necessary i the power being amply suffi
The lumber tent from thia establishment since
it went Into operation lias been allowed to be
stipe rinr In quality and regularity in tawing.
The conimiisionera of the Navy of the Uni.
ted Slates have approved of tho ahip pianist,
furnished from it, and it ia highly probable will
give it a preference in future contracts.
It has also been seen end jusdy admired ia
New-Yutk end Philadelphia.
The prospect of a renewed intercourse with
the British West India Islands, renders thia
eatabiiuhment a desirable mode of investment—
oft'era, in that coae, having been made from
JAMAICA ALONE, for about half of all the pso-
duce of the saw-mill.
Tlie present owners have no objection to con
tinue interested in it to a certain extrnl, but
their other avocations preclude their personal
attention to it.
For terms and other particulars, apply per*
tonally or by fetter to
O’ N. B. If not diipoeed of soon, the miff
with ell its privileges, wijl be rented for e term
of year*. SpHy autme.
may 12.