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Your Attention Farmers!
lt*» Made From High Carbon Steel- It'a Guaranteed- It Turns Every
Don’t buy until you’get* Prices on]'the Kokomo Fence. It will be to your interest to
do this.
Don’t buy until yon*Ket pric(w(on Pionoer|Feucing.| It'will j * > mi « «• this
Sold by J. E. Roberts Hardware Company
* * *♦*****+♦*♦♦+♦♦♦
+ 4-
♦ *■
♦ 4
+ +
+ *
+ *
4 +
* +
<■ *■
v +
Rumored H lit Mllllown Air lint
Will It Enill fi Dlls City.
The Barney-Smith Car Company
Want an Outlet to a Competitive
Point and it it Understood Will
Either Build to Valdosta or Nash-*
ville. / '-•
The Timid was told yesterday, by
a gentleman in position to knajirj 1£*t
4-th«. Barney ft Smith Car Co^Mmy».
owner of the Milltown Air. Line rail*
way and the big milling Interests at
Milltotfn, was flgurng strongly on ex*
tending its line of road to Valdosta.
Mr. Stephens, president of the car
company stated sometime ago at Mill*
town that the extension was being
considered, and It is now stated that
a committee from the board o! di
rectors will visit this section in a
short while to look over the ground
'and make a decision In the matter.
*■*>, It is understood also that the Bar-
dey & Smith company will establish a
mammoth car factory somewhere in
the south and Is favorably Impressed
with the advantages of this city and
At present the company is shipping
all of the products of its big mill to
Its car works at Dayton, O., and rec
ognizes the importance of being
able to reach a competitive transpor
tation line, which the extension of
the Milltown Air Line to Valdosta
would give it. It seems pretty cer
tain that the road will be extended
to some point in order to reach a
competing line, and it is understood
that the company may go to Nashville
and tap the O. S. ft F. at Sparks.
valdosta should get to work in the
interest of the extension to this city,
and if there is any possibility of the
car works being established anywhere
in this part of the south, every effort
of every public spirited citizen of this
city, should be exerted to secure It
for Valdosta.
Pidcock Backs Down.
It Is generally understood here that
President Pidcock, of Moultrie has
backed down from the proposition
which he made here some time ago
in regard to extending his road to
this city.
At that time, he said that he would
be glad to come to Valdosta provided
Valdosta would help him raise the
money, and that he would put up his
present road as security. Mr. J. A.
Dasher felt an interest in the matter
and at once began to look for capi
talists who would back up the enter
He found the man with the money
and then he began to try and get
President Pidcock to meet him, eith*
er at Moultrie or in Atlanta. The
Moultrie man wiggled until he had
to make a show-down and then he
wrote the Chicago man that his peo
ple were not willing to put up their
present road for the money for the ex
tension, but that they would put up
the proposed line at two thirds Its
It Jj. doubtful if he can get money
at 16W Interest on security of that
kind. It is regretted, too, that Mr.
Pidcock backed from his original pro
Marshal Wade Hpd a Hard Struggle
in a Fight There.
Parties who came from Quitman
yesterday state that Marshal Wade
had a desperate encounter with two
or three young men there during a
show Saturday night. The marshal
tried to arrest a young man named
Beaseley when two others interfered.
The marshal began to struggle with
the crowd, hoping to overcome them
and, finally, he raised his club for the
purpose of using it, but one of the
men grabbed it, while one of the oth
ers began to work on the marshal
with his knife. Fortunately only a
small flesh wound was made. The
officer finally received help and the
gang was dispersed, or placed under
: - Wanted for Larceny.
^eth Bird and
vwaiwB vvoa, no**, w*dltOfl in JftCk-
sonvllio yesterday ujader a warrant
from Quitman charging them with
larceny after trust.
It is said that the two men have
been working In Ike Johnson's bar*
ber shop and they are accused of skip
ping out with much of the money
which they had taken In during the
They were located at Jacksonville
and were arrested just as they were
about to board a train for Miami.
They will have to answer the‘charge
against them at Quitman.
School Opens with Large Attendance
1 Other Items.
| Naylor, Nov. 27—The public school
opened here with a large attendance,
j Prof Avery is the teacher. There are
seventy scholars and many more are
1 expected. Miss Belle Patten from
I Mill Town Is the music teacher.
The pulpit was filled Sun
day by Mr. J. Do Loach of Quitman.
He preached an able sermon and deep
ly impressed the entire audience. He
is an old resident of Naylor and has
many friends here who welcomed his
Hinson, the little six-months old
baby of Dr. and Mrs. Lee L. Rober
son Is very sick.
Mrs. R. H. Roberson, who has been
confined to her bed for the past two
months is still very sick.
Mr.s Mable Marbett Is spending
some time with her mother Mrs. W.
H. Force.
Miss Lizzie Carter, youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Perryman Carter,
was married at their home Thursday
to Mr. Charlie Lankford of Valdosta.
It was a surprise to many of her
friends. We wish them much happi
Mr. Levin Davis who resides four
miles from here was also a victim
of the robbers. On the day of the
Ringllng shows they relieved him 'of
$31,00 and Mr. Bill Goolsby of $15.00.
Valdosta deserves much credit for
capturing them fn the first go-round.
It will be a lesson to the next band
that attempts it.
Furious Fighting,
“For seven years.'' writes Oeo. W.
Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a
bitter battle with chronic stomach
and liver trouble, but at last I won,
and cured my diseases, by the use of
Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly
recommed them to all, and don’t in
tend In the future to be without them
in the house. They are certainly a
wonderful medicine, to have cured
such a bad case as mine.” 8old, un
der guarantee to do the same for
you, by W. D. Dunaway and A. E.
DImmock, druggists, at 50c a bottle.
Try them today.
James King and Frank Moran are
Both Found Guilty.
Moran Waa Convicted on the 8econd
Case Against Him and King la to
be Tried on Another Charge—Jim
Watere waa Arraigned Today on
the Charge of Killing Henry Grle-
The'Jury in the cate ot J^rafrlrV&
ran in his second" trial for robbery,
returned a verdict late yesterday af
ternoon of guilty, but It recommend*
ed mercy In the second case. .
In the case of James King a verdict
of guilty was returned yesterday Just
before noon. King is to be tried in
one other case for robbing J. M. Wal
ker of Brooks county.
J. A. Morris was to have been tried
as one of the parties who robbed
Walker, but owing to the illness of
Mrs. G. A. Whittaker, wife of the coun
sel In the case, a postponement was
asked for the present. The case will
probably come' up tomorrow.
One of. the other men Ed Colo, Is
to be tried for robbing W. W. Ash-
burn, of Moultrie. There are still
two others of the same crowd against
whom no bill was found. They are
John Burton and Sara Ackerman. If
no evidence devolopes against them,
they will be released.
The two negroes are also to be
tried. It Is said that there are two
cases against each of them.
This morning the case against Jim
Waters charged with tho murder of
Henry Griswold In a shanty of tho
Georgia Southern road, three years
ago. is to come up. It is said to he
be n very bad case and the states at
torney expects to convict Waters.
There is still a good deal of busi
ness on the docket and court will proh
ably continue all of tho week If all
of the cases are tried.
8ix Killed in Charlton County Within
A Few Days.
On Friday last Mr. Nathan Dixon
killed a bear near his home out on the
Okeflnokee swamp west of Folkston.
On the same day Mr. Stope killed one
near Racepond that weighed when
dressed 250 pounds; this bear was
devouring a hog when Mr .Stone ac
cidentally came upon It, it made fight,
but luckily Mr. Stone had his shotgun
With him and dispatched his bear-
ship on the spot. Racepond Is 14
miles northwest of Folkston and on
Saturday, while out hog hunting, Mr.
Wm. Petty and one of Mr. Joel
Brown’s sons came upon four bears,
Having their dogs along tuey forced
one of the bears up a tree, and Mr.
Petty kept watch.'while Mr. Brown
A mile and hill for his gun. Re
tinites the .^gar ,that
was uplheTSe. One of We fore
paws can be seen at the Herald office.
We understand they are still after
the other three bears.
Another one—on Tueday mornli.R
Mr. T. A. Christie accompanied by
Rlsley Roddenberry, J. M. Brooks,
Joslah MIzell and Frank Cushing
went out on the Okeflnokee swamp
bear hunting and killed a large one,
It Is said that his bearshlp would
have weighed about 450 pounds. Mr
Christie killed It with a single barrel
ed shot gun, firing only one shot.
Just previous to this a Mr. Drawdy,
now living at Camp Cornelia on the
swamp killed two hears while cross
ing the swamp in boats This makes
six boars killed In Charlton In the last
few clays with Brown and Petty yet
to hear from.—Charlton County Her
ald. v
This New Waverley
Drop-Head, ball beariug
and one of the lightest
miming Machines on
the market; five drawers,
fall auarterod oak and
handsomely finished.
Finest material and
workmanship in its eon
struct ion. 1,
ten year written.
0 ?“-
. .... price, on
Now iV.nvrly
, for only a short
while longer.
H. K. McLendon
Valdosta, Qa.
+ + , H , + + + + 4- + + + , i , + C-< ,, H , + + -{ ,, H , C- + t
Death of Daughter of Mr. J. N. Talley.
Elizabeth Nisbet the infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Talley, died
yesterday at noon. The little girl,
six weeks old, was the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Talley.
Funeral services will be conducted
at the residence at 11 o’clock this
morning by the Rev. J. M. Northrop,
rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal church,
assisted by the Rev. J. B. Lawrence,
of St. Barnabas church. The body
will be interred at Rose Hill ceme
tery. ^Thursday’s M^con Telegraph.
In Mad Chase.
Millions rush in mad chase after
health, from one extreme of faddlsm
to another, when, if they would only
eat good food, and keep their bowels
regular with Dr. King’s New Life
Pills, their troubles would all pass
away. Prompt relief and quick cure
for liver and stomach trouble. 26e
at W. D. Dunaway’s and A. E. Dim-
mock’s drug stores; guaranteed.
Politicians will find that it was a
good thing to let Ohio go democratic.
It will be necessary to placate the
Ohio men with federal patronage be
fore the congressional elections next
South Atlantic Inventors.
Tho following patents were Issued
this week to South Atlantic Inventors
reported by D. Swift ft Co., patent
lawyers, Washington, D, C.:
Georgia: James M. nrooks. Molenn.
wheeled scraper (sold); Louis D.
Jones, Atlanta .advertising and mail
ing card, (sold): Janies W. Walker.
Augusta, railway rail Joint, (sold);
Jones D. Yow, Avalon, device for
sharpening edge tools.
North Carolina: Edward N. Dicker-
son, Stovall, pneumatic piano player:
H. 8. Corbitt, A>»don, boiler feeder;
John R. Brown, Chlnagrove, game ap
paratus and advertising novelty.
Florida: John Bishop, Bartow,
furnace front.
Copies of any of the above patents
Will he furnished to our readers at
cost price five cents each, by D. Swift
ft Co., Washington, D. C. ,our special
patent correspondents.
The ministers of the country ap
pear to be working overtime in tho In
terest. of reform. Out in Chicago
they plan to arrest 5,000 saloon keep
ers next week for Sunday opening.
ASlinof BeiatyisaJoy Forewr
Shoes, Shoes.
Shoes for you all. New
styles brewing. Some
thing doing for men.
Stacy Adams & Hanan
Dorothy Dodd and
Ultra for ladies.
and boys don’t
Moloney and
Excelsor. You know
what they are. Come
and see.
of M. yt4M, M'l
la to humlcM wa
UiU It tokt tart It
la property nadt.
Accapt bo cooour-
f*K cf ajnltor
Barra tali to a
My of tba haul-
too (a patlesti:
“Aa yoo todtea
wUI «»• thrm.
_ _ I raeoamand
'Ganrand*# Craaai' aa tha lead karafil of all tha
ikla DrtpanttoM. For aate by all drwgsm* aad Fancy-
Oooda Dealer* in tha UaUcd SUtoa, Canada aad laropa.
raUBOPElS, Pro*, 17 M Jms Strut. InrTirL
Dorris & Thigpen,
Valdosta, Georgia.
Lumber Lux
dialers' iif all kinds or Q||||
and ;B(oaldlngaJof All Kinds,
rd on Valdoata Rontharn Railway
aad Atlantia Coast Lias Railroads
— ■ nuii!
Alao Rhine IM, La tha. Scroll Wor
omen, PI ant a cl Kill and Lumbar Vm
Between Georgia aoothora A Florida