Newspaper Page Text
a .m i, l
To be culilitil an Ad, to incorporate the Hisfern Hank of Geor
gia, with Ranking Privileges, to be located at Cassville.
W hcrras all the citizens ol this State, are entitled to cquai
privileges, without regard tn sectional divisions; aitd whereas
the citizens o| the ( herokee Circuit, labor under great incon*
ven’n nee hr the want o' a Bank, chartered somewhere in that
ction of onr State; and whereas, a number of our citiz ens have
soeiated tbemselves together. with the view to remedy these
and promote the population and prosperity of that section
o f our State.
Sec. 1. R' it tlx I't foi':', dby !'ie S. nah' an ! House of
Repres nhitiv. s of ttic State oj Georgia, in General Ass mbly
mH, a.ll it is h reby enadi dby Ike aitthorih/ of the samt, Th t
C. D. Terhune, Jos. Barrett, J. G. B. Adam*. W. Hardin. Z.
>B. Hargrove, James Phillips. Win. Brewster, Stephen Mays,
Chester Hawks, S. T. Burnett, S. C. Chiun. Thom is E ily, I
G. B. Russell, N. 11. Denman, R. J. Loyl“ss, Robert Kirkam,
•Le*is Tumlin, Joseph Jones, Coleman Pills, lire Anderson,;
Joint Crawford. D iwson, Danthil 6cCo. Lindsev Johnson. Arnold
.Milnor, Andrew Miller. Henry, Milner KCo. Thomas H. tnilion. J
11. Q. M. Mi'ler, S.v.nuel Morgan, J. J. Hamilton, Samn. I Ham
ilton, L>jvid Lo'vry, E. 11. Mathis. John Russell, H. Patterson,
J. C Divett, J. iv Terre!' L. Brandon, .1. Brow n, A. 11. \\ right,,
Robert N ire, Armsteti Richardson, A. T. Harper. John Ellis,
James Ellis, J tines Hcinphili, Seaborn Johnson, Philip Hemp
hill, Alfred Shorter, Horace ('only, C. Denson, Jackson'Trout,
Jo eph Eord, George M. Lavender, John Hughes, Dennis
Hills, Moses Bradbury, Bennett, Laurence, T. 11. I lyett. Hugh'
Quiini, D. R. Mitchell, John Smith, V\. J. Briers, Bestly
Shropshire,J. 11. Lumpkin, L. A. L. Lumpkin, Benj. Dykes,*
Joseph \\ aters, David Rottnsov ille, A. J. Liddle, Jesse,
Lambert, J. John. -hi, Wm. Fain, W. J. Garrett, Thomas Tar-1
tlaway, Thomas Price, ('hack's Price, Joseph Wells, Robert
Cameron, Win. Cleghorn, E. Kirby, George Oilton, Elijah i
Paley, Samuel Farris, John T. Story, EG. Rogers. Davis, ,
Asa Dickson, John Caldwell, Berry W. Gideon, O. W, ( ox, ,
John Daily, Cox Sc Crenshaw. Wm. Beck, Jobson Sc Jones, ,
Sanford D. Johnson, S. Crenshaw, J. P. ( . Pettit, Da- ,
vid Irwin, George W. Underwood, Allen Dyer, Robert Patton, ,
Spencer Marsh, Andrew L. Barre; Mm. Henry and Santu.i .
Poe, and all such others as may hereafter become stockholders, ! j
be, and they are hereby, incorporated and made a body politic, |
by the name and style of the Western Bank of Georgia, with,]
Banking privileges, located at Cassville, and so shall continue ,
until the first day of January eighteen hundred and sixty : and ■ ]
by that name shall be, and are hereby, made able and capable in
law, to have, purchase, receive, possess, enjoy, and retain, to them 1]
and their sucessors, lands, rents, tenements, hereiditaments, so j (
tar as may be necessary for the erection of necessary banking:;
hnnses only, and not otherwise, goods chattels, and effects, of I,
what kind nature or quality soever, and the same to grant, sell,: |
demise, alien or dispose of; to sue and be sued, plead and be | t
impleaded, answer and be answered, defend and be defended,!,
in any court of law, or equity, in this State, or elsew here, bav- 1 ,
iug competent jurisdiction ; to make, have and me, a common i,
seal, anil the same to break, alter and renew at their pleasure; |
and to make and ordain such bye laws, rules and regulations, ,
as they may deem expedient and necessary, to carry into effect ;
the objects of the institution ; provided such bye laws, rules, and ■
regulations, be not repitenani to the constitution, or laws of (
this State, or the United States.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the capital stock of |
said Bank shall be four hundred thousand dollars, to be divided ’
into four thousand shares of one hundred dollars each. ,
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That no individual stock
holder shall in bis own right possess a number of shares exceed- |
ing two hundred. ,
Sec. *l. And be it further enacted, That for the well ordering ;
the affairs of the said corporation there shall be elected by the
stockholders not lessthan five directors as soon asgokl and silver |
coin, or specie paving funds to the amount of fifty thousand j.
dollars of the subscription foresaid stock shall have been receiv- j.
ed, and said five directors so elected shall be capable to serve as !
such until the first Monday in Jantiry of the year one thousand ! j
eight hundred and thirty eight, on which day and in every year ,
thereafter, on the same day directors shall be chosen by the \ |
owners and proprietors of the stock of said bank, when a major- ;,
ity of the notesgiven in shall be required to make a choice, and |
the Directors thus chosen, shall at their firist meeting, and at i,
each annual meeting, thereafter make choice of one of their |
own members as President; and in case of his death, or resig-! i
w ition or removal, from this State or from the board of Director ,
the remaining Directors shall proceed to fill the vacancy for the
remainder of the year ; and in’case it shall at anytime happen
that the stockholders omit or neglect to elect directors on the day
prescribed and authorised by this act, the said corporation shall
nolfir such omission or neglect be deemed to be dissolved but
it shall be law ful oti any other day to hold and make tin election
of Directors in such manner, as shall have been, or may be
prescribed by the rules and byelaws of the said corporation ; and
provided that in case of the death resignation or removal of any
Directors, from this State, his place shall be filled for the re
mainder of the year, by the remaining Directors.
Sec. .5. And be it further enacted, That if there should be a
failure in the payment of any sum or sums subscribed by any of
the stockholders after the same is required by the directors to be
paid, the share or shares, of stock upon which such failure oc
curs, shall for such failure, beforfeited, and may again be sold
or disposed of, in such manlier, as the Directors may order and I
provide; and the proceeds of the sale, and the sum or sums that
may have been paid thereon, shall revert to, and belong to j
said corporation : provided sixty days notice of the time at i
which said payment is required to be made, be given in two of
the public gazettes of Milledgeville.
Sec. G. And be it further enacted, That the Directors for
the ti ne being, shall have power and authority to appoint such
officers and clerks mid r them, as may be necessary forexecuting
the business of the said corporation, and shall allow them, to
gether with the President, such compensation, as to them shall
seem reasonable, and shall require of the cashier and other offi
cers tinder him, such bonds, conditioned for their good beha
viour, and a faithfid discharge of their duties, as to them may
ibe satisfactory ; and the President, Cashier, and other officers of
the Bank, before entering on the duties of their office, shall take
•the following oath: ‘ I, A. B. do solemnly swear (or affirm)
lliat 1 will well and fiithfidly discharge the duties of President,
■Cashier, or other officer (as the case may be,) of the Western
Bank of Georgia, to the best of my knowledge and ability;”
which oath shall be entered and subscribed in the minutes of the
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, Thalthennrnberofvotes
to which‘'ach stockholder shall be entitled at anv meeting or
election, shall be according to the number of shares he shall bold ;
xiach share entitling him to one vote ; provided '.hat no share or I
shares, shall conl’er a w ritiht of suffinue, unless the same shall
jiave been liolden by the person, in whose name it. appears abso-l
Jntely, and bona fide, in hi, own right, or in that of his v. ife, or as I
executor, administrator or guardian, or in the right of some co
partnership, corporation or society, <d which hear she may be a j
member, and not in trust for, or to the use of any other person, j
nt least ninety 'lavs previous to the day of such elei'tioii. Anv ,
stockliold r being ab«ent, may authorize by power of attorney,
under seal, any other •tockbolder, to vote lor him, Iter or them ;
provided said power of attorney is filed in Bank, thirty days be
fore the day of’ ebu tion.
Sec. 8. Awl be. it further cuachd, That any number of
stoelikoltlef', w Ito shall together be the owners and proprietors
us five bttndred sltares and upwards, shall have power at any
time, to call a meeting of the *loc! holder*, for purposes relative
•o lite institution ; giving at lea-t sixty dav * notice in two pit >-
lie gazettes of Mille get die, specifying in sm It notice, the object
of mk Ii meeting,
Sl'.c.O. And. be it further enacted, 'That none but a stm kholdi r
being a c:tiz<ot of the State of Georgia, shall be eligild" as a Di
rector, am| no Director of anv other Baid; shall lie a Director
of this I, mk ; and jf anv Director, aft'o' cliosi'it, cease to be a
#tockholder, the remaining Directors-hall, nt (heir m xt meeting,
declai'" iii'n to |„. |„, |om." r a Dir. i tor, and shall proei < d to fill
liis seat lor the im urjmmi oi lie '.ear for wli’ii It be was < hoy It.
Sec. 10. And. be it further enacted, That no less thuu a
majority oj the Directors shall form a board for the traysactiott
)of business, of whom the President shall always be <).,<•, unless
sick or absent on necessary business, in which ease a president
| pro tern ofone of the Directors may be selected.
Sec. If. And be it further enacted. That the Directors shall
j have power to issue to the subscribers their certificates of’ stock,
signed by the President, and countersigned liy the ( nshier, and
: which shall lie trail-let aide only by personal acting of the stock
hoidcrin the books of the Cashier, or by his agent or attorney,
authorized by special power lor that pttqune; provided that no I
stockholder indebted to lite batik, shall make such transfer of
stock, until all debts due said Bank, by said stockholder, shall I
be paid, unless by consent of the Directors entered upon their
Sec. 12. An I b ■ it further enacted, 'That the bills obligato
ry, and of credit notes, and other contracts w hatsoever, in behalf
i of the said corporation shall be binding upon the said company • j
provided the same be signed ox the President, anil countersign-,
ed by the Cashier of the said corporation ; and the funds of’ th ( . I
said corporation shall in no ease be held liable for anv contract '
or engagement wh itever, unless the same be so signed and
cotintersigited as aforesaid.
Sec. 13. An! be it further enacted, That the Directors!
shall keep fair and regular minutes of their proceedings ; and
I upon atty question, when a Director shall require it, the yeas and !
nays of the Directors voting, shall be inserted on said minutes ;'
i and the book-, papers, correspondence and funds of the compa-I
nV, shall at all tiincs be subject to the inspection of’the Board of
Directors, or Stockholders, when convened, according to the (
i provisions of tiffs net.
Sec. 1-1. And !>■ ;' fitrlh r cnachnl, That no notice or pro-'
test shall be necessary u; charge any indorser or maker of anv
note, or other obligation, due sn, I bank ; and all makers or in- >
! dorsers, or their re; resentatives, may be t inbraced anti sued in !
one action; and no proof of notice, demand or protest shall I
be required on any trial, to authorize a recovery.
&EC. 13. Ana be 11 further emteted, That in no suit or action
in any court of this State, in which the said bank may be a party,
shall it be lawful for the other party or parties, to require the
said bank to prodtuits books into court, as evidence : nor shall
it be lawful for such party or parties, to require by subpoena, the
attendance of atty officers of this bank in court, on the trial ofsticb
case, but it shall and may be I uvful for the parly requiring such
testimony or cvi lence, to take out a commission in the usual man
ner, to examine the officers of the said bank, as to the contents
of the said books, or as to their knowledge of the facts, notwith
standing such officer may reside in the county it, which such suit
is pending.
Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be
lawful for the President, Directors or Officers out of said Bank,
to borrow any amount of money from said Bink, nor to endorse
for any applicant, formoney to said bank'.
Sec. 17. And be it further enacted. That the said bank shall
be permitted, and are hereby authorized to issue bills or notes 1
of credit, payable to bearer on demand, signed by the President,
and countersigned by the Cashier; but the total amount of debts !
which the said corporation shall at any time owe, whether by j
bond, note, bill or other contract, shall not exceed three times
the amount of the capital stock actually paid in; and in ease ’
ofexcess, it shall be the duty of the President and Cashier, to '
notify the Governor in writing, of such excess; upon the re- '
eeipt of w hich, it shall be the duty of the Governor to issue his ’
proclamation, declaring the charter of said bank forfeited, and !
calling a meeting of the stockholders, who shall have power and 1
authority to adopt such measures, as may be deemed prudent '
and effectual in bringing the affairs of said bank to a speedy 1
close. ' 1 - I
Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That any bank, or the 1
branches thereof, which may make a demand of specie, from the ; 1
Western Bank of Georgia, with banking privileges, shall be !
compelled to receive the bills of the said bank making the demand. ‘
Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That dividends of the
profits of the corporation, or so much thereof, as may be deemed !
expedient and proper, shall be declared, and paid semi-annually,
and the said cividends shall be determined from time to time,
by a majority of the Directors, at a meeting to be held for that
purpose, and shall, in no case exceed the amount of the nett
profits actually acquired by the corporation, so that the capital
stock thereof, shall never be impaired.
Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That the persons and ;
property of the stockholders in the Western Bank of Georgia,
witli banking privileges, shall, at all times, be pledged and
bound, in proportion to the number ofdollars, issned upon each
of the share or shares, that each individual or company, bold, 1
possess, are interested in, or entitled to, in said Western Bank
of Georgia, for the payment and discharge of the debts or con
tractsof said bank, or for the ultimate redemption of all notes or
bills issued, or that may be hereafter issued by and from the
said Bank, in the same manner us in simple actions of debt or
common commercial cases.
Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That all transfers of stock
in said bank, shall be wholly void, if made within six months '
previous to the failure of said bank, but that said stock so trans- |
; ferred, shall be deemed and held liable for the debts of the insli- 1 1
lion notwi hstanding such transfers.
ITo direct the deposite of the fund to •be derived to this State |
from the Surplus Revenue of the United States, and to regu-
: late the same.
Sec. 1. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives, of the Stale of Georgia, in General Assembly nu t, ■,
and rt is hereby enacted, by the authority oj the same, That on |
the receipt by the 'Treasurer ol this State of any of the propor
tion of money which this State is to receive of the Surplus Rev- ,
enue of the United States under the act of Congress passed 23 '
June, 1836, it shall be his duty forthwith to deposite the same in '
the Central Bank ol Georgia, and to receive a certificate of such '
deposite. !
Sec. 2. And be it forth, r enacted, That the said-, the Cen-! |
tr?l Bank of Georgia be, and its directors are hereby authori- ;
sed and required to lend the same, as it isreceived, to such of the I
Institutions ol this State as shall, in their opinion, be in a safe
condition and ol ability to comply with the conditions hereinaf-
and shall be willing to receive it at the rate of
15 percent per annum : Provided, 'That to no one Institution
tlu4e shall be lent any sum or sums which shall exceed one
half of its Capital actually paid in.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, 'That the condition on ;
which any such loan shall be made, shall be that the sum so
lent and every part thereof shall be the first lien op the asselts
and means ol every kind ol such Institutions. The money so
lent or any part thereof, shall be repaid on sixty days notice
under the penalty of 25 per cent damages, besides legal interest,
! and the event of the demand of the same, or any part thereof,
. and a failure to pay the same on sixty days notice, the whole a
i mount due by such institutions shall be immediately payable, with
; damages, at the rate of 25 per cent; and on the further condi
lion, that on such failure to pay after such demand, it shall and
j may be lawful for the said Central Bank, on the oath of its Pres
! idem a* to tire amount due, to take out a writ of Execution a
' gainst such defaulting Bank from the Superior Court of the Coun
■ty w here such Institution shall be located, for (be amount so
j sworn to be due, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk of such
Court on the application of the President of said Central Bank
! to issue such Execution ; and it shall be the dutj of the Sheriff
iof any County to whom the same shall be delivered to be exe-
I fitted, to levy the same on the property of the defendant Batik
|in such Execution named, ami to make the amount of such Ex
i edition-, u ile*s some officer of ,*uch defendant Bank shall make
■ ' oath, that the amount sworn to, or some part thereof, is not due
■ I and ow ing, and shall moreover give good and sufficient security
■ ; to pay the amount which shall be found due on an issue to be
i made oti such affidavit before the Superior Court of said Coun
, : ty, at its nevi session, to be there tried by a special Jury : Prori-
I ! r/zv/, nevertheless-—that no greater sum than one tenth of the
. w hole amount deposited in anyone Bank, shall be d awn out
II at any one lime, except m case of the apprehended failure of said
i ißank,
Prom the I nited Stales Telegraph.
A few dayssince we published an account
received byway ot New Orleans detailing
the political condition of tins Island. And
we are sorry to find from the following ex
tract ot’ a letter to a merchaiit in Boston,
| and published in the Boston. Centinel, con
, firmation of all the worst features of our
I former infoi mation.
“ The Governor of St. Jago de Cuba,
. some time since, on learning that the consti
tution ol 1812 had been proclaimed in Spain,
j (and without official information from the
mother country , or orders from the Captain
! General oftiie Island) took it upon himself
]to proclaim the constitution. 'l’his course
was disapproved of by his superior the Cap
tain General at Havanna, and subsequently
orders were received from that quarter to
I annul what he had dane, and place things
asjtliey were previous to the proclamation of
, the constitution. '1 bis did not meet the
; views ol the Governor of St. Jago, and be
: immediately issued his proclamation, decla
; ring the Province of Cuba, which is the
I eastern section ol that Island, as indepen
j dent ol the Captain General and the rest ol
the Island, and prohibited all intercourse
i with any other part of the Island, stopped I
the mails, &-c, —This state ol things had j
only continued a lew days, w hen official in
j sti uctions were received from Spain, not to
' proclaim the constitution until they should
receive instructions from the Home Govern
ment after the meeting of the Cortes—and
he w as again ordered by the Captain Gene
ral to place things on the old system, which
has again been disregarded, and the Pro
vince, or to say the least, its Governmen.,
now stand in open rebellion, both against
the Home Government, and that of the Is
land.—What will be the result it is quite
impossible to predict.
This state of things has caused great
alarm to the inhabitants of St. Jago and the
other principal cities of the Island. Lithe
former aii business was at a Jtand, and in
many other parts of the Island great alarm I
was felt by the people generally, and men of
property in particular. Large amountsol
money and bills were about to be remitted
to the United States for safe keeping and I
investment—as many wealthy men have |
large sums of uold and silver laying idle,
and feeling confident, (as would be the j
case) that in the event of any insurrection, !
their meney would be seized. Large sums
will find their way to the U. States beyond j
doubt, as gold and silver amongst its inhab- !
itants, with whom it is the lashion to hoard ;
up money in this way amongst ail glasses, '
more particularly by the wealthy, where!
there are many instances of single indiv id- I
mils having from 300 to 500,0“0 dollars in [
actual gold and silver coins in their posses- •
sion, which never circulates.”
; j
of ;
•■The friends of the I nion are our friends,and its j
enemies, our enemies.”
IMdiG, :■', <) < I- - if
Sincoou' last, LOUISIANA, ILLINOIS, -in<!
AIISt'jOLRL have been added the poll of M
\ AN BUREN, and AR KANSAS is sure to fol
The combination may now stand in mute
amazemet. atthe triumph of DEMOCRACY.—
I lai ri uni is again defeated and WHITE is l-ft
in the dark.
I.i consequence of the resignation of our able ;
Representative, the lion. George W.B. Towns, I
an Election will take place on the FIRST ■
the vacancy.
The Union party have nominated
J AMES LIDDELL of Jackson County.
Col. Liddell is a democrat of the old school— i
a disciple of THOMAS JEFFERSON; the
friend of GENERAL JACKSON, and a
UNION MAN to the core. lie has served
many years in the Legislature of Georgia, both :
in the Bouse and the Senate, where he has ac
quired a high reputation for sound judgment—
strong and discriminating intellect and a happy
and peculiar tact in the transaction of public
business above all, for honesty of purpose
and in: ’trity of character, he is, like Ctesar’s
wife, above suspicion.
Col. Liddell is a farmer—He is one of those
self made men whose example upon society is
above all price, and who should be held upcon
tinually, as models to the rising generation.
We appeal to the Union party, to the work-;
ing men of the country, to stand o;> to their!
principles and their interests—to turn out in one ;
solid phalanx on the fust MonddY in t ext n null,
and elect James Liddell the farmer—the intel-j
ligentand honest statesman,*to represent our!
State in Congress.
At a meeting of the “ Union'” members of
the Legislature, together with a number ol' the
Union party from different parts of the State,
at Buffington’s long room, on Monday evening,
the sth December.
On motion, General Robert M. Echols, was
called to the Chair, and Q. L. C. Franklin, Esq.
was appointed Secretary.
The object of the meeting being stated from
the Chair, and some discussion being had,
On motion of Col. Stephen D. Crane, it was
resolved that the meeting proceed to nominate a
candidtae to fill the vacancy i: Congress occa
sioned by the resignation of Col. Towns.
General Foard, of Early, proposed the name
of Col. James Liddell, of Jackson County,
whereupon the meeting, with one acclaim, nom
inated Col. Liddell, as the candidate of the
Union party of Georgia, to fill r.aid vacancy.
On motion of Col. Crane, a committee con
sisting of Messrs. Stephen D. Crane, Wm. W.
Gordon, W. I’. Foard, N. B. Powell and Jesse
Robinson, were appointed to wait ori Col. Lid
del, and inform him of his nomination, and as
certain whether he accepts or not.
On motion, it was resolved, that the proceed
ings be signed by the Chairman and Secretary,
! and published in all the Union papers of this
I'lie meeting then adjourned.
ROBl'.li r M. ECHOLS, Chairman.
Q. L. C. FRANKLIN, Scr'y.
Milhdgivillc, 6lli Dec. IS3G.
Ron. James Liddell,
Dear Sir— We, (as the Committee appoint
ed for that purpose) have the pleasure of inform
ing you, that, at a .very numerous meeting of the
I nion party ol Georgia, held at this place on
yesterday, for the purpose of nominating a can
didate for Congress to fill the vacancy occasion
ed by the resignation of Col. Towns, you was
unanimously nominatid.
You will be pleased to inform us, as soon as
your convenience will permit, whether or not,
you will serve, if elected, that we may forthwith
cause your name to be announced in the pttpei’s.
With great respect, yours, &c.
S. i>. CRANE,
Milledge.vills, 6th Dec. 1836.
Gentlemen —Yom ’s of this morning, infor
ming me that I had, at a numerous meeting of
the Union party, held in this place on yesterday, j
been nominated as a ca ■ lidate to fill the vacan- ;
cy in Congress occasioned by the resignation of i
Colonel Towns, has been this moment handed |
me, and in answer to your polite request, that
1 should inform you whether, or not, I would |
serve if elected; permit me to stty, that howev
er highly I appreciate this testimony of the con
fidence and approbation of my political friends,;
1 would h ive preferred, that the nomination had :
fallen on one more capable of rendering service
to his constituents. But as it has been their
pleasure to ptace me in nomination, 1 cannot
refuse a compliance with their wishes, especial
ly when expressed with such flattering terms.
Very respectfully,
votir obedient servant,
Messrs. S. D. Crane, W. W. Gordon, B’
Foard, A'. R- Powell and Jesse. Robinson.
run the standard of union.
There i» a question to decide,
A subject of debate;
To have the surplus fund applied
To benefit the State.
If wisdom should devise apian,
Reflection should attend,
Economy must lend a hand,
Make policy her friend.—
So liberality should stand,
And justice side by side;
Until they fully understand : '
The cun ent of the tide.
Ifsclf pretends to urge her claipi,
Equality must rule,
And harmonize the whole.
Three preposition; have been made
And published far and wide, I
'Which call for legislative aid,
The question to decide.
First shall we place it in the Bank, I
Subject to its control? ! 1
Or shall it go to furnish planks 1
On which our Cars shall roll? I,
Or would the people call us fools
If it should be applied
To the support of public schools?
Let wisdom now decide.
Results of good or bad will flow
With future shame or pride,
Which cither will decline or grow
As we may now decide.
As it's a sum in rule of three,
Then let us all unite !
Consult together anil agree,
And have it stated right.
If stated right, the work is plain,
The sum is multiplied,
And by division cpual gain,
Is shared on either side.
MARRIED—On Tuesday the 224 of Nov.
by the Rev. Philip Grooves, ’ Mr. Daniel Adeii
eolt to Miss Amanda C. Mayes, both of the
county of Cobb.
«■ '—l" ■ « » ■ iiMma -TP sr.w T’NUeyV.U
CRbiaeS IFserniSure
I HAVE found my premises 318, and2oßroad
st., too small and inconvenient to aflord my
customers fair opportunity of examining what
they purchase, ami have therefore
to the cm ncr of Broad and Campbell-strect, last]
occupied by George D. Combs, will known as i
Itennoch &f McKenzie's old stand, where 1 sb;ill '
constantly keep on hand a large and general as- j
sortinent of plain fashionable Furniture.
Families wishing to purchase, have only to cal
on the subscriber, to dose advantageously.
N. B.—Orders filled from the Aorth at shortest
Nov. 10. ts—l-h
Capital Stock -All paklist-
AGENT at Milledgeville, of the Georgia in
surance and Trust Company, will take Fire i
anil Marine Insurance on the most reasouabl;: ‘
Wm. T. Gould. Secr’y.
I Directors of the Georgia Insurance and Trust Com- ;
pany, hiovewber 4t/i 1836..
\ Samuel ttiilc. Bi njamin It. IGirren, |
! David It'. St. John, Elisha Morton.
j Adam Johnston, Edward Thomas,
Jacob Moise, James P. Stuart,
; Solomon Kneeland, Samuel II- Peck,
Hays Bowdre, Isaac T. Heard,
Ple.asant Stovall, li'illiam 11. Morgan.
Artemus Gould, Harper C. Bryson,
John M. Adams, John V. Cowling,
Andrew J. Miller, Edward Padt lfoid.
Nov 17—14
OysltT as»«s Relish SSonse.
FHNIIE subscriber has epetied a house of this dc
.lL scription on the North-West of the Masonic
Hall on Wayne street, whers he will at all times
furnish Oysters, Relishes, &c and a variety of ollie
things the market usually affords, lie invites hir
friends an 1 the public to give him a call.
Nov. 17—14-3-t WALTER. ONES.
1 EXECUTOR’S SALE—WiII be sold on
.2 Wednesday the 28th of December next at
tDelate residence deceased in De-
Kalb comity, all the personal property of suid de
ceased, except the negroes, consisting of Horses,
Cows lings tfee. Oe.e set of Blacksmith Tools,
two Stills, one Road War,e.ii.—Stile to continue
from dt;y to dny mit : ,il at] is sold. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
I Nix. 17 Executors.
L" WI LLIAM SCHLEY, Governor of said
• State.
at tlle October Term, 1836,
VW of ;he Superior Court of Telfair coun
ty, t> true bill of indictment was ’found against
i ALLEN YO UN, for murder; and it being rep
resented so me that the said. YOUN has fled
from justice, 1 have thought proper to
this, my. Proclamation, liorebv offering a re
any pmron, orpersons, tvhonray apprehend and
j deliver the said Allen Yotnr to the Sheriff or
| Jailor of said comity of Telfair: and I do more
| over charge and require all officers, civil and
j military, in this State, to be vigilant in en
deavoring to apprehend and deliver him as
i aforesaid.
ALLEN YOUN is represented to be aboiq
thirty years of age, five feet nine or ten inches
high; dark complexion, and dark eyes, and in
weight, about 180 pounds.
Given nmlcr my httlid and the great seal of the
State, at the capitol in Milledgeville, this third
day of December, eightee’ii and.
thirty-six, and of the Independence of til* Aiterl
Saatcs, the sixty -first. "
By the Governor,
William A. Tennille, Sec'y. State
December, I). 50—2 t
O Monday the J2t.h day ofDecembrr next,
will be sold at the late residettce of Abraham
Lew-'iett, deceased, in Morgan county.
ihepcrisJitjble IPrgperty
of die said dec d. consisting of horses, mules' cat'
tic-1 ieep, both meat hogs, plantation tools, 1 set'
of blacksmith tools, one .set of carpenter’s tools.
&c.; also coin, fodder, oats, with numerous other
articles to mention.
;,At the same time the land will be sold and the
negroes hired for the ensuing year. The sale to
continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms
on the day of sal,?.
Martha leverett, Ex’x.
Dec. 8 47—tds.
(C?” All the Milledgeville papers will publish
the above till day of sale.
Baldwin Couuty. (
fJJI’RSI ANT to a writ of Election issued by Lis
Excellency the Governor, and to us directed,
requiring us to cause an Election to be held on
Monday the 2d day of January next, foroue Rep
resentative in the House of Representatives of
the Congress of the United States, to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of the Hon. Geo.
W, B. Towns—we, the Justices of the Inferior
Court for the county aforesaid, hereby give notice
that an election will be held at the Court-house in
the town of Milledgeville and county and State ,
aforesaid, on Monday the *2d day of January next
for a Representative to fill the aforesaid vacan
W. 1). TORRANCE, J. I. C.
WM. GRIGG, .1.1. C.
Dec. 8 47
The .Milledgeville papers, vrilil insert the above .
tilil the day of election.
£ O eif T TF/Is •
fFH IIE subscriber wishing to dispose of his farin-
JJ- ing interest, now offers for sale, his beautiful
and much admired plantation situated immediately
on the Chattahoochee River half mile above the
the beautiful and flourishing town, Irwin
ton. This tract contains upwatds of 8
ACS'CS, all of which is fine productive .Lauds
ami lay quite level, of which 4W acres are cleared
and fence. Also a well of first rate water in the
yard and a convenient dairy House attached to it
and all necessary oul buildings and a lirstrate gin
house and screw. Persons having the chting and
wishing to invest it in such property, has be n uni- j
versally admitted, by allpcorsous that have
it, to stand unrivalled foa goodland and beauty of
situation and unquestionably healthy. Persons
wishing such a plantation, are particularly invited
to come and view the premices.
The Georgia. Journaland Georgia Coustituiiou
stitutienalisl and Standard til Union, arc requested
to give the above thre insertions and forward their
accounts to me at Irwinton.
Dec. 8 47—3 t.
O<?£ FA*#-
HO HIS Institution was organized at the late
Jl_ meeting of the Board of Trustees by creating
the Oilices ol the Faculty and the courses of Lee.,
lures, and a1.,0 appointing part of the Faculty, a
Rev. C. P. Bemax, President, and Professor of
Sutural Philosophy and Chemistry.
E. A. N-.shet, Esq., Pice-President and Profes
sor of Belle Lett res and Menial Philosophy.
Kev. C. \\. Howard, Chaplain and Professor
of M<>ral Ph ilosopliy'and Evidences of Christ ianit y.
Rev. S. K. Talmage, Professor of ancient Lan
N. M. Crawford, Esq., Professor of Mathe
matics and Astronomy.
(Not yet filled,) Professor of Modern Languages
(Not yet filled,) Professor of Geology, Botany,
d Mineralogy.
rw(N T ot yet filled,) * Rector of the Midway Semina
ry and ex oficio member of the Faculty.
(Not yet filled,) a competent number of tutors.
| Provision has also been made by the Board for
I the delivery gratuitously of a course of lectures
ion each of the following subjects, viz: {duuicipal.
I Civil and International Law, Physiology and As
The corner stone of the university building is to
be laid with suitable solemnities, and an address
by Colonel J. 11. Lumpkin is to be delivered du
ring the annual meeting and under thedirectiou of
Hopewell Presbytery, which : to convene at. Mil
ledgeville during the lattei part of Man b, 1837.
A sum, which, in the opiuiouof thcl oa.'d, folly
justifies them in taking efficient measures iiasalrca
i ily been subscribed to the institution, and agents
l have been appointed, who are instructed to make
prompt and energetic efforts to receive Zhe com
plete endowment of the university.
The exercises of the Institution are expected to
: commence early in the year 1838.
The action of the Board has been restricted, for
j the present, to the measmes above stated by the
I want of suitable candidates to fill up the vacaucie-s
i in the Faculty, ami as well by th; waut ofade
j quate fluids. It is their design to create a univer
! sity which shall be of the highest character, im or
nament and blessing to the whole South. Their
success, in the attainment of this end, will lie whol
ly dependent upon the liberality of the Christian
and benevolent public. ~ t
*Mr. Beman will continue to conduct the Mid
way Seminary during tile next year, SSststc.'l by
Mr. Mead, mid additional tutors, as they may be
'found necessary.
By order of the Board of 'Trustees.
B. P. STUBBS, Secretary.
. December 8. ■ 47—ts.
Peggy Posey ) Libel forDivoacc in De
vs. S Kalb Superior Court
Pinckney C Posey, ) September Term 1836.
It appearing to the Court from the virtue of the''
Sheriii that the Defendant is not lobe found in the
comity of DeKalb, ami it further appearing to the
court that the Defendant has no settled residence
in the State of Georgia when the Ordinary pro
cess of Law can be served on him.
It is therefoie ordered by the Court, that the
said Pinckney G. Posey, do appear at the next
term of this court, and answer to the above stated
case, am! that, service bo perfected by the publica
tion >C this rule in one cf th" public Cnzettsol this
alate once a month tot three months previous to
Sid court.
A true copy fro'it the minutes efthe cwt Sept
ember Term 1836.
HjpOl R, Mon I IIS after date applicationwi*
-BL be made to the Honorable the Inferior court
'‘aneoek county, when sitting for ordinary pur
poses. for leave to sell ft of land No. 138,inthe
' r ’ f ; ,<l Le ® "° W Stew »rt county, it bel
a part of the real Estate t>f Edward B. Brook
mg deceased, ami not included in his la»t will
testament, amt sold Ur the benefit of the Lira
ol stud deceased.
v 17 At r \ EB ECCA A.J’.Rd«KING.
Nov 17—44 Amr xof the last wilLof dec'd.
Fj|UiE JACK.soa AdADEMY will gVinm
operation the ensuing year, under the
charge of the Rev. W. A. Florence and Lads.
ot Highly approved qualihcatous. Having the ad
a Chemical, ami Astronomical and
I fnlosophical Apparatus, thev will be able lo give
'borough mstruetion i.t ah the branches of libcrui
■Music, Painting mid tin Fine Arts nill bclaught'
also the Latin ami Greek Languages.
Ihe highly reputable character of Mr. n»dl
• is. Florence, as teachers, cannot fail to ebrit
I 1 ' 1 ’ the institution a liberal patronage, ami to place
tl, in point <d celebrity, at least, upon a level with
any similar institution in the Btate.
1 be moral ami healthy condition of the village,
n ill afford an additional inducement to parents
.mil guardians from aprond to send their Children
lot the accommodation of whom hoarding may
be had. cither in private families or at regular, at the most reduced prices.
.. , Sec'y. Board of Trustees..
November. 1- 40 vxlOt
(£/■ 4he .Southern Recorder, will
usert the above wet kiy uutill the Ist January, mid!
01 ward the account.— Macon Telegra ph.
AGREEABLE to au Ordei of the Inferior
Court ot Warren couuty when sitting fop
ordinary purposes.
\\ ill be sold on the first Tuesday iu Jantwy next
at the Court 1 louse door in Warrenton, Warren
conuly. within the I,gal horns of sale, the lands
ami tiegres belonging to Robert Waltou, late of
arren county deceased, consisting of 76 acres
ol laud lying on the waters ot Middle Creek,join,
ing lands of Scott, Hardin, and Joy.—One Negror
man Bob about 65 years ol age, also, one named
Philis about. 70 years of age, one negro girl named.
Adeline 15 years of age.
Also, will be sold in the town of Carnesville,
I' rankliu county; at the Court house door on the
first Tuesday in March next, one track of laud
containing acres lying iirUobb Creek All
sold for tile benefit of liie heirs aud creditors of'
said deceased.
Warren comity, X ov. B—l >36.
—Yesterday, from a Store in Broad
K.7 street, a Large Gold Hunting Lever WATCH,
makers name Richard Powis, Loudou, number
8491—with a small crack ou the dial— and bud.
attached to it a peculiar made, small Valice Key.
A reward of thirty-live dollars willbe given to tl.ei
person who will return it to this office, and fifty
dollars foj the appreheusiun aud cuuviciioii of tbo
• December I—3t.
(Ey’The Milledgeville Standard of Union, aad
Macon Telegraph will copy the above three times,
and forward their accounts to this office for collec
Georgia Feaaizale College,
Scattsborough, Ga.
THE excerciscs of this institution will be
resumed on Monday the 16tb January,
From the flattering encouragement we hafto
received during the present year, we have aiacMt
every e.cerlioti, and have succeeded inengagi g
the services of first rate teachers in the several
departments of the institution.—They brinp
with them testimonials of religious character
and literary attainments from many of the
most influential gentlemen in the United
We have made arrangements to have a Stew
fiard-’s. Hall attached to the Institution, at the
aiead of which willbe Mrs.D’ESTE, an elder
ly lady, whose domestic liabils and experience
iv the government of young • laeies, are very
highly extolled. We have been led to this
step, from the inconvenience which young ladies
experience in going to and coming from their
boardinghouses during inclement weather; from
the time they lose, owing to the domestic ar
rangements of other houses, not corresponding
with our own; for the. sake of having ail t)>e
vo ing ladies, at all limes, under the superviaion
of the teachers, as many of them are disposed
to neglect their studies, and become careless of
their manners and language when npt subjected
lo such a check; and, finally, the teachers can
not feel themselves as responsible for those who
board elsewhere, as for those who board with,
them. We do not wish to be understood as dic
tating to our patrons, but respectfully sub
mit the above hints to their sober consideration.
A contract has been made for having comple
ted early in the ensuing year, a Female Gym
nasium, for physical education.
Young ladies who may desire to speak tire
1' rench language, will have urn jmnion advan
vantages afforded them here. Mrs. D’Este was
educated in France, is a lady of superior ac
complishments, and Speaks French and Eng
lish with equal facility. The Principal and his
brother likewise speaks the language.
L. LATASTE, Teacher of French, Span
ish, Latin, Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.and Bel
les Letters, History, Geography, Arithmetic*
A. B. \V ATROUS, A. B. teacher of Chem
istry, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Ylgebra,
Geometry,Trigonometry, Moral anil Intellec
tual Philosophy, &c.
Mrs. D’ESTE, teacher of Drawing and
Painting in al) tlieir branches, and Assistant iu
French and Music.
V. LATASTE, teacher of the Theory and
Practice of Music.
Elementary pupils, per term, S2O
All others, “ “ ' 25
Board, including, washing, fuel, candles,
&c. per month, 10
MUSJC.— Piano and Guitar, per term,
each, 25
Use of Piano, per term, 3
Drawing, in Cray on or Pencil,per term 15
Painting, in oil or water colors, per
term, IS
Ftench, Latin and Spanish, each per
term, 15
One half of the above terms will bc
bly required in advance.
No pupil willbe received for a. less time than
one term, and those who come after the begin
ning of a term will be charged from the time
of entrance, but no deduction will be made lor
leaving before the end of the term.
ANNA M. LATASTE, ) „ . . ,
L. LATASTE, \\ Principals.
£5 a ’The August’.i Gbionicli*, and Constitu
tionalist; Macon Mtessenger; Columbus Enqui
rer; Athens IVl.ig; Savannah Georgian, and
Republican; Pliner’s Recorded, and Darien
Telegraph, each insert the'above once a
week until the. 15th of January, and after tliat
hiont’.ily for two months, and send me . a copy
of the paper containing it. L. L.
Dec. 8. 47
TOjIOTICE.—AII persons having anv demand#
against the estate ol Mm tba Child, is. lat«
of Washington county dece; sc<l, tve requefte Ito
1 present them, in the terms ofthe hiw. and all pir
• «ons indebted to said estate, ate hereby callsd on
lo come forward and settle the same. Glyiin couu
- ty>, 7th Novmiber, 1823. J. Bl KNI'-TT admr.
’ December, 1. . 46—mlta