Newspaper Page Text
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Goes to the Convict Camp to Begin
The Pathetic Parting in the Count/
Jail Yesterday—The Condemned
Father of the Young Man Gave Him
■a Parting Injunction in Regard to
Obedience to Those in Authority
sit the Camps—Mrs. Rawlings Knew
of the Plot to Kill Carter and Wife
When 8he Heard of it.
There was a pathetic separation in
the county jail yesterday, the Inci
dent marking the beginning of the
last chapter of the Rawlings case.
Warden Jackson ,from the Babcock
convict camps, came after Leonard
Rawlings, who was sentenced to life
Imprisonment in the penitentiary. The
warden was not expected until Wed
nesday and only a short time was
given the young man to bid his fath
er and brothers, who are condemned
.to die, farewell.
Mrs. Rawlings and her two daugh
ters, Misses Leila and Lola, were
present and happened to be at the
oounty Jail when the officer came for
Leonard. The parting between them
and the young man was very touch
ing, thougu the father and the other
two brothers did not show the least
rign of feeling.
The elder Rawlings told the officer
that Leonard was used to farm work
and that he would do his work well
If he is treated well. He asked the
officer to treat the boy kindly and aid
him as much as possible. He told
Leonard to be good and obedient and
exacted a promise of the young man
that he would not try to escape under
any circumstances. He told him that
he would find prison life much easier
if he would obey the rules and not
give the authorities trouble. Leonard
promised that he would bo obedient
and would do his work as well as he
knew how to do it ,no matter what
task’ is assigned him. _ The officer
from the camps assured the young
Ihis parents
.. Mrs. Rawlings at the Jail.
Mrs. Rawlings anu her daughters
have been here two or three days
the mother trying to do something to
save the life of her other two
demned sons. She has a petition In
circulation among the people of the
county asking for executive clemency
for the boys. It is understood that
quite a number of names have been
signed to it .though most of ti»e cit
izens prefer to sign a petition asking
for a reprieve of thirteen days for the
It is believed by many that the boys
would make a statement if they could
be gotten from under the Influence of
their father, and this is the reason
mat many prefer to have their sen'
tence suspended until after the old
man is hanged. At present, they are
Just as indifferent to their fate as can
be, apparently, and they say nothing
that throws any light upon the trag
edy .except that they are innocent,
and no one believes that. If they
would acknowledge their guilt and beg
for mercy, many people would inter-
. est themselves in their behalf, feeling
that they acted under the influence of
their father in committing the crime.
In the jail a few days ago, Leonard
Rawlings told the Sheriff that on the
Tuesday morning of the killing of
the Carter children that ho found his
mother crying and when he asked her
what was the matter she told him
that his father had a negro hid out
in the field to kill old man Carter that
night. According to Leonard’s story
his mother told him then that the
family would be ruined.
Why She Did Not Tell. it.
In the presence of Mrs. Rawlings
yesterday the sheriff asked Leonard
if he would repeat that story and he
did so. Mrs. Rawlings said it was
true and that the reason she had not
told it before was because her hus-
Stores are Thronged With Chrlctrrfas
Buyers—Large Stocks on Hand
The Christmas spirit made its ad
vent in Valdosta unusually early this
The merchants already have their
large lines of goods on display and
the stores are crowded with buyers
from early morn'until late at night
Many of the town buyers come out at
night to make their selections and
many gifts have already been packed
away for use in dispensing happiness
to friends and loved ones Christmas.
Those who have looked over the
stocks of the various merchants de
clare that they have never before seen
such splendid lines of holiday goods
as are being kept this year. The
stocks embrace many very handsome
lines, and it is a hard person to please
who cannot be satisfied with what he
finds here.
There are many shoppers here dally
from the adjoining towns and most
of these are making large purchases.
Many who have seen the displays
in the largest cities declare that the
Valdosta merchants have as handsome
lines as can be found anywhere.
J. 0.
Bunch of Alleged Gamblers.
Chief Dampter and Officers Pres
ley, Jacobs and Hill rounded up a
big bunch of alleged negro gambors
yesterday and arrested nine of thorn.
It is said that they have been indulg
ing in such past times as playing
"skin" for money out near the guano
factory for the past month or so and
the officers have been watching them.
Sufficient evidence was secured
against them to justify warrants,
whieh were pwprn out yesterday,
There were sixteen warrants and nine
of the gang were caught. Other ar
rests may be made later. Mott of
those who were arrested have given
All kinds of nice Xmas goods at
right prices at The Empire Store,
d-tues, thurs. sat. w-tues sat
Don’t buy Christmas goods until
you see what Sam Breedlove is offer
Novelties in ladles scarfs at C. C.
Vamedoe & Co’s.
d-tues, thurs. sat. w-tues eat
Japanese vases, cut glass bowls,
dishes and vases at Sam Breedlove’s
We can’t mention half the pretty
things at Manlove’s in Christmas
gifts. The best thing to do is to go
see for yourself.
See the big assortment of toys,
Chinaware vases, etc., at The Empire
Store before buying.
d-tues, thurs. sat. w-tues sat
A new line of ladles’ neckwear and
ladies’, children and gents’ handker
chiefs at C. C. Varnedoe & Co’s.
Brass and iron fire sets and fenders
Boyd-Fry Stove & China Co.
Manlove has a big room reserved
in which to store your toys. Go be
fore the rush and select your toys and
fancy goods.
The general line of dolls and chil
dren’s playthings nt Sam Breedlove’s
will suite any taste or pocketbook.
We sell thousands of nice Christ
mas toys, etc, cheap. The Empire
d-tues, thurs. sat. w’-tues sat
His Wife and Daughters Were at the
Jail With Him Until After Ten
O’clock Last J^ht and a Sharp Col
loquy Occurred Between Him and
Sheriff Passmore—Objection Made
to Story of the Carter Killing,
T]here was another interesting
scene in the county jail last night
when Mrs. J. G. Rawlings and her
daughters visited the jail for the last
time before returning to their home In
Coffee county. They left for there
this morning, but they will probably
come back before the day of execu
Discussing the petition which is be
ing circulated, asking the pardon
board to recommend the commuta
tion of the sentences of the boys the
elder Rawlings said that he did not
want any body to sign the petition,
as he preferred for the boys to be
He said that if the truth were
known, he thought that he and Alf
Moore ought to be sentenced for life
or a less punishment and that the
boys should be turned loose. He waa
emphatic in saying that If one had to
hang that all of them should suffer
the same punishment, rather thfih he
Sent to the penitentiary for life.
The conversation between the con
demned men, the mother and sisters
atid Sheriff Passmore lasted about
four hours and much was said on one
side and then the other. The elder
Rawlings complained somewhat of
the treatment that had been given
him and his boys.
“Why they snatched Leonard up
and sent him off to the chain gang
on a moment’s notice without even
giving him time to tell his mother
good bye,” he said.
“Since you,talk about that,” broke
in the sheriff; “there were other chil
dren snatched up without hav*
ur good-bra.- Maybe
The Bills Approved by County Com-
missioners Last Monday.
The List of Items That Were Ordered
Paid, Making an Unusually Large
Budget for the Month of November.
Meeting of the Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of Lowndes
County, December 4th, 1905.
Accounts Approved for Payment.
J. T. Hester, guard $ 22 00
A. V. Simms .ordinary, .... 6 00
J. M. Gates, guard 20 00
J. A. Albrittan 26 00
Foote' & Davies Co. 11 00
T. S. Knight
J. P.; Ulmer .. 12 50
Kelly & Webb 23 64
Lawson Bros 46 00
Georgia Sou. & Fla. Ry. .... , 1 76
Dr.^’W. E. Rouse 4 50
Marshall & Bruce Co .. .. 51 95
Igardy Chrl&ian 6 50
S. L. Sharif^ guard 60 00
Valdosta ^ce & Mfg. Co.. .. 104 00
J. R. Boring & Bros. 4 00
Z. H. Taylor, supt. convicts.. 172 98
Harper Hall
W. H. Griffin, Judge city court 100 00
R. Tv .Myddleton, clerk S. C. 132 60
R. T. Mydleton clerk com,,, 100 00
D. w*. Passmore, com... .. 12 60
Dalton Grocery Co 130 53
and Willie Carttr who are now in
their graves. They did not have a
chance to say good-bye to any body,
The little girl was left dead in the
field with her face stamped In the
dirt and her mother was not even al
lowed to gather up her lifeless body
and carry it back in the house. These
children were on an errand of mercy
to a sick calf and they did not dream
of danger or death when they were
shot to death in their own yard, and
“I wish you would let up on that,”
broke in Jesse. “I am tired of hearing
For Heaven’s sake, hush up sher
iff,” said Mrs Rawlings.
I am willing to hush,” replied the
sheriff, “ but you must not lose sight
of these things when you talk about
how your own children—accused of
the murder—are treated."
Why don’t you quote something
about the ’faithful little dog* that the
solicitor talked so much about In his
argument?" asked the elder Raw
lings In a sarcastic way.
l-ator on in the conversation, the
elder Rawlings told his wife that he
was not the only one that needed
praying for and told her that she had
better bo praying for her self. “ If
you had listened to me this thing
wouldn’t have happened,” he said In
an Intimative way.
Before leaving the Jail both Raw
lings and his wife thanked the sheriff
Miscellaneous toys for Children can . for his |)atIonce and kInd treatment
be found in the greatest array and (0 t j iem mis. Rawlings was evident-
best selection at Sam Breedloves. j y too dccp | y affected to say goodbye
to the condemned men, so when the
II. I. Hclntz
James Sims
C. R. Howell
R. B. Myddli
court for
_•!. A. Bod
Florence Hoti
J. P. Ulmer
W. A. Griffith
J. F. Passmore, Jail .. .. 335 60
J. F. Passmore, sheriff
Swindle & Rlgoll .... ...
Ingram & Hewlett .. .^j.
1 65
4 80
City of Valdosta .. .. ....
44 99
A. S. Pendleton Co
6 19
M. M. Zltfperer
Valdosta Repair Co
1 95
Hearing Set for Today at Valdosta
Delayed Until Jan. 2.
The Jamison habeas corpus case,
which was set last Saturday to be
heard Monday morning at Valdosta
has been postponed till January 2,
when the United States district court
meets in this city, says the Macon
Motion for the postponement of the
hearing was made before Judge Em
ory Speer yesterday morning by Jam
ison’s attorney, Mr Alexander Aker-
man .and was granted by the court.
By this latest move In the celebrat
ed case, it seems probable that the
supremo «ourt of the state will be
able to render its decision in the ap
peal made from Judge Felton’s re
fusal to grant tne habeas corpus pe
tition argued two weeks ago before
the case comes up before Judge Speer
The hearing has bepn set by the su
preme court of the state for Decern-
ner 18, the same day as that of the
Pearson appeal.
Consequently, before Judge Speer
hears the habeas corpus case In his
own court the state supreme court
will either have upheld or reversed
the decision of Judge Felton of the
superior court, and there will remain
question as to whether or not the
Cotton in Valdosta.
Upland, Good Middling li
Middling 10%
Market dull.
Sea Island, Fancy ,18*4
No. 3
negro has exhausted all the remedies
of the state court.
Subscrlbo for The Dally Times.
James Taylor
J. J. Hutchinson & Son ..
Miler Jones Shoe Co
John A. Hodges
John T. Roberts
Thomas-Dekle Hdw. Co... .
E. A, pimmock
Robt. Black .. .. .. .. ...
R. L. Lewis
S. L. Senterfit
Frank Wilson
Frederick Disinfectant Co...
S. L. Milhouse
L. M. Stanflll .. .
Ousley & Co.
W. D. Dunaway
A. Converse
C. B. Peeples
J. E. Robert* Hdw Co. ...
Fender Lumber Co
A. L. Burnett.. .. 4 '*.. .
W. M. Belote.*.
Z. H. Taylor, supt. bridges .
W. Lang, county treasurer.
* <38 •
w. j^ang, county treasurer.. 7* i
Valdosta Meat Mu**' .
C. IV—Stuck*-£-prn-rirv -J1
Jofcn Harper .. .. M.. '.. 4 I
Market firm.
Cotton In Savannah.
Flour patent per barrel ,5.60
Meat. D. S. Dollies 9 to 10c
Hams, picnic (retail) io to 12c
Hams, sugar cured 14 to 16c
Market upward.
Corn, per bushel 80c
Meal per bushel 7j c
Hey, per 100 pounds ll.vO
Oats White Cllpp per bushel.. .. ooe
Oats, Texas, per bushel :,0c
Eggs 35c
Butter 30 to 36c
Chickens 30 to 40c
Bees Wax 32 to 26c
Tallow 4 C
Hides dry flint 10c
Hides, green salt iuc
The Empire Store has a nice as
Bortmcnt of Christmas goods. Prices
d-tues, thurs. sat. w-tues sat
J Sam Breedlove sells Btanke-Wem
erker’s candles In bulk, and he nlso
has tho handsomest line of package
candles In tho city
Buy your Xmaej,presents at The
Empire Store
d-tues, thurs. eat. w-tues sat-,
A good steel range, jBjnht of Boyd-
Fry Stove & China Co., would make
your wife a nice Christmas present.
12-d-Wlt. ... -T ■ -ft
| ' i
t Ntrup cans,', cheap nt
gj,«w/r CTItia C' ‘ *
wAWsv,v,v.Hi:: mm 8;:::::::::::::
No go, no pay, 14 different lines of
stoves and steel ranges and all guar
anteed at Boyd-Fry Stove and China
). 12-d-wlt
A Toy for Everyone.
Manlove has a toy for every child
in Lowndes and all the surrounding
band threatened her life If she ever counties. Yes, a great big lot. Go
breathed It. He told her that he \ 806 for yourself,
might be sent to the chaingang, but
that if he returned in twenty-five
years he would kill her If she opened
her mouth. She said she found him
(her husband) washing out a tin
tucket and asked him what he meant
revenge upon her, even If he had to
wait, until a twenty-flve-years sentence
was served In the penitentiary. This
story* if true, shows how Rawlings
dominated the members of his house-
when he told her that he had carried I hold when he was at home,
the negro something to eat In It, and At the Jail last night, Rawlings told
then told of the plot, which she had
been afraid to reveal.
While they were talking Rawlings
took up the story and said It was true.
He said that when he first told his
wife of the plot '‘to get rid of Carter”
that she "took on so” that he was
afraid she would tell It In court In
case he was arraigned for ' it, and
that was the reason he was so partic-
his wife and daughters to bo sure
and come back on the day of the
hanging, as he wanted them to bo
here. The mother and daughters
were weeping the whole time that
they were In the Jail yesterday, and
they seem to bo the only members
of the family who are very much stir
red up over the action of the courts
in condemning the father and two
hour for departure came, she and her
daughters turned silently from the
place without a word of farewell to
either tho old man or the boys.
mlar to warn her that he would have | sons to death.
Dolls, toys, chinaware, opalware,
drums, lamps, etc., cheap. Tho Em-
pire Store
d-tues, thurs. sat. w'-tues sat
FOR SALE—My farm 21-2 miles
north of Valdosta. 30 acres, $1,000.
A. H. Dukes tf
AT ONCE—Lady clerk wanted for
holidays. One with experience and
well recommended. Address Box 246,
Valdosta, Ga. 5-dtf.
FOR SALE—Good young Jersey
cow, some household goods, Including
one organ. Owner sells rather than
move them. L. P. Christiansen, 211
Holliday Si 11-d'it.
No expert cook needs to operate
the steel ranges sold by Boyd-Fry
Stove & China Co.
Ill |o R aUfc,iat 8 ,afco in
Ulf I Overcoats — for all
that’s good in Overcoats—
como here. This is a spec
ial feature in our business,
and we have devotod
great deal of thought to se
looting the proper tilings
and we have them.
[[ M. A. BRIGGS,
■ ■ ■ i • ■ ■ i ■ 18 mu ■ ■ 11 ■ ■ i a ■ 11« ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■
■ ■