Newspaper Page Text
Of Embroidered and Lace Robes, Silk Shirt-Waist Suits;
Lawn Waists and Many Other Especially Desirable Bargains.
The especial distinction of the collection of Robes is STYLE, with an added touch of Character, Superior Dash and Jauntiness. These garments save all
the planning of the regular gown, and one-third the trouble of making. The assortment is varied enough to suit every individual taste. They are shaped to fit
perfectly, and,, what is most important, it is the best offering of the'kind ever made in Albany.
The following prices of ONE-THIRD OFF -ON EACH ROBE will prevail:
EMBROIDERED MULL ROBES, soft, clinging material, patterns of Swiss and Eyelet Embroidery; colors, Pink, Lilac and Light Blue; regular price, $19.98;
specially priced, one-third off, now . $13.62
WHITE AND ECRU LACE ROBES, suitable for dinner and evening gowns. By making over different colored linings, these may be made to do double duty.
These Robes are semi-ready and each pattern is exclusive. Regular price, $20.00. Specially priced, one-third off, now $13.63
WHITE I^ACE ROBES, exquisite patterns. Regular price, $15.00. Specially priced, .one-third' off, now $10.p0
ECRU LACE ROBES, beautiful designs, striking and effective. Regular price, $12.50. Specially priced, one-third off, now if. -., i $ 8.34
Final 'Clearance Sale of Our
Women’s SilK Suits.
-, \ ■ r _ i
The great volume of business done in this de
partment has left us with a few Silk Shirt Waist
Suits. Each one is without a duplicate, and not
this season have you seen costumes that have
been designed with the character and individual
ity that find expression in this lot. Colors, Black,
Changeable and Navy Blue, Reseda and Old
Rose. The prices on this lot ranged from $17.50
to $25.00. The. reduced special price of $13.90
will prevail for your pick of these suits.
On account of the extreme low price on these Suits, a small
charge will be made for alterations.
An Unusal Sale of White Lawn
This lot embodies the late summer styles, and
the newest effects in the making. Come and buy
before the assortment is broken. A word or two
of the several styles; youll be well repaid by com
ing to see them all:
One lot regularly priced at $2.50. Handsome
embroidered open fronts, trimmed with wheels
of embroidery and pearl buttons; sleeves tucked
at cuffs.
One unusually attractive lot, regular $3.00
values. Finest quality lawn; fronts very hand
somely finished with open embroidery; cuffs
Your choice of the above for. ;.. .$1.98
All typical effects of the season regardingjpopularity and correctness. _
A remarkable feature of this Sale is a BLACK TAFFETA SILK, one yard wide. A splendid 89c quality. Our special price on this particular grade will be ,68c
the yard. ' • ' • \
HABUTAI SILK, one of the season’s choicest fabrics for Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Suits, Kimonas and fine Underwear. We offer a 48c value, full 27 inches wide,
for 35p"the yard.
ONE YARD WIDE HABUTAI, regular 65c value, specially priced at '. ;...... 48c the yard
CHINA SILK, all colors, 27 inches wide; an excellent grade. Special .45c the y£rd
A Series of Special Values in Hosiery.
Colors include Champagne, Tan, White, Polka Dots and fancy patterns
in Lace and plain Lisle; some Embroidered patterns; 35c, 50c and $1.00 values.
All specially priced at 25c pair
Millinery Specials.
One lot Children’s Sailors, in Navy, BJue, Red arid White. Regular 50c
quality. Special 25c each
One lot Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Hats. An unusually attractive offer
ing. Values up to $2.50. Specially prited at 98c each
One lot Untrimmed Shapes, $1.75 value 98c each
Whitp Shirtwaist Patterns^Reduced.
These patterns have handsome fronts of embroidered and* lace designs,
with enough plain material to,,make any si£e waist. Regular 98c value.
Special ...' v.. 59 c each
a Unusual Lace Values.
* \,
This lot includes Val, Round Thread, Plat Val and Linen and Cotton
Torchon. Many attractive patterns to select from. Values up to 15c yard;
The entire lot specially priced at 5c yard
Messrs. J. B. Tyler and W. M. Mar
tin, of Leesburg, were In the city yes
Mr. Robert Jenkins, oif Edison, Is In
town today.
We still have a full line of beautiful Millinery to se
lect from. We have in a new shipment of Ready-to-
Wear Sailors. Also a nice line of Voile, Linen and Em
broidered Skirts.
Mr. O. H. Sanders, of Zetto, Is In the
Judge W. N. Spence, of Camilla, was
In the city yesterday.
For .the Republican Nomination for
Governor of Tenneuee.
Mr. W. L. Kitchens,, of Poulan, Is .In
Mr. J. R. Button, of Atlanta, Is In
town today.
Nashville, Tenn., May 6.—A special
from Rockwood, Tenn., says that As-
bury Wright has withdrawn from th4
race for the Republican gubernatorial
nomination, which leaves the field
open to Henry Clay Evans.
Those Who Come and Go—Short and
Snappy Paragraphs that Everybody
Will Read With! Interest—What Is
Going on In 8oc!ety, With Now and
Then a Ltttlo Gossip.
Trouble In the Bottom.
This morning In that part of town
known as “Sandy Bottom” things were
In a state of uproar for a while. C. E.
Deese, a well known merchant, and E.
H. Warren, a railroad man, had a little
misunderstanding and decided to set-
To UBe a
Mr. H. T. Poole, of Birmingham, is
In the city today.
Gents’ Stylish Footwear
Mr. Dan Mims, of Philema, is in
town today. /
Mr. Samuel Lonsberg, who has been
very 111 at the home of his son, Mr.
Max Lonsberg, is much better today.
.Dr. H. Y. Ferral, who has been Bick
the past two weeks at his home here,
Is able to be out again.
tie It In the usual manner,
phrase that the realistic novelists love
to throw out,
'they became primal
men again," and settled things In pri
mal style, not according to Marquis of
Queensbury rules. In the mix-up
scratching occupied a prominent part,
and Warren says he fell down and hurt
Assistant Chief Kemp was sent for
by telephone, and when he arrived
Deese had appeared on the scene with
a shotgun. He was disarmed and
placed under arrest by Officer Kemp.
The friends of the principals regret
the occurrence, but are glad there
were no more serious re'sults.
Six Persons Killed Outright and Four
Have Since Died.
Mr. W. O. Williams, of Warwick,
was in town yesterday.
Mr. D. A. Fair, of Doerun, was in
the city yesterday. .
Mr. W. S. Ford, of Sylvester, Is here
Altoona, Pa., May 5.
-Ten persons
are dead as the result of a head-on
collision on the Pennsylvania railroad
near Clover Creek Junction last night.
Six were killed Outright and four have
since died from their Injuries. About
twenty of the passengers and crew
were more or less seriously Injured.
Mr. G. A. Nesbit, of Adams Station,
Is in the city.
Mr. Robert Hill was In Albany yes
terday, from Sylvester.
Mr. J. R. Davis Is here today from
1 Button
in all the
Mr. J. F. Wise, of Warwick, was In
town yesterday.
Alfred Hall, of Oakfield, is in town
Mr. Ed Screven, of Macon, spent yes
terday in the city.
Mr. T. L. Ross Is here today from
Ideal Wood Fibre , Plaster,
Longview Lime,
The Best Portland Cement,
Windows, Doors, Blinds,
Lumber, Moulding, etc.
Telephone No. 44.
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, of Cuth-
hert, is In town.
Division Superintendent Hoggard, of
the A. C. Ii., is In town today.
Mr. J. J. Kaufman, of Columbus,
spent yesterday in the city.
Mr. J. B. Paul, of Lee county,, is in
Steamship Service, Interrupted by the
Earthquake, to be Resumed May 13, ’
Mrs. E. R. Mayfield, of Macon, was a
visitor In Albany yesterday.
Mr. Walter Johnson, of Sylvester, Is
In the city today.
Mr.. S. J. Yeoman is in town today
from Century.
Once bought
Always sought-
New York, May 5. — The Oceanic
Steamship Company expects to re
sume the service between San Fran
cisco and Australia May 13, which has
been suspended on account of the
earthquake disaster.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marchman were
In the city yesterday, from Milledge-
Mr. T. W. Smjttf, of Columbus, is in
the city. j
Mr. Hector Cameron, of Atlanta, Is
In the city.
Mr. W. A. Johnson, of Pretoria, Is In
the city.
Room 4, Woolfolk Building.
Albany, Ga. /
Phone 147,
Broad Street.
-As usual, the merchants are doing a
nice business this Saturday.
Mr. L. R. Rhodes is In Albany today
from Coleman.