Newspaper Page Text
tonior Ua<Dg Herplclde on Account ol
Ita Dlatlnctlveneuft.
The ladles who have used N^wbro’s
Herplclde speak of it In the highest
terms, for Its quick effect In cleansing
the scalp of dandrufT and also for its ex
cellence as a general hair-dressing. It
makes the scalp feel fresji and it allays
that itching which dandrufT will cause.
Newbro’s Herplclde effectively cures
dandruff, as it destroys' the germ that
causes it The same germ causes hair to
fall out, and later baldness; In killing it,
Herplclde stops falling hair and prevents
baldness. It Is also eui Ideal hair dress
ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to
the hair that is quite distinctive. Sold
by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps
for sample to The Herplclde Co., De
troit Mich.
Albany Drug Oo., 8p*»o«nl Agents
B. H. DENISON—Dentist.
J. W. DORSETT, Dentist, now In
Davls-Ex. Bank Bldg., Phone 413.
The Elks are to have an Interesting
Phone 280 for Stove Wood and
i ' Th^ . Eighteenth Assembly is going
. to have a, magnificent chorus.
V 1 ■ *. '■! . •*' •
See Dr.‘ Bee. Eye. Hutchason, SEE!
Oh! I see, eyes are tested tree.
• The Chautauqua chorus is showing
lip in most gratifying manner.
This WeeK .the Last Chance
’Phone 70 for new Dill Pickles, 16c
dozen. W. E. FIELDS.
If you are going to need a new Refrigerator or Ice Box thla sum-
. mer, why not Install It In time to add to the pleasure and comfort of
your Chautauqua guests?
jfe : Jt Is Impossible to house-keep In the most satisfactory manner
without a satisfactory refrigerator.
What Iq q Satisfactory refrigerator?
One that; economizes- Ice, distributes a dry, even temperature
throughout'all Its apartmorltk,,maintains a cold of sufficient Intensity
to preserve'ey spy th'irfg under Its Influence, generates no foul odors and
does not warp.
?!>. .. ‘ ■■ ■■ '? ' ...
Bond The Herald the names of your
Chautauqua guests. Lot your friends
and the friends of those you are en
tertaining know that you have visit
Give us your orders for hay. Fine
lot No, 1 timothy arrived this week.
’Phone 226.
v i ' - • 41 ' i •/,’
V la there a Refrigerator which meets all these Important require-
' ' ' ’
.. . There la one i—the “ NORTH STAR.’’
It la the one Refrigerator about which complaint Is never made.
It la as near peHs|otihi|$$t;ahythlng man cpn make. It Is made In all
designs and Inteclom.<f;nliheat, and we are sole local dealers. ,We carry
afullllne. rh'i
The 7 o’clock closing, movement has
worked so satisfactorily all the sum
mer that Albany merchants are won
dering why they did not Inaugurate
It years ago.
F. 0. Ticknor, Manager.
Jno. D. Twiggs, S. B. Brown,
M. Weslosky, J. R. Whitehead,
T. M. Carter, A. W. Tucker,
Keep them out with our wire screen
windows and doors. Complete stock
on hand. 0* D. SMITH.
Representing twenty-five strong-,
est Insurance Companies, welt
known for their loss paying ability;
among others the-“Aetna,’’ Com
mercial Union,” “Home” of N. Yr,-
“L. & L. &G.,” “Phoenix,” "Roy
al,” “National,” “Sun,” and ail
the Stock Companies Organized in
Georgia. We avoid “wild cats,”
and are .not hampered with “side
lines. ” Our business is strictly con
fined to insurance against Fire,' Cy-
clonesTTrpnd to writing Accident,
Health, .Elate Glass and,Boiler fn-
Burancc and Fidelity Bonds.
If in need of any information re
garding Insurance telephone any of
the officers.
Mr. B. M. Wilson now has a flowing
artesl'ah'well on his Femland Farms,
just west of the city. With this he
will be prepared to arrange a system
of waterworks and an Ideal dairy
Brinson & Co., Wood and Coal,
-'Phone 967. Prompt service. Patron-
ago solicited.
On every street corner Is heard
baseball talk. The fans have devel
oped a surprising lot of Interest, In
view of the fact that the team which
Is to represent Albany has not yet
gathered. However, Anly one or two
players have failed to report' thus far,
and these will be here in the course
of the next twenty-four hours.
Washington street,
, Make your porch the cool
est part of the house, by us-
I Ing Vudor Porch Shades;
,| We can fit any size porch,
:-i| and at a very small price.
Mb We. are showing a complete
The Chorus Practices.
It la especially desired by Dr. Hal-
lam that all members of the Chautau
qua chorus attend this evening’s prac
tice. On account of the entertainment
at the opera house the attendance last
night was rather small, but It Is hoped
that all will be In their places this
evening promptly at 8 o’clock.
'§ line of Water Copiers and
Freezers at vary, little prices
, A -tele of horror was told by marks
of human blood In the home of J. W.
Williams, a well-known merchant of
Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years
ago I had severe hemorrhages of the
lungs, and was near death when I be
gan taking Dr. King’s New Discovery.
It completely cared me and I have re
mained well, ever elnce." It cures
Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Set
tled Colds and Bronchitis, and Is the
only known cure for Weak Lungs.
Every , bottle guaranteed by Albany
Drug Co., Druggists. 60c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
And Fishing Permits Sold at the Coun
try Store.
Any fishing or boating will be pro
hibited without a written permit The
lake above the dam Is fine for boating,
and the fishing below the dam Is un
excelled. Don’t forget yon must have
a pass. T. M. NELSON.
A. P. VA60N, Vice-President
T. N. WOOLFQLK, Manager.
Dr. Furbay to Address Union Meeting.
Rev. H. G. Furbay, Ph. D., of New
York, will be In the city this evening,
and at'the Presbyterian church will
address the Presbyterian and Meth
odist congregations. The subject of
his remarks will be "The Survival of
the Unflttest.” It Is said by those who
have heard It to be one of the most
Interesting lectures ever delivered In
this part of the country, and embraces
topics In which church people are
deeply Interested.
There' will be no charge for the lec
ture, and the public Is cordially Invited
to hear It.
If You Will Not
Buy New Furniture
Get a Bottle of : : :
Or a Can of : : ':
Collender Polish
and polish up the old furniture. We sell both
kinds, and either is good.
The Steele Purniture and
Hardware Store,
.Leaders in High Grade Go)ods.
Telephone' No. 156 I S. REICH I 96 Broad Street
YWe Cannot
Perform Miracles
We merely offer you Lines that have not alone in
trinsic Values,thut the best selling Values. Lines that,
are Popular, and make quick and satisfactory returns,
in short, the Best All-around Lines of Gents’ Furnish
ings for the Consumer.
A well Selected line of,Shirts from 50c to $1.00
A “Thin” selection of Underwear ,50c to $1,50
The prettiest line of Neckwear that
will be shown this seassn
“Get Next” to our Hosiery 25c to 50c
V ests
The swellest of the season
$1.25 to $2.75
Agent McCall Patterns.
Do You Use Paint?
■wv/Z ,.4 •',Vi•
-:v' ... I
Most of the world does and most of the
world uses
Sherwin-Williams Paint
It’s made to paint buildings with, inside
and outside. It’s made ready for .the
brush, it’s made for home use and for
practical painters too. It’s pure lead,
pure zinc and pure linseed oil, mixed by
specially made machinery operated by
experts. It’s made for you.
We carry a full line of this high grade
goods. Please call and see us, or phone No.
5 for dolor Cards and prices.
C. Eatman
Albany, Ga.
Per Ton
Carbon Hill Coal.
Cruger & Pace.
All other meetlnge In Albany will
give way next week to Chautauqua.
There will be no services In the
churches, lodgeB will not hold their
meetings, the city fathers will dis
pense with the usual Monday night
business session, and all other meet
ings .will be called oil. Everybody Is
Interested In Chautauqua, and noth
ing is alloyed to ( pjqnfllct, with It.
Just received shipment North Geor
gia block butter, an excellent butter
at a moderate charge—30c lb.
Phone 70. W. E. FIELDS.
Prof. Hallam,. musical director for
the approaching Chautauqua assem
bly, Is anxious to organize a chorus,
of four hundred children and Intro
duce a tew songa by them os a special
feature of next week’s exercises.
Every child In the city between the
ngos of eight and fourteen Is Invited
to join this chorus. The meetings for
the children’s choruB will take place
at the Auditorium at 3 o’clock each
afternoon this week.
Not to put yourself under
obligation, to, your friends
for endorsement in ob
taining money, i if you
have real estate on which
you want money, whether
for improving same or
not, we will make you
cash advance, PROMPT
LY, at LOW RATES, and
Albany Trust Co.
of Georgia.
Albany Decorating Co*
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Wall Paper, Burlaps,
Room Mouldings.
Rumney Bldg. ’Phone 393.
Three Sites for Stores
on Broad Street,
(Near Jackson).
Size, thirty feet front on
Broad street and-running back
210 feet to alley.
This property is rapidly en
hancing in value and will be
worth double present price in
few years.
Full information on applica
tion to
Parties Wishing to Sell Their Next Seasi