Newspaper Page Text
New AdTertmeroonte. | &dvtffi$tr lWM f £ ft# till.
Eclipse Shingles!
Morning News Serials.
a sew *Tonr bi a rerau actuoh.
HITIlUlAY KottSUXU. U llll. 30. l-el
0«M Time Table.
n«arr*l drllvt-rr open from » .. u. la • « *, ».
I liitMM bu.iEM.rlo**dEli pm.
la bo. Iiur 7. f. a. will rteula
I Kell.
diet* in Oak (Iroro comolory. In this
connection fo might nay that our
oomotcry liaa been put iu apple-pic
order by ebairmau Speers.
Tbcro was but ono expression
among tboso ot our dtizcua wbo at
tended " Ye Cl rente Concerto," giren
under tbo auspices of tbo Presbyteri
an Ladies’ Aid Sodcty, on tbo 20tb
inst, in regard to the exceedingly
able leadership of tbo “Timeist,"
Praiseworthy Mitchell (\V. P. Sym-
Do you liko fiuo barJ-htad cabbage ?
Sapp * Co. (Joo Lambrigbt) ^! °n*. f>l-. and ibis expression was of
“ tto«|ualiflecl admiration of hist costume
ami performance. The wliolo get-up
Author of-My Mother’* IHuahter.** “Mr*. D»rr,
Mr*. OphelU XUbvt Hel l, ol fctuutou, U».
('outline eljfht pt^ of r®*lln* metier, ronij rUo*
•11 the neve of Item week. Telrcrsph ic he* up
totheUmoof gutufl to prm. A«ri«-tiltur*l lime.
Orutnel Spiels, ole. Only I i • y<*r: fl form
Tho building mania contiuue*.-
Moro now buildings arc going up
Well, wo need defeens more.
Mr. Drury baa put bif wharf iu floo
order for tbo imiucngo business that
will bo dono by Chew, Corley A Co.
orcr tbo tame.
Ily tbo way, what lma bccotno of
tbo Library Association ? Tbo Pork
Association, too? Has it giren up
tbo task of beautifying our squares?
If jrou vaut • |.ur» M.tlrtM ,,f f<»r Umlly or
mt-lit-liul uk-. ko Uj OLOUGL ou tUy
•tret. ||
Every stranger that visits our city
goes into ccstacios over our tr6c*.—
W ell, tbo truth is that our livo oaks
Foreign ami Domestic
Wines, Liquors,
of tbo performers was most excellent,
but Willie, iu bis delineation of tbo
old-timo orchestra leader, was perfec
tion itself. Wo hopo tbo ladies of
tbo society will repeat tbo perform'
anco at nn early day.
Tho Oumt>«*rlioi«l Kouto.
Wo learn from tbo “powers that bo"
that tbo aboro routo will bo discon
tinued after tbo 1st of May, and tbo
tido of travel southward by Uio M. A
1*. It It turned over the 8. P. A W.
Kailroad to Waycrota and thonco to
Jacksonville ovor tbo now rood. This
seems to os to bo bad faith on tho
.... , part of tbs railroad authorities toward
cannotbo»orpa M odontbucont.nonL tb#tjteU)iiwenMOar own I>copIc .
Next Monday and Tuesday, May at least, it is not tbo carrying out of
* d M,d w . aro 1,10 l»*t da J» of grace! what was intoodui in tho salo of tho
waiter?, chambermaids, etc.—passed
through town yesterday, on their way
When good looking ladies visit onr
sanctums, they will plcaso Icaro their
huvbands at home, aa neither the ed
itor nor the typos admiro masculino
| hcau*y.
j See advertisement in tbia issue ot
I shingles from tho Eclipso Mills.—
! Messrs. Dunn A Co. aro agents for
I these mills. Cull on thorn if yon
want shingles.
Wo recommend an application of
IMV VTlfh'lt'T IllinVll ll'L fl “fi»tor grease" on those sido-whiskers ill ItuUl, UlU.l'li lift. 11.1. of onr young friend on I lay street.—
1 It’s excellent for drawing out thin
whiskers on barren soil.
It Th Humored
That the editor of tbis paper is go
ing to Homo soon.
That thoro will soon bo a change in
tbo natno of an important firm in onr
That the costumes of the Queen
Either Oratorio will “ set the boys'
back” $100.
That the old Folks' concert will be
repeated at an early day with impor
tant additions.
That Queen Esther—tho bcautifn!
—will be in onr city on tbo 10th and
11th prox., arrayed in royal robe.
Tbit Charles Lamotte, of Savannah,
will address tbo citizens of Brunswick
on tho subject of temperance ul an
oarly day.
That tho next Legislature will grow
warm over the railroad commission
business, and tighten instead of loos
en tho screws.
That tho M. A B. Railroad pasaon
gcr from Jcsnp to this point (after tho
1st) will be a kind of accommodation
arrangement, with a dead slow ached
That tho hank account of a certain
lumber shipper from tbis port bss
changed $33,000 by tbo advances of
Central Railroad stock. (Wc know
sorno fellows whoso bank account
ou your tax returns iu Urunswick.— IM. ft B. Railroad. Add to this tho j hav<! S ono t!l ® other way by selling C.
Don't forget, for Mr. Turner will bo! following extract from an interview of 1 11 R stock too soon.—Ed. )
' :fre ' I John H. James, of Atlanta, os pub-| That his friends are going to give
The Kastman Hotel has closed for! lishod in the CoiijfifnfioK, and you will the editor a surprise party sure enough
the season. Tbo rank and filo—cooks, find another finger pointing in this when he gets into bis new house, in
same general direction: ! accordance srith bis recent invitation.
" Let mo whisper something to yon. We would be somewhat surprised,
Tbo Macon A Brunswick extension ba t will try and bear it with editorial
will not, in my opinion, bo mado. \on , ... ,
want reasons for this? Well, in a, rtl ‘“' c
short time and I will give them to ***
yon. In the mean time, I predict it sn»>rto Quarantine,
will not be bailL” Tho following letter and quarantine
The withdrawal at tbis timo of tho notice from Dr. W. H. Elliott, In-
steamer H. B. l’lant is unfortunate, spector National Boord of Health, ex
plains itself
Savaxnau, U i., Apr. 22d 1881.
hr. C. L. Schlatter, Health I)ffii-er,
Itrun,tcicl, Ocorjia;
Sin: I have to inform yon that the
Sapclo Quarantine Station will be
ojicucd for tho season early in the
month ot May. Duo notice of tho ex-
I'lEHt. IlnClOM Co,. <U„ Jan. ., IV,
|j, IST.'l. iln.ra worn l«o ui<m< euslbiait In j
l>aitly *nilctnl with Mirphllki. Iu ntjr »fttn*l ftp*
ly I MUiploywl U. T. Iwllt to tur* tkrm, un.l r • c-
tnrl of *H* tun, mo poo." U« •djalalaVrol bU
".Syphilitic SpMtAv,” tttliibf wrrk* I fell
A. 8. GILFH. t »nl. Uoti.»..n <’o
Clurr«V4jMA.T«NN.. fob. |«. Ini*.
Th«' H. H. N. Is girl** good Mli«f*rlit<n. (Mourn*
tl< mail who bad Mt> roaflaM !>• life t«*l nt **rk•
with Syphilitic KlHiiimatiaai ha* twn curd cutir*-
I), sail »l ' ak* Iu lb* highest ITaie** of It.
TIIK KWirrSMSCiriC COMPANY. ProprlrU r., At-
Vlwo • PfioU'l.”
Harnett House,
iruioiua.T ruxTOi' uorrx.
Market &i«arr
Tho 1st of May is tho opening of tho
season for visitor* from the interior to
Cumberland bland. Mr. Bnnklcy baa
just purchased lumber for a tram-way
to tbo bench, and from tbo Tdfjrapn
ami Slaucnyer wo learn that Mr. Ed
gar Ross, of Macon, expects soon to
erect a first-class rcsideueo on the Is
land just below Mr. Bunkley on the j duto will 1«.furnished yon as soon
samo inlet. Unloss somo permanent j M practicable. I enclose draft of
In consequence of tho hull on the j arrangement can bo ofiectod, all this quarantine notice, which I request you
3d, and tho lute arrival of costumes,, goes to naught, and tho summer trnv-1 w ill publish iu order, if possible, that
tho oratorio uf Esther will ho post- ol from tho interior will go elsewhere.' tho regulations in regard to tho Na-
l .,7 Now Heii.nluio. tionul Quarantine may bo uniform at
Wo havo not yet boon furuishud tho I nil tho ports iu tho district,
now schedule to bo run over the M. ' cry respectfully,
ft B. and tho Si, F. It W. au l Way-1 W. H. Eujott,
cross A Jacksonville Railroads, but | Inspector National Board Health.
learn they will bo so urrangod as to |
connect at Jcsnp. Oh, delightful! I’ilots will, in all cases,litforehxinl-
thought 1 Think of it, yo who have j '»!>. make inquiry as to tho sauitary
been compelled to lie ovor tbcro from conditiou of Uio vessels destined for
three to twenty-threo aud soven- this port. Vessels with cases of sick'
poned until Tuosd.iy the loth nnd
Wednesday the 11th of May.
Wu had a heavier rim on us last
week for extru copies than over be
fore. Notwithstanding wc had a largo
lot of oxtrn ones priuted, tho supply
was exhausted by 10 a. m. Saturday.
The steamer Currio bos been taken
off tbis liuo aud put in piano of tho
Wbocless tlately burned) on tbo Sa
vannah river liue. Efforts will Ik>
made to pat tho steamer Rosa on this
route in place of tho Carrie.
Tho proprietors of Hewitt's Ogle
thorpe have issued a large number of
Mr. F. D. Carloy, of the firm of
Chess, Carley A Co, of Louisville, was
in our city this week getting bit
branch bouse at tbla point under bead
way. Tbia firm la probably the larg
set oil and naval (ton dealers In the
South. We consider this bnneh boose
here quite to addition to the mercan
tile interest of onr port
Mr. J. M. Dexter, agent for the Ac
cident lusnraoee Company, continue*
to pay up indemnities, for loss time,
as they come against the company.—
So much for having a prompt agent
He has paid two claims in Brunswick
in tho last two weeks. Ho has. paid
$237.00 for indemnity claims since
January 12,1881.
We were pleased to aeo ou onr
streets this week that live lumber man
It B. Roppard, Ean., of Savannah,
one of the beavieet shippers from this
port We loro to ace such men as be
around, for wa know by that, that the
world still moves.
We bad a call this week from our
young friend, Mr. 8. 11. Trask, of
Liberty connty, now engaged aa liook-
koeper for Mr. W. E Burbage, of Ho
boken. Mr. B. is fortunate in accur-
ingtach efficient help.
We bail tbo pleasure this week of
mectiug in our city Mr. J. It Forres
ter, whoeo business advertisement
graces oar columns He is a thor
ough boiiuete gentleman, and as hon
est as the day is long. He is baild-
ing op a handsome buaieets in
town. We hope the day ia not far
distant when he wilt mall* Brunswick
bis permanent home.
Mr. Wolfe, financial manager of the
great Alabama Southern Railway, was
in onr city this week. We bop* hi*
visit to us means onr good,
President Doan and Dr. W. B. liar-
ronghs left this week for Canutes
connty to stir np tlm |>eople iu the in
terest of oar fair. We shall look fur
a handsome exhibit from that section
Mr.TVinton with a heavy force is at
work on the race track enlarging to
half a mile. He will aaain liavn the
grounds too iu liue sha|ie.
The Darien lioya are getting tliair
backs np. They any they have e
marsh pony over there Hint they will
run against anything we can get at
the Fair for a purse uf $300 to $1000,
provided Uio distnneo run bo not leas
than tbrae hundred yards nor more
tliau a quarter of a mile. They re
quire that oue-lmlf uf the amount be
deposited as a guarantee. For par
ticulars cull on Mr. A. T. I’utnnui.
Mr. R U. Hcppard, ever ready in a
good work, has presented the Fair
Committee with two eiir-lusdaof him-
May 10th and 11th, ’81
Meat cm fit Macrom,
Mac. IT. f. Murom.
Mma. at. I. Cmorarr.
tuii'v iu invuij'tuiw uuu mmvu'i r —— •• —-
ci-litlis hours to make tho connection. I ness on board, or on which serious | her and sold them four others at re
Well, this good deed on tho part of 1 cases have occurred, either daring the
tbo officials atoucs for lunch of their j voyago or in tbo port of departure,
sliort-comiuge. As well as wo can will ho ordered to proceed at once to
tbo National Quarantine Station at
All Teasels bearing the certificate ot
tbo National Quarantine officer, bound
$2.00 PER DAY.
VUS Until* Wit HoM. sate II
I fur the elrvNwr.ce. .
kcse tub too imn or the
' m row Milvlt Ml*, fron*
mu mi (A* cun,
v lateat and imliMt tUt, popn*
1/ known m tbo iriUY
__ b; nm irvui ni
toll*; ronrv imu nt
toiloo —4■>;c—kprt—.
•t.neTU alto for nil ruiuri,
VSI ym ts faasd teosUr a Mini lor at olu, Lav-
■m Isa qaimv a( (tea as* vasar, as* amflalasl
“•Wa (Una aa* a t aaieiil«^) lor tha ItU
IUmj tt lowyt djn trid ft!ly
. *• tarn trod Mtfanblou tk« loner onmr.r.
I LLcn eatru Cataumou ud Wk« Una turn,
*■■■-- «*— a n-(L.
learn, the M. <k B. trains will leave
Brunswick about nino or ton iu the
mornings, and arrivo at about ail
invitations to a graud complimentary or seven iu tbu evenings, and tbo 8a-
ball on the 3J ot May. Tbo affair I vonnah trains will loavo and arrive so j for this port, will bo brought to an-
will bo a success, wo are assured from *aa to connect with thcao trains at ckor within the quarantine limits of
tho names on tbo committee. Jcsnp somewhere nliout noon. Tho j this port until inspected by tho Health
Yellow Jessamiuo favors us tbis'uight psvenger from JIacon, as wo I Officer,
week with an AtonJud notico of tbo I understand it, will bo switched off at | ***
recent Old Folks' Concert. It will be | Jcsnp and go to Jacksonville. I Uvoeiit oi Uapti-t chur.,1*.
found on the first page o( this paper. A New fmi. | The oratorio of Esther, to bo |*r-
I’arties wishing extra copies should Sr. Smuxs Imlasd, April 23d. formed on tho 10th and 11th of May
call early to insure gelling them. j .Ifr. HJtlar: I have hoard that there includes sixty performers. Thirty
Messrs. Littlefield ft Tison, os also is such a thing as a “humor pad"—. * rc children, who, whether in tho ma-
tlio railroad people, have beau kept that is, a pad which pnts tho wearer *y evolutions of the Triumphal March,
quite busy tbia week. Favorable iu a good humor. Is it tree, and if j «*• •*“*. f«sh-vo.cod singing of
winds have brought iu a small fleet' so. where aro they kept for sale » , dan “ of P««“
of voisois laden will, goods fur the, Yours with rcqaict. th “ f wce . ca °;
interior, lfencu tho! activity. D. flauve Hus, N. D. P. O. interest end
lure-ply to our cOrreepondent, wo |'onjoymeut. Many trained musicians,
incut of tho Harnett House, of Savan
uab, formerly tho Plauters. Mr.
Harnett, tbo proprietor, it no novice
— | in tho businese, and, from all ac
counts, sets a splendid tabic.
Sod advertisement of Mr. Oeorge
Chandler iu this issao. ltcsides a se
lect stock of groceries, bo keeps pure
wines and liquore—at least, ha has
that reputation. Parties wishing n
pure article fur family, medicinal or
churcu piirpo-os will find what they
want at Mr. Cliaudle-r's.
rating efle-ct oa the wearer. P.
Editors never wear those pails.
duced figures. This ia commendable.
President IX T. Dunn aud Vice
President A. T. Putnam have increased
tbeir subscription from $30 to $30
each. They prmrtire wbat they
Should lake a walk oat to the Fair
Oroanda and see if the Agricnltaiai
Society are nut awake to the emergen
cy—bnt don’t talk to the workers, fur
it bothers them and delays tliiuga,
you Luow, sud, besides, they aro paid
for work and uot talk.
D. T. Dvn, President.
XV** Told Vow Mo.
Yes, we told you railroad officials
were not bashful, but would aek for
whatever they wanted. Hera ie the
proof: The M. A IX Kailroad author
ities have come right square up snil
said they wanted to run a track right
through tho handsomest street in
town, split o|ien the park ; that is to
be), demolish the City H-vll, excavate
four feet right in front of the Presby
terian cliurcb, etc., and tbis, ton, right
in the face of the fact that they are
about to discontinue the Cumberland
ronto sud switch off tbo travel to
Jacksonville at Jcsnp.
Attendant* to Korreh Mrs. Allice Flanders, Mia Ella Flint
Ida, child of Zercvh little Katie Kraoas
MonlocaiV Slater Mrs. W. P. Minor
I’rophotCM —Mre. G. U. Macon
ScriWi J. Robert Bootwick
Harbonah J- W. Wood
Herald. W. H. Evennett
Guard* to King P. G. Stacy, O. II. Norwood, R. 8. Mclvcr
First Maid of Honor to Qncen Mb* Willi* Gal*
’ (Miss Minni*Marlin
Maids of Honor to Queen- Mrs. M. C. Row*
(Mbs DoUi* Iris
Ifegai W. F. Docrflincer
High PHrat John R Bostwick
Queen’s 1*081oa. - Mb* Kate McDonald, Mi* Anni* Berra
Kina's Iwge* Master Davis Gale, Master Joe Browning
Hemi-Chorus of Children Twelve Boys, Fourteen Girls
Grand Chorus of Jews and Persians Indies and Gentlemen
The Superb Decoration* and Gorgeous Custnmes were ordered from
the North expressly for this occasion. No labor or expense has been
spared in order to render this Magnificent Oratorio perfectly.
Reserved seal* -75 cents
General Admission .30 cents
Children - - - -23 cents
Reserved Seats can be had at W. T. Glover's Music Store.
Doors open at 7:30. Curtain rises 8 JO.
A Ntc«» Jo!»*
In onr perambulations yesterday af
ter local dots, we dropped in on Mr.
John P. Harvey, roaster carpentor of
tho B. A A. Railroad shop, nnd wna
shown by him wbat proved to be an
old, dingy, yellow conch, so complete
ly rejuvenated as scarcely to bo roo-
ngnlznd. The job will compare favor
ably with work from nny shop in tho
wholo country. The painting, by Mr.
II. I'ierco, and tbo varnishing, by Mr.
Eil J. Harvey, show them both to be
workinon of rare attainments. Tbo
entire work—wood, iron and painting
reflects credit on onr town as well
as ou tbu railroad shop.
Brunswick. Georgia,
•Jiiiic 7tli, 8th nmlOtli, 1881.
0. T. DUNN,
lljrnn County Kli.-k A—..>1.1 Inn
Tbe regular auuual i.ieetiug uf tbo
Glynn County Stock Association will
lie held st No. 1., M. A II. Railroad,
on Saturday, May Mtb, 1881. All
roembere an earnestly requested to
be present, as business of importance
will be transacted.
T. W. Laws, Pree't O. C. S. A.
G. W. Wmonr, J*.. Secretary.
*lV*\'* ‘•fc'LOU—Ck»c»TT vw Oirxjr
iavtuw r. ** 1 Ui *F cartaerrn- UUiiri* tM»»l
W ll*ra f i “ f 1 ’ fn ‘ •!»**** 1 to too for p« moat* u
Altasar u. «• Uw e*Uleotilfn.l» W
ChrTllV ,, H covalj, U>;a la Xn cllr All to*
W a.b^VM*t o< kin uf sail OvtiTKw i , . . .. , . ..
“* * w* r M wi«kl» U.S III i family, kUil tuc UftQlO of tho fvktlVO
*.*i 7 .m ! youth ha.* boon withheld for tho aamo
UU * BM “* *• ” re won. This is something like a ease
»os. I-,"'>-o.L«*m-w.ut.ureui.».M,, u , lai , in our toKn rcccuti,.
*« II UZ*niZ.Oril^O.C...U. | . Sru.cUu ulUSt <4 bfUAr <->f (tel
iual uew, gv Id ULOKbi CIlAN*»UH
Buililing Pruposils.
A gentlemen from tabriBe. in -ur that we have ‘tucertai'ncd,' our best amateur dramatic Ule«*
ity this wook, was so deMglitcd that r j.j. t , u (U|lt t |,„ r0 jJ are included in tho largo number of
to told uh ho mteuded briDgin^ hin i » Thnv 1 p^r**onH Lccosuarv to a proi)cr rendi-
fatuily down to visit lh. ,,‘acx, and 0 “".he, in! Uon of tho oratorio. Tbo gifted mn-
.peudsomo time. So much or bav- ( ^ ^ ^ ^ largcr; . ic », <lir ,.ctor. Mrs. Wm. P. Minor
mg a place to accommodate ML. au ,, is WO rn in tbo left- 1 '- llc tecompliahed wife of one of
when the, come within our borders. ^ ocket or an inMo cml . our first lawyers, Mis. Alfred J. Cro-
Wo inadvertently failed to call at-1 kci ; nn a *bcn with U. ratt. who kindly volnnteers to bo tbo
tention, in last Issue, to advertise- ^ q g, ui ^ tl otc-i* it has quite an oxliili-1 P' ac “L insure a brilliant success.—
- — Our Hebrew friends have so lately
| celebrated tbo Purim, a feast com
memorating tbo beautiful Queen's de-
w'lll i* Uo" [ votion and heroism, that they cannot
That is, will permissiou bo given 'fag enjoy this livingrepreaenta-
tlio M. .V IX Railroad to run their, t ton of Us origin, while all Christians,
track down George street? With tho ] ovcn to tbo humblest cbnrcb-gocr,
light Imfuto tin, wo should say not.— - cannot fail to understand and appro-
rii. ro scorns to lie a decided feeding 0 ^t 0 this breathing picture. Seats
against it The ladies have pnt their Kl g reserved for onr colored
veto on it, and that si-tth-s it. l'er- f r j c nde, whom wc hope to have ocen-
“*:***“.. " w .« iu ;' lU !“ There «iU not be n^ in ^'^^7wUh"^^?".
SOU.O timo since to enclose the CUy )U r L’anoso Hall but will bo good for ||oc<llllli , l|11)? *,,, , MrrrU of rtoar
11:ilI n;irk aD'I l»eautify tho *»aiue, >uu ^cing ami hearing.
Recently in Charleston a JWWR! now for Council to take back that Colno oac , c<)lae all, giving yonr
man of high family, stole $3,000 of his j . j ani , R140 a„ u ,bcr tbo pr.v- m JMV ^ , -,xsl canse, aud passing
employer* money and left for l«irl« \ of ( , c „, r , ivil ,g all its natural* your evcniuKM in most delightful cn-
unknown. The story goes that bis * WM uiur „ ,ban they «u lj cnL Penr-Evz.
employer falU to prosecute, owing to j ^ m<j tlicy h .„ u vt . t(K ,j the mea»-
uro, aud their liego-luids wilt uo v v »,„e u I tom- Without a UnV.y V
doubt rescind th*i> former action. , ij are cooug b i What would the
Fall- world do without babies? Somopeo-
favst Saturday, as ono of tbo work- j () | e wou ],l u 't t-vko $1,000 apiece for
ucu on Mr. Dixon's uow building was t |., ,; r y t, u t tbat is evidently a fancy
k | araona/v. |o-«
f-wr. , *-rr»tui: ik- A many U»1m> wJ ctuldrtu #
."h liT Zh 'fuUu!!rt!a j h jMtivtr, gatLeroil and *trcwcd llow-
ku5i*>uiCu'al Uuirwi j«« over the K'ravcp of the 'load to!*
ii«) etrvwt. tawiutf oil* tho cate* of the roof, ho %u j Uil |i 0 u. The market price i* now
What has become of tbo Mcmorml | ^ ^ „„„ to lbu 4a|y $2 2.00. and tbu wiU buy band-
grnllnd, ft distftiiee of over twenty an .| l„. n ||hy sj-.iinrn-., fully
feet. Strimgo to say, lie was ^ not RJarlI1 tccd against colic, croup or
l.. - i— i... |Utbmx Sbb advortiaement of Mason
A UauiUu's bob* organs- .
. iso. a» I Association ? There was uo pro-j
,.«u>»r | gramme sunt ns f..r decoration ilay. -
|-‘o$*«*ltfrt H)|lplit**$il*s.
Messrs. J. K. Clark A Co. eleare.1
tbe British ship Decision, Captain
Williams, on the 2tHh inst., for Car
diff, Wales, with a cargo consisting of
832,071 feet pitch pine timlicr, vatned
at $3,300, and 33,?J0 fret lumtier val
ued at $I3(X Total value of cargo
C. If. Dexter cleared British sehoou-
er Hattie Darling, Captain Bethel, on
go consisting
and fifty sacks rice bran valued st
killed, but broke a bouu iu his loot, i *
which will probably Ly him up for i
uiunth tr 4i>
i*. l. «l-rn VI < >n oin-iit.
Bsi sawn a, Ga , April 2tith, 1881,
Confederate Memorial Day.
7i the Min nf Ikt Memorial Atnriat
lion •>?' Jlrilntmi:
I reapectfally submit Ibis proposi
tion: To raise n fnml iu Brunswick
fur Uio purpoau of assisting in the
erectiou of a uiuuumeot at the “ Win
Chester Cemetery," Vs., to eominemo-
rntn the virtues and soilin' devotion of
Georgia's Confederate dead.
Wu. Juau-u Du,
Private, Co. ft, 8th Oa.liaU.,C.B.
Wohas's Rniurs.—One wbo has long
•tadwd this Mbjset now preaseU the re-
•nil of liis iuvmifatioDa. He ie happy
tossy that Im has diseortred “Woman s
Hot Fnemh" U is adopted especially to
tlmM cM*e where the womb is dieonlered
•ml will ears any irregnlsrity of tbe
"nwn*es.“ UrsdlMd's Feeude Regula
tor set. like • ehsrm ia '‘wtutre” or n
•oddva cheek uf tbe "monthly eonrses,"
from cokl, trunble of msld, or like anas-
ss, hy rentoring tbe discharge in erevy
iaslsner. In ebronie esses its action u
prmunt and deeiiive, and saves the con-
stttiition from mmallma evils snd prema
ture decay. Prepared by Dr. J. Rred-
rtehl, Atlanta, Georgia. For sole el $1.50
per Indite by all drnggtata.
Mill-tusk, Chau sums Co., Ala.,
July 13.1877.
I Itsveumri year Femsls RsiuLtot ex
tensively in my practise for a long time,
and wilfi entire »neeese where there was
uo complication of disease. If it l* not n
specific, it is, L my opinion, the best
koowu remedy lor the diseases fur which
it ie recommended.
J. H. Dans, M, D.
•Shippiiig Intelligence.
run tmk roKT or muthiiwick. roRTUK wkkk
ArHlilmlr NtMifi LMrjr.apMV.ll**Taft.
ApfRO R* rw» Rt »«. MfiffiJlftMife.
iilfo* C M Hmmo. #rWRmr Tavt.
AprM luur B*fi*l thrtia. WirrtuM, PhUaA*.
• ApvU »-*■ 4 R mono, Amitnim. Witmtrngtmrn.
Ami W-a* (’ * RUtfvwajr, Tow—4. Mow YoVt.
Am* »-ar H R Til to*. U*rwU. Mow TwL
April * -Mot W hi*, JIs—*—.
Apvti a*-a« am rMm. jhmm. cimm.
April *-*«■ BA$th a *to«AV4. TaR. CtevtMlM
AprH M-M Rmm BWm, Ray***. CRartwan*.
Apm ir-at»4$Mp MfoatW. Wlama. b—4—.
AplU fl- Mot Mlp bnM, UM$a,MMaan.
April tt-t A RaMagav. Rtailfc* IRtljaMpA!*.
April W-Rfi Tom WURmm. K4«*M$. Mow Harm
Ml it util i»k .Commit
WW Watkins, Barr Winlou, J T
Collins, T W Dexter, M Micbclsuti, A
T Putnam. a '
' zxhibiw.
\Y U UurrongUs. M. D., J X Walk
er, J P Isiuib, David Scarlett. J M
Cooper, D U Risley, Jaa Pustcll, R 8
A T I'ntnam, J A Sapp. •
J E DuBignon, F A Brewster, U
L Hine, A M Haywood.
Barr Wintoa, Henry Urey, Wm
McCandless, Jr, W H And* mm, O X
J M Coopci, J N Walker. A 8
unwell, — * ~ ' -
limit, J K 1
Barnwell, Wesley TWylor, W R Oignil-
* Nightengale.
ratal itorxb.
A V Woo.1, J Wilder, W K Bur
bage. D B McKinnon, U 8 Dnvu.
W A Fnller, 8 H Cook, X Dixon,
H Tift.
J M Cooper, W T Jones, HTift.J
T Dent, J E Dart, J H McCnll-.ugh,
J M Tiaon, Jr.
T W Lamb, A T Pntnnm, R M Ti-
■oo, j A Phillips, Wm Tamer.
A J Crovntt, Henry Tnvrlor, U W
Wright, Jr., W O Moore. W Turner,
G U Mabry.
Wavxxootnrrv.—WMWiggiiin, with
power to fill ont
Nclxran fonmr.—Dcau Wing, Oc-
Uviai Hopkins.
Cahdsn incrnr.—T M Harrimw,
Itufns Long, Willis King, LT McKin
R. M. Tiaon, Chairman of entire
Tournament Committee.
Arm •*—e* *sis t
A fell n-Sr luto* IWrUM S*s*i. I K „ K |
Ae*u ll-h«ll*M area. iuao.l>m. I""" 1 ’
Af*U JS-m bn IbMk**. SL
Mrs. J M Dexter, Mrs T F Smith,
Mrs B M Cerate,Mr* W W Watkins,
Mrs LcBeronDrury, Mrs. Wm Bsrki.
loo, Mr. W A Falter, Mrs A M Hay-
-m ■* hmu. nwiiu. bms*l rn-mi. > _.^ w i
u teavtie. »•« VorR.
W. B. C. Coker & Co.,
Rmtij, Lessois, ui Tm Rifiuat
itetrsdtn and bswlntn if UnJ Title*
rramt stnsres (l**s w*n SmtSM*. Tm*
ismmmt*. om<» *•***•■**« Mmam*»*om*n»
non*.is«M AwoiN*Nm.
renneir w. n. c. a*rs aco
Tax Hcccivcr’s Notice.
lsUlb»Mia**r*w*l omJ Hmainem
4*u* s» IS* pifx •* seoTii a*m*s*iMjgi
n*se*ews.aefii *ia mans.m*w**»»■
% AffU ok awl ass. «•*
April lllh *kA ink ** l
if*u wa *m wa as* a
Hot acnol-l'.
Mrs John T Collins, Mr* J H Mc
Cullough. Mm J C Xormno. Mi* F A .
Brewster, Mr* J 8 Marlin, Mrs A V
Putnam. Mrs M Shannon, Mr* Ire E
Smith, Mrs 8 R Atkinson, Mias joe
Mrs T W Dexter, Mrs U C Rowe,
i^i2Ek M a?'w°?sfl;
Mtes Reboeca Cooper, Uk* Maria
Blain, Mm. Kate tt&. Mi« M«te
Moore. Mu* Harry Culwbsrry, Um
Ratio Dart.