Newspaper Page Text
Will Wonders Never Cease?
The Red Spot Store’s
Buyer Gives the Slothing Business
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f 1,500 Suits, Overcoats, Cravanetts for Men and Youth’s, bought from Browning,
TTi^ig- & Co., of Broadway New York, The largest manufacturer of clothing in
America, has been gobbled by our buyer. None of the suits worth less than $10.00.
and some as high as $22.00. Placed on sale during December a he following as
tonishing low prices: - |j|.
$4.48, $4.98, $5.98 and $6,98.
Here Are Some oif the items that Will crowd The Store
You Can See for Yourself That These Prices Would Not Even Cover Cost of Material.
Here is something particularly tempting; Mens light col
ored, fancy check suits, sold by others at $8.50
Our special price - * " $4.98
Men’s Bannockburn, fancy chevoit, rich dark shade, the
kind you can comfortably wear twelve months in
the year. Our special price • - $4.98
It-will pay you to take,! look at these Mens’ new narrow
Mens’ mottled-fancy cheviot suits, all wool and will look
well until worn ou: sold all $10.75 by others.
Our Special Price $5.98
Overcoat Department
For Sunday and other “dress up” occasions or for the
hardest kind of wear, buy one of these; Men’s fancy cassimere
suits of the new mixed goods, strictly all-wool,
wholesale price $9.00; our special priee $5.98
Mens’ Tricot long suits, strictly all-wool, very much in
vogue this season and up-to-date in every way. Our
Special Sale Price $5.98
Mens’ black and white pinhead, all-wool cashmere suits,
very much in demand all the time; wholesale price
$12.00. Our Special Sale Price - Qg
Mens’ Trousers Department.
200 pairs mens’ work pants worth $1, sale price 69c. 15
pairs good scuff and evening wear trousers, sale price 89 c. A
98c. you can choose a pair of trousers that others charge you
$1.75 for. $1.23 gets a good pair of Sunday pants. Mens’ fine
trousers for Sunday wear, in worsted and fancy stripes, at $2.39,
positively worth $2.50, $4.50 and $5.00.
If you have all the clothes you need it will pay you to buy
one of these — r »« doMgSli* ideas’
fancy'Scotch cheviot suits, sold at wholesale at $12250 Our price
1.98. ' r
Splendid overcoat, heavy or lightweight, $3.43. This over
coat is of the finest material and positively worth $10. We will
allow you to take this coat home with you and keep it five days,
and if you do not think it worth $10, or no matter what the cause
may be, you may return the same and we hereby bind ourselves
to refund the purchase price. Mens’ nice durable Overcoats in
black and brown for Sunday wear $5.85, positively worth $15.00.
Mens’ fine Overcoats in silk and satin linings, olives, tan and
dark blue shades, $6.98, worth $18 or your money refunded, no
matter what the cause may be. Mens’ fine royal stand Kersey
Overcoats in black, blue and brown, worth $20, price $.798.
Every one knows that we handle the famous Herman Katen-
stein make of clothing for men and youths. They are the best
tailor make. They include all the new military cuts, hand
padded breast and shoulders, hand-felled collar and hand-made
buttonholes. The patterns are all new and exclusive. These
sel1 at $7.99, $8.98, $10.48.
Cravanette Coats.
For men and women. Positively waterproof and having the
advantage over an overcoat or jacket in so far as they give the
same service with less than half the weight to carry.
Mens’ and Ladies’ $11.00 Cravanettes, Sale Price $ 5.85
“ “ 14.00 “ “ " 7.57
“ " ’• 16.00 “ “ “ 8.98
“ “ “ 22.00 “ “ “ 10.98
These Cravanettes are the latest styles in tan, light brown •
and slate colors, and positively worth double.
Suit (Eases and Trunks at Astonishing Low Prices.
Suit cases that others sell for $i.5o, our price during the great sale 98c. Solid leather suit cases that every one sell at $6 00. during this great sale for $2.98.
Solid leather suit cases which we selll at $9.00, our special price $4.98. Trunks range Injprices'from $1.48, $2.48, $8.98 and $4.98, worth twice as much.
Our Christmas sale of ladies’ Jackets both short 3-4 or long lengths longs to be remembered in the commercial history (Georgia.
Ladies’ 3-4 length in light lake, dark meltons. Sells everywhere at $16.00. Our Christmas sale price $7.98 and $8.98.
Ladies’ Trimmed Hats most original in conception 48c., 69c., 89c., 98c., $1.23, $i.48 and $2.98 worth double the money.
Furnishings For Men and Women.
Mena’ White Linen Handkerchiefs worth 15c. go for 3c. at this sale.
Mens' Suspenders worth 50c. go for 7c. at this sale.
Mens’ Suspenders worth 75c. go for 9o. at this sale.
Mens’ Fine Silk Ties worth (1.00 go for 33c. at this'sale.
Mens’ Fine SUk Ties worth 75c. go for 31c. at this sale.
Mons’ Fine Silk Ties worth 60o. go for 17c. at this sale.
Good work shirts worth $1. go for 49c. at this sale.
Good work shirts worth 7So. go for 29o. at this sale.
Mens’ and Ladies’ hose, good ralncs at 35c. will go at this sale for 17c. -1
Three dozen mens’ collar buttons worth 15c. at this sale for Sc.
La ck of space prevents oar mentioning thousands of tilings wliich we have at
your own price—merely carrying them away.
Corsets, wortli 75c. for 89c. Teasordown Outing 90. Yard.wide-Bleaching (113
Androscoggin Bleaching 8c. Best Quality sheeting (1l-». Check Homespno 4 1-4
Riverside Checks b l-2c. Pure linen napkins, fancy and plain 4 l-2o. Good
Crash Toweling 4c per yard, Onting flanell 7c., bettor quality 80. Fruit of the
Loom Bleaching 80. Yellow Sheeting 4 7 80. Ready-made 10-4 sheets, worth
75o., now 54c LonBdale Cambric, 9 l-3c. Good Towels 9o. per pair. Manches
ter Hnck Toweling, 5 l-2o. per yard.
A beautiful line of Dress Goods in Silks, voiles, cashmeres, brilllantlnes, serges
and whip cords at loss than cost.
Fine Silk Handkerchiefs.
Ladles’ Jackets At Less Than Half Price.
Ladies flno Jacket* lined m silk, satin and serge. Trimmed in the mont ap-
red fashions and in the lateat cute and moat catchy; colon to see these is to
bay them.
Ladies’ $ 7.00 Jackets daring this sale go for
•• no “ “ •• “ ** s‘
•• 9.00
" 11.00
“ 18.00
Linen Table Cloths, Ready Made.
8x10 at 73c. 8x13 at 99o. Oil Cloths, all colors, best, 14c.
$3.00 Marseilles at $1.98. Pearless, extra size 79c. Clarendales, $1.18.
A sale of flue Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. Long to bo remembered in
many homes throught this section. S00 dozen at 33o. $3o., S0c„ 73c. and 98c
Also three dozen fine Enilial Handkerchiefs, worth 25.. in Japan, finished Linen,
ready for ose, at only 8c. each.
Ladies fine light, black, bine and Brown Meltons in long lengths, that other*
ask yon $35.00 for. See them at oar store During the month of December at .
Only $14.98.
See Our Christmas Windows.
We Pay Rail Road Fare to Purchasers of $25,00 -or* Over for 75 Miles,