Newspaper Page Text
LLclient bv tbs Gtorgia Legisla
ture, new in session.
George M. I roup, formerly
a representative from tins Cate,
‘.v on Fin lay l aft, elefted by
tne LegilUture, a Senator in the
C vngrefs of the United States,
for fix years from the fourth oi
March next, she fame day,
Valentine Walker, was elected
major general of the second di
vision, and Jett Thomas, major
gen ral of the third division of
On Saturday, John M. Ber
rien was elected Judge, and Ed
ward F. Tattnall, folicitorof the
Enftern Judicial Diftrift—John
M. Dooly, Judge, and Duncan
G. Campbftl, fdicitor of the
T- > eftern--C*iriftophcr B, Strong
Judge, and Bediicy Franklin,
foliritor of the Ocmu'gee— ;
Robert R. Reid, Judce of the
Middle Diftrift, and R >gor L.
Gamble, Attorney General of
ilie (true.
On Tuesday lad, Gen. John
M'lntofh, Charles Harris, L q.
Gen H. Mitchell, Gen. j..n and
Col. John Rutherf/rl,
Gen. Meriwether, join
Chirk and Oeh. David Ada ml,
mv erech ofr n !.! cftorso rFre id fit
and V ce Prelident of the Unit ed
State?. It is understood ti.-.y
will all vor*’ for Monroe as Pre
ft lent, and Tompkins as Vice-
President. IVIr. I roup has bee 1
Hefted to fill the vacancy, occu
lm ned by of Dr.
Bibb, in tlie Senate of the Urn
,e;i Stales j and CM. Thorn* i
-frock, brigadier general <■’
• fi brigade, 2d div'fion, in
2 of Gen. VV a liter, [ to
folio wing com hi un 1 ca.
>m the Governor, rtf
the refiginuioa of Dr.
was received by the Lo
ire on Saturday fall:
.. o the Senate and blouse
cf Representatives,
I have this morning received
froin the Hon. Wm. W. Bibb, a
‘.-trt r in which he rdlgns his feat
in t ie Senate of the U. States,
j and la as follows, viz.
- Sir—i'he Senate of the
w aided States/ will probably be
vened on the fourth of March
r, and my time of loam ice
• ill expir e ‘ r he preceding day.
It *s highl 1 important that the
btate fluyoid be fully tvfirUbnfed
during the called itfiion ; arid by ;
F thing at the preient moment i
from the (ration with which I .
have been honored, the I egifla
?ure will be enabled to provide
for that object.
Coufulting therefore those in
ter its—to the advancement cf
which, my zealous exertions,
girded by my belt judgment,
have been uniformly devoted
f resign my feat in the Senate ol
tire United States.”
I have l.dt no time in making
th s communication, that bv an
tariy election o: a luccHfor, the !
State may be fully repref-nted I
in the Senate ar the approaching !
‘Sxs'.vthi ‘ Jiee, qt/j Nov ißi 6.
w —i
A communication .was recciv !
ed from the* G n’ernor, coverii;
?• a**■ *. , C-. —, 1 *■ 1 h • ‘ r '. fa “i
naitfoe appointed by a reto! ut left
f the la(t Leg fhiure, to frame
a id ciigeit a uniit .ry iyltcm foi
the militia of this (late, from
which it appears that the hope
entertained in regard to the uc
compliihir.ent cf .hat objaft, is :
not likely to be j ralized—a tna- j
jority of the members having
failed to atten 1 two meetings
held for that purpose.
A bill was i-.ported in the
hoo'e cf repiefentatives, by Mr.
Harden, to divide, the (late,of
Georgia, into Congrtflional
j tricks.
A Benai Code, adapted to the |
I Penitentiary Syifem, has been
! reported to the Senate, by Mr.
Chariton, and is now tuudei
; conhderaiion.
We urderdand the Algerine!
regency cotdVnts to abolkh (lie \
ilxvery of Far *pe:ins in A! fi. ?s i
j —and in cuufequence to let ;-f,
liberty immediately, ail Etirop,-’
ans in o iiprivity.
Another account {fates that •
, the Dry had beui. compelled V- !
i give up all the money that lie;
’ receive ! of the various Europe- |
r.n pow. vs,and to rclefte t i,c oo ;
wliite Dun .pea:* slave?. The j
JLngliQi loft 800 men, and one
, of td .irfhips luldhrcd much.
A late Miliedg'.ville oanerj
itates—fdrat a mu..btr of ChicD :
of the Creek Nation ol India! s,
an mg whom was M'lniotb, io
juftJy didmguillmd for his lc-rvi 1
ces if) die hue w tr, palled thro 5 I
! •)•? i'.-tice a tr-;/ on then
* O
vay to the Eat of the general
gorermuenr, the pm pole v-i
adiuiling idme ui licit Ed claims
they have again It the U. States,
h hey were ?\l vrdf irmunteJ.
an and their upper.ranee w. more
h:'e Fiat of ;cm!snien then sc.nj.
loan and YVlli.iam Pekrv, two
iSL.iA’anvie /rhivts. ad die (on of
! th-* gadanr Logßii. who Jo(t his life
in our ft*rvice during the war, have
o.f f iv'ed in this p, on a viftr to
tin r army acqua ur.ince, and to Joe
tfi- couritry. i'iiete Indians accom
panied oar fro ups aa ft lend# in met
oi rhe campaign; in dio
ard alvvaya conducted llienrirfives
Mrttii fairiifuinds and g.diaiory
I iiTy will, and ut'Cyfv . be well recu v
ed and treated with hofpiialify. The
ceiecrated chi i, Biackhoof, long
duUnyuijhed by his attachment to
our governnieur, and three ofherft
; e, are oa a vilit in
Aouroou county.
Lfx. Report.
Among the p-t.hnt pub'icationr,
of Tabs of a pra uiar arai atliaftivn
1’ od i- the Tr uer cf a FirncT-rrmn
through I ripi'fid, in the veat Ifilf)
& ! Bil. ]he writer (peaking of
ucoriaid; fay l , —*‘ lAvn Civibzabon
makes feniVoie pn grefs, hut tin-re
may (lii! be leeri f. roe line won r.
very well dre lied v, idi white rnvihn
XK Ms, g-iovt on i even a \ \r.: ■!,
balding their ihoee ana ft-:;clci< g$ in
• h °ir hands,; au wuiking bare foo'c
fhroui>h th-iniie !in y defei , h
cu T< m as. cleanly, for it is ahfo.u'e-
Jy iiecc*-lfary to wafn the feet —as
healdiful, for ifiey are fine not to
have wet covering t > their f<?et—sc
n > one can deny that it ;a econo
mical.—N*t. lot.
The degree of I ioftor nf (.av- s
i wzs recenliv confci red bv lb I nee-
• ;ou If-depe. on v/u.i. am whit,
e'j of . irgimu, and ou a a uon
G OL’^Nj .. £■. . .£. *■ jv ’ iiny.
, Highly Flattering !
It an article which we find in
a northern paper be correct, (he j
Dfitilh are not likely to he gain !
ers by tdaWifhingthenew hotin- I
darv line between t!>e UuiteJ
States and Canada, as the 46th
degree ct latitude, is said will
be touad Lvcrul miles north ol
the present boundary, and will)
throw into the United States fix- !
teen townlhips, as wel! as th
important military petition p|
lile avi-Noix, which have hither
to been confuiereJ as within the j
province of Lo wer Canada.
/iy bit Fxcfii/’r.i y P,;vid B. KitrhcU I
G'jvrrioranJ Cchmncltr in Ckuf !
of tne ir-ntf and ‘Vj y oj thn Stale
ami rj th t mi. ita they erf.
VUitUcLAlvmoN. yS i have as dk I- Aod in i
mill by an .10 of d'<o Gvu ia! !
AiTVmVy palled 1 ich Fob. 1790. !
eadcled an atl to regul.ito ihe ;
General JSieAion in ttus fita'o.
and • to appoint the time of the!
rteotifig of the General A dumbly,’
miavvd and counted p all the’ £ i veu ti the feveial e a addates
at the cictVion 1 1 c*i< 1 on Monday ’!>e
7th ! y of OiU her inil for fix ;
Members to i'epiefe;it this tlafe in
ihe 4 1: Cte of Iteprefctitadvcs ol ihe
; Cor: no is of the l! whe.l ttat.*B {or
two y. art, from mo alter the 3 i day
ol I’d.;:iji ih 1 g taiiii whlcu it ay
! peai s, that W ilium lei red, Joel
|Ci aw ford. Joel Abbot, Zuloik
: Cook, ihernas W. Cobb e J : lm
. Fo, fv;!,, Lfipiiies, have li;e hk.hcit
j number of votes.
4r.d wht on, it is pro vide;! by
:!v act above mentioned, ** riia-no
j sou I Lari be eltFiod a Rt-pnl'en
j iUUVe 111 Cosjeioi* win) h;.’. not bc-eil
‘ an inh ihieiut of this Uato i ree y,:arr,
i nest pro ceding Ins ekeliou, .iitipa i
Ins tr.a regulaiiy dating tha: time,”
| at id th tt “ no enrnmiffi m fhaii ilfue
, to or for any inch perfmi fu elected
j imdl hi'isfadforv proof is produced
| tuat (he tax of lui'h [fe.lon has been
I regeiatiy paid as above m ntiotnd,
j 1 1 id that he lias, aolualiy had tlittte
i fid iitce herein pvel'cnbed ,” and fur
j riter, an d in case any perfun duly
■ iedt-ti being in this UaD, and no;i
tied thereof in manner hetein diitc.l
and, fhaii nor in twettij t* tvs, ami if
out i>f die flute i:t forty and tvs a ft, r
inch no tlication iignify his accept
aoce or lhall depart tins Lie, the
Governor 01 Comr .tt C.jitief
lhall order anew ch.ciioa to b>'-frld,
uc. I have therefore thought pro-
? or to dfue this my pr.
ter. by d.-clari -g that the . foteftid IVrr. il, Jo I (Jt. wford,
j Joel Abbot, Zaticek Co,A. Thomas
• W. Cobb and John Rify,]-*, ofrjr’ .
; *re duly ekft.A to ugueit nt this
ti-.te 1., the i louse e,i g. ,/rt
•ts the United fur Ire turn 1
j.:;f two years from and ah, r the 3-.1
j Lay of Match, 18:7, as a fur Raid, j
1 and afo to notify eaJi of ;L -m to
fig n fV to me the eccepram.,* of his
laid appoinfinerir .vrhin ('to titr.e
liiTiiit-d by hvv, ar.d top>o{u.o*
i proch. of Li 3 itgi’kity >re re*
(paired ‘y the act above n.t-r-.uo. ed, i uu ler toy hind and he ,
Great Su! of the State, at the !
Stale Ht-ufo in Mil! t -cigevi!i>', !
this -r lor c-i ,it i. day V. \
t’ ber, in the year of our hud |
cue iliouJaiui eight hundred’
and ‘ sreen. and tat! •• f.iity.
hrlt year of the .ndcp .-fuicrce
•f die- Uliiein.! ./..(.La *—i y^OtC*
1 ca.
dy the (, over no r,
1 AiiNER Hammond,
Ssei ft i") of State,
tdf loe Ediv,:-s of tue r, nvatnuh
.lipub.Jfcau, Augu.ta C iiror,.: lo,’
t t? N< •> ant Athens Ga/.e-i;. . ,u.
j re MtlU > to pi r>,i(h [lie above three
Mouht Zion Tnstiti iior*.
ihia L.ter.u'y
will be upeiieJ on tee hilt .vioA*
.iay in January, 181 7, on an
improved ana cxteniive plan.
ihe Fi-M.u.ii will
be mulct Uie ifhniL\k.:te cdie .
viils oujo.-s from Wew-Lrn. an< ,
a young iaJy ijuaulieu • :
ihe liutioii A lutei vii Inc ivi.'C*
tor will be employed <ns an i *•-
tt.‘it in Ui-2 ljuiiv U'.panmeaL. i ;
aJJiliou io thole ihe notu a:*’
tt ru iu and icLannc brancm o•. i 1
be iuuetmicnvicd . t... uugut d>
the Rector. lae rules u ionic i
Will >. , lor /iii/ tt y bt'.iOe.i'.’s i
eioiluis a ytar—ivn ; .■m.'UiU * ,
-4 1
ihe Male Sc:’ et, v.i.l cor..
On oi three o’ .i/imoat*, . -
lisb. Ac j-'Untie an i L Air suite.
9 o
In the English. D, iv\\ r-
MLS r, ituiienls’.vill eth jtuu.,h
---!y unu lyUeauuieiiiy initriieU.l
u ail me branch::* ot learning,
which no not properly come un
der the denomination of dj<> c'a.j
sus, inn.’ ai6 ool.aisa yea".
If tile Ac.iiii .tic lljii’.ur*
Mlitll, v.’tii be tan ;Lt the miu
tneitts of the Latin an ! (Lev A
laiituicges, with a variety ot lv g-
Idh Audios, a* a pre re'.jui
luc to a hi .her grade ir, the l; -
filiation, cm as a nu-paiatiou lor
r.dpeihibi Tty and uielulm. is in
Me. lui ion, 54 do. i 1 ars a year.
lathe 1 ho!.U M.\Ti i >■ l’.uun
Mrnr, will be tauglu ali the
branches of !literature and be,,
once, uTtici:iy itudieJ in the har
te red colleges ol the fioir'icrn
snd fontlo.rn flutes. A lift <A
tiit'e Undies x .v;i! here idler tc
piefenfed io the j oblie. l uicio.j
3 2 dollars a year.
Students to be entered for on ;
year, and tuition lenai annual! /
in advance.
In this whole <■ llabi'-hinent
will he /employed no Irk than Sic
Itutn>c!t;ri t whole gmod object
will he to prepare their pupils foe
honor ami ufefuhnTs in the vari
ous fpiieres which ihovitlcnce,
may UQreuftei ajiigis them. An !
it is with a degree ol certainty
anticipated, that as tj:e flare of
Georgia is advancing in wealth <’•:
political impo tance, a nc j nr. t
‘v r rous ate? Lion will be devote I
i’ > die tutelieclual improvement
of oiir children and youth. 1 h ;
public’s devote, i servant.-
Ila need i Nov . t ] itiiG
t —vv.
Will, be hired, on Saturdav.
y j w
toe 281:1 of Deo-obcr next, at
tin: late rrhfeoeul ICvan ]<? ■-
laud, dec'd. in hike. t ilotuitv—
23 degrees, men women an l
ch idiui. lie tuu.s will Lo
made know;, on that day.
Nov 1 :■! t h 18 iG.
Johi.fon Ragland, Xdmr.
I—w.1 —w.
t, m i
NOW n Wilke . J;d!, one net
pro woman, by the name of
IRiittr, abuuc 18 years of ag-,
who (ay.> that (he was brought
j to this State by a iinii by ti a
1 name ui’ I.ur •
Ihe . is rfomHed
! come loruard. prove ins ~/ •
t pony, pay colts, and take io t
“i <i v> <1 y.
No. M.*\ LID AY,
j Jailer, V. -ik.wj count y,.
* PA t y pig ’