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•Y,, -• • T.-ariirinfl’ thcE^t.
.iLOclhO.., UJw ..-*
rcuiivc to adopt J'uch mcaiures
as lie might lee lit for giving
cfic£t to the law, and putting
the Hank in operation —this dif
lictdty was partly removed. —
T Tnderthis authority, the atnounr
of the (even teen per centum of
the State's fubfcriprion, includ
ing the one thousand (hares re
fcrved fo;the Univeifity, was.
by an Executive order, depofit
cd by the Treaforer, in the hands
of the Commid'ioners in bills of
the Augufla andPlanters’ banks;
and under the fame authority, I
proceeded to Augufla and Sa
vannah for the purpose of nego
ciatirg with the Banks there,
for an advance of specie, upon
a deposit of their own notes by
the Commiflioners, or Directors
of the State Bank. My propo
(aion to them was promptly met,
and with a liberality which does
the conductors of those inftitu
tions muck credit. A large
(urn iti specie was promised, and
has fmcc hee j n paid, or is ret Jy
to be paid to the Directors of
the State Bank. This Bank ia
now, and has been for fame time
pall in op-ration in Savannah,
sad branches are now establish
ed at (his place and in Augufla,
Z'i required by law. From this
Jevelopement of fads, you will
perceive the ncctflity of an ap
pr< priaiion at theprelent Stliion, i
to cover as well the firfl pay
ment. as alio the fecotid which
has been fome time due, but
which can be made as soon as
appropriated. Indeed, it may be
more proper to appreciate the
w hole amount, by which the Ex
ecutive will be e’ abh c! to com
ply with the requihnons made
by the Bank on the amount of
the fuhlcription, until the whole
[hall be paid.
By the appropriation law for
the present year, a fpecific sum
and fund was designated, from
which to pay the State's quota
of Direct Tax r > the U. States
for the year i 3 16 ; but upon
examination, it was found to be
doubtful, whether the fund de
lignated, could be relied upon
for this pay me ut, so as to give
the (late the advantage ot the
difeouat of io or 15 per centum
on tire amount of the lax. Arid
the (latticing hi polfiflion of
drafts of the TVeafurer of the
United States, to a competent
amount, payment was tendered
in those drabs, and after fome
difficulty on the part ot the Se
cretary of the Tteafury, accept
ed ; leaving a quefiion which
arose on the fubyeft of nolke,
for the decinon of Cungrtls.—
! he corrcfj-iondcnci: betwe en the
Executive and the Secretary of
the Tv.*i'lory, herewith lubmit.
ted, will funnfh ab the requisite
13'hr to a dear and full under
tlindinc* of this fu! ;. eb It may
however, be proper to appro
pri it the amount, so as to au
tborile a wariaht to he drawn ;
for although the amount in mo
ney never was i:i our Treasury,
the payment htning been made
hv way of diieuni, yet it may
be the la fell course, to cor.fider
to? drafts as money, since they
have been received in payment
:s Inch.
I fte freafurer’s abOraft, which
vvitl 1 e laid before you in dm
season by that oilkvi, will exhi
Uta coacifc but *d:£inv.v vi„w oi
the Care of our funds, nnd pre
sents matter of rtal gratulation
to every friend of Georgia—
Our means of fatisfyinjg every
jult demand againfl the flateare
ample, and the period is at hand
when we fliall potTefs an abund
ant surplus for promoting objects
of general and public utility.—
Among ft those molt worthy of
your immediate attention and
consideration, permit me to re
commend, a serious and decided
effort for the improvement of the
navigation of our rivers, and the
repair of our public roads and
bridges. To an agricultural
(late like Georgia, whole pro
ducts are not only of great value,
but of great bulk, and intended
for exportation, the facility of
getting them to market, is an
object of the very firfl import
ance. And here f bog leave trt
repeat what 1 have before said 1
upon a similar occasion, that the
present authority by winch the
public roads and bridges are j
made and repaired, is too local. t
A fuperintendant appointed by
the Legrilature or tlie Executive,
in each Military division, or Ju
dicial diitricl, clothed with the
competent authority and means,
for procuring and applying the
neceflary labor, would, I am
persuaded, be productive or
much benefit in this patticuiar.
By the death of our worthy
revolutionary fiddler k patriotic
citizen, Major General John
Twiggs, of the cd Division, and
the removal of Major General
John Clarke, of the jd Division
of cur militia, the duty of filling
the vacancies thereby occasioned,
now devolves upon the Legifla
ttire. And it is my duty to re
mind you, that in addition to
those State Officers which the
Conflitptiun reejuires you to deft:
during your prefint Scfiion, you
will have toappainf eight Electors
of Piefidcnt and Vice ['reftdent
of the United States, and a Se
nator to ro present this (fate in the
Senate of the United States.
A lilt of Executive appoint
ments made during the recess,
and which are iubject to Legisla
tive interference, is herewith
State H u re, iViilhJpville,
s il> A 6tv
in conftquence of the indif
polition of the Speaker, I3in
jam in Wll i,i •ms, Esq. was
ye lie rd ay eleCied Speaker ‘ pro
lc">. of the Houle of RepVefeti
taiives. Both branches <X the
Legiihture adjourned at an early
hour, after appointing the uiual
landing committees.
Spanish Intelligence.
The editors of the Mercantile
Adverufer v ere yeftcuLy favored
with a trar ion of the following
interclling intelligence tronr Mex
ico. The lu re dated of the
revolutionist: having taken pefieitron
of Hlatapoivia, is confirmed by ’-he
report cf captain ?owler, Nevv-
“ Eis cxeel'encv Doit Jo ft o* t
uel de He net a, rounder plenipo
tentiary i; irt the govern
ment of hlerice, to the Ut-ited
States, has con municated, under
.'■ate of i h atrgull lain from the
j: m of Matagorda, to a tcffectable
nerfon ai PLkde’phia, the foilow
g iofurmatu it.
T he rerublican army cf the pro
v.iicc cl \ cic wCtn
ftiand of general-V‘ttpria hud ffige.
ou the 18th July biff to the ettie:. cf
Cordova and Orizabo, which were
then on the eve of surrendering.
The commander in chief of the re
publican troops of the province of
Puebla Teran, was endeavoring by
foiced marches to occupy the ports
ot Guazacualcos, which was wuh
cut means of defence. Gen. Bit
tamante had been victorious over the
royalists at often as he had met tiem,
and was ptirfuing them with all
iiafle General Arredondo, com
mander in chief of the interior pro
vinces, for the royalifis, had fallen
back with the few forces under his
orders, ott Monterrey, the capital ‘
of the new kingdom of Leon, in
confique-.vre of the republicans hav
ing occupied the port of Matagorda,
where they had fortified themfeiver,
and where they were daily augment
ing their strength. Subsequent to
the poiTefilon of t!xat port has baon
the evacuation of St. Antonia de |
Baxar, capital of the province of ■
Texas, which was garrisoned by tlie !
regiment of Eftremadnra, oil ? of the
molt famous corps of the royal par
“ The republican army of the
north is, for the present under the
command of colonel Peire, during
the ahfence of general Toledo, who
is now in the United States on hu
fine fs of moment, and Whose pre
fence with the army is impatiently
de fired
The representatives who are to
cnmpofe the next congress are nam
ed by the people, and by the present
time will have opened their LIT. n
It afforded great pleafnre to fee die
joy and enthusiasm which perva; led
the Mexicans on the days of election.
A perfou who was witness to this
inierdting feene faypj that in the
province of Vaiadolid, there were
various likeneflesof Wafbington and
Franklin, w hich the people carried
in their procefiions, accompanied
with music and songs, allegorical ot
the occasion
“ Between Wafirington St Frank
lin, fome tarried the refimbiance of
the general Cura Balgo, the first
who had ilie gloiy and courage to
raise the Itandard of liberty, wlm
was afterwards made prifoncr, and
foot by the cruel Spaniards at the
age of leventy.
“ Never Isas the Mexican Cause
preiented so favorable an aspect.
The next congrefis farmed of men
of influence, will remove ail thole
difficulties, which un it the prefer;*
‘moment, have parafiaed that rapid
orojtrefs which was looked lor in a
revolution created by the unanimous
and express will of the people Hie
J immense resources which cur beau
I tiful country contains, will hence
! forward be adminifiered hv a go
vernment, which, mei iting the pub
lic confidence, will give anew mi
pulfe, and will c-mle ufcll to Lc felt
bv the phvfieal and mural qualities
of tile republic.
“ The next campaign will be an’
object of lively iuiereft to all men
who are rtally ioveis- %’ the lacreu
righfs of humanity •, it will complete
the emancipation cf that fine coun
try from the eppreffive hand of dt s
pot rfm. Tise inhabitants of Mexico
will hereafter be enabled to erjoy
and parricipate equally the precious
gilts with which nature lias favored
Ext raft of a letter from Lagn’ra,
(via Baltimore)by a gentleman in
this city, dated August yth iBIG.
‘■ I h.. ve been informed by an A
mertcan gentleman heie that on the
; >JO h July lie was at C-miccas, that
thirtv of the republican loldicrs were
; 'arched a ‘little from tie
city and coaly pur to dead*—that
rwo'of thei. general’s were quarter
! ed and their anr purated limbs expo
l fed on rhe pualic rootle ! Uu that
vety day the it xi ss a ci an
\ eat lujuake.
j Ir is av. ful to beh. td the mins of
] the w.l;, cccaf’ojicd bv foaultd con
rnluons, and the hundreds cf hurma
skull- mi l b res of the unfortunate
c-e.i'ures who were crushed to death.
W : had thought that the atrocities
cf the royaliiD would ceate—fince
it fras uncieritood that Bolivar had
given orders to all unnecetury cru
But the government here i$ abfo
lu e—md the people ire not allow
ed to praftfie fas indeed fome of
them are me.hied to do) the office of
human it y*
European Intel!thence.
Naples, Aug. 16.
On the Br!i instant, a royal
ordinance w.-s pubiillied, prohi
biting under fivere penalties or
banifhmetir, fine arui impnfon
menr, all fberet affociati >ns, in
cluding of course nialonic in*
Naples ami the United States.
V/e have received account3
from Naples announcing that an
American squadron under the
command of Com. Chauncey, &
composed ol a ship of the line &
two frigates, and a corvette, had
arrived before that city having
on board Mr, Pinkney who has
demanded of the Napolctan Go
vernment 4,000,000 piaftres. as
_ap .cfjnivolefit for American pro
perty, con fife ate and during the
reign c f Murat. Mr. P. has it
is said accompanied this claim
with a threat of bombardment,
if juffice is not done. ‘rhis,de
demand has been rejefted, and
preparations have been made to
give the Americans a warm re
ception. The government have
coni!racted f’ui naces to heat balls
aftd have mounted cannon with
heavy calibre. The Aufbrhn
troops ( i 2.000 of whom the
king of Naples has taken into
his {'• rvicc) occupy the castle and
all lhe forts. Ihe Neapolitans
are counting on the arrival of an
Engiifh squadron to prevent the
Americans from committing
hoffiht’es. — Stir.
Ur cm the Petersburg lutclJigenrer,
The New bury port Herald of
Tceiday has the following ex
traordinary article of news.
By a letter received in town
lift evening from Eattport, it
appears that an F.ngHfh fleet had
just arrived there, con fitting of
ore co gun ttdp, two 38 gtm
fiigates, ore gun brie, and 3
sloop ct war. American pfo.
perty of every defcriptlori is
SKI‘A ED, and the people arc
talking of nothing but VV AR.
Since ihe receipt of the above,
we have been told that the re
port as refpefts the leisure of
American property, has proba
bly tuik-n from* the circun ttance
of a l ew coll; cior being appoint
ed at St Andrews, in which
cdlrlift is ccn.p'ieher.Ltfc! Eatt
poit, who deeintd the indulg
ences of the foitner colltbfor
incorreCf ; and according had
Sized on ail the merchandise
which was judged to have been
imported ccuiiary to law. iho
nurchan s, havmg beta so long
indulgeci iii a tue tiaue, and i*r.c g of fur h a < h?r ge, we: a
vtry naunaiiy lurprited ; and or
cr i.’rfe had ipitad aiann. ca ! cu
laud to awaken ihe public feu
fibiiuy ; hut th- lu; y* tt'en ot a
w?r Wiiig cut A this cucuru
llauLcg is HuiCu.cus in *he tJC*