Newspaper Page Text
The Advertiser and Appeal,
pT uj«n etUT UTCWtl AT
/?• ST&CT*
On* cop r «*»•
On*copy* 11 *
AjrvHiarmmU from rMputalbt* p*ftlr«n
u mHI*M until ocJefrd out. whe-n the-Un.r IS
An4 pAjmcnt r «*•!*! »crordlnglj.
CtanMl" 11 — f»c l«»lt."f ot a
ntnoml ck*r»*tor. rkncitM n •dvrrtl«*iu* at*.
M*rrtA*^ n«i l oWlonrjr notlrwre
(ovr Una*, nadlrted for |»nbllr»!lon. Whm *«•
Cii*lR|1*nl ~f— rk*Ctf.-l a*»l«rrtl*rnirbta.
jUIMMmaJ r°niu«nHt!<«i aUoultl to *■!•
4MMd to Ik*
T. O. iTACV,
Vniiun irk, < trortfta.
New Advertisements.
(Tty Directory.
AkEZZ. toT. futiiAm, W. W. WaUIm. J J
I>. T. Ihinn. J. I*. lUnrrjr, I. C. Ltttl-
n .4, r. J. iHwrlUtftr.
, urk d Trmtmrtr—iuaf llouatou.
t ki*/A. r*bns.
JmitUmi L. D. * h.
iSUemm-W. II. lUln-jr, T. W. n*»lt.
Cirri «/ JtorM-D
L •rklAttrr. Jr. If. D.
tVjf l%9deum-h H Dn»U. M l».
J#*rtor Jf*jerr-OJ Hall. '
/Vrt N*«r4nu—kfattkro khann- o. Tkoo O'ObB
nor, Jr. and A V Putnam.
aTantxno comnrma or rornrju
rntancs-Conpcr. Wilkin, am! !»unn.
flraxrr*. Patina A Bnii**«»-I»nnti. Watlln*
and Littlek«ld.
Met ton WkltoCtoatocrx-OO M.**r*.
Helton Colored Onwtrrj-Jarkle Wkli*.
Tim* comaojin— Uanr*J. Souper and KpeMO.
Cimewmb Ifaan, Dr©ciHn*rr and Con per.
Hannon- UtUetold. and l*utnani.
Public bciuhbuo—Wattlna. iKwrlliiigrr and
lUlUMUP*—Uorftilnrrr.Ilarvey and UtUrflold
Kuccratio*—FnUMm. Hpean and I»unn.
CatnrTY—rntnam. LltUrllrld an \ iHjvrillujrrr
fiat uaFtaniKMT—*!*■«•.Putnam and II*rrry
p.Li.1- Puinam. Dunn, atid tValkliia.
vxrrco ctatix ormm
Coli*r«or of Ca» tom*—John T.Cullla*-
Ivpntp—II. T. Paun.
Cullertor Internal llevtaa*—P. T. Iluiin.
Ik-pnijr Marahal—O. J. 11*11.
I'uotmaater—Uaaa North.
ConinilmlAner-C. II. UmIt
Hlilpplntf CoBnulaalom-r—<1. J. lull.
CLINCII-lal Monday m War. Ii ai<d topt. mtar.
Al’IT.INlI—*d Mund.iy in Mm I. * I tout iuIht.
WAYNE—4lh Moii.lny in Van n an i toplcmtcr.
liKlIOK—lat Moiidny in April aii.i octot r.
WAKE—Id Monday in April
William Arp skat Brrrj.
**!■■ I. Ola » aria la Dalai Uranr.
■ ,n.l
almost alwaja lie auarantced. .
KAcii vial coxta ins TtrrxTr hum, 1 borrowers they can trait. Say* I to
•'"* 'Mr. Doan, at Gadsden, who in a solid
merchant ami n close observer: "Sup
'll a v'..oik ',u rro'i'i'.'.nT,ko ruur• poao this turiiN out to bo a very poor
,"»lMrt}i n iMi.nimUmti|'■Ton your, whnt thou ?" “ Wliv, air,"
n ”nai.l ho, “tho whole ooautry will be
WHoLnutt *M» KtTtlL
lit *nd ISo Coagreee, Hi and III HI. JulUn *U.
Agncultural Implements.
1*IjOW stocks,
Rubber and Leather
Standard Scales
ToRctber with a fall line uf Slaell
Hardware, fur sale at tho loaeat
caali |>noea.
ajl 7-Iy
cm re lbs
THAN All » 'U1 '"VIlENKI'.
In IMVKUSAl.i t i *«> H»ll HIM "
Tk*m ini’e AM tut aheolnt* rnre for all blllmoa
nd niilarui alT.ctlone. Ttoy urap, I- nub dln-aae
at tu f antalu bead and root it uut of tbr lalt.ut'a
•»*ti III at me*. Tk*7 fortify lb* l*<»!y aca.n*t dla-
ra~ la all form* of ee ldra altark* and ftUnalf*.
an I rttaUe all to brave tto mU*matlr .lancer of
swampe and formta. One of Ml. llAYliOCK'H NEW
I.IVIJt TILLS ibe • nitre luUm of t^lai
and a< l.e., oiiiirm tb<* »j Irtu an>! m nd* n«-w bloud
Call f T U.t. |n.*timaM. mnlielie at jour noareet
a mnedy at hand to cure i
akbac inatantly.
Are th. trn^ yralnaand oMonrnof braltk. and the
tfroatret Irlrtsintf that adrnre baa tfivm to the
The Prnptn Kn»n Thom!
I krPreylr I'nr
'hf Pmy
Atlanta Cr.oatltntlon.
Tboro'i nothing Milled. Spring
and winter keep akinuisUing around,
tho dead-lock at Washington contin
no*, railroad atocka am jumping np
and down, money kinga and corpora
tion magaaiea bntt heads awhile and
then retire on a Mill hunt, while we,
tbo people, look on and wonder and
exclaim, what i* all thii devilment go-
iunw J ing to do to ni ? Fanning has began
•boat in apota The fruit ii kilted in
•one o rebar da and leftaliveinothern.
Tbo floo<l baa pamed away, bnl the
wreck of it atilt linger* in the land.—
The bridge, liave not been rehnilt,
and the aoil on many forma has been
taken olT, and left hole* and pits
which esnnot be filled np. Fences
havo not been replaced, and tbero's
| enough raila in the Gntf of Mexico to
h<>'nor** wotlnaa d«*r* f<>* m* »*f #*• «r tm pllla ' a •• • • , ..
ikrn at <tu« fim#. iHi* nf your ptlla rnr*-d a*. DUlItl N COrdorOJT rONtl UCrOSS it It
Thank*. Inwu>r. My b**d**h* baa left in*. M*bd i,. _ s •• __ .
i* an-Nlter till b> k*«p tnib* b;»u*r. _ _ WOUltl DO ft (>00(1 tllDO DOW to YOtO OD
a stock law—“fence or no fence.'*—
We have worked hard for ten days
banling rock and building rock pens
snd filling 'em. It's doublo, doable
toil snd trouble, bnt Mill we arc not
nnbsppy. We don't aet on the bank
and cast at my bourn. It don't pay.
Corn is going to bo corn and wheat
is going to be wheat this year, and it
becomes overy farmer to be up nnd
doing. If wo don't make a surplus
these rsilrosi'j will suffer snd bo im
poverished tor want of freight* Tbo
slock will tnmblo for want of divi-
dvnda. 'Tbo merchants will lmro no
I.m . eustonrjrs who can pay for what they
>,lr Praia* Thun I
Taka dtsa a«* In tlm* aa<l >« n a ill *ulf*r M and
•* ruany daj* of ueelrta tnUcry.
ki ll kandrwila of Ltlkn a*y from ffillwHi all
tar fhr KaMfabla yloti*:
l»r. Ilajilore. »«mr naw Jitrr |*LI ha* rid m**f all
>nf At*
•ufferiBtf t<>rtiir**fma bflltou* roUa.twooJ
Onr d*«l*n Irtntod to* to* Ckitolf Ctoitlyailoa.
•• IJ.r» raiWd II. *»*l to Ual Mid I wa* Incarabl*.—
T<*nr Na* IAtrt Mil# mr»»1 »*.
I b»l *||Hiita; i»r. Uayducka N#w Utar PUU
ca«* ma a b,arty c
My nau**a <>f • mornlmr I* <
Itoctur, my Mllim*nrM and toad*eh* ar* i
ia fill will MlUfy tin* too*l «k*|>tli-
|»I.Nrrvui TruMralloii.
Wraku-M. iimrral Ijwliad.. W*nl **f Appallm
k II* a.i*< hr, |»r. Ilaydork'a N#«r Ut«r mu
only fCOO, and we bad fGoO." “That
is so," said bis wife; “I took out fUOO
for ns nnd left >50 in tbero for coufi
Bnt yon mosent joke with ciu mneb
as yet. They aM not in a joking ha
mor. The pulmt text now
town is “Lay |p your treasures in
Hcsvcn," and one of tbo ministers
sddcJ, “Where there are no preferred
creditors." WelJ, it’s bad, very bad,
especially on poor folks, bnt tbero are
a heap of good pcoplo who didn't
have any to pat in a bank, and I reck
on we will have to be sorry for them,
too. I board of a poor woman who
bad scratched np fifty dollars to pay
her burial expenses, and when sho
beard it was gone she got up out of
bed and said she couldn’t afford to
die now, nnd is scwiug away to make
some more.
An old acquaintance saluted me so
gaily I said, “Yon don't look like yon
lost anything by the bauk." “ Lost
the mischief! no, sir, I'm assets; I
owe cm and I'm enjoined from paying
OTor. Ain’t it splendid ?"
"•UUSfif hny. Then the bankers will have no
When yon ask about tho popula
tion of Gadsden by the last ccnsns
they don't know exactly, but will tell
yon that hundreds have moved in
siuco the census was takcu. I re
member asking Consin John Thrash
er about tbo population of Toccoa
City, and bo said the ccnsns give cm
700 but it wasn't half taken, and two
families and a nigger bad moved in
sinco. I do like to sec folks stand
up for their town—don't you?
Dim. AUl’.
I'rlre Tweillf.llv
r|. lb'I
DU VAT oxer, t imXOTDXLiTI
bia I, »j run KW.I x.v Tort.
Watchmaker & Jeweler,
broke. Tbo corn nnd meat and bay
and gaano that steamboats and rail-
(joiusnoito, N. C., April — A con
vict named Kiuchen Glenn, who nf-
foctid bis ccape from tbo state
prison a few days ago, was arrested
at his homo at Gold Hill, near this
place. The manner in which ho so-
roads are pouring into this country | cared his exit from prison is as rc-
oa a crodit will not bo paid for. Ev- markablu os it is novel. It seems
crything depends on n good crop that Ginn and another convict were
year - tuoro so tbaa I have over j sick nnd placed in tho same cell. His
known. companion died. His body was cof-
I went round by Dalton to get to, fined aud left until the next day,
u vs i uxs raXTlT ox n ax u A rru. si riLY
Rome—eighty miles to mako twenty
ITfinni .—for tbo ltosao nml Kingston liuo
UEfUUQLl) |,sd not be©* repaired. It’s all right,
| now, waiting for tbo next freshet—
Dalton ia a lively place, and says tbe
wouldn't bare a river if sbo could.—
That's all right, I reckon, for I like
to aes folks contented and happy,
though I told Mr. Lewis I couldn't
J i help thinking about tbo fellow who
wouldn't bate tbe coru because it
when it was to be buried. Tho idea
struck Gum that be might, by means
of substituting himself for tbe corpse,
effect bis escape. Tbe body of the
dead prisoner was taken out of tbe
coffin and concealed under tbo bed,
and Ginn got into tbo case. He
managed to remain quirt until the
The man who “keeps his vyird" nev
er speak*
Tbe intelligent millionaire has both
dollar* aud sense.
Fowls sre glntonons—They take a
peek nt every mouthful.
An Englishman says a dcrtick is a
bivalve, because it is a hoister.
Some |>co[|le are very much taken
up with tbe attentions of |ioliccmcn.
While men gamble iu stock*, women
have been known to gambol iu alack'
The reason hurricanes are not re-
ipccted is becanso they pnt on too
many airs.
A woman utilizes a wrap when it is
presented to hor, bnt a man always
gires it back.
Why ia a spendthrift's pnrso liko a
thunder-cloud ? Because it is contin
ually light'ning.
A young nldy at a ball called her
beau all Indian, because bo was on
her trail all tbe time.
Why are |ieopte who stutter not to
be relied u|ion? Uecauso they are al
ways breaking their word,
Tbe business uf a telegraph compa
ny is “spread from polo to pole.” So
that of the washerwoman.
Made of tho mist—drizzling rain.
Maid uf tho mister—his sweetheart.
Made of tho mystery—hash.
A lady friend says that bachelors
are liko a batch of biscuits—good
enough after they sro mixed.
Tbe pretty face of a woman is liko
dock's—not inndi neconnt unless
there are good works behind it.
If or to muku two children happy —
Whip nun mid he is happy it is over;
nnd the other is lmppy ho escaped.
“Fare wi ll, my own," said tho in
dulgent husband, a* ho provided his
wife with tho best the market afforded.
Tim secretary of tbe navy knows
something of ono ship anyhow. We
refer to courtship—He lias hint four
fails of |ieople are willing to rob
Peter to pay Paul, only they gut tired
wlieii the job is half dune. They nog,
lect to pay Paul.
Wkeu two guahing young women
make a great display of bidding each
other good-bye, it Riay be callod
iuucb adieu about nothing.”
A married laity said to her husband
You bare In ver taken me to tbe
cemetery." *' Xo, dear," be replied,
wasn't shelled. Rut lie needent care
about rivers or anything else as long
a ~ ... ... _.»» h® can keep tbat tub mill agoing.
SILVER PLATED WAR E j Six train loads of passengers a day to
. feed, aud be lets a good table, and
I everybody knowa it. He is an old
jlino Whig—John Quincy Adams Low-
I is—tbe only man I know down South
Instrumental •'w **• »1 ,er (n*t President.
ft.YP SrMt.VGS.
Needles and Attachments.
The isest 5 font Cigars.
coflin witli ita supposed body wan re-\ “that* a pleasure I liftfe yet iu untie-
more J ft> tbo grave prepared for it* ijmtion."
reception iu tbo pruou yard. Three I Tbo price of human hair ad-
H lf T"W -.inu WLJl|W»ft PWt’O NTOMK.
H i ~ oik sale.
ft l*tf M.I* from ft'ct* *»d Barb* htod •» ** r
.uC»»a. *Md
In visor ates.
.Dihr J. Hi VMUU-V
U xr.M.w*». mi •> WwS. t»«l«.
,.—I Me M Muct. r.k IS "Vo
*??'.. ikiej ikf- k-Ml.( Mob. k.,~« “( »«■
.Ok., riUMVkk. OS
negroes, who bap|ieued to have all j valiced to sncli a figure that jute ia
tiro superstitious feats of tbeir race, | now used for ornamentation in the
were detailed to commit the body to I manufacture of oleomargarine. This
its last resting place. When tbe cof-1 is a world of deceit,
fin was carried to tho grave Ginn i \ Detroit saloonist heated a half-
commenced rolling about and groan-' dollar redbot and put it on bis eoun-
ing. The darkies became frightened, j t cr t 0 , cc who woulJ slyly |iocket it.
dropped the box aud ran off ax fast Over twenty meu concluded that it
aa possible. The convict immediate-1 didn’t belong to them.
There’s thousands of G. Ws aud T. Js j |y got out, climbed tbe prison wall, p,whence is a good thing for a man
and T. Ms and A. Js and H. Ca and and escaped. Tbe trick was but when bo has got sa much
discovered, but not in time to catch ov it tll . a llc kau llsU Rll (U; ovcr lbo
An inebriated policeman mistook
tbe obelisk, a few nights ago, for a
disorderly polo player in a nd olater,
and, going np to tbe monolith, arrest
ed it. Tbe ice at the base of tbe atone
added uncertainty to tbe policeman's
footing, and, as he swayed around, it
seemed to him that while he was as
firm as a rock bis prisoner was not
only drunk and disorderly, but waa
trying to escn|ie. Then with a pres
ence of mind always present, drank
or seller, be drew oat bis dab and be
gan to make bis mark alongside of
tbe Egyptian hieroglyphic* Having
worked himself into a secure position
where lie no longer slipped, be eon.
eluded Hist he bad brought bis pris-
oner to term* Then be determined
to get tho necessary pedigree for the
police rcconls:
'* What is yer name ?"
" Thoiutbiues Obelisk!*"
“ Where were yon born ?" •
“Ou wbut ?"
“On Egyptian soil."
" Wlisr, ye iinperdeut scoundrel ?"
" Heliopolis."
*' Nunc of yer fnrrin jobber to me. I
bate furriuer* Mind yez, yer iu Xew
Yawk now, the capitals uf tho Irish
republic. Xuw, bow old sre you ?"
Three tlioil-auil five hundred and
eighty year*
“Xow I know yer drunk. Married
or single ?"
I’ve got a sister.”
Wall, I don't care if you have fif
ty. H ire you a woifu and family ?"
"There were forty in tho fumily.”
" An'd'ye mane to say yer tho dad
dy of 'em all ? Re jsblicrs if yer don't
" You refer to my pyraiuidion, I
' Xoiio of yer furriu talk, I touhl yi
Xow tell mo if you are married."
'* I am wadded to solitude."
“ Yu belong to n quaro family. Yer
Oeorge Washington, of Virginia, •
surveyor by profession, belonged to
tbe aristocracy and was eonnactad
with tbe English gentry. His admin
istration of eight yean was from 1780
th 1797.
John Adaiua, of Massachusetts, waa
a lawyer by profession and a son of a
farmer and shoemaker. Hie tbe sec
ond administration, waa from 1797 to
Tbo uuu Jefferson, of Virginia, a law*
yer, whose fiunily held a good bat not
high, social rank. His administration
waa from 1801 to 1906.
Ja* Madison came from a wealthy
family of Virginia planter* He was n
lawyer, and bis adminiatration wan
from 1809 to 1817.
James Monroe waa tbe son of a Vir
ginia planter, and a lawyer by profes
sion. Hie administration waa from
1817 to 1825.
John Quincy Adams waa tbs son of
a Massachusetts mao, waa a lawyer aa
wall as a literary mao. His adminis
tration was from 1825 to 1829.
Andrew Jackson was a poor boy
from South Carolina, and waa a law
yer, merchant, judge, planter and sol
dier. His administration waa from
1829 to 1837.
Martin Van Boren, of Xew York,
was a self-made man—a lawyer by
profession. His administration waa
from 1837 to 1841.
William Henry Harrioon was tho
son of a Virginia planter, and an offi
cer in the United Slates army. Hia
administration was only one mouth,
hiring died April 4Ui, 1611.
John Tyler was tho son of an emi
nent Virginian; waa n lawyer and tbo
piuatiuii i'll break yer 1 successor of General Harrison.
Janu s Kuox Polk was a Tennessee
an, and tbo son of a farmer. Ho waa
a lawyer by profession. His adminia
tration was from 1845 to 1849.
Zachary Taylor was the ton of poor
parent* who moved from Kentucky
soon after bis birth. He was a soldier
namo ia Tummies O'llliskes, and yerj an ,| nn duty in Louisiana when elect-
ft ... ... ... .....
wuifu's mime ia Sally Tudu. lie gorra
I bolaivu you're a crooked mull. Xuw,
what's yer occupation V
" A policeman; hare boou on duty
for three thousand year*"
“ Are yn a Taiuiuiiuy man ?"
“ I don't understand."
"Whoso yer backer? Who got ye. teacher sod soldier His admiuistra-
ou tbo force ?" tion was from 1853 to 1857.
“ I'hsraob.' | James Huchanao, of Pennsylvania,
" The one iu Aim street ? lie gor- ( „„ the eon of an Irishman from Den-
ra. many of us lisve tbe same influ- .gal, who settled In the above named
once. Do you get a steady steak? state. His administration wo. from
ed President' Hia administration
was from 1849 to 1853
Millard Fillmore waa tho successor
of Taylor. Dora in New York of hum
ble origin, educated himself nnd be
came n lawyer.
Franklin Pierce, lawyer, school
J. C* but the old Adams family wos-
ent very |K>pular with onr people.—
When I got to Rome I found a fresh
sensation, for a bank boil Im ited and
every man who lost by it thought his
own case tbe bsrdcst, and all of them
were mad with the .State for bagging
tbe asset* The state is rich and
Yon do? Thin you must be a Cap
tain—no wonder yuu'ra tough," aud,
divining that lie hail mode a mistake,
the policeman ran away as fast ss his
legs wmi'd take him, while the oliclisk
1857 to 1801. •
Abraham Lincoln was a rail splitter,
Aatboatmsn and lawyer. His admin
istration was from 1861 to 1865.
Andrew Johnson, snocemor of Lin-
took another nap of one thousand coin, was of low origin and was taught
%• If.... . . . .. .. ..
year*. — .W*r York Stitt.
To place your'uiubrclla in a rack
iudicate. that it ia about to change
to read ami write by hie wife.
U. 8. Grant was from obeence ori
gin—soldier by profession. Hia ad
ministration was from 1869 tu 1877.
It II. Hay* of Ohio—lawyer by
onut-r.. Au umbrella carried ovor the profession. His administration was
woman, the man getting nothing but fr°u> 1877 to 1881.
tho drippings of Ibe rain, signifies | J - A. Garfield—administration from
courtship. When the man has thel 1**11° 1885. Of Immble origin-
tlio perpetrator. Ginn worked >■'» 1 Mdo ov a bo.t without cny bait on biz | umbrella and the woman tba drip- «“•* boatman, school teacher, |m,f.
way to Gold Hill, iu Green county.— i.,;.... u wkat ', t | lC luaUsr ov I ,,i„g, it indicate* marriage. To car-! *> r . P«««cber. lawyer, soldi"* lecturer.
He was traced to tbat plac, where be j Wui lUUx'J..
* UJ Wi " ° nC “ A lady sent Usr maid to buy eome »» U to be loet by
I is* rssf iiriisxl lit Inn . inarlor*. I * * .t t 1.11 — W. —..a .
ry it at right angles under your
be returned to Ins quarter* jAreh-eolored Mocking* Tho svrvanl
A Xew Haven brute saturated cot-! returned with stockings jot black.—
ton »itb alcohol, tied it to a dog's iThe anger of the mistress soon gave
cy sre r . s ( Y . tail, and tben set fire to it. The dog way to laughter when .be recollected
w a rig * 8 ... . JV . .. ' started on the ran to get under the that her maid wav a lady of color.
You can argue with th* men about it, .. i
but Mr. Speer bad Utter keep clear I l,ru, ° " b " n ' T J iCn ‘t didn t *ccm ao ^ j t tllke> lhrw! | mn j ro ,| thousand
of tho women if ho knows what's good ; touny to the brute. He madly bowl- cubjo fwJ , ol WOO( | to n i*kc Incifer
for him. Ono good lady bad *650 in at 1,10 ,,0(J ra “ * fter Wm *. b “‘ matclice euongli for American use.-
tbcrc and when sbo heard tbat the | )C,oro *•» couW , >* crta ^° 11,0 nn,nml The nnmUr ot cubie feet of gas and
bank wm a little shaky -he told her >« Kot under the Urn. but somehow Q , ^ u ^ to mnke , h#
. i _ i i.,.i I., nil... the cottou went out and didn t set i nvfi matclifa has not Imoin cotiiiiati'd.
husband to tako it out, but lio pnt on
generous airs about it and said it
would bo wrong—it would show a
lack of confidence- that it was confi
dence tbat sustained Uukx and kept
them from breaking. A few days af
terwards tbo bank broke, and lie
went home a sadder man and got ilt -
Moralized, aud wout to bed <i k, »•"!
love matclica lias not been oMiuiated.
A countryman from Xew Hamp
shire, who lud ncrer heard of a hi
tbe wan who follows you. To pat •
cotton umbrella by tbs side of a nice
silk one signifies "exchange is no rub-
Ury." To lend an umbrella indicates
“I am a fool." To carry an open um
brella just high enough to tear out
turn's eve* nnd kuock off uen’a bat*
•iguifie* “ I aiu a woman.”- /foxton
7V lumriji’.
* sTolen. *
A German in a western town who
had not paid much attention to learn'
Congressman, etc.
Eire Mu-ox, Oct. 15. 1HH0.
Mom. Lon* Itixxix k luma—
Oenllemen—I bad been troubled with
sbortaesa of breath and xsilim* for
about eeren year* and neml many
ramadiea without finding relief. One
bottle Of yoar Brewer's f-ang Restor
er cored me |«ermanentlv.
Yoar* trnly, C. C. Bii scuw.
Micux, Us.
Muss* Inm* ILixtix k Lons—
Itrar Sin—l bad been troubled for a
long limo before using Brewer’s Lang
Restorer, with something liksAstb-
,, , , , .... m* and after asing only two bottles
mg huglish, b n a Imree etolen Iron, (>f your |||pdicin , I Veathcd perfectly
tho barn oil fire. This was poetic
justice. Ilaru was insured fur twico
—* cycle, caino to Boston, ami when lio'bia barn Hie other night, whereupon free, nnd bar* fait no symptoms of
A Galveston parent ia very much I beheld a youth whirling aloug UJ>oil j he advertised M follows: , j tho disease since. I aiu. confident
discouraged at the way bis boys de- 1 ono of those airy vehicle* lie soldo- •* Von nite, der adder day, ven I yoo r n>o^oin o eareij «»d Iebirre
•troy each other's clothing. Tbo oth- qnized thus: "Goby, ain't tlmt queer;] TM l>con awake in mine ahlcep, I bear with'seth es.
or day ho saw that little Bill's shirt 1 wlio'd ever Vpect to sen a m in riditi;
collar ivm torn off, :.nd lie angrily J a hoop-skirt r”
look on amazin, and wonld'i.ti at and ask , q |, oa q happuned. “Johnny
conldent sleep, aud groaned ami tnm- qiq lt( >i wa . t kc . resjX'iixe. “ Well, I'll
blttlnbont on the bed. and called for L, .) 0 i inD>a |,ia e , that's what I'll
mortibine, and finally bia wife t*>ld|j 0 i« “Well, dad, I've paved tbe way
him to ait up a minute, and then sho | / ur j. 0B> j ctt t the whole ceding out
■bowed him a imckage of money ; o{ his new pant*"
marked *600, and informed Isimako! ■ ■*>» ■
took tbe money out herself before the ] “ What do yon suppose Lot thought
sol ", lings vat me links vaa not very
right in my bom, *ml I out -hmiif
“Xow.IteU you, there's nothing ] to bod and raM mil der horn oat and (
particular almnt me." M id tbe f.t der* I eoom. I sees d*t ;ny pig
man by tbe stove. "I ain't on. of
those kind «bo is always finding faalt
Jon D. Rom.
with my victuals and tbat sort of thing.
So long’s a meal ia well cooked and
served hot, and there'* enough ot it,
Yours truly,
Ml uralite, • '■**• east r*M*
Cami' Rush . 8 C., Nov. 9,1879.
I bate used your Neurotic far neu
ron mil tbe shtable off; and ever who nigh, coughs and sold* aud bare
vil pack biin pring. I just so mneb pay been mneb benefitted by it
him as vsa been knshtomary."
A base ball boy tripped and fell and
tor* bi* clothes while chasing a strev
chicken in a neighbor's lot He told
bis motuer be had been sent to fire
by * font. She reached for bom*
. „ , ! who can pnt up with anything in the' and the youth went out on strikes
out stopping, and on looking at the admirable gravity, he thought bow ] „bapa of eating, as long it's good and, bowling for tbo old man to act •*
packag'd again, be raid, "Why, this is ho could get hituself-a/rvsA on*." nice." | referee.
suspension,°aml he got w*U immedi- when bo beheld his poor wife turned, an j ‘ l ‘ m ^ r, * h ' 1,0 «ti
room, and kissed her furiy times with- I suppose, sugge-ts onr wit, ^ ltb I w bo can put up with anything in tho an.
From Adjutant General JeM* of N.C|
Tbe Nsarotie bn* been weed by
weaber* ol,mj {easily. IlbN «•
carioaa remedy lor i
from psin i