Newspaper Page Text
10c STORE,
Opposite Court House j
We have all kinds toys arid dolls and suitable Christmas )
gifts which are now on display at the lowest possible l
prices. You are invited to call. 5
'T'/Y\7O Of every description are to
1 vF It ^ be found at this Store. The
prices are right and you will benefit your
pocket book by trading here. We have
all kinds of Toys for babies, boys and
girls. TOYS they have never seen be
fore, TOYS they will delight to play
with, and TOYS they will cry about when
they break. We have all kinds of Toys
such as SANT A CLAUS said all good
boys and girls should have. This is the
only Store in town showing Toys, Dolls
and Christmas goods separate from their
regular line of business. You are welcome
to come and look, and if tired we have
seats for ladies.
Df) |IC Are here in greater va-
^ riety than at any other
store in Valdosta. We have Dolls from
one cent each to five dollars each. Every
kind of doll you can name is here and they
are priced Williams’ Way, which means
the lowest possible price. We have Dolls
that can walk and talk, sleep and stay
awake, stand up and lie down. Have bru
nettes and blondes, and have a few cross
eyed dolls also. In fact we have just as
we said before, Dolls of every kind. We
also will give away to the lucky one this
Christmas a forty-doilar doll. You are
entitled to a chance on same every ten cents
you spend. We hope that you—the read
er-will get the doll. WIlllAMS' 10c STORE.
for all kind
ot people at most any price, from ten cents
to ten dollars each. Presents that are not
only pretty but useful as well. We have
more presents than any two other stores in
this town and they are priced to you this
year cheaper than ever before. We have
some very nice presents for young men and
others for their sweet-hearts. Presents for
the aged and presents for boys; girls, hus
bands or wives. Presents that will please
your mother and sister and some that will
just suit the reader of this. We extend to
you all an invitation to come see our Toy
Store which contains only presents.
10c STORE.
rn rr/ jr D 1717II This year we. have de-
rKlLlL! rKlLtLll rKlLlL! 1l cided to give with every
ten cents you spend a chance free on a beautiful forty-doilar doIL The
doll is on exhibition in our store window and is only waiting there to
become the property of who ever may be the lucky customer. We give a
ticket with every > en cents you spend and to make your ticket good you ,
write signature on the back of ticket. You then return your ticket to
our store any day before Christmas morning 12 o’clock. On that day we i
have the tickets thoroughly mixed and then some little child, too young
to read, to take out just one ticket. Now the name on the back of that
icket will tell who is the lucky customer to receive the forty-doilar doll.
In China You
Can Find
THE PRICE OF GOODS same at most any of the
stores in most any town. There is, however, a cheaper store in every
town. Possibly the price is only a few cents cheaper and it looks to many
that its hardly worth saving but please bear in mind and never forget
that cents make dollars. The merchant who gives the low price, and
brings the high priced merchant down to that price is the merchant who
should have your trade. When Williams came to this town goods sold
for much more than they now sell for. Williams is here and is keeping
down the price and if you do not buy it from Williams be good enough to
give Williams the credit for having reduced prices in Valdosta. Merchants
tell you they sell as cheap as Williams; Williams says he sells cheaper.
4t tfifa Stor'd th. aline *a you
can find at other, etorea and we out
make the price a little eaelei*. Whan
you are aeon going In and out of WII-
llama' Store people know you are a
caah buyer. They know Wllllama
credits no one and Ite nice to have
passers by say ot you that you pay
caah. A person who buys on credit
la a alave to the merchant. A per-
aon who paya caah la independent on
any merchant.
Buy your CHINA GIFTS from
WILLIAMS’ 10c 8TORE for caah and
the aavlng will be quite an Item.
♦ ♦♦ + ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦*♦♦
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♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
1 r 1 -X
Fancy Cologne Boxes
German Work Bas’^^ a § 25
Parlor Lamps * "* 9 g
Crystal G\ A ^ Vases .!!!!!!!!!! 10
Solid Qqjjj Rlngs 2.OO
•Htlor? 75c to 2.00
!u£- 25
Razor Straps 35
Fine Box Papers 1.00
Steam Engine 45
Hor*e and Carts 98
Finest Silk Belts 50
Linen Table Cloths 98
linen Handkerchiefs 10
Nut Bowls 75
alad Bowls 25
Chop Trays 100
Whiskey Sets 2.50
Wine Set* 2.25
Water Sets 98
Hobby Horses •• • 1.98
Swinging Horses 9.00
Rooster Shoo Fly’s 1.25
Doll Carriages 35
CluUivns’ Chairs 35
Painted Red Chnirs 25
lritt’a Mail Flye
Medallions ..
Cigar Jars ..
Brie-a-Brac ..
Common Vases
KM or Bisque Dolls 10
Jointed Dolls 10
Stv.ffed Dolls 10
30e Kinds of Dolls 5c to 5.00
$11.00 Doll 00
Memo. Books 35
Photo Cases 75
Trinket Boxes 25
Card Receivers 35
Ash Receiver! 25
Smokers Sots 9S
Picture Easels 10
Toilet Sets LOO
Manicure Sets 2.50
Goto Plated Mirror. 1.50
Collar Boxes 50
Cuff Boxes L00
Fancy Picture Frames 25
Ornamental Clocks 2.50
Powder Boxes ?• 35
B-M. WILLIAMS & CO..; 10c
: — — tHP
V nJm..
For Children
Are Listed Below.
We have many more Presents
that are Suitable ane the Price on
all Goods will be found to Suit.
Fur Dogs 10
Rag Dogs 10
Tin Wagons It
Silvered Hohih 10
Con Horns IS
Alphabet Blocks 25
Picture Blocks 25
Rubber Toys 1$
Trombones 25
Cornets 25
Accordeons 25
Foot Balls 5$
Toy Guns 25
Drums 35
Stuffed Cats 10
Wool Dogs 25
Toy Carts 10
Velocipedes 1.25
Whips #5
False Fuces 20
Jack In Box 10
Mechanical Toys 25
„ Automobiles 25
Hosting Engines 35
Upright Engines 45
. r Pianos .. . 35
‘ Horses 1$
French Engines 35
Iron Toys 10
Hook and Imdders 35
Fire Engines 35
Police Patrol 5$
Fire Departments 1.01
Driving Reins 15
Flutes 26
Harmonicas 10
Musical Toys 16
Elephants 25
Games 16
Kitchen Sets II
Tea Seta 10
Jumping Jacks 10
Forty Kind Horses 10
Drawing Slates 05
Oil Paints 10
Zulu Dolls 25
Walking Bugs 25
Japanese Lanterns 10
Tree Candles 01
Tree Ornaments 10
All Kinds Balls 05
Store, Valdosta, Ga., Opposite Court House.
We Have
In every kind of merchandise. We
make a specialty of giving good val
ues in tinware for the least money.
We have lately begun the telling of
specialties in the dry goods lineland
we do not fall to tell tame. Wetkeep
nothing; we tell everything/ We
have interesting prices on all grade* •
of stationary and have box papers
from 10c to $1.00 a box. In jewelry
we have tome extra good values iff
link cuff buttons at 25c and 50c a~ pair
We have tales every week of differ
ent kinds of goods and we certainly
de sell goods cheaper. This week
you can buy a $1.50 sateen under
skirt for 98 cents. We have left a
few pieces embroidery worth 20c to
35c per yard. This week it can all
go at only 10c a yard. We have bar
gains that are true bargains and your
money back if you want It.
+ A \TV < "’ ooc ' s purchas-
+ A N I can ^ st ° r -
* ™ ’ * ed by us until
wanted by you
: charge!