Newspaper Page Text
M / -V C E L 1. A N V
ilicothk, srr 19.
Dm ing the late term of theU.
S Circuit Court, h dden in thir
place on rhe tft in ft. and the
following days. li. rj. Hunt, for
HH-riy employed in carrying the
mail on the Wheeling route, was
O 7
iudi&ed and tried for having
robbed the mail fomv time in
the courJ •of lad winter. Th..
trial commenced on the cd, and
la!tcxi ui t.l the evening of the
3d, when the case was fubinit
t and to the Jury, who, in about ;
20 nunutes, returned a verdiT
of guilty. On* the tirli, the j
prifouer cvtis once more brought 1
into court, to receive the. fen
fence ot the law ; which Judge
Todd pronounce*! hi a very ini- j
prefiiVc manner in the following
Benjamin Hunt, you have
been indie.!cd, tried, and found
guilty, by v. Jury of your peers,
of the crime of larceny from the
mad cf the United States, of
which you were the carrier.
m fome countries your pun
iflvmcm would be death ; but in
this government, where crimes
and punishments are graduated
on a fcate ids severe and fangui*
nary, the law leaves it diltre
ftonary with the court to confine
you in prison at hard labor for
any term not exceeding ten years
—ln ddpotic governments—
■where the hard earnings of in
dustry are extorted from the
f&hject, and applied to indulge
the luxury cf Sovereigns, and
fdl the coders of nobility and
place-men, there are greater
temptations and inducements to
commit crimes, than in mild go
vernments, where the avenues to
otlicc atid wealth me open to
every tia!s and defeription of
citizens ; and in a country, too,
whole fertility is so luxuriant 23
to yield an abundance to reward
honel! inJuftry and labor.
ft appears fre m the evidence
that by your good conduct at
the commencement of your en
gagement iu carrying *ho rn: i?,
}( u had secured flic confidence
of your employer, and of many
of thole living on y-cur loute—
our cbarader was re-fpe&uble.
But without ft ttit g a just value
on the bletlings Retired to you
in this uiilvi and tree goveni
mi.i.i, and regard!cfs of your
wdi earned reputation, you have
been tempted to enter a public
i iiduaiy and h’onicully to iteai
psivatc property, vioiarc a pub
hc trull, and commit a heinous j
Clinic, let at defiance the laws of
? OU1 ‘ country, and ptoifrate sa
cred moral oblipmiens.
i ne painful unit of pafUng the
fen fence of the law, is now to he
Cxercilcd by the court.
\ou an 1 to be confined at
h. tpj labor, in the State pilfer. ,
hir the State of Ohio, .or the
term of five years from this day. j
y\nJ the court doth further aj-
J u * * ff e and order, that you pay to J
the lb States the funt of 1844
dollars, the colls incurred in
your prosecution and comidion,
and that you remain in cullody
after the expiration of the term
afore fa id, until the laid feni oi
1844 J. be paid.
During the fame term, Thus
W. Noble was likewif? indicted
and trleJ on a charge of having
conjunction with one Janus
fr-v, on the night of the 2d of
January lad, afiaolted John G.
I Micks, mail earner from VVhee
ling to Janesville; on the high
way, and robbing the mail of a
j great ptft of its contents. \ his
I t*a< occupied feverai days on ac
j count of the great number of
I witncfTcr, to be examined. On
’ the 13th, the case was fubmirted
i to the Jury, who, in a few min- J
utes, found the defendant guilty, j
and he was condemned : 1 four 1
; years imprisonment at hard labor j
in the State prif n.
Singular preserves* : sn e,f einitial life
■’MltkffUt food
E:;tra<ft of a loner from Thomas j
Manmll efq. F R. S. to rhe Sccr. tx- j
ry of the Lm: veal Society, London,;
containingt\u account cf an e::ti|6f
dir.ary inUaree nf the preservation
of animal life without food, in the
case cf a pig which was buried It) its j
llyo bp the fail cf a part of the j
chalk tilth, under Dovirr Cafllej on;
tlie 10th December, 1S so.
‘On the l 2?> of May, U',Q days af i
icr the accident, 1 was told that
fome of the workmen employed i:i
removing the fallen chalk, had h.-ard !
tl c whining cf the pig ; and altho* I
had great doubt of the fact, I cn
couraged them to proceed incleaiir.g
2 Way the chalk from the {lye, under
the direction of the cwtifcr Mr Poole
who was present. I was loon af
terwards furprtzed to fee the pig a
live, extricated from its confine
ment. His figure was extremely
emaciated, having feared y ar.y mus
clea difeernabie, and its bristles were
erect, though not P.ifF, but foft, clean ;
and white, ihe animal was lively, ■
walked wed, and took food eagerly.
At the time of the accident, it was j
fa'i and fuppefed to have weighed I
“boot J6O pounds, but it now 1
weighed no more than 40 pounds. ’
lam allured that at the time of the :
fail there Was neither food nor water
in the flye, which is a cave about G !
teet Iquarc, eltvj.’ in the rock anil
boarded in front : and the whole i
W'as covered abont ■() feet deep in j
the fallen ch.i'k The door and oth
er wood in fr nt of the dye, had
been much nibbled, and the lules of cave were vcy fmocth, having
apparently betti conftautly licked,
f* t the moiiture exuding through
ti*e rock. i tiere was no doubt
fome of the loose cha k had been
eaten.’ 1
• #
No phenomenon more aiton
ithes land lurveyors than a sud
den variation of the
1 his they genera!!/ attri
bute to the vicinity of iron ore ;
when the vmiauon proceeds
hon\ a very diilerent reaibn. We
ihall enumerate a few of the
principal caulcs, which we know
by experience fends to a lied the
mag net >c needle :
1 Rubbing the glass of the
compels which is over the nee
’ die, with a silk andkerchief, or
wocdk ii cloth, is certain of
feeling in a great degree the
magnet if; a o\ the needle ; bs
caule this f rid ion excites elect) i
. city, which always tends to alter
die magnetic power.
2 Lxpofing the compass for
any length of time to a hot Sun,
produces the lame tiled. In
hot day the lurveyor ought to
be carful to cover his compass
< her he has made Ins o’oferva
3 Hammcriug or beating in
any manner the braid of which
die infhuuients are composed,
dll draw the N. pole of the
needlu towards the hammered ‘
j part. The brass of all magnetic
i'tflrumenrs be li ft either
quite foft, or it Ihould he chr fen
of itch fort as will not be made
magnetic by hammering ; which
forr however does not occur ve
ry f t quently.
4 During a thunder dorm,
nr immediately preceding it, the
needle fomciitms varies.
5 li the glass of the compass
or the bra Is uur.d it, be net
kept perfectly dry, a flight
change will also be produced.
6 In iurveying along lilt coaff
the north pole will always t< rul
to one or two degrees towards
the land.
7 ihe declination is always
more weft {'even minutes in the
afternoon of the day than in the
morning. (Lynch. Pros.
Will be fold to the big heft bidder
on Saturday the 9th uuy ol No
vember next, at tiie late rdidcuce
of Isabella Pat ter son, deed ; all the
property belonging to the eftateoi
Did deed ; confiiiing ot 6 negroes,
horses, hogs, cattle, corn, fodder,
and a taiall quantity of feed-cot ton
Also, one negro boy belonging
to the eftideof John A. Patteribn,
deed ; loiu by order ol the honor
able the court of Ordinary, for the
county of Wilkes. Terms of sale
will be made known on the day of
Idle. At the fame time and place
wiil be rented, the plantation
whereon James Pattern n formerly
Jornr W. Cooper, ex’tr.
Sept 6, 1816 {34-ts)
h ILL /*’■'. SOLD on ths first Tues
day in November next, at the court
Louse, in Wilkes Count' l between
the hours of ten and tans o'clock,
the fo'lrang property, v;z *
ONE houle and lot in the
town of Washington, Wilkes coun
ty, .adjoining Dr Abbott and others
—in the occupancy of [dm l.
Leitner, and taken as his properly
to faiisfy sundry executions againil
him, in favor of John Heard ami
jotd Bond, and pointed out by Paid
Leitner—executed and returned to
me by Joseph M Dent, constable,
Oct. 4, tBl6
btUiLILl’ and oeiLLt).
IT ill be sold on the first Tuesday
in November next, at the Court- 1
: house in Wilkes aunty, the flkiv
■ big property , adz :
FIVE hundred and eighty
four acres of land, more or lets,
in U iikes county, cn the wateis
of Pdtol creek, adjomixur John
j Hirrcn, Daniel Stalker and
: others, u hereon George D
j lay lor now lives, taken as his
j property to fatisfy sundry extern
tions again A fait! Fay lor, in fa
vor of Young Stokes and otheis.
Alio, ore likely negro boy,
by the name of Bob, .’ bout ton
years of age, as the pro
perty cf Wi liam l hurmond,
dec ; to fatisfy sundry execu
tions in Favor of David Sims and
others, age:nd said Thurmond ;
pointed out by plaintiffs attor
ney. Odober 1 !f,'s ! b ( gsv.
lnos Wooten, sin.)
A imir.istratrix Sale.
1 LiL be fold on thurfday
the pth day of Ncv r, at the late
*p” Vnce of Robert r.oUhfrs
q’r dec’d, in Fibert count v, s
ock of horses. cattle and goars,
•>ufe-holi furniture plmta*
ids, and a number of other ar
los too tedious to mention.
. f ) the plantation whereon t'te
aid tlecM lived, to be rented r*>
te high est bidder for the fpnea
• twelve months—-.'fa thole in
'-bted to said estate, are once
‘ore requdh and to make immedi.
-te payment ; and thole having’
niami's ag;dnft rho estate, to
, render there accounts in ns the
*v- directs the fa!e to continues
f*"im day to day until! finished.”
! ernss made known cn the
day of sale.
Betsy C. Middleton, Ad nix,
25th Sept’r 1816
j vI EiLL be fu!! on thurfday the
1 7 : -J | of Nov’r next, at the
j ‘-licence or Harris G< leman Jc
! ceased in Wiiks county, the per
; lon a 1 property of (aid dec’tT con.
: Hfting of houfehoid and kitch n
I furniture—corn and fodder, anti
j a'number of other articles too
,lC! ’ n roui ‘ to incntioh ; the fade
! to centime from day to day, un.
I * l ts fold. I welvc months
credit will be given by giving
bond and approved security.
John Cotemia ,
T.-cs. Wnot-cn l Executrs
Sept’r 24th 1816. .5 t.
A nminis r a /.tor’s Sale.
‘MILL he-old on the 2d day
of November next, at the hto
reiideoce of Sherod Wife, dec j
Ail the p ’rscmilproperty
cf la*d deceased, (except the
negroes) and credit cf twelve
months, bond and fecuffty will
be required in all cases, for die
heirs and creditors of fai-i ore.
Eaik-v Wise, t x.
J oin -vise, adtnr 20, tßd ‘ f v j.
tiuvstmtor's Sale.
WILL BE SOI D, at the late cf Thomas Hi !, of
Oglethorpe county, dteeafed ;
the Kitchen and HcufchcM
bun Stock of every kind,
and many other articles too te
dious to mention. Also, the
p'o font crop of Corn, Fodder,
Wheat and Oorfon—and Bran
dy. Sale to commence on Mou
thy the ft cork I of December,
and condone from day to day
.•Until every thing is difpnfed of.
hAio, the Negroes to be bird
out. Conditions made known
on the day of Sale.
Wvus Hill, admr.
OT 4, i 816. (39-n)
j NO W;n Wilkes hi!, two nc*
1 grots, on? man about \ years
of sge, who fays,‘he be.
iongs to a man by the name
i °f Jack fan, of Green county.
A so, a negro woman, hv the
name of Ritter, about 18 vears
cf age, who frvs that ihc was
brought ro this State by am 2 a
by the name of Lucas.
The owners are recur PeJ
to Come forward, prove th ir
property, pay cofis, and take
them away.
Jn.h r, W ilks county.
Gel 4, 18 iu. QS
in b ! ’ nk, for hale i ere.
■iso, M:~ri:Llc*>ns?it Sc
Letters of A tin inis* ration.