Newspaper Page Text
T. 0. 8TACT. Hittr xafi Proprietor,
Copier HtvawUe >W Cksoster 8U,
A. E. HEINS, - Proprietor.
General Bailer lioatof politic* "by
• considerable majority."
About the hut official act of Prmi-
dent Haye* wai the Tato of tba fund
ing bill.
Collie sre dying rtrj bat in the
lower portion of LQwty ooontjr, from
diatom per. .
CaptW. O. Waller, Georgia naval
editor of tbe Savannah A’ev* la •
and the Senate chamber, they win **■
miatakably, ia apite of their a Baber*
loot strength in the lover bom* for
that body will coataia bat area ten
Bepoblieana vbo vero ia Ooogtm
vhen the RepobUeana were in power
aix yean ago. They will barabot
aceeataea oat of nearly one handled
and fifty aembere vbo are familiar
bmrding booM monnodilios Uuui ^
aaa be bond probably in any ally of j
the earn* popaiatioa ia tba eoontry. j
Tbe grand National Hotel, the dneat I
boildiog for botai poipoaaa in the city, i
bat vhieh baa baaa allowed, Ibroagfa !
had management, to ran down, win \
probably be opened neat winter, after i
thoroagh renovation aadreforniabiag. I
Work ia progreaaiag rapidly on Urn
Waycroaa ft Jackaoavilla railroad, an-
dar Urn active and able anperinten-
deaeeof OoL Drane, eo well and fa
vorably known in-Bronaviak, aad the
Feraandiaa aad JsckeowvilU will aooa
be open to tba traveling public. By
the Wayaroan ft Jeokeoavilla, paeeea-
gare from Savaaaah will reach thia
eify ia aix hoot* from Haeoa ia elev
en boon, and via the Cumberland
ronte aad Feraandiaa ft Jacksonville
from llaeoo, A they v01 ran an ordi
narily hat train (from Haeoa to
Brnaewiek), the time abonld not be
Railroad, Steamboat, Hill Supplies
ban of Miebigaa are tbe beet known
aad beet adapted to leadership. Of
the new aad yoonger Bepoblieana,
Reed of Heine, Hisoock of New York,
Heifer of Obi* Calkina of Indiana,
an) MeKioley of Ohio ihoold be men
tioned, far opoo them win fall no
emaU part of tbe bonon of the new
Qlas3 l Putty,Varni8hes,Bni8ho8,Plain & decorative wallPaper
Lock, SisMhqHs, Cd, lain, Sam, Etc, Uni, Plultr, fair td Cant,
• WUtakereal l» Hy Irate.
Bavannftla, • • Oeorgla.
Glynn County Sheriff Sales
Pint Tuesday in April 1881.
The Jewelry Headquarters
He ia either n tone atetmmnn or a ru
ed, end we esul tell which, hot wffl
gin bin endit for Iht fonnif, nd
my that he rime above party keen end
I aaaka to earn bin
If thia be the true aototion,
hi baa n glorious minion.
About eighteen milm loath of 81
Aaguetioe and about three milm from
■hot* oat in the ocean, than exiata a
frith water epriag eo powerful in it*
foroe u to cauae a boiling motion of
tbe water for tba epaoe of belt an acre.
Thia ia indeed a etrango freak of na
ture. It ia anppoaad to be ont of tbe
aafatyvalvaa of tbe peninaola, where
it* pent up aubterrauean pamagee find
vent. Tba apt log ia fathom leea.
otnnxu)* OAUINKT.
Only One Mombar from the Month.
Preeidcnt Otrfield waa duly lean-
on the 4lh iueL We bad
not do aa hie preda-
in hie esbi-
briaging down tbe akdge
Ibat would bretk in places iht "solid
South,” aad do a way with political
ebifa between the two metioaa. Ev
ery Preeident eieev the war hae had
ikin Ui powm to immortalise himnlf.
The Demoerata whlbaia a minori
ty, but wbet they took in naml
win alramt be made good ia capacity
end experience. We will have an
abandonee of capable leaden. Thera
wU be HawiU, Holman tba grant ob-
jaetor, Rendell, who ia a euperb lead
er ia the minority, Morrison, Ham
mond and Blount, Randolph, Tucker,
Oax, Carlisle, Knott, Springer, Back
Mgtn, Alkioe, Blackburn, end
at leaet a dozen olbera who ana
match for an eqsal number token
from the very beet on the Republican
The Republicans will be vary
greatly over-matched unlem some ‘
eat b unexpectedly developed among
tne mw member* which to exceeding
ly improbable, by tba long station of
tbe new Coo grace. Tbe condition of
tbe Room to simply tbe reverse of
wbat it wu aix years ago.
In tbe Senate tbe Demoerata have
■offered eeriona losses, both in nuui'
ben end leaden, but they still have
strong men left, Pendleton, Hill,
Brown, Seek, Oerland, Jonas of Flor
ida, Lamer and Bayard ftp all good
debaton end experienced legislators,
end they will be able to hold their
ground against the flood of new Re-
publican Senators. Tbe Republicans
will mbe Blaine and Carpenter, al
though they will ban Edmund*
Hoar, Oooklisg and many others of
the old Senaton, and Sherman, Haw-
toy, Ben Harrison, Frye and Van
Wiek, of the mw one* to fall back
hm the
fat «» rx — e n..|.l ■
now i resilient utiDriu
M opp"rtuuilj—will be
Judging by bb cabinet
we tear be, to* will
throw away the crown h* might <4h-
Balov ww give a Itot of bis cabinet:
Secretory of Stair—Jae. O. Blaine,
Secretary of tbe Traramry—Wm.
Wisdom, of Minot***.
Attorney Ooneral—Wnyna Me-
Veagh, of PtoMylvsnia.
Postmaster General—'Thomm L
• James, of New York.
Secretary of the Interior—Samuel
J. Kirkwood, of Iowa.
Sscreteay of War-Robert T. Lin-
col* of Unvote.
Secretary of the Navy—Wm. &
Hunt, of Louisiana.
The brains of the Republican party
have, ia abort, bee* transferred to tba
Senate, while tbe Democrats will be
strong in both bonces, and especially
in tbe Honan. The condition of tbe
two parties will lead to many debates
aad eoctests that will be of noosaal
interest, ami that will bar* no email
influence over poUto sentiment as we
approach 18HI.—Atlanta Condilutien.
(a pronounced a model ia ovorv
apart. His ntterancea, though strong,
at* sot offensive, ami if carried out
wilt do (won In awite north and eooth
than au army of putittokaM He hae
promised ue oar right*, let M t
him until be deeelvee as.
An exchange nays: - Tbe railroads
Uading aoethfrovalbe Obiori var «
blocked with corn, pork, wheel, bay
ami other article* deatiued far south-
mraMamptfau/wllolwbieb abonld
tovJb£ prrited to ‘ba »nth it-
sslL The very fast of the btoekadeb
a amt eommenlary npow the egrtojri
tnral enterprise of llm eoatb. The
railroads cannot supply ue with arti-
atea that oar owa suit gtadl,
prod ass if it wm tickled with Ike
plough and Ibe bo*"
madofOafk W. C. Dim* ar-
teat night from
night from the Satill* with
of paemngara and n large
Captain Ulino reports that
tba moath of Om
white peering naar tbe mooth of Om
MB* Cat, Ahsmaba aonnd, ha wm
baited by wmaptnoa to tba water.
baited by *om* perwoa ia th* water.
It was quit* dark end th* diatramed
man ooald not beaoMt. He had a boat
1 about tor an hour, but failed
to find aay trass of him, aad it is aap-
Ha also reports that a raft loaded
with bar hundred rtfafc* belonging
to the Georgia Timber and Lambar
Ompav, cad with a mow of three
me* drifted to sea from Attamaha
I VVSU, x suppose ue luaogurauou is
over tad we haee got a Prsridae t at
lari. Poor yean to n long time to do
vnthootoo* aad I’m gted they made
khtorawltonmiigr Knw.
■■Otrfeld to going to be king
M^*g<itorta slid want* 'em to
Liberty ooanty bad two
burnings ooe <toy last week-tbe rari
of Dr. Daniels at Taylore Crack, aad
of Mr. L a Tr.iak in Ftomington.—
Cams—March wind*
Attention l*rtntnrn t
Haring ooneolidated tbe Auvumau
aad Appel. I hare an extra outfit
complete that I wish lo eelL Any
pmua wishing to start a Mwapapar
auaMwbrtw aaa be fitted up entire.—
a* I will sell a tow extra
Bveidea them
job presses. Addrra* q ^
Proprietor Aovranaas axu Amu.
Dmua, Ktrwart Ooorrv. Oa.
I tried Xeoiutie with good effect for
aad dyepepeto,
it to ab she
UP. He
Cramp Headache.
Jaraans Oo.. Jan. 14. lfiBOl
My wile has ■ -
say rrtara of the pam dsn. Ithasgir-
rweaasl satWarthm whea aand bead*
■eft* We thtek it lbs giwnbet nmefy
W. 8. Warm sir.
Tba Oamberiaad ronte to paying
betrily and Increasing ia popularity,
aad only needa om thing to atiO for-
ite tnral aad retain its
position as strong competition with
Savannah far the Florida tnral aad
freight, aad that om thing ia a Am
>, which will make tbe
trip from BruMwtoh to Fernandina
ia three boor* aad which shall be
th* property of tba company.
Tba Harris grove at Orange Lake ia
an Iiamph of wbat to poaribfa in or
ange colters nndar favorable cirenm-
Mr. Harris to a young man.
Eight yaara ago be bought a tract of
oovared with wild orange tram
at $5.00 per sera, trimmed np tbe wild
tree* bndded them with the sweet
orange. Hte total orlgioal outlay be
ing lam than $1,000, and teat year bis
gross income waa $40,000—nett, over
$30,000, and it to eetl mated that it will
be double aa mueh this year. All this
in right year* and be bu been of
fered, so it to reported npon good au
thority, $300,000 for n half interact,
wbiob be baa deetlned.
Thera are handrails of groves which
just come into bearing last year and
hundreds mors which will come in full
bearing in tbe next few year* yield
ing to their owners a handsome in
come of from $1,000 to $3,000 per
acre. There to no other product of
tbe soil which will show such malts
)tu the same outlay of money.
Work to programing rapidly oa the
jetties at th* bar—it to eoofldaaty ex
pected that deep water will be ob
Tbe railroad company organized to
construct a road from this point to SL
AagnstiM sod thence down the eoari
to Halifax river, recently
their organixatioa and have com-
M by Utw pcuiit Hm
amntn * Albany ilwiU lit Mth fay
MuhalBMrfTffWi Ofo—Mbrioritlto wwlfay
ttflMHHrtfl —I. sri hairingllirks ■whirl 11.
BBILIT.Ml9.MbM.WNcl parti off aua-
famUaalllMlflMfth af iaM Hagfaee Um mi
for Otar'.’* Day by Albnt Aywra. fa the yroJ
LrvlM on M tbff p riper! y cf th* Major aa J |
MHaB|fltlmakH>.wlffraa<fat rtrtaeefa
■MtMalhMaalafOiyH Haperlor Caart
ta tawor af A. FoaUr BlcHaa n. Um Marwr mA
Cawartl of tfaa rity o< Braaawk-k. to oaUafy tfa« atid
■ ffa, aa$4 property pof atari ont In aaXJ • (fa. HoUca
Ultaa la toyoff aad Oa«»Hl of Ua aty af Brmaa*
vtt. FHadpal |l.m. totarrat Caat (Ifafla,
avaaead (array* aad Island to com-
plate Um road m far aa 81. AagnsUM
far aaat winter’s travel.
Work oa the railroad from FaUUa
to OaUiarilte to pragraaatag rapidly,
sod other ronlra into tba ialarior
from Um rirar at variooa point* are
being projected aad will albmalely be
enaelracted. opening np tortile fce
ll oua to orange eoltero, which era
now unavailable by reason of
as from tba market.
Met Dr. J. J. Ifarri* speaker of
tba Hows* m bis return lo bit borne
in Orange county, with hia daughter,
Mias Lnta. He dam not look a day
older than when ha left Brunswick,
sad to puMia| all his energies into
onaga grove. G.
An KtlmS Worn hte UM Latter,
Boys begin early to show their love
of cruelty nod flariraatteo. They rock
tba birvb aad the rate sod tba chick
en* and rub the birds' Mat* and
then they bant Um rabbits and squir
rel* nod shoot all aorta of wild aai-
awtojoat far sport There is anorig-
to girl*
and aya
about them that don't belong
Girls an Under and kind
ayiapathsU-. I reckon that ia
om rwaana why w* far* 'em, but why
they far* m I doo't know. I knew a
boy sacs who eaagbt a wild tom eat
ia Um bam. sad tied a plow line
aroaad bto seek, sad tied the other
end to a ring behind lb* saddle that
waa oa the oid mar* bitehad to th*
Isoc* aad than teroed Ihsold mar*
loom aad pi tehadlha sal oa bar bask.
WUI faff boM bfffor* Um eoari hotu* doorlatb*
An i
followloi property
of Mod lo (It* city of
BnUMWtcfc, lath* county of Olyon. and HUM of
(icorfflft. ftod know* la Ut« pUo of Mid city m lot
■tmbM frtrty*nlne (43) (th* mom being • wfttar lot)
■tiMbtr fifty (V>) ll bMng ft tend lot, and bavtag oa
It • kottffft »od ImpMVffnieote. ftJ) la Ibel portion of
Ik* city known aaOld Town j ftlft*. • tract of tend
Inf twn Hiunfld ami,
tetbftWgtefidklo ffWMftp.
CkftBpnry Tnano. of isU
i or Iftff^ altuftted
«. InmU coftaty ftfO^rnn.
Mwgfll. or in —ywiffff ffp»Mf ining. LmM oa
aathft property of WtllteM M. Tnano indcr and by
vlrtnaof a morlgag* A te teoaod #nt af Oiynn An-
porter Coart. la teror of II. K. J—■■ 4 On., ta
WITIIaMM. Tnnno to attefjr Um raid A te. Prop,
and daarnbod ia A U.
SawjS* ShTwnte vs1
■ItAMr.asnsar. *(■»<
STEAM ENGINES, “PortaUe& Stationary,”
STEAM ENGINES, For large Saw Mills,
STEAM BOILERS, All kinds and Sizes.
•rararaaicctauDnm J. 8. SCHOFIELD, Prop’f.
M or tract of tend altaated
and being In Uw STth. VUU. O. M-. ta tba
HlilMtd —I f tbr
;U. agxiast H f.l.ta A. Dmrrim, f
BSBPPsfOljnacomaty aa $nad$d.i
A-Pytra. J. M.TIaffn and o. a. iwMi «a i
teaa. Udfid ibmAs prog iny ssf Kiflan a
»o.|f$nr«p»l ta ftflid A nt. fat aattefp tfaw mm
Man. yxailikl Ora«S««.
Ateah a$ Mm mm Um and ptera. aU Oat
rartata M or tract mi tend tetwfxd. Ivtngaad
being In lb* *T$4 Maf.. O. M-. cowaty of Olyaa. and
Mala «f Oi irgra. natelateg («aa$ tw kamdrad
aMM. and banndad an Iba aartk by tba teada of
Ttean aad Manlarl. mm tba aaat fay tba Lattla «n>
IMtertwr. antbeaantb far tba Little buiite river
and tends af Mead y. and mm Ibe veal by teada
af ft. Heady aad J. X. Then, togribar vttb
“ lapravaraanfa tbeaeen. f mad aa andcr and
rillaiafatteleaned eat mi ibe oftv af tba
r Oeorgte. in
■ A. fivrrta.
ftraraf MaMMaaf OaacgU ra. 1
terra* r $M aaOarter af flMyan em
aad L. A. rytea, J. M. Tlaanand 0. 4. femrWU as
fttea. Lavtad an aatbff property of L. A. Fites,
tty. to rattefy tba aafal 1 te. Moflca given Is L.
s. niMsuuu ■- — —-
IMS, H SMO. ua. SMMates.'dokLl
MteoMi.sssa mr.Msssa.tehi
ant «ha raw kararif to death talftira
minnU* and Um boys iRtsaghed end
•off th* bays aB taaghaff aaff
aad enjoyed ft IffKdifl.-
Tba WM migtay bad. but tha boy
married oneoftbe.wec
that boy
girts ia
W , aad mads a good hmftaad
father. I reckon U llm
devil that 's ta Wi lor n whits, ned thea
b* quits os aad gom tatowme otba
fadow, or Mm* bag, or mod dog or
notiesd that it lakes soma a heap
hmgar than olhtn to doit. They
arty, ttowtl:
Aft Mat variate tetaf tend, la tba city af
wteksla tka aeantyaf oiynn and riteka afO aerate.
n and daacrtfaadte tba ptea afraid city aa Bay
k. tklrtean |U). teratbar wttb aft tbatraprara.
Aratedan nnriar rai ky rirtaaafa
af Airi fvetea teaaad ant af Glyiv Sapcriar
Oaraft te tevra af Cbariaa Salaaa ra. ToU 4 Dear-
SSSSteraTflM? S$ Am5’3£u4
teaaSyLSd■ te. Mattes given 4 tor!teSSi
SStPbfitet —. CattllTM^ 1 ^“
WU ke aetd kefcre tea asnrtbanaa dear teettyaf
-ritetewtek, Olinn aanniy. Ofate on tka Ant Tnawtev
te April. I m. katwaan li a*rteck a. n. and « m mUmk
Lte MddS teteiC^Tra.y^y 1 ^ ^
AtbtratanrtbffnndivtdadliteffiaiteaU tkafl car-
tate lot of tend and fpranraiate tkvravn. rite
nate Ifteg wd kateg te Um cflty af BrnasvtcA. ran*,
ty ef Otran and atete af Oeorgte. known and da
acvtkadla tka pten af arid city nada by Oaarga ft.
ite, ln tba year tagt. raOUTrarnWMa. (Mat
— jnadrad and ntraty tell Lavted Mute
and ky vtrtna afa ariteaM team tanad rat af
*—l bftjirtot Oanrt taknr af tba Baud af Bdn*
i af otyan cannty vs. Jobs ft. Ftankttn. Ann ft
Jin and Basalts Franklin. Lavted on
arif iriy af tba arid 4ta ft. Ann ft and
FtenkMn. to mttmtf tba att i ft. Bvpartyi
ant to ratd raartgaga « fa. rrinriyri arasrat
|Wj^MgdT.dtt.K.te «tan
ftftSSttrioL. 11 niiAftoftftftPftr.
dftela to —rannak. AfntatBnaawk]
■ W.«. nwtlE. Ifttet atfttoten.
It Ivan aid and lrne a
■rind sneraaa. and Mr. tkavtd Vriabato ta a Bring B
that adagv. Only a tew yaara knrkwan
nlHUa trail dry gaate atera. with knl vary Mttla nrara atete than Ihri ra>
ftvlrwd to All tka ebon windows ef May
farVridrinl dry goad store, yen arateawa teanaof tba tergrataata
corapktely fi
antflrw MUateffften. brib aa te fnality and prira. Tba onUryrtring rtagriotov
baaoarnmlananvtaUa faatea M kia ratabllika m.ridltnkui4 tbrangb*
entail aacttraaaf tba conn try aa Vnana CUaf Dnv Onona Irona, and at
oa la bwpnt*kl< vvtdranaf ktajariatef te Ibri ItriiariUn. wa aaad «aly ra-
Om af tba aritn bataras of bla aatohdriunadt la Ibte be be hrtagi N to tba
deer af arary vwvtriavr; to ftrt. haters Iba dear af wary ban* an every craw
rand by .hte Syrian* baraaly: Any om nbn writeo ter —nylra rvrivav team ky
the nail raafll. wHft^ricaa and prise Mat. 4ara which teliarivni «n Mads, and
the order torwardad. Wbat tbe order tasssk to ten dalten, and tka aranay
teaant, ka prepays tka Bright. U tka goods ara ardarad •* ft a D, M and tba
trdwr araoaats la Hwnty dotSasa, ka prspaya tka Bright, ft save, ovary ran,
■■tear can priori hte goads hnatends of rattes away bam Iwsih.jnrira waU
aa if they warn ta terra ash, aad gri Ibara daHragsd to Iftrir naarsri eteUoa.
tero eftapsnra ar ftatgM rbargsa. at bte mw yriraa, and tharsby saonraa gnat
I tobny ftaraaaonalry
"EaUblUbgd 18M.
A. J. MILLER & Co,
Wholcnh) and Retail Dcnlcrs in
Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths,
WkFi doerflinger
QALLuSkumlm U. UrpiaV hM.Uf.Ur ■*•
Etc,, Etc.,
Which haa Jnst arrived and la balog sold at low
ICrpnfra gfnlf hlndadnnenn short nntlag
mm4 Bnilafncilon tlttnrnntrrd.
nalffQl of BUffrnod-back Watckaa
tebUy . ' W. F.DORftfXUtOKJI. Agent.
tenAb 4 Destar baUdlag, two doora ttran t O
White & Decorated
French China and
Danker and Broker,
Exchange bought and soli
Inu>ranee* Beal Estate Agent.
gg*Agsn!ler rrirheaks* Avatar Md Herring*
Travelers Ins. Co.
Life nud AcciJcnt Insuraaco.
JJLDezter,Insurance Ag’t,
>*MI| Ito Smoj. * tomts, (to.
ASSETH, - W,30W,000
r in m mm wihs nUasM
Bronswick, - ■ Georgia.
gear tba
Window Shades, Mattings, Bto.,
148, ISO snd I S3 Broughton Street,
JT to far jesr iafansl to tosfle wfth s* te ih* kSowtag, smmg mu,, ns-»slwvmrtiwWXpslmK.rtmk.