Newspaper Page Text
himwick a mum im appial.
Tlie Advertiser and Appeal,
T, Go S
a all
OMCW 1 * 1
f*>M rMp«MMlU* parti-•'•ill
W aiMI‘ aaUlortrHvat, *fc»a IMInir i«
MlmHM, ta4 pijmral narlr-l a-- ..rdlngiy. an.I a ||
ilE«MrM»o«a ft* lB.II»Haal l-m M.r of a r ,
,,, « cbararUr. rk*r«*4 •• a.l^rU-.»^«la. | LIVku I ILL* .
MarrtacM aa-t aNIaarr ■-•tirra
MpaW^k*. Wkr. a.
mJju that ■■ar~. rharH a* ad»trll*<*f»l».
MlkSlrt?SnimmmmttMUmm .fc-uld U aJ
Now Advertisements.
rba« | r: « ar- an tU-oluU rcre f-r all Mlll-xta
••klntlarai all-v Tfoay »r*| ,-!*« w uh llwa-c
l “* — U* pallfkt
■•I •>
Tb*y f -rtlf; thr ImwIjt a«a.ii*t .11*.
••feu-Mm altar I* aril ri-t-Umlra.
• l-ra»p th» futarMiallr ifaa*rr »f
City Dlrrctory.
" cm or now*.
SZZ^i Al?!r3iaa. W. W VaUla*. I. J
Mp«afa, D. T. Oman. i. V. Barr.y *. 1. Lfttl*
Or*4 Trmtmtfr—ium** H<hm*ou.
CUtfMartkml R. A. Fakaa.
/Mmmmw-W. II. Rataar. T. W. Dolt.
K~r*r y G—ri «»l Cork •/ I«*w-D
^rlrt lNp^aa-C L ■rklatl-r. it. M. D
Of n>pmruf»-L B D*»U. M. D.
ffarW Jfasfr-O J Hall.
/VI IT«r4rt*a—Mallkaw Aabut u. Thoa OV*-a- aa4 A V httaai-
•TtiDiiw ouaiMlWM* or fiitariu
rmtart—Orapaf. WaUla* an-l Inhi.
HraaiTw. Daauia A DatPoia-Duna. WaUla*
aad LHtlrA.-M.
Kailua WhllMYtnetery-OO Moufw.
Holloa Oolofad Crfwalrrjr—Jarll* WNil.r.
Towa CoMMoaa—llarvrj. Snuprr an I MprftM.
c*»aniaiaa-Aprar*. Paartllayr an-l c..u|« r.
UABaoa—UtlMNMo *|^ar* 1‘nlnam.
rrauc anudaoa—Wallilu*. I«.» rfliu.rr an-l
RaiUMMpa—Dnrrtlla*rr.llar«rp and Lilli* i*M
EwcATfoa—Fataaai, Bprar* aad Daaa.
(*Maamr—Fataaai. Lilli* Arid aam ta<rntlB«rr-
riaa WMWWW Bprarw.pMlnani and lUfwy
|vuri«rntBam,|)uun, and W’alkln*.
r.4lM-tnr ofCaalaaia— T.Cwlllaa.
• r l*K lllllHMK
nr. UK- min
* tbr *1 irlta and *rti
A. L'lrltM ■lilt, liltfu In ,r olden
After a morning of gloom; cloud*
•n.l threitoocd shower*, the stars
shown out a twinkling invitation, sec
onded most Alluringly l-y tho delight
ful strains of onr llrnnswiek lira**
Bind, to go and do just what wo bid
not to, viz: "look st ye sbnmefnste
younge women," and toliiUntoye
"chnrnctcrs" I may mix names, Imt I
recognized Miss D. in the winsome
face peeping ont of an enormous poke,
and Miss L. in the close cottage l-on
net, looking as modest as Barns' “wee
crimson-tipped flower," which rhinj is
just now bringing “to the fore.” The
calm dignity of yonng Mrs. F. was
only enhanced by the stiff brocade
and great "coal-scuttle" which sbsd-
owcil her face. Surely some “ BIos-
tnnes of yo olden time, rang by “sll sotu” from the lovely Laud of Flow-
yc men and women singers. As wo era must have been wafted into the
were not counseled to refrain from' next place i Miss I- H., of Florida,
Hniui.i.•s.i uufu.u"uiiMibs.».*kwf<>rai|looking at ve handsome men, and!** Blossom Spragne), Tor not even
d-<W>. .to )«| Lti.insrl, il In. I. cm. 1 -
•Ilk* .1.7 •flrisiwl.k, Adopted kp
(ko Hoard or BsaMk aad VaMMMd
ror Iko Inlormallaa ood Cold-
aaeo of All
Tfce Prnptr I'r.l-r Them I
T.l. d,.* u- Is Urn. u
Wl.*t tinKlml. ’' 1.11.r, .a, fr.-M |OSak all
having a |>crverso liking thereto, wo the disguise of powdered hair, old
NEW LIVER PILLS fenste.1 onr cyoa on the unique sight, j fashioned bonnet or scant gown could
o. U4 Ik. ■' Ye nnlier" N., who superintended efT- et her blushing brightness.—
* l '“" *° .*« j tho freezing of the ice cream (onr ^/naint, cheery Love Sparks (Miss S.)
t Lt. oviji this ( i.T ioi vrav promised "goo.1 measure”) nncon-! hi cunning littlo cap and short-waiste-1
plo l " TUrm i seiontly furnished ns our first “enter- frock, prettily completed the circle of
* so L*oj taynement” by casting tlio most com j "ye shamc-faste sweet women sing
le*! shadows on the walls of the ball, era.”
exceeding any Punch and Judy we The intertwining times were very
i.m.maB-M. ever sviv, and canting our "goodlyc, enjoyable, and must have awakened
t*£>.tw?..?.* IshTi jmV'. , !. < jMidsL ,M> c or u l , »*i® of yonngo women folks": sweet memories in the hearts of the
mf'miunuiCu.SlSisw l,B *** and children and ye scribo to atop at, many old holies and gentlemen whom
Silu'uraninMdisnaMnf Iho corner and roar with latighier. j wo saw in the large audience. The
'"oard.^?wMoatnin.r«f (*SmiS.Cosmi^iiini. I "* , * n wc entered onr beautiful'only flaw was in the want of numbers
KSTU-a*.-55- S3 1 - OW'—-- r/arioso Hall, to aay wa mn electri- requisite to disclose the beauties of
i ii.i H ..II-IU.: hr. uari.i', pn Li..r rub fled fsiutly describes it. The first, that olden music in perfection.
ptMl.r»hi*rlT nil*, tie m .
r.Hir Fiiuat*- iiunriiMM. auocK carao when wo pmicntcd oor Tuo “idcddo sinRcra” quite filletl
l*r. Ilij-h* k La* rur*l nip bt«4irii« U>a( tu ... - . ° *
••iir--oir. "lawful money to "Naber Cushman.
I rata hair of <>n# of poor pill* »o tap habr for - , ....
Cb-Icra M-rbos. ju .Wr pu«a< Maggot»*u ta. who, inrrcdiblo as it may appear,
Mr natiact ->f * m»raiaj( u n»w niru, an.i so 1 boro a strangely strong rosomblanco
'irmT-ViAf.iu«.i«rk'* x*w i,i?rrmi*mrad ^Ir. S. C., but this Naber wasqnite
'.W?.;:aS'JVSiartf.'SiS;.*. ■* A*-'---, be-wigge-l ‘and knee-
tS 01 "* w u,,r r “ kb,r " l breeched old Continents!, and I ncr-
**• or knew our Mr. C. to bo accused of
Ri'u: 1. The owners, agents or oc.
enpants of all houses within tho city
sre required to keep the same, with
the yards and premises, in a cleanly
condition, removing or destroying by
fire, at least once a week, all rubbish,
trash, garbage and filth of every kind
ami keeping, particularly, all cellars,
drain* and privies constantly clean
and purified.
2. All persons who keep fresh meats,
fish, vegetables, etc., etc., for aale, are
required to keep their place* of bur
ners in a cleanly condition, and to
promptly remove or destroy by fire,
all decaying matter, whether animal
<>r vegetable, and to keep exposed, es-
l-ccially during the warm season, a
sufficient quantity ofchloridooflime,
carbolic acid, or oilier good disinfect
ant, and also to scour and cleanse the
floors, daily, with n proper solution
of carbolic acid, or other good disin
fectant, frequently whitewashing the
interior of the buildings.
3. The owners of all dead animals
are required to speedily and properly
bury them, under the direction of
*omo member of the Boanl of Health,
or other |-onion appointed by them;
nnd if no ownerofndcad animalslrnll
be readily found, the same shall bo
removed and buried at the expense
of tho city, and the mid expense shall
t .-Urs t.-f lutwrual IU ».
I*rj Illy M*r*HU-0 J.
|\«tma*Ur-Untu Sorth.
' Dm
Mmum*T«»l*l“‘““““'jljriliiifC N
JAM. E. LAMBniOIlT, I*. A R. Hacrwury.
APrUKO~M Mofl.tay In Mate I
WAY*r.—4th MotnUy In DAffh ■
1'IKKCE—!*t MomUj In April *u.l t
ml Hr|ilrntb
laj In Aim ‘
WARE—M MonsUy In A|-rtl
Tursjay after 4th Mun>Uy
CAMi»E3—Tn*«d*y »flrr .tl M.*n.U' in M*y aad
CHARLTOX—*4 Monday
Str. David Clark
Only Urwt MW),* ml
Tuesday i Friday evening
Railrom-L and at
rUk With 0 k A.
rs-an nuamabin
Im aad Croat N*w York, aa-l ollb
Fr«4<hta at laavol r»t*o. Mark alllArtagb freight
•Carol war Dart4 Clark"
afrUIMa RraaMtck.oa tbod^rk
vaouuuin sctail
IM aad IIS Ouairm. ll> aad tS| M. dallaa ata.
Agricultural Implements.
sJtulkbor mid Leather
Oi X-: AN!) ITSTuLS, |
all dl^t*-* of lb- Kl'lnry*.
ft. .. It. ||*y.|..k * New l.hrr IMI* a
cure, oar |dii will aalt*fy lb-* »--*t *k«-|>
ant of A|-|irlli<
Xrw I - ‘—
tent llamrsty.
•»l In tbr-lr effi v t*. and a euro
alim-wt alwajo lw tfuarantcod.
aroi • Ptn i« a Unoe •
IMre Twmi>*'irr t>nla, I'or «alr b)
my oye and captivated my heart.—
Tho long satin-lined continental coals
aud vests, rallied shirts, kncc-krcoch-
cs ami buckled shoes, gray wigs with
cues tied with ribbons, had a fascinat-
ingly courtly effect in this prosaic ago
of funereal black broadcloth and roin-
bcing handsome by any one but i*Urinl neck-ties. Mr. D., one 0 ( j h* charged to tho owner, when MCtr-
don't tell him, Mr. E, tlicro is no tell-! New England's genuine and worthy! t n Gi«nl, ami if the said owner shall re-
I>i .< .‘_i fuse to |-ay the said charge, then the
same shall he collect"!! l-y a levy and
snlo of Ida property, oi for taxca, un
dor an ordinance of the city hereto-
of Abijah HarapuF, a- it sounds to me 1 f " rt ' I’'"" 1 '' 1 ' or *•« '»*)' Be I’lnced up-
hc may i-avo boon aiak.m Prandy.lthe Information Docket and pum
ing wliat we may coino to as wo grow j sons, only needed the quaint dress to
old. tran*|iosc him into an old-time Puri
tan, so naturally aud heartily did he
identify himself with the character
in/ a Mrs •• un rv
311 run mrort, Nov York.
• a '
Wntflmiiikor fi Jeweler,
him id - mmi
As for the |H-rtly ami suavo I)r.
Primrose, who returned uh the cou|m>ii
entitling us to our f . ucer f i-o cr- .:n
for good measure, wo fail 1 to rccog-
j’iY, 1 "; wf“ Hi' " mir jolly friend, .Mr. i.
„Vl’in' 1 lero now nud uuoxptelod train-
rivi. >ni> ru, fornintions appealod lo our buwildcr-
ad senses so constantly wo shall have
to content ourselves with merely n
touch hero nud there. With tho in-
luitivo knowledge of hutnau ualuro
ami its governing impuhes, nnd imi-
howuver, ifezekiahPerkins iH. T. D.)
coilninly hails from “York Slat
an-l another old "Star" shines out,
aud, though disguised, we rocognizcd
tho ndmirablo " Admiral of tho good
ship Pinafore," whose visit once
ehnrmcd our natires. Hnzadiah
Cartwright (Mr. W. T. G.) a recent
taring the cunning of iiim who. importation from the "old countrie"—
tempted our old Fnthcr Adam, these j j oll y England, whose gracion* nnd
-viso Puritans last night placed their
loveliest helpmates at tho eu'.rsncoof
a very Paradise of ltoses, huh and
fragrant, whose subtile odor appealed
I irresistibly to any ono blest with
nerves sensitive to color or^form or
oJor. I.nrcd into rtopping, tho heart
' nml purse melted beneath the bonicil
words an-l lieguiling smiles of theso
quaint syrens in "cuto" little mole
caps and kerchiefs and aprons of
»nowy white. Delicions cakes, re-
accommodating wavs surely betray
-omo admixture of the more genial
Cavaliers, nevertheless made an admi
rable Puritan. The duct between him
self and Hezekiah Pcrkinswasdccidcd-
ly the gem of the evening,and received
tho generous applause and encore it
deserved. The two festive yonng
knights of the quill, (Messrs. P. S.
and G. N.,) acquitted themselves ns
bed for n violation of the Sanitary
liegulnlions of the city.
4. No person iliall throw on place
uny rubbish, trash, garbage, empty
cans, bottles, or any other material,
either solid or liquid, into or upon
any public square, street, lane, Alley,
drain, or upon the premiaca of anoth
er, unless for destruction by fire by
the party so depositing the samo with
in six hours thereafter; and all per
sons are required to remove or destroy
bv fire before tho first day of May,
1881, all such nutter hitherto placed
by them and now lying on any of the
squares, streets, lanes, alleys, or upon
the premises ofnny person In the dty.
5. No person shall nuke or keep
any compost heap upon his or her
premises, unless the same be placed
nt least one hundred feel, from the
"goodo roenuo and true," and were. ... .
quite handsome enongh to rand a, of another; and no
feeling cream, and luscious J dart into the midst of -ye sh.mefsst. 1 ** 1 '«"•
whom, 'with a .1, "‘''"‘‘V nm , m “ "“ lU *' , „
ti. The removal of all matter (hall
Health Officer or City Physician of
inch ease and Ita location.
By order of the Board of Health.
C. L. Scnuirm, J*-, M. D„
Chairman Board of Health and Health
Officer C. B.
Jawu Hocstox,
CTk Onuncil and 8ee'y Board.
(•SulphaI* of Iron, on* of the best
and cheapest disinfectants that can
be tusd, can bo purchased, by ar
rangements, at the drag store of Mr.
J. T. Blain at cost and expenses.
Ertrui /mm as Ordinance Patted in
Council March 0, 1878, to ichirh the
attention if the Cilimu nf Hrunncirk
is inrhcularl'j called.
disc. & And be it further ordained,
That any pereon violating or neglect
ing or refusing to comply with any
rule or regulation of the Board of
Health, |wrtalnlng to either the sani
tary condition of the city or quaran
tine, shall be aubject, un conviction
before the Police Court, to a fine not
cxeeeding one hundred dollars, or la
bor on the streets not exceeding thir
ty days, or both, at tho discretion of
the Court.
To Qaesllsa* Ibal laloross Iks Posrlo-
Winter bss left ns st last—a bard
old winter— bard avra on us In
sunny suntb sod merciless on onr
northern brethren. For shoot seven
months they have been snow-bound
and ioe-bunnd—penned np in frozen
homes, aud the ice is jnst now break-
ing np, and great floods are overflow,
ing tbviu, and alill they are afraid to
move to this bless-d lnn-1, afraid of kn-
klux and barbarians I'm sorry fm
'om, but I don't ear* euongli about it
to weep and distress myself. Wo esu
get along very woll without ’em.—
We've been calling 'em kindly ever
alone the war, and given welcome to
tboeo who did come, and now I'm op
posed to the calling basinets. I’m
williog tu ssy bowdy aud make a pass
ing remark about the weather, but
that's all. No mure taffy, no more
hooey aud sugar. We want to be
honeyed some ourselves. It's been a
ono sided game luog enough. We've
sold 'em our sugar, and cotton, and
rice, and tabasco, and syrup, and
sweet potatoes, and gabber* and wa-
termelous, and bought their patent
■edeoinea, and fly-traps, and doli-ba-
biet, and yanks* notions, and picture-
books, and dime-novels, and Battar-
iek's pattern*, and all their tam-fool-
trira still guns to all their eircoaes and
monkey shows, ami paid oat thou
sands of -lollara to boar 'am paddle
and dog au-l Jump round, nud they go
licrrie* disappeared and were replaced ‘ younge women
with marvellous etlerily. I do not humor the manager. Lad requested ^ nl t i ie cxpelu0 ‘ „f Uicownerirat.' back and chuckle aad tell their oabor*
iliould not look at when tbai ~ , ., , ^ hnw maa-t> (haa uh nff MM an,,
or occu|iout of tho premises upon. tlow “■*“ mnaa on of as, aad
which the same accumulated, and no * ^* c * tt ** Griflln expressed her la-*. and our Southern eve. gotten npl.y Mrs Itow. and Brew- *,*£*'??„**?*
ister. They deserve great credit- .
If-1.1 ..I -I- *r_r. •- a! 4. No pnTjr ■hall bo pUced or wf-
SILVER PLATED WARE bcltvvo tho original Puritan* couM Ihcy
have been onc*h»l( ah charming mini *>iiig<
Musical Instruments
CO. Indeed, all who |>si ticipatcd in it, L j, . .... , ...
U„ ear eh ,ir« we fonn.l . porch-, from the wee lady, Mr*. Fuller, whom ** * re “““ • •- dU ^ D0 *
rant-like raript, "two in' we are informed originated the ide^ I* ^" ,hrte J^ fromtbe line of ray
length' 'and half that in wi, It!, where- to the goodly and portly Dr. Prim- »‘rvet or.ll.yorw.thm Uierame
K \f t . difcUince from the boundary of his or
.he qaaint. .raeuh.r sty e of ye ro*e and Mutresa Jeru*h. St.H.^on, hcr ^ ^ , )f
lime, wn» rat forth the pro- "be that wns a Bampns), “ cnt •" ! eIlt i re |y prohibited.
8. All occupants of houses are re
quired to freely use disinfectants in
and about their premises, and partic
ularly about Use priric*.
9. The members of the Board of
Health, its appointees, and the Police
force of the dty are hereby author.
uicnt-liko script, " two spins in 1 wo are informed originated
.'i.YJf STA/.YO’iy.
on,iu the
P/,97/7/,9 /?■ P.ARTRinnFR oldou time, was rav lonu me pro-
HOIULO C LAHItm/UCO, ^ mlucoftlle wnill| ,.. clltcrt ,j„ c . th u success, congratulation, an,I
ment (N. II— Any town* wishing ‘bank* of "certaine other men and
' to copy our sueecsH cau hsvo a copy ^ women fol**, a* assuredly they are
by applying to cither ye editor or ye
Needles and Attachments. scribe, right williugly). Such queer
s|ielling aud lettering one seldom now
The curtain rive* u|-on a parlor—
I’.FST GHI'T.V AND BLACK'* 0 1,10 ccn,, ' r - 4* handsome new
chai-el organ of tho Prcshytcrion
offered those of
Faithfully yoais,
YtLtow Jn-iinr.
Brunswick, April 21st, 1881.
The Chcrokeo Indians, tho most isr-l to enter upon any aud nil prem
civilized nation in the Indian Territo- { Un within the city for the purpose
ry, number 20,000 actual citizen* It of inspecting and giving olden for
; church, encircled l-y seals, one side ^porta 107 schools, in which the in- 'disinfecting and cleaning the
for yo women anl Iho other for ye , (ruct j otlB an! jri v< . a ; n Kogluh, a boys' and all persons neglecting or refuting
.........r» ....... K "** r "Timcist P ra “°-1 high school, a girls’ high school, an.toobeysuchonlereihallboimmedi-
IILISTS (If.XUSh - A worthy Mitchell, under whoso whitei or j )lun g^ylurn, an asylum for the in-lately placed upon tho Information
hair, long board ami slinggy eye-1 sanCi indigent nndotber public Docket for trial before the Police
brow* the laughing block eye* of W. mstitutioiiH. Out of 5,1<!'J men over .Court; or any member of the Board
F. S. bewrayed one of our old "Star* ^ 1(j Jt . a|a ,g C> 0 „|y ic are hunter* and! of Health may cause tho necessary
of the first magnitude. Aunt 1 oily j g TQ fi^ ernl ,n; 3,51!; ore farmers and work to be done at the expense of tho
UsHsett (Mrs. DuB.). ono of the «r- ^ rcjt m professional men, mer-1 city, and the some paid by the Clerk
... »./- 1 gancr*’ was simply inimital-le, '» a chant*, mechanics and laborers. It and Treasurer upon the order of the
IIOIl t. fill. III Ml a .VlfoA/.V; mu , t rcll Uar poke I'Onne' whose 1
The Dost -) lent Cigars.
^tandnrd Sealus
celebrated powder.L:
Togclher with *
■laravrare, for sale ... .....
..jT.l ,U 'tl’« BHtrrilKMw
{revive f«Ub<*r, jmi*»-col» kI flow. *k
il 1 funny littlo nj viJc i iwn ruiii©
lit ’.bo btek of tb«* l* «t< etuor with
tL« flat tjftci of ibc "back of tho
«hort-wautod drcM aud narrow, loo#
nLAivsnuruftToMK*jrcd scarf, waa ao comical that every
t:mo the walked off called forth re
nt wed aj»|>lau»e. Next her atood the
aweet faced Deli reran cc Higgina/ Mr*.
|tniM«l*k. Tvvklj.flew’ wrn ut Un i. inrl.w |{ ) wll-»KO chartui'lg kinildiCitV tlfOVC
rmnlncn^ Ih-h**-. «u***l nal^r.
“ * a lull! •
tlrrotl how I ever conM have fancied
the old fiahiom i-itlier "liidmma” or
r Mr r-.lul, »lt Mllr* fresvu; I
Ala-». Ih rty-thrw* U a-I rf rini*, k tf-re An-l til
• . r<«Krj. tie.
A|-H> •" .A RD'II IMImmiN*
wili not du> call these fellows sara- Kinamo Committee; and Ihe Clerk
gc- and Treasurer shall immediately is-
—— - ■*•*-*— '-ue an-x.cution for the amount and
! l;»z, it. Apn: 19.—Manyolib* i),« u m 0 to be levied upon and
Oc. man t my rant* who were brought collw:Ual ltom th , property, real or
pcnoual n of the pereon so refining,
under an ordinance ol tho city of
to this county a few days ago by th*
Georgia Lnad and Lomber Company,
have become dissatisfied and are fear
ing. Thirteen of the men left to-day
for Savannah and several left a few
days ago. They are mechanics and
expect to find employment and better
wages in Savannah. About a dozen
will remain in Telfair and engogo in
A .-ric-ilturc.
Brunswick heretofore pawed.
10. It shall bo the duty of the Mar
shal, Assistant Marshal, Polictmen,
heads of families and all other per
sons, who may know of the existence
of any contagious disease, or of ray
disease which they suspect to beooo-
tagious, to immediately notify (bo
digestion in an
the whole yaake* nation la read about
it. Oar people have long since recog
nized slavery as a dead feeae, aad they
DM*lent be seeding Unde Tom's Cab
in down here to revive it rad teach
oar children a lie, and I reckon the
Griflln boys took th* meet convincing
wey of proving that it was aa egg-
stmet im-titation. Wo are getting
along pretty well and we want '*■ to
let os aluae. It looks like them fel
lers up north jnst keep onr people tnd
our sunny land aa a sort of neat egg,
aad if they boom across a bad om oc
casionally they ongbtent to graabie-
U they cant get all that we Bake owe
way tbey will another, for they have
got th* mooey, aad money la a power
that will bay ar seduce moat anybody.
Now here is tbs great railroad com
bination—thia triple alUaae* that baa
run tbs Central and Georgia stock
away np yonder and the people my
bally and look on and wonder, and it’s
mad* sum# folks rich all of a sadden,
bat the plain truth is, tb* whole bosi-
grip of them millionaire* up north
and how they keep insinuating their
claws into oar country, I get alarmed
rad wonder bow long tbey win let ma
keep my laud aad live la peace aad
ssclasiou, aad if tbey don't git U by
somo hokns pokni before I die bow
long will tbey let the ehilereo keep IL
IM sun I am bopefal-for tbey
have got to die all the same like the
rest of aa, and death scatters things
amazin’ soon, for it's a law of nature
a mao wbo lives to make moaey
and nothing else, raise* a paasel of
children wbo lira lo spend it. Wa.
IL Vanderbilt is an exception, bet
there aint many, and I reckon bis
children win auk* it fly if be baa got
ray. Tb* difference in tb* bappiaem
mankind don't depend oa tb*
arson nt of money tbey bare made by
no means, and I never sew the day I
would change place* with A. T. Stew
art, wbo worked all hie lit* like a dog
aad bis greatrst pleasure was to break
down a rival and break him ap, too,
and a* soon aa be -lied a man ao kia
to him gobbled op his fortnn* aad
some thieves cam* along ooa night
and stol* hi* boost, and nobody eared;
and if that aint a sermon on striving
after riebee I never knew one, but yon
might a* well preach it to a dead
hors* aa lo Jay Gould, or Jim Keene,
or Artnoor, or any of them fellows
who would see a nation perish to
death for bread and meat if it would
pot a few millioas io their pocket*—
Corners is the word now. Get a cor
ner on something—that is, get the
people in a corner where tbey can
neither bock nor squill. I saw the
other day that they bad got np a cor
ner on peas—cow peas—and bad
bought 'em all up on tb* sly and was
holding 'em at $2.00 :> bushel by the
ear load. I uny be mistaken bat it
seem* to me n little higher grade of
happiness to look out upon the green
fields of wheat mid Ibo leafing tree*
and tbe blue mountains In tb* diet*
sneo and bear tbe dove cooing to bur
mate, and tbe whippoorwill aing a
welcome to tbe night, nnd bnut flow-
era and bubby blossoms with Urn
children, and make whistles for ’em
and bear 'em blow and see 'em get al
ter a jumpin’ frog or a garter soakr,
and bant hens' nests, and paddle in tbu
branch and grt dirty and wet all over,
aad watch their penitent aad sobdtrad ,
expression when they go bom* as Mrs
Arp look* at 'em with amuenrantaafl
exclaim*! "Mercy on m*| did ever a
motbei have inch a sett Will I ever
get done making clothe* ? Pet these
on right clean tbia morning an-l not
another clean rag in the honra! Go
get me a awitcb, right straight; go I 1
will not stand ill" But ah* will stand
it, rad they know it specially if I
remark: ' Tee, they ought to be
whipped." That oaves ’am aud by the
time th* switch ooa so the tempests is
dry doth** are foauJ,
aad if there is any cake la the lioaae
they get it. Blamed aether t fort n-
•ate child res I What would they do
without barf Why bar very acutdieg
is Basie ia their tender sure. Pa
tlmt there are BOOM thing*
that ooroer in the domestic eirefe Umt
Wall street cannot boy unr iuniii*y
king* depress Bux Aar.
A moat remarkaUe story cornea
hum Middletown, New Turk. A maid
en lady at that plan oa the Mb ul
January, IM0, swallowed a set of fake
teeth, which become mperelml Irate
the rubber osold is which they bad
been eet while iwwlicatieg her food.
Before the eoeld eject tbe food bum
her mouth, tb* teeth bad guue dona
into her stomach. Tb* family physi
cian was summoned, but all hist ffort*
were unavailing. Tb* teeth earned
her no discomfort, and In a short time
tb* matter wee entirely forgutUn. A
few day* ago Mias Cofe, th* U-ly io
,, . , .question, felt a sharp pain near her
7 10 th VrrTn ‘boulder, radojon examining the
^r» raOrtad monopolim. for thel ^ ^ m m
Mock in aB thesegiganiio eorporatfons ^ tta iklu Zu the aid of *
is owned is Mew York or up there kotf . ^ ^
somewhere, and tb* tnpfe alliance 1
hadent hoc* mad* three days before
tbe freight agoeta met ia Ciociuati
and raised th* Unff forty percent •
jump. Pretty good raise for tb* first
meeting weeenl it, aad I reckon they
witt meet agaia before loog and wa
tb* people ar* to pqy for IL Tb* old
rule was that tboeo wbo done* must
pay th* fiddler, bat thee* foUers due*
all night and make the bystanders pay
for looking on. Sometimes when I
gel tu thinking about tb* gieod aad
which proved to be a tooth.—
Sba was at a lose lo know bow Ua
tooth cam* to b* ia such ao aaml
spot until ah* me Mealy reeoflsetad
eoostitotod her foil set. She fe anxious
ly awaiting tb* arrival ef ttv
two. 8b* ha* planed tb* teeth la a
gtaa caa*, •ndwiUk**p|M