Newspaper Page Text
publbbed an l knrvn hi Ireland, h'*
trr f n T\ • \ nt your pup :r, might b •
injunus to him; but. it is written
u • 1 ’ ne.ith, for the information. ot
an ; .me who may feel an intoi est in
vcvbytu; the fads. L.
‘ Ok Snndav the 2.3 th of May last
as th rrirft of the pavifh of Drum
ruby : H the county of Cavan, was
celebrating naafs in the church, a
number of Orangemen with arms,
tuthed into the church, and fired up
on the congregation. They killed
the priest i t his garments at the al
fir, and ad - killed vour brother —,
am! numbers of the congregation
betides, men, women and children.
The remainder of them ‘hat was not
hi'u'd, :n :de their add refs to the ma
gi'.tratej, for jaflieej but their reply
wa.i, to ‘go off for a damned set cf
paphl rafeals , it was the Orange
men's duv, if tb*7 murdered every
man of you, for tlvfv would rake the
merit'd Orangeman's word former
tha.i t.h-’y would nice the refpe£la
bk-fr {vapid's oath ;
~T H E N E w 8.
A.>ti;", IT us >9 cootili.’S for mi-in
of Coni: n :
Ti ro H MS S (’ iv.'ford K,"?l‘fi
Abbott u ne Cook t;:
y ii-si th 77-1 5 Cq!)b f::y
V. TL: 68C3 L’iingkin (i H: !
Cntlifiert. C-J.i-i Mil ton 041
Doolv 7 * It Duel C
T.ffifir r.'7(/ W.vd Id,
Tin'**! * ion return*-;, with tljo ox
t‘ ption oi l.iuirers jr.nuniv, fire i■ > w raw.
pi -te. The fallow ins? gvi'M lentil Iww ‘ju'ii
eJios-ii to rep:i.-s'-ot til’s Suite in ’hr 1 eh
con'rress of *he Foiled States. \\ ilimni
Tern’ll, .rod f’-ii-a Ford, Joel \bhott, Z-ulork
f.inl*. Ciioo \Y. CoUj, :ukl John L'jrsytli—
tin: five fir t are new members
(o, jo*:n\AL.
For the Georgia Journal,
Augusta Chronicle, and
every other useful paper.
Witit great deference
jjail obcdii ‘ice to the ■.visdom of the - >ve
rdg-n people in the •'li(.ico of tlu-ir repro
b'nfiitive’i, ?in obscure individual ;i.-;ks leave
to communicate a few remarks, f r the poh-
T■ •m • on matters suggested by tac signs
of the time* The approaching stosion of
tn-J State !, it* uturc imposes upon n><* ‘-lie
consldi-i’a’ ion of ihe very important siioji’ct
—i Hu- members of that body tire repre
sentatives of the good sen o’, or ot ihe pre
judices of the people I art* thef
orpa'ri its > If the legislature be com nosed
of Ini", -a men, as! hope t!ie cast will ‘■ , I
f,- | wib : nr t<> ‘-:st tin: liberties :iu<! honor
ioftiie State i-. h.cir ham’s If however they
r,* the fu>i'*its of riot anfl div'rd'-r, l slndl
tremble fie the public weal Notiiiitg that
is connect*•<! with legislation, is so danger-
O'M die ri.r-nendenc'* ind integrity of tile
da'iv,a- thesys'em ('.ini’ uciiv:’ tin •>>
r. ir) of elect intis, which the c*j ustivntion of
the Slate <n‘ i-'sls'o th* \■- - itbly Vn'*n ••
the important offices at the dtiposi ion of
|*if legt-.t'ire, th se of senators in <’•
t.’.l’.-es * feoip’ts, and gov* rnorof the S’ a'; ,
’fitvHl pr"-einiivnit. And it is absolutely in
c/n’-twihl wilh thr dignity of legislative
apmnatrd nits, that electoi a .should he uedev
tmhj’ etton to ei’rirv prej'iuir.’ s or par
tial it tint this&uhji ci has beer, ioofien
p-’acbed upo . thai, lest the test il.sgust
mv readers. I will digress a little, fr the
d—ilfe purpose rff variety and instriict’on.
The m-nhi • sos th ons legislature ai-.‘ to In - ele<*. A - ;! by the people, suf
fering under a p.ii'ON ism of rage, envy and
{ii’.ihition, and who, of consequen e, wiil
iiriiijr -a.i:Si them into the A: inbly ball,
the s, mi- prejudices tie T c.O'is'i'M n‘s pos
*ss. T <• honest and truly patritio’ icr.iti
tr.'ss of this ‘V’jjtmuAifv are particularly ap
p: hmsive of bad criitA<*c(uciic£B, Iroi.a tne
p- jrdiecs oxri’ed amongst the people by
♦t.ep.iss* gens ’hec >rr:peas:.tion bill <*i
<r.j'ss fiiw fears are founded upon the
g i-ijvh % 1 1’vtlnjr, bold prese’DtrnriT.s of
p.ii’.il jo idee, and res’bitions ot hirbiemc
s, corn .bu/*Uit>(j assi.cui’ inns, fudgeig by
V’’: l an 1 not hvjr <-e. these things threat.
e*> much. ? is vry much tn mv sa’ sf >e
tinn that J a’o eiuiblui ti‘state upon the \
r* best :wi'honty, that twenty-four men have
no’ tfeen active’ in the adaption -if a M ti c
present:r:”bts and resoln mns i’ it
cmtie to the pubViOl eye. flic notable b ui
O iil'v i'i*.'i''i! i : *v present mnt i‘>
?< *!\ f”-.m one man, and its passwe etiyirreJ
h- mn'hcT, ‘vit'iout iiit. rest big any o h>
fir pt i n |rct rid of it,’ >r ‘be dime with
jt ‘ The pi-’ sentineii 1 . of ‘b * Hancock
f.'-i’i'i jury, were tie* labors of the bar, and
0 sos tin* bn r. T’;. ri>li'*s rOM’itV p r: s-'!i'.
It n*s, and s> vend ottiers of a sim.lar ua
*, v v.—re organised eni <t •_r -teil by a sm
|fl, ind'vd’iat, an 1 ratio; dby the men wito
<>■’niios. and * s l• - ‘ .ric.s, ami he pc 1 , e f d the
< vcr.d *onn ••, eric 1 cw ■.* lh>: ’m md ih<i
f mi I v as a do ‘ howls • iat s ]! 1 .di
ed In* tlie ears t : jt jie .s ohiijed to do S
p.! nut ail our representatives m ( tig'cs*
t H-ap > : nst tie. c'lnipensa’ion bill ‘ mid w
f<.: Vr K r.'i'h rrrflcitial, at id did :r.)
sv ‘ lend \f* l.unipkin obtain a nrlft j
of the wl oh? nnmhe-nfvo'cs goi-n so a |
Oicmbcri 1 i not tkis e> ids net ‘
■that .the pople were rot ao very inim” o
•r min is, a the jfr.uxl jnTiva of th
iunt .es *lin’alem.<! tin mto be la-t ti .cm
jtr lice not despair of ha) mg good di eds
)i.n the representative!, of jKople who air
tbeinl. ives |s-..|H-nMiN aid tVcc
My great anxiety is, ihat in the elections
winch the legislature will have to make
Uiiq scr ton, iiieudm-rs tr.av have a regt Ito
t ie digitity of an offteer—apudhpose , fee
cry gift, so as to |hcsvi - ’ .oC dignity i * ihe
otice by and officer. Nothing oao
disgustuig to a rational and honorable man,
as to see a judicial or executive officer sa
critic tig the digiti y ot bis station to an jr
itidile aril dissolute association with joc; i s,
‘alackifuards, and gumesters—Act, such
‘uiiigs be. Is not a Uiivwiwr <h basing nun
self wnen he ertiiie* iVutu tin* cxccu iv
ciiatnbe.e to a tippling shop to election’ cr ’
ami ts nut a Judge disgracing the and . fitly
of justice, when lie contemp uousiy nepn cts
th- duti,of Itis office, and nip- wmsly on- r
tunc, Un ills and attenti’iii to tilings “fa
pr-vatc ni’.ure ! 1) >* s not a member ot < nt
g ci s ileserve to be contemptible, who will
beg tor favor, and upologi *.e for doing “mat -
lie; to be c-omutl i Auu vvii-i i■ ;
hear with pitience to sec a Uctierai shake ,
Itainih a id and -ink giog V. itli Ifi.s VcgiiTit it un- ;
d-.-r .0 ms 1 .'u s last ‘.utviice, ful men but
thi .-parties tlnnking sand tlraiik to, V-’U-d .
c iii Imn ias an mipardonahi- oflcuce--1. .:, j
in rcalitv, ii is not. so igtvul :is citlier of die
iibovc ci tnies winch rue it. ’tall comnfu-n, as
tuauv nicnthers <*f the h'giM.iUfiv can m 4
1 w* ini l m.iM s.iciin:tV urtic to the h* eh.
t il’s tin* iiinsidev:it.-”i ol tins Mil )•’<* it
the ! l nity to an ihSvO is not sttj port, and y
the ufhcei'—if a ill not support i.Sc If—.f'.he
c!.ig,lllx of :.i r-ifiwe bus g< a, is bom- .is
‘o-. ; ,K- —wi’hotit its honor, justice lu.s i.o ;
power or privilege : the (nfiicc and > utcer
aivulikt ti m> sanec and a Ui.sgi’ace. Keaich I
lit i ‘ ■ taici’t’;, fin - integrity, tor sob .my,
for ditgtitj - -an ‘ let adtil iitor. Hat-,:
te; v, unfit ;• -,>i’ ral apnstacy s 1 si- then ~'lurv
anmf the savagt hordes, or ilkj rldtoUs and ;
igmirant suiii cts lit ilelusion.
IMI'ORTANT. WV have received see- |
rai ucc. uin-s of the tntack on the Firctmimai. i
One ecm-it stales that sl.’c was fi-cd on oil
the M iU/c, by a Spt-ntsli vt ssel of v: r, a.ui !
atiuihcr vessel in iany : and that laetit
Citnnmgham returned the fnv, and the Spa- j
rush vessels Sheorc l oh- Another uocoi.lU j
stales that she wos at tially captured b. ibc .
Gulj)l of.Mcxeol aSpanislisquadroii.t-nu j
Lieut (k. rcturntd in a iiK’icbanl vess i to :
Xcv Orleans A th.-d sen es that she was ,
fired on bv a Spanish ipmdron in the i'"ol| b. ;
brought ti) and dot .me t some lime, Unit ■
th- oil', v , and m t Were treated m j
shameful anu and ictardiy ntanner, aiul -ter ;
much aims’ , she vtas s’ilf-wll to return tn 1
Now Orleans, \v! ,:e she had arrive*)
•pi,, continu'd outrage on. the Aiiu ican
charaett v and properly by the Span car* is. t
vijiccs -t spit it of tfostility that notluny nut
K Viiodi-S’ :• ■■’ chahtiserticnt will revive;
mid the sooner infl e'ed, the better ferns
J. t!n ie-.s c pciisc or hfix'd anil U'* rv-uife, at and
the levs the wound on our ii.biotutl tbi-lim;
and chafucter. (*’•
SJU—I have just received inform: don \
that a Sjki is!) royal squadron a lew <t.*vs ;
since, anaeked attd Captured the \ nitei:
Sla: vessel Firebrand, commanded by ;
1 ,]*■ irt Lunninghaui. I bis act, 1 atn con
vinc’ tl, is but” the ])ielude to furlhi r out- j
rage. /HMtlCimni!V.iui; hsisbeen tyh-a ed,
arid 1 jni'l* rsf.'iiiu is mV his ’vay to Ship-Id- :
ami, tor the purpose of rt porting to the ;
con,nn.dore. The nnnm-nt 1 nreive a ic
t--.ii< and account oi the • hair, 1 shall fin ard :
it to v-"t , amt have the honor to be sir, j
\oiir obedient servntd.
Tfl ■ S. TKssn>,
Cob Coin. Well dept. I
General J:icks''n.
I-.- ■ 4 stated on good authority, t :at Mr >
Craw ford will fid * tie vacancy uctusiviei by |
the renignatuiu of Mr Dallas, ai.d itlso tie ‘
he v,iil he. the next Scciotary of Stan*.
■m - , !
is a high charge ramie agtenst j
‘Society of Cbnnectirul, ‘* lalit'iu,. |
circulated a.. .l it ion of i.e N • '’ 1 estanien
i'; which tile .) • Verse ‘ t the d'l cl -!' 11 i
tiie \,-ts ii made to * xpvcss . meaning •'!•- i
r. fitly contrary to that of the Apos-les; iinfi j
> but this alteration haw been made to e:,t;,o- j
lish cxciusi'cly the* syst.-m.ofcongrcgti i< na •
ordination. In the new version, the ivuu ■
• wid in final vnsc is ‘ vfi—and read. !
*V. .i.-rcf ire, beet iireli, look ve Ot|t •- |
iving you sever, men of h nrst report, lub j
Os llu; “ho'iv ghiii.l find wisdom, whom‘if j
[v.-i ] may appoint ov r ‘be business.’
f Out upon v F.—pb hypocrites. stws ) j
) t-; f*.:ehrao< las bee,, tried for break
ir.g out. of prisois, found guilty, and recom- j
mended to mercy, lie said lie wanted jus- j
dee, not merry.
gome disturbances had taken yfi :C' 1 in
\;e ey and Stra.-bnrg. At tin* latter pi <**,
ii is -aid, the nation and guards being j<*■•'■ 1 ;
bv the pepuliice, cried mt rire f ’cirtpci ■ >r\ |
\r, act';...: took plaCt: it. IV “Vt t'.ctn ilivl the ;
i-egnlar troops, in widen 130 p*r-n->v. re I
killed and wntuuh and on the part of the ft r- j
in* r ; and a oumber of the latter.
The French have adodted more- severe j
law s against B'unsn goods than cvef b* lore ,
ii’..rc thought of- The importation is net :
only mnsts'rio'lv guarded against, hut t! •’
sa'.<- of those smugrlcd ia made -xceed.i v y .
difficult ami dangerous. No piece <-fgo..< 3
is ’ii rmitted to he sold,a sample 3’ d n-'ol* •
winch is not deposited in certain offi *■*',
where reform e may lx.- had, &c. Such .v.c ;
*b„ arrani-ementK, that n l-oh<Un paper ob* j
■ Vi. ; it was ‘.be beast of otu’ co.nmen ml j
| * ild Mat our ‘TtH tt r’ efu res u. n: J and •
j all over th'*i' r n*ir’.’ul in spitr ofTt-'niip#* **’s
i anti-* uiiipcic i.,i \ stem ami is Htriiii ‘■ <
• Milan xli iIV * Wet. ar that ll.c pies.ii
govt vntec in i 1 Fi. me, ax tar ~x it u Inst,
fxmi't* tin* prohibitory system, \v l!n 1<
to do it w fii mi re ingenuity at 1 *■ cce- •
it e of the most siugnlur fe.iti res in tin
gem ;-l intcltigvsu.* of thi vu > k (s..y s llc'.i’-
vlessellgvi’of Vug. la’b) is the rapid \ii is
s tildes, and tbe ultimate .-of - u>-
i/c itinu, ill be price* of the jiuh*.c fictiis
t'M.xcNir. Tin inqui.sili.ui of >1 eeiatii,
i Italy, Ills sentenced:: priest charged “ itli
teaching lien tic i doctrines, tu expi.i e Ins
’’■ 1 s >) [) s ‘die tabors ilnoiig file liio rs
e*i Atric * 1 ( \ i . -r
Nasuxmi-i f S rr. iS.
We un\le:f\md ti*Ant th-* poO
1 rider that the Cret ks hud not
i met Gen. j tek on in the council
umv holJiito; t die Ohickfiftt’-.V
old councii h'fiufe, on Wednef
| iJ.uv iall : hut were txpc*Ved.
The Chickatkws had pt-Tidr J
1 generailv, the CheroketbS but
; partially, ami the C!ia<Tavv ni(i
on are fttUy reprefented—'hofe
tribes tvlir-fe n'prdtntntivcs at
tended, had been >ften in coun
cil fooetber. The rider under
(l ‘tug, that on cornpAiinf* the ir
t''ipevdive lilies, it clearly ap
peared tile Crock titie to tite
’and ceded to the I'Aired States
by them was the bell—on which
heiiiff eil.ibliihed, the Cherokees
: faitj they were not inldruc-led by
I their mriur, to do any thin e but
\ litlen to v/hat was said, an * take
the'raik home.—Tbe lider also
i uncierdood the Cherokees tvere
very willing the Chirkafaws
| Ihould have what they c’ thnrd
j if their claim to the balancecould
I he l ecu red —it was thought to be
that the United States Oiould
Lot have an acre, il they could
j prevent i f . (ien. Jacklon appear
jed to however on his guard,
i their machinations ; but
jit seemed r:Ufaer uncertain aHc
i titer he coidd do imtr.b.
Thirty or forty of the cuiScns
j of dV.nneiTtc were at the coun
-1 oil, and others met goimr there*
. It will oroh ‘diiy not not fail more
, than, eight br ten days longer.
P'to InlVtvi Cow \ cow, belong- |
in-r *o tlu.’ hj’i David fe- ’
I nat.vr in from Ojnn.Tlicut,
■ i; 7 muachs gave milk at tie*
of U quarts a day, auv ling to
1 2,:M)S nmirts. Tltis at i 2d the j
quart, (;h? current price in ’New-
HaFen) yielded If) o She va? ;
fed with In*', potatoes, bom, aid i
oil cake Th** c-rnei,f<’ of ktcp*ng ;
. i
did not excec 1I and o i\ett gam 140 ,
dollars. j
From the fatten Eu ifn i{ fajl, Sc/> 31. j
On Weditefiiy laU, a fingnlar .
fnorfino feat vvas t.jrforfnud ‘t> nn ‘
Cnmb i! ve road. A ;y*:Mh* ( "an ;
m rebe l h : s tr'rfe upon a wa rt t, to ■
trot tlirce, tvrfk three, and run three
miles within the hoar. Ih 1 diilicul*
ty atrendinir thi-3 ret form.nee has
beet) fuppoied in Euglatni to he v -ry
coofiderah’.e. that large bats have
■ been off.:red agahOc any nimal
which con’tl b * or.)dM' ,, 'd, I ?t* e tfe
therefore,with which thi'-tace agamib
titrie, Was Won om AV *dn*f'liy lid,
! was rather f)trprifnj. The three
I miles vert* trotted in 0 minu'et and
’ a few fuconds ; the nv-vk was *! me
! i t about 3.S minutes, ami ns thi in
sured the completion of the ace
within five time, the borne wrr- m'we
Jv <ral!op r ‘i hrough to win the *.vr pr.
j Tbp wli -ie time occupied was -dP
j mi”U r< *B
cA THE Grand Hi*tnric Tr;u *-
t if/, M.\HO vJ2.l\ wid Iv* n-rfo -n
i pd on ‘he Ist Nov ov the faiijuapj.n
J 77 vr *;,„ SV ; . ). T.’whkh wiil be
! added, the I .rce of U..■ ir the
\ Wind. Sonic funerb bU -r *;•
rai •r'* For dp cep- (■■ ti t* f/ >.
| if-T idle It A ivifi I'D- V -V ‘it
; prrach or the academy on the
j pd n r November nt 1 l
-’ o’c-byk, o. m, Uct ‘*s
\ O’ ismycrnN \ c aotmV.
On iiu 6’h cl Novt t,iber n- Tt
the cx .imination of tlie ITic'c u?
i will ccmmence, wiil continue*
j the 7th. and on the oth will by
public exhibition. At whicli
the comtnifiionm of said Acade
my are particulariy and re peck
fully teq leftci to attend, altb
parents, citizens and neighbet ci
are invited. Oct. Cg, i3i6.
• LM ”
•I, rr 3 !■:.; in tlic i *ost-O ol ce.
I/‘M.JA \i x.iiuliv, S; mui’l AUcir, dim la*
t ."ii 4.. tv . .
.I"!i’i n ‘csv’.l ‘ -Ifs H * v !! ‘iilwxi.t H:;i< V
* t'ii.ii’ .ix Uomin i,':|vi.i i.i-mnl J.ui; :s ill .>
I I’V-r.l M.viut iv ... I|> :uj.
U t:ivt t.S. ‘A il'i .m Unll ‘-is r*'"'*'ii
r:fitv Liu.l’.ii u *., xii iolui (Jratin \V. m.j
(Jul’ili 1 ’"Du Jan): j. e i i’ll ’■ l’ flirt r.
)(■ ■’ ‘ ,ro’■.’*(■ 11 ’) v i1.,. it W 11-aiii IV* fi
lti’v < iv i I) ‘ki lls ‘i S'n'i l),< kiai .'o ,p i
it.. V's y .ili.aiu i !> 11class.
S op'nii r.vii". iG.lx* :• IF.cklrs James E.-l;.
*U i.’ aiixl Kvi rrifig W iitlnm Ulliott.
1 Inn*t lIT I<L ‘J, S ;a>ili Kilim’ ,ty t'ltu:! s
Katlin hc.ii. (r. nvg. ’ii ir!:.Ii.:11, l.'.mail.
Ann I (iihiUT yVitiiain Grunt U 1. W.
Gorilon I’.'tiivw,:'. V. G-’rdifn Tluaxiii <■ *.;-
llllMl fxlt. I"!ltl (illl'llllll.
I’Ka .’ • •'ii liaison (/..tfiai’inc HrnkK l? v
Henry M-uvi .lolin Htir in Lent Ifinci lt ir
rison lfi<lly flavton Ii alul M !!• a-i, K.l *
In 1 1. I Lit i hi’Juan il ;l (Ir istnj'licr lfn k ‘c.
M. (II .luilll>l'lt (.VOigC t ( JohllMUl SIKUTOII
(I. urge 1 >'*wi:< O.Torn la'i**ti t .l.icoli I. nit
s’ y \ mson B l.ow M’.ismintth Ldiigitnie
Liglituc r IK try Li'tV. Mcila.i Mi Letulon l.ieut : 1 *i'*
M irtio N.i’lianit 1 \K )’ . k n J, L ben Mae.
ler ('liai’les Mattox ,ltev .l.miex Ma’lu Us L>
H Miiik.-N’ \Viliiam Mallorx 3rit*iin.ih M. l
Josiaii Muni’i.
George I’ NapPr Tamm \ N*iriis l).ivht
V *.it’i . .lolm Oicratreet.
F.ii/ahetli Pat.- (.Diaries Pnrtt r Jt-lm P.-*>,s.
tor IL iij nnin I’ctei nan .Ilannub 1’ r:< >
Tliotnas I’orter Andrew Porder H tij oi.m
Porte. WiiLani i’aikri Joint ltewvar S •
Rvi ns mx ‘lavv Raymonds ‘Mini, a
Reeves K hekirtti H'.-sx James Keniler .S;ott •
itel Stos.x
N. Smith Willinni .Shine \moa Stew
art Henry Snorter F’ deriek M Symrn -u
l/ ’X is strwart Jd.n (. Siappv .!< hn S ■ I
Arcfiil, Simpson Lifi. on strange Jtid>a
vani Manila speli \;uUv. Stepfienh Tam.itia
sjuionx II \V Srovi 1 liliza Sa
I*.* i>j l*) thi TaUiaU'erro ('.. |>, Jtxtpli GT, I
fnr ttevJamis H I’ tin e'* 3.
Di) al White Peter M llifcomb, Wfili .m
Wil'ix. J. WIM.I il'l.O, i*
Oi tuber 1 816. (41e;
.STRAYED front the fubiciibcr
l in r.infcoln C r iuuty, a croam co or ol
Horse, about > f hands high—-web
set & in prime order, and blind in
his left eye ; !n.> aft Cc k on hi h■>. h
like the Mules, an! is smooth 0: id
j all round— has a (jugular white fpr>!
j on >ne of fur hip;, near the fail, nt ,r*-
ly zs Ir.rg* as a i! & M ont piec*.*.
Ten ri lii trs reward g'ven, bedidea
all reafoiiwble chaig* s paid on tit !i
----! very to Alexander MorA* of Liucolrt
Count 7, or to Jtffu Prcfler in Wa-
Ihingtoti County, or Ephraim
Brov/a efq'r. Pf Savannah.
Oißober 2oih !81 (i
U'.e MiMerigcville Journal wi’l
please to i:t.• rr this notice 3 time?,
ant! pet h nt its account to Jefie Prof
fer uear MtlicdgeviP , who will pay
| it. £ li.
Or NOTICE. I.D-i bv the
, fuijfcriber a given by Klch
i mond Portin ;uui El.ibia Portai’V
I for fifty dollars, giU n to Phillip
| Thunnoncl, a tied a3d Decern
berth 15. Ad persons are war.n
----j ed not to trade for the laid not* i
1 and the laid lUrtaips are warne 1
! not lo pay the note unlcih
I to the fuhfcribtT*.
Dtm.i.rp Th:; iumcnd.
Ocl 25, 13 i 6 a.
Cr.ocK a Watch m.vuno,
AS A HAL!, r.!pod fully in.
. forms Ids .fiends and the puldi,*
i in general, that he has refurru 1
to WafljifM;ton, ar.d purposes t >
pu'rfue the tbove bttCnuE in it;
exter five bunches ; he flatters
liiinfUf that v e eycry
j fat is f.i boh in his line of bunnuiT
j —be rJp'iCtiuity foliti's prtror
age. Oct 27.
High wages will be given vt
t’.is to a ful; rate fair^.cf,
v. an pointer*