Newspaper Page Text
EMM tlltfllTl'ifl! UIIIN’IU.
The Advertiser and Appeal,
rrwJMisp i*nf utvrpit at
t. 0. sr.*cr.
nw caff oa* y*«» ft •>
Mi •peril*'!, an I pa; m
Mrlfl arronllBfly.
New Advertisement*.
Marrit— aa I <ddt gary n*»tlr** •ulrirmliini
nmuulralitiMa should Ik* *d>
4 to IA* aadml^l.
T. «i. »TAC |,
Uraaawirb. 0*«nria.
City 111 rectory.
M*r~- i.t.TMmm.
A. T. Pataaia. W. V. Walk la*, i. J
Rpw*. I* T. I>uaa. J. I*. Uartrjr. M. C. Hill
ftrld. r. 4. DorrlU|ff.
CUrk d Trmmrrr—iuurt HoaatoB.
Ckiqf Mmrrkml—B. A. Fahn..
Amidmmt Mmnkmt i. I.. Ik ark.
IShrrm*a—W. II. fUiiirjr, T. W. |k.||.
/fosaar «»f CUrk -/ JT.irlf-Ii
A. Moorr.
/Wf l%fuUm-C L erhlallor. Jr. M. D.
Off rkjpMoaa—L b Da«t*. M D.
//trW MmArr—O J Uall.
J Wf ITarAraa—M*tlkrw kbaaB-u. Tboa O'Cua
•or. Jr. aalA V Pa Imam.
. r** 1 " »»• n aMal* raro for all bilboaa
‘ Iw ’ s«M. «ua sms.
twtui. *•»!•..I f-l II «H 5 Ik. fttW*K.££'. Mil, ft. w,.Mte
la all rmaa of ••.{■Ira attacka aa4 irliflra
mu.^i 1. b n ., ib. “u•■“r.USrS
L’ 4 .^.!'"'’" - IiK. utraocsf xrw
* FILL* trilrin tin- ralirr at.tMu of aalaa
*** arbo*. ralltraa Ibr aj iril. aaf **■*«!• aaw abtol
Call for Dii. in^atimaM# m«H<lar al roar an
4ra« atoro. ami take an Hbrr.
..'IV' 0 " ^ ,,rl *J r w* "• **»*«« A«* aao*b#r fom
n 41 ^ w
\li. oviut tiii* v4«t rorvrnv
Tfo* rraplr I'ralteThm t
Data ant >-b nil aalrr lr.a aad
«*aujr da) a of aarlraa lal.rr/.
of LalUra aay fr<aa ratMaka an
I* *a«
Wbal Li
over Ibr LaM table «lobr
Dr. lUjdn*
r of all
riaaars—Coaprr, Watkin. and Dunn.
Nraaara. Daaiaa A Bail****-Dunn. Watkins
aad Little Arid.
keitoa WbifoCMMltrr -CO Moore.
Rritoa Colored daabrf-lpkl« Wblia.
Town roMMOBa—llarrrj. r.upr and Npraia.
Ckmktcbibs—Itpeara. Ivorflinurf and «'<*ujwr.
HlltW IHtyK. X|» ar. and Putnaai.
ITBLH- ariUXSMM—tVatktlia. iKM-rfllBtfer and
lUlUMutM-DorrllnApr.llarvejr and LHlIrlaM
Li>r< ATtoji—I'utnam. Hpars and Imiiiii.
Cmabitt—Patnata. Mill* n* Id amt Dorrllngi
PiBR iiRraaTMRaT—fl|H ara.I'atnani and Hart
roues- fatnam, Dunn, and Watkin*.
f'ollartor .dCaat.Hna-Ji.Un T.iolllns.
r new Utrr |.ill baa rlj
.Inara f.** ate ..f At* »t Ira |*IU*
• Hi# of pour i l l. eared a*.
My beada. L- l aa |. it um. Mead
>> !• iBlbe k"UM,
fr.HB IhIiLhi* enlte, lira of
nrnuLii Boons in stocks.
mrj. to souLogriEiMo rro* the
isrsrjuc .vo osowth or iuh-
o E s o l- s roitrouatioss.
Jmt ss I cxptctCAl. Tbe lease of
Ui. Gcorgis rsilrosJ never ... con-
tamplstod. Tbe whole excitement
csras from s rumor mannfsetared to
order to put money in somebody’s
pocket. Tbe ssme thing happened
Isst year, and tbe Ack went booming
np, sud tb. knowing ones nnlosded,
snd slock went down sgsio. Tbe
tyrsnicsl. Tbe people fear ’em more
thsn they respect ’em and they get so
bavo been paid, snd if bail
s man instead of n corporation with'
much flattery and homage, they get to oat a sonl, be would bars been mado
beliere they are 75 per cent bigger] to pay em. I dont like to aee some
than they really are. Thu is very
natural I know-, for human nature is
powerful weak and a man gita dizzy
when be gits away np yonder. I've
been wonderin' a long time what
makes men so anxious to own railroads
and he bothered with 'era, considerin'
that but few hare made money, and
it s an uncertain sort of property any
how. There most be something else
besides uncertain prospective divi
dends ai\he bottom of it. Now, the
Georgia Western and Colonel Wad-
(feorgia 'railroad is not goiag to be lc j'* “®» of cour«e, are exccp-
mo ail'd be
After au I
U»*b ruia mr*4 mm, aad I bav« M~rm
t «m »f Iba BMlady.
Oar 4«rtrra btiis.| for Cbraalr CaMlliaUoa.
^ they railed IL ami al laal aaM 1 •MteMiCjm-
I nt* half of _
Cb'dara M»rbua. Tb* Soar yuaag Uklasgol
» of poor pflla to mj bab* for
foe .if terrible nniralifla aad |«lna
halMHUr-Uniu X»rtb.
1'ofnniiaalonrr—C. 11. Intbr.
Nliip|ilnff Commlaalotier-ti. J. Hall,
eorilT SESSIONS IN tiik iuicnnwick CIIICTIt!
CLINCH—|n| Monday In V,. |, r , i Mold. nd.Br.
AI'I'MNU—:b! M< mla.i in Ma:. i .... I H. i. i ,l.. r .
WAYNK-4IU in MaMi ami
m:i(CC-!at Moiidap in April ati l n. l.d r.
WA|(K—M Monday In April and u. udn-r.
ComX—Tuaaday alt. r «t)i M-n l .y In April and
^CAMDEN-TuaatDy allot »1 M.'ii lap In Map and
CIIAHLTON—Sd Monday la Map and November.
OI.YNN—41b Monday In Map and NovamWr.
Fur all .llaeaaea of tbo Kldneja. Ralentlon of
rm..o. etc.. Dr. Ilay.l.w k'a New L
l-’rfeot rare. One |Hll Bill aatlafp tb.
r Mila
oa« abeptlr.
I 4 rostra tb hi.
!»• Md IM GongrwM, lit and U1 St. Julian a
A^ncoltaral Implements.
Rubber and Leather
and Mick be. Dr. Itapdurh'a Maw Ll« c r PUU
will b« found an eflkleat It-medp.
They are umteraal in lb. Ir tfacta, and a car* can
altuoai alwaja U guaranieed.
•d Oi riiii.aD.Hw
I'rlrn l««.aii>-n
•syjjddnwaon MCflpt ol Quanta K!»a ilala for
W*l, JO rail Mml *n Tort.
t. x. man 1 . jum. r uMBwairr
Green Grocers,
Country Produce
leased or sold until all tbe bondhold
ers agree to it, and they will never
agree. They live along the lina of it
and at both ends, and they took tbe
•lock mainly to help oat tbeir towns
end benefit tbeir property and tbeir
business, and there is no law that will
liermit a majority to divert it and
build up Savannah at tbeir expense.
There are some things that cannot be
did, and that is one of them. I know
a man who owned n mill, and be took
stock in an iron furnaee close by, and
after awhile tbe furnaco concluded to
build u mill, aud tbo court said they
couldent build it with bis monoy, for
while they might cot bis throat they
sbouldout mako him furnish tbo knife
to do it with. It would be a public
calamity to turu tbe Georgia road
over to tbo Central, for it would cut
off competition, and competition is
wbat tbo people want If the Central
enu afford to pay eight per ceut sho
will bavo to make it up in aome way,
aud tbo people will be tbe aufferora.
These corporations aro getting too
'mis. Her sale fc, , big all over tbo country. They con-
iim lr °i the uatioinl government iiowun.l
they are after the States. Most ever
paper wo take up ho* something about
their glgantio combination*. Our on
ly protection is to keep tbom apart—
keep them from eonaolidating—keep
up tbe competition—keep em down
with the law. Not long ago there
were tbreo telegraph companies, but
now they bavo couaolidatcd into one
and charge us wbat they please.—
Somebody discovered a thousand
years ago that corporations bavo no-1
souls, aud its never been contradicted
that I bavo beard of, and wbat is still
worse they never die. A thing that
baa no soul an’can't dio is bound to be
dangerous and bad better be watched
sod kept in prison bounds. There ia
too much corporation anyhow. Ev
ery little town and camp-ground and
tions, for I suppose they are to be
built just to bring cheap coal to At
lanta. I reckon it must be pure, un
adulterated philanthropy that is at
tbe bottom of thoso enterprises, snd
they won't charge any freight at all
on tbe coal. Maybe that is wbat Co
lonel Wsdley wants with tbe Geor
gia road, for they do say that a cool
mine has just been discovered down
about Covington sod be wauls to car
ry more coal to Atlanta.
I recon it's about time them fellers
folks pitchin into little Billy Msboue
about repudiation and consistency
unless tbeir owu skirts were clean and
they bail been a little move consistent
themselves. Wall, wa dont mind it
from our Hen an much, for we doo't
keep him there as a sign board
cousistenry nr an immaculate defend
er of tbo faith, but to defend ua from
radical slanders and expose radical
lies, sod art as a lull to tbe whip of
our indignation. Every man bu bis
peculiar forte, bat the Democracy of
tbo seventh district are not bragging
on Ben u a consistent champion of
Democratic principles. Bat are didst
expect Joe Brown to pitch in. In tbe
first place, there wa. no necessity for
it, and it could do no possible good,
ami lie is not given to taking risks
when there is notbiug to be mods by
it. Resides this we dida't think be
bad that much countenance, conoid'
ering all things. Tbe people sent him
there for bis sagacity and caution.—
They wanted him to still bunt—to
get our share of tbs public mousy
who aro booming tbe Georgia railroad and maybe so office or two for tbe
stock with manufactured rumors
should begin to unload. Maybe they
cau iutlato it np a little higher first
and thou they will sell, and after that
they will manage to tnmble it and get
it down to 110, and then they will
buy again aud repeat tbe operation.
That's tbo way some folks mako tbeir
living. That’s all right, I reckon—
get mouey honestly, if thou cunst
but at alt events get monoy.” It's
about ns good away as srlliug long
and buying short, or speculating in
boys—to get bis bands iu the public
crib, ami bis arm iu, and bis should
er in, und get in all ovor if bs could.
They seut him there ss a policy man,
a shifty man, a successful man. Tbs
Yankee* didn't seem to like our bour-
boua aud brigadiors, and to we
thought wo would try 'em with a high
private or two. We've got ell aorta
experiment with—secoab that
stood up for the Confederacy, and
uuiuu men that diOnt, anil uuion men
that stood up, aud secesb that didut,
keu'almiox hash a rrix ash well as
Standard Scales
Together with n full line «»f Slirlf
■ lartlivurr, for aule ut the loweat
t ' 4 *'U |»ncv«.
»*.i nJ* AM,KR hwotiikn*.
m dimis
iiM.m: minu
('rt r ppL KS
r " " 41 1 "• VII* I l'VIIIIM
All *4 Bto. A aru ..fT r-d Air «aak al mmiU
They Mean Business!
Aloft csvraep NtWaaall# and tf--nl <Mr~tu.
Steamer Ruby.
future*. It doesn't add one dollar to In't it looks like Mr. Garfield dont
the general prosperity. It just takes j like any of us, aud is buutiug around
from ouo to give to another. Tbe me- f° r Houtltorn Republicans who wuru
ebunio who works for a dollar a day! Republicans from principle and not
does more for bit country and bit f ur selfish cuds. Well, be can't find
'em. I never knew but one, and he’s
dead. Rut it ilou't matter. Let our
.Senators pitch in. If Joo didn't make
anything off of Mabnne we can stand
country church and county fair aad *j ona got a receipt for it.—
‘Jesso. 1 “ * * *
cotton factory and any other factory j He con,d trade " iU * Lim * elf
that baa a wheel about it must bo in-! “ ‘“'‘K'uatmn and get rich, bat when
nice, for he produces something that
i* Deeded mod bo earns bit mooejr b,
bouest labor. These nigh cuts to for
tune may pay on the short run, but
they don’t pay in the long run. AI it ho can; though I nerer did ad
man told me tbe other day that ho l,n * ro to seu a rauu go a hauling for
watched the cotton market every day! hawks and shoot off a big load at a
tor a month and predicted whether it [jay hint mid miss him, and get kicked
would go up or dwon and ho hit it over with his own gun. Nevertheless
uiuetccn times out of tweuty, nud be, we are ho]>cf:il. Bill Am*.
was so proud of his judgmeut he went HOW INDIANS RETURN CAIIC
into tbe cotton exchange and invested I "° W inaiAHS ^ TUHN <*11*.
ten dollars as a wager, betting on in A party of .Sioux Indians were
advance by the next telegram, and j guests at a Milwaukee hoUl, and the
while the feller was writing a receipt 1 ladies had a great deal of amusement
for tbe money, the dispatch came and with them, studying tbeir customs.—
cotton was lower and his money was That is, they all did exerpt one lady.
The ladies called upon the Indians
and tbe savages returned the calls al
Ala -WOrm JTalMW.
IHd fan b*ar «4oM Billy Mila*,
WRfo* aa hmmm* pttmtm tmmrn
Or strfraAa;
U«4r«BH Ibrwih tka Btlrw
ID* Boga far Sir*.
1*4 Billy, ay aw
H» Im IBM wflkMl iM^a +t IS* laay.
Tb* triaiy.
Tbwrt bww* II bar*
U* ilafl Bfwr rHara.
Obi Billy, Biy on,
Mabuu rrbMf!
Ui Urn Rad Dal* Ban Ua fof a*.
Y%b. ylffib I
TWyH flat Ilk* lb* Hs ls Iba *«y
Mb'* bl«b;
Sn. with tb*M IH blBI BBBulBf,
Tb* u!4 IDadJa«t*r,
Vindala'* bMMfi Ml law.
Tbaafb cffB—Ji
Faraday am rmmrn U» blaraW
Wb** a fro*I
WUI Ml«bl batb lb* tmmrn
Tbs Eatoutou Htmetjer baa aaut
lout circulars to tha farmers of Fat*
nam county, asking tbeir opinion ro-
Iganling Iba wiadoaa of raising ”all
cotton.” It pobbabss tbirteeu replies
—all it hasraesived aad aritbootauy
exception tba planters condemn as
I foolia i any such policy. Key agree
that nofsiiuer can be independent
land prosper when bs baa to boy bia
I meal anil bresil sod farm supplies
| from tbs West.
Wheat and pork may be good far
I "side speculations," aa Sailers Bays,
I but if a mao wants money by tba ton
bo abouhl go into oetricbca. Horn
Ian tbo figaree: An oairiob boa arilt
llay eighty eggs per aanua, from
which eon bo hatched eighty young
uatriebsa. Of Ibaaa folly aavauty will
be bens, and racli one of them will in
torn produce eighty ostrich chickens
annually. In two years tbs ostrich
breeder will have 0,312 ostriches—or
I say 0,300, fur perhaps tba cat will
in killing a dozen. These
I birds will lie worth »l,57o,00a To
this luiut be added Urn vmloe of a
I Jvar'a crop of feathers, which, accord
ing to tbe California*, will amoont to
| |Q30,000 more. At tbs end of two
Don't grow old and rusty and cross, |l r * ,,r * ** ,e ° , * r b ; b farmer will tboa be
afraid of hoik onus and fun. Tolerate ,r,,r " , D> sw . uu0 . »f'*r dedueUng, as
tba follies anil i ruditie. of youth.-1 ,l "* bw " 1 "beady said, twelve bird., as
Gray liiiirs hihI wrinkles you eaunotI* P u, *‘ble result of eat depredatioos.
escape, bat you neetl uot grow old iu R‘ti'1 a very goo.1 old man: "Sumo
folding iinlese you cliouae. And ao •“Ik* "to nlwnya complaining about
long aa your ago is only on the out- tb" weather, but I am very thankful
aide, you wdl wiu in cuufidcuco from *uhu I wake up iu tbe morniog and
the young, and find your life all tbe fi"d any weather at all.” We may
brighter fur contact with theirs. Out smile at tbe simplicity of tbe old mao,
you Imvo too many gravo thoughts, but .till bis luugnnge indicates a apir*
ninny weighty anxieties and du- '• Umt contributes much to a calm
, bni much to do to iiinku tbi* trif- lu, d I’oiteefnllifu. It is wiser and bet-
g possible, you say. The very reu- tor In cultivate that I linn tobocontin-
n, lu.v friend, why you sbnulil culti | tiully complaining of things as they
vale fun, noiisonse, light lies* of heart
bee. 111*0 you neeil them so tuucli. Tbe newspaper boys srs buying
because yon art 11 weary with think- boilml shirt* and getting ready for
iug.” Then do try to be young, even tbe Prern Convention,
if you have to be fooliab in ao doing. The Atl.nU Conrtilution tells of •
One cannot be wim all the tim* rich April fool that was played at tbe
ECONQJdY.* I C° t,on Exchange in that irity on Fri-
day. Tbo majority of the dealers in
White wo are willing to admit that futures are "bulls,” and while tbo
tbe babit of economy ii a useful, prao- crowd loungod about n bogus telc-
tical and most desirable one, few gramwssp<isteilodlb#boiirdsiiuot-
would think of attributing to it any- ing the market at from fifteen to
thing of beauty or attractiveness.— I twenty poiuU lower, aud "weak" in
Yot tbe ccnnnmy of money, or its best tone. For a brief period tbe Exchange
oat—for they are synonymous—besio I was filled with a variety of sigbs,
it this very element. Thoee who live howls, biases, groans, profane tinmen-
fully np to or beyond their income, in tiouablee, »t c . When tbe regular
tbe wearisome effort to build up to or iparket wts rcceivnl quotations were
keep up a certain style of sp|iearanee, marke.1 higher and firm, and tbe scene
really, though unconsciously, sacrifice in che Exchange changed like magic,
the very .llr»cliven.« which they In pto'ad.'pbla lwo men enter.)
kto poHloce Tb. dffiMUt and Urn je«lr, rteee of Jueepb K. David-
pmalnl effort which it coats they folly ,„j one of ihrm „ k e,1, 0 have a
realize, but I be,im.g.n. it to b. bH|.j Um00(| rf .hiefabebmi,
moat licforo Uiu lidiM got to tbeir
corporated. Tbcro aiu'tbut one town! b * tricJ U " itl1 "““‘-ber feUer, bo did{moms. One lady called on a chief
iu tbe statu that uever bod a charter Dot know an . ,t!lin K "bo-* 1 . "“‘I ho quit an-l then weot to her room and re-
tud that is Lexington, and she h«l ,aJdBnl J ,f ‘ ,r 8o° J - I've no objection i tired, and pretty asm there was a'deo from Ml but themselves—and I nev,ral ( ia r a before exehamreir When
got along verv well and don't want a ““ 8 ctUn S nJ of ■“» money in knock at her door and she found that herein lies tbeir great mistake. * * ' S '
one. No mayor or aldermen, no city! an ^ f ko *“ U to ' bu ‘ « be “ be ittbe ebfef. She told him to
marshal or police marching around- I l >' eU ,omcb< > J l r *■« * tor nothing, on a come m the morning. Tbo lady uo-
no ten dollars sud costs, no calaboose , U t and a,ruU aro0Bd u P° n **• be locks her door in tbo morning so lbs
n» town tax or street Ux or bog t.x t» rank with the drone, in tbo jKirtcr can come in and build a ««, ■
or dog law or cow law, no town lines bec hl,e - <‘"«b'»nibler isja,t«good before geU up. She • knock | • I " '«■' "f.
or limit to, a fight "if « »" , > ,b « r . but it look* bard to jail » in the morning, sud *up|**ung it ..!!:,!- PI Z..-
,01.11 just walk outside of tbe cor,a>- Win* »bo IhU fifty cent* at ,K.ker, !"> tb "tome.... Tb.
ration.'' Tl.e town it as big a* tbe #u, ‘ b' 1 feller bet stli.WM) on door o|a-nej| aud iu walked Mr. ludi
I the men departed it ws discovered
that they had taken alia Iwx contain
ing diamonds, sapphire* and other
precious stones valne.1 at $3,500, suit
left ia its place a duplicate Im.x con -
Uining white amt colored |«pers,
Tbe bnaband'* |*.*iti.ui de| upon I* ncb "* * r -’ n*e*l by jewelers to wrap
her II slie die., be i» d. posed and dhtottods in.
county, and tbe county fills like it.
cotton if be want* to. Rut then I an.
She took oue look at him and becomes a lucre la} man; l.ia property' A bill bu bceii introducol iu tbo
... , reckon the taw wanta to *ec the thing |>nlle.l tbe bed clothes over tor head. “ uU " ,ru, “ b»« «ud diatribut- Freucb L*gi*lalure proiidieg that
her IoN U All-I lilltUB CAT A Ol 11, Alitl ® - _ _ _ 1 3 I t* a I. * _ I—— .. I *— if j . it— m«sm — 4 a I- , — —.L. - $ t.: I. a — I. ■ I.
tbert- in nu j* j1«ui*v or littln •|UArrt U
•lone iu an t l.-g int way by clegan” He «at down on tbe aide of tbe fed e-l. half to Ids children and half to tbe »»J ciliaen who h-e. hi. life while
between tbe town boys aud country «<-ntle.ui.. in an elegant place, called
. bovs. There', no doable set of law. a “'“‘in exetovnge. I thru ,Hior «ared .bat Mm del not know How
| -ine for tb. town and one for tbo M ow ‘ , U * e oth " d ^ to “* c AlUot * 1 ,ro '" Adam ' a,,d *° b,m io ‘ b «
TARI F country There's too much corpora- ■ “ d tr f“ tben the J * in 8» to, be. Sioux aba could command:
I nuuu . * in JmbmJa .\IIwmij*Uteprison iu doc timo for 1 I good Mr. Indian, go rw*y
—“O— I uA it look, lilts tb! imperium U the u>akin * a li,Uo >’“ acl of whi * k J r b - v I ° 0 ' il 1 f* b,, ‘ be didn,t *“ m
SCHEDULE OP HATES Wt. A railrom. ~^rMi^pj^^ b ; f “^, guitar ^
—* n K' but if a rich man U d£Sl apparel from tbe floor, different .rti-
SUSIM0NS & BRUNSWICK can't help it. They carry while lead
I said, "How ?" Well, she wu (^ Goveru'iiral. Tliiw dreadful eoatin- saving life or property »i a fire, any
gency makes tbe Raasisu priest care
ful to get a healthy wife, if be
and makes biiu take extraordinary
good care of her after be bu got
her. He waits upon her In lbs moot
object way. She must never get tier
feet wet, and she is petted and put in
hot bl inketa, if ahe bu ao much u a
tbo notion, and tbo Coiumiaaionera ^ t|u , tuu _ wtjy can - t # f c l"cs that be didu't aeeiu to know any- [ *-'**1 i» bi-r lieoil. It ia tbe greatest
.help it. they carry wtoto lead „„„ mate , fow without going thing about where the, were worn, P—iiblo g.aal fuHuiw tor a girt to
from St. lamis to Golartown lor v» I k. i;s. ,i.„ and mail* comment* nuon them in 1 marry a i.riest, infiuitelv better than
physician who die. while la -uriBg iu
the hospitals iu time of epelemir, ami
anyone who din while eudmvuring
to aura u fellow being, ehall lie rrganl-
ed as a soldier slain on iba battle
field, ami insure a don pie pension.
Oregon bu bit upon a new expedi
ent to keep ber citizens aolwr. Every
man who drinks ia required to lake
oat u license costing five dollar* a
Unless armed with ibi* ilocu-
1 Ml i:ii*.\i i.y r*Kr> n,i ; mi l ioi>
City Tiix .Notlet*.
to ape the
i* called “The Xevv
u *o::»c of our preach-
til to the now depart
in tliu miiMIv. It til
thing, mu I I
"li-tectit! with 'em. ;
git-lgr* Inking tl»e |» :
rori'U everywhere, hi.i 1 *h»nT warn
too man/ of ’em belonging to one
— . i company. The pcoplo in Southwcat , lt ,, ... .
. TN* !••*• 4ffi* lb* rtlf •*# IlntMuBls k «B r**l *•» * r . * * a t R» good M tho Old, either IQ honesty
Ut-. impmvBMMiu. *M tarry m^rrUm M mrmomml (ieorgl.1 ttro afraid of tllC Central now. t . . *
ruWri-tCl' Ito, mud, arbitrary power-too much; or * l “P“ C “ J ' I . do " ‘ * mb °° T
king and subject. ' When tbe love of crn I ^' , “ ocrac y baa got much ranust-
i • • a t' * . icncy to brag of. If Bullock and Kim-
doro in ion take* hold upon a man it * . , , .. .... . .
. . . a », a,, boll atolo by the million, wbat are our
growHouhifU and he cant tolerate | , u * A . ....
.... .... . I people aetting thorn up ao high tor.
any op|*...tiOD, \\ itb all due re.poct I( ^ wUt diJ Wfl ^
to oar railroad presidents, I am pre-1 caw ' cm c ( ( or j Some of the
bel l lb
The indy trembled nud wished I.
"unld ; " away. Hu seemed to In'.
great delight in examining tli« bni.
on Ihe biu< an, au«l lisiketl ut tbo la- ,nll L'ubb, William II. Stiles,
these license nr ' to Ic published ill
«... * C'Ai'iiic «e-
s*-itt itn •**, Edwards, lilaek, Hugb il,,.riwd to drink.
A lt*rri<*Mii. •Mm II. I.ninpkiii, How-
urc. I dou’t think the new South it *oiue huntUu tribe baa made war on
iiiiich :p» to aay, •• Poor girl., U. Chappell and Alexander H. Ste-
»hr •• •• a.p«.,
«'* •• ana •• •• Ur*..
DBfke lb* ft eptfoffi ml fviaiM and »A. r lira-
II * I lav- Aru( <|W«rt*fflF Mt l.tBBl Ol" ■ art low
•n-b. aihi bid a* "I'ArdMi iif Jid 4if oi m*t> a.
ImI, «bcB nrrwinfii Blit a* IwteJ $>f ttk* r«Ur*
Moiial«fbua 4b* frf ia* ytmr **B$i»e! BrAtMl
I tatty prana wlw bib L- MUr mj b»bbI m ilour
<MAr* b<«ff from * «.
r:vwi.b 7 g. j| yuuur.:..
* . Bffid from i |sa
JAXCI UulYTuN. «*k tl m4 Trvatam.
vsus. Of all that delegation, Mr. Sto-
tbe |>ale face and taken mauy scalps.'
Finally she happened to think of
tbe ball, and ahe rung it u though
tbe bouse was on fire, and pretty soon
tbe porter came and invited tbe Indi
an to go down and take a drink. Tbe
lad, locked the door too qeick, sud gbeiWriiw. “
she d never leave it open again when 1 -« w,» »
tbeie are Indiana in town. 8be says I Women's brorte aud violins are
ber hair—on the bureau—turned very much alike. It takes a beau to
phena, physically Uia frailest aud who
never bad a well day, is tbo only one
living now. Who would uot bavo
picked him out u the first, and uot
Ibr last, victim to tha insatiate or-
pured to say that some of ’em are bondi we repudiated ought to. gray from fright.—MilimuUx 1Sun. jplay oil c<thcr of them.
Nrur.lsl., " ... I'.Mfc
t'vin* Riunu S. t\, No*. U, IHTlt
I bavo useil your Neurotic tor neu
ralgia, coughs and colds, snd bora
been ranch beuefilted by it
Mm K K Kxxxxor.
From Adjutant Gsusral Jooaa,of N.C:
Tbe Neurotic bs* been used by
members of my family. It b An effi
cacious rsmedy far nsurolfi*. Belief
from peiu woe promptly ptoJurad by
applying it externally, as dinatad.
r. *7.1878. J* —