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. fc,
1111 1 —
To the particular man who Knows about shirts the name Manhattan is synonymous with matchless.
“Manhattan” on a shirt is a guaranty that the fit, the style and the quality of the garment are superior not to
be equalled. . ‘ .
Decidedly the most ambitious display of Manhattan negligees we’ve ever shown is now ready for your inspection.
Plain white and figured and striped effects on white, light and dark grounds are here in pleasing profusion, both in plain
and pleated bosom shirts with cuffs attached or detached. Prices range from $1.50 to $3.50.
We are also exclusive Albany sellers of the Faultless Day Shirts, absolutely the best shirt at the price, $1 and $1.75. <
The New Collar for Summer.
Band low in fron£ with long flaring points coming close to
gether at the button; tight lock front, back high enough to pro
tect the collar of the coat--The u Kabosa," the new E. & W.
fold collar for summer. Perfect continuation of style and com-
fort-25c each, $2.75 per dozen.
Hofmayer, Jones ® Co.,
The Quality Stole.
Dainty Styles in Lingerie Waists. Boys’ E. ® W. Collars 2 for 25c.
Every lover of beauty and charm in a garment will be de
lighted over the dainty lingerie waists. The first shipment of
our magnificent stock of these most popular waists contains
many charming styles of beautiful lawn artistically trimmed
with finest Swiss embroideries and Valenciennes laces. Every
woman delights in their daintiness and becomingness, and all
recognize that they are wonderful values at the remarkably
reasonable prices for whicli they are offered. 1
Many of these waists are careful copies of the finest French
garments.. Some are clever creations of leading American
nxodists. All are beautiful, and are here for you to admire.
So Come to see them, even if you have no notion of buying.
Our line of boys collars has been made complete by fresh
lots of E. & W. wing and new shaped, fold collars. There is
a complete range of sizes and the styles shown include the new
est shapes for this spring and summer. Unquestionably the
best boy’s collar on the market, 2 for 25c.
Hofmayer, Jones ® Co.,
The Quality Store.
rm fih pk it ■ pm
Don t Bury Doll ars
To plant unreliable seeds is to bury money.
It is also a waste of money to pay too much for
good seeds. It will be a satisfaction to you to buy
fresh seeds of guaranteed reliability, aud to get
them at fairest prices.
We handle none but seeds supplied by growers
Mio can be trusted. We shall appreciate your
patronage and believe that you will in due seeson
appreciate the quality of the seeds supplied.
Judge Sam B. Adams Replies to Sermon
of Rev. W. P. McCorKle. *
There will bq great rejoicing among
the draymen o£ the city when Wash*
ington street is opened to traffic once
more. • For several months they have
been forced to use Front and Jackson
streets and the alleys on, either side of
the court house square in hauling
freight between the depots and the
business section of the city. And as
the streets' and alleys have been in
bad condition much of the time, dray
horses and mules have suffered not a
Fresh Shipment
Hoggard Drug Co.
Savannah, Ga., March 7. — Judge
Samuel B. Adams, formerly of the Su
preme Court of Georgia, denies most
strenuously the allegation that ladles
and children who meet at the home of
a host or hostess and play for prizes
offered by the. one giving the party
are guilty of gambling. He makes the
Phone 75.
denial In the Mornlng^News In answer (
to a. sermon that was preqehed Sunday
night by Rev. Dr. W. P. McCorkle, pas-
Japanese Mattings
J list what you have wanted in floor coverings for so
10.000 yards <to select from.
See our display before buying.
Room Size Rugs
At great reductions.
tor of the First Presbyterian church.
Judge Adams said in part:
‘The charge that prominent citizens
permit their wives and daughters to
violate the laws of the land is a seri
ous one and ought not to be made un
less fully sustained by the law and the
fucts. Mr. McCorkle seems confident
that whenever people play for a prize
the,^ are gambling, are lawbreakers
and says this is the opinion, not of
cranks and fanatics and preachers,
but of learned Jurists construing the
lnws of our Christian commonwealth.
While l am sure Mr. McCorkle Is per
fectly honest and Islncere, he is yet
The season for clipping horses and
mules has arrived, aud I beg to an
nounce that my clipping machine Is
In flrst-class runninng order at my
stables on Pine street.
1-wk F. W. GODWIN.
^ ' * V y .. , ;
6 Per Cent. Farm Loans.
Room 811 Davis-Exchange Bank
_ — iiange B
Building, Albany, Ga.
very much mistaken, and he would find
It difficult to mention any jury or
court that has ever held that because
a prize is offered and obtained by the
successful contestant in a game of
■cards the people playing are guilty of
gambling. 1 have read once or twice
in some newspaper that a judge of a
superior court in Georgia has so
charged a grand jury. If a judge has
so charged he was not a jurist. If the
players, instead of playing against
each other for money, do this for a
prize purchased by tihelr money, they
are guilty of gambling, but if the lady
of the house offers to her guests a
prize in a card party, a prize to the
purchase of which these players have
contributed nothing, they ate'no more
guilty of gambling than if they were
in a spelling bee or a foot race in
which a prize was offered to the suc
cessful contestant”
Judge Adams states that he is not
defending card parties, but that tie
doesn’t believe they constitute gam
Albany, Ga., March 7, 1906.
The following is a list of letters re
maining in this office unclaimed on
March 7, IMG. Unless called for they
will he sent to the Dead Letter office.
Gentlemen's List.
A—William Alexander, A. A. Ar
B—Phillip Barber, Clifford Bridges,
S. F. Bryant.
C—IV. C. Collins, Avan Collins, C.
W. H. Call, Klem Clements, W. C.
D—W. H. Davenport.
F—Louis Freeney.
C>—Georgia Wood Fiber Co., Henry
George. P. E. Geise.
H“—O. H. Harris, J. W. Haggan, R.
C. Huggins.
J—Herbert F. Johnson, C. C. Jack-
K—Charles King, Jim Kendrick,
Louis Kalbileld.
L—Willie Loundy, Dewhlt Lowe,
Fane Lenads, Gus Leans.
M—Bakers Maker (2), H. C. McAr
roe. v
M—R. B. Morris, Tim Moes, Wm.
O—George Orwlne.
S. B. Ross, J. B. Ross,
s —EH Sherwin. Gipson Skepperd,
John Smith '(i). George Smith, Jas. J.
Smith, Willie Smith.
W—Geo. Williams, W. D. Wilson.
Cnlef Wagner, 144 Washington Street.
Ladles’ List
A—Miss Bertha Anderson.
B—Miss Mattie Boutiey, Miss Mb-
:ule Lee Booker, Miss Sarah Bradley.
C — Elizabeth Carter, Miss Lula
D—Miss Ida Davis.
E—Mias Lueser Bioson, Mrs. Henri
etta Evens.
G—Miss Abble Green, Mrs. M. C.
H— Miss Laura Harper, Mts3 Mary
Hill, Mrs. Fannie Hinss, Miss eflala
Hoper, Miss Sindie Hopkins, Miss Ore
Lee Hobbs.
J—Mrs. Ora Johnson, Miss Annie
Johnson, Mrs. Lizzie Jenkins, Miss
Alice Jackson, Mis. Broney Jackson.
K—Miss Rose Kendrick.
L—Mrs. Rose MoL. Lockett, Mrs.
Fannie Love.
M—Mrs. Susie McLendon.
R—Miss Elisabeth Robinson, Miss
Chllile Roper, Miss Lethe Robinson.
S—Miss Jine Selsian, Mrs. Elvadia
Simmons, Miss Jimmie Lee Smith (2).
W—Mrs. Sam Woodson, Mrs. Mamie
In calling for above letters please
say “Advertised,” and pay lc for
Weather Forecast.
The following- is the weather fore
cast for Georgia for next 24 hours:
Rain tonight and Thursday; colder
Thursday in western portion.
Local Weather Observations.
The following observations for the
past twenty-four hours have been
taken at the U. S. Weather Bureau at
Albany, Ga., and are published for
Information of the public: j
Maximum temperature 65
Minimum temperature 46
Mean temperature 55.5
Rainfall 0.0
River 7.9
Fall in 24 hours 0.1
Cloudy.' Wind, east.
Volunteer pbserver.
I will sell at the city pound, in the
city of Albany* Dougherty county.
Georgia, oa Saturday, 10th last., at 10
o’clock a. in., at public outcry, one
black Berkshire shoat, takea up in the
city and impounded. Owner can [)ro
ve nt sale by proving ownership and
paying costs. J. W. KEMP,
7-3t Deputy Marshal.
Tbe Grocer.
No musical person
ghoul-! be without a
Piano when they real
ize the fact that they
can purchase an in
strument of the high
est quality at prices
ordinarily paid for in
ferior productions.
POINTER TheMathushek
& Son
Are guaranteed tp
give perfect and last
ing satisfaction, and
can be bought at the
right prices and on
easy terms.
Catalogue free for
the asking.
Don't bet money on ehc
Governors race—-it is gamb
ling. Simply wage a case
of Flint Rock Ginger Ale.
It s befter form and—you
have something to live for.
Dawson, Ga.
Cost of Brick, Stone, or Woods
Buildings Furnished.
Anybody can
Keep a shoe store-
anybody cansell shoes—but osrj
is the only store about here that
can sell you shoes that bear the
“ Good ” sign
and have the patented •• Urfit”
fitting feature that prevents
aides swelling and heel slip
ping—and preserve* the shape,
style and poise as long as the
shoes are worn.
We Know these shoes to be
of superior quality throughout.
and therefore recommend them.
C. R. Davis & Co.