Newspaper Page Text
I suffered for a long time with a bad
ease of Catarrh, and took a great deal of
medicine without any benefit
I bad a continual headache, ray cheeks
had grown purple, ray nose was always
■topped up, mybreathhad aslckenlngand
dlsgustingodor, andlcoughed incessantly
I heard of your S. S. S. and wrote you.
I commenced to use it, and after taking
several bottles I was cured and have
never since had the slightest symptom of
the disease. Miss Marv L. Storm.
Cor. 7th & Felix Sts., St. Joseph, Mo.
Wheeling. \V. Va., May 29, 1903.
I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which I
wed S. S. S. with vety gratifying results.
I tried local applications for some time,
and getting no permanent relief I came to
the conclusion that the seat of the trouble
was in the blood. Knowing S. S. S. to be
a good blood medicine I began its use,
and after using it for some little while it
did away entirely with the offensive mu-
cus in the nostrils, and I did not have to
hawk and spit, especially in the morning,
to dislodge the catarrhal matter.
1627 South St. Fred H. Pressy.
The filthy secretions and foul mucus that
•re continually dropping back into the
throat, find their way into the stomach
•ad are absorbed into the blood. Catarrh
then becomes con
stitutional,and the
only way to get rid
of it is through the
blood. Write ns if
you have Catarrh,
and onr physici
ans will advise you
without charge.
Tfct Swift Speolflo Company, Atlanta, Ga.
v \ at
'xp 1
Thu Unequalled Beautifier
sallowMss and restore the beauty of
•"youth. '’*■*' -
SATINOLA la a new dlacovery. fuaran-
teed, and money refunded If it fails to re
move Freckles. Pimples, Liver Spots. Black
heads, Tan, Discolorations’ and Disfiguring
Eruptions. Ordinary cases in 10 days, the
wont in 20 days. Alter these defects are re
moved the skin will be soft, dear, healthy and
beautiful. Prioe SO cent* at drug stores or by
mail. Thousands of ladles testify to the
merits of Santinola.
Mrs. Etta Browne writes:
St. Louis, Mo., .Tune 80,1004.
I have been u»ing your Snttnoln, KgTl»ttnn
Cream, Sosp and Nadine Face Powder, and like
them all very much. Thin is the first summer
since childhood that I have been without
freckles. lam 84 years old and hare a better
complexion than when n cirl.
NATIONAL 7011 IT CO, Paris, Te lb.
Sold in Valdosta by
And all loading druggist.
It should be borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs, low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases, among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life,
pneumonia and consumption.
Cough Remedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment It aids expectoration, re
lieves the lungs and opens the
secretions, effecting a speedy and
permanent cure. It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia.
Price 25c, Large Size 50c.
Johann Hoch Is Now Accused of Mur
dering HI* Wife.
Chicago, March 8.—Johann Hoch
took another step toward the scaffold
when a true bill charging him with
the murder of Mrs. Marie Walker
Hoch was returned in Judge McEw*
en’s court by the grand Jury. The
much-married man was already rest
ing under two indictments for
my, the evidence concerning wh^
practically secured his scntenco
the penitentiary.
The indictments returned, howev
call for the death penalty for
wilful murder of his wife, who is aT
leged to have died of arsenical poison
ing a month after her marriage.
Mrs. Walker became acquainted
with Hoch when she answered
the many "matrimonial ads"
sorted in Gorman newspapers. They
were married December 12. 1901, and
went to live at No. G430 Union ave
Within a fortnight Mrs. Hoch be
came ill, and as she became rapidly
worse, a nurse was ordered by the
physician. Dr. Reese. The woman
rallied under the carafj’l the nurse,
but a short time laterf^ ^ch discharg
ed the nurse and to<£ charge of the
case himself, calling his wife's sister,
Mrs. Emile Fischer, to assist him
with the housework.
Prosecution Was instituted by South
eastern Passenger Association.
Jacksonville, Fla., March 8.—Frank
Mehig, a ticket broker, has been con
victed in the criminal court here on a
charge of forging and altering a tick
et on the Atlantic Coast Line railway
on May 8th, 1904. The court room
was well filled with prominent rail-
A road officials from all over the coun-
ry. Joseph Richardson, chairman of
ne Southeastern Passenger Assocla-
on, of Atlanta, instituted the prose-
aar" lon '
The case
Story of a Russian Battery.
The offending battery at St. Peters
burg which fired case shot at the Win
ter Palace by accident or design has
recalled an anecdote of another Rus
sian battery, says the London Chroni
cle. It was at the siege of Warsaw,
where a Russian marshal ordered the
battery to concentrate Its fire on a cer
tain point. Nothing came of this, and
the marshal rode up to the artillery
men in great wrath. "What imbecile
is in command here?” he demanded.
"I am,” said an officer calmly. "Con
sider yourself under arrest. Your
shells are no good.” "What can you
expect?” retorted the officer. "They
won’t explode. See for yourself.” He
took up a shell, lighted the fuse, and
held It out to the marshal, who stood
with his hands behind him, waiting
the -result. If the shell had burst both
men would have been blown to pieces.
But the fuse went out, and the mar
shal remarked simply: "You are quite
Strikes Hidden Rocks.
When your ship of health strikes
the hidden rocks of consumption,
pneumonia( etc., you are lost If you
don’t got help from Dr. King’s New
Discovery for Consumption. J.
McKinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala.,
writes: “I had been very ill with
pneypispia, under the care of two doc
tors, but was gettlng~fiO “better when
I began to take Dr. King’s New Dis
covery. The first dose gave relief,
and one bottlo cured me.” Sure cure
sore throat, broncnltls, coughs and
colds. Guaranteed at A. E. Dimmock’s
and W. D. Dunaway’s drug stores.
Price 50 cents and $1. Trial bottle
To Sea Island Planters:
Mako no mistake by using inferior
seed. It means a year lost and money
Are known for the length, strength
and quality of staple they produce.
Write for them to
Edlsto Island S- C-
I want every man and woman in the
United States interested in the cure of
the Opium or Whiskey habits, either for
themselves or friends to have one of my
books on these diseases. Address Dr.
B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Ga.. Box 307,
and one will be sent yon free.
The Colonel's Waterloo.
Col. John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove,
Texas, nearly met his Waterloo from
liver and kidney trouble. In a recent
letter ho says: "I was nearly dead
of these complaints, and, although I
tried my family doctor, ho did me no
good, so I got a 50 cents bottlo of your
great Electric Bitters, which cured
me. I consider them the best medi
cine on earth, and thank God who
guvo you tho knowledge to mako
them." Sold and guaranteed to cure
dyspepsia, biliousness and kidney dis
ease by A. E. Dlmmock and W. D.
Dunaway, druggists, at 50 cents a
President Signs Albany Bill.
Albany, Ga., March 4.—A telegram
received in Albany yesterday after
noon from Congressman J. M. Griggs
brought tho gratifying Intelligence
that President Roosevelt had signed
the bill recently passed by both houses
of congress providing for the forma
tion of a Southwestern Division of the
United States court for the Southern
district of Georgia, at Albany. The
counties embraced in the new divis
ion are Dougherty, Calhoun, Mitchell,
, Baker and Worth. Two terms
of the court wili be held each yen
started on Saturday
morning, but was not presented to the
Jury until that night. Mehig's attor
neys made a motion for a new trial
at once. The ticket in question was
sold to John M. Davis by Pete Don
ald. a clerk in Mehig’s store. Mehig
himself was at a baseball game when
the ticket was sold. The defendant’s
attorneys argued that if any one was
guilty that it Donald, as he had
sold the ticket and committed the for
gery. if a forgery was committed,
that Mehig was guilty of nothing.
After weighing the evidence pre
sented to them, the jury found that
as Donald was Mehig's authorized
agent, that he (Mehig) was guilty as
charged in the third count of the in
dictment—forging and altering
railroad ticket.
How to Sharpen a Razor.
Here’s a hint to barbers. The Phil
adelphia Record quotes a ganilous bar
ber as saying: "Lead pipe will keen
your razor sharp. Get a short piece
of the smallest, softest lead pipe your
plumber has in stock and keep it on
hand when you are stropping the ra
zor. The scheme is to rub the strop
with the pipe. Apply the pipe just
as you would strop the razor, to the
unfinished side of the leather. Strop
your razor on tnat^side, wind up wltli
a few passes on the finished side of
the strop, and you will have a first-
class edge on the tool. I never took
the trouble to get a scientific explana
tion of the virtues of a lead pipe :
an aid to whetting, but it is all to the
good in that respect.”
Does This 8uit You?
. E. Dlmmock, the enterprising
druggist of Valdosta, Is having such
large run on “HINDIPO,” the new
kidney and nerve tonic, and hears it
so highly praised that he now offers
to guarantee It In every case to cure
all forms of kidney troubles and ner
vous disorders.
He pays for it if it does not give
you entire satisfaction.
If you use it, it is at his riskj not
yours. A 50-cent box sent by mail
under positive guarantee.
If Adam Had Lived ’Tib
By expanding his buslnes’l
lowing' legitimate- lines in
century, without resortInTuTD'specu
lation or monopoly of sharp practices,
Adam could doubtless have Increased
his savings beyond $10 a day. . But he
could hardly have piled up what would
have been considered a modern for
tune, and the chances are that Mrs.
Astor would not have invited him to
any of her annual balls.
Startling Mortality.
Statistics show startling mortality,
from nppendlcitis and peritonitis. To
provent and cure these awful diseases
there Is Just one reliable remedy, Dr.
King’s New Life Pills. M. Flannery,
of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago,
says: "They have no equal for con
stipation and biliousness.” 25 cents,
at A. E. Dimmock’s and W. D. Duna
way’s drug stores.
Pilesl Piles! Piles!
Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment
is prepared to euro piles, and DOES
iT in short order. Easy to app ? .y; ev
ery box guaranteed. 50c and $1. All
druggists, or by mail.
Cleveland, O.
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well Tried Remedy —
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has
been used for over sixty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children
while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and
is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug
gists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value
is incalculable. Be sure and ask for
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and
take no other.
Rockefeller’s Great Interests.
The dispatches recite the details of
the transfer of the Santa Fe system
to tho Rockefeller Interest and thus
the last independent line is no more
It gives the Rockefeller Interests a
direct total of 72,740 miles, represent
ing In stocks and bonds $3,895,220,000.
They now control from the Missouri
to the Pacific and from Mexico to the
northern border, except the holdings
of Jim Hart. In three years, prob
ably, all the steam and electric roads
will be under one head.
The best soda cracker made.
il anaanaiansi i=Tg.isTr=.'grct laigHargsns. ^igjianglTg isnganagisB
Schofield’s Iron Works,
High Grade Machinery,
Stoam Engines, Boilors, Saw
Mills, Oono Mills, Ooru Mills,
Iron Grinders, Shafting, Pul-
loys, Boxing, Gearing, Iron
and Brass Castings of oveiy
description. Wo ore Original
Inventors of tho Tnrpontino
Distillers Stoam Pumping Out
Wo havo lately equipped our
already extensive boilor shops,
which now gives ns largest ca
pacity of any manufacturers
in the Sonth.
Wo arc headquarters for Steam
Pumps, Inspirators, Injectors,
Valves, Lubricators, Wrought
Iron Pijxj, Boiler Tubcn, Pipe
Fittings and Pipe Fitters’ Ma
J. S. SCHOFIELD’S SONS CO., Proprietors,[Macon, Ga.
ns T!
So. frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing
away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble.
Cures Coughs and Colds quickly and prevents
Pneumonia and Consumption
C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champaign, III., wrltea:
,‘ I waa troubled with a hacking cough (or a year and
I thought I had conaumption. I tried a great many
remedies and I was under the care of physicians lor
of I
several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S
HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not
been troubled since.'*
THREE SIZES, 26c, 50o and $1.00,
Henry Livingstone, Babylon, N, Y n
bad been a sufferer with Bronchitis for twenty years
end tried e great many with poor results until I used
FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR whlcb cured me of
my Bronchitis which I supposed waa Incurable.”