Newspaper Page Text
100 Ladies™" Misses Ready=to=Wear Hats 100
Worth from $1.50 to $3.50, going at 90c. each while they last.
Also one job lot of mens’ sample hats worth from $2.00 to $3.50 each, going at $1.50.
Don’t Miss This Opportunity. #
111 North Patterson Street.
Comptroller Wright Talks of the
Minority Will Present Two Lock and
Dam Propositions, With the Rec
ommendation That the 60-Foot
Level be Adopted.
Years to
Type. Build Cost
Sea level, 1 lock 12-13 $230,000,000
to Pass Upon 85-ft level, 6 locks 10-11 150,000,000
The Supreme Court ii
the Metier of Collecting Beck Texet CO ft level ’ 6 locks 10-11
From Central and Georgia Roads
for 8tock of Western of Alabama
Washington, Nov. 29.—The Board
of Consulting Engineers on the Pana-
Whlch They Own—One Million ma Canal will report three types of
Dollars Involved. j canal, as indicated In the above to
Atlanta, (la., Nov. 29.—If the de-lhle. The majority, as has already
cition of the supreme court Is favor-1 |> ee “ disclosed, will advocate a sea-
able to the state in the injunction
suit brought agaipst It by the Central
am! Georgia railroads, to restrain It
from the collection of $1,000,000 in
back taxes alleged to be due on $3,*
000.000 of stock in the Western of
Alabama railroad, in which argu-
I level plan, while the minority will
present two lock and dam plans.
The minority of the board will pre
sent the two lock and dam proposi
tions with a probable recommendar
tlon that the 60-foot level be adopted.
While the 85-foot level lock plan Is
the cheapest and would come very
!} 1 nearl>v.wlthi» * the amount. fixed by
nmiW law -for the construe-
ck owned both by the corporations. tj on Q f tho canal, navigation through
and individuals in foreign corpora- f ^ would be slow on account of the
tlons. Persons so owning stock will i necesg |t y Q f lifting ships to such a
be liable not only for the current |
year’s assessment, but for nil backj Tht ,' co .foot level would cost $30.-
taxes ns far bnck as 1877. A favor-1 qqq qqo niore , but by reduoilon of the
able decision would put all such per-j number of lock8 it would affor(1 a
sons on notice. I B w*lfter pnssnge for vessels. The for-
!n nnswer to n question ns to what eng j neer8 maintain that the sea-
effect a decision favorable to the j eve | cnn nl would only require one or
state would hnve on taxes. Comp- ^wo yeara more to construct than
trol'er General \\ right said: either of lock and dam canals and
It Is Said That the Demand tor
“It would have this effect: Al-
vould cost only from $50,000,000 to
though the laws have always provld- ( more.
*d that persona or corporations own-. Argument of the Majority.
Ing stock In foreign corporations are jj j g understood that in their report
liable for taxation on It. the decision ;B majority of the Advisory Board
In tho present case would have tho ar g Ue tbat tbe j ock canals will In the
effect of putting everybody on notice. end bp nearly ns expensive ns the
“There would no longer be any Bt . a ., ove , wate rway. They claim that
doubt on the question. The great j n operntlon of the lock canals
trouble, however, is to find out who | arg0 aroftR will be flooded and the
owns stock In foreign corporations. over fl ow w ju go beyond the limits of
8uch holdings are often withhold and jj u , cnnnl zone Into the territory of
covered up. Honest taxpayers, how- tbe j^ 0 j )U biic of Panama. Large plant-
ever, who really withheld these re- a ij OIla nn ,j ( ,ven villages will he dam-
turns under the mistaken Idea that
they were not taxable, would return
them, and In this way the state
would have greatly increased its in
come from taxes.
“In the event the decision is fa
vorable." Comptroller General Wright
was asked, “would an addition
al effort be made to find out who
owned foreign stock?”
"No more than we hnve always
made. Where such discoveries were
inndo. however, we should collect the
tax and the hack tax extending to
1877, whether the stock was owned
by Individuals or corporations. If
the decision In the present case were
fayorahle. there would no longer be
any doubt on this point.
nged and the owners and residents
will demand compensation.
While under the treaty between
the United States and the Republic
of Panama we have the right to ac
quire any additional lands needed,
the cost of such additional territory
would have to be added to the cost
of tho canal. It has been estimated
that to buy the land needed in case
a lock canal Is built the Government
would have to pay something like
"If. on the other hand this decision | n u f UH
Many People Paid the Last Tribute
of Respect.
Madison. Fla.. Nov. 29—The body of
Farmers all Over the South are Send
ing in Signed Pledges to Hold Their
Cotton Back—Farmer* See the Val
ue that Comes to Them Through
New Orleans, Nov 29—“With pro
ducer and consumer now fully aware
that practically famine conditions are
destined to prevail before another
crop o fAmerican cotton cafi be avail
able, there is nothing at all remark
able in the prompt and sweeping re
sponse Mr. Jordan has had to his call
for pledges to hold . cotton for 15
cents,” Is the way an observant cot
ton man puts the case.;£. r,
Mr. JerdiuijitiBa
asserts^tfis^&nSdfi^J^PW^It^SStttii ^
sending in pl^ mail and by
wire so fast that his clerical force
In the Atlanta office of the Southern
Cotton Association has fallen behind
in its work of counting and assorting
them, and additional clerks had to be
Originally Mr. Jordan expected to
secure these pledges through the per
sonal solicitation of canvassers to bo
put on*, from the various state head
quarters and from Atlanta, but before
these canvassers could he sent to tne
field the malls and t e telegraph had
brought pledges for hundreds of
thousands of hales, and still they
They Belonged to an Alleged “Black
Hand" Society Which Had B*en
Sending Out Threatening Letters.
Dublin, Ga., Nov. 29—H. O. Chris
tian, a barber, and Will Bethea, a la
borer, were severely whipped last
night by citizens of Dublin and run
from the county The negroes con
fessed to being members of the Black
Hand Society, which had sent threat"
ening letters to Chief of Police J. L.
Cowart They also confessed to hav
ing sent a very Insulting and obscene
letter to G. W. Williams, a member of
the legislature from Laurens county*
This letter was sent to Atlanta and
was mailed there. They implicated
Will Ansley and Cisco Wilson, two
negro barbers. Ansley Is In Jail, hut
Wilson made his escape. It la not be
lieved that there will be any serious
trouble. The barbers have hereto
fore borne good reputations, and there
is great surprise that they should be
guilty of such conduct.
Chief Cowart received two^of the
Per. Morittvto
Reliable! Parties. (
prices and Money Saving Plan.
Give References Also.,
SEP 4 ^ Valdosta, Ga.
letters ,one after'Christian had "been
whipped. In the letters all of the
police and Alderman H. M. Moore
were threatened
This Is but one of the many evi
dences of the value to the farmer of
organization. For many years the
spinners profited immensely through
concert of action and gained advant
ages over the unorganized farmers
which they ennnot enjoy under pres
ent day conditions.
Scores of Valdosta Readers are Learn
ing the Duty of the Kidneys.
Oo filter the blood is the kidneys’
When they fail to do this the kid-
eya are sick.
Backache and many kidney ills fol
la unfavorable to the state. It would
of course relieve all holders of for
eign stock of taxation. It would do
this, too: It would encourage holders
of stock In domestic enterprises to
transfer it to foreign with the
view of dodging the tax altogether.”
A Fearful Fate.
It is a fearful fate to have to en
dure the terrible tortures of piles,
“I can truthfully say." writes Harry
(Vrison. of Masonville, la., "that for
Blind. Bleeding, Itching and Protrud-
tug Piles. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, Is
the best cure made." Also best for
cut*, burns and Injuries. 25c at W.
D Dunaway’s and A. E. Dimmock’s,
Well Known Negro Dies.
Chuck Postell a brother of Sam
Poetell. and a well known negro man,
filed laat night about eleven o'clock,
after an Illness of some time of drop-
Discretion Is the art of being on
the other side of the fence when you
Urinary trouble, diabetes.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure them all.
A. A. Willis, a well known farm-
living just outside of Americus,
says; “1 believe that your pills
e all that are claimed for them,
icy acted qucklv ana most effect*
illy in my case. I had kidney troub
and backache from which I had
on a sufferer for some years. Af-
r lying or sitting in one position
r any length of time I could hard-
get up on account of the dead,
heavy pain In the small of nty hack.
At times I seemed almost to lose the
use of my back and would have to
take hold of something for support.
The kidney secretions were discolor
ed being dark and full of sediment
formed tho funeral procession attest ^"ttn'Temedk.s'but Li!hout"much't'f
any benefit until I got Doan’s Kidney
Pills. Since using them my back
feels strong. The pain has left it
Dickerson, whose tragic
death occurred In Atlanta arrived
here yesterday, and was burled in the
fumlly lot In the village cemetery.
The large number of carriages that
Hoke Smith Next Tuesday.
Hon. Hoke Smith will roach Val
dosta next Tuesday morning at an
early hour and will speak during the
day at the court house from the east
side. The speaking will probably
take place at eleven o’clock and all
are Invited to hear it.
• Mr. Smith will be In charge of a
committee of his friends and admir
ers while here and It is prohabk
that they will give him a luncheon
or banquet at the Valdes .though the
arrangements for this have not been
perfected. It Is not known yet how
long he will remain In the city.
He has many friends here and they
are preparing to make the occasion
a pleasant one, and also to make his
visit to Valdosta worth something to
his candidacy.
To Return Fire Hose.
The fire engine was out this morn
ing testing a lot of fire hose which
was bought for the fire department
year ago. It was bought under a
guarantee to last three years, but It
has already shown defects and is to
be returned.
About one thousand feet of it will
bo sent back and new’ hose will be
furnished In Its place. The company
from whom it was purchased have
shown a willingness to make it good.
Some men can’t stand for being po
lite; they rather keep their seats
the high regard in which the deceas
ed and his family were held by this
community. The floral offerings were
elaborate. Rev. Mr. Cole, Methodist
minister here officiated. The deceas
ed was horn hero and had Just attain
ed his majority. His father died at
Carrnbelle, Fla., a few months ago,
and his mother, who resides here, and
younger brothers and sisters survive
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, causes chronic constipation.
Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone
the stomach, cure constipation. 25c.
Ask your druggtst for them.
We sometimes find that what we
thought was the golden rule Is only
so on the exposed side.
and the kidney secretions have also
been restored to a normal condition.
You are welcome to use my name as
n reference."
Plenty more proof like this from
Valdosta people. Call at A. E. Dim-
mock's drug store ana ask what his
customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-MiIburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—^Loan’s and
take no other.
McCurdy's Resignation Accepted
New York, Nov. 29—The resigna
tion of Richard McCurdy president of
the Mutual Life Insurance Company
was accepted today by the trustees.
We know what all good doc
tors think of Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral. Ask yourown doc
tor and find out. He will tell
you how it quiets the tickling
throat, heals the inflamed
lungs, and controls the
hardest of coughs.
•• Ayer’« Cherry IVetorml U well known In
our family. W'« think It U the bett medicine
in the world for <-migh* and cold*.*’
Katib PbtbksoN. Petaluma, Cel.
i frr '
Hard Coughs
>no of Ayer's Pills at bedtime wl
hasten recovery. Gently laxative.
A vw/etable liquid for governing of
. equal:r. tv< the flow of women’s menses
which occur about onco in every lunar
month. v ■
Female Regulator
It the etaential quality of powerful herbs.
Effective, reliable and harmless in nature,
simplicity and solace.
It is a concentrated essence best adapted
for women's delicate organism, and put in
such form that it is not only palatable, but
can be properly assimilated and taken into
the system.
Stoppages, suppression, painful obstruc
tion. irregularity, of the menses and sickly
“owe are corrected and cured by the regulat
drnirmtration of this superior emmeni-
Menstruation, or periodic flows, necessi
ty a breaking down of cells lining the
mucous membrane and * reconstruction
,liter every sickness, which is accompanied
with marked congestion and loss of blood.
Such changes are very apt to produce
chronic catarrh. Leucorrhea or Whites is
the result of these irritating discharges.
Regulator cures these troubles and restores
to perfect health the patient who suffered i
the debilitating losses. Buy of druggists.
11.00 per bottle. ** i
Our Illustrated book, •* Perfect Health for i
Women," frtf.
In 10 Days, Use
has a very bad effect on your sye- j
tem. It disorders your stomach I
, tnd digestive apparatus, taints your
| blood and causes constipation, with
ill Its fetrful ills.
Is * bland tonic, Uver regulator, tnd I
blood purifier.
It gets rid of the poisons caused
by over-supply of bile, and quickly
cures bilious headaches, dizziness, j
loss of sppetlte, nausea, lndlges-
' on, constipation, malaria, chills
and fever, Jaundice, nervousness, |
Irritability, melancholia, and sQ
sickness due to disordered liver.
It Is not s cathartic, but a gentle,
herbal, liver medicine, which eases
without Irritating.
Price 25c at all Druggists.
Furniture Co.,
Valdosta, Qa.
Oar goods and pricof are al
right. Come iu to see what we
can offer yoa before you bay.
(Formerly advertised and sold as
. . . SATINOLA- . . ,
No change in formula or package.
The name only has been changed tc
ayoid confusion, as we cannot afford to
have so valuable preparation confused
with any other.)
NADINOLA Is guaranteed, and money
will be refunded in every case where it
fails to remove freckles, pimples, liver-
spots, color discolorations, black-heads,
disfiguring eruptions, etc. The worst
cases in 20 days Leaves the skin elear
soft, healthy, and restores the beauty of
Price 50 cts and $1.00. Sold in each
city by all leading druggists, or by
Prepared only by
ing druggists. |
My stock of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries is more complete than ever before.
Heinz’s Pickles and National Biscuit
Co’s goods always on hand.
Choice brands of Coffee, Teas and
Give me a trial. Your orders will re
ceive prompt attention.
J. E. Culpepper,
Phone 2s9.
I will sell at public sale on Wednes-
day, December 13tlt, at my home at
Lake Park, ten head of cattle, farm
tools and implements, and other articles
will be sold to tho highest bidder for
cash. F. W DEDGE,
U-18-5t-s Lake Park, Ga