Newspaper Page Text
-^§^4HRj& ®3iE.3-3!&&&32a_
Thursday, January >, I83G.
fcr lus name to lie run on the White ticket.
In North Carolina, meetings were held by
both parties in the Legislature on the eve of
their adjourmifent. The Republican party a-
greed to support the Baltimore nominations.
The Whig party nominated White for the Pre
sidency, but could not agree upon a candidate
tor the Vice Presidency.
In Virginia, Judge White lias been nomina
ted as the Whig candidate for President. None
foi Vice.
In Maryland the Whig convention have no
minated Gen. Harrison for the Presidency, and
John Tyler of Virginia for Vice. It is a qnc-
Colton Market.
Some improvement has taken place since
oll r last. Prime qualities are selling this mor-
ni n <r at 13 1-4.
Receipts ot Cotton in Macon up to 1st Jan.
1836, 44,156 bales.
On hand same date, 8,599 bales.
Wo arc indebted to the lion. John P. King,
for documents accompanying the President’s
An awful event took place in Monroe county
on Christmas Eve. Some indiscreet persons
in a frolic went to a neighbor’s (by the name
ofl’av,) late in the night, made an alarm, and
induced him to believe there was a servile in
surrection—when Ray seized 1 " '
amongst them, unfortunately
The particulars we have not learnt.
of its !>il!s, as auv otuer other Banking institution.
We hope the hoUlers of its bills, in the country.,
.will urn be subjected to a sacrifice of their inter
cst«, by placing confidence in reports of this kind,
which are originated by persons w jio are so lost
to every principle ofjustice, as to do sir fur spec
ulating purposes Aug Chron
New-York, Dec. 2G.
The packet ship. Westminster, Ctipt. Moore,
from London has arrived since our last publica
tion, bringing papers from the British capital to
the evening of November 11 ill inclusive.
The news from France is important, inasmuch
, , _ . v » , as we have, at length, positive intelligence, that
ry, whether lyler will consent to run on such Mr. Barton has demanded his passports, ami w s
a ticket. ! preparing for au immediate re'urn to the United
In Pennsylvania, the Whigs and Anti-Ma- States. Thus lias one step more been taken to-
sons have pigged together in the choice of Har- word a rupture between two countries, whose
rison for President, and Francis Granger for •'“crests ami desires arc alike decidedly peaceful.
Vi cc> ° (This unpleasant, though not unexpected infor-
Tn*Tti:,,«:„ „ i . ,.« t . i , motion, reaches us, not only through the French
• . i • ’ strong electoral ticket has been , , >regs> | >u . a i s „ t( )ro ugh the private correspon-
nomuiatcd in a State convention, pledged to, deuce of the London Journals. Coming, there-
the support of Van Burcn and Johnson. j for,., through so many channels, tioduiibt remains
In Indiana the opposition have nominated of us authenticity. The first annunciation of
Gen. Harrison for President, but cannot agree the news was contained iu the postcript of a lot-
upon a candidate for Vico President. ° ! t( ‘ r born Paris. «‘ated Saturday afternoon. No-
maeaammi ~ j veinher 7, half past 4 o'clock, as follows:
At 5 o’clock, vesterday afternoon, Mr. Barton,
rrn u Charge d’Affaires of the United Stales of \mer-
- - Orleans Bulletin of the ~8tli ult. ^ j Cilt addressed a formal demand to the Due de
sa J s j ! Broglie. Minister of Foreign AfTiirs of the Kmg
By Col, McComb, who arrived last night; of the French, for his passport. Mr. Barton sta-
from Texas, we learn that an express six hours ted that lie made this application in consequence
bis gun and fired I later from San Antonio gives the news of the ; of the non-performance by the French GovcrJt-
r killing one man ! . Texian army having succeeded in taking the mant of the treaty or July, 1831, (that for the
j town, had driven the enemv across the river j A, “S rie ' n '"Jemmfication. so well known.)
Mr Ray is a carpenter by profession, and is | with great loss, and among tlic killed was Gen.! 1 l! . e A,c ' s '^ r ’ of 1,15 sa ' ,,e <,4te ’ thus a,ino '" 1 ’
ti.e same person who was nearly killed last Cos, and that not a Mexican armed soldier re- | Barton. who has hitherto performed the
Mimmer, by a fall from the staging of Dr If cfit mams now in Texas. He also brings accounts functions ot Charge d’A (Imres of the United
Collins’s new house. of men coming in from all quarters of the IT.
Resolved, That the Commissioners for tne city
of Savannah ho, and they are hereby directed.
•° assemble at Savannah, on the 23d day of Feb
ruary next, at tile hour of 10 o’clock. A. M. for
the purpose theu and there Co consolidate the
subscriptions. Certificates of slock shall he then
Issued, to bejsigued by any three of the said com
missioners. ”*
Resolved, That the said Commissioners at Sa
vannah he, and they are hereby requested to de
signate Monday, the 26th day of March next, as
•he time, aud the Exchange, at Savannah as the
place, wheu and where the stockholders are to
meet to elect Directors of the said company.
Resolved, That the sums heretofore received
on subscription to the Centra) Rail Road and
Canal Company, be paid'over by the thcti'Com-
missmnors to the Commissioners now appointed
for tlto'city of Snvautinh.
Resolved, That these proceedings he publish
ed forthwith at Savannah, and also in the Ma
con Messenger aud Telegraph, the Federal Uni
on, Standard of Uniou and Recorder, Millcdge-
while man retains his present constitution lu
Bridewells, Jails, Peuiteutiuws, and al the Gal-
huvs. is lie: rd the lament. Oh! had-my father
(perhaps my find or dear father) but resisted,
opposed, and coajucred my wayward, rash, iut
petuous, thoughtless youth, and compelled me to
hear, and to practice upon the precepts of rea-
sou. wisdom and experience. I should not have
reached this state of ignominy aud shame! A
few quotations from the pages of inspired truili
will fully approve and justify the course contend
ed for, ami w hich is—that wherenn ral influence
is at till likclv to fail, coercive, forceful, effective
means shull be employed.
“Train up a child in the way he should go;
and when he is old. he will not depart from-it.”
Foolishness is hound up in the heart of a child,
bin the rod of correction shad drive it far from
him.” “ The rod of reproof gives wisdom, but a
child lefr to himself.. Iiringetli his mother to
shame.” “ Correct thy son and he shall give llico
rest.” “ M iihhold not correction fir.m the child ;
for if thou heatest him with the rod, he shall not
Perry, Ga J
Post Of
A I.ISTnf the names of perso .
■ie letters remaining id tilts oMieft. fi-fctha
eiiuiiigdate, and if not t..J
quarter, ending the 31st March, nest, will ,
the Post Office Department as dead letters. Applica
tion should be for advertised letters.
Anthony riainuel, Aid, Avery
Alien. Aldieys Atustyrui, Alexander V\ illii.m.
Blih Hebeca Miss Bryant Owen, Bryan B., Bnty
Robert. Bmdwell J Bowers Benjamin, LullaidTho
mas. Busbhy Nathan, Blown Reuben E, Bairon Jo
seph, Butts John,- Baldwin Joseph. Brooks .Robert,
lirvnnt Thomas, Bat row Green, Brown frerah A.
C’ James, Ciccker. Elijah E., ti ason Jo
seph, Conh lloweli, C meson Banders, Calc well Ann
P. Miss, Can Ssmucl, Collies RoLert. Convent 11c.’-
ry. Cleniei s Eeltcy
^ Duncoii George 31 4. Dickerson Jrmes C, Duns
Elijah, Dun can James E 2, Dinkins Ishsm. Dean &
Dunean 2, D c3tie.-Jr I-Duieaii William, Dnn-
chu Robert L, Den i rdShudiack.
F.veiilt Thomas. Edensktn James, Lilts Thomas
\V, F-veritt Chits II-
. Farness Benjamin, Frederick C, A, Fletcher John,
die. I huu shah beat him with ihc.rocl, and shall < Flaid Edward P, Filton William,
deliver his soul from Hell.” | Gibson Bryant, Gartman Daniel, Grace John,
The N. Y. Jour, of Commerce sn r s: “ It is
46 22
52 38 18 *
47 24 31
THE ELECTION on Monday last, for city
officers, resulted as follows :
1st w : <?Sl wm'.TI w d 4thwd total, j ™ ttcr °.[ grateful congratulation, that not a
23 149 ! •“ercantile latluro of any importance lias occur
red in consequence of the enormous loss of pro
perty by the fire.”
Arthur Tappan who had much property de
stroyed, was insured it is said in Boston for
$300,000—Insurance companies in NewYork
having refused to gfant him a policy upon any
It is stated in the Albany Argus, that the de
mand made by the late Governor of Alabama,
for the person of the publisher of the incendia
ry paper * The Emancipator,’ for trial in Ala
bama, has been received by Gov. Marcy of N.
York, and. promptly refused.
1st ward. 2d ward.
“Cowles, 91 ' *Ross 7t
•Higgins, 79 * Ralston G3
Washington, 78
3* s ward.
•j. Williams 93
•Viga I, 70
C. Campbell, 2?
Istw’d 2d w’d 3d w’d 4th wM total.
4th ward.
•J. Campbell, I s *
Cijjter, i3
Tor Sheriff.—H. 11. Howard, 402
John Springer. 390
Clerk Superior Court.—Si. G. Ross.
(on opposition.
Clerk In ferior Court.-
Tur Collector-- Cates,
Her nr.
-J. J. Holloman,
E. C. Ilnlkley,
States, at Paris, decidedly leaves this city on
Monday. It i« said to he in consequence of the
refusal of M. do Broglie to give a satisfactory
answer to three proposals, which lie was commis
sioned to make on the part of Ins Government.
Another paragraph upon the subject, is in the
following words:—
Tlie fact of 31r. Barton, the United States’
Charge d*Affaires at Paris, hiving demanded
his passportsoT the French Government,is men
tioned in all the papers, save the ministerial or^
gaits. The Temps states that Mr. Barton made
his application in a peremptory style, ou Friday,
alleging the non execution of treaties bn the part
of France. The passports were delivered on
Saturday, and the Charge drAflaircs was to quit
Paris on Monday. The Temps, nevertheless,
expressed its confidence that matters will end in
an amicahlo adjustment.
There appears, however, to ho very little ap-
prcheusioit. oil the part of rite Freueh press or
of a serious rupture between the two
. , , i countries—judging alike, from the tone of the
A new Post office Ins recently been established \ f„ rmcri nl]( j from that, almost, unerring biromc-
iu thclhli district ol Randolph comity, 18 miles
from Lninnkiu, and is calto'l Pataula. Ransom.
Godwin, ! Vq. is the Past Master.
A new Po.t office li-.s also been established in
the 15th district of Sum ter county, on the road
fr *m Americas and Danville, to Piiidertovtut and
Starksvi'le. It is called “ Goff's .-“tore,” and D
Goff, E q. is the Post Master.
This distinguished
ter of public opinion, :hc stock exchange.
Liverpool. Nov. 7.
COTTON.—We have had an extensive busi
ness done in cotton this week, aad a healthy
market, wi*bout improvement in prices, save for
the middle quallitier of American, which are a
shade higher The public sales were very nu
merously attended, and Sea Island brought. 2 to
3d per Ih. under nominal prices of last fortnight.
. i . Speculators have takou 4000 hales of American,
eutleunu has mflr-ted up- i ' , , , . , oon
■ ' ' ami exported 1/00 American and 200 Surat.—
(no opposition.)
narrative of his tour, wo hope, for the sake of
hi< literary reputation, that this ridiculous “ vin
dication” will not form a chapter of it. Let it
perish if it will, in the ephemeral newspapers of
the day. and go down to “dark oblivion, ’ with
the contempt of his enemies and the mortifica
tion of liis friends. We will not he guilty of pro
longing its life by any r.c: of ours. AVc despise
the guard and the policy that dictated their ap
pointment. I.nt we despise more the conduct of a
man who, to gratify a little malignant feeling,
would fling tip* pointless spear over their heads,
I at the bosom of onr native Sjato. Georgia, to
| he sure, is iio better than she ought to he, her
j law arc sometimes weak and her law-makers
; snip-limes wicked, yet, had as she may lip,.she
j is, nevertheless/ above the reach of such feeble
areliery as Mr. Payne’s. Her ten year old hoys
| will laugh at his nonsense.—Col. Enq.
From Wash in i;ton City.
House or H kpresehtatives. »
\ ' 26/A December, 1633. )
M>l Dear Sirs— Fo little lias, ns vet. been done
By Congress in the way of the despatch of the
public Ini-mess, that I liavt not thought it of suf
ficient importance to address you especially, nor
tsitfikely that the time of Congress will he lc..s
iiunrofitably employed until after the New-'.'car.
There is one subject, it is true, I mean the one
i'inverted with the alto®inti of si very in the
District of Columbia, w’hieh may he termed of
in > ns it, as ine decisive vne upon it in the House
imi.t go far to quiet one part of the country;
no I this subject has coine “before our House.—
Yonrniiunt hive failed, I think, to observe, tint
tile nullifiers of the South and the abolitionists
"f the North, made common cause against iite
peace of the Union—hut their efforts were una
vailing. The appeal was to the good sober sense
t'f the House, and it was successful. All the dc-
rl iifmiory, coarse, menacing language of Wise,
of Virginia, and of Painmond, Pickens and
Thompson, of Smith Carolina- and all the iu
discreet aud iiiflnmatnrv talk of Slade, of Ver
mont, aided by John Quincy A.Inms, were not
sofliricoit to agitate the House. Upon the result,
1 cordially congratulate yon aud my other friends
of the Union at the South. The previous ques- , , ran<(p „ of RroJller romraC rcin! eminence.
• >n was called in order to slop debate, ol course. ft w „: , hn other (Iiiy> r|lslt , he slli
hecanso every speech that was made oa the sub r frotI| Philadelphia, passed al l.alf-
jcrl. only tended, more an.! more to produce ex- (i< | e , f olIll< ) it v i c l,| seventeen feet of
acerhatton. twas a mortify mg fact forthenul- v , n , pr _„ rcs( , |( lh nt astouishtsl the Captain, as
1'fiers ... the House lit -a agitation was thus dec- j , |( . al heard the Bar was shallow. In
J." • l )ut .dowii. All four of the above 3p-..kers, , ,| ( . ei | t tn tnv persons who h-ivc been coasting for
jirit iiieuiimted. »' ise, Hammoud, l' and ; - ' - - -
Thompson, are frothy dedaimers, without merit
Doboif liar.—It afforis os much satisfaction to
find, 'hat the great locality which this Bar offers
to vessels of the largest Class when entering our
harbor, is beginning to he properly felt, and ap
preciated. in other ports of the Union. Ifith uto
it was the opinion of seafaring men that it would
he extremely dangerous for heavy vescels to at
tempt its passage: hut tiir> ship Governor Troup,
and many others of equal burthen, have satisfie
torily proved that our Bar is safer, aud more ca-
silv ridden over than inniiv that form Hie en-
1 }d: HR Egvpti
fij tti 8.1; 40 Bengal 6^4. By Auction, 400 S.
Island 14$ to 2s 5|U. and 190 st lined do. 7 to
16$il per Ih.
of a high order. They come to the House,
spout out their froth, go home, write out a speech,
resembling, in its general features, the one of th
to he much superior to that of Charleston, and
fully equal to the Savannah Bar; ami this opin-
.. , , ’ ion is strengthened from the fact, that many day. or ally delivered, and behold, the ; rom « of vessels, who have had au oppor-
amended speech appear* in the National Intelli- j , |inily 0j Icstm;; „ 10 res01lrccs (lf cac |,, Kivc ' a dc-
6 eaccr. j preference to our own an I declare they
i would rather pass it at night, than enter the
FRENCH QUESTION. I Charlestoti Bar by day. Such, then, being the
Onr controversy with Franco is drawing to ! c, ' lsf '- *• °"*y r quires to be more generally known,
ahead. The indemnity is not paid—Mr Bar- i i "" 1 we ' viu l,: ‘ vu double the number of vessels,
ton had obtained his passports, and was ready i lUl '! " c “! MV c :'" h .? i,8 ‘ ° f ’ crow - ' f ” E ° ur rivcr t’
, . „ , ^ 1 r ’ P .i • ami cairvmg '.U wnlt ihetn precious cargoes of
oqmt France, las accounts. Every thing j lllf . Kreai st ”, it5 „ f ,; c<ir „ ia . ' We
htoks squally. Still, the French papers and ■ tnreit of the press will let the truth be uuder-
Treach people treat the subject with levity, | stood.—Damn Com. Register.
and seem to think there will be no rupture.—
From the Savannah Georgian.
The following prompt proceedings on llto part
of our Citv Council, will insure the approbation
of onr citizens generally
Hai urdat, Dec. 26. 183o.
Present, the Mayor, Aldermen Shaffer, Clark,
Hopkins, Shaw. Charlton. Stiles, Kollock, Sem!-
der, Cnyler and Purse.
'I he Mayor stated that he had convened Coun
cil for the purpose of laying before it the char
ter of the Central Rail Road and Ranking Com
pany of Georgia, as amended. The amended
sections of the chatter were thou read. Coun
cil then proceeded, in pursuance of the chatter,
to elect commissioners, wheu the following por-
smts. hereinafter name.;, were duly elected;
At Sarannah.—\V. B. Bulloch, \V. W. Gor
don, R. Habersham'. S. B Parkman. J. P. Hen
ry, J. P. \\ T i!liamsoii, R. R. Cuyler, J.iitoitc, B.
Burroughs. I. Mims, )V Taylor, G. II, Lamar,
G. W. Anderson.
Ricrboru, Liberty County.—G. W. AValthbur,
J. S. Bulloch. Jos. Jones.
Macon—Ambrose Baber. J, Cowles. R A.
Beall, Robert Collins, N. C. Micro*..
Columbus.—B. Hepburn, \V. 11. Harper, J. S.
Jacksonboro, Semen County.—P. L. A\ 7 ado,
Jacob Bryan, H. Scarborough.
Uchee Filings, Ma r ion County.—AVylly Will
iams, A,to. Hood. II. \\\ Dow,!,
a number of years, arc quite ignorant of its real Ttirversville, Twiggs County.—H. Tarver, E-
leptlt. For. onr own parts, we believe tiiis har zekiel Wimberly; Henry Solomon.
Irwin ton. Wilkinson County.—Jer. Beall, Lo
renzo Shceter, T. P. Smith.
Dublin. Laurens County.—J. Yopp, Frs. Tho
mas. E. AVnrreu. W. Godfrey.
This ntay he real, or it tnav be affected. At
all events, let ns not be caught napping.
A correspondent at Washington City, un-
dfr date of the 28th ult. writes us as follows;
Yon know quite as much of 'ho condi'ion of
°>'r relations with France as we of Congress do.
Being a member of the Committee on Foreign
nidations, and having access (without injunction
”• -ecrecy just now) to the communications hc-
l.vecn the two Governments. I can assure you of
die above fact, that yon are equally well inform
*•* we are npon the French Question. In a
few days more, however, the results in France,
*"i)5equont upon the recall of Mr. Barton, will
10 'nude known to us, nnd theu, although the
news will not !*e definitive, it will lighten, in some
treasure, the prospect Itefore us. Thai the final
developmeitr will ho favorable to the preserva-
. hou of poucc, we all must hope.
‘•as commenced in good earnest. The Whigs
(who abhor a Caucus!) arc holding conven-
hons in several States—but there is a want of
concert among them, truly characteristic of
•heir piebald complexion.
I" Georgia the State Rights party have a-
^ roo< ^ ,0 support Judge White for President,
ond P. p. Bt rbour for Vice President. The
Mail to Macon.—As another index of the new
ly awakened spirit of enterprise that actuates
our people, we will merely allude to the ciicum-
stauee of a petition having been drawn up, and
directed to the Postmaster General for a tri
weekly mail between this city aud Macon, w hich
was filled with signatures in a few hours, anti is
now on the way to its destination. Its prayer
wilt, no doubt, he granted at once. As things
are done at present, it i-> said hv persons resident
at Jacksonville, about 110 miles from thi- place,
that they can have a letter fro.n Sew York ! in
a shorter period than one from Darien.—Darien
Day, S. Low-
We learn with surprise aud astonishment, that
a report h is been circulated iu this State, as well
as in South Garolitta. that the Mechanic's Bank,
of tltiscity, had suspended payment, or was about
to do so. We presume this report, which origi
nated at ndistauce front this city, was put ill cir
culation by some enemy of the institution; and
wc are happy to have it in onr power to state,
that it is false and without the slightest founda-
i n- As an evidence of the high standing which
Clinton, Jones County
titer, R. Hardeman.
Louisville, Jefferson County.—P. B. Connel
ly, R, AV. Flournoy, Asa Holt.
Sandersvillt, Washington County.—I. II. Saf-
fold. Harris, 8. Robinson.
Perry. Houston County.—A. A. Morgan, Geo.
Patton. J. E. Ditucan.
Knorv : lle, Crawford County.—Henry Crowell,
AV. Colbert. Francis Bacon.
Drayton Dooly County.—David Graham, D.
Jones. T. II Key.
Milltdgcville.—Di. T. Fort, F. Carter, A. H.
Ketinu, Jno, Howard.
And that the said books af subscription bo kept
open at each of tho places aforesaid, from the
hour of 10 o’clock, A. M. to the hour of 2 o’
clock. P. 31 of the day aforesaid, and also, on
the next ensuing day th reafter, from the hour of
10*((’clock, A. M. to tho hour of 2 o’clock P. M.
Resolved. That conforming to the said amend
ed char'cr, tho said Commissioners, respectively,
shall, at the time of subscription, require from
every new subscriber tho payment of the sum of
tweuty-five dollars ou each share subscribed, aud
they shall require from every person who has
heretofore subscribed nnd paid the sunt of five
dollars per share to the former Commissioners,
the payment of twenty dollars per sh ire theu
subscribed for. The said Commissioners, rc-
spectvely. shall require from all such persons as
h *vo heretofore subscribed, but who did uot pay
five dollars per share,to the former Commission
stooers,' payment of the stun of twenty-five dol
lar* on each share subscribed.
Resolved. That me C ommissicuers for places
other thnu Savannah be. and they are hereby
directed to trausmit to the Commissioners at Sa
vannah within ten days after closing their books,
the monies by them received, together with the
Juvkxile Education-, Pulpit Preaching,
&(-••—It is often remarked of a system or theo
ry,—it is quite fine upon pa'per, hut fads in prac
tice &e.
Nothing is more einiueutly true as applied to
some of onr fine-spun, modern theories of educa
tion that .propose schemes of mculcation aud for
mation utterly inconsistent, w ith the acknowledged
degeneracy of man ; and. w hat at first often sur-
prises.-rtho new fangletl doctrine's of mere moral
suasion, arc advocated in practice by men of holy
orders—(and of course, philosophic mind) men
who uroaelt, and 'those clmy it is to aiu!
leach the corruption of human nature, tho invi
tations, warnings, threntinngs and judgments of
J'.hoyah,—the rewards and punishments of the
future state. Such ntcu are uot uufrequeutly
found advocating in word ab'» by example, the
employment of moral suasion only—with con
trasts of the two great priucip'es Virtue and Vico
—mere appeal to the moral stuse •*. mid this is
declared to he fully effective in any grade of im
provement, or deterioration of moral or intellect
ual characte-. If this he-right, there are wrong
and foolish, fifty express declarations and precepts
of inspiration, all ancient philosophy, aud all
that practice that has often “ in the midst of a
crooked perverse generation,” made many good
and useful men of subjects w hose whole course
jouoe seemed incorrigibly perverse and inclined
to evil coiitiiiunily. Men repudiating the doc
triue of forceful, compulsory measures, or who
“ spare the roa,” tltot gltin other matters, prompt,
decided, cuergetic and effteieut, tire often found
rearing a posterity to he mere clogs, blots and
blurs in society ; thus, instead of accelerating the
approach of millennial iunoceoec, actually and
criminally retarding our progress to its consum
mation. From the sacred desk we hear little .or
nothiug of the native diguiiy of man which the
presence of this. icuowned moral sense would
indicate, hut on the subject of our spiritual alien
ation. we are told much of the horrors of tho pit,
much of the beauty of holiness, aud of the de
formity of sin.
A temporizing, man-fearing, declnimer, says
but little of the minuiia of immediate motive or
cause, nr of present impulse : hut, ill dread of
vagabonds, rakes, spendthrifts, wilful bankrupts,
common scolds, sy cophants, talc-hearers, equivo-
cators. moral end political hypocrites,—he trims
around, iueiudiiig ALL under the cqmmon curse,
spite of good works, unless ittdecd so converted
to God. and by God, asto feel themselves entire
ly ucw and different creatures having a realizing
sense of tlie divine presence continually abiding
with them: thus causing the reuegado aud tuth-
less violator of peace aud good order, to lull and
console himself (as he very often doe>) that if he
he d.intucd. the curse wdl also he experienced by
multitudes noiv acknowledged to he much his
superior). It is intruded by these last remarks
to censure the bigotry, enthusiasm aud folly of
any preacher, deacon or layman, who really or
affectedly holds in disesleem any man’s morality,
because that man iu the counsels of his own
will, remains or determines to remain out Kf
church communion. For the world’s sake, for
God’s sake, morality in all its details should be
constantly insisted upon; and the reverse contin
ually denounced. » hether found in siuuer or pro
fessed saint, iu pauper, laborer, or nabob, in
scribe, pharisee or publican. Christ did thus,
aud so do all his true and faithful followers.
Believing religion to be two fold iu its object,
—the welfare of society in this world, and our
souls’ felicity iu tho future state, the course above
alluded to, of rejecting bread, because the whole
loaf cannot always he attained, is thought to sa
vour of a degree of fatuity hcariug uo affinity to
the general character aud deportment of many
who iu all the other relations of life, prove them
selves practical philosophers aud heuevolcut
brethren of the liuinau family. It is believed that
in every church, there are very qjatny strictly vir
tuous and pious persons, at all times and places
“ doing as they would be done to;” but to their
number are frequently j ined others who. multi
ply their offences by the siu of hypocrisy: And
with these are often seen some who offend their
neighbors in v ord aud deed, being without large
and elevated view s of God nud religion by reason
of ignorance and intellectual ohtusily which could
ami v,an-d be quickly removed or^"ameliorated,
were professors aud preachers as anxious and
active to that purpose as they are iu making pros
elytes and in increasing their uuinericut strength.
It is too much the case that leaders in church
matters, have iu many instuuccs, about the same
use for the addition of au humblo saint to their
number, as a demagogue has for another adher
ent,—not for any Kenuiuo love or fellow feeling;
hut for mere self aggrandizement, lu mauy
church/ s, as in the liceutious world, are secu tiie
same aristocracy, the same caucusing', the same
acting of t**e powerful and presuming few, with
out reference or deference to the opiuiou of hum
ble men wise, virtuous and pious as the best, lull
destitute of tho retinue, the fine linen aud purple.
Proverbs, xxii, <» and 15; xxix, 15and 17; xxiii.
13 aud 14. C.
On Saturday last, Charles Eckley. iulaut son
of Benjamin and Eliza Trapp, agnl II months
and 21 days. Thi s, in a few fleeting months,
have these Keeping parents been twice bereft hv
the relen'less hand of death: hut “the Lord
gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed he
tile name of tin; Lord.’’
In Mille-'gcvillc, ou the morning of the 31s-
ult. Orange Grten, a native of Rrat.don, A’er
inout, and for the last ten years a citizens of Mil-
Icdgevtlle. in the 3. it It yeer-of his ->g
pe," yu
Com. per >uthe!
Gorn Meal,
pjr Ih.
do Ifams,
Bale Rope
per lb.
per lb.
per bid.
Flour, northern.
per Hi.
per gal.
Brand}’, .peach.
do Gogniac,
do *
Rum, N. E.
Gin, Holland,
ilo Northern
62 4
per buah.
Lead —
per lb.
per hag
A PPEAU on your
Parade ground on Friday the
/ « 3Ui iust, utO o’clock, A. 31. in full uniform,
this Bank in attains in this city, v?e can state,
ihat its Capital Stock has been sold at a higher
premium than that/.f any ♦other Bank in the (list of subscribers, by mail, uulcss otherwise di
State; and, .we have no hesitation in saying, from reeled by the Commissioners at Savaunah, tho
the high respectability of its Directors, that it is expenses of which will be paid by this corpora-
Richmond Er.qnirer says, Barbour will not sttf- ns much entitled to the confidence of the holders tion
and the shining dust of I’iutus. While wc would
honor our dignitaries for the institution’s sake, as
we w’oultl uphold llto supremacy and execution
of the laws, we would repudiate every degree
ami semblance of battening aristocracy how ever
disguised, aud beardowu every haughty and sel
fish pretender, as promptly a* we would auy im*
putleut presuittcr; yet, there is an aristocracy,
the supremacy af mind, high,.noble, cultivated,
vir'uous mind that wherever found, an honest
mau delights to contemplate, to elevate, to love
to cherish aud support, to the exclusion of dull
blockheads, cunning knaves aud designing dem
agogues. Wnile embodyiug this loose train of
scattered thoughts aud reflections, hiutmg at some
proper ineatts for promoting moral education and
gettuiue, vital piety, it is recollected that in the
course of the recent revivals of our Saviour’s
blessed religion, vve heard men blindly zealous iu
the great master’s cause, profess perfect iudiffer-
once as to any of the modern institutions such
as temperance societies,—saying that tho religion
of the lord jesds is superseding them. What
is this hut fanaticism, feeling, acting, aud speak
ing as if the era of grace and means were lost in
a dispensation of mere grace, or iu an ideal 'some
thing, dispensing with fasts, restraints, ceremo
nies, self-denial, alms-giving, missionary heralds,
&,e.—a very cheap and easy religion! aud might
do pretty well were there now oo ambition, nor
bigotry, nor carnal appetite, nor cupidity, uor
covetousness, uor envy in tho world. AVe shall
couciude by auoiher remark refitting to Juvenile
Educatiou. Taking human nature as i. is fouud,
the sovereign efficacy aud efficiency of moral
pared for Target tiring ; in case of default, attend a
court of inquiry at the company’srcont on Monday the
lltli at 7 o’clock P. Al. Defaulters at the drill on the
24th nit. and at the company meeting on the 27th do.
will also attend this court. Macon, January G, 1630.
By order IfOL.MKS, Is/ Sergeant.
IL7 The members are requested to call at ttie store
of .Mr F 1? Lewis, aud obtain their new caps.
Grizzle Elizabeth* Gridin' John.
Ili.lderness James3, Hurst It C, Ilclcomhe rhil-
lip, HhU Washington, Her'ing Williams, llievcrn
Henry, Hightower ilieghly Hill Jarae-*, Horn Joel,
Herrurdon Burill, Hathaway & Hines, llamiter Ro-
dy A. . ^
JonesTbeophi!us, Jones John, Jordan Lewis J.
Johnson Richard-,. Ingram Holden. Jones Timothy,
JcmiS'iu David Dr, JarJ.son Marsthes
Kemp Benjamin 2, Knowles Ge-rge, Kil’/en John.
Lvwnon Daniel,-Lori Sarah, Lindsey F,lizabetlt2. Arthur. Lawny Noah, Lovet William, Leary
Curtis. Latte John, Lee Tobias'
Mnmiger J C & E, Morris Elisha, Morgan A A
2. M’Cnry Chas M, M’Coy Jane, M’Geo K T.
.Morris Allen 2, Musslowhita William, Moreland
Sarah, Mann llyram T, Morris David L, Mangum
Aaron 6 2.
Norwood Lorenzo D, Kiel Alfred M.
Ovvoaa T 3,
Patten George 2, Pratt'Martin. Peddy Albert, Par-
win William 3, Pearce Jacob, Powell Silas, Patten
David, Peacock Lewis, Postling Emanuel, Price
Simpson P, Peter Stephen
ItwmbeU Scarbrough; Ruffin Richard V C, Royse-
tnon Jas A 2, Robertson Alexander, Rushin John,
Rooziu Zachnrmh, Regan Robert A
Smith - Horace, Sauls Lawrence, Slappey Jacob, .
Saffotd and Sears, Sankister Mr, Shipvm.-h Litas,
Smith Alexander. Suggs Wiiliant, Spaivey & Cha
Torrance AVillnm H, Tilmnn Rurgcss, Thtkrnlv
Jftiiah M, Thomps in James, Thompson Joseph
T 2, Taylor Isaac, Taylor Samuel, Thompson Jerri,
Taylor William, Thompson llezekiah, Tutii Wil--
West William. Witinbry AA'iiliam, Windham So-,
nine!, Wimberly James, Wimberly Elizabeth AA'hi-
teny David; Wimberly Frederick, Webb S'-mitel,
Way l'dsvnrds. AVitlis John, Williams Nathan, White-
head Wm 2, We.s'berry Jefferson, Walker 1 'avid,
Webb Thomas, ,West James. White James F., AA’ttds-
worth Fll.ert. JOHN CHAIN P.3L
Rail Road Slock- I
P URSULNT to appointment of the City Council 1
of Savannah, the nudersiguod Commissioners
will ope^ books of Subscription for 'took in the “Cen
tral Rail Road and Banking Company of Geoigia” at
the Branch of iha Insurance Bank of Columbus at Mo
unt, on Wednesday ths 10th day of February next, and
tho succeeding day from the hour of 111 o’clock A. M.
to2 P. M. ‘ '
All Stockholders who have heretoforesiib-cribcd and
psid five d« liars per share, will be required to pay r.:t
additional instalment of tweuty dollars per share and
all now subscribers to pay twenty five dollars per Bhara
respectively. January 6, 1836 28
'j -. oil \ v r iTT',\’T*or
Commissio tiers.
.■a eioou Found.
TWKEN Columbus and Montgomery, Ala.
which the owner can have by describing and
applyinga< ‘he Stage office at Macon, Ga. Dec. 23.
TOtp" 28
E,amp Oil.
W INTER Sttained Lump Oil just received and
for sale by
J.itt.-G. IHStj 2S
R R V « S S .11 21 Si I C / .V i: s.
A iiLNI RAI, Assortment of Utns^s, Jlcdi-
F.ilMi'i, &C. just received from New York, for
sale by 2b J. H. A )V. S. Ll.LIS.
a .1 It S3 F JT S F F » s.
A SUPPLY of fresh GARDEN .SLEDS just re
ceived—Also, Flic Gardener's Man
uel, with instructions for cultivating Garden Plants,
&c.—Price 124 cts. For sale by
jan I 26 J. If & W. S. F.LI.I3.
11.1 .V C IJF G #» U.1I M m »•
PAIR Gentlemen’s Dancing Pumps.
_ ICO do Ladies’- fine Prunella and Kid
Sappers, French pattern, by
l b. Pork and Bacon,
J00 do New l.ard, for sale
GEORGIA : Crawford County.
W HEREAS ljemnolD 8latter and Nancy Blat
ter apply to me, for letters of Administration
on the estate of Thopios S. Skitter deceased
'these ur*therefore to cite and admonish all and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of raid decrasal, to be. and
appear at my office tcithiu the tin.r prc .cribcd hy law. to
show cause ij any they hate, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at office, January 2, lfcSG.
_28 WM. H. BROOK'S, c.c. o.
Commission Business, Rarien.
T HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership
lor the purpose of transacting a general Com
mission and other business under the firm of
and offer their services to their friends, and the public
generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods
and produce to aud from the interior of the State, will
receive particuky attention. It may he proper to
state that they have no connection with any of the
Steam transportation lines; Goods forthe interior will
always be shipped by those who will probably give
them the greatest despatch.
Jan 1,1836 28 GEO T. ROGERS
* —
dt*<*v./ dwtaoQF-i s-Lv
-. -SgU'it'S*
EORGF. A. SM|TH respcjtfuliy informs
MJT he public that he has resumed the CAR
Stand, on the corner of. Walnut nud Fourth
streets, (allot- a cessation of five years,) w.ltere ha
intends carrying on the above business, as usual,
in all its various branches. Ail REPAIRS cx-
eeutejl with the utmost celerity.
January 7, I8' ; 6 28
uTX o been since tiie Inst e.f July ledi, tlic
HE Undersiencd tenders his thanks to his friends
for the liberal patronage he has for mauyyea's
received, nnd assures them that, the same zeal with
which in his individual capacity lie applied himself, will
direct his efforts in protecting those interests which
mnv be confided to the new establishment. 2-
Darien, Jan. 1, 1836 ISAAC SNOW.
G ARDE * SEEDS, a fresh supply ju*t re
ceived bv H. & J. SIIOTWELL.
Macon. Jan 7. 1326 28
Swaini’s Panacea. Inilitm Panacea,
A SUPPLY of therethovo medicine* just re
ceived by II. &J. SIIOTWELL.
Macon, Jan. 7. 1836. 28
GEORGIY — Bibb County.
r OLLF.D bcefore Mitchell Coxwell by Tho
mas BlHUsett, otic h:,y Horse, nine or ten
years old. b'.ind tu the right eye, three white feet,
»r"ts and paces. Appraised by Levi Calhoun
nud Richajd Bassett to fit’tv dollars.
ED W’D. O. RULKLEY. c i. c. >
Jan 5. I83.'i. 28
I'OK SALE. . ~
suasion alone in the training of youth, is denied: j fwq HE property at present -occupied by tnc su
it uover was sufficient, nor will it ever prove so, i scriber. Sept IB 13 W. II. BURDSALI..
owner by conveyance from Elijah Cotton,
;t’i the timber & trees, (of more limn 10 inches diatn-
eter) upon T.i)ts Nos. 40, 75, &, 76 in the 4th of Hous
ton (uow.ltil.4)) with liberty of entering at any and at
all times In the spareof20’years upon each aiiil.cvery
of said lots, and upon all parts of then).. I herein - give
distinct notice that I will prosecute to the extent orf tho
law, anv aud all person- (whether they claim tinder
said t-otton or oliicrxise.) who shall by cutting or in
juring mv timber, or by enclosure .obsirijct, or hinder
mv free entry upon the said lots, or, otherwise im
pair mv right; he rein. *
November 10.1835. 26 DAY ID'RALSTON.
.1 Proclamation
Ry WILLIAM SCULLY,’ Governor of the State
of Georgia.
tf of HEREAS, I have been satisfactorily informed,
tha. a umrdct was committed in the county of Cnrrolf,
in the mmith of March. 182!), upon the hotly of one
John Paper by GEORGE BLACKWOOD, a Chero
kee Indian; and it behig represented to me that said
George Blackwood has fled fr >m jnstice, and is new
lurking about it: the Cherokee country. I have thought
proper to- issue thin my I'reclamotion, hereby offering
a reward of two iivsprkd noutfu to any person or
persons, who may apprehend nnd deliver the said fu-
gativo to ihe Sheriff or Jailor of said county of Car-
roll. And I do moreover charge aud require all offi
cers civil and military, to be vigilant in cndcavoriu|’
to apprehend and de'iver him as aforesaid, ui order
that ho may be tried for the offence so charged npon
. Given under my hand and the great seal of the
State at Milledgeviile, this the eighteenthday rf
Dcceni!)er, eighteen hundri'd and thirtv-me,
and of the AnicricauTndependencetfce sixtieth.
By the Governor: '
VVFLttaM A. Tr-.VVITXKV Secrctaty of Stato.
dec 24 2t 26 . ’
.1 Proclamation
of Georgia.
W HEREAS 1 have received official infonnatick
that NATHAN SWEAT, who wascomictej.,
at tiie last term of the.Miperior court of Appling emm-'
ty x of the offehce of Cauls. Stealing, and sentenced to-
four years imprisonment in the I’enitentiary- of this.
State, and who was jodged inthcjailof Telfair coiintj'
for safe keejiing, broke said jail on the>29ih of Novem-.
her last, and madeliisescape —I have thought ]Honor f>
issue Uiismy proclamation,hereby uhering.a reward of. ^
one honored and FIFTV oot.r.Airs to any person or
persons who may apprehend and deliver sain SWEAT*
to the Principal Keeper of the I’eni: ntiaryat 'Milled. y--
villa; and f domoreover ehargoani! require, thatalloffi—
cers. both civil and military, to bo vigilant in endeavor--
ing to apprehend and deliver said fugitive, as aforesaid-
NATHA NSW EAT is represented to b^-aboutforty--
five years of age, dark complexion, black o/es and hair, -
about six feethigh, and rather slender built*.
Given under my hand and tho great seal of the State,
at Milledgovillo. this the eleventh day of Decern
her, eighteen hundred and thirty-five and of die*
American independence the sixtieth.
By the Governor.
Wilt.iam A. Tbs-niixe. Sri rtlanj of Static %'
dec 24 ‘2t .26
j oo ^rTiviing done at this Office. *