Newspaper Page Text
£3 i CE 3UIS r ii'§¥ !\3i 3
" Hit its Sheriff' Stile.
/< jaN the first Tuesday in EEBRUA R V next.willbe sold
»iy before the court house door in the town if Jackson,
Butts county, icitkiu the legal hears of sale,
The following property to-wit: tfl acres of l*aiid,
levied on as the properly* of .Silas Elliott, it being the
.northwest corner of Lot No. 125, in tho first district of
originally lleury now Butts county, to satisfy sundry
li i'ns from a Justice Court of Burke comity, in Tavor
of llniley Carpenter, (Junior,) vs Silas'Elliott and
Elizabeth Powell, Administrators of E. Powell. Levy
inode and returned to me by a constable.
Doc. :tl JOSEPH SUMS!KRUN. Sheri,T.
Houston Sheri O' Sale.
thefirst Tuesday in TED UA H Y next, trill it
xjr • ddiefore the. courthouse door, in thetotm of Per
ry, //oust.:, county, bittrccn the lauful hours of sale.
The cast half of Lot Nc. 292, in the 13th district of
Houston county, levied on by virtue of a u fa issuing
out of a Justices Court of Houston county, in favor of
.EL SALE.—On the lirst Tuesday n» February
nest, will be sold in front of the Court House, in Ala-
con, all tLc personal property of John W. Rhode*,
late of this county, deceased: consisting of beds, bed
ding, and an extra good rifle patent breeched in brass.
dec 21 2G Administrator _
A GREEABLY to an order Jflhe honorable the In) -
rior Coiiit for the county of Twiggs, ichcn sitting
as a court of ordinary, trill be sold on tlwfirst Tuesday
MA11C1I next, before the Court House door in Marion
county, teithin the usual hours of sale.
Lot of I .and No. 90, in the 4th District of said coun
ty, sold as the propel ty of James Desliazo, deceased,
'i'erms on the day.
Dec 2Sth, 1635. • dec 31
GItEEABLY to an order of the honorable the
13L Inferior Court for the county of Twiggs, when
sittiug as a court of ordinary, will he sold on the first
L. Bole, against Samuel Gilmore, Tho* Barron, and J"** 1 ** »> MARCH next, before the Court flow
llenrv Smnmerford. Levied on and returned to me door in said connty,with!n the legal hours of ale.-
nll the Lands and Negroes belonging to the estate ot
Henry Snmraerford.
by u countable,
dec 31 27
Levied ou and returned to me
G. M. DUNCAN. Sheriff.
Henry Sheriff Sale.
W ILL he sold before the Court House door in the
tot -it of Me- Donough, Henry county, on the first
Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, between the >sgal hours
of sale, toe following property, to irit
Joshua D. Bostick, Jate of Twiggs county, deceased
except the widow’s dower in lands. Terms on 'he
Dec. 28. 1835. dec 31 27p
Two thousand pounds of seed cotton more or less, XL to the Honorable Inferior Cot
levied on as the properly of Stephen vVink'ea, to rat- j when sitting for ordinary purposes
isly a fi fa Lss..;d from die Inferior Court of Henry ! Negroes belonging to the Estate of
AO UK Months after ea'.fc application will he made
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county,
les for leave tc sal! the
isly a fi fa i,3!,.:d from the Inferior Court or Henir'j mgroe* belonging to uie Miate of Anderson Griffin,
ClUnty, in fl vor of Jesse Johnson vs. Stephen fetal- | late of said county deceased,
naker nn<l.f ; ttpleri Winkles his security. I MARY P. GRIFFIN, Adteirs,
2ir.’J ac. -1 of Lmd, lot lKunber sixty-four in the | Sep. 10. JOHN R. KENDRICK. Attni r.
Third Dial ict onieury county, levied on as tho pro- j q gopi; months after date u plication will >e made
party of Thomas Swilinny, to satisfy two small fi fas i jL’ to the court of ordinary of Bntts county for
issued from a Justices Court of said'eounty; or.o in fa-j l.-avc to sella part of lot NV 47 in the 24th district of
vor of David Johnson rs. William A. Wells, and j formerly Muscogee now Talbot county for Ik. bene-
Thomns Swiltney; tlie other .in favor of Henry Swin-1 gj ofLcviua Thompson a minor, this Sept IS 1835.
ney rs. Thomas & vinucy, ami other fi fas against said j 13 Ji ;HN F,. JONES Guard’u
Thomas Swiiuiey. Levy made and returned to me (
by Esekiei Gridin, a constable.
Dec 25, J 635.
, Deputy Sheriff.
Cnrrpli Sheriff" Sale.
r I!.L Le sold on the first Tuesday i FEBRU
ARY uert, at CamJtUi'h, Carroll county, within
the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot of Land No 207 in the 2d District of Carroll;
I N our months after dute application will bo made
1 to the. Honorable Iuferior Conr ^Twiggs
county,when sitting as a court of Ordinary 'or leave
to sell tlie real estate of Janies Desliazo, luijof said
county deceased. Nov. 2, J835
■gLjAOL'K mourns alter dale . i.c.iUon will be made
to the Honorable Iniciior Court of Twigg;
! county, wheu sitting as a court of Ordinary, for leave
Decs inker 5. 1-\?"
gsLOi.' -- ItlOMlO.- I..U51 ..... . ...
to tlie h»uorablc the inferior court oi fine county
when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
lot of land No 125 in the 3d district of originally Mon-
roc now Pike county, it being the real estate oi James
Crawley a «inor. JAMES CRAWLEY,
dec 17 25 Natural Guardian:
Chapman : ™ to the court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave
Lot No.' 10S in the Cth District Carroll, as the pro- ’»» «!1 three fifths of Lot of I-aud No 16 in the 6th dis-
pertyof ltobort .McFarland, to satisfy a fi fr from the trict originally 1 roup now Mernwether county, be-
duii’r. court of roiil county, in favor of Jiles S. Bog-, longing to toe orphans ot VViliiani I ace, late ol said
gess r*. Me Farland; one Negro Woman by the name > county deceased. dce ll0
of .Moriah, as the property of D. L Harris, to satisfy | Sy. BOURN IHXfeON, guar. ^
two fi fas from thc'snp'r court of said county, one ini ICniontlU Alter dat-r application will be made
iiivorof Jam 's Goddard rs:said D. L. II.-urisandBenj. j % to tho justices of the court of Coweta county
Chapman. } when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all
Also, twenty head of Hogs, four Cows and 2 Stills, 1 the negroes belonging to the estate of James Carson,
as the property of Thomas Duke, u» satisfy a fi fa j deceased, of said county, for jhe benefit of the lega-
from the sup’r. court of said county, in favor jf Jiles
S. Boggwia rv. said Duke. This 24th Dec., 1635.
27 ISAAC F- COBB. Sheriff.
Campbell Sheriff Sale,
IN,1 LI, he sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY
utit, ct the court house, door of said county, teithin
the lauful hours •>/ sale, the following property to wit:
Lot oi Laud No. 25 in tlie fir ■ l district o*f originally
Carroll, now Campbell county, losat'-dy one fi fa from
Walton superior court, in favor of Jesse M. Butt rs.
William 11. Ray. Property pointed out hy planlitr.
Lot of Lund No. 853, in* the 16th district, second
section of originally Cherokee naw Campbell comity,
to satisfy one li fit from a Justices Court, Hall county,
iu fuvor of-Thomas Wynne rs. Francis Till belt, and
sundry other fi fas rs. Talbert. Levy made and re
turned to me by a constable.
Three Lots of Land Nos'. 134 155 and 1G1. in the
eight district of origiually Coweta now Campbell coun
ty, to satisfy three fi fas’from a Justices Court of said
county, in favor of George Chappell rs. Austin Bryant
and John Bryant, and controlled by said Ciuppell to
Thomas Dothard. Levy made and returned tome bv
a constable.
Seventy-live barrels of. Corn fo satisfy one fi fa from
the superior court of said county, in favor of L. B.
Harris rs. Andrew Sberer, Joseph ahercr, John She-
rcr, Robert Presley and Sanford Britton, and controll
ed by said Harris to fetepheiiJamei. Levied on as
the property of Andrew Sherer, and nointed ont by
said A. Sherer.
dec Id 27 WF.SLEY CAMP. Sheriff
iUlnr at ion.
f’U'! I IF. mibadriber tenders to his patrons and friends,
JL his most cordial tiiauks, for the past and present
liberal patronage, which they have bestowed on bis
School. He would, again, embrace the opportunity,
respectfully, to inform Parents and Gunrdia: s, iu tlie
City and Country, that his SCHOOL is still in opera
tion, and will continue in progress tiis loth July with
out vacation. Those who contemplate patronising
this School, would do well to make an early applica
tion, so that competent assistance may be, in due
time, procured. The principal scarcely need say,
that his best exertions will be devoted to the utmost
improvement of his pupils: and, expecting to fix bis
residence permanently in this city, be, therefore,
would respectfully solicit, in common with otfcer teach
ers, a liberal sharo of public patronage, lie would
also, with great pleasure, add, that the present moral
character of his Students; is seldom exceeded, in their
freedom from vicious habits
26 4t • P. MAC INTYRE.
Macon Academy, Male Department, Ucc.iAth, 1836.
' FOKSYTli *
.11 nlc and I'cincilc Academies,
Wt.IIE Trustees, oftheJForsyth Malt: and Female A-
^ cademics take pleasure iu announcing to the pub
lic that they have again secured the services of Mr B
B HOPKINS, a gentleman of high attainments and
long experience in the art of teaching—lie has had
charge of the Female Institution at this place for the
last eighteen mouths, assisted by his daughter Miss E-
liza Hopkins. General satisfaction has, we believe,
been universally given heretofore. A splendid Geo
graphical and Philosophical Apparatus has been pur
chased, nnd will be ready for the use of the Institu
tion by the commencement of the next term. Iu the
Male Department the services of Mr J B MURRY,
a gentleman of high qualifications, have been also en
gaged for the next year. This gentleman has been in
the employ of the Trustees for tlie last eight mouths,
and iu addition to the branches usually taught in Aca
demies, lessons will he given in tlie French Language
by Mi Murry. The Trustee* further state for the in
formation of tlie public, that .Mrs HARRIET WAR
NER respectfully tenders her services to the Young
I .cu e’s and Misses attached to the institution, or any
others who may be placed under her instruction, ill
thi various branches of Music on the Piano Forte.—
Tne character of this lady as a Teacher of Music, is so
well known to the community, that the Trustees dec-in
it unnecessary to say any thing further upon that sub
ject. Angus M I) King, a
Jotce Dunn,
Henry II Lumpkin, } Trustees.
James II Gordon, I
dec 10 Btnj H. Rutherford. ) Jt$
THE undersigned having pur
chased Mr. Wm. B. Parker’s in
terest in tlie Central Hotel, intend
continuing the business under the
name and style ol IIVlglMII &’
Hailtcy, and hope from strict
attention to merit a share of public patronage.
EJ* P. S.—The Stage Office at tlie Central Ilot-d.
Macon, Dec. 22.1835.’v&h.
Watch Mdfnrs if Jewellers, j
Would inform their friends and
the public, that they have reuiov-,
ed their establishment to Cottou ]
Avenue, to the store recently oc
Cl OR Scrofula; Salt Rlnium, Ulcer* v
l Erysipelas, Dyspepsia, Liver Com.-I '‘ crs ^s.
lies of the Blood, Chronic Iiitiamatioi, ofi?" lui Fv
ore Lyes, Mercurial Diseases, lh Wi,
... Charleston, March vr
I was seized, about three years since h %-
HRISTOPH fcR ITT S'lltONG, SAMUEL T | f r0lu New York a large and splendid assortment of i pital, inthiscity, Upwards of four uionih. IlitUle Hal
BAILEY, & CREED T. STRONG, under tne ; sTewelrV. «StC. I tlle “““‘e length of time in die Baltimore ‘I 11 “eult
firm of Strong Bailey & Strong, will practice law in 'Sr2HSs, uviiclnlicyi^ll sdlcbeap for ' t " e L d ever J f e “edy. with little lienefi?"r,’
the Superior Courts ot Talbr t Stewart, Randolph I of alu , sU ver levers, anchor cs-
Sumter’ Lee and .Marion, counties of the Chattahoo- j cu lucnt dl l ” x lo p ille> „| arm aIl d vertical Watch-
elne ftist. The junior, & one of the senior members P ^ , d silver alld slecl „ uard
of said firm,will attend there conits rcgtil.>rly a d j ^ ^ K J y ^ ar &nobsand D rops , Urea.,.
virn 1 ’ 5 & B jU lc ? wiH attend the courts oi the I intend Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles,
1ST* «Vr ever Jotmed Pencil, silver U, tea
whcllter it be for collection wlitintion. fr„„, alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil
ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Simf-
O ... . ... - ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Flageoletts,
FFERS his profcss.-onal services to the citizens Fjfi;s DrJims &c- Swords, sword Canes, Knives and
of Macon. His room is over the Darien Bank, Pisto i s> :mloll „ w hicli is Rnggles’ pocket Rifle, that
will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den
tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Conibs, Card ca-
JPortrait Pa inter,
FFERS his professional services to the citizens
of Macon. His room is over the Darien Bank,
where his specimens may be sc<»n. dec 24
W. H ASSKISSHAM jr. Portrait
2% o Painter, will make a professional visit to j S es, Pocket Books aud Purses, silver SnutVboxes,sil-
Macon about the first of January. 21 nov 19 I ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt nnd
.iff client tend Commission ISnsincss. ; glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles
a Take this method of informing my friends and the j usually kept in their line.
public generally, that I have taken up the abuve j N. B. We have thaliest of materials for repairing
business, aud respectfully solicit a share of patronage, i Watches of all kinds. S. S. Y’s practical knowledge
All Goods consigned to me shall be strictly attended of the business induces him to think that ho can. and
to, according to directions. j will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work
dee 24
C. L. HOWLAND, I i" liis hands. Spoons Arc- engraved- Oct-1
A GREEABLE man order of the Honorable the
Inferior ccmt of Pike county when sitting for
ordinary purjw ses. will lie sold on the first Tuesday in
February- next, at tbe court house in Franklin co.'the
following parcels or lots of laud: viz. One parcel ol
twenty live ncr^s lying on North Fork of Broad river
hounded eas'W.irUly by James Loury’s lands, and all
other sides by Nathan Bond’s lands, also one parcel of
two hundred acres grauted to Hugh Neely, also one
parcel of land of fifty acres granted to John I.otiry
also one pnrccl of one hundred acres formerly mv: cd
by Wm. and Mary I.onrv, nnd also one parcel of(1)7)
ninety seven ncres formerly owned by James W. ami
Susannah Cook, oil 1) ing and being in the county o!
Franklin as is represented by grants and deeds to
sunm; and also on first Tuesday in March nest, will
be sold before court honsri in Cherokee, lot No. (362)
three hundred and sixty ihrce, in the Ibth district of
2nd section, the above Ids and parcels of land com
prise the rcnl estate of James I.oury late of Pike coun
tv deceased ; sold for the benefit of tbe heirs nnd cre
ditor* of said deceased. Terms made known on day
ofsalci This 15th day of October, 1835.- 17 * *
r li,C tie sold on the tint Tuesday in Febriuirv
next, before the Court House in Lumpkin. Stew
art county, lntofkiu-! N'o. 147, in the 20th District for
merly Lee now Stewart county, as tlie property of An-
demrn Griffin, late of Pike—for the benefit of the heirs
Arc. Terms on the day.
TTT.YDKR sin order of the Inferior court of Fayette co-
unty when sitting far Ordinary purposes, will be
add on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before
the court house door in tho toien of Knoxville, Crawford
county, between the usual tuners of sale,
Oiie Lot of Land, No. 106, 7t?i disi.
originally Houston now Crawford county, for the ben
efit of the heirs and creditors of Robert Tucker, late o!
Payette county deceased. Terms mods known on the
day of sale, ucc 1 23
WJKT’ILL be sold on ihe first Tuesday in reunion
yf next, before the Court House door in JoneV
County, the following lands, to wit:
101J acres part of Lot No. 75: and also,
lOll'acros part of Lot No. 53. the property of
William Johnson deceased. Sold for the benefit of
tbe heira. Nov. 18,1835 9tp 23
A NX The first Tuesday in March next, will he solri
“ 9 at McDonough, Henry county, the iuterest ot
John M D Taylor, deceased, also the interest of No
uh W Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 197 in the 7th dis
trict of Henry county, sold by order of the court of or
dinary. of Butts count v, for the benefit *f said minor,
and the distributees of said deceased. I)cc. 7, 1825.
C1IARLE8 BAILEY, Adm’r. of
John M I) Taylor, dee'd, and Guardian for Noah
W. Tavlor. 24
^k.N Tim first Tuesday in May next, will be sold
nt tbe Court llou-i- Door in Motion county,
the it»leri'-t of John M I) Tavlor, deceased, also the
interest of Noah W Tayloi’a minor, in Lot No. 137
in the 2dth district of originally Leo. now Marion
county. Hold by order of the Court of Ordinary of
ButifCounty. for the benefit of the minor and tho
distributees of said deceased. Dec. 7, 1835.
of John M. D Tavlor. dee’d, and Guardian for Noah
W. Taylor. ~21 '
W ILL be..old before the Court House door, in tbe
town of y.ebulon, on the first Tuesday in MARCH
tlrxt, the following property to wit:
Ollelotol Land number two j.undred and fifty-three,
in the Second District of originally Monroe now Pike
Also, N ine Negroes of tlie following description, viz.
Scott a man. Anti a worn in, Jim, Nathau, 8am, 'Bob.
Tom, Eliza and Inks children belonging to the cstat
'of John Akin, Sen. late of Pike conotv, deceased.—
Hold f«»r the beuefit of the heirs anil creditors. Tenns
ni:ul»|nowu o:i the day'of sale. This 23d day of De-.
cvuibor, 183D,
^ Adm'rs.
1 7IOUR months after date, application will be made
to the honorable Inferior Court of Talbot coun
ty, where sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
soil the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of
Joins Riley, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Doc. 26. 1625. dee 31 27 4ni
uiuiuhs after date 1 shall apply to ihe ln-
J. ferior court of Pike county when silting for or
dinary purposes for un order to sell the rejl estate of
James l.owrey late o! said county deceased, this 1st
SCT.U1836. 13 A 8A «1HR10NS, Adm'r-
filA : CampbUt
7HEREAS Nancy Harris end James Cox ap
ply to me for letters of administration oil the
estate of George Harris, late of raid county, deceased.
’J'htse are therefore to cite cntl ad eanhh till find
singular the kindred and crtdilo'a of said deceas
ed, to be and appear at my office, within Ihe lime
jirncnbed by laic, to shoic cause, if any they have
why said If Hers shout'd not be granted,
• Given under mv hand at office December 8ih, 1836.
• * E. P. BOMAK. c. c. o.
...mi - Iloustou < ounty.
AitDY Hargrove iippfits to me fi r letters of
Dismission from the estate of Hopkins Lip-
trot deceased,
Hugh I,. Dennard applies for letters of Dismission
from the estate of John Dcnuard dcreated ;
These are therefore to cite md admonish all ana ■ •r.-
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to 4i < t d
appear at wy office within the time prescribed by la to
sbcir cause if any they have, ithy said letters shnu^l a I
Given under mv hand at office October 31st 1 ;
GiiUlltilA : Butts county.
IlivUiv \rf lilizaficih C. Dennis applies
1>> tne for lcltcrs disuiissory from the ad
ministration of John Dennis deceased.
Tl.rsc arc therefore to cite and admonish ail and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of raid deceased to le and
appear at my office within the time prrscrilrd I y taw, to
sheer cause ij any they hare, why said letters should not be
Given itndcrmv hand at office this 14th August 1835.
8 JOHN McCOUD. c. c. o.
GEORGIA: Coweta County.
lll'.UKAS James McCruckin applies to
the inferior court of said county when
sitting as a court of ordinary, for letters disuiissory
from the administration of the esl: to of Watson Pat
man deceased,
These are therefore locite etrfd admonishjtll and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas
ed to Jilt Iheir objections (if any they hare,) in in y
eeffice within the time prescribe'd by law, why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office this Cth Julv 1835
5 DAVID MOSELEY. *c. c. n
GE* )RtiIA—Butts county.
E rasmus g. marable, toils before c. m.
Coody. a Just ce of the Peace in and for said
county, and the G14lh District, one cstray Mare, about
13 years old, abright blaze face, and the left hind foot
white, shod all round, and in tolerable order. Ap
praised liv G. W. Crier and A. F. Thompson to forty
dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 22d
day of December, <835.
doc 31 JOHN GOODMAN, c. i. c.
E copartnership Iu-re lot ore existing miner the
^ firm of -Shotwell, Brown Jf Co. is tills day dissolv
ed by mutual consent. Tho business will be continu
ed ky H. If J. Shotwcll, who will settle the accounts.
Macon, Dec. 31sl, 1835. 27
V d has left my bed and board without any jnst
canso whatever, these are therefore to forbid nil per
sons trusting or harboring her on iffy account, as I shall
pay no debts oflier contracting.
Jones co., Geo. Dec. 29th. 1635. dee 31 27 fin
980 ffj; iwistti.
RUNAWAY.—About the 1st Nov.,
BILL Y, a short thick set fellow, has a
scar on the forehead and one on his
great toe, and may hire himself out as
a free man—is very artful, and may
■i ~ raniniTj have a forged pass—has many relations
belonging to Duct. Payne, is prob
able ho may change his name. A reward of thirty
dollars will be paid fut hi delivery in any jail, so that
the subscriber gats him. W. J. Me INTO 811.
Darien, Dec. 21,1835.
If taken iu or about Macon, Mr. Chas. Campbell
will take charge of him and pay the reward, dec 31 27
THE J/JLL .If '.lUJE.lM 1*
SSonroe County.
Y IIE Trustees* respectfully inform the patrons of
this bchool and the community, generally, that
the present rector and rectress Mr. &. .Mrs. Cleave-
Sand will be continued another year. The first term
comnicueing the second Monday in January next. who have been interested the present year
wo ducm it superfluous to add auy thing. But to the ;
community we say that our fondest expectations have |
been more than realized; both with regard to the un- j
tiring industry, and the wholsotne discipline, of the
Teachers, and also in regard to tho proficiency of the
students generally; with these remarks wc deetn uu-
nccesrary to add any thing further in commendation of
this Academy, more than to say that both tlie school &
neighborhood have been entirely healthy the present
Terms of Tuition made known by application to
either of the Trusteess, or to the teachers.
nov 2nd 1835. 19 3mm
ScotisOorotij;It M-\male JnstiUetc.
FBI HE above institution, recently under the nian-
Ji. ugcnicot of Dr. Robert C. Brown, has been
puichased by the subscribers, and its exercises will be
resumed under their direction, on Monday, the 11th
January. 1636.
Wc assure the public, that all our labors aud exer
tions will be directed to the promotion of female edu
cation. No pains will be spared to procure tlie ablest
assistants, and the fullest supply of school upp -ratus.
Ill proportion as the number of our pupils increases,
there will be n toucher for each class in the school.—
The plan of education will be the same as that iu the
best regulated Colleges for males, in our country, and
similar institutions for females in continental Europe.
There will be four classes or departments, viz : the
Pieparatory, Third, Hecond and First; and when a
pupil enters tlie third, she will require three years to
graduate. Every pupil who grsduaies at our institu
tion, will have to go througha rigid examination befere
a board of literary gentlemen, when, if she exhibit suffi
cient attainments, she will receive an appropriate testi
monial, bearing the seal of the Institute.
Pupils will be received at any time, nnd for any length
ol time, and wilt be charged hut for the period they
shall have remained with us. Every branch of educa
tion will be taught which can constitute a well educated
and domestic woman. There will be but one examina
tion in a year, and then, only tlie Senior Class will be
examined, unless there be a speeinl request to examine
the others.
Two afternoons in eveiy week will be devoted to nee
dle werk.
Every Saturday evening, all tlie pupils will assemble
for the practice ol'sacred vocal music—and on the first
Haturday of-every month, such assemblies will lie open
to the friends of the Institution.
Mr. Victor I.alaste will have thd exclusive control of
the Musical department. This gentleman’s qualifica
tions are too well known to call for any comment.
The Principal has had an experience of eleven years
as a teacher ill tGis State and South Carolina—daring
which time he has not only turned his whole attention to
his vocation, through tlie means of books, hut has im
proved many opportunities of visiting the most popu
lar female seminaries in the above States.
Our terms will lie as low as we can possibly nflbrd.
Board can be obtained in tlie Borough at $10 per month
—aial those who may hoard in the family ol the Prin
cipal will have tlie strictest attention paid to their de
portment, dress, manners, &c. Parents will tie furnish
ed with monthly reports of the literary transactions of
the Institute
Asthc number of our boarder* will be limited, those
wisliinylo place their children with us, will please ad-
dress us by letter, befe re the commencement of the
Dec. 24. 26 5t
Hivulenct A'o. 2.
.Bank of Davie:;,
December 7, I8,!5.
FglUE Board of Directors ef lliit, Bank, have this
.fi. day declared a Dividend of Three per cent, on
the amount of capital stock paid in for tho last Six
Months, which will be due and payable on and after the
1st day of January next, to the Stockholders, or their
legal representatives.
Darien, Dec. 15, 1835. 26
T HE Copartnership heretofore existing between
DEAN & DUNCAN, has this day been dis
solved bv mutual consent. Persons having demands
against the film, will present them to either; and those
indebted, will please call atid settle us early as possible.
Perry, Novcinbcr20, 1835. 3t 26
I.Lpersons arc forewarned from tresspassing ou
Lot No. 912, in the 12th District and 1st Section.
FTM HE Subscriber feeling the obligations which he
JL owes to the citizens of Macon for the liberal pa
tronage be has received since his return to the city,
takes this opportunity ofreturninu them his most sin
cere and grateful thanks, assuring them that he shall al
ways niuke it his particular care and study to render
his services useful and acceptable, worthy the atten
tion ufunenlightened community.
Having engaged the services of a young man, a scho
lar ofhis own. well acqnaiutcd with his mode of in
struction, who lias a very correct knowledge of the mi
nor English Branches, and in w-hoiu he can place the
utmost confidence, as a youth of good moral conduct, &
steady habits, he rcspectfnly announces to his friends,
and the citizens generally that he will receive during
the ensiling year, an additional number of pupils.—
The School is located in the most commodious part of
the city, at the corner of Plumb and Fourth Streets,
opposite the late residence, of David B. Butler. Fsq.,
now occupied liv the Rev. Mr Olcott; the situation
cannot be excelled by any in Macon: it is pleasant
healthy, and retired, affording the Student an extens
ive field for exercise and amusement, which in moder
ation is most essentially requisite.
The School will re-open on the first Monday in Jan’y
—No Scholar admitted less than a quarter.
Terms of Tuition per quarter.
Spelling and Reading $4 .
• Writing and Arithmetic 5
Grammar. Geography, History,&c. 6
Greek & Latin 8
Dec. 17. 5t 25 JOHN O'KEEFFE.
A Man who can come well recommended for mor-
Jcicelry, Silver Ware &• Fancy
(A t the lowest prices )
(!. G. St. JOHN
■'S'SJTATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op-
V V posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in
forms his friends and the public, that he has taken the
store formerly occupied by the Ilawkinsviilc Bank
where lie is now opening a new anil splendid assort
ment of WATCHES &. JEWELRY of the best qual
ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and
judgement expressly for this market, among his assort
ment mar be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen
did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s aud Ruby Cylinder
Watches with Extra Jewels and indcpcnentsccomls of
the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim
ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens
Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine ami plain
Watches. Fine Gold Chains,,Seals, Keys- Ear "rings
Breast Pin-; and Finger rings, Gold and silver ever
pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver
spoons, pen aud pocket knives dirks, cancs, pistols,
&c. Ac. Together with a great variety of other arti
cles kept ir hisiine
N. I). lie has selected tlie best of materials for re
pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who
may favor him with their custom.
A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited.
Oct 27 18
Jf'etc Store fend JYetv Hoods.
A T tlie Brick store nearly opposite the Post office,
is now opening a prime assortment of
STancy and Staple Dry Goods,
Ilis stock consists iu part of the following : Light and
dark ptain, and rich figured Silks; French, English A
American Prints aud Ginghams ; Plain and figured
Swiss, Jaconctt,’ Mull, Book, Nainsook and cambric
Muslin ; checked, striped and plain white Cambric :
colored Cambrics; silk and cotton Velvet; Long Lawn;
Bishou I.awn ; Irish Linen ; I inen cambric; cashmere,
raw silk Thibet. Bagdad and Merino shawls; sew
ing silk, Gauze, Valencia, fancy silk an derape, Fancy
Hdkfs ; Gauze scarf*; Green, white, and black gauze
Veils; Black lace Veils; spittlefield, bandanna and
pongee lldkfs: Ladies’. Gentlemen's, youth’s and chil
dren’s Gloves and Ilosiery-a great variety; Red,white,
green and yellow Flannel; Plain and figured Book
ing : Fine linen damask Table cloths and Napkins;
Figured red, green, purple and brown Table covers;
Bleached and brown linen Drill; Bleached nnd brown
cotton Jtfan; Bleached and brown sheeting and shirt
ing; Bedtick, canton Flannel, stocks; suspenders;
Bosoms; collars; Ribbon*; Braids; Tapes; sewing silk;
spool aud hank cotton: with a general assortment of
Cloths, Casshneres, Vestings, Satinets, goats hair and
worsted Camlet: Blankets, Ac Ac
ality as well as qualifications, as a teacher, ')ho , Rcad madc Clothing; and Clothing made
i.irli fhn I film Lrnmmnr na ut aa tti*» !■ ^ 7 cr
can teach the Latin Grammar, as well as the English,
and lower Branches, can find employment hy the sub
scribers at Stone Creek Academy. Twjggs-Co. Ga.
to order.
Macon, Dec 1
Doc. 17. 4t 25
^ Trustees.
T HE subscriber being disengaged at present, of
fers l::*i services to the public as a Mii.l Wright.
He will take jobs ii early application is made at mode
rate prices, and perform the work in the best style;and
should it be necessary, can be well recommended.
Pcriy> D«t.2Ii 13&.
3t 26
Talbot Ion, Ha.
T HIS Institution is now unsurpassed by a-
ny of a similar kind in the whole western sec
tion of the state, situated as it is in a densely popula
ted part of the country, ill a flourishing and hcullhy
village, it is destined to occupy a high ground, ns a
seminary of learning iu attYlie various branches of lit
erature ami science.
The operations of this Imiitution for the ensuing
year, will commence on tlie second Monday in Janu
ary next. The .Male Department under the superin
tendence of .Mr Thomas A Thatcher, whose qualifica
tions are of the highest order.
The prices of Tuition m this Department are as fol
lows :
The Languages, per quarter, . $3 00
Mathematics,'Chemistry, History, Phi-
. losophy, Rhetoric, Astronomy. Ac 0 50
English Grammar and Geography, with
the use of the Globes, 5 00
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, 4 Ot)
The Peroale Depaitmcnt will lie continued under
the superintendence of Miss A Thachcr, who, we ven
ture to assert, is not surpassed by any female Instruc
tress iu the state. The prices of Tuition iu this De
partment are a* follows :
History, Chemistry. Rhetoric, Philoso
phy. Astronomy, A'c Ac perqnarter,
Arithmetic, English Grammar, Ameri
can History, Geography with the use
of Globe;,
Reading, spelling an* 4 Writing,
Miss Compton will instruct \ oung Ladies on the Pin-
no Forte at §18 per qnartcr.
Henry Mims,
R Fitzpatrick,
.-1 Lawrence,
E l! r II right,
G IV B Towns.
Edward Drdoniy,
•Tmlhniton. DecZ 4t 24
§6 50
5 00
4 Of.
!• Trustee*.
r jm , ESDAY th'e 19th day qf January next.:.
JB^- return day for Bibb Inferior Court, Fotirti
ary Term, 18^1 E. C. BULKLEY, c. i.
December 31. 27
Sots For Sale.
T HE Lake Wimico, and St. Joseph's Canal Com
pany, having contracted for tho construction of
a Kail Road from the bay of St. Joseph’s to connect
with lift River Apalachicola, via Like Wimico—also
for the building of wharves and Ware Houses, atlmth
ends of the road, to be ready for the transactions of bu
siness by the 1*1 of December next, have laid oft' into
convenient lots, the new town of St. Joseph, on a beau
tiful elevated plain, about half way up the Bay
on the east side, at the point where the rail road
will terminate—The wharf is to be carried out to 17
feet water, and the Rail Road track to extend to the
extreme end ofit, so that vessels can load and disrhargo
cargoes-aloug side the cars.
The lot* in the town of St. Joseph wM he offered
forsalc at public auction on the 1st of December next.
Terms 1-4 cash. The balance in three equal pay
ments, for which notes will be required, at 12 24 36
mouths, with iutrest from the day of sale. Title bonds
will bo issued by the company to the purchas
er, on their complying with the terms of sale, and a
fee simple title when the last instalment is paid.
Lake Wimico and St. Joseph’s Canal Co.
St. Joseph. W. Florida, Octl. 1635. 19
Sale of jLola in the Town of SI Joseph
fRjtIC sale ofl-ots in uie Town of St Joseph, has
— bcen, ( postponed till the 13th of January next,
when it will take place on the same terms as heretofore
advertised. ROB’T BEVERIDGE, pres’t
Lake lVimico and St Joseph’s Canal Co.
St Joseph. W. F. 10th Nov. 183".
jozm s. cocasBs.
'A V ING established himself iu Savannah as Fac
tor aud Commission Merchant, # will devote his
attention to tlie interest of his friends.
Messrs. Holcombe, Peck A Co. Charleston.
Messrs. J. W. A J. T. Heard, Augusta.
J. Iv. Iwlhurn & Co. do
Stovall & Simmon*, do
G. B. Lunar Esq. Savannah.
David Ralston, Macon.
A. R. Ralston, do
lGt.i of Icbruary last, at that time SC arcu' v a. 1 **
“? ve , «*ont upon crutches, I commenced ,7 aW * <•
Ike Indian's Panacea. In one month I f 01 ' , u * «f
entirely free Irom pain, aud am uowhan •
that I consider inysclf perfectly well. ' ^ ’* r X'i
* WM. TUCKEli, 13, ^
• Charleston, \fnv i r , j
The undersigned has been laLoutu,*
rial Rheumatism for three years past •
perioj hi: was an inmate of the Citv
der the medical treatment of tin 4y*iciii r 'in
stitution, without obtaining permanent relief i' 8,
month of December last, I was permitted in U
Indian's Panacea, aud five bottles complete!, ? C
niC * r lVSKeT
CiiARi.rsTox, Dec “0 Mu'
; Tlie subscriber had for nearly two years'.-, s ’ cr „r !'
ulcer upon tbe knee, covering a surface ,t "1,
large as her hand. It was so severe as to —>■-**
to the house nearly the whole of that time si, “ ei
many remedies in vain, anl began to deVir
getting relief, when she fortunately tried jit t.Fl
Panacea and is happy to state that four bottles
it entirely, and she has remained perfectly « e li • •
time, nearly a year. J ' #lw
ELIZA STRONG. Geo, ec ..
r , _ C WARI.ESTOy, July ]9 W
I was afflicted fonr years with an uie'er i n ,(',7
occasionally accompanied with erysipelatous
(nation and excessive pain iu the leg and ancle i '
Several eminent Physicians exerted their skill J!™'
but without permanent benefit. In this state fi{, ij
tics of The Indian's I'auncca made a perfect ran
Charleston-, Jan. 20
This may certify that I was afflicted witb’a
Ions disease for several years, during which time I e
ployed several emineu physicians both in Phila.m „pV*
and Charleston, and also took several buttle, f
.Swaim’s Panacea, but all without permanent benefi.
During the last winter I was taken with an ulceiaS
throat, which soon became so severe as to proven, r
Inking sufficient food to sustain life. I remained int)i
situation several days, emaciated, and threatened wi b
absolute and unavoidable starvation—when, as a !m
resort, I had recourse to The Indian's Panacea aid
found from it almost immediate relief, recoverin ', 0
rapidly that in four weeks I found myself quite well,
as I have remained ever since.
A colored woman, belonging to Mr. Adamfitano
Charleston, was affected for nearly two vearsuthc
distressing pain in her head, accompanied with cite-
iitionin her nostrils, and a constant discharge of vert
o Tensive matter from her nose. She was entirely re-
lisved by taking two bottles of The Indian's Pantos.
Putnam Co. Ga.. 1KM.
This may certify that I have been afflicted witlithe
liver compiaiut these five years ; that I have been doc
toreu for it by several of. our best physicians wiibot
effect; and that I was cured bv taking nine bottles of
The Indian’s Panacea, with some oilier itile mcrtut'n
pills, directei! by our doctor. P. JOHNSON.
For sale by J. II. A W. 8. F.I.L1S.
fashionable Hat Gap Store
C’osnmercitti Jtsaiix,
I Macon, 30th Nov. 1835.
T is resolved hy the Board of Directors that an in
stalment of Twenty-five Dollars ou tlie share be paid
by the stockholders of this Bank on or before ths 12th
day of Fcbiuury next. True copy from tho minutes.
23 T1IO. HARDEMAN, Cashier.
5,000 SHAKES.
T IIE Board of Directors of the Bank of Augusta,
by virtue of an authority, from the Stockhold
ers, will proceed to sell at Auction, in front of their
Banking-house, on Thursday, the 14th of January
next. FIVE THOUSAND SHARES of the capital
stock of said Institution :he same lieing five sixths of
the increase to its capital, authorized by the follow
ing act of the Legislature.
' “See. 1st, Be it cnactid, That the charter of the
Bauk of Augusta he, and it is hereby declared to be
prolonged to tlie first day of -May, m tlie year one
thousand eight hundred and fifty.
“See. 2d, That it shall he lawful for the Stockhold
ers of the said Bank, at tiny meeting to be called for
the purpose, and in the manner prescribed in the ex
isting charter, to increase tho capital of raid Bank
from time to time, nnd in such portions, ns the may
deem to be expedient, not exceeding in the whole, six
bundled thousand dollart in addition to tlie present
capital of the said Bank.”
„3ec. 3d, Upon every inch increase, being agreed
upon by a dci.-ion of tho Stockholders, one sixth part
ufsuch increased stock, si all be reserved fur tho state
at par. until the end of th> session of the I egislaturo,
next after the capital sha t be so increased, and that
he other five sixths shall le disposed of by the Direc
ors for the time being, in .he mannpr pointed out by
:he second rule of the ordinal charter, for the bene
fit of the individual stockl dders, if anv benefit there
hoitld be in the dispositioi tbereo, the Intcrcset of the
Sate in such cases bein; equalized by receiving its
or; ion of increased stocc, at par, as herein before
By order of the Board «f Directors.
ROBERT F. POF, Cashier.
”c-.' of'A ugusta Rotyl' • 1835. 20
for sale at this ohicc.
T HE Subscriber having established himself in
Macon with a view to a permanent rcsidcucc,
nnd taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F.
Lewis, directly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep
constautlyou hand a general assortment of
Hats, Gaps, Fci-s &c.
comprising every variety of style and quality, usually
called for ut a similar establishment. Among his as
sortment may he found
Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Rcarura auu
woo] Hat*;
Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue
and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab
silkplash a new style, Merino arid Circassian Ac Ac.
From his long experience and personal attention to
tlie business of manufacturing hats in some of the
most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena
bled to assure all those who may favor him with
their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti
cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall
be fully equal if not superior to any before o lie red in
the southern market,_ As his work will be principal
ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when
desired he will finish huts to order in any style to suit
die purchaser From the facilities thus'obtained and
' rom assiduity and attention to liis business he hopes
to deserve as ho trusts he will receivo a liberal share
of patronage. Oct 7,1635
O’Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon
Ho expect* in a few days to remove to the store
now occupied 1 y Mr I. B Weed ly
Exchange on .V I'orh S Savannah.
RAFTS on New York at 60 days date, and on
Savannah at GO aud 90 days, will be discounted
onapplicationto REA A COTTON.
Stolen from She Subscriber,
A red sorrel Horse, about 15 hands
high, well made, three or four white feet,
a star in his forehead, 6 or 7 years old,
racks a little, and when pushed has a
c “ ; ch in his rack. Anv person who will
apprehend the thief nnd horse so that I get him shall
receive twenty dollars for liis trouble, or ten dollars for
tbe horse. ISAAC NOLEN.
Indian Springs, Dec 12 2'
„ „ Brushes.
A Supply or Clothes. Hair, Tooth, Shoo, Nail,
xfi. Hearth. Flesh. Scrub. Hatters, Faint, Horse, Fur-
Fnrnitnre Graining, and Varnish brushes.
Just received and for sale bv
SeptIO' 11.
FAj&GS? SOAPS. &c. &c.
A G LNERAL assortment.
French, American aud Dutch Cologne Water.
Florida water,
Laveiider water, do
Rose, do
Milk of Rosea,
Kephalia for the Growth of Hair,
Orange Flour water, "
Feiiiheld Bears Oil,
Macassar Oil, -
Extract of Bargainor,
Extract of .Music,
Extract of Roses,
Marrow Pomatmn,
Honey water, (t 3 cleanso and thicken the Hair.)
Spirit of Rose,
Toilet Powder. (Violet and Rose scouted.)
Castalian Soap,
Naples Compound Tablet.
Camphor Soap,
Palm do,
Musk do,
Kmolient, do
Brown Windsor, do
Family soap, (cheap article)
Cosmetic tables, ^
Barbers and Prentiss*vsliaving cakes.
Cosmetic Wasli balls,
Prentiss’s curling Fluid,
Antique Oil,.
Otto of Roses,
Pearl powder,
Wards hair oil.
Persian otto of rose life salve,
Carbonic Dentifrice
Erasive powder, (to romove oil or grcace from till
or woollen,
Cold cream,
For sale bv J. H. & W. S ELLIS
C OLOGNE, Florida, Rose, Lavender, Hungary
and Ofango Flower Water, Naples Compound
Palm Emollent. and Cosmetic Soap, Barbers Shaving
Cakes, Otto of Rose, Milk of Rose, A. Tooth Poiviicr,
Macassar and Bears Oil, Preston and Satu Ac.
Just received find forsnie by '
8ej»j 0l]i. 1335 11
I AM determined to -eli uiy entire Stock of Goods,
which comprise almost every article suited to ti t-
trade of this place. Merchants 'and Flamers will do
well to call. Nov. 19. 21 DAVID RALSTON
I NIMAN’S JPANA4JKA—Just received and
for sale bv
Dec. 24 2r
Received tliisday
8 CASES of Wool HATS, and
3 do. 1st and 2nd quality fine Fur lints,
4 doi bovs Boots. ISAAC NEWIIALL
Next door to the Post Office. Dec 3. 23
, barrels Canal Flour, . ,
6 bhds Cuba Molasses, new crop, just receives
and for sale by REA A COTTON-
III Slorc,
50 hltds St. Croix Sugar, prime quality,
, 150 bags Coft'ee.
200 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging,
5'*,000 Havaima Sugars, choice. *b —
Gems la Conference. , . . *
T HE Preachers both Itinerant and I oca l hciong-
ing to the Georgia Conference, will jilc.ise «
°n nte, on their arrival in the citv, at tlie house of **'•
William Fort, where l shall be*prepared to assign
each, hi* place of residence during the Conference
sion, which commences on the 13th January oext-
Macon, Dec. 23,1835. 1
is, moral.
AS removed to the new Fire Proof B»>!“ S
corner of Mulberry A Second Street, warn’
will lie found a good stock of Staple Dry '
Hats. (Japs, and Shoes, with a general stock ot •
eerie*. Iron, Silt, Ac. for rale at tbe market price?.
Macon nov. 4th 1835. 19 —j
5 2nd
At Fire ProofBuiidiugs, corner ofMtiibanj <
Street. Macon, Dec. 9. 24 M
C 1 REY Linsey—Red do. Mixed and Btue ?'<™
r Cassmett;
Mixed Twilled I\er.*ey;
Negro Shoes ; Blankets ;
Red" and White Flannels.
Next door to the Post Office.
■ Macon, Nov. 26. 23
N EWARK CiBER—10 bbls on j
50 more shortly expected, best Newark• ^ L
dec 31 27 >t
I 71 OX. SALE —A good second
1 and HARNESS, in excellent rewnr.wm--
*old at a bare a i 11 ■ Apply at this office. dgcJ
if S. RUP, just reccwed and for sale bv ,,
dec 31 2?_ If. & J. SDQTjVLf^p,
SiTtTRK or, Cherry street to rent,
K? Telegraph Office Inquire of ibcpt"